Jessica Does Surveys

Monday, July 30, 2007

tried to be chill, but you're so hot that i melted

Six through One


Six Whats

What did you eat for supper?: Around 9:30, I had some fries and a vanilla frosty from Wendy's.
What is one time when you've been most scared?: Probably in Italy when I realized I had gotten myself in way too far.
Whats your parents siblings names?: Oh man there are a lot. I'm not listing them all.
What color would you paint your room if you had to repaint it?: Aww I really like it dark purple. I'd still want it dark because it feels cozier and more intense that way.
What are you currently drinking?: Nothing. Just finished some water.
What is your relationship status?: Single, but waaaay confused. Though that may just be the full moon talking.

Five Whens

Whens the last time you threw up? Um I think it was sometime last summer when I was really sick ... or winter break or something ... I don't know, it has been awhile.
Whens the last time you worked on something for school?: Thursday night, studying for my Psych quiz. And now I'm doing this instead of studying for my Music quiz which I should be doing.
When are you going to the movies next?: Dude, I don't know. I went tonight and two nights ago, so maybe it'll be awhile.
When do you graduate from High School?: Did. 2005.
Whens the next time you're going to see one of your friends?: Um, probably tomorrow.

Four Wheres

Wheres your boyfriend, girlfriend or crush currently at? Um, well if we just take a certain person for that ... probably in bed.
Where does your farthest friend live?: Oh currently Shirley if she's in CA.
Where are you right now?: In my room.
Where's the nearest park?: Technically there's one in the neighborhood adjacent ... Greene Country or something like that.

Three Whos

Who are you currently missing?: Oh man, there's no way I'm asnwering that question. It may not be common knowledge, this here blog, but it's certainly not really all that difficult to find.
Who did you last hug?: Hillary.
Who last texted you? Jenny.

Two Whys

Why do you fill out these surveys?: Boredom. I like to refer to them later.
Why are you currently feeling how your feeling?: The full moon. That's my excuse. =)

One How

How are you doing overall? Uhm, I'm conflicted. And kind of on edge about everything, switching back and forth between moods and feelings and opinons like crazy, even for me.


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Me all Me!


Take this survey

How's your heart lately? Not terribly great. I have a hella lot of 'maybe' prospects and a few lingering old ones, all of which aren't really on sure footing anywhere.
When was the last time you went out? Tonight.
What is the latest movie you saw? Hairspray. Times two.
The last place you went? Wendy's.
Miss someone? Yeah, but why does everyone always ask this?
What made you smile today? Little touches.
Did you dream last night? Yeah ... it was weird. Resurgence of a lot of people.
What were you doing last night at midnight? I was with Zach... probably eating a McFlurry at that exact time, lol.
What were you doing at 10 am? Sleeping.
What were you doing this afternoon at 12 pm? Waking up, then getting pissed about drama.
Name a country you want to visit? Ireland.
How many piercings do you have? Six.
What was the last thing you ate? A few peanut M&Ms.
What was the last thing you drank? Water.
What do you want to do today? Do okay on my quiz, then nap.
Do you have a nick name? Yeah.
Thing you need to do everyday? Breathe? Um, have some alone time. At least a little.
Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt? Physically nowadays, yeah, def. Emotionally ... um, maybe. Actually, probably. I take things personally sometimes that shouldn't be, blow shit out of proportion, assign meaning to that which has none, etc.
The last thing you said to one of your friends? well of course not ... i mean, we do everything in the best way
The last person who called you? Zach.
Last person to send you a text message? Jenny.
The last person you chatted with? Hillary.
What can't you live without? Air? Um, music.
What song is in your head? "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.
Where are you? In my bed.
Who do you want to meet? Shawn. HAAA. Um, some famous attractive boys?
Make a wish: ...okay, did. Ha.
What does your main best friend call you? My name?
Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing? Snowing.
Do you have a Desktop? Nah, laptop.
Who do you call the most? I don't really call people all that much anymore.
What is your favorite thing to shop for? Shoes.
What's your cell phone provider? Verizon, bitches. Best provider, kids.
What were you doing 4 hours ago? I think getting out of the movie.
Have you ever fought over the opposite sex? Maybe in a not-talking-to-each-other sort of way.
What do you get complimented on all the time? My hair? Oh, or wit or something to that effect. I suppose it's telling that I thought of that physically first. Evs.
Do you listen to your parents? Not really. I mean, yeah. Sort of. On some tihings. I'm not going back to erase that i. Deal with it.
Favorite holiday? Christmas, generically.
Have you ever gone to a concert? Yeah.
When was the last time you were out of town? May, for school.


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Saturday, July 28, 2007

my feet are stuck here, against the pavement

Backwards 90


Take this survey

90. First off, what is your name? Jessica.
89. What did you do last night? Saw Hairspray.
88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7? Yep.
87. Do you have any siblings? Yeah, one sister.
86. How many years apart is your mom and dad? Four.
85. Do you like someone? Ehhhh who knows, man. I want to like someone, sure.
84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say? Oh crap, I have to go get something?? Geeze. Um ... It's a picture of a Zac Efron bookbag from Zach. Heh, lots of Zac(h) going on there.
83. Who sits beside you in math? Ha, I don't take math.
82. Where is your dad right now? In the backyard, I think.
81. Do you burn incense? No.
80. Do you have a problem? Oh, I have a lot of problems.
79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from? Zach.
78. Closest purple object? My wall.
77. Closest silver object? The base of my laptop.
76. Closest yellow object? The back of a chair.
75. Do you sing in the shower? Oh yeah, sure.
74. What is bugging you right now? How hot the laptop is on my thigh.
73. How does your hair look right now? It's a'ight. I finally freaking washed it, ha.
72. Do you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner? Yeah. I can play it too, so hmph.
71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allegiance? Oh man, sometime in high school.
70. If you could kill someone, who would it be? I wouldn't.
69. Do you have any fears? Yeeeah.
68. What do you hear right now? Tenebrae: Second Movement, Kronos Quartet.
67. Do you like kangaroos? I don't *dis*like kangaroos...
66. Can you roll your tongue? Yep.
65. What are you wearing? What I was wearing the latter part of yesterday since I fell asleep in my clothing and have just lounged today.
64. Who was the last person to message you? AIM, Hillary. Texting, Wes.
63. Do you like emo kids? Sure.
62. Screamo or Country? Country.
61. Rock or Rap? Both. Combined! Ha.
60. Polka or Disco? Disco.
59. Flying or Driving? Flying. Unless we're roadtripping it with friends.
58. Who last called you? Jenny.
57. Was your Valentine's day nice? Um, my Valentine's day was uneventful/forgotten and then confusing.
56. What are you doing now? Filling this out...? Watching another movie or two, then starting studying for music. Aaargh.
55. Who was the last person you said I love you to? Probably Puggles.
54. Would you die for someone? Maybe.
53. Would you date anyone from your work? I don't work anywhere. But if I did, probably ... I mean, issues and whatnot, but I pretty much find someone to like wherever.
52. Do long distance relationships work? I've seen it go both ways. I suppose it just depends on your connection with the person before the distance is installed.
51. Do you have any pet peeves? Oh sure.
50. Do you have to pee right now? Nah.
49. When did you last talk to one of your siblings? Last night, when she got home past her 1 o'clock 'curfew.'
48. What are you doing tomorrow? Sunday ... studying. Blah.
47. Do you worry about getting older? Sure, maybe a little. I worry more about getting OLD than getting older. There's a difference. I have no interest in being old, but for now getting older is a'ight.
46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail? Ew, no.
45. Do you pick your scabs? Sometimes ... bad habit.
44. Ever drink your blood? No? I mean, I've tasted it from trying to stop wounds and such, but never *drank* it.
43. Do your bandaids have cartoons on them? Nope, but that's because I never really use bandaids. If they were prominently in my life (/someone else paid for them), I'd happily go for cartoon characters.
42. Do you bite your nails? Yeah.
41. Do you wax? No.
40. Do you or have you ever had AOL? Used to, right when it was the only thing available.
39. Do you check for celebrity gossip? No. I think I've realized these are embedded ads. Evs, man.
38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change? No. At school, I have a shelf. Here, I just keep it in my car.
37. Do you own a pogo stick? No.
36. Ever gone a whole day without eating? Yeah, sure.
35. Do you own ripped jeans? No. Well, yeah, but I don't wear them until I sew them, which is really not gonna happen, so I should just through them out, but whatever.
34. What makes you mad? I don't know ... I don't really feel mad at anything right now, but there are def. things that do.
33. What would you do if you found out that you were adopted? Um, it'd be a very interesting story since I look ridiculously like my parents and there's drama in the parental division already, as in having multiple ones, so that'd just be crazy.
32. Are you jealous a lot of the time? A lot of the time, nah ... but I can be a pretty jealous person at times, sure.
31. Do you use a calendar or day planner to schedule everything on? No. I get one almost every year and never use them really.
30. Are you OCD? A little, about certain things.
29. Do you have ADD? Nah.
28. Do you have low self esteem? Sometimes. It's pretty fluid.
27. Who can make you laugh during the hardest time? Most of my friends.
26. What was the last thing you watched on TV? So You Think You Can Dance, currently the only thing I watch, and I've only been watching it sometimes.
25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken? Senior pictures.
24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth? I did like once.
23. What is your favorite movie? Casablanca.
22. Who do you love? Some people.
21. What is playing on your MP3 player right now? Colbie Caillat.
20. What holiday is your birthday closest to? Been over this.
19. What's your favorite drink? Of what sort? Lately, Jack Daniels or berry lemonade.
18. Do you own any big sunglasses? Yeah.
17. Bed sheet color? Currently blue, but I'm washing them soon, so something else. Ha.
16. Ever encountered a shark? No.
15. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yeah.
14. Have you ever bungee jumped? No.
13. Where was the last place you went besides your house? The movies, Lennox.
12. What's the first thing you notice about the same sex? The same sex? Ummm, good question. Probably clothes, actually.
11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone? Yeah, it can be.
10. Why are people such self-centered beings? Because it's in our nature?
9. Are you sad? Nah, at least not at this exact moment. I can change pretty quickly.
8. Are you happy? I'm kinda level.
7. Favorite day of the year? It's prob. different every year, now wouldn't you think?
6. Have you ever licked someones cheek? Yeah.
5. Watched all Spiderman movies? No. Just the first.
4. What are you looking forward to? Being done with school .. for like, two weeks. Ha.
3. Favorite Lucky Charms Marshmallow? Well, I always save a clover for the last one. But I enjoy the rainbows as well. It usually ends up being a heart, rainbow, and clover as a trio at the end.
2. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yeah.
1. Do you want to get married? Yeah, I think so.


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Crayon box survey



1. Are you currently mad at someone? Nah.
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper? Dad or Jenny, because it's the same temper, ha.
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yeah, probably.
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? I don't think so? Maybe.
5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? Stare angrily. Unless provoked, then I enjoy some yelling.


1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Sort of, yeah. =)
2. Are you easily excited? Easily, no, probably not.
3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? High School Musical 2, ha.
4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? Wow, I can go buy a camera now.
5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? I'd really like a camera.


1. Name: Jessica.
2. Birthday: 7.15.
3. What's your main goal in life? Just to grow and love.
4. Do you want to have children? Yeah. Well, at least child.
5. How do you want to die? I don't particularly have a way.


1. Are you against gay marriage? No.
2. Lower the drinking age? Yeah, to 18. Or raise the rest of it to 21.
3. Capital Punishment? I waver on this, but ultimately I don't really think I'm for it.
4. Abortion? Pro-choice. Entirely.
5. Democrat or Republican? Democrat.


1. Do you love someone? Not romantically.
2. Do you have a bf/gf? Nope.
3. Is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Yeah. I'd rather experience and regret than never experience, in general.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sort of, but it's a long story.
5. Would you tattoo your lovers name on your body? Probably not.


Q: How many beds did you lay in today? One.
Q: What color shirt are you wearing? Black and teal.
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? Breathe?
Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? Like, $70.
Q: Is Tom on your Top friends list? Top friends, no. But I didn't unfriend him.
Q: Look to your left. What's there? The rest of my room...most closely a chair.
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? Shoes from Jenny.
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Probably Wesmirch. Or fucking Myspace.
Q: Do you have plants in your room? No.
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? No, thankfully.
Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in? New York.
Q: Do you own a picture phone? Yes, who doesn't anymore? oh yeah, Nalleli. Ha.
Q: Recent time you were really upset? Monday.


1. Person you saw? Mom.
2. Person that said they loved you. Hillary.
3. Movie watched in cinema? Hairspray.
4. Song you listened to? "Colors", Amos Lee.
5. Person you talked on the phone with? Zach.


1. What are you doing right now? Just sitting on my bed.
2. What are you doing tonight? Studying or watching movies. Vegging from the activity of the weekend.
3. What are you going to eat? Tortilla chips ... probably M&Ms ... no salad since I finished that, so maybe a cucumber.
4. Did you accomplish anything today? I watched a movie ...
5. What shoes are you wearing? None. No shoes on my bed, kids. Ha.


1. Is? Sunday, the night of the full moon.
2. My plans are? To soak up the moon. That's what I do every full moon, just sort of put myself into its light and chill. Which is totally a little mystically strange of me, but whatever. Idc.
3. Are you going to laugh? Probably...?
4. Any TV show you watch coming on? Nope. Just SYTYCD nowadays, and that's only Wed./Thurs.
5. Do you know what you will eat? Not at all, actually, since my salad is gone.


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Month Survey



Who kissed you on new years? My puppies, my family. (Yeah, exciting, right? Ha.)
Did you have a new year's resolution this year? I have a general one and a crazy one every year.
Does it snow where you live? In the winter...
Do you like hot chocolate? Yeah, especially the really fudgy kind I've had in Europe.
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? Nope, but maybe I'll do that this year.


Who was your Valentine? Didn't have one. Didn't even realize it was Valentine's Day until someone else told me, ha.
When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class? Oh yeah. And it was super important that the boy you liked got the BEST one.
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? Not really, no.


Are you Irish? Yep.
Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? Oh of course.
What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2007? I was in France ... pasta and Russians at the bar, then got lost, then chilling with some Irish/Scottish men in the square.
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? Yeah, because I'm ready for it to be over.


Do you like the rain? Sometimes.
Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? Nah.
Do you get tons of candy on Easter? Yeah, at least this Easter I def. did.
Do you celebrate 4/20? I laugh with it...
Do you love the month of April? Not particularly...?


What is your favorite flower? Lillies, tulips.
Do you like the spring? Yeah, in a reawakening sort of sense.
Finish the phrase "April showers": Bring May flowers. Oooh, difficult.
Do you celebrate Mothers Day? Sort of. I usually get my mother something.
Is there anything special about May to you? End of school nowadays.


What year did/will you graduate from high school? 2005.
Are you doing anything fun during this month? Enjoying summer/freedom from school (which I just realized is not necessarily synonymous).
Have a favorite baseball team? Nah.
Do you celebrate Father's Day? To the same degree I celebrate Mother's Day.


What will you do on the Fourth of July? Red, White, and Boom , always.
Any plans for 07/07/07? No, I didn't do anything, I remember.
Are you going on any vacations during this month? Nope. Thought I might leave for Texas, but I don't think that's going to be possible, actually.
Do you blast the A/C all day? I don't have control over the AC.


Are you doing anything special at the end of your summer? Finishing school, then the Hog Roast, then leaving to go back to school.
What was your favorite summer memory of '06? Oh shoot, what the hell did I even do last year ... Idk, man. RWB was fun, the hog roast was fun...
Did you have a sunburn? Nope. Not a lot of sun going on.
Did you go to the beach a lot? No.


Will you be attending college/school? Yep. Sad face, ha.
Who was your favorite teacher? Was? Ummm, I liked Johnson, Buck, and Daniels a lot. They were all really great.
Do you like fall better than summer? It depends. I def. used to. Now ... I don't know.


What was your last Halloween costume? I wore devil ears. Ha.
What is your favorite candy? I love gummy bears/worms/things. And I'm pro-Mr.Goodbars and peanut M&Ms.
Who's birthday is during this month? Whose. And my dad's.


Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? The farm.
What are you thankful for? A lot of things.
Do you love stuffing? Ew, no.


Do you celebrate Christmas? Yep.
Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? Yeah, but just jokingly. Not all HP5-esque, ha.
Get anything special last year? A new laptop, which was fucking sweet.
What do you want this year? I don't know yet. A new camera if I don't hav eone? A trip abroad? Insight? Ha.
Do you know what your next new years resolution will be? No...I usually don't make them until the week leading up.


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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

sett-a-lin' down in your early twenties

So So Sixty


Take this survey

1. First Name and middle name? Jessica Nicole.
2. What holiday is your birthday closest to? Independence Day, US. Bastille Day, France.
3. Favorite fruit? Depends on my mood. Kiwi, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pineapple (only in big chunks)...
4. Does it bother you when someone says they'll call you and they don't? Yeah.
5. Are you allergic to anything? No.
6. Is there someone/something you want? Oh there are a lot of someones/things that I want. Like, always.
7. When was the last time you went swimming? Hottubbing a few nights ago, but as far as actual swimming ... um ... last summer sometime in August.
8. How many U.S states have you been to? Oh, I don't know man, like 20?
9. how many states have u lived in? Three, two that I really remember.
10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S? No, but I hope to change this for study abroad.
11. What's your favorite kind of drink? I don't know man.
12. Does anyone like you? Well I'd hope so.
13. Do you have any strange pets? No...
14. What is your dream car? Corvette.
15. What'd you do yesterday? Music class, dancing and karaoke with Jenny, Wendy's with Hillary (+Zach), then (+Wes) non-bowling, McFlurries, and iPod car dancing/tickling.
16. Are you bipolar? Nah.
17. So do you and your ex's have a good relationship? Um ... we don't have a relationship, so no, I guess.
18. Where would you want to go on a date? Lots of places, but once things settle, I looove to go to the movies.
19. When's the last time you were kissed? Kissed instead of kissing ... hmm ... awhile ago man.
20. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yeah.
21. Ever been kissed under fireworks? No ... hmm, that's a new one.
22. What was the last text message you received: I don't know ... my phone is dead.
23. Have you ever bungee jumped? No.
24. Have you ever kayaked? Yes, I actually like it. (Surprises most people who know me.)
25. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? Ha, yeah.
26. Are you an extreme racist? No.
27. What sound are you listening to right now? "Loving You" by Paolo Nutini, which I for some reason didn't get obsessed with when I first got the album (that whole last-third-of-the-album problem), so it's getting its comeuppance now.
28. What's your favorite song at the moment? Probably "Oh My God" by Lily Allen/Mark Ronson.
29. What was the last movie you watched? HP5. But I think I'm going to watch one of my Netflix today ... I feel I'm severly wasting my subscription.
30. When was the last time you went on a trip? France in March.
31. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Nahh. Not seriously.
32. Have you ever been punched? Maybe in the arm or something.
33. What's the first thing you notice about the same sex? Hair.
34. Do you have a nickname? Yeah, a few.
35. What do you usually order from Olive Garden? Ravioli or manicotti, haaa. Cheese + bread = me happy.
36. Say something totally random about yourself? I'm listening to "I Found Love" by Free Design, and this song actually never makes me feel jaded or like I need to construe some situation as actually finding love in order to fully enjoy it, which I find quite the mark of a good song for me.
37. Do you have an iPod? Yeeeah, I heart it something fierce. Lola is my friend.
38. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yeah.
39. Do you have freckles? Not really.
40. Are you comfortable with your height? Sure. I enjoy being short.
41. Do you love someone right now? Family and friends and pets, yeah.
42. How tall are you? 5'3".
43. Do you speak any other language other than english?? Yeah, French. At least moderately.
44. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yeeah, quite a few times actually, for parties and weddings and such.
45. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Yes.
46. Do you watch MTV? Not really, but I don't really watch TV ... I used to watch MTV, and I'd still watch it if I had time, sure.
47. What TV show do you hate? Hmm. America's Funniest Home Videos. Big Brother. Those 30-min awful (non)comedies.
48. What's something that really annoys you? Lately, the lack of openness surrounding musical tastes. Umm ... not being able to withdraw if I want to.
49. Do you think Paris deserved jail time? Nah, at least not as much as she got, but whatever, maybe it's better for her in the long run.
50. Do you have a celebtity crush? Um. I do not have a "celeb-tity" crush. Heee. But I have an endless number of celebrity crushes. I mean daaamn.
51. Do you have a pet? Several.
52. What is behind you? My shelves, with pictures and folders and stuffed animals and other various stuff.
53. Do you drive when you go on long trips? Sometimes.
54. What's the latest you have ever stayed out? Um, all night, like, until noon the next day.
55. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? Probably.
56. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? No.
57. What are you wearing? Jeans, green polo.
58. Who do you live with? Parents and sister right now, various roommates (Shirley and Nalleli, +/- others) while in NY.
59. What color is your hair? Blonde.
60. What color are your eyes? Green.


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Take this survey

What shall I call you?: Jessica is fine.
Why are you taking this quiz?: Bored.
Promise not to get offended?: Um, sure, but I don't promise to abstain from answering when (not)offended.
Great! Any last words? Before we begin, no.

Personal Life

How's life treaten' ya?: Uh, it's a'ight. I'm liking my classes more than I did, so that's okay.
Are you happy with your life right now?: It's okay.
What could make it better, even if you are?: More money, lol.
Who do you live with?: I just answered this. Too bored to type it again.
How do you feel about this?: It's okay. I've worked it so that I pretty much live alone unless I want company.
Do you have a history of traumatic events in your life?: Not terribly.
How is school?: It's okay...still on a tentative basis. And I still feel disillusioned in general about higher education.
Do you have lots of friends?: I have enough.
How do people generally perceive you?: I don't know; ask others.
How do you generally perceive people?: It's an individual basis.
Are you a bitter person?: Probably.
Do you easily get jealous of people?: Sometimes.
How do you channel your anger?: I think I'm bored with this already. Umm ... usually angry music and/or driving. Or cleaning.
How well do you trust others?: I think I'm at both poles. Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough.

Your Appearance

Do you think you are attractive?: Ehhh.
Why or why not?: Because I feel most people are on that fence. Good days, bad days.
What is your favorite physical feature?: In general or on me?
Why do you choose this, above all?: blaaaaah.
What do you think of your eyes?: They are almost identical to my father's, which is pretty sweet.
Do you like the person you see in the mirror?: Okay, that' I going to have to be done with this survey?

Friends and Social Life

Let's be vague. In general, do you like people?: I guess just that part. Um, somedays yeah, but usually if I had to default, I'd say no.
Why or why not?: They're just really, really stupid most of the time.
Do you have a high or low tolerance for stupidity?: Depends on my mood already, how much sleep I've had, etc.
Are you acceptant of others' beliefs?: That looks French. Um, yeah mostly. Unless they're really ignorantly-taken beliefs, but I suppose that's more because I think they deserve more than that ignorance.
Do you think you have lots of friends?: Didn't we ask this?
What do you think of the friends you do have?: I like them. That's why we're friends.
Do you believe that 'friendship is golden?: As opposed to silver?
Do you have a best friend?: Yeah.
How long have you known this person?: Awhile.
Are they like a brother/sister to you?: Sure.
Are you shy?: Sometimes.
Are you outgoing?: Less sometimes.
Have you been hurt by people?: Yeah, of course.
Have you ever intentionally hurt anyone, physically or emotionally?: Hmm...probably emotionally.
Why or why not?: Because that's my style? Idk, man, we're humans. Shit happens.


First off, have you ever had sex?: No.
First time (if yes) ... Why not (if no)?: Ha, the correct opportunity has not presented itself.
Does your religion oppose sex?: No.
What are your personal feelings on sex?: I don't know what you want me to say...I mean, it's just sex. I'm not anti-it...?
Are you straight, bisexual, or homosexual?: Straight.
Are you sure?: Ha, yes.
Have you ever experimented with the same sex?: No. I mean, I've kissed girls, but not romantically.
Did you like it (if yes) ... Why not (if no)?: Just haven't.
Do you like sex or is it not appealing to you?: Ha, it's plenty appealing.
Does it frustrate you when people talk about it?: No...?
Is it a subject that makes you uncomfortable?: Depends on who we're talking about having the sex.

The things no one likes to talk about! (Touchy questions ahead.)

Has someone close to you ever died?: Yes.
Do you think about suicide?: Previously, yeah, but not ever to where I was actually planning something.
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: No. Jumped the gun there a little.
Do you cut?: Not myself...
Do you suffer from Clinical Depression?: No.
Do you have an STD?: No.
Have you ever taken illegal drugs?: No, unless you count alcohol under my age illegal.
Why or why not?: Just haven't wanted to.
Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?: I drink.
Why or why not?: Because I find it enjoyable?

Last Questions

Did this quiz make you uncomfortable?: Nah, not really.
Were you honest?: Yeah.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

there's definitely definitely definitely no logic

40 Things Your Might Not Know Survey


Answer the questions below

1. What color is your underwear right now? Blue, green, yellow.
2. What are you listening to right now? "Tears Dry On Their Own" by Amy Winehouse. I'm way into this song lately, actually.
3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 21. Hee, my almost age. Have I taken thsi before? I feel as if I have. Evs.
4. What was the last thing you ate? Tortilla chips.
5. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Cerulean. Purple mountain's majesty, haaaa.
6. How is the weather right now? Fine. A little hot for my walk back to the car, and randomly spotty rain, but decently nice.
7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Zach.
8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair.
9. Favorite type of Food? Type? Uhhhm, Italian, I guess.
10. Do you drink? Yes.
11. Do you smoke? Only super rarely, usually when very intoxicated.
12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember? Details, sure, but I've never blacked out.
13.What color are your eyes? Green.
15. Do you wear contacts? No, though people often think I do.
16. Single? Yep.
17. Favorite Month? June or December.
18. Ever cried for no reason? Oh yeah, man. I'm a bundle of craziness sometimes.
19. Last Movie you watched? Harry Potter 5! Woooo for HP taking over my life.
20. Favorite day of the week? Friiiday. Or Saturday.
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out? It depends, but usually it's not my style.
22. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses. I mean seriously.
23. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
24. Do you want your friends to respond? No...
25. Who is most likely to respond? n/a. I'm not sending it.
26. Who is least likely to respond? blah blah.
27. What books are you reading? Just finished HP 7 a few days ago, and I'm letting that sit in my head before I try to begin new fiction. But I've got plenty on deck, though I'll probably start the Kundera.
28. Piercings? Ears a bunch of times.
29. Fav. Movie? Casablanca.
30. Fav. baseball team? Umm, I don't really do baseball.
31. Any pets? Yes, lots.
32. AIM? Yep.
33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn? Well if it's not buttered, I want it salted and burnt. Yeeeah, maybe I have strange tastes in popcorn.
34. Dogs or cats? Dogs, though I love them both.
35. Fav. flower? Probably tulips, but lillies are almost always beautiful, and I always like roses.
36. Have you ever fired a gun? Yep.
37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? Yes. Much faster, and I enjoy the whole airport/in the sky deal.
38. Right handed or left handed? Right.
39. How many pillows do you sleep with? One. Only.
40. Are you missing someone? Yeah, sure, always.


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Something Different


Take this survey

1. What do you say most when you're trying NOT to curse? The beginnings of curse words, ha. Or shoot? Or abbreviations, such as ommfg. Hee.
2. Do You Own An Ipod? Yeppp, I love Lola.
3. What Person On Your Top 8 Do You Talk To The Most? Prob. Hillary.
4. What time is your alarm clock set to? It was set to 9 am this morning, then 9:18 (always more than one, if I can help it). It'll be set to either 7 or 8 tomorrow morning.
5. Are You In Love? There's always love going on, but no, I'm not really *in love.*
6. Do You Wear Flip-Flops When It's Cold? I wear flip flops until I can't. (Ha, that's so answer-y.)
7. Would You Rather Take The Picture Or Be In The Picture? Be in it, for later. But if it's not memory-esque, then take it.
8. What Was The Last Movie You Watched And With Who? HP5, with Hillary, in IMAX 3D!!
9. Do any of your friends have kids? Yeeeah, that is weird.
10. Has Anyone Ever Called You Lazy? Ohhh yeah.
11. Do You Ever Take Medication To Help You Fall Asleep? Nah. I find insomnia at least semi-productive in ways.
12. Are you a cuddler? Most definitely. Particularly when intoxicated.
13. Do You Prefer Regular Or Chocolate milk? Chocolate milk, I have been craving you for almost 24 hours now. Whytf don't I have some. Arrgh.
14. Has Anyone Told You A Secret This Week? Hmm ... maybe.
15. When Was The Last Time You Had Starbucks? Ha, um, an hour ago?
16. Do you know anyone who lost their dad within the last year? No.
17. Do You Have A Trampoline In Your Back Yard? Yes, though the parents are trying to get rid of it which makes me a little sad.
18. Do You Think People Talk About You Behind Your Back? Probably man, pretty much everyone does.
19. Did you watch cartoons as a kid? yeah.
20. What Movie Do You Know Every Line To? High School Musical. And I am not kidding. Test me.
21. What CD is in your car stereo right now? Maroon 5 "It Will Not Be Soon Before Long" (ps, sweet title).
22. What's your favorite song on that CD? Oh man, do I have to pick?? I'm really into "Better that we Break", number 1, number 4, and occasionally number 6 lately, but number 3 is prob. my fave (I don't really know titles yet).
23. What is your favorite salad dressing? I'm really into poppyseed lately, but probably Honey Mustard or Sweet and Sour.
24. Are you still in love with your ex? No. I was never in love with him, though, so yeah.
25. Does anyone like you? Well I'd hope so.
26. Do You Do Your Own Dishes? I don't really dirty dishes at home, but when I live alone(ish), yes.
27. Ever Cry In Public? Yeeeah, awkward turtle.
28. Have you told a secret to someone this week? I don't think so.
29. What was the secret? ..
30. Do you think you could EVER be in love? Yeah, I hope so, man.
31. Would You Ever Marry Anyone Covered In Tattoos? Sure? They're just tattoos.
32. What Did You Do Before This? Another one of these.
33. When Was The Last Time You Slept On The Floor? I can't remember, actually. I slept not on my bed (the futon) a few nights ago, though ... Friday night/Sat. morning.
34. How Many Hours Of Sleep Do You Need To Function? Um, 2. As far as to not have to take a nap later ... 4.5 is helpful. Six is good, and 8-9 is great.
35. Do You Eat Breakfast Daily? Ha, no.
36. Are Your Days Full And Fast Paced? Lately, sorta, yeah. At least full.
37. What are you doing right now? This and listening to "Twentysomething," my new anthem.
38. Do you use sarcasm? Yeah, sarcasm keeps trying to get out of the relationship, getting all "stop uuuusing me so much, you bastard!" on me, but what ever ... (s)he's my bitch anyway, so (s)he can deal with it. (I'm tired of answering this with a yes or a demonstrative no.)
39. Have You Ever Been In A Fight? Verbally, sure. Even silently. But physically, naah.
40. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? Yes.
41. Have You Ever Been To Six Flags? Nope.
42. Do you believe in ghosts? Sure.
43. Do You Get Along Better With The Same Sex Or The Opposite? Opposite, actually. My closest friends are girls usually, but in general, boys are easier.
44. Do you like mustard? Yeah, sure.
45. Do You Sleep On Your Side, Stomach, Or Back? Back, though occasionally on any of the above.
46. Do You Watch The News? Only occasionally.
47. How Did You Get One Of Your Scars? These days, I don't know, but umm ... I got the one on my wrist from an unfortunately placed fork, not cutting myself incorrectly as it may seem.
48. Last person to make you mad? Probably someone driving, but distinctly class yesterday pissed me off.
49. Do you think you are someones first love? Maybe...
50. What do you want to do before the day is over? Practice clarinet, maybe ... hang out maybe, and if so, prob. shower beforehand so I don't ahve to do so tomorrow morning when it's way early.
51. What last made you laugh? Harry and the Potters.
52. Reading any books? Just finished HP7.


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For the Nosey


Take this survey

1. When your home alone, do you still close the door when you use the restroom? Yes. I've tried to leave it open even a crack, as experimentation ... nope man, that freaks me out.
2. If you have to go grocery shopping, would you rather go alone or with someone? Alone once in the store, but with someone getting to/from.
3. Its your friends birthday, do you buy them a gift even though they didnt buy you one for yours? Yeeeah. At least if I have something in mind.
4. You win the lottery. What do you do? Shit, I pay for school, I travel, and I save. Oh, and buy a new pair of flip flops and park closer to my classes, haaa.
5. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable unless I'm getting ready or partyyyying. Heh.
6. Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person? Beach.
7. When do you prefer to take a shower, morning or night? Morning.
8. Can you watch scary movies alone? Can, yeah, but I don't really do scary movies, and if I do, I def. prefer them in a large group.
9. Soft bed or firm? Well I sleep in a waterbed, so that's soft, but sometimes I'd just rather have a nice regular mattress, so I guess somewhere inbetween.
10. Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about? Out and about, I suppose, though there are some days when I just need to stay home all day and fester.
11. What's one of your worst memories? I don't want to even think about it, thanks.
12. Do you like to keep the peace or be confrontational? I'm a peace keeper, def.
13. Are you more likely to be with a large group of people or a few close friends? Few close.
14. What are your plans for October? Um, class? Maybe coming home for the Columbus Day weekend as per usual.
15. If money were not a problem, where would you like to live? A lot of places ..Paris for awhile, def.
16. What is your ideal profession? Idk, man. Getting paid to just be myself.
17. Are you close to your Mom and Dad? Moderately so, yeah.
18. What is one fear that you can't seem to overcome? Spiiiiiiders.
19. Are you good at math? Ish.
20. Whats stashed under your bed? Dude, idk random things. Empty water bottles, ha.
21. Is there anyone that you regret ever meeting? Not really. At least not immensely.
22. In the opposite sex, where should their piercing(s) be? Idc.
23. Would you rather have roommates or live alone? Roommates are good for me so I don't slip into my antisocial mode too often.
24. Do you like any of your friends a little more than just a friend? I tend to do that a lot, but recently I'm getting better at it.
25. Do you like to drive? Yep.
26. Ever juke a friend at Nah, I don't know what that is.
27. If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do? Um, freak the fuck out.
28. Do you give money to homeless people when they ask? I encounter too many homeless people for that.
29. A weekend in Las Vegas or Key West? Key West, to relax.
30. When you go to the store, do you have a list or just buy random things? I have kind of a mental list.
31. What do you wear to sleep in? Usually just bra and underwear.
32. You have 3 months left to live, what do you do? Wow. Well I'd drop out of school, for sure, and probably travel a bunch.
33. You're having a bad day, what's one thing can make your day better? Ice cream. Cuddling. Seeing friends.
34. Whats worse:Tanning bed or Sun Rays? Tanning, man, because at least with the sun you can't choose to abstain.
35. Is there anything you would change about your body if you could? Oh sure.
36. You wake up in an unfamiliar place, what is your first reaction? Oh shit man, what happened last night?
37. Is there anything that you should be doing right now? Studying or reading, prob.
38. If there was a way to know when and how you're going to die, would you like to find out? Not probably.
39. What is your favorite breakfast food? Cereal.
40. Your phone rings at 4am, who do you expect it to be? Hillary.


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Monday, July 16, 2007

we are dispassionate lovers

About My Top 8 Survey


...list your top 8

Friend 1 Hillary.
Friend 2 Tricia.
Friend 3 Zach.
Friend 4 Wes.
Friend 5 Nalleli.
Friend 6 Shirley.
Friend 7 Claire.
Friend 8 Jenny.

...about your top 8

Why is the person in spot 1 there? She has always been.
Have you ever hugged 6? Yes, often, because she hates it. =)
Out of your top eight, who was the last one you rode in a car with? Hillary.
When was the last time you talked to 2 on the phone? I don't know, awhile.
How do you know 8? She's my sister.
Is 2 taken or single? Taken.
How did you meet 1? Through band.
Would 4 & 5 make a good couple? It'd be interesting, for sure.
What about 1 & 3 Ha, no. She'd kill him.
When was the last time you kissed 1? Ha, hog roast or new years, probably.
What is your favorite thing about 6? Man, I just love Shirley.
What about 7? Ditto for Claire.
What does 4 usually ask you for? To hang out. Or maybe to explain something...? This question bothers me.
Who do you think is the funniest out of ur top 8? I really only keep funny company.
Who is your favorite to talk to when you're down? All of the girls have been candidates for that at times, definitely.
Would you ever date 1? I tell her often it's too bad we're not attracted to girls.
Who has SEEN you cry? Probably all of them.
Describe 8 in 3 words? My crazy sister.
Does 7 have any siblings? Yeah, a younger brother.
What are the last three numbers of 3's phone number? 445.
What would you do with 5 if you were locked in a room with him/her? Dude we would laugh it up. Then be ingenious and get out somehow.
Out of your top 8... who is better looking? Than whom? I have some cute friends, come on now.


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Ten Times Seven



01. show on T.V- Heroes, for obsession level.
02. flower - Lilies, tulips, roses.
03. color - Green, cerulean.
04. sport - Football, I suppose.
05. movie - Casablanca, though I'm all over film.
06. music - Dude, I can't pick.
07. food - Lately, pasta. Ultimately, prob. mashed potatoes. Damn I want that right now.
08. season - Summer, as of late.
09. day - of the week? Prob. Saturday.
10. location - I love NYC, I love Paris, there are things I love about home.


01. hometown - Galloway.
02. hair color - Blonde.
03. hair length - Long.
04. hair style - Straight.
05. eye color - Green.
06. gender - Female.
07. height - 5'3".
08. weight - Idk, kids, idk.
09. current location - Bedroom. Mine.
10. lefty/righty - Righty.


01. have you ever been in love? - Gonna go with a no.
02. do you believe in love? - Yeah.
03. do you give up on love easily?- I don't know, man.
04. do you think someone likes you? - Not really.
05. have you ever broken some one's heart? - Probably, unfortunately.
06. ever loved someone but never told them? - Yes.
07. are you afraid of commitment? - Maybe ... I think I am, but I think ultimately once I get into relationships, I'm okay. IDK, man.
08. have you ever had a secret admirer?- Yes.
09. do you believe in love at first sight? - This is a long story.
10. do you want to get married one day? - Yeah.


01. love or money? - Love.
02. white chocolate or milk chocolate? - Chocolate.
03. flowers or candy? - Flowers.
04. one night stands or relationships? - Relationships.
05. television or internet? - Internet. (You can get the TV on the web now.)
06. pepsi or coke? - Coke.
07. wild night out or romantic night in? - In.
08. colored or black and white pictures? - Colored -- you can B&W it later.
09. phone or in person? - In person.
10. aim or myspace? - AIM.


01. have you ever been caught sneaking out? - No...t really.
02. have you ever been completely in LOVE? - No. Well, yes, sort of. Ha.
03. have you ever done something you regret? - Probably.
04. have you ever sky dived? - No.
05. have you ever been on a house boat? - No.
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? - Probably.
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt? - Of course.
08. have you ever been streaking? - No.
09. have you ever been skinny dipping? - No ... been at the incident, though.
10. ever wanted to marry a celebrity? - Oh sure.


01. are you missing someone right now? - Yeeeeah, though I'm trying to offset that shit. I don't need it.
02. are you happy? - Sure.
03. are you talking to any one right now? - No.
04. are you bored? - kinda...
05. are you german? - No.
06. are you irish? - YES.
07. are you french? No.
08. are you italian? - No.
09. are your parents still married? - No.
10. do you have a bf/gf? - No.


01. Last phone call? - Dad.
02. Last thing you read? - Some philosophy books at the library.
03. Last IM? - To Hillary.
04. Last item bought? - Applebees, mozz sticks and a bite size brownie.
o5. last thing u ate? - Ha, the above.
06. Last time you were nervous? - shit, I'm a nervous person. Prob. today.
07. Last person hugged? - Hillary.
08. Last TV show watched? - So You Think You Can Dance -- forever ago.
09. Last cry? - Idk, I almost did yesterday, which is sad b/c it was my bday, but ultimately I wa slike, fuck that shit.
10. Last time you ran on the track? - Oh maaaan, in high school.


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Bogus Survey


Take this survey

Are you smiling? No.
When is the last time you met someone new? Kinda today.
What is irritating you now? Hunger despite having already eaten, my inability to be smart or even LOGICAL about this shit, my poorness, that I prob. can't go visit Nalleli.
When did you last eat pizza? Tuesday, at Planks.
Do you drink beer? Not really. I'll drink Guiness.
Do you have any friends who are famous? No ... I go to school with famous people, though.
Are you any good at poker? A little, but I don't play. I watch.
What do you want? Mashed potatoes, someone to kiss, a way out of this academic situation.
Are you tired? Yeah, a little, But I always am nowadays.
Last spoken words you heard? I really don't remember.
Have you ever kissed anyone named John? Not to my knowledge.
What is your favorite thing in your room? I really like my laptop, the guitar, my memory box from freshman year, Hugh ... ha, lots of things, really.
Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Neither really.
Did you ever throw up? Ever? Yeah. Is there someone who hasn't ever?
Did you ever throw up while kissing someone? Ewwwwwww, no.
Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? Sure.
Taco Bell or McDonald's? McD. Only because of McFlurries.
Are you restless? Yeah.
Is your computer a laptop? Yes.
Are you allowed to stay up later than pm on a weeknight? HA. A, there's not a time there. B, I make my own rules nowadays.
How many myspace views do you have? I don't even know.
Want to be a princess? Nah.
Do you believe dreams come true? Sometimes.
Last song you heard? I'm listening to "Autumn Leaves" by Paolo Nutini, just finished "Outta My System" by BowWow.
Do you like Batman? Sure..?
Who is in the room with you? Just myself.
What are you wearing on your feet? Nothing.
What is your favorite pair of shoes? My almost-dead flip flops from Nalleli. They're like non-shoes.
Who was the last person you told you loved them? Either Hillary or a family member.
What was the last thing you ate? Bite size brownie.
What were you doing before this? A different one of these.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? My sheets.
What instant messaging service do you use? AIM.
What is your favorite website? I don't really have one.
Whos house did you go to last night? Mine, ha.
What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans, def. I don't own sweatpants.
What is the last movie you watched? License to Wed.
What do you currently hear right now? "Scream" by Timbaland/Keri Hilson/Nicole Scherzinger. (Idk if that's actually how her last name is spelled.)
When did you last buy a new pair of pants? A month or two ago, Hillary bought a pair for me. They're still in the back of my car. Ha.
When did you last take a shower? Yesterday.
Wheres your favorite place to be? Just chilling somewhere, I guess.
Ever been to No.
Where is your mom? Downstairs, I think.
Where do you sleep? In my bed..?
Where do you shop the most? I don't really shop. I think I've bought one or two things this wait, one. The aforementioned jeans.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? AE.
Coach Purse or NFL game tickets? Depends on the game.
Where was your default MySpace picture taken? My house.
Why did you pick your background? It's default. I don't like clutter; I like to let the pictures just be.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because he was a very good and attentive dancer. ;)
Are you happy with where you are? Kinda. I'm working on that, or at least on getting to a place where I am happy with it.
Is cheating ever ok? Probably not.
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? It would totally depend, but I'd have trust issues for certain.
Have you ever talked about marriage with someone before? Not in the let's-get-married way.
Do you want someone you can't have? Almost always.
Do you believe love at first sight exists? Long story.
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? Yes.
Do you believe that you can change someone? ...You can inspire change in someone.
Would you ever consider getting engaged or married right now? Engaged if it was gonna be forever long, maybe. Seriously, though, no.


Last beverage: DrPepperall that is in the house Wow. (Water, for me.)
Last phone call: Dad.
Last instant message: Hillary.
Last e-mail: My Psych prof.
Last annoyance: Interrupting my song.
Last text message: Zach.


Dated someone twice: Sort of.
Kissed someone & regretted it?: Sort of.
Lost someone special?: Yeah.
Been depressed: Yeah.
Gone skinny dipping: No.


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Saturday, July 14, 2007

come in to me, you can always come in to me

More secrets about yourself


Be honest no matter what.

have you ever been asked out? Yes.
where is your default picture taken? I believe it's in the staircase/upper landing of my house.
your current relationship status? Single.
does your crush like you back? That's up for grabs.
what is your current mood? I don't know. The new moon has me all weirded out. I woke up in a funk, have felt good, but mostly have been kind of eeeeh. And now IDK, I'm trying to feel better since my bday is soon. No use in wasting time.
what color underwear are you wearing? They are white and blue/green.
what color bra are you wearing? Black.
if you could go back in time and change something, would you? Hmm. Maybe some things here and there, though ultimately probably not since I'd be way freaked out about totally changing the future, which I'm not entirely out of sorts with.
do you still like your ex girlfriend/boyfriend? Nah.
ever had a near death experience? Probably.
ever had a 1 night stand? With sex, no.
something you do a lot? Be on the computer.
the song stuck in your head? Well I'm listening to Relient K's "Hoopes I Did It Again," so that...
name someone with the same birthday as YOU? Mike.
when was the last time you cried? I can't really remember ... I wouldn't say terribly more than a week or so ago, though.
have you ever sung in front of a large audience? Yeah.
if you could have one super power what would it be? Reading minds.
what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, probably.
what do you usually order from starbucks? In the morning: an iced tall soy latte. Otherwise: either iced passion tea lemonade or a frappuccino of some sorts (caramel, vanilla, evs).
what's your biggest secret? I wouldn't tell if I could think of one...
favorite color? Green/cerulean.
ever lie to spare someones feelings? Of course.
do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Well I think I'm going to see HP5 tomorrow on my bday, so kinda.
what are you eating or drinking at the moment? Nothing.
do you speak any other language? French, at least sorta.
what's your favorite smell? I can't pick one fave.
do you like the smell of your farts? No...? I don't think I've ever really categorized that smell.
if you could describe your life in one word what would it be? Continuous.
when was the last time you gave/received a hug? Yesterday, after Applebee's, due to Zach's impending leave.
ever been kissed in the rain? No.
what are you thinking about right now? Kissing in the rain, ha.
what should you be doing? The work I apparently inadvertently committed myself to, reading one of the two books I'd like to read by tomorrow or my Psych reading...
who was the last person that made you upset/angry? My mother.
how often do you pray? Uh, very little.
do you like working in the yard? Not really. I mean, planting flowers on occasion, sure, and laying in the grass, yeah, but otherwise not really.
if you could have any last name in the world, what would you? I like my own.
do you act differently around the person you like? Not really, no, which is something new I'd realized.
what is your natural hair color? Blonde, the same color it is.
who was the last person to make you cry? I can't remember. But I still know who it probably was.


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In 3 Words


Use 3 words (No more, no less) to answer each question.

Where is your cell phone? Downstairs on shelf.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend? Not really existent.
Your hair? Kind of dirty.
Where is your father? I have two.
Your favorite thing to do? Fun with friends.
Your dream last night? Hazy and sad.
Your favorite drink? Some yummy alcohol.
Your dream car? Red 60s Corvette.
The room you are in? My bedroom upstairs.
Your fears? Spiders and dinosaurs.
Who did you hang out with last night? Just moped alone.
What you're not good at? NYU science classes.
Muffins? Yummy blueberry ones.
One of your wish list items? A new guitar.
Where did you grow up? Good ol' Ohio.
The last thing you did? Work for Mom.
What are you wearing? Jeans and polo.
Your computer? On my lap.
Your life? Interesting yet incidental.
Your mood? Getting much better.
Missing? My non-boyfriend (ha).
What are you thinking about right now? My bday tomorrow.
Your car? Is fucking sweet.
Your work? Is only school.
Your summer? Good, crazy, academic.
Your favorite color(s)? Blue, green, cerulean.
When is the last time you laughed? Just right now.
Last time you cried? Can not remember.
School? Works at OSU.


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Fun Forty


Take this survey

1. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle? Yes. Even while driving.
2. What's something you MUST do before you die? I'd really like to read Proust. in French. But see Ireland, def.
3. Are you single? Yes.
4. What's one thing you will not eat? Meat.
5. What color is your underwear? Green/blue/white.
6. When is the last time you went out of state? May, when I came back for the summer.
7. Who was your last received call? Mom.
8. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? Yeah, but I don't make a practice out of it.
9. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
10. Can you hula hoop? Yes.
11. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes.
12. Was today better than yesterday? Not really. They're kinda equal. Half hazy/mopey, half pretty good. Today if anything edges out.
13. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes I think outloud.
14. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hotness level, yes. Kissing ability level, no. General dislike added in, I'm going with no.
15. Ever went tanning? Yeah, for the first prom. Now I enjoy being pale.
16. Earrings or necklaces? Earrings.
17. Do you party? Yeah, but I prefer just kinda hanging out with a few kids that I know well.
18. Are you mad at anybody? Not really, no. Perturbed and prematurely-disappointed, maybe.
19. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? Sorta. =)
20. What are you doing tonight? Hottubbing with champagne, sleeping so I can get up early to begin the bday festivities.
21. What time is it? 11:30 pm.
22. Are you loud? Not really, no.
23. What are you looking forward to? My birthday, actually.
24. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? Regularly, no. But when I get the seasons on DVD, I get obsessive.
25. Have you ever watched a little kids show? Yeah.
26. What's your zodiac sign? Cancer.
27. Are you wearing socks? No. I don't really do socks in the summer.
28. What's your favorite smell? Can't pick one favorite.
29. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? Yes. I kinda miss rollercoasters.
30. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? My iPod. in CASH.
31. Do you care what others think about you? Yeah, probably much too much.
32. What do you do all the time in a car? Listen to music.
33. Do you trust people easily? Sometimes overly so, but in general I'm suspicious and paranoid of people's motives.
34. Do you follow college football? Only OSU and those people ballsy enough to take us on. ;)
35. Favorite football team? OSU college, Patriots pro.
36. Do you watch the Olympics? Aw yeah, def.
37. Do you have a favorite number? 4.
38. Are you multitasking right now? Of course. Txting, currently.
39. Do you believe in karma? Definitely. It is in the top three of true things that what comes around will go around.
40. How was the weather today? Good, I think? I didn't go outside until after dark, and it's really nice/chill/warm right now.


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The ABC's Survey


The Letter A

What is your age? 19. For these next twenty-five minutes (or 13 hours and 10 mins if you wanna get technical).
What annoys you? Lots of things. Mostly those things that I do/am myself. Hypocrisy is the hottest thing, you know.
Do you have any alergies? All(ergies), not al. Nope.

The Letter B

Do you know anyone named Billy? Not really. Know of a Billy.
When is your birthday? Tomorrow!
Who is your best friend(s)? HZW, Tricia.

The Letter C

What's your favorite candy? Mr. Goodbar, gummy bears, something terribly sugary...?
When was the last time you cried? Don't remember.
Have you been out of the country? Yes, thrice.

The Letter D

Do you daydream? Often, yeah. It gets me into trouble. But I like to imagine all possible ways a situation could go so that I'm not surprised in the end, or rather so my mind doesn't mislead me into thinking something is going to happen that may not. More possibilities diffuses that.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I have both a Shih Tzu and a Chihuahua and I love them both, but I love really big dogs too like Retrievers and Pyrenees, and Terriers are adorable, as are ... man, I just love dogs.
What day of the week is it? Saturday.

The Letter E

How do you like your eggs? I don't really eat eggs. Deviled, I guess.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yeah.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Kill time on the Internet.

The Letter F

Have you ever flown in a plane? Yes, often.
Do you use fly swatters? No.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No.

The Letter G

Have you pet a goat? Yes. I really like goats, actually.
Are you a giver or a taker? Probably a taker.
Do you like gummy candies? Yeah, def.

The Letter H

How are you? I'm a'ight. My bday is in 20 mins so that makes things better.
What's your height? 5'3".
What color is your hair? Blonde.

The Letter I

What's your favorite ice cream? I really like coffee, something with toffee, red bean, and various Ben&Jerry concoctions.
Have you ever ice skated? Yes. I actually want to do that again soon.
Have you cheated the IRS? No...I haven't done taxes.

The Letter J

What's your favorite jelly bean? Red ones typically, unless you're going into JellyBelly, then shit can get ridiculous. I love Dr. Pepper, watermelon, espresso...
Do you tell jokes? Yeah.
Do you wear nice jewelry? Diamonds on my neck, neck...ha.

The Letter K

Do you want to kill anybody? Not really. Maybe never see them again, sure.
Do you want to have kids? Yes, eventually.
Where did you have kindergarten? Kindercare.

The Letter L

Are you laid back? Yeah, pretty much.
Do you lie? Yeah, def.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? Shit, I don't even remember. Sometime freshman year o' college.

The Letter M

Ever talked in a microphone? Yes.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? Not the new ones, but the old ones yeah.
Do you like mangos? They're all right. I'm not too into mushy fruits.

The Letter N

Do you have a nickname? Jess, Jessie, JR.
Whats your favorite number? 4.
Do you prefer night over day? Yes.

The Letter O

Are you an only child? No, though sometimes I exhibit tendencies of that.
Do you wish this was over? Kinda ... I have to go give s/t to my sister and I want to be back at midnight for champagne.
What is the closet orange object near you? Well the background of this myspacebulletins thing is orange...beyond that, my room is dark, but prob. a shirt.

The Letter P

What one fear are you most paranoid about? Dinosaurs. or totally failing.
Do you think you are pretty? Some days.
Do you play any instruments? Clarinet, a little piano/guitar/flute/oboe.

The Letter Q

Are you quick to judge people? Sometimes, but I'm not unwilling to rejudge.
Do you have any quirks? Obviously.
What do you keep quite about? Quiet, I'm assuming, and whatever I should keep quiet about. I'm kinda quiet about a lot of things, actually.

The Letter R

Do you think you're always right? Usually. If you really want me to like you, just throw that sentence you there: you're right.
Do you watch reality TV? Some of it.
What�s a good reason to cry? Sad things?

The Letter S

Are you a social person? With the right people.
what is your favorite season? Summer, lately.
What states have you lived in? Ohio, NY, Florida.

The Letter T

What time did you wake up? 1 pm.
When did you last sleep in a tent? Ha, forever ago. I don't do camping. SEriously ... like, when I was 8 or 10? Maybe?
Do you like tomato's? NO.

The Letter U

Do listen to Usher? The hits.
Describle the underware your wearing? They're just hipsters.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? Yes. I am prepared.

The Letter V

What�s the worst veggie? Eggplant. Or Mushrooms, if you're not calling them a fungi.
Do you like movies with violance? Not as a rule.
Where do you want to go on vacation? California, Ireland, Marco.

The Letter W

Ever been on a waverunner? Yeah.
Do you wish on stars? Yes, those are lucky wishes.
Where do you work? I don't.

The Letter X

Have you ever had an x-ray? Yes.
Have you watched the x-games? No...well, maybe a skateboard here and there.
Do you own a xylophone? No.

The Letter Y

Do you like the color yellow? It's all right.
What year were you born?: 1987.
What did you do yesterday? SB, Applebees, then moping.

The Letter Z

Do you believe in the zodiac? Yeah, largely though not entirely.
Ever been to the zoo? Yes, I like the zoo.
Has your bank account been at zero? Nope. But it's dangerously close nowadays. Hi, I'm poor.


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Friday, July 13, 2007

there'll be girls across the nation who'll eat this up

Finish the sentence


Take this survey

My ex is still... brought up in conversation.
I am listening to... "Bottle It Up" by Sara Bareilles.
Maybe I should... eat something.
I love... music. I mean, seriously, save my fucking life.
My best friends are... the coolest kids ever. Seriously, I love them.
I don't understand... how I can do so fucking well at OSU and so fucking shitty at NYU.
I lost my respect for... academia.
I hate... the calories in food.
The meaning of my screen name is... nothing really, it's just what AOL gave me over 10 years ago.
Love is... way confusing.
Somewhere, someone is... thinking of you?
I will always... love you?
Forever seems like... a really long time.
I never want to lose.... my friends.
My mobile phone is... red.
When I wake up in the morning... I am damn tired.
I get annoyed at... having to pay for parking.
Parties are... fun, but tedious sometimes.
My pets... are adorable.
Kisses are.... fuuuun.
Today I... woke up not in my bed, then sketch-ily crept upstairs, and have since killed time on the Internet.
I really wish i could... eat a Rice Krispie treat.
I want to see... my friends.
I�m afraid of... spiders.
I think I am... ready for something.
Tomorrow will be... the day before my birthday, holy shit. My last day as 19.
In 5 years I... Will be twenty fucking five. Wow.


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Kissing History


Take this survey

Do you remember the person you first kissed? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating? Yes.
Ever kissed an ex after you broke up? Yes...
Ever kissed anyone on your top friends? Yes.
Kissed someone with a gf or bf? Not to my knowledge, but maybe.
Ever kissed someone younger than you? Yes.
Older than you? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't like? Yes.
Ever madeout with someone who was a really bad kisser? YES.

Kissed or Been Kissed YES or NO

On the cheek Yes.
On the forehead Yes.
On the nose Yes.
On the lips Yes.
With tongue Yes.
In the park Yes.
In public Yes.
In a car Yes.
While driving in the back seat How would you be driving in the back seat?
In the movies Yes.
On a bench Hmm...can't remember a specific bench incident.
Upside down No.
Sitting on their lap Yes.
Laying down Yes.
In broad daylight Yes.
At a fair No...?
At night Yes.
In the rain No.
All of the above Ha, no.

Your LAST kiss

The last time you kissed someone? Too long ago.
Was it a game? (truth or dare, spin the bottle?) No.
Was this person older than you? Yes.
Was it a friend? No.
Do you regret this kiss? Not at all.


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Drunken Nights Survey


Take this survey

When I get drunk, I: think everything is funny, want to call a bunch of people, and get pretty friendly.
Do you talk about Religion or Deep meaning thoughts: Occasionally, but I'm usually not really up for anything settled or calm.
Do you Cry? No.
Do you get Angry? No.
Do you Vomit? No.
After 7 beers are you drunk? I don't do beer.
After 1 shot of 151 you are? Ha, one?? No.
Your favorite drink is? Well I'm really into rum at the moment, but typically Jack Daniels.
Tequila does what to you? Makes my clothes come off, ha. I don't know, I don't really enjoy tequila.
Whiskey makes you? HAPPY.
Who do you drink with? Friends, family, strangers. Ha.
Vodka makes you? Vodka doesn't really get me drunk, but it is very versatile, and for that I appreciate and usually include it.
Do you smoke when you drink? Sometimes.
On the rocks or straight up? Rocks, please. Unless I'm swigging it from a bottle, ha.
Do you Pass Out? No.
Do you drink girly drinks? Sometimes, but I'd rather just liquor it up.
Do you drink alone? Not really.
Worst Drink you have ever had? Rum and coke. I hate the syrup.
Do you play drinking games? Occasionally. It's fun with the whole "whenever someone says/does...", but cards and shit ... that takes too much focus. I just want to drink.
Drunk Phone Calls to people? Ha, ALWAYS. I get into trouble with that...
Drink and Drive? Not if I can avoid it.
What is your favorite beer? Guinness.
What is your favorite mixed drink? Aw shit I only get to pick one? I'll say screwdrivers just for nostalgia. Oh wait, I'll go with LIIT instead.
What is your favorite shot? Jack.
What will you NOT drink? Beer. Wine coolers. Shitty alcohol, basically.
Are you a lightweight? Ha, no. I have to start super early and keep a'swiggin' to get drunk as fast as other people.
Do you like the drinks with the little umbrellas? I love those little umbrellas.
Do you ever drink Bacardi Silver? I had Bacardi rum last night, but I don't think it had anything to do with Silver.
Do you like frozen drinks? Sure.
Do you drink liquor straight? Yes.
Do you ever drink out of the bottle? Ha, that's my favorite way.
Have you ever had a jagerbomb? No, I'm waiting for that.
Are you drunk right now? Ha, no, but I definitely have something in my system. Stopped drinking about six hours ago, and only slept it off a little. I'm not tipsy or anything, though. Stupid tolerance.
Do you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages a day? Not usually.
Do you drink a lot of wine? A lot, not really. Maybe during school.
When is the last time you drank? Six hours ago. Ha.
Have you ever thrown up from drinking? Nope.
Ever done a Keg Stand? No. I don't do beer.
Name someone that will repost this drinking survey? ...
Ever been streaking while drinking? Ha, no, but I do usually want to take my clothes off.
Failed any college courses due to alcohol alone? Ha, no. I wish I'd taken the time I put into Orgo and just drank my ass off every night. Fuck that shit, man.
Ever woken up & said "dude where's my car? No, but dude where's my __, yeah.
Ever carried someone due to their drunkenness? Yes.
Have you ever cleaned up a friends puke? Yes. That sucks man, but I always end up being the mommy.
Puked in a friend?s car? No.
Ever drank more beers than years? Ha, I don't do beer, but that's funny.
Ever smash a beer bottle when mad? No.


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Turn On and Turn Offs


Answer with either TURN ON, TURN OFF, or DONT CARE


Wears a grill: Off.
Dresses Gangsta: on TI, it's cute as hell. On most boys, I'd bypass it.
Dresses Preppy: It can be a warning sign ... like, uh, this boy is still high school-y. I prefer just cas(ual). Ha.
Dresses Athletic: Don't care.
Dresses Emo: Don't care.
Dresses hick: Eh, I kind of have a thing for farmer boys, but if it goes too far, it's an off.
Has green eyes: On.
Has brown eyes: Dc.
Has hazel eyes: On/dc.
Has blue eyes: On.
Drinks alcohol: On.
Smokes Weed: Off/Dc.
Smokes cigs: Off/Dc.
Plays sports: I mean, it's cute, sure, but i don't want a boy who wants me to be athletic, which throws out a little warriness then.
Smiles a lot: That's cute. As long as a lot isn't like, a *lot*.
Has blonde hair: Sure.
Has brown hair: Sure.
Has black hair: Sure.
Has red hair: Sure.
Has no hair: Only with certain people, like my previous Physics prof and Magni. I'm really into hair, so yeah.
Good dancer: Hot.
Wears jewelry: Eh ... minimal at most.
Tattoos: A few is all right.
Laid back: On.
Plays guitar: On.
Plays drums: On, but less than guitar.
Plays bass: On.
Raps: Ha, on I guess.
Bites your bottom lip when making out: On, but it has to be done right. And I like other things better.
Can draw: Sure, why not.
Has a lip ring: Hmm ... it would depend on how it dealt with kissing.
Has a tongue ring: I really need to kiss someone with a tongue ring ... my curiosity is getting out of hand.
Nipples pierced: No thanks.
Hugs you: Sure.
Hugs from behind: Aw.
Creative: Yeah.
Calls you just to hear your voice: Aw who's writing this now, come on.
Religious: Ehhh, cautious about that one.
Goes to church: Not really.
Kisses you on the neck: Awww man, this is seriously my weakness. Kiss me on my neck and I'll pretty much do whatever you ask.
Brutally honest: Not brutally, no.



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40 Things Your Might Not Know Survey


Answer the questions below

1. What color is your underwear right now? Blue and white.
2. What are you listening to right now? "Put a Penny in the Slot" by Fionn Regan.
3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 21. My almost age, ha.
4. What was the last thing you ate? Rum. Ha, umm mozz sticks.
5. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Cerulean.
6. How is the weather right now? I don't know, I haven't been outside. Probably warm; it's summer.
7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Zach.
8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, height, general face or clothing.
9. Favorite type of Food? Prob. Italian.
10. Do you drink? Yes.
11. Do you smoke? Usually only when drunk.
12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember? No. Well, maybe details.
13.What color are your eyes? Green.
15. Do you wear contacts? No.
16. Single? Yes.
17. Favorite Month? June. December. Maybe July. Maybe October.
18. Ever cried for no reason? Yeah, probably.
19. Last Movie you watched? Children of Men.
20. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yeah, probably.
22. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses, easily.
23. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
24. Do you want your friends to respond? No.
25. Who is most likely to respond? ..
26. Who is least likely to respond? ..
27. What books are you reading? Crime and Punishment, but not really. My Psych textbook, The Bell Jar by next monday...
28. Piercings? Ears. Six holes total.
29. Fav. Movie? Casablanca.
30. Fav. baseball team? I don't really do baseball.
31. Any pets? Lots.
32. AIM? Yes.
33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn? Butter. Or plain salted and burnt.
34. Dogs or cats? Dogs.
35. Fav. flower? Lillies, tulips, roses.
36. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes.
37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? Yes, definitely.
38. Right handed or left handed? Right.
39. How many pillows do you sleep with? One.
40. Are you missing someone? Yeah.


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1st Girl & 1st Boy Survey


Look at the 1st girl and 1st Boy on your "top" then fill this out

1st Boy...

What's his name? Zach.
Do you trust him? Yeah.
Do you love him? In a friendly sort of way.
Does he have a girlfriend? No.
Is he one of your best friends? Yes.
Where does he live? About five minutes from me.
Is he older than you? No.
Would you do anything for him? Anything is a big word.
Do you have nicknames for him? Ha, not really.
Do you have pics of him on your myspace? Yes.
Do you think he will repost this? Lol no.

1st Girl...

Name? Hillary.
Do you trust her? Yes.
Do you love her? Why of course.
Does she have a boyfriend? No.
Is she one of your best friends? Yes.
Where does she live? About seven minutes from me.
Is she older then you? No.
Are you related to her? No.
How many times do you talk to her in a week? Shit, daily.
Will you do anything for her? Anything is still a big word, but I'll do lots of things.
How long you knew her? Six years now.
Will she repost dis? No.


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OLOGY Survey



What is your salad dressing of choice? Honey Mustard. Or Poppyseed or Sweet and Sour.
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds for coffee and McFlurrys, Wendys if I want to eat food.
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Virage, Spaghetti Warehouse, Planks, Red Robin, Refectory.
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20%, rounded up.
What food could you eat every day and not get sick of it? Mashed potatoes.
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Cheese.
What do you like to put on your toast? Butter. Sometimes jelly. Sometimes cheese. Sometimes sugar and cinnamon and butter.
What is your favorite type of gum? Hillary has this really minty kind ... Winterfresh or something. It's good. I really like the SB purple-y berry kind, though, too.


Number of contacts in your cell phone? Shit ... 20?
Number of contacts in your email address book? 50?
What is your wallpaper on your computer? Milo. Damn that boy is hot.
How many televisions are in your house? Five?
Do you use a laptop or desktop? Laptop.


Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right.
Do you like your smile? Sure.
What's your best feature? Generic, but I'll say eyes.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? No.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Smell.
When was the last time you had a cavity? Like, four years ago? Idk.
What is the heaviest item you lifted last? A bowling ball. Heavy.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No.


If you could, would you wanna know the day you were going to die? No, probably not.
Is love for real? Yes. Realest thing we probably have.
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't.
What color do you think looks best on you? Red. or Black. or Green.
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? Probably.
Have you ever saved someone's life? Maybe.
Has someone ever saved yours? Yeah, countless times.


Would you walk naked down a public street for $100,000? Maybe. That's a lot of money.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Totally. I need the money, and kissing is nothing.
Would you cut off one of your little fingers for $200,000? Ouch, no.
Would you never blog again for $50,000? Ha, as long as I can still write shit down for my own benefit, which is really why I blog, sure.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? No. Permanence.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? Maybe.
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? Yeah, as long as I can get my season pass Heroes and Grey's for later.


What is in your left pocket? Nothing, ha! But my license and some money is in my right.
Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? Yes. Well, it's at least really funny.
Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? Both.
Do you sit or stand in the shower? Stand. Who sits in the shower??
Could you live with roommates? I do.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? Only two right now.
Where were you born? Florida.
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Awhile ago, thankfully.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know anymore, ha. Just happy, how about that.
Who is number 1 on your top Friends? Hillary.


Friend you talked to? One of H(J)WZ.
Last person you called? Zach.
Person you hugged? Hillary.


Number? 4.
Color? Green/cerulean.
Season? Summer, actually. I've changed.


Missing someone? yeah, pretty much always.
Mood? Actually fine. In anticipation of my RK treat later today yayuh.
Listening to? "Big Shit Poppin" by the sexy TI.
Watching? Nothing ... I'm doing this.
Worrying about? Money, future, this next week with people gone.


First place you went this morning? My room. Ha. Becuase I wasn't there already.
What can you not wait to do? Graduate.
What's the last movie you saw? Children of Men netflix'd, but Harry Potter 5 in the theater.
Do you smile often? Sure.
Are you a friendly person? Yeah, mostly.
Now that the survey's done what are you going to do? Get ready and go to class. Get coffee and a RK treat first.


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