but if you look twice, you can see it's all lies
Summer Confessions

Take this survey
Seen an ex and missed them? Nope.
Told someone I love you? Yeah.
Cried? Of course, ha.
Wanted someone you couldnt have? Oh yeah.
Been to the beach? Nope.
Done drugs? Depends on your def of drugs, but I'd say no. Excedrin, hooka, and alcohol is about as far as I've gone, lol.
Stayed up all night? Yeeeeah. Woo class/staying up talking.
Went shopping? Not really. I mean, I've gone to the mall and Target and such.
Been out of state? Nooooope.
Went swimming? Hottubbing.
Been hit on? Ohhh yeah. Apparently there's a lot of that going around lately for me. Psh, I'm not complaining. Ha.
Been asked out? And yet no. Lol.
Asked someone out? No.
Gotten in a car with a stranger? No.
Lost someone close? No.
Slept in someone else's bed? Yes.
Had someone sleep in your bed? No.
Been to a club? Yes.
Been grounded? Haaaa, no.
Ran? No. Well, I mean, yeah, but not as a planned sort of I'm-going-for-a-run thing.
Regret something? Hmm ... maybe kinda sorta.
Lied? Oh yeah, definitely. ("He hates a liar," ... hmm.)
Done anything against the law? Probably. I mean, speeding and jaywalking and drinking and the such.
Been camping? No, definitely not.
Got in a fight? Not really. Drama, maybe.
Stayed at a hotel? No.
Flirted with someone? Ha, yeah. Every day practically.
Skinny dipped? No...not myself, at least.
Gone to a concert? Not yet.
Streaked? No.
Almost died? Hmm, maybe.
Met a celebrity? No.
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Brain Drain

Take this survey
1. Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? No.
2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons? Donate/sell them?
3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? Probably country, lol.
4. What is the best thing about your job? I don't have one.
5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class? Well, as far as I don't think you should answer a phone call in class, yeah. Otherwise, nah. Whatever. Just don't distract or disrespect others.
6. Do you worry about global warming? Of course.
7. Thoughts on Pot: I don't really care.
8. Where are you going on your next vacation? NY back to school if you count that. If not ... who the hell knows.
9. Quote a song lyric? "Don't say that you love me then act like you don't, whoooa if you really want me you just gotta let me know-ooo-oooh." - PWT's. Stuck in my head.
10. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Old.
11. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? No.
12. Do you own a matching dinnerware set? Well, plates yeah. Nothing else though.
13. If you could be an animal what would you be? Idk man, a horse? a bird?
14. What state/country are you from? Ohio/US.
15. Tell us about the last conversations you had. Conversation*s*? Dude, no.
16. Where do you see yourself in one month? At NYU, starting new classes, establishing new routine.
17. What is your favorite smell? Idk.
18. What is your favorite sight? Oh man if this continues with the rest of the senses...
19. Do you consider yourself bi-polar? Ah, defying expectations. Good for you, survey. And no.
20. Kissed more than one person at a time? At a time? No.
Have You Ever:
21. Have you ever done anything vindictive to your coworkers? --
22. Have you ever gone to therapy? No.
23. Have you ever played Spin the bottle? Yeah.
24. Have you ever toilet-papered someone's house? No.
25. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Yeaaah.
26. Have you ever gone camping? Yeah.
27. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend? No.
28. Have you ever been to a nude beach? No.
29. Have you ever had sex on the beach? No.
30. Have you ever had a stalker? Sorta.
31. Have you ever caught someone cheating? Sure.
32. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Yeah.
33. Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one? No, I don't go to a party where there'll be others drinking if I can't drink. My jealousy would be out of control.
34. Have you ever been cheated on? No.
35. Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friend? Probably.
36. Have you ever lied to your parents? Yeah.
37. Have you ever been out of the US? Yeah.
38. Have you ever thrown up from working out? No, but felt like it.
39. Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight? Ha no.
40. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in 1 day? Probably, back in the heyday.
41. Have you ever gotten so wasted you cant remember the night before? Naah.
42. Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on? Hee, probably. At least in the AIM-stalk sort of way.
43. Have you ever slept with one of your coworkers? No.
44. Have you ever called someone to hear their voice and hung up? Well, for voicemail, yeah. But if they pick up, usually I don't then hang up.
45. Have you ever snuck out your parents car in the middle of the night? Heee, yeah.
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A-Z With a Twist

Take this alcoholic survey
A- Are you 21 or older? No. =(
B- Beer of choice? Guinness, if I have to.
C- Do you like Champagne? Yeeeep. Makes my head all fuzzy though.
D- Do you Drive Drunk? No.
E- Ever do a flaming shot? Yep.
F- Do you own a flask? No.
G- Got caught drinking underage? Nope.
H- Ever get a Hangover? Not really ... I mean, general difficulty re-adjusting to the world and maybe light headache.
I- Is 21 too young for a drinking age? Young?? No.
J- Jager Bombs are: something I have not had yet.
K- Ever kiss someone while drunk? Haa yeah. I get REALLY friendly when drunk. And much braver. All that combined usually = kissing when in the right company.
L- Last alcoholic beverage? Hennessy.
M- Ever drink with your Mom? Yep.
N- Drinking advise...Never: have beer before liquor.
O- Open beer bottles on your own? Yep.
P- Ever puke after drinking? Nope. Woo for me! lol.
Q- Is AA for Quitters? Ha, that's not even nice. AA is for people who can no longer drink, for whatever reasons got them to that point.
R- Know someone who when to Rehab? Personally, no.
S- What is your favorite shot? Oh, I don't think I have a favorite. I like almost all shots.
T- Take anything to get you drunk quicker? Take anything? Lord, like what? If I want to get drunk, I just make sure I don't eat that much that day, particularly a few hours beforehand.
U- Did you drink underage? Um, considering I'm only 20, yeah.
V- What is your vodka of choice? I'm into Absolut lately, but I'm not terribly picky.
W- Red or White Wine? Red. I don't do white wine unless I can throw some cassis in there.
X- Do you drunk dial your X? Umm I drunk dial just about anyone.
Y- Year you turned 21? Next year, 2008.
Z- Does drinking make you a Zombie? No.
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Sevens Survey

1. Laundry basket.
2. Me.
3. Water bottles (empty).
4. Totes.
5. Tiny TV that I never use.
6. Laptop.
7. Clothes.
1. Do you like anyone?: I'm currenly flirting with quite a few people, ha. Let's count ... uhm, depending on who you count, like four - eight. But I don't necessarily *like* all those people ... all those people are just being entertained as various options to various positions, lol.
2. Does someone like you?: Who knows man. Flirting has no rules that establish need to like, so I don't like to assume.
3. Last real crush?: Pleading the fifth, darlings. =)
4. Been lead on?: Oh suuuure. Just *love* when that happens. : |
5. Been cheated on?: No.
6. Want a relationship?: Ehhh, maybe. I'm feeling a bout of monogamy/committment/attachment coming on, but at the same time I'm loving just flirting with everyone in my path, so IDK.
7. Wanna get married?: Eventually.
1. Air.
2. Water.
3. Food.
4. Somewhere decent to sleep (no, the outside is not decent).
5. Seeing the people I enjoy.
6. My music.
7. Cute shoes, lol.
1. I wonder if anyone else will see my cuteness today.
2. I wonder how much/if I'll study for my Music quiz.
3. I wonder if the kid in my music class today was intrigued by my dancing, HA. Who would have that that question would have ever been on my mind.
4. Do I want to pursue this science-based path, or am I just jumping ship because it's easier?
5. Do I want to graduate early or stay and study abroad in Ghana?
6. Gosh I hope Neil doesn't get kicked off of SYTYCD next week. I must vote for him. He is goofy and adorable. And a lovely dancer.
7. That Ewe guy was really fantastic today ... turned out much better than I thought.
1. Believe in God? Yeeeeah.
2. Had a dream come true? Sort of.
3. Read the newspaper? I Wesmirch for gossip and CNN for news.
4. Pray? Not really.
5. Have a best friend? Yeah.
6. Had braces? Yes.
7. Wish on stars? Yeah.
1. Fallen in love? You know ... idk.
2. Kiss someone of the same sex? Yeah.
3. Swam in the dark? Yeah.
4. Been to a Bonfire? Yeah.
5. Ran away from home? No.
6. Played strip poker? No.
7. Pulled an all nighter? Yes, of course.
1. Cried? I do not believe so, which is cool.
2. Had fun? Yeeeah. Drumming/dancing today was way fun.
3. Been kissed? Nopes. At least not by a non-family member/dog.
4. Felt stupid? Oh yeah.
5. Talked to an ex? No. Talked about an ex, yeah, lol.
6. Missed someone? Sure.
7. Hugged someone? Yeps.
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