we are dispassionate lovers
About My Top 8 Survey

...list your top 8
Friend 1 Hillary.
Friend 2 Tricia.
Friend 3 Zach.
Friend 4 Wes.
Friend 5 Nalleli.
Friend 6 Shirley.
Friend 7 Claire.
Friend 8 Jenny.
...about your top 8
Why is the person in spot 1 there? She has always been.
Have you ever hugged 6? Yes, often, because she hates it. =)
Out of your top eight, who was the last one you rode in a car with? Hillary.
When was the last time you talked to 2 on the phone? I don't know, awhile.
How do you know 8? She's my sister.
Is 2 taken or single? Taken.
How did you meet 1? Through band.
Would 4 & 5 make a good couple? It'd be interesting, for sure.
What about 1 & 3 Ha, no. She'd kill him.
When was the last time you kissed 1? Ha, hog roast or new years, probably.
What is your favorite thing about 6? Man, I just love Shirley.
What about 7? Ditto for Claire.
What does 4 usually ask you for? To hang out. Or maybe to explain something...? This question bothers me.
Who do you think is the funniest out of ur top 8? I really only keep funny company.
Who is your favorite to talk to when you're down? All of the girls have been candidates for that at times, definitely.
Would you ever date 1? I tell her often it's too bad we're not attracted to girls.
Who has SEEN you cry? Probably all of them.
Describe 8 in 3 words? My crazy sister.
Does 7 have any siblings? Yeah, a younger brother.
What are the last three numbers of 3's phone number? 445.
What would you do with 5 if you were locked in a room with him/her? Dude we would laugh it up. Then be ingenious and get out somehow.
Out of your top 8... who is better looking? Than whom? I have some cute friends, come on now.
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Ten Times Seven

01. show on T.V- Heroes, for obsession level.
02. flower - Lilies, tulips, roses.
03. color - Green, cerulean.
04. sport - Football, I suppose.
05. movie - Casablanca, though I'm all over film.
06. music - Dude, I can't pick.
07. food - Lately, pasta. Ultimately, prob. mashed potatoes. Damn I want that right now.
08. season - Summer, as of late.
09. day - of the week? Prob. Saturday.
10. location - I love NYC, I love Paris, there are things I love about home.
01. hometown - Galloway.
02. hair color - Blonde.
03. hair length - Long.
04. hair style - Straight.
05. eye color - Green.
06. gender - Female.
07. height - 5'3".
08. weight - Idk, kids, idk.
09. current location - Bedroom. Mine.
10. lefty/righty - Righty.
01. have you ever been in love? - Gonna go with a no.
02. do you believe in love? - Yeah.
03. do you give up on love easily?- I don't know, man.
04. do you think someone likes you? - Not really.
05. have you ever broken some one's heart? - Probably, unfortunately.
06. ever loved someone but never told them? - Yes.
07. are you afraid of commitment? - Maybe ... I think I am, but I think ultimately once I get into relationships, I'm okay. IDK, man.
08. have you ever had a secret admirer?- Yes.
09. do you believe in love at first sight? - This is a long story.
10. do you want to get married one day? - Yeah.
01. love or money? - Love.
02. white chocolate or milk chocolate? - Chocolate.
03. flowers or candy? - Flowers.
04. one night stands or relationships? - Relationships.
05. television or internet? - Internet. (You can get the TV on the web now.)
06. pepsi or coke? - Coke.
07. wild night out or romantic night in? - In.
08. colored or black and white pictures? - Colored -- you can B&W it later.
09. phone or in person? - In person.
10. aim or myspace? - AIM.
01. have you ever been caught sneaking out? - No...t really.
02. have you ever been completely in LOVE? - No. Well, yes, sort of. Ha.
03. have you ever done something you regret? - Probably.
04. have you ever sky dived? - No.
05. have you ever been on a house boat? - No.
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? - Probably.
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt? - Of course.
08. have you ever been streaking? - No.
09. have you ever been skinny dipping? - No ... been at the incident, though.
10. ever wanted to marry a celebrity? - Oh sure.
01. are you missing someone right now? - Yeeeeah, though I'm trying to offset that shit. I don't need it.
02. are you happy? - Sure.
03. are you talking to any one right now? - No.
04. are you bored? - kinda...
05. are you german? - No.
06. are you irish? - YES.
07. are you french? No.
08. are you italian? - No.
09. are your parents still married? - No.
10. do you have a bf/gf? - No.
01. Last phone call? - Dad.
02. Last thing you read? - Some philosophy books at the library.
03. Last IM? - To Hillary.
04. Last item bought? - Applebees, mozz sticks and a bite size brownie.
o5. last thing u ate? - Ha, the above.
06. Last time you were nervous? - shit, I'm a nervous person. Prob. today.
07. Last person hugged? - Hillary.
08. Last TV show watched? - So You Think You Can Dance -- forever ago.
09. Last cry? - Idk, I almost did yesterday, which is sad b/c it was my bday, but ultimately I wa slike, fuck that shit.
10. Last time you ran on the track? - Oh maaaan, in high school.
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Bogus Survey

Take this survey
Are you smiling? No.
When is the last time you met someone new? Kinda today.
What is irritating you now? Hunger despite having already eaten, my inability to be smart or even LOGICAL about this shit, my poorness, that I prob. can't go visit Nalleli.
When did you last eat pizza? Tuesday, at Planks.
Do you drink beer? Not really. I'll drink Guiness.
Do you have any friends who are famous? No ... I go to school with famous people, though.
Are you any good at poker? A little, but I don't play. I watch.
What do you want? Mashed potatoes, someone to kiss, a way out of this academic situation.
Are you tired? Yeah, a little, But I always am nowadays.
Last spoken words you heard? I really don't remember.
Have you ever kissed anyone named John? Not to my knowledge.
What is your favorite thing in your room? I really like my laptop, the guitar, my memory box from freshman year, Hugh ... ha, lots of things, really.
Pepsi or Coke? Coke. Neither really.
Did you ever throw up? Ever? Yeah. Is there someone who hasn't ever?
Did you ever throw up while kissing someone? Ewwwwwww, no.
Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? Sure.
Taco Bell or McDonald's? McD. Only because of McFlurries.
Are you restless? Yeah.
Is your computer a laptop? Yes.
Are you allowed to stay up later than pm on a weeknight? HA. A, there's not a time there. B, I make my own rules nowadays.
How many myspace views do you have? I don't even know.
Want to be a princess? Nah.
Do you believe dreams come true? Sometimes.
Last song you heard? I'm listening to "Autumn Leaves" by Paolo Nutini, just finished "Outta My System" by BowWow.
Do you like Batman? Sure..?
Who is in the room with you? Just myself.
What are you wearing on your feet? Nothing.
What is your favorite pair of shoes? My almost-dead flip flops from Nalleli. They're like non-shoes.
Who was the last person you told you loved them? Either Hillary or a family member.
What was the last thing you ate? Bite size brownie.
What were you doing before this? A different one of these.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? My sheets.
What instant messaging service do you use? AIM.
What is your favorite website? I don't really have one.
Whos house did you go to last night? Mine, ha.
What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans, def. I don't own sweatpants.
What is the last movie you watched? License to Wed.
What do you currently hear right now? "Scream" by Timbaland/Keri Hilson/Nicole Scherzinger. (Idk if that's actually how her last name is spelled.)
When did you last buy a new pair of pants? A month or two ago, Hillary bought a pair for me. They're still in the back of my car. Ha.
When did you last take a shower? Yesterday.
Wheres your favorite place to be? Just chilling somewhere, I guess.
Ever been to QuizPox.com? No.
Where is your mom? Downstairs, I think.
Where do you sleep? In my bed..?
Where do you shop the most? I don't really shop. I think I've bought one or two things this summer...no wait, one. The aforementioned jeans.
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? AE.
Coach Purse or NFL game tickets? Depends on the game.
Where was your default MySpace picture taken? My house.
Why did you pick your background? It's default. I don't like clutter; I like to let the pictures just be.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because he was a very good and attentive dancer. ;)
Are you happy with where you are? Kinda. I'm working on that, or at least on getting to a place where I am happy with it.
Is cheating ever ok? Probably not.
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? It would totally depend, but I'd have trust issues for certain.
Have you ever talked about marriage with someone before? Not in the let's-get-married way.
Do you want someone you can't have? Almost always.
Do you believe love at first sight exists? Long story.
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? Yes.
Do you believe that you can change someone? ...You can inspire change in someone.
Would you ever consider getting engaged or married right now? Engaged if it was gonna be forever long, maybe. Seriously, though, no.
Last beverage: DrPepperall that is in the house Wow. (Water, for me.)
Last phone call: Dad.
Last instant message: Hillary.
Last e-mail: My Psych prof.
Last annoyance: Interrupting my song.
Last text message: Zach.
Dated someone twice: Sort of.
Kissed someone & regretted it?: Sort of.
Lost someone special?: Yeah.
Been depressed: Yeah.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
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