i don't come cheap but the kisses come free
Break for fifty

Take this survey
1. How old will you be in 3 years? 23. Who can do subtraction to find the answer to the question that's always asked?
2. Do you think you'll be married by then? Uhhh no.
3. What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? That week where I have no class (which includes the Hog Roast), Heroes coming back on, and seeing Matt Nathanson if I get to.
4. Who was the last person you called? Wes. Or my dad ...
5. Have you ever played a team sport? Band? Cheerleading?
6. Who was the last person to text you? Hillary.
7. Who was the last person you hugged? Dad.
8. What were you doing at midnight last night? Uhmm ... trying to sleep, I think.
9. Parents separated/divorced/married? Divorced, remarried to different people.
10. Last time you saw your dad? Today, around 2:30.
11. What happened at 11:00 a.m. today? I left for school ... late. Ha.
12. How many states have you visited? I don't know, man. About a third?
13. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be? Idk ... with a certain someone who'd probably think it quite strange that I showed up randomly.
14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare feet or flipflops.
15. Are you a social person? I can be.
16. What was the last thing you drank? Sweet tea.
17. Favorite ice cream? I don't know if I can pick a fave ... Buckeye, Oreo, Cookie Dough, Thin Mint, Red Bean, Coffee (Heath) ...
18. What is your favorite dessert? I like a lot of dessert, ha. Ice cream, banana cream and key lime pies (also apple and choc.), various cookies (soft choc chip, pb, sugar when soft and esp. iced), random things like creme brulee and sundaes and mousse and all that good stuff. Dessert is hugely fantastic.
19. Whats your favorite color? I like green. And greens and blues and particularly mixtures of the two. And purple. I'm recently weirdly into orange. And red is pretty sweet.
20. What Jelly do you put on your PBJ? Grape, definitely.
21. Do you like coffee? Love it. Have to pretty much have at least a cup a day or I start to get headache-y and cranky, which is probably slightly psychological and slightly bad for me in general, but say what you will. I love coffee. I will not give up my drug of caffeine, thank you.
22. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average? Oh man ... a lot. I pretty much drink only water, with the daily coffee, sometimes soymilk, and rarely tea or lemonade.
23. What do you drink in the morning? Water. Or coffee if I go somewhere. Always water though.
24. Would you rather kiss someone with or without a tongue ring? Hmm ... I have not tried with a tongue ring, so naturally I'm curious, so I'd say at the current moment I'd go for that to see what it's like. Ha. That's a long answer. Essentially, I'm equal opportunity.
25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? My bed isn't really large enough for a certain side, but if it is ... I want the one by the wall.
26. Do you know how to play poker? Yeah, but I usually don't. I'm a watcher.
27. Whats so good about Fridays? No more classes, crazy!
28. Any plans for this week? Airport here in an hour, then Jenny's b-day, then Idk.
29. Do you eat out or at home more often? Out, definitely.
30. How big is your TV? Huuuuuge. Nah, man, I don't know. Decent sized?
31. Ever stolen a street sign? Ha, no, but I definitely want one.
32. Do you keep a piggy bank? I have a few with random change in them, but I don't upkeep them at all.
33. What kind of camera do you have? I don't hav eone. Saaaaaaaaaaad face.
34. Have you ever been in an ambulance? Nah.
35. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? Pool to swim. Ocean otherwise. I like sand, but I don't like crazy animals near my body, ha.
36. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? Window, most most definitely.
37. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? Kiiinda. I wouldn't particularly want to, but if in an emergency situation, I could.
38. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Shoes. or Music.
39. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? Yep. Some earrings (at least the little ones in my cartilage), two-three rings, and a watch usually.
40. Do you speak any other language? French. At least moderately.
41. Can you roll your tounge? Yeeps.
42. Who is the funniest person you know? As if I could answer that. I like funny people, so I know a lot of them.
43. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nah. Well, sometimes Hugh.
44. What is the main ring tone on your phone? "I Want You" by Rachael Yamagata. I may change that soon though ... I'm getting if-y about it. Slash bored.
45. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? My mom probably does.
46. What is the color of your bedroom wall? Dark purple. I seriously love it like this. Crazy dark moody intense.
47. Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? Yep.
48. Are you crushing on someone right now? I don't know if I'd use the word crush ... but I am def. attracted to quite a few people nowadays. =)
49. Do you currently hate someone? Nah. Hate takes up too much energy. I need that for other shit.
50. Why do you take myspace surveys? Boredom. Recording for later.
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Eat Your Heart Out

Take this survey
1. Are you smiling? Sorrrtz'a.
2. Have you ever kissed anyone named Josh? Nope. Definitely wanted to, though, ha. Love middle school.
3. What is irritating you now? How damn hot the laptop is. Geezus, cool it down! Literally!
4. When did you last eat pizza? Yesterday, cold Donatoes.
5. Have you ever been camping? Yeeeah, but I don't anymore.
6. Do you have any friends who are famous? Not particularly.
7. Are you any good at poker? Eh.
8. What do you want? Food. I'm getting hungry.
9. Are you tired? Not really, which is nice.
10. Do you like anyone? Sure.
11. Can you play the piano? An 'ittle.
12. Do you ever throw up? Ever? Yeah. No, I'm physically unable. Geeze.
13. Do you pee in public? Well in public restrooms ... but not all up in public, geeze.
14. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos? Enjoy? Sure, evs.
15. Taco Bell or McDonald's? McD, only because of McFlurries.
16. Last thing you said?? "That's what time I thought we were leaving anyway."
17. What are you wearing? Jeans, green tank, white shirt.
18. How many abercrombie shirts do you own? Um, none.
19. How many Myspace views do you have? No clue. Actually, somewhere around 1800 I think, but I really would not bet on that at all.
20. Do you want to be a princess? Umm, maybe?
21. Do you believe dreams come true? Sure, sometimes. Not terribly often, maybe.
22. Last song you heard? "All 4 Love" by Color Me Badd is on right now (hellz yeah, I chose to listen to that all on my own accord ... you know you love CMB). Last finished though was "It Ain't Me Babe" from Walk the Line.
23. Do you like Batman? I don't dislike him?
24. Who is in the room with you? Just me. And my imaginary friends, as always.
25. What are you wearing on your feet? Nothing.
26. What is your favorite pair of shoes? My boots for level of use. One of my heels for otherwise. Ha. Oh, and I love my dilapidated flip flops too, though.
27. Who was the last person you told you loved them? Probably a dog, ha.
28. What was the last thing you ate? Mashed potatoes. Mmmm.
29. What were you doing before this? Talking on the phone with Wes.
30. What is the closest item near you that is black? The keyboard is black ... beyond that, a handle of a brush.
31. Who instant messaged you last? Brandon.
32. Who's house did you go to last? Hillary's.
33. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans. I don't own sweatpants.
34. What is the last movie you watched? The Pianist. Fuuucked up shit thrown at you consistently there.
35. Why are you taking this survey? Killing time.
36. Do your friends ever tell you to stop taking surveys? No...
37. Ever been to QuizPox.com? --
38. Where are your parents? Mom's downstairs ... Dad's prob. driving home from work.
39. Where did you get the pants you're wearing? AE. in NY. Or wait actually ... I think these are the old ones from City Center.
40. Coach Purse or MLB game tickets? Baseball? Uhhh, the purse, I guess.
41. Where was your default MySpace picture taken? My room.
42. Why did you pick your background? Didn't. I like it plain. At least as far as my myspace background goes ... ;)
43. Who are you currently texting? Hillary, ha. I love how you know everyone's currently texting nowadays.
44. Are you happy with where you are? Sure.
45. Is cheating ever ok? Naah.
46. Do you burn candles? On occasion. Not really as a habit.
47. Are you happy with yourself? Sure. Ish. Ha.
48. What was your entire schedule today? Get up, shower, school, missed meeting with Wes, lunch with Dad, chill at home. Coming up: airport to pick up Ashley, chill with Wes and Hillary, possibly chill with Wes, sleep.
49. Do you want something you can't have? Oh, always.
50. What makes you smile the most? Laughter.
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com
Neato Survey

Take this survey
1. If your doctor said you were pregnant, what would you do? Uhh freak the fuck out. And wonder which god decided to immaculately do such to me.
2. Do you trust all of your friends? With certain things, yeah.
3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love? Probably.
4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Eventually, yeah, most things do.
5. Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship? Dislike of animals. Abuse.
6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor? Oh man, Idk.
7. When was the last time you snuck out? I don't really have to sneak out anymore. I just say I'm leaving and then do...
8. Are you afraid of falling in love? Probably a little, yeah. It's a little terrifying, anything that intense.
9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Oh sure.
10. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person? No...
11. When was the last time you flew in a plane? May.
12. What did the last text message you sent say? Oh, it was long ... something about when Hillary was getting off and yes to hanging out later. And how it was funny that my t9 knew 'l8r'. Ha.
13. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Good hair, height, lankiness, kindness, cultural awareness, goofiness, humor.
14. Fill in the blank. I like... a lot of things?
15. What are your goals in life? Marry, have a child, be successful, be happy, learn and love more.
16. Would you ever adopt a foreign baby? Yeah.
17. When you get married, how would you envision your dream wedding? This box is not big enough. Seriously. I can get carried away with imagination.
18. If you could say just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Hmm.
19. If you won the lottery- who would you call 1st? Probably Hillary or my mom.
20. How many kids do you want to have? One. Or maybe two. Or maybe something crazy like eight. I at least definitely want a girl.
21. Would you make a good parent? I don't know ... right now, probably not. I mean, maybe. I guess you rise to whatever challenge is put in front of you, but being a parent is pretty scary yeah.
22. Where was your default pic taken? My room.
23. What is your middle name? Nicole.
24. Team Aniston or Jolie? Jolie. But I'm torn. Brad Pitt though ... sexy.
25. What are your plans for the weekend?: I don't know yet. Hanging, hopefully studying...
26. What was the last TV show you watched? SYTYCD. Neil can fuck me sideways upsidedown anyway he wants. Okay, that's vulgar and really I find him more adorable and goofy than sexy, but I'm definitely attracted, and boy is cute. And a crazy dancer.
27. Honestly, what�s on your mind right now? Neil now, lord. Ummm, timing so that I'm ready to go to the airport.
28. Are you musical? Yeeeah.
29. If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? You know, I'm too afraid that if I changed anything, it would completely fuck up whereI am now, so I just won't. But you know ... I'd like to have NOT wasted my time on Orgo 2 if we're gonna go there.
30. Shoe size: 8.5.
31. What are you wearing right now? Jeans, green tank, white shirt.
32. Righty or lefty: Righty. But why do I always like lefties? Serrriously. It's a conundrum.
33. Can you make a dollar in change right now: Nahh. I don't do change.
34. Best place to go for a date: Idc ... I just like to hang out.
35. Did you have sex today? Ha, no.
36. Favorite jeans: The ones I have on. AE.
37. Favorite animal: Otters. or Bunnies. Maybe I do belong in HP.
38. Favorite month: June is nice. So is December in spirit.
39. Favorite juice: I don't really do juice, so orange I suppose.
40. Have you had the chicken pox? Yeah.
41. Have you had a sore throat?: Ha, yes. Has anyone never had a sore throat?
42. Have you had plastic surgery?: No.
43. Who knows you the best? Parents or friends.
44. Do you get along with your family?: Yeah mostly.
45. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? Neither.
46. Ever been in a fight with your pet? Oh yeah, when they pee on things usually.
47. Been to Mexico?: No.
48. Do you miss someone today? Suuure. At least moderately.
49. Did you buy something today? I parked which cost me $3.50.
50. Did you get sick today? No.
51. Did you get in a fight with someone today?: Nahh. Disagreed with someone's actions, but no fights. I'm pretty pacificist.
52. Last person to see you cry? Actually, Idk. Probably my roommates from science stress. Or Tricia .
53. Who made you cry? At that time? Science/orgo.
54. Last person to sleep in your bed? Me. Otherwise ... inc. all my beds ... Zach.
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