my feet are stuck here, against the pavement
Backwards 90

Take this survey
90. First off, what is your name? Jessica.
89. What did you do last night? Saw Hairspray.
88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7? Yep.
87. Do you have any siblings? Yeah, one sister.
86. How many years apart is your mom and dad? Four.
85. Do you like someone? Ehhhh who knows, man. I want to like someone, sure.
84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say? Oh crap, I have to go get something?? Geeze. Um ... It's a picture of a Zac Efron bookbag from Zach. Heh, lots of Zac(h) going on there.
83. Who sits beside you in math? Ha, I don't take math.
82. Where is your dad right now? In the backyard, I think.
81. Do you burn incense? No.
80. Do you have a problem? Oh, I have a lot of problems.
79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from? Zach.
78. Closest purple object? My wall.
77. Closest silver object? The base of my laptop.
76. Closest yellow object? The back of a chair.
75. Do you sing in the shower? Oh yeah, sure.
74. What is bugging you right now? How hot the laptop is on my thigh.
73. How does your hair look right now? It's a'ight. I finally freaking washed it, ha.
72. Do you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner? Yeah. I can play it too, so hmph.
71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allegiance? Oh man, sometime in high school.
70. If you could kill someone, who would it be? I wouldn't.
69. Do you have any fears? Yeeeah.
68. What do you hear right now? Tenebrae: Second Movement, Kronos Quartet.
67. Do you like kangaroos? I don't *dis*like kangaroos...
66. Can you roll your tongue? Yep.
65. What are you wearing? What I was wearing the latter part of yesterday since I fell asleep in my clothing and have just lounged today.
64. Who was the last person to message you? AIM, Hillary. Texting, Wes.
63. Do you like emo kids? Sure.
62. Screamo or Country? Country.
61. Rock or Rap? Both. Combined! Ha.
60. Polka or Disco? Disco.
59. Flying or Driving? Flying. Unless we're roadtripping it with friends.
58. Who last called you? Jenny.
57. Was your Valentine's day nice? Um, my Valentine's day was uneventful/forgotten and then confusing.
56. What are you doing now? Filling this out...? Watching another movie or two, then starting studying for music. Aaargh.
55. Who was the last person you said I love you to? Probably Puggles.
54. Would you die for someone? Maybe.
53. Would you date anyone from your work? I don't work anywhere. But if I did, probably ... I mean, issues and whatnot, but I pretty much find someone to like wherever.
52. Do long distance relationships work? I've seen it go both ways. I suppose it just depends on your connection with the person before the distance is installed.
51. Do you have any pet peeves? Oh sure.
50. Do you have to pee right now? Nah.
49. When did you last talk to one of your siblings? Last night, when she got home past her 1 o'clock 'curfew.'
48. What are you doing tomorrow? Sunday ... studying. Blah.
47. Do you worry about getting older? Sure, maybe a little. I worry more about getting OLD than getting older. There's a difference. I have no interest in being old, but for now getting older is a'ight.
46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail? Ew, no.
45. Do you pick your scabs? Sometimes ... bad habit.
44. Ever drink your blood? No? I mean, I've tasted it from trying to stop wounds and such, but never *drank* it.
43. Do your bandaids have cartoons on them? Nope, but that's because I never really use bandaids. If they were prominently in my life (/someone else paid for them), I'd happily go for cartoon characters.
42. Do you bite your nails? Yeah.
41. Do you wax? No.
40. Do you or have you ever had AOL? Used to, right when it was the only thing available.
39. Do you check for celebrity gossip? No. I think I've realized these are embedded ads. Evs, man.
38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change? No. At school, I have a shelf. Here, I just keep it in my car.
37. Do you own a pogo stick? No.
36. Ever gone a whole day without eating? Yeah, sure.
35. Do you own ripped jeans? No. Well, yeah, but I don't wear them until I sew them, which is really not gonna happen, so I should just through them out, but whatever.
34. What makes you mad? I don't know ... I don't really feel mad at anything right now, but there are def. things that do.
33. What would you do if you found out that you were adopted? Um, it'd be a very interesting story since I look ridiculously like my parents and there's drama in the parental division already, as in having multiple ones, so that'd just be crazy.
32. Are you jealous a lot of the time? A lot of the time, nah ... but I can be a pretty jealous person at times, sure.
31. Do you use a calendar or day planner to schedule everything on? No. I get one almost every year and never use them really.
30. Are you OCD? A little, about certain things.
29. Do you have ADD? Nah.
28. Do you have low self esteem? Sometimes. It's pretty fluid.
27. Who can make you laugh during the hardest time? Most of my friends.
26. What was the last thing you watched on TV? So You Think You Can Dance, currently the only thing I watch, and I've only been watching it sometimes.
25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken? Senior pictures.
24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth? I did like once.
23. What is your favorite movie? Casablanca.
22. Who do you love? Some people.
21. What is playing on your MP3 player right now? Colbie Caillat.
20. What holiday is your birthday closest to? Been over this.
19. What's your favorite drink? Of what sort? Lately, Jack Daniels or berry lemonade.
18. Do you own any big sunglasses? Yeah.
17. Bed sheet color? Currently blue, but I'm washing them soon, so something else. Ha.
16. Ever encountered a shark? No.
15. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yeah.
14. Have you ever bungee jumped? No.
13. Where was the last place you went besides your house? The movies, Lennox.
12. What's the first thing you notice about the same sex? The same sex? Ummm, good question. Probably clothes, actually.
11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone? Yeah, it can be.
10. Why are people such self-centered beings? Because it's in our nature?
9. Are you sad? Nah, at least not at this exact moment. I can change pretty quickly.
8. Are you happy? I'm kinda level.
7. Favorite day of the year? It's prob. different every year, now wouldn't you think?
6. Have you ever licked someones cheek? Yeah.
5. Watched all Spiderman movies? No. Just the first.
4. What are you looking forward to? Being done with school .. for like, two weeks. Ha.
3. Favorite Lucky Charms Marshmallow? Well, I always save a clover for the last one. But I enjoy the rainbows as well. It usually ends up being a heart, rainbow, and clover as a trio at the end.
2. Have you ever ridden in a limo? Yeah.
1. Do you want to get married? Yeah, I think so.
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Crayon box survey

1. Are you currently mad at someone? Nah.
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper? Dad or Jenny, because it's the same temper, ha.
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yeah, probably.
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? I don't think so? Maybe.
5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? Stare angrily. Unless provoked, then I enjoy some yelling.
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Sort of, yeah. =)
2. Are you easily excited? Easily, no, probably not.
3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? High School Musical 2, ha.
4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? Wow, I can go buy a camera now.
5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? I'd really like a camera.
1. Name: Jessica.
2. Birthday: 7.15.
3. What's your main goal in life? Just to grow and love.
4. Do you want to have children? Yeah. Well, at least child.
5. How do you want to die? I don't particularly have a way.
1. Are you against gay marriage? No.
2. Lower the drinking age? Yeah, to 18. Or raise the rest of it to 21.
3. Capital Punishment? I waver on this, but ultimately I don't really think I'm for it.
4. Abortion? Pro-choice. Entirely.
5. Democrat or Republican? Democrat.
1. Do you love someone? Not romantically.
2. Do you have a bf/gf? Nope.
3. Is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Yeah. I'd rather experience and regret than never experience, in general.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sort of, but it's a long story.
5. Would you tattoo your lovers name on your body? Probably not.
Q: How many beds did you lay in today? One.
Q: What color shirt are you wearing? Black and teal.
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? Breathe?
Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? Like, $70.
Q: Is Tom on your Top friends list? Top friends, no. But I didn't unfriend him.
Q: Look to your left. What's there? The rest of my room...most closely a chair.
Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? Shoes from Jenny.
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Probably Wesmirch. Or fucking Myspace.
Q: Do you have plants in your room? No.
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? No, thankfully.
Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in? New York.
Q: Do you own a picture phone? Yes, who doesn't anymore? oh yeah, Nalleli. Ha.
Q: Recent time you were really upset? Monday.
1. Person you saw? Mom.
2. Person that said they loved you. Hillary.
3. Movie watched in cinema? Hairspray.
4. Song you listened to? "Colors", Amos Lee.
5. Person you talked on the phone with? Zach.
1. What are you doing right now? Just sitting on my bed.
2. What are you doing tonight? Studying or watching movies. Vegging from the activity of the weekend.
3. What are you going to eat? Tortilla chips ... probably M&Ms ... no salad since I finished that, so maybe a cucumber.
4. Did you accomplish anything today? I watched a movie ...
5. What shoes are you wearing? None. No shoes on my bed, kids. Ha.
1. Is? Sunday, the night of the full moon.
2. My plans are? To soak up the moon. That's what I do every full moon, just sort of put myself into its light and chill. Which is totally a little mystically strange of me, but whatever. Idc.
3. Are you going to laugh? Probably...?
4. Any TV show you watch coming on? Nope. Just SYTYCD nowadays, and that's only Wed./Thurs.
5. Do you know what you will eat? Not at all, actually, since my salad is gone.
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Month Survey

Who kissed you on new years? My puppies, my family. (Yeah, exciting, right? Ha.)
Did you have a new year's resolution this year? I have a general one and a crazy one every year.
Does it snow where you live? In the winter...
Do you like hot chocolate? Yeah, especially the really fudgy kind I've had in Europe.
Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop? Nope, but maybe I'll do that this year.
Who was your Valentine? Didn't have one. Didn't even realize it was Valentine's Day until someone else told me, ha.
When you were little did you buy Valentine's for the whole class? Oh yeah. And it was super important that the boy you liked got the BEST one.
Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not? Not really, no.
Are you Irish? Yep.
Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? Oh of course.
What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2007? I was in France ... pasta and Russians at the bar, then got lost, then chilling with some Irish/Scottish men in the square.
Are you happy when winter is pretty much over? Yeah, because I'm ready for it to be over.
Do you like the rain? Sometimes.
Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year? Nah.
Do you get tons of candy on Easter? Yeah, at least this Easter I def. did.
Do you celebrate 4/20? I laugh with it...
Do you love the month of April? Not particularly...?
What is your favorite flower? Lillies, tulips.
Do you like the spring? Yeah, in a reawakening sort of sense.
Finish the phrase "April showers": Bring May flowers. Oooh, difficult.
Do you celebrate Mothers Day? Sort of. I usually get my mother something.
Is there anything special about May to you? End of school nowadays.
What year did/will you graduate from high school? 2005.
Are you doing anything fun during this month? Enjoying summer/freedom from school (which I just realized is not necessarily synonymous).
Have a favorite baseball team? Nah.
Do you celebrate Father's Day? To the same degree I celebrate Mother's Day.
What will you do on the Fourth of July? Red, White, and Boom , always.
Any plans for 07/07/07? No, I didn't do anything, I remember.
Are you going on any vacations during this month? Nope. Thought I might leave for Texas, but I don't think that's going to be possible, actually.
Do you blast the A/C all day? I don't have control over the AC.
Are you doing anything special at the end of your summer? Finishing school, then the Hog Roast, then leaving to go back to school.
What was your favorite summer memory of '06? Oh shoot, what the hell did I even do last year ... Idk, man. RWB was fun, the hog roast was fun...
Did you have a sunburn? Nope. Not a lot of sun going on.
Did you go to the beach a lot? No.
Will you be attending college/school? Yep. Sad face, ha.
Who was your favorite teacher? Was? Ummm, I liked Johnson, Buck, and Daniels a lot. They were all really great.
Do you like fall better than summer? It depends. I def. used to. Now ... I don't know.
What was your last Halloween costume? I wore devil ears. Ha.
What is your favorite candy? I love gummy bears/worms/things. And I'm pro-Mr.Goodbars and peanut M&Ms.
Who's birthday is during this month? Whose. And my dad's.
Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving? The farm.
What are you thankful for? A lot of things.
Do you love stuffing? Ew, no.
Do you celebrate Christmas? Yep.
Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? Yeah, but just jokingly. Not all HP5-esque, ha.
Get anything special last year? A new laptop, which was fucking sweet.
What do you want this year? I don't know yet. A new camera if I don't hav eone? A trip abroad? Insight? Ha.
Do you know what your next new years resolution will be? No...I usually don't make them until the week leading up.
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