come in to me, you can always come in to me
More secrets about yourself

Be honest no matter what.
have you ever been asked out? Yes.
where is your default picture taken? I believe it's in the staircase/upper landing of my house.
your current relationship status? Single.
does your crush like you back? That's up for grabs.
what is your current mood? I don't know. The new moon has me all weirded out. I woke up in a funk, have felt good, but mostly have been kind of eeeeh. And now IDK, I'm trying to feel better since my bday is soon. No use in wasting time.
what color underwear are you wearing? They are white and blue/green.
what color bra are you wearing? Black.
if you could go back in time and change something, would you? Hmm. Maybe some things here and there, though ultimately probably not since I'd be way freaked out about totally changing the future, which I'm not entirely out of sorts with.
do you still like your ex girlfriend/boyfriend? Nah.
ever had a near death experience? Probably.
ever had a 1 night stand? With sex, no.
something you do a lot? Be on the computer.
the song stuck in your head? Well I'm listening to Relient K's "Hoopes I Did It Again," so that...
name someone with the same birthday as YOU? Mike.
when was the last time you cried? I can't really remember ... I wouldn't say terribly more than a week or so ago, though.
have you ever sung in front of a large audience? Yeah.
if you could have one super power what would it be? Reading minds.
what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, probably.
what do you usually order from starbucks? In the morning: an iced tall soy latte. Otherwise: either iced passion tea lemonade or a frappuccino of some sorts (caramel, vanilla, evs).
what's your biggest secret? I wouldn't tell if I could think of one...
favorite color? Green/cerulean.
ever lie to spare someones feelings? Of course.
do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Well I think I'm going to see HP5 tomorrow on my bday, so kinda.
what are you eating or drinking at the moment? Nothing.
do you speak any other language? French, at least sorta.
what's your favorite smell? I can't pick one fave.
do you like the smell of your farts? No...? I don't think I've ever really categorized that smell.
if you could describe your life in one word what would it be? Continuous.
when was the last time you gave/received a hug? Yesterday, after Applebee's, due to Zach's impending leave.
ever been kissed in the rain? No.
what are you thinking about right now? Kissing in the rain, ha.
what should you be doing? The work I apparently inadvertently committed myself to, reading one of the two books I'd like to read by tomorrow or my Psych reading...
who was the last person that made you upset/angry? My mother.
how often do you pray? Uh, very little.
do you like working in the yard? Not really. I mean, planting flowers on occasion, sure, and laying in the grass, yeah, but otherwise not really.
if you could have any last name in the world, what would you? I like my own.
do you act differently around the person you like? Not really, no, which is something new I'd realized.
what is your natural hair color? Blonde, the same color it is.
who was the last person to make you cry? I can't remember. But I still know who it probably was.
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In 3 Words

Use 3 words (No more, no less) to answer each question.
Where is your cell phone? Downstairs on shelf.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend? Not really existent.
Your hair? Kind of dirty.
Where is your father? I have two.
Your favorite thing to do? Fun with friends.
Your dream last night? Hazy and sad.
Your favorite drink? Some yummy alcohol.
Your dream car? Red 60s Corvette.
The room you are in? My bedroom upstairs.
Your fears? Spiders and dinosaurs.
Who did you hang out with last night? Just moped alone.
What you're not good at? NYU science classes.
Muffins? Yummy blueberry ones.
One of your wish list items? A new guitar.
Where did you grow up? Good ol' Ohio.
The last thing you did? Work for Mom.
What are you wearing? Jeans and polo.
Your computer? On my lap.
Your life? Interesting yet incidental.
Your mood? Getting much better.
Missing? My non-boyfriend (ha).
What are you thinking about right now? My bday tomorrow.
Your car? Is fucking sweet.
Your work? Is only school.
Your summer? Good, crazy, academic.
Your favorite color(s)? Blue, green, cerulean.
When is the last time you laughed? Just right now.
Last time you cried? Can not remember.
School? Works at OSU.
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Fun Forty

Take this survey
1. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle? Yes. Even while driving.
2. What's something you MUST do before you die? I'd really like to read Proust. in French. But see Ireland, def.
3. Are you single? Yes.
4. What's one thing you will not eat? Meat.
5. What color is your underwear? Green/blue/white.
6. When is the last time you went out of state? May, when I came back for the summer.
7. Who was your last received call? Mom.
8. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? Yeah, but I don't make a practice out of it.
9. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
10. Can you hula hoop? Yes.
11. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes.
12. Was today better than yesterday? Not really. They're kinda equal. Half hazy/mopey, half pretty good. Today if anything edges out.
13. Do you talk to yourself? Sometimes I think outloud.
14. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hotness level, yes. Kissing ability level, no. General dislike added in, I'm going with no.
15. Ever went tanning? Yeah, for the first prom. Now I enjoy being pale.
16. Earrings or necklaces? Earrings.
17. Do you party? Yeah, but I prefer just kinda hanging out with a few kids that I know well.
18. Are you mad at anybody? Not really, no. Perturbed and prematurely-disappointed, maybe.
19. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? Sorta. =)
20. What are you doing tonight? Hottubbing with champagne, sleeping so I can get up early to begin the bday festivities.
21. What time is it? 11:30 pm.
22. Are you loud? Not really, no.
23. What are you looking forward to? My birthday, actually.
24. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? Regularly, no. But when I get the seasons on DVD, I get obsessive.
25. Have you ever watched a little kids show? Yeah.
26. What's your zodiac sign? Cancer.
27. Are you wearing socks? No. I don't really do socks in the summer.
28. What's your favorite smell? Can't pick one favorite.
29. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? Yes. I kinda miss rollercoasters.
30. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought? My iPod. in CASH.
31. Do you care what others think about you? Yeah, probably much too much.
32. What do you do all the time in a car? Listen to music.
33. Do you trust people easily? Sometimes overly so, but in general I'm suspicious and paranoid of people's motives.
34. Do you follow college football? Only OSU and those people ballsy enough to take us on. ;)
35. Favorite football team? OSU college, Patriots pro.
36. Do you watch the Olympics? Aw yeah, def.
37. Do you have a favorite number? 4.
38. Are you multitasking right now? Of course. Txting, currently.
39. Do you believe in karma? Definitely. It is in the top three of true things that what comes around will go around.
40. How was the weather today? Good, I think? I didn't go outside until after dark, and it's really nice/chill/warm right now.
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The ABC's Survey

The Letter A
What is your age? 19. For these next twenty-five minutes (or 13 hours and 10 mins if you wanna get technical).
What annoys you? Lots of things. Mostly those things that I do/am myself. Hypocrisy is the hottest thing, you know.
Do you have any alergies? All(ergies), not al. Nope.
The Letter B
Do you know anyone named Billy? Not really. Know of a Billy.
When is your birthday? Tomorrow!
Who is your best friend(s)? HZW, Tricia.
The Letter C
What's your favorite candy? Mr. Goodbar, gummy bears, something terribly sugary...?
When was the last time you cried? Don't remember.
Have you been out of the country? Yes, thrice.
The Letter D
Do you daydream? Often, yeah. It gets me into trouble. But I like to imagine all possible ways a situation could go so that I'm not surprised in the end, or rather so my mind doesn't mislead me into thinking something is going to happen that may not. More possibilities diffuses that.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I have both a Shih Tzu and a Chihuahua and I love them both, but I love really big dogs too like Retrievers and Pyrenees, and Terriers are adorable, as are ... man, I just love dogs.
What day of the week is it? Saturday.
The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? I don't really eat eggs. Deviled, I guess.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yeah.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Kill time on the Internet.
The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yes, often.
Do you use fly swatters? No.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: No.
The Letter G
Have you pet a goat? Yes. I really like goats, actually.
Are you a giver or a taker? Probably a taker.
Do you like gummy candies? Yeah, def.
The Letter H
How are you? I'm a'ight. My bday is in 20 mins so that makes things better.
What's your height? 5'3".
What color is your hair? Blonde.
The Letter I
What's your favorite ice cream? I really like coffee, something with toffee, red bean, and various Ben&Jerry concoctions.
Have you ever ice skated? Yes. I actually want to do that again soon.
Have you cheated the IRS? No...I haven't done taxes.
The Letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean? Red ones typically, unless you're going into JellyBelly, then shit can get ridiculous. I love Dr. Pepper, watermelon, espresso...
Do you tell jokes? Yeah.
Do you wear nice jewelry? Diamonds on my neck, neck...ha.
The Letter K
Do you want to kill anybody? Not really. Maybe never see them again, sure.
Do you want to have kids? Yes, eventually.
Where did you have kindergarten? Kindercare.
The Letter L
Are you laid back? Yeah, pretty much.
Do you lie? Yeah, def.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? Shit, I don't even remember. Sometime freshman year o' college.
The Letter M
Ever talked in a microphone? Yes.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? Not the new ones, but the old ones yeah.
Do you like mangos? They're all right. I'm not too into mushy fruits.
The Letter N
Do you have a nickname? Jess, Jessie, JR.
Whats your favorite number? 4.
Do you prefer night over day? Yes.
The Letter O
Are you an only child? No, though sometimes I exhibit tendencies of that.
Do you wish this was over? Kinda ... I have to go give s/t to my sister and I want to be back at midnight for champagne.
What is the closet orange object near you? Well the background of this myspacebulletins thing is orange...beyond that, my room is dark, but prob. a shirt.
The Letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Dinosaurs. or totally failing.
Do you think you are pretty? Some days.
Do you play any instruments? Clarinet, a little piano/guitar/flute/oboe.
The Letter Q
Are you quick to judge people? Sometimes, but I'm not unwilling to rejudge.
Do you have any quirks? Obviously.
What do you keep quite about? Quiet, I'm assuming, and whatever I should keep quiet about. I'm kinda quiet about a lot of things, actually.
The Letter R
Do you think you're always right? Usually. If you really want me to like you, just throw that sentence you there: you're right.
Do you watch reality TV? Some of it.
What�s a good reason to cry? Sad things?
The Letter S
Are you a social person? With the right people.
what is your favorite season? Summer, lately.
What states have you lived in? Ohio, NY, Florida.
The Letter T
What time did you wake up? 1 pm.
When did you last sleep in a tent? Ha, forever ago. I don't do camping. SEriously ... like, when I was 8 or 10? Maybe?
Do you like tomato's? NO.
The Letter U
Do listen to Usher? The hits.
Describle the underware your wearing? They're just hipsters.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? Yes. I am prepared.
The Letter V
What�s the worst veggie? Eggplant. Or Mushrooms, if you're not calling them a fungi.
Do you like movies with violance? Not as a rule.
Where do you want to go on vacation? California, Ireland, Marco.
The Letter W
Ever been on a waverunner? Yeah.
Do you wish on stars? Yes, those are lucky wishes.
Where do you work? I don't.
The Letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray? Yes.
Have you watched the x-games? No...well, maybe a skateboard here and there.
Do you own a xylophone? No.
The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? It's all right.
What year were you born?: 1987.
What did you do yesterday? SB, Applebees, then moping.
The Letter Z
Do you believe in the zodiac? Yeah, largely though not entirely.
Ever been to the zoo? Yes, I like the zoo.
Has your bank account been at zero? Nope. But it's dangerously close nowadays. Hi, I'm poor.
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