all i ever really wanted was a little piece of you
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How often do you lie? | Uhh, not *not* often... |
Are you a good lier? | Liar. And yes. 'Tis a skill, and I am continually perfecting mine. |
Do you get away with it? | Well I wouldn't be any good if I didn't, now would I? |
What is the worst lie you have ever told? | Shit, I don't rank them. |
Are white lies okay? | Yes. But lying can get out of hand, I suppose. |
What is the last white lie you told? | That I was busy when I wasn't. |
Did you lie a lot when you were younger? | I don't know ... I think it has probably increased with age. |
About what? | Oh, nothing terribly important, I don't think. |
Did you fool your parents? | Probably sometimes, but not often. |
Have you ever been caught in a lie? | Oh yeah. Isn't that a great experience. |
What was it about? | I've probably been caught in too many to identify one specific subject. I usually get caught considering things I am reckless lying about, usually due to rapid panic causing me to come up with a shitty lie. |
Do you have a guilty conscious? | Sometimes it's *really* guilty -- like I go weeks where I can't tell a lie without immediately confessing it -- but often my skill'z for justification and denial win out. |
How can someone tell when you are lying? | Oh man, I don't know that I do one physical noticeable thing or anything. And if I did know, I'd eradicate it. =) |
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Do you cheat on tests? | I don't make a habit of it, no. |
Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? | No. |
Have you ever caught someone else cheating on a test? | In small ways, yeah. |
Have you ever cheated on a bf or gf? | No. |
Have you ever been caught cheating on your bf or gf? | -- |
Would you ever cheat on your current bf or gf? | I have no current significant other, so no worries there. I really don't see the point in cheating though ... just break up with them first if there are that many problems. Then again, shit, I guess shit gets complicated in relationships and I can totally see wanting both and all and neither and justifying and whatnot. |
Would you ever cheat on them with some famous model/actor/actress? | Hmm ... well there's always that list of famous people that are allowed. |
What if you were completely sure you would never be caught? | Shit, my guilty conscience would win out there. And there's always a way to be caught. |
Have you ever been cheated on? | Not to my knowledge. |
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Have you ever stolen before? | You know, I really don't know that I have. I apparently didn't go through the shoplifting phase. |
If so what? | -- |
Do you think stealing is a serious crime? | Uh, yeah. I've had things stolen from me and it's super not fun. The whole commerical/consumer business doesn't really work with stealing. People get screwed. |
What would you do if you caught someone stealing from you? | Uh, I was very, very pissed when it happened. As in, envoking hellish flames and damnation for them. I'm not fond of those who steal things from me, particularly things I really like. |
Have you ever stolen someones heart? | Ha. Um, phrase aside ... maybe. It's actually kind of terrifying, knowing what others have done with mine. I don't like the responsibility. |
What was the last thing you stole? | A look at someone, I'm sure. |
Ever had anything stolen from you? | Yes, my CD player/radio in my car and a buuuunch (aka almost all) of my CDs, bought and mixed. Bastards. |
If so, what? | Oh. Yeah. That. |
What would you would steal if you could get away with it? | As. Automatic pay-age and college diplomas. |
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Are you currently in Love? | There's always love going on. But I don't think I'm currently in significant-other love-y type stuff with anyone. |
If so, with who? | -- |
When was the last time you were in love? | Well ... that's an interesting question. Depending on the day you ask me: never, 14, 17, 19. |
How long does it take you to fall in love? | Well, I usually know initially, that this person is going to be a big deal in my life ... looking back, there's always a feeling, a knowledge of sorts. But then it's usually a slow burn over a year or several until I feel ready to say it might be love. |
How many times have you really been in love? | Look above. Somewhere from zero to three times. |
Is love blind? | No, but love is certainly stronger than anything else. |
How fast do you tell someone that you love them? | Oh, I've never actually done it. I've been told it once and it was terrifying, again because I didn't want to be the person to not reciprocate for them, to cause them that, but I just knew I couldn't tell that big of a lie to them. I imagine it'll take me awhile. I'd probably want to be told first, but ultimately I feel that if I *knew* I loved someone, I'd feel compelled in a way that I *had* to tell them, regardless of how they may or may not react. |
How often do you tell your parents you love them? | Usually daily. |
How often do you tell your bf or gf? | -- |
Do you tell your friends? | Yep. |
Have you ever said I love you and not meant it? | No. For some reason, that feels like a bigger lie to me than anything else, and so I've stopped myself from doing it. |
Have you ever said I love you but Im not in Love with you? | No, but I've definitely thought it. And I can see the sentiment. There's a definite difference between loving a person and being *in love* with them. There just is. |
Are you a slave to love? | No, I don't think so. I think love is probably the biggest driving force in my life and the world, but as far as it enslaving ... I don't know. |
Do you love yourself? | Sometimes. Other times I'm pretty sure I'm the shittiest person ever. |
What is the best thing about Love? | Love all capitalized and shit ... well now it feels important to correctly answer. Uuuum, that it connects us all. How about that. |
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Night Owl![]() TAKE THIS SURVEY! | |
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Who were you with last night? | Last night ... Hillary for awhile, then Hillary and Wes. |
What woke you up this morning? | Shiiit, the music from Baraka Boys. At 7:13 am. And then my body decided, hey, three hours is enough, thanks. It's light. Get up. Fuck that shit. |
Where are you? | Currently? Sitting on my bedroom floor soaking up a little of the full moon I've waited a month for. |
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? | I don't know why it should be ... I have to call the vet office and they'll probably just tell me they hired someone else, but will keep me on file. Lots of help being on file will do when I apply to vet school or try to buy food next semester. WTFever. |
Did you kiss or hug anyone today? | Hugged Wes ... hugged Hillary ... hugged Tricia. Kissed (and kissed by) lots of dogs, including Honey, Puggles, another Honey, Dixie, Tucker. |
When's the last time you cried? | Last night. I had convinced myself of a fact that made someone I've (wasted may be a too strong word) spent three years on that made them entirely unavailable in the biggest way possible. It felt heartbreaking at the time. I'm so over it at this point. So yeah. And I think the 'fact' may be not true anyway, but it doesn't matter if I'm over it anyway. |
Ever thrown up in public? | No. What does this have to do with being a night owl? |
Passed out because of alcohol? | Nope. Felt like I might once ... when you close your eyes and the world just *spins* ... not fun. |
What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? | How that Postsecret card about texting/falling asleep on the phone really fucked with my head. And how kind of sad that shit is. |
Would you take a bullet for anyone? | I guess I wouldn't know until I was in the situation, hmm? |
Where would you like to live? | I have no fucking clue. I thought Paris, but I just gave that up. I thought NYC, but too much shit has gone down there now. I thought Ohio, but part of me knows that gets old. So I don't know. |
What kind of home would you like? | Definitely a house, I think. Big enough, but cozy as well. |
What do you want to be when you grow up? | Veterinarian. I think. Currently in possible transition. |
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Who is your number one? | Hillary. |
Who was the last person that left you a comment? | Umm .. Zach, I think, with the salad picture. |
Are you good friends with this person? | Yes. |
How often do you log in to myspace? | Usually daily, but not so much anymore with my lack of an internet connection. |
How often do you change your main pic? | Not very often. Monthly, maybe? |
Do you post bulletins from | I don't know about that, so no. And I've never posted a bulletin. |
What percentage of your friends do you know? | Oh, at least 60% probably, due to bands and such. But actual people -- almost all. |
How long have you had your MySpace acocunt? | Three or four years maybe? |
If a bigger better site came out would you give up on MySpace? | I don't know. I keep most of my profiles and go where most everyone else goes. |
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Do you like candy necklaces? | Sure? |
When's the last time you fell or ran into something? | I (was) tripped a few times today ... ran into both Zach and Wes at random times... |
Do you still go trick or treating? | No. |
What was the last thing you ate? | Popcorn. (Ha ... that's apparently the answer I put last time too. Entertaining.) |
Are you a fast typer? | Yeah, bitches. 100 WPM, escalating up from there on good runs. |
About how many people have you liked? | Oh shit, there's no way I can count that. It's nearly infinite, seriously. Okay, *serious* liking ... five? |
What are you doing this weekend? | Going to Sarah's grad party, I think ... watching movies. Trying to fucking finish some books, probably failing at that. Trying to hang out. |
Whats your favorite type of soda? | Club? Nah, I just said that on impulse. I don't drink soda. |
Have you ever moved? | Yeah. |
Have you ever won an award? | Yes. |
How many times have you been in love? | Well that's up for grabs. |
What do you want to do right now? | Eat a whole bin of oatmeal cookie dough. Seriously. |
Are you listening to music right now? | Yep. "Stains of Saints" by the Weather Machines. |
Are you with someone right now? | Just Honey who is behind me on my bed. |
Whats a word or phrase that you love? | Lately I've tried to use and PS and classic too much. |
How long until your birthday? | Shit, a month and a half exactly now? CRRRRRRRRRAZY. |
When were you the saddest in your whole life? | Probably after coming home from France. |
What time is it now? | 1:21 am. I've now been up for over 18 hours. Yay me. |
Do you think anyone will repost to this? | Ha, no. |
What makes you pissed off? | Lots of things. Lately myself and stupid people and insects. |
If you were a crayon what color would you be? | Cerulean, hands down. |
What makes you happy? | Shit, still lots of things, thankfully. Lately, coffee, film, and Heroes. |
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Have you ever had a song written about you? | Not to my knowledge. |
What song makes you cry? | Lots ... latest was "I'm A Broken Heart" by The Bird & The Bee. Seriously ... 'aching and pleading, my big love is bleeding, I think I might be dying..."? You don't cry about that? Especially when it's how you actually feel? |
What songs make you happy? | Lots as well, again thankfully. I was happy to find "Bring Me Down" by Miranda Lambert because it encapsulates a recent situation, but ... '1963' by Rachael Yamagata, def. |
What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? | I lately just fall asleep to movies. And I greatly appreciate menus without sound/music. |
What do you listen to when you're sad? | A sad playlist. Trust me, I have this shit down. |
What does Your CD player have in it right now? | The Last Kiss soundtrack. I looooooooove "Paperweight." |
About Me![]() TAKE THIS SURVEY! | |
Hair Color: | Blonde. |
Eye Color: | Green. |
Piercings: | Ears, total of six holes. |
Tattoos | None. |
Wearing right now? | Underwear, bra, silk slip top. (I was in the midst of going to bed!) |
What taste is in your mouth? | Nothing really. Maybe a slight bit of salt from the popcorn. |
Have a bad habit? | Always. And often. |
2006: | happened already? |
2007: | Is freaking almost halfway over now? |
2008: | Will hopefully break this shitty-year chain. |
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Childhood Survey![]() TAKE THIS SURVEY! | |
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Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s? | I was born in the 80s, but I'm def. a child of the 90s. |
Where were you born? | Florida. |
What city did you grow up in? | Columbus/Galloway, OH. |
Did you enjoy your childhood? | Yeah. |
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? | A veterinarian. Look at that shit. Funny. |
What do you want to be now? | Ha. The same. I think. |
Were you a fun little kid? | Probably not. I think all I did was read. |
What was your first best friend's name? | Becky? Katrina? Who knows. Dude, I just found her facebook the other day ... weeeeird. |
Are they still your friends? | No. Ha, no. |
Can you name all the schools you ever attended? | Yeah. Not going to, but could. |
Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid? | Mom because she was always there. |
What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying? | My first paid-for-it-myself-and-my-parents-didn't-want-it-at-all CD was No Doubt's 'Rock Steady.' |
How old is a good age to have kids | Shit, I don't know. For me, I'm pretty sure it'll be after I'm 25. But I don't want to be that big of an age difference from my kids. If it weren't an awful decision, I'd have one now just to be closer in age to them. There are enough hazes over memory ... no need to increase them with more time. |
Are you scared of anything? | Yeah, oh sure. Basic things, like loneliness and failure and spiders. |
What was your favorite class in elementary school? | I don't know ... math, probably, since I was good at it and others weren't. Learn early, I suppose. |
Did you buy school lunch or bring your own? | Brought my own mostly. Puuudding, mmm. |
Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid? | Broke my upper arm/plate which causes it to grow. So my right arm/shoulder is a lot less dextrous and perhaps slightly shorter than my left. |
Were you a mean kid? | Nah. I was certainly nicer than I am now, and a lot of people still think of me as really nice. |
Favorite board game of all time? | Probably Sorry! just because it's what we always played. |
Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero? | House definitely. Super hero...not that I remember. |
Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart? | Seriously, no. |
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Bogus Survey![]() TAKE THIS SURVEY! | |
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Are you smiling? | Nope. Though Mandy Moore's "Candy" -- my iTunes latest choice -- did initially make me smile. |
When is the last time you met someone new? | At the vet office, back when I thought I had a chance at the job. Shit, I shouldn't be so fucking discouraged all the time. Whatever. I guess I just go off experience. And pessimism. |
What is irritating you now? | The fact that I probably lost another job. The fact that I can eat nearly nothing and still weigh what I've always weighed. The fact that I have to wait another three months for Heroes/Peter Petrelli to reenter my life. The fact that I didn't get coffee tonight. |
When did you last eat pizza? | Shit, no clue. Umm ...oh YEAH. Late night drunkenness in Paris. It wasn't that good. |
Do you drink beer? | Usually not. I do love a good Guinness though. |
Do you have any friends who are famous? | Not really. |
Are you any good at poker? | Nah. Maybe moderately. I don't really play; I watch. |
What do you want? | Cookie dough. Looots of it. And then to throw it up so it doesn't count. Or maybe I'm just Izzy now ... if I eat it and no one see s... it doesn't count. |
Are you tired? | Kinda. My eyes are starting to itch/burn. |
Last spoken words you heard? | Something about goodnight/go to bed, probably. |
Have you ever kissed anyone named John? | Random ... and no, I don't think so. A Joseph, yeah. But no Johns to my knowledge. |
What is your favorite thing in your room? | That's always in here ... it's strange, but I really like my fan. |
Pepsi or Coke? | Coke, though I don't drink soda. |
Did you ever throw up? | Ever? Yeah. |
Did you ever throw up while kissing someone? | Ewwww, no. That's unfortunate. |
Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? | Sure. |
Taco Bell or McDonald's? | Taco Bell, though I kind of hate both. |
Are you restless? | Almost always. Restless in life, at least. |
Is your computer a laptop? | Yes. |
Are you allowed to stay up later than pm on a weeknight? | Haaa .. am I allowed. I make my own schedule, thanks. |
How many myspace views do you have? | No clue. |
Want to be a princess? | Probably not. I don't think I'd deal well with the public eye. |
Do you believe dreams come true? | Sometimes, sure. |
Last song you heard? | I'm currently listening to "Leaving in Coffins" by Psapp. |
Do you like Batman? | I don't *not* like him...? |
Who is in the room with you? | Just me and Honey. |
What are you wearing on your feet? | Nothing. Barefoot. |
What is your favorite pair of shoes? | I currently love Nalleli's busted-down Payless flip flops that feel like non-shoes. But I loove anything with a good heel, pointy toe, and walkability. |
Who was the last person you told you loved them? | Parents. Or rather, Puggles. |
What was the last thing you ate? | Popcorn. Oh, and a red sugar-free popsicle. |
What were you doing before this? | Another one of these. Before that, talking with Miss Lines in her car, before that watching Heroes, before that mall-ing with Wes and Zach, and before that eating lunch with Wes, Zach, and Hillary, and before that being remembered at SB. ;) |
What is the closest item near you that is blue? | My bottom sheet is blue. And I'm currently touching it, so yeah. |
What instant messaging service do you use? | AIM. |
What is your favorite website? | Probably fourfour, which is crazy 'cause I don't know Rich at all, but I feel like I do, and Winston is basically the shit. And Rudy too ... sorry Rudy. |
Whos house did you go to last night? | Hillary's for a bit, mine for a bit, but really no one's. We went to campus which was a bust incidentally. |
What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? | Jeans. I don't own sweatpants. |
What is the last movie you watched? | Finished Baraka Boys. |
What do you currently hear right now? | "Closer" by Coburn. |
When did you last buy a new pair of pants? | A few months ago. |
When did you last take a shower? | Ha, I'm nasty ... two days ago now. |
Wheres your favorite place to be? | I don't know anymore. |
Ever been to | No. |
Where is your mom? | Downstairs typing, I think. Maybe in bed. |
Where do you sleep? | In my bed. Usually. |
Where do you shop the most? | AE. |
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? | Don't know. |
Coach Purse or NFL game tickets? | Coach purse. Unless it's the Patriots, then eeeasily the game. And if you changed that to OSU football ... uh, sold in an instant. |
Where was your default MySpace picture taken? | Target. |
Why did you pick your background? | It's basic. I don't like templates getting in the way of something ... plus it looks like I put way more effort into it than I really care about it, so I refrain. |
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? | I didn't choose to kiss the last person I kissed. He kissed me quite without permission. |
Are you happy with where you are? | I'm not unhappy, but I'm definitely worried. Although that kind of makes me feel like maybe I'm actually *doing* shit for once in my life instead of coasting. |
Is cheating ever ok? | Maybe. I mean, it's never great, but sometimes I can see why it happens, I suppose. |
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? | It would all be situational, but I know I'd have a hard time fully repairing that trust. |
Have you ever talked about marriage with someone before? | Jokingly. I really want to get married, but I'm terrified of being married. |
Do you want someone you can't have? | Oh yeah. It owuldn't be me if I didn't. |
Do you believe love at first sight exists? | Yes, I really do. If you say no, I realize the logic in that, but the thing is that love isn't logical. And if you ever experience it enough to say yes here, you'll then never be able to be convinced otherwise. |
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? | Yeah, sure, it's nice to see dates and benchmarks. |
Do you believe that you can change someone? | I believe that you can inspire change in someone, but I don't think anyone can change a person besides that person themselves, ultimately. |
Would you ever consider getting engaged or married right now? | No. Maybe long-term like five-ten years engaged, but married, no way. |
| |
Last beverage: DrPepperall that is in the house | Water. |
Last phone call: | To Zach. The fucker was already in bed. And I got my hopes all up for a night out during the full moon. |
Last instant message: | To Hillary, earlier this morning. |
Last e-mail: | That I sent? Shit ... probably to an advisor of some sort. Or to Dad about rescheduling/fees. |
Last annoyance: | Food and wanting oatmeal cookies. |
Last text message: | Zach, saying he was outside my house ... when I was at Tricia's. |
| |
Dated someone twice: | Sort of. |
Kissed someone & regretted it?: | Yes. |
Lost someone special?: | Yes. |
Been depressed: | Yes. |
Gone skinny dipping: | No. |
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Tell The Truth!![]() TAKE THIS SURVEY! | |
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Made out for more than minutes? | More than minutes? I don't know what that's implying, but yes, I've made out for quite a long time before. |
Slept in a different bed? | Yes, certainly. |
Made out in a movie theatre? | Yep. But I like film to much to *really* enjoy that. |
Made out with different people in one night? | 24 hours, yes. One night, no. |
Thought your cousin was hot? | No ... though a cousin was cute, sure, but in the same way I can think girls are really pretty yet have no interest in being with them. |
Been in love? | Maaaybe, and maaaybe not. |
Slept past 2pm? | Ha, I slept until 2:50 today. And straight through from 2 am. Weeeird. Guess I was busy/*very* interested in my dreams. ;) |
Taken a shower with the opposite sex? | Not since I was tiny. |
Gone over the speed limit? | Ha yeah. Everytime I drive. |
Painted your room? | Personally, no. |
Drove a car? | Yes. |
Danced in front of your mirror? | Ha, yeah, basically daily. |
Gotten a hickey? | Nope. |
Been dumped? | Yeah, in fifth grade. Ha, shit mattered so much back then. |
Stole money from a friend? | No. |
Gotten in a car with people you just met? | Yep. |
Snuck out of your house? | Sort of. |
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? | Yeah, of course. |
Been arrested? | No. |
Made out with a stranger? | Yes. |
Left your house with out telling your parents? | Yes. |
Had a crush on your neighbor? | Yes. |
Ditched school to do something more fun? | Yes. |
Slept in a bed with a member of the opposite sex? | Yes. I like being able to sleep on my own, but I miss waking up next to someone. That part I liked. |
Seen someone die? | Just animals. |
Been on a plane? | Yes. |
Kissed a picture? | Yes. |
Slept in the opposite sex's bed? | Yes. |
Love someone or miss someone right w? | Yeah. |
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? | Of course. Love doing that. |
Made a snow angel? | Yes. |
Played dress up? | Yes. |
Cheated while playing a game? | Ha yeah, I'm sure. |
Been lonely? | yes. |
Fallen asleep at work/school? | Yes, but not terribly often. |
Been to a club? | Yes. |
Felt an earthquake? | No. |
Touched a snake? | Yes. |
Ran a red light? | Yeah, but I don't make it a habit. |
Been suspended from school? | No. |
Had detention? | Yes. |
Been in a car? | Yes. |
Hated the way you look? | Yeah. |
Witnessed a crime? | Probably. |
Been lost? | Yes. |
Been to the opposite side of the country? | Not this one, no. |
Felt like dying from embarrassment? | Maybe. |
Cried yourself to sleep? | Yeah, twice. |
Sang karaoke? | No. |
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? | Ooooh yeah. |
Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? | Yes. Sprite. Not fun. |
Caught a swflake on your tongue? | Yep. |
Kissed in the rain? | No. Definitely looking to remedythat one, though. |
Sung in the shower? | Yeah. |
Had a dream that you married someone? | I went to say yes, because I've dreamt most things, but ... I actually don't think I've ever dreamt myself actually marrying someone. |
Played getting married? | Maybe when I was little. |
Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? | No. |
Ever gone to school partially nude? | No. |
Been on a blind date? | Sort of. |
Sat on a roof top? | Yes. |
Didn't take a shower for a week? | Yes, grossly. |
Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? | Yeah. |
Played chicken? | Yes. |
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? | Yes. I live in NYC ... it's pretty much the most random city in the world. |
Mcdonalds or taco bell? | Taco Bell, though I don't like either really. |
Been easily amused? | Oh yeah. |
Laugh so hard you cry? | Yeah. |
Cheated on a test? | Probably. |
Forgotten someone's name? | Yeah. |
Blacked out from drinking? | No. |
Played a prank on someone? | Yes. |
Gone to a late night movie? | Yes. |
Made love to anything t human? | I'm guessing there's supposed to be a 'not' there, and no. |
Failed a class? | Yes. |
Choked on something you're t supposed to eat? | not again? No. |
Played an instrument for more than hours? | Yeah. |
Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend? | No. |
Did you celebrate the th of July? | 4th maybe? Yes. |
Thrown strange objects? | Yeah. |
Felt like someone else? | Maybe? |
Thought about running away? | Yeah. |
Ran away? | No. |
Had detention and not attend it? | No. |
Made parents cry? | Probably. |
Cried over someone? | Yes. |
Dated someone more than once? | Sort of. |
Have a dog? | Yes. |
Own an instrument? | Yes. |
Been in a band? | Yes. |
Drank 5 sodas in a day? | Probably back when I drank soda. |
Broken a cd? | Yes. |
Shot a gun? | Yes. |
Been on myspace for more than 5 hours? | I don't know. |
Fell asleep at the computer? | Yeah. |
Have a major crush on someone right now? | Not really. I'm in the market for a new one. Unless you count Milo/Peter Petrelli, because I so have a maaajor crush on him right now. |
Have a religion? | The religion of love, sure. |
Thought about what people would say at your funeral? | Maybe. |
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Dont Lie![]() TAKE THIS SURVEY! | |
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What brand of shirt are you wearing? | I'm not wearing a shirt, but my bra is Victoria's Secret. |
Would you kiss anyone on your top friends list? | Yep. But there really aren't that many people I wouldn't kiss. Making out really isn't that big of a deal. |
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? | All. |
How many kids do you want to have? | One, I think. But maybe something crazy like eight. |
Do you have a good relationship with your parents? | Mostly, yeah. |
Do you wanna change your name? | No. |
What did you do for your last birthday? | Saw Casablanca at the Ohio Theatre with my Dad, did other little things. |
What time did you wake up today? | 2:50 pm. How crazy is that? |
What were you doing at midnight last night? | Finishing Heroes. |
Name something you CANNOT wait to do? | See Milo again. |
Last time you saw your dad? | One a little over a week ago, the other last night. |
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? | I wish I could just do well at school. Or make out with more people, haa. |
Have you ever talked to Tom? | No. |
Last thing you ate? | A red popsicle over twelve hours ago. |
What's your favorite month? | I like December. And September. And July. |
Least favorite month? | I don't know ... February? |
Are you in a relationship? | No. |
Who's getting on your nerves right now? | The phone ringing through "So Far Away." |
Most visited webpage? | Probably my email. |
Last person to make you sad? | Zach. I wanted Timmy Ho's last night, and he was in bed. =( |
Would you help your best friend fight if he or she is losing? | Yeah, sure. |
Coke or Pepsi? | Coke, though I don't drink soda. |
Have you been kissed by anyone in the last week? | Quite unfortunately, no. |
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