sett-a-lin' down in your early twenties
So So Sixty

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1. First Name and middle name? Jessica Nicole.
2. What holiday is your birthday closest to? Independence Day, US. Bastille Day, France.
3. Favorite fruit? Depends on my mood. Kiwi, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, pineapple (only in big chunks)...
4. Does it bother you when someone says they'll call you and they don't? Yeah.
5. Are you allergic to anything? No.
6. Is there someone/something you want? Oh there are a lot of someones/things that I want. Like, always.
7. When was the last time you went swimming? Hottubbing a few nights ago, but as far as actual swimming ... um ... last summer sometime in August.
8. How many U.S states have you been to? Oh, I don't know man, like 20?
9. how many states have u lived in? Three, two that I really remember.
10. Have you ever lived outside the U.S? No, but I hope to change this for study abroad.
11. What's your favorite kind of drink? I don't know man.
12. Does anyone like you? Well I'd hope so.
13. Do you have any strange pets? No...
14. What is your dream car? Corvette.
15. What'd you do yesterday? Music class, dancing and karaoke with Jenny, Wendy's with Hillary (+Zach), then (+Wes) non-bowling, McFlurries, and iPod car dancing/tickling.
16. Are you bipolar? Nah.
17. So do you and your ex's have a good relationship? Um ... we don't have a relationship, so no, I guess.
18. Where would you want to go on a date? Lots of places, but once things settle, I looove to go to the movies.
19. When's the last time you were kissed? Kissed instead of kissing ... hmm ... awhile ago man.
20. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yeah.
21. Ever been kissed under fireworks? No ... hmm, that's a new one.
22. What was the last text message you received: I don't know ... my phone is dead.
23. Have you ever bungee jumped? No.
24. Have you ever kayaked? Yes, I actually like it. (Surprises most people who know me.)
25. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you? Ha, yeah.
26. Are you an extreme racist? No.
27. What sound are you listening to right now? "Loving You" by Paolo Nutini, which I for some reason didn't get obsessed with when I first got the album (that whole last-third-of-the-album problem), so it's getting its comeuppance now.
28. What's your favorite song at the moment? Probably "Oh My God" by Lily Allen/Mark Ronson.
29. What was the last movie you watched? HP5. But I think I'm going to watch one of my Netflix today ... I feel I'm severly wasting my subscription.
30. When was the last time you went on a trip? France in March.
31. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property? Nahh. Not seriously.
32. Have you ever been punched? Maybe in the arm or something.
33. What's the first thing you notice about the same sex? Hair.
34. Do you have a nickname? Yeah, a few.
35. What do you usually order from Olive Garden? Ravioli or manicotti, haaa. Cheese + bread = me happy.
36. Say something totally random about yourself? I'm listening to "I Found Love" by Free Design, and this song actually never makes me feel jaded or like I need to construe some situation as actually finding love in order to fully enjoy it, which I find quite the mark of a good song for me.
37. Do you have an iPod? Yeeeah, I heart it something fierce. Lola is my friend.
38. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yeah.
39. Do you have freckles? Not really.
40. Are you comfortable with your height? Sure. I enjoy being short.
41. Do you love someone right now? Family and friends and pets, yeah.
42. How tall are you? 5'3".
43. Do you speak any other language other than english?? Yeah, French. At least moderately.
44. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yeeah, quite a few times actually, for parties and weddings and such.
45. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? Yes.
46. Do you watch MTV? Not really, but I don't really watch TV ... I used to watch MTV, and I'd still watch it if I had time, sure.
47. What TV show do you hate? Hmm. America's Funniest Home Videos. Big Brother. Those 30-min awful (non)comedies.
48. What's something that really annoys you? Lately, the lack of openness surrounding musical tastes. Umm ... not being able to withdraw if I want to.
49. Do you think Paris deserved jail time? Nah, at least not as much as she got, but whatever, maybe it's better for her in the long run.
50. Do you have a celebtity crush? Um. I do not have a "celeb-tity" crush. Heee. But I have an endless number of celebrity crushes. I mean daaamn.
51. Do you have a pet? Several.
52. What is behind you? My shelves, with pictures and folders and stuffed animals and other various stuff.
53. Do you drive when you go on long trips? Sometimes.
54. What's the latest you have ever stayed out? Um, all night, like, until noon the next day.
55. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? Probably.
56. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? No.
57. What are you wearing? Jeans, green polo.
58. Who do you live with? Parents and sister right now, various roommates (Shirley and Nalleli, +/- others) while in NY.
59. What color is your hair? Blonde.
60. What color are your eyes? Green.
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Take this survey
What shall I call you?: Jessica is fine.
Why are you taking this quiz?: Bored.
Promise not to get offended?: Um, sure, but I don't promise to abstain from answering when (not)offended.
Great! Any last words? Before we begin, no.
Personal Life
How's life treaten' ya?: Uh, it's a'ight. I'm liking my classes more than I did, so that's okay.
Are you happy with your life right now?: It's okay.
What could make it better, even if you are?: More money, lol.
Who do you live with?: I just answered this. Too bored to type it again.
How do you feel about this?: It's okay. I've worked it so that I pretty much live alone unless I want company.
Do you have a history of traumatic events in your life?: Not terribly.
How is school?: It's okay...still on a tentative basis. And I still feel disillusioned in general about higher education.
Do you have lots of friends?: I have enough.
How do people generally perceive you?: I don't know; ask others.
How do you generally perceive people?: It's an individual basis.
Are you a bitter person?: Probably.
Do you easily get jealous of people?: Sometimes.
How do you channel your anger?: I think I'm bored with this already. Umm ... usually angry music and/or driving. Or cleaning.
How well do you trust others?: I think I'm at both poles. Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough.
Your Appearance
Do you think you are attractive?: Ehhh.
Why or why not?: Because I feel most people are on that fence. Good days, bad days.
What is your favorite physical feature?: In general or on me?
Why do you choose this, above all?: blaaaaah.
What do you think of your eyes?: They are almost identical to my father's, which is pretty sweet.
Do you like the person you see in the mirror?: Okay, that' I going to have to be done with this survey?
Friends and Social Life
Let's be vague. In general, do you like people?: I guess just that part. Um, somedays yeah, but usually if I had to default, I'd say no.
Why or why not?: They're just really, really stupid most of the time.
Do you have a high or low tolerance for stupidity?: Depends on my mood already, how much sleep I've had, etc.
Are you acceptant of others' beliefs?: That looks French. Um, yeah mostly. Unless they're really ignorantly-taken beliefs, but I suppose that's more because I think they deserve more than that ignorance.
Do you think you have lots of friends?: Didn't we ask this?
What do you think of the friends you do have?: I like them. That's why we're friends.
Do you believe that 'friendship is golden?: As opposed to silver?
Do you have a best friend?: Yeah.
How long have you known this person?: Awhile.
Are they like a brother/sister to you?: Sure.
Are you shy?: Sometimes.
Are you outgoing?: Less sometimes.
Have you been hurt by people?: Yeah, of course.
Have you ever intentionally hurt anyone, physically or emotionally?: Hmm...probably emotionally.
Why or why not?: Because that's my style? Idk, man, we're humans. Shit happens.
First off, have you ever had sex?: No.
First time (if yes) ... Why not (if no)?: Ha, the correct opportunity has not presented itself.
Does your religion oppose sex?: No.
What are your personal feelings on sex?: I don't know what you want me to say...I mean, it's just sex. I'm not anti-it...?
Are you straight, bisexual, or homosexual?: Straight.
Are you sure?: Ha, yes.
Have you ever experimented with the same sex?: No. I mean, I've kissed girls, but not romantically.
Did you like it (if yes) ... Why not (if no)?: Just haven't.
Do you like sex or is it not appealing to you?: Ha, it's plenty appealing.
Does it frustrate you when people talk about it?: No...?
Is it a subject that makes you uncomfortable?: Depends on who we're talking about having the sex.
The things no one likes to talk about! (Touchy questions ahead.)
Has someone close to you ever died?: Yes.
Do you think about suicide?: Previously, yeah, but not ever to where I was actually planning something.
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: No. Jumped the gun there a little.
Do you cut?: Not myself...
Do you suffer from Clinical Depression?: No.
Do you have an STD?: No.
Have you ever taken illegal drugs?: No, unless you count alcohol under my age illegal.
Why or why not?: Just haven't wanted to.
Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?: I drink.
Why or why not?: Because I find it enjoyable?
Last Questions
Did this quiz make you uncomfortable?: Nah, not really.
Were you honest?: Yeah.
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