tried to be chill, but you're so hot that i melted
Six through One

Six Whats
What did you eat for supper?: Around 9:30, I had some fries and a vanilla frosty from Wendy's.
What is one time when you've been most scared?: Probably in Italy when I realized I had gotten myself in way too far.
Whats your parents siblings names?: Oh man there are a lot. I'm not listing them all.
What color would you paint your room if you had to repaint it?: Aww I really like it dark purple. I'd still want it dark because it feels cozier and more intense that way.
What are you currently drinking?: Nothing. Just finished some water.
What is your relationship status?: Single, but waaaay confused. Though that may just be the full moon talking.
Five Whens
Whens the last time you threw up? Um I think it was sometime last summer when I was really sick ... or winter break or something ... I don't know, it has been awhile.
Whens the last time you worked on something for school?: Thursday night, studying for my Psych quiz. And now I'm doing this instead of studying for my Music quiz which I should be doing.
When are you going to the movies next?: Dude, I don't know. I went tonight and two nights ago, so maybe it'll be awhile.
When do you graduate from High School?: Did. 2005.
Whens the next time you're going to see one of your friends?: Um, probably tomorrow.
Four Wheres
Wheres your boyfriend, girlfriend or crush currently at? Um, well if we just take a certain person for that ... probably in bed.
Where does your farthest friend live?: Oh currently Shirley if she's in CA.
Where are you right now?: In my room.
Where's the nearest park?: Technically there's one in the neighborhood adjacent ... Greene Country or something like that.
Three Whos
Who are you currently missing?: Oh man, there's no way I'm asnwering that question. It may not be common knowledge, this here blog, but it's certainly not really all that difficult to find.
Who did you last hug?: Hillary.
Who last texted you? Jenny.
Two Whys
Why do you fill out these surveys?: Boredom. I like to refer to them later.
Why are you currently feeling how your feeling?: The full moon. That's my excuse. =)
One How
How are you doing overall? Uhm, I'm conflicted. And kind of on edge about everything, switching back and forth between moods and feelings and opinons like crazy, even for me.
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Me all Me!

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How's your heart lately? Not terribly great. I have a hella lot of 'maybe' prospects and a few lingering old ones, all of which aren't really on sure footing anywhere.
When was the last time you went out? Tonight.
What is the latest movie you saw? Hairspray. Times two.
The last place you went? Wendy's.
Miss someone? Yeah, but why does everyone always ask this?
What made you smile today? Little touches.
Did you dream last night? Yeah ... it was weird. Resurgence of a lot of people.
What were you doing last night at midnight? I was with Zach... probably eating a McFlurry at that exact time, lol.
What were you doing at 10 am? Sleeping.
What were you doing this afternoon at 12 pm? Waking up, then getting pissed about drama.
Name a country you want to visit? Ireland.
How many piercings do you have? Six.
What was the last thing you ate? A few peanut M&Ms.
What was the last thing you drank? Water.
What do you want to do today? Do okay on my quiz, then nap.
Do you have a nick name? Yeah.
Thing you need to do everyday? Breathe? Um, have some alone time. At least a little.
Are you a type of person who easily gets hurt? Physically nowadays, yeah, def. Emotionally ... um, maybe. Actually, probably. I take things personally sometimes that shouldn't be, blow shit out of proportion, assign meaning to that which has none, etc.
The last thing you said to one of your friends? well of course not ... i mean, we do everything in the best way
The last person who called you? Zach.
Last person to send you a text message? Jenny.
The last person you chatted with? Hillary.
What can't you live without? Air? Um, music.
What song is in your head? "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.
Where are you? In my bed.
Who do you want to meet? Shawn. HAAA. Um, some famous attractive boys?
Make a wish: ...okay, did. Ha.
What does your main best friend call you? My name?
Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing? Snowing.
Do you have a Desktop? Nah, laptop.
Who do you call the most? I don't really call people all that much anymore.
What is your favorite thing to shop for? Shoes.
What's your cell phone provider? Verizon, bitches. Best provider, kids.
What were you doing 4 hours ago? I think getting out of the movie.
Have you ever fought over the opposite sex? Maybe in a not-talking-to-each-other sort of way.
What do you get complimented on all the time? My hair? Oh, or wit or something to that effect. I suppose it's telling that I thought of that physically first. Evs.
Do you listen to your parents? Not really. I mean, yeah. Sort of. On some tihings. I'm not going back to erase that i. Deal with it.
Favorite holiday? Christmas, generically.
Have you ever gone to a concert? Yeah.
When was the last time you were out of town? May, for school.
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