there'll be girls across the nation who'll eat this up
Finish the sentence

Take this survey
My ex is still... brought up in conversation.
I am listening to... "Bottle It Up" by Sara Bareilles.
Maybe I should... eat something.
I love... music. I mean, seriously, save my fucking life.
My best friends are... the coolest kids ever. Seriously, I love them.
I don't understand... how I can do so fucking well at OSU and so fucking shitty at NYU.
I lost my respect for... academia.
I hate... the calories in food.
The meaning of my screen name is... nothing really, it's just what AOL gave me over 10 years ago.
Love is... way confusing.
Somewhere, someone is... thinking of you?
I will always... love you?
Forever seems like... a really long time.
I never want to lose.... my friends.
My mobile phone is... red.
When I wake up in the morning... I am damn tired.
I get annoyed at... having to pay for parking.
Parties are... fun, but tedious sometimes.
My pets... are adorable.
Kisses are.... fuuuun.
Today I... woke up not in my bed, then sketch-ily crept upstairs, and have since killed time on the Internet.
I really wish i could... eat a Rice Krispie treat.
I want to see... my friends.
I�m afraid of... spiders.
I think I am... ready for something.
Tomorrow will be... the day before my birthday, holy shit. My last day as 19.
In 5 years I... Will be twenty fucking five. Wow.
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Kissing History

Take this survey
Do you remember the person you first kissed? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating? Yes.
Ever kissed an ex after you broke up? Yes...
Ever kissed anyone on your top friends? Yes.
Kissed someone with a gf or bf? Not to my knowledge, but maybe.
Ever kissed someone younger than you? Yes.
Older than you? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't like? Yes.
Ever madeout with someone who was a really bad kisser? YES.
Kissed or Been Kissed YES or NO
On the cheek Yes.
On the forehead Yes.
On the nose Yes.
On the lips Yes.
With tongue Yes.
In the park Yes.
In public Yes.
In a car Yes.
While driving in the back seat How would you be driving in the back seat?
In the movies Yes.
On a bench Hmm...can't remember a specific bench incident.
Upside down No.
Sitting on their lap Yes.
Laying down Yes.
In broad daylight Yes.
At a fair No...?
At night Yes.
In the rain No.
All of the above Ha, no.
Your LAST kiss
The last time you kissed someone? Too long ago.
Was it a game? (truth or dare, spin the bottle?) No.
Was this person older than you? Yes.
Was it a friend? No.
Do you regret this kiss? Not at all.
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Drunken Nights Survey

Take this survey
When I get drunk, I: think everything is funny, want to call a bunch of people, and get pretty friendly.
Do you talk about Religion or Deep meaning thoughts: Occasionally, but I'm usually not really up for anything settled or calm.
Do you Cry? No.
Do you get Angry? No.
Do you Vomit? No.
After 7 beers are you drunk? I don't do beer.
After 1 shot of 151 you are? Ha, one?? No.
Your favorite drink is? Well I'm really into rum at the moment, but typically Jack Daniels.
Tequila does what to you? Makes my clothes come off, ha. I don't know, I don't really enjoy tequila.
Whiskey makes you? HAPPY.
Who do you drink with? Friends, family, strangers. Ha.
Vodka makes you? Vodka doesn't really get me drunk, but it is very versatile, and for that I appreciate and usually include it.
Do you smoke when you drink? Sometimes.
On the rocks or straight up? Rocks, please. Unless I'm swigging it from a bottle, ha.
Do you Pass Out? No.
Do you drink girly drinks? Sometimes, but I'd rather just liquor it up.
Do you drink alone? Not really.
Worst Drink you have ever had? Rum and coke. I hate the syrup.
Do you play drinking games? Occasionally. It's fun with the whole "whenever someone says/does...", but cards and shit ... that takes too much focus. I just want to drink.
Drunk Phone Calls to people? Ha, ALWAYS. I get into trouble with that...
Drink and Drive? Not if I can avoid it.
What is your favorite beer? Guinness.
What is your favorite mixed drink? Aw shit I only get to pick one? I'll say screwdrivers just for nostalgia. Oh wait, I'll go with LIIT instead.
What is your favorite shot? Jack.
What will you NOT drink? Beer. Wine coolers. Shitty alcohol, basically.
Are you a lightweight? Ha, no. I have to start super early and keep a'swiggin' to get drunk as fast as other people.
Do you like the drinks with the little umbrellas? I love those little umbrellas.
Do you ever drink Bacardi Silver? I had Bacardi rum last night, but I don't think it had anything to do with Silver.
Do you like frozen drinks? Sure.
Do you drink liquor straight? Yes.
Do you ever drink out of the bottle? Ha, that's my favorite way.
Have you ever had a jagerbomb? No, I'm waiting for that.
Are you drunk right now? Ha, no, but I definitely have something in my system. Stopped drinking about six hours ago, and only slept it off a little. I'm not tipsy or anything, though. Stupid tolerance.
Do you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages a day? Not usually.
Do you drink a lot of wine? A lot, not really. Maybe during school.
When is the last time you drank? Six hours ago. Ha.
Have you ever thrown up from drinking? Nope.
Ever done a Keg Stand? No. I don't do beer.
Name someone that will repost this drinking survey? ...
Ever been streaking while drinking? Ha, no, but I do usually want to take my clothes off.
Failed any college courses due to alcohol alone? Ha, no. I wish I'd taken the time I put into Orgo and just drank my ass off every night. Fuck that shit, man.
Ever woken up & said "dude where's my car? No, but dude where's my __, yeah.
Ever carried someone due to their drunkenness? Yes.
Have you ever cleaned up a friends puke? Yes. That sucks man, but I always end up being the mommy.
Puked in a friend?s car? No.
Ever drank more beers than years? Ha, I don't do beer, but that's funny.
Ever smash a beer bottle when mad? No.
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Turn On and Turn Offs

Answer with either TURN ON, TURN OFF, or DONT CARE
Wears a grill: Off.
Dresses Gangsta: on TI, it's cute as hell. On most boys, I'd bypass it.
Dresses Preppy: It can be a warning sign ... like, uh, this boy is still high school-y. I prefer just cas(ual). Ha.
Dresses Athletic: Don't care.
Dresses Emo: Don't care.
Dresses hick: Eh, I kind of have a thing for farmer boys, but if it goes too far, it's an off.
Has green eyes: On.
Has brown eyes: Dc.
Has hazel eyes: On/dc.
Has blue eyes: On.
Drinks alcohol: On.
Smokes Weed: Off/Dc.
Smokes cigs: Off/Dc.
Plays sports: I mean, it's cute, sure, but i don't want a boy who wants me to be athletic, which throws out a little warriness then.
Smiles a lot: That's cute. As long as a lot isn't like, a *lot*.
Has blonde hair: Sure.
Has brown hair: Sure.
Has black hair: Sure.
Has red hair: Sure.
Has no hair: Only with certain people, like my previous Physics prof and Magni. I'm really into hair, so yeah.
Good dancer: Hot.
Wears jewelry: Eh ... minimal at most.
Tattoos: A few is all right.
Laid back: On.
Plays guitar: On.
Plays drums: On, but less than guitar.
Plays bass: On.
Raps: Ha, on I guess.
Bites your bottom lip when making out: On, but it has to be done right. And I like other things better.
Can draw: Sure, why not.
Has a lip ring: Hmm ... it would depend on how it dealt with kissing.
Has a tongue ring: I really need to kiss someone with a tongue ring ... my curiosity is getting out of hand.
Nipples pierced: No thanks.
Hugs you: Sure.
Hugs from behind: Aw.
Creative: Yeah.
Calls you just to hear your voice: Aw who's writing this now, come on.
Religious: Ehhh, cautious about that one.
Goes to church: Not really.
Kisses you on the neck: Awww man, this is seriously my weakness. Kiss me on my neck and I'll pretty much do whatever you ask.
Brutally honest: Not brutally, no.
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40 Things Your Might Not Know Survey

Answer the questions below
1. What color is your underwear right now? Blue and white.
2. What are you listening to right now? "Put a Penny in the Slot" by Fionn Regan.
3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number? 21. My almost age, ha.
4. What was the last thing you ate? Rum. Ha, umm mozz sticks.
5. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Cerulean.
6. How is the weather right now? I don't know, I haven't been outside. Probably warm; it's summer.
7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Zach.
8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, height, general face or clothing.
9. Favorite type of Food? Prob. Italian.
10. Do you drink? Yes.
11. Do you smoke? Usually only when drunk.
12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember? No. Well, maybe details.
13.What color are your eyes? Green.
15. Do you wear contacts? No.
16. Single? Yes.
17. Favorite Month? June. December. Maybe July. Maybe October.
18. Ever cried for no reason? Yeah, probably.
19. Last Movie you watched? Children of Men.
20. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yeah, probably.
22. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses, easily.
23. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
24. Do you want your friends to respond? No.
25. Who is most likely to respond? ..
26. Who is least likely to respond? ..
27. What books are you reading? Crime and Punishment, but not really. My Psych textbook, The Bell Jar by next monday...
28. Piercings? Ears. Six holes total.
29. Fav. Movie? Casablanca.
30. Fav. baseball team? I don't really do baseball.
31. Any pets? Lots.
32. AIM? Yes.
33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn? Butter. Or plain salted and burnt.
34. Dogs or cats? Dogs.
35. Fav. flower? Lillies, tulips, roses.
36. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes.
37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? Yes, definitely.
38. Right handed or left handed? Right.
39. How many pillows do you sleep with? One.
40. Are you missing someone? Yeah.
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1st Girl & 1st Boy Survey

Look at the 1st girl and 1st Boy on your "top" then fill this out
1st Boy...
What's his name? Zach.
Do you trust him? Yeah.
Do you love him? In a friendly sort of way.
Does he have a girlfriend? No.
Is he one of your best friends? Yes.
Where does he live? About five minutes from me.
Is he older than you? No.
Would you do anything for him? Anything is a big word.
Do you have nicknames for him? Ha, not really.
Do you have pics of him on your myspace? Yes.
Do you think he will repost this? Lol no.
1st Girl...
Name? Hillary.
Do you trust her? Yes.
Do you love her? Why of course.
Does she have a boyfriend? No.
Is she one of your best friends? Yes.
Where does she live? About seven minutes from me.
Is she older then you? No.
Are you related to her? No.
How many times do you talk to her in a week? Shit, daily.
Will you do anything for her? Anything is still a big word, but I'll do lots of things.
How long you knew her? Six years now.
Will she repost dis? No.
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OLOGY Survey

What is your salad dressing of choice? Honey Mustard. Or Poppyseed or Sweet and Sour.
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? McDonalds for coffee and McFlurrys, Wendys if I want to eat food.
What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Virage, Spaghetti Warehouse, Planks, Red Robin, Refectory.
On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20%, rounded up.
What food could you eat every day and not get sick of it? Mashed potatoes.
What are your pizza toppings of choice? Cheese.
What do you like to put on your toast? Butter. Sometimes jelly. Sometimes cheese. Sometimes sugar and cinnamon and butter.
What is your favorite type of gum? Hillary has this really minty kind ... Winterfresh or something. It's good. I really like the SB purple-y berry kind, though, too.
Number of contacts in your cell phone? Shit ... 20?
Number of contacts in your email address book? 50?
What is your wallpaper on your computer? Milo. Damn that boy is hot.
How many televisions are in your house? Five?
Do you use a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right.
Do you like your smile? Sure.
What's your best feature? Generic, but I'll say eyes.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? No.
Which of your five senses do you think is keenest? Smell.
When was the last time you had a cavity? Like, four years ago? Idk.
What is the heaviest item you lifted last? A bowling ball. Heavy.
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? No.
If you could, would you wanna know the day you were going to die? No, probably not.
Is love for real? Yes. Realest thing we probably have.
If you could change your first name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't.
What color do you think looks best on you? Red. or Black. or Green.
Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake? Probably.
Have you ever saved someone's life? Maybe.
Has someone ever saved yours? Yeah, countless times.
Would you walk naked down a public street for $100,000? Maybe. That's a lot of money.
Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100? Totally. I need the money, and kissing is nothing.
Would you cut off one of your little fingers for $200,000? Ouch, no.
Would you never blog again for $50,000? Ha, as long as I can still write shit down for my own benefit, which is really why I blog, sure.
Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000? No. Permanence.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? Maybe.
Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000? Yeah, as long as I can get my season pass Heroes and Grey's for later.
What is in your left pocket? Nothing, ha! But my license and some money is in my right.
Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie? Yes. Well, it's at least really funny.
Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house? Both.
Do you sit or stand in the shower? Stand. Who sits in the shower??
Could you live with roommates? I do.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? Only two right now.
Where were you born? Florida.
Last time you had a run-in with the cops? Awhile ago, thankfully.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know anymore, ha. Just happy, how about that.
Who is number 1 on your top Friends? Hillary.
Friend you talked to? One of H(J)WZ.
Last person you called? Zach.
Person you hugged? Hillary.
Number? 4.
Color? Green/cerulean.
Season? Summer, actually. I've changed.
Missing someone? yeah, pretty much always.
Mood? Actually fine. In anticipation of my RK treat later today yayuh.
Listening to? "Big Shit Poppin" by the sexy TI.
Watching? Nothing ... I'm doing this.
Worrying about? Money, future, this next week with people gone.
First place you went this morning? My room. Ha. Becuase I wasn't there already.
What can you not wait to do? Graduate.
What's the last movie you saw? Children of Men netflix'd, but Harry Potter 5 in the theater.
Do you smile often? Sure.
Are you a friendly person? Yeah, mostly.
Now that the survey's done what are you going to do? Get ready and go to class. Get coffee and a RK treat first.
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