Jessica Does Surveys

Sunday, October 22, 2006

we gotta make a decision, leave tonight or live and die this way.

Right now...
Where are you at?:I'm AT my desk, in my room.
Where were you last?:On my bed.
Are you in a relationship?:I'm in many relationships, but none of the romantic nature.
Are you happy?:Nahh, not really. I had a semi-breakdown yesterday.
What is the last thing you accomplished?:Failing a test I should have passed? Um ... finishing all the cages on Friday.
What are your plans for the next week?:Study for Physics, try not to die/kill myself (mentally, mostly), go to class.
What are some goals you have?:To get into vet school. Which is proving to be very very difficult. To get at least B's in my science classes.
What are you listening to?:Matt Nathanson.
Any regrets?:Yes, but ultimately no because there's no sense in regretting. It won't change anything.
Eating anything?:No.
Drinking?:No. I had some Vitamin Water not so long ago. I should drink some water. It might make me feel better.
Who are you with?:Myself. Nalleli is over there working on a paper.
Last person you saw?:Probably Nalleli, on some backwards glance.
Next person you'll see?:Ditto.
How are you feeling?:Not very good. Like I'm failing at life and finally finding out what I want isn't enough because I'm not good enough to actually achieve it.
Mood?:Dejected. Worried. Helpless. Confused.
What did you do yesterday?:Went to Target, got my Orgo score, spent the rest of the day in bed.
The day before?:Studied, took my orgo quiz, took my orgo test, volunteered for nearly six hours.
Today?:Got up late-ish (but early-ish, for how much I slept), been on the Internet, ate cereal, talked to Z on the phone, Internet-ed some more. Felt guilty.
Are you independent?:Yeah, pretty much. Besides the fact that I don't pay for any of what I have (it's all scholarship/money from parents).
Do you want kids?:Yeah, I think so. They scare the shit out of me, but I feel it's something I want to do.
Would you be a good parent?:I think so. I hope so.
Do you want to get married?:Yeah, see the kids thing.
Are you/have you ever been a *player*?:No. I like a lot of people at one time, usually, but someone almost always comes out on top, or I'll really only pursue something with one person.
Favorite restaurants?:Um, I don't know. I've answered this elsewhere.
Do you live on your own?:Yeah, basically. I have roommates.
Do you plan on moving soon?:Not really, no. Unless you count six months as soon.
Things you need to buy to move?:Nothing really, save a storage space to keep stuff here for when I move back.
What do you want for Christmas?:I just saw this Jimmy Stewart TCM DVD set that I *totally* want, and there are probably lots of other things, but mostly I just want thoughtful gifts.
Halloween plans?:Man, nothing. I have Scholars that night. =( I wanted to go to the parade! Maybe I will anyway, maybe it starts after that. We'll see.
Tonight plans?:Definitely nothing. Homework. I have Bio at 9 in the morning tomorrow.
How many webisites are you a member of?:Dude, I don't even know. A lot. At least ten that I can think of, probably countless others that I've forgotten.
Do you have a car?:Yes, at home.
Do you have a job?:Not besides being a student which is killing me right now anyway, so I def. couldn't handle anything else.
Are you in school?:Yes.
When do you plan on being out of school?:Welll, let's see. 2.5 more years of this, and then hopefully 4 years of vet school, but there may be several years of break inbetween that if I don't get in. =(
What personality traits are most attractive in your bf/gf?:Sense of humor, kindness, intelligence.
Physical?:Cute hair.
Can you date more than one person at a time?:Not seriously.
Can you be in a relationship with more than one person at a time?:No.
Have you ever cheated?:No.
Been cheated on?:No.
What do you consider cheating?:Um, I don't know. Most things, I guess.
Once a cheater, always a cheater?:Maybe. It's all situational.
What can someone do to make you feel insecure about a relationship?:Ignoring me usually does it.
What can someone do to make you feel wanted?:Lots of things. Personal attention.
How do you know you like someone?:Jealousy is a good indicator, when I say their name a lot, when I start doing that smiley thing whenever they call, when I say things (only) to make them laugh.
How do you know you love someone?:Oh man, that's way more complicated. It has no formula.
Where is your family?:In Ohio.
Where is your best friend?:In Ohio.
What are you needing right now?:To pass science. To not be so discouraged at this huge wall in front of me that I give in to quitting.
Wanting?:Some sort of affection. I need to distract myself from all the self-loathing and worries.
When will you see your bf next?:Well, if by bf you mean boyfriend, goodness knows because I don't have one. If you mean best friend, probably next month.
Last movie you saw?:I watched part of "The Future of Food" last night, but all the way through, "The Aristocrats."
Next movie you want to see?:I really want to see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D, and Running with Scissors, and Marie Antoinette, and I still want to see Little Miss Sunshine.
Last 4 websites you visited?:Fandango (to look up those movies), this one, my NYU mail, and NYU study abroad.
Last person you talked to online?:My mom.
Last compliment recieved?:I don't even know.
Last compliment given?:Sadly, I don't know either.
What are you doing after this is done?:Probably another one of these. Starting anything just sounds depressing. And it's all in vain anyway, it would seem. I fail even when I study. A lot.
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Current Location::NYC.
Eye Color::Green.
Hair Color::Blonde.
Your webpage::I have a lot. None of them need to be so connected as to mention them on each other.
Are you taken?:I'm taken with ideas and worries.
Are you a virgin?:Yes.
How many & what kind of pets do you have?:Lots of cats, one dog.
What's your job?:To not kill myself being a student. To do well at it. I'm going to get fired soon, it would seem.
What's your Dream Job?:Veterinarian. Hopefully I can get there.
Who is your best friend?:Already answered. As are most of these.
What instruments do you play?:Clarinet. At least, I used to...
What are your hobbies?:I used to do a lot, I guess.
What are your goals?:To make it through school and into vet school.
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?:Sky dive, yeah. Bungee, maybe, probably not.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?:Magazines, I like Jane and Blender the most. Books, I usually just read fiction, either classics or something new that looks good/was recommended to me.
How would do describe yourself?:Right now, as a failure, but that's because I'm still in the midst of my semi-breakdown yesterday. Ask me later.
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?:All science, apparently.
What do you daydream about?:Things actually going the way I want them to.
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?:I'm Christian, but loosely because I don't believe so much in the institution of religion.
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One::I would say study more and take things more seriously, but I already do and am still failing, so ... just be able to do better?
Two::Be more positive. maybe.
Three::Already, the idea of changing myself is freaking me out, so I'll refrain from another.
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?:Outgoing, I guess.
Spender or Saver?:Saver.
Truth or Dare?:Truth.
Books or Movies?:Movies.
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?:RomCom.
Cats or Dogs?:Dogs.
Mountain or Beach?:Beach.
Sweet or Salty?:Sweet.
Do You...
Get annoyed easily?:Sometimes. It depends on my mood.
Like to travel?:Yes.
Like to drive fast?:Yes. Something about the attraction of danger.
Sing well?:Yeah, at least kind of.
Want kids?:Yes, in the far future.
-----What would you name a boy?:It would depend on what felt right at the moment, but I like the idea of naming him after my grandfather.
-----What would you name a girl?:Again, it would depend. I really like Ava for some reason lately.
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?:Yes, My Fair Lady.
Been in a car accident?:Yeah, small-ish ones.
Been out of the country? Where?:Yes, France and Italy (and technically Germany/England for airports).
What Is...
The last CD you bought?:I bought Keane's new CD, John Mayer's "Continuum," and Jeff Buckley's "Grace" (again) all at the same time.
The last movie you saw in the theater?:The Last Kiss.
The last movie you rented?:The Future of Food, The Aristocrats, and some documentary about Walmart, all from Netflix.
Your greatest fear?:Right now, it's to let me and others down by not succeeding at school.
Your greatest strength?:Hopefully rising above that.
Your greatest weakness?:Being too weak/wallowy/depressed/dejected to even try.
Your happiest memory?:I don't remember. Fun times as a youth.
Your Favorite...
TV Show::Grey's.
Actor::Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Depp, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray. (The secret appears to be double letters.)
Actress::Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman.
Food::Mashed potatoes. Sadly, pizza. (I don't let myself eat this much anymore.)
Drink::Lemonade-y things lately. Also, variants of water. Chocolate (soy)milk.
Scent::A lot of things. Certain colognes that remind me, that scent of wood-burning fall approaching, fresh-cut grass, clean warm towels, baking bread...
Season & WHY::Autumn, because it's the perfect transition. It just feels like autumn always coincides with my mind. And it's beautiful.
Day of the week & WHY::Lately, Saturday because it's the in-between (the shit of Friday/Sunday) day.
Store::Target lately, just because it has everything. But really, I should go back to Trader Joe's. I like it more for food.
Quote::Leap and the net will appear, and many from The Alchemist. But really, the net is not appearing yet.
What Do You Think About...
Abortion::I'm pro-choice. You will not convince me otherwise (that the government has a right to tell me how to act with my body).
Homosexuality::It's fine (and dandy, ha). No, really, it's no different than eye color or something ridiculously useless to judge people on.
God::I think too much happens perfectly for God not to exist.
Jesus::I had a personal experience that makes me believe Jesus existed as well, but I am certainly not about to jump on the "if you don't believe in Jesus, you're going to hell" band
Satan::wagon. // I don't know ... I think that yes, there is some force of evil, but I don't know if one person/man/thing exists that embodies all that.
Heaven::I'd like to think heaven exists. And that it's just kind of a re-meeting of all the people you want to see again, and ultimately all the things you loved.
Hell::I don't know. Maybe. But really, I think it would be worse to just cease to exist. Pain at least let's you know (at least) your soul is still alive.
Miracles::Miracles happen, that's just how life is. We can't possibly explain or predict everything.
Astrology::I like to read horoscopes, yeah, and a lot of it I think is pretty spot-on, but it's also often ridiculous and wrong, so take it all with a grain of salt.
War::I'd like to think I'm anti-war, but I can also see that it's kind of inevitable.
Ghosts::I'm pretty sure I believe in ghosts, partly due to personal experiences.
Reincarnation::I'd like to believe in reincarnation, because I think one lifetime is not enough to see/do all the things you need to in this world, but who knows.
Karma::Yeah, karma definitely exists. The proof is in the pudding.
Luck::I'm Irish, I pretty much have to (and do) believe in luck, but not in letting it passive-fy you.
Aliens::Ehh, maybe. I think the universe is pretty damn big for us to be the only planet with anything on it.
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one on one
In Five words or less
what youre not proud of:Sucking at science.
what you live for:Love, living, experiences.
what your best quality is:Caring a lot.
favorite moment:Laughing and feeling infinitely free.
future goals:Don't fail, get OSU accepted.
what you want this christmas:Personal, thoughtful, unexpected gifts.
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Top Eight *New&Old Questions*
Meet them
Numero One
What's this person's name backwards?:Yrallih.
Where was the last place you've been with this person?:Her house to drop her off. Beyond that, S N' S.
What would you buy for their birthday?:Oh well, see, I can't tell you because that's coming up soon and it would give away the surprise.
What would this person most likely be for Halloween?:Ha, something slutty because she knows why.
Who's this person's teacher/boss?:She has quite a few teachers.
When did you last plan to go somewhere out?:When I was last in town, early/mid October.
Numero Two
Who is one person number two is related to?:His sister, Rachel.
Do you have any classes with 2?:No, we go to different schools.
Describe 2 in three words.:Oh, that's difficult.
Where is 2 usually at everyday?:School, I would assume.
Why is this person number 2?:Why are any of them any number? That's just how it worked out the last time I rearranged them.
What color is their hair?:Black.
How old is 2?:17 for another few months.
Numero Three
Name one thing this person likes:Giving me "looks."
What does this person usually do all day?:They have class too. We're all basically students. That's our lives.
Where does this person do their homework?:I don't know ... in their room? In the library?
Does 3 use deordorant?:Yeah, I'd assume so.
What number are you on for their top friends?:Two. But we're married on facebook.
Where does 3 like to go for vacation?:Camp Willson, she liked Vegas I assume, and NY is always cool. =)
How long have you known 3?:A very long time. Technically since second grade, really since like ... sophomore/junior year of high school.
Numero 4.
Where does 4 live?:Right now, in NY. Otherwise, Portland.
What does 4 like to eat?:Ice cream and donuts late at night. Oreos during Sex and the City.
Who does 4 usually hang out with?:I don't know, we don't hang out enough anymore, what with our busy schedules and far-away living spaces.
Why is this person number 4?:Because they just are.
What reminds you of them?:Amos Lee, throwing shoes/oranges, drama with boys. Ha. =)
What was the last thing you guys did together?:We met up around the Tisch building just for some talking.
What does 4 hate?:Lying, non-calling boys. Douche bags. Doing laundry more than once a month, ha!
Numero 5
Ever gotten into a fight with them??:Yeah, in small ways.
Have they gotten into a physical fight yet?:With anyone? I don't know. Not with me or that I've seen, at least.
Does 5 make a cute couple with 7?:Let's see, who are they ... eh, I don't really see it happening.
Where have you been with 5?:Several places...? This is an odd question.
What would this person be for Halloween?:Oh man, I don't know.
Where do you see this person in ten years?:Wow, ten years is a mighty long time. 27? Wow, I have no clue what *I'll* be doing then, let alone him.
What do they like to watch on TV?:Ha, Cheaters late at night. House. (He's so saucy. It's true.)
Numero 6
Good memory with 6?:Walking dogs at CAHS.
Where was 6 born?:Ohio, I think, but I don't know for sure.
Have you two ever traveled together?:Just on that school trip around Ohio, I believe.
Is 6 often on myspace?:Maybe...? We're often online at the same time, it so happens.
What would this person most likely wear?:To what? When?
Does 6 take surveys?:Yes, she sends them to me occasionally as well.
How long have you known them?:Again, a long time. Since middle school.
Numero 7
How did you meet 7?:Through choir, drama, and the French trip.
What was your first impression?:Well, I heard she carried the Soprano II section, so I guess that was it.
Describe 7 in three words.:Again, too difficult.
When was the last time you saw this person?:At the football game before I left, in August.
What reminds you of them?:Oh man ... high school memories, lots of inside jokes about the French trip.
Where would you most likely see them?:Back in Ohio at a school function.
Does this person decorate their myspace?:Yeah.
Numero 8
What music do they listen to?:Broadway! And other things. =)
What's one thing in their myspace?:I don't know, I think she used to have a SB layout?
What is their default picture?:I believe it's the one with the blue hat.
How old are they?:17?
Do you comment this person a lot?:Not *a lot* but I don't comment people a lot really.
What's the song on their myspace?:I don't know...ah, I looked. She doesn't have one.
How long have you been friends?:Since her freshman year, so four years now, almost?
hehe :D
How did you pick out your top eight?:That's just how it naturally formed along a few changes.
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T.o.p..... 8.....
List them
About 1
Why is he/she #1?:She knows why. =)
How long have u known this person?:Four years now.
what is her/his favorite color?:Lime green.
do u trust them?:Yes.
would u put ur life in their hands?:I don't know that I'd ever be in a position to put my life in anyone's hands...
would u live with this person?:Yeah, probably, though I don't see that coming up.
have u ever been to this persons house?:Yes.
do u know their parents?:Yes.
have u ever seen this person fall?:Ha, probably.
about #2
why are they #2?:Is this going to be a question everytime? They just are. Permanent answer.
how long have u known them?:Four years now as well.
how did u meet this person?:Through band.
do u enjoy spending long periods of time with this person?:Ha, yes.
about 3
why are they #3?:See above.
do u even like this person?:Ha, yes.
do u ever have the urge to run them over with ur car?:No.
about #4
why are they # 4:See above.
have u ever wanted to hit this person?:Probably, before we really became friends.
do u/ did u go to school with this person?:Yes, still do.
do they have bad habits?:Yeah, we all do.
what are they?:Not doing her laundry until she has to do ALL of it -- as in everything she owns. Boy problems.
about #5
why are they #5?:See above.
have u ever wanted to see them fall just because it would be fun?:Not that I can really remember. But that hop/skip/jump-y thing he does sometimes when running to his front door is priceless.
do u love this all?:At all? Yeah. I love all my Top 8 people 'at all.'
about #6
why are they #6?:See above.
what is the most irritating thing this person does?:I don't know...I can't really think of anything.
about #7
why are they #7?:See above.
how long have u known them?:Like, two-three years.
about #8
why are they #8?:See above.
do u even like this person or are they just on ur top 8 to keep them quiet?:Ha, yes, I even like her.
About them all....
which one is smartest?:I don't know, they're all smart.
prettiest?:I really don't answer these questions.
easiest to talk to?:''
have u ever done anything with any of them that u regret?:Ha, no. Regrets are stupid.
which one could u be around for more than 24 hours straight?:I have been around several of them for more than 24 hours straight.
who would u take to a concert if u had 1 last ticket?:I've taken a few of them to shows/concerts as well. It would depends on who was available and who/what was playing.
would u ever take a bullet for any of them?:Yeah, probably.
which one is ur best friend?:A few of them are.
who would u do anything for?:Anything is a huge term.
which one is easiest to talk to?:Ahhhh the questions got stupid again.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

he doesn't look a thing like jesus, but more than you'll ever know.

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current street name)
Snow Union

(Like snow patrol ... I like it)

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav icecream flavor,favorite cookie
Coffee Heath Iced Sugar

3. YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your middle name)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Cerulean Otter

(this would make a sweet band name)

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Nicole Naples

(damn that's too good)

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, last 3 letters of mom's maiden name)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink put "The")
The Green Chocolate Soymilk

(ha ... the green chocolate soymilk comes to save the day! what is it, spoiled?)

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers/ grandmothers)
Gladys Dixie (or Dixie Gladys)

9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne and the name of your favorite kind of shoes)
J'adore Madden

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father's middle name )
June Vincent

(ha, I like it)

All right, that was moderately fun. More so than usual...which is always good. I'm just killing time that I should be studying with. But I have to have a really full rest of the day, so for now, I am delaying.


name //:Jessica.
age //:19.
birthday //:July 15th.
current location //:New York City.
eye color //:Green.
hair color //:Blonde.
height //:5'3".
color //:Cerulean.
food //:Mashed potatoes. Bread. Ice Cream.
drink //:Tea/berry lemonade, water, chocolate soymilk.
clothing store //:AE, I suppose. Oh wow, I forgot my Aeropostale clothes were coming.
subject in school //:Used to be English, probably Science now.
season //:Fall.
radio station //:WNCI at home, Z100 here.
band //:The Beatles. The Killers. Coldplay.
singer //:Jeff Buckley. Ella Fitzgerald. Frank Sinatra. Clay Aiken. Fiona Apple. Rufus Wainwright.
authors //:Paulo Coehlo. Sylvia Plath. JK Rowling. F Scott Fitzgerald.
tv shows //:Grey's Anatomy. House. Project Runway.
number //:4.
hair color //:Darker usually, but I should preface this section with saying I somehow always end up falling for the opposites of what I think I like.
eye color //:Green.
height //:Tall.
personality or looks //:Both is best.
hott or cute //:Cute.
clothing style //:Casual.
do you have a crush? //:Maybe. When I listen to certain songs, yes. I think I'm trying to eradicate them all for now, though. They distract me, which feels good at the moment, but is bad overall.
do they know? //:Probably in some small way. At least, they should.
summer or winter //:Summer. Although I do love me some snow/Christmas.
coke or pepsi //:Coke. (But neither.)
pink or blue //:Pink.
TV or radio //:In general, radio because it doesn't kill my brain as much.
reading or writing //:Writing, though the two are inseverably connected.
single or taken //:Single. Oh wait, I was answering that as a preference question? Um, there are problems with both. I should probably just say taken, but I have issues.
movies or TV //:Movies.
ice cream or cake //:Ice Cream. (Though [DQ] ice cream cake over either.)
cereal or waffles //:Cereal.
rock or pop //:Rock. But really, rock-pop. Man, I don't know. Pop. Rock. Pop. I like them both.
rap or country //:Rap, I suppose, but again, I like both. I just like rap more often than I like country nowadays.
xanga or myspace //:Myspace only because I can find anyone on there, which is amazing. The world and its connections are no longer as lost as they used to be. But then again, mystery is the opp
old or new //:osite. /// Old. Tried and true.
stripes or plaid //:Stripes, as long as they're vertical.
gum or mints //:Mints. Although I've really gotten into gum just for blowing bubbles lately. I think I'm over it though.
trident or orbit //:Orbit.
morning or night //:Night.
talked to //:The girl sitting next to me in Orgo.
yelled at //:I don't know.
hugged //:Probably my mom.
smiled at //:The TA in Orgo. I don't even know why he was there, let alone why he seemed to keep looking in my direction.
kissed //:Family. Beyond that, it was back in January so it feels like it hardly counts anymore. (Ignore me and my wallowing.)
made laugh //:Probably myself, ha.
touched //:Myself if that counts. If not, that weird guy on the street in a bright orange sweater who brushed up against me.
IMed //:Either Hillary or my mom.
talked to on the phone //:My dad.
hung out with //:My roommates, just in the dorm.
do you like school //:Mostly. I wish grades weren't such a huge deal. I'd like it more then.
how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had //:Only one that I count as a relationship, as in, I learned something from it.
do you have a job //:I'm just a full-time (way full-time) student. And a volunteer.
if so, what is it //:I volunteer at KittyKind doing both cleaning and meds.
who is your best friend //:Interesting question. Some people seem to be vying for this, and others who were in seem to be throwing themselves out. We'll see.
do you hate anyone //:Not really.
does anyone hate you //:I don't know. I don't really have time to care unless they bring it up.
do you have a cellphone //:Yes. (Who doesn't anymore?)
do you have an iPOD or MP3 //:iPod. And I'm in love with it...'twas the first big thing I bought myself.
does anybody like you RIGHT NOW //:RIGHT AT THIS MINUTE?? Dude, I don't know. If they do, they should say something.
what do you think is your most attractive feature //:I don't know.
what should you be doing right now besides this survey //:Studying for Orgo, doing homework for Physics.
do you eat healthy //:Mostly. I haven't had much fruit/veggies lately because I'm too poor to buy them. Mostly just breads, which is fine, but not that great for me health-wise. Next week.
what sports do you play //:None really.
are you friends with mostly girls or guys //:Mostly girls.
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Name--->:Jessica. (Oh Lord, I'm taking a survey that starts with "tha" basics?)
Birthday--->:July 15.
Hometown--->:Galloway, OH.
Birthplace--->:Naples, FL.
Weight--->:I don't even know.
Eye Color--->:Green.
Hair Color--->:Blonde.
Shoe Size--->:8 1/2.
Blood Type--->:A positive I think.
♥D0 Y0U HAVE...♥
Siblings?--->:Yes, one.
Pets?--->:Yes, many more than one.
An iPod?--->:Yes, one.
Piercings?--->:Yes, my ears.
A Birthmark?--->:Yes.
An Aim Screenname?--->:Yes.
If so, what is it?--->:That's all right. It seems that every site I put this name up on, shows up on google, and zat is dangeeeerous. (Although I have my doubts to the secrecy of this one, still I
Color?--->:fill it out like it was secret. Perhaps that's stupid.) /// Cerulean. or green.
Type of Music?--->:Popular stuff, and others.
Drink?--->:Chocolate milk.
Store?--->:AE, Macy's, Trader Joe's.
Clothing Brand?--->:AE, I suppose. Old Navy is good for basics. I'm not terribly picky.
Shoe Brand?--->:If the shoe is cute, I won't deny it on basis of brand. I like what I can afford that is cute.
Love Song?--->:Interesting. I don't know that I've ever been asked that (which is quite a novelty). "At Last" by Etta James. Hands down.
TV Show?--->:Grey's Anatomy.
Musician?--->:As in Yo-Yo Ma? Or bands/composers/singers? Because that's different.
Food?--->:Freshly baked bread. Or lots of desserts. Ha.
Day of the Year?--->:My birthday is usually sweet, but it's a different day every year that ends up being my favorite because that kind of thing is spontaneous.
Pepsi or Coke?--->:Coke.
McDonalds or Burger King?--->:BK.
Basketball or Football?--->:Football.
Boxers or Briefs?--->:I really don't have a preference. If I must choose, I suppose I say boxers.
Books or Movies?--->:Movies. (Sadly.)
Rain or Sun?--->:Sun. (Unless I'm walking here, then if I have my umbrella, I want the shield of the rain.)
Eggs or Pancakes?--->:Pancakes. I don't eat eggs (straight) anymore.
Eyes or Smile?-->:Eyes.
Ass or Abs?--->:I don't know, whatever.
Stay in or Go out?--->:Stay in.
Rab or R&B?--->:A mix of both?
Truth or Dare?--->:Truth. (If I didn't want to tell, I'd just lie.)
Long or Short Hair?--->:Long.
Be a PLAYA or Commit?--->:Ha um, commit over being a playa, even though I think I've recently decided I have issues with committment.
Florida or Cali?--->:Florida.
Abercrombie or Hollister?--->:Neither.
Drinking or Smoking?--->:Drinking.
Summer or Winter?--->:Summer.
Best Friend?--->:I don't like the friends sections...
Funniest?--->:Yeah, I knew it
Best Looking?--->:was
Monst honest?--->:down
Most Stubborn?--->:don't
Most Considerate?--->:want
Best Dresser?--->:anything
Best Dancer?--->:on
Best Singer?--->:these
Most likely to be succesful?--->:ones
A Love-a-holic?--->:because
Most Original?--->:this
Most likely to be rich?--->:isn't a high school yearbook favorites section. All right.
Been out of the country?--->:Yes, twice, thankfully. Hopefully many more to come.
Lied to a friend?--->:Yes.
Stolen?--->:No, I don't think so.
Been Drunk?--->:Yes.
Been High?--->:No.
Been in Love?--->:Yes, but not in the best way that I still think is up-to-come.
Cheated on Someone?--->:No.
Been Cheated On?--->:No.
Said:Said what?
Used Someone?--->:Probably.
Been Used?--->:Probably.
Been Betrayed?--->:Um ... yes.
Had Your Heart Broken?--->:Yes. Twice.
Do You Wanna Get Married?--->:Yes.
Do You Trust Yourself to Fall in Love?--->:Wow, that's worded strangely well for what's going on in my head lately. I don't know if I do. I like to think with the right person, it won't be a question. For now, I hav
Biggest Turn On?--->:e doubts. // Making me laugh is the biggest, then come kindness and intelligence. And of course, cute hair.
Biggest Turn Off?--->:Lack of the things above.
Most Important Quality in a bf/gf?--->:Some of the turns on above? Honesty and communication?
What Was The Last thing you Ate?--->:Pasta with peas and tomato sauce.
...Song you listened to?--->:I'm listening to "Every Little Bit Hurts" by Vivian Green right now.
♥D0 Y0U BELiEVE iN...♥
God?--->:Yes. But I also think there's nothing wrong with doubting the belief now and again.
Heaven?--->:In my best moments, yes.
Hell?--->:Perhaps. Maybe just emptiness/cessation to exist.
Love at first sight?--->:I believe in a certain knowledge at first sight, that this person and your relationship with them will mean something huge to you, if only because I have experienced it.
Soul Mates?--->:Yes, I'd like to.
Reincarnation?--->:Maybe. I kind of like the idea.
Yourself?--->:Stupid question.
I am...:avoiding studying, unintelligently.
I want...:to do well on my test this Friday.
I miss...:some people (and Honey) from home.
I want to go...:to France again.
So many people dont know that...:I more often than not don't say what I'm thinking (but if you ask, I probably will divulge).
My Heart is...:red and pumping blood...? Science has gotten to me, I guess, ha.
I wish...:I could get good grades this semester and they'll let me go to Dublin/into vet school.
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Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?:Yes.
Toilet Paper someone's house:No.
Played Poker with money:No. I've played other games with money, though.
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:No.
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk:Yes, definitely.
like someone but never told them:Yes.
went camping:Yes.
had a crush on your broher's friend:I don't have a brother, so no.
walk in the rain without an umbrella:Yes, just today.
told a joke that NObody thought was funny:Ha, probably.
been in a talent show:Yes, fifth grade. We did gymnastics to the Spice Girls. HAAAA.
started laughing at someone's bedtime:Yes.
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of:Probably.
been to a nude beach:No.
drank jack daniels:Yes. I like it. =)
cursed in a church:Yeah, probably in Europe.
been called a slut for kissing someone:Um, indirectly, yeah, basically.
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:No, thankfully.
wanted to be a police officer:No.
dumped someone:Yes.
been hit on by someone too old:Yes.
wanted to be a model:When I was young and stupid(er).
bought lottery tickets:No.
made out in a car:Yes. That needs to happen again ... it's delightful.
cried during a movie:Yes.
wanted something you couldn't have:Yes.
had sex on the beach:No.
had the drink sex on the beach:No.
seen someone shoplift:No.
hung up on someone:Yes, often.
yelled at you pet:Yes, though it always makes me feel bad afterwards.
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy:No, why does everyone ask this? I find that most underwear places have girls working there.
tried to strip when drunk:Ha, no.
gotten seasick:Not that I remember.
had a stalker:Not that I know of.
played a prank on somone that had them really scared:Probably.
been embarassed by one of your family:Probably.
felt bad about eating meat:Yes. Which is why I stopped.
been to an island:Yes. I used to live on one.
been in love:Yes, but as said before, not in the way I still think is available.
ate jus because you were bored:Yes.
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww":Probably.
Screamed in a library:No. I like libraries.
Made out with a stranger:Yes. Twice. (Different strangers. One enjoyable and chosen, the other not so much.)
Been Dumped:Yes, sort of.
Wished a part of you was different:Yeah.
asked a guy to dance:Yes.
been asked out by a really hot guy:Yes, but he turned out to be scarily sexually forward, so I ended up staying far away from the situation.
laughe so hard ou cried:Yes.
went up to a complete stranger and started talking:Yeah, that's college in the beginning.
been sunburned:Yes.
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert:No, probably should have though.
threw up in school:Not that I remember.
recieved an anonymous love letter:Yes. Though there really wasn't any doubt who it was from. "Secret Admirer" whatevaaah.
had to wear something you hated:Yeah.
been to a luau:No.
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass:Saw, I'm assuming. No, not really.
cursed in front of your parents:Yeah.
been in a commerical on tv:No, but my kitties have been! And I've been on TV, just not for a commercial.
watched a movie that made you miss your ex:Yes.
been out of the country:Yes.
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk:Yes.
won at pool:Yes. I can actually be quite good at pool. Sometimes.
went to a party where you were the ony sober one:No.
went on a diet:Yes.
been lost out to sea:No.
cheated on your bf:No.
been cheated on:No.
tanned topless:No. Well, yes, in a tanning bed. No in public.
been attacked by seagulls:Yes.
been searched in an airport:Yes. Often. I guess I look like a terrorist.
been on a plane:Yes.
been pants-ed:Yeah, like, when I was verrry little on the playground, I seem to remember. Mulch, embarrassment, etc.
thown a shoe at someone:Yeah, probably. At least an insect, definitely.
broke someone's heart:Maybe.
sung in the shower:Yes.
bought something way too expensive:Yes, though not often. I'm decently good with my money.
done something really stupid that you still laugh about:Yeah, probably.
been walked in on when you were dressing:Yeah.
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie:No. I usually don't get myself in that situation.
been kicked out of the mall:No. Though often I thought we would be.
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back:Yeah.
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one:Not on the worst day. It helped me get my DBQ done.
done something stupid when you were drunk:Well, if making out with a stranger was stupid, then yeah, but I don't think so, no, not really.
fell off your roof:No.
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone:Yeah. Perhaps I should go see more scary movies.
had a deer jump in fron of your car:Yes! Scary as hell. I wouldn't drive back home after that.
threated someone witha water gun:Ha, probably when I was little.
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge:I don't think so, but I haven't extensively tried.
open your eyes underwater:No.
eat whatever you want and not have to worry:No.
ice skate:Yes.
sing in front of a crowd:Um, no, I don't think so. At least not alone. At least, I haven't.
whistle:Yes. I love whistling.
be a bitch at times:Yes.
do thirty pull ups:No. I can't do one, ha!
walkin in really high heals:Yes.
eat super spicy foods:Yeah.
sleep with the lights on:Yeah, but it's really annoying and I'd have to be pretty tired.
mulititask:Yes. I can't handle only doing one thing at a time usually.
touch your nose with your tounge:No.
fall asleep easily in the car:Yeah. It lulls me to sleep, the constant rolling.
do the cotton eye joe:HA, yes yes sirree.
play ddr and not fall:Ha yeah, I've never fallen. I've done badly, but never fallen.
fit in your locker:I don't have a locker, but no.
do a split:Maybe. I haven't tried lately.
taste the difference between pepsi and coke:I used to be able to; I don't know about now considering I haven't had soda for over three years.
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

Saturday, October 14, 2006

i'm sorry for blaming you for all the things i just couldn't do.

:..girls only survey..:

1. do you wear a bra to sleep?:
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

2. have you kissed any one on your top 8
Oh, it's a myyyyyspace survey. Um, who is in my top 8 (I know, I should know) ... yes, but not romantically.

3. if so who?:
Haaa, wouldn't you like to know? It's much more fun to make you guess. You have a 12.5% chance of being correct.

4. are you happy with your looks?:

5. do you think you are pretty/gorgeous/beautiful?:
On good days.

6. are you a girly girl?:
I can be ... I am in some ways, sometimes.

7. do you straighten/gel your hair everyday?:
No. I do neither of these things pretty much ever, let alone every day.

8. do you hate cramps?:
Yes. I don't know anyone who likes them ...

9. are you tall/short for your age?:
I'm pretty short, but not like crrrazy short.

10. do you like someone right now?
Kind of ... I'm flirting around with liking a few different people.

11. what would you do if someone smacked your ass?:
It would depend on if I knew them, but I'd probably be not amused.

12. has anybody smacked/touched your ass in the past?:

13. whats one thing you hate most about school?:
Boring lectures, less sleep, and the fact that grades/pressure count for everything. Oh, you said one. The last one.

14. do you think you're conceited?:
Not really, no.

15. do you like drama?:
I liked Drama in high school, but drama in general, not so much. I mean, maybe in a small way, because I don't like to be bored, and it's usually better to have something happening than nothing, but ... I like it in small doses, I guess.

16. are you a bitch?:
I can be, but I am not often.

17. Have you ever gotten in a catfight?

18. who would you like to smack right now?:
I don't really think about smacking people...

19. Are you taken or single?:

20. if taken by who?:

21. do you think guys have it easier?:
In some ways, but that goes both ways.

22. if you could what would you change about yourself?:
I don't think changes would be constructive in the end.

23. What grade are you in?:

24. What school you go to ?:

25. which class is most boring in school?
Right now, French.

26. What class do you love the most?:
Right now ... Orgo, I guess, even though I've sucked at it lately. I've realized (or re-realized) that Chem is my favorite of the sciences.

27. is there any type of rumor going around about you?:
Not that I know about, but that doesn't mean no.

28. do you call anybody by there last name?:
Their. And ... yeah, but not as a habit necessarily.


1. What is in the back seat of your car right now?
I don't know ... it's in another state. Maybe a brick from last summer, maybe not.

2. What was the last thing you threw up?
Grape Nuts cereal. Which is why I don't eat them anymore.

3. Menthol or regular cigarettes?

4. What is your favorite episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air?
I don't have a favorite.

5. Does anyone have any blackmail material on you?

6. If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be?
I don't know any of them well enough to marry them today. I find some of them very attractive, yes, but marriage is more than that.

7. Have you been to a strip club?
No. In the parking lot of one and passed one on foot, but not in one or specifically to one.

8. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yeah, my jacket is within reach.

9. Are you wearing socks right now?
No. I hardly ever do, only when necessary.

10. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Milk, with my cereal. To actually drink, water.

11. Last food you ate?
Cereal (bran flakes since I haven't bought more Kashi yet).

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Yeah, yesterday I impulse/splurge-bought $60 worth of clothes from Aeropostale online. And then I realized today, I don't even like the way their clothes fit on me, if I remember, but whatever. I'll try them on when they get here and hope for the best.

13. When is the last time you ran?
To and from the subway this past Wednesday when it was raining.

14. What's the last sporting event you watched?
I'm watching the OSU game in an hour. Before that, it was the OSU game last week.

15. Last person's house you were in?
Mine, at home.

16. Who is the last person you sent a message to on myspace?
I don't even remember. I don't send messages on there usually. I just post on the ...what do they call that? Wall is facebook's term ... I don't know. Post a comment. Whatever.

17. Ever go to camp?
Yes, horse camp and band camp both for several years.

18. Were you an honor roll student in school?
Yeah. At least in high school. I don't think we have honor roll now.

19. Do you like sushi?
I've never had it.

20. Do you have a tan?

21. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
Older twenties or early thirties, I think. I can't see myself ready for it before that, even though part of me wants to think that. But realistically, I'll be in school until I'm 25, and I don't think I can handle having kids before that.

22. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Probably, but I don't drink soda anymore. I realized today it has been over three years now. Crrraziness.

23. Are you someone's best friend?

24. What are your siblings' middle names?

25. Where is your dad right now?
One is in Michigan for the game, one is ... probably in Cincinnati? I don't know for sure.

26. What was the last thing you said?
I don't know. Shirley and I talked about being a science major and how stressful this school makes it.

27. What is something you've learned about yourself recently?
I am in a precarious position. There are issues I have yet to resolve that I thought were resolved. I can't really resolve anything. I mean not really.

28. What color is your watch?
I don't have a watch. I use my cell phone, which is silver.

29. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Australian accents, Toby from Rockstar.

30. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
Yes. I miss theme parks; I haven't been to one in quite awhile and all we do in Physics anymore is talk about them.

31. Who is the last person you liked?
I'm not naming names, that's ridiculous.

32. Favorite gemstone?
I like Ruby because it's my birthstone, but emeralds and diamonds and amethyst and ... really, I like pretty much all gemstones.

33. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Drive thru, if I ever go to a fast food place anymore. And if they have a drive thru.

34. What kind is your shirt?
It's a black T-shirt ...

35. What color are your pants?
I'm wearing my pajama pants ... various colors of blue stripes.

36. Do you have a roommate?

37. What color are your bathroom tiles?
White. I'd change them if I could.

38. Do you have a chair in your room?
Yes. For my desk.

39. What time of day were you born?
1:45 pm.

40. What is your favorite number?

41. Do you know anyone named Lori?

42. What color is your mom's hair?
In the transition between dark brown and blonde. She apparently got sick of the darker color.

43. Do you have a dog?
Yes, just not with me. =/

44. Where did you live in 1987?
Marco Island, FL.

45. Does your first memory involve your dad?

46. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
Yes. I remember I thought it was a novelty that I could hum a song before even hearing it (aka, guess the obvious melody) yet couldn't sing the lyrics.

47. When was the last time you went swimming?
This summer, around August 11th-ish, for Jenny's birthday party, at that waterpark thing-y.

48. Has your luggage ever gotten lost?
Yes, coming from Florence - Munich - London - New York. I believe it got stuck in Munich.

49. Ever think about being "more than friends" with someone?
Yeah, but the transition from friends to more is tricky. I usually don't make any moves for it, which isn't to say I wouldn't go for the situation sometimes.

50. Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute?
Grades meaning *so* much. It can't be enough that I just learn the material and use it, I have to ACE it.

51. Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar?
Yeah, but at the same time, it's hard for me to destroy it just like that ... it could be so useful if you just left it alone!

52. Do you like watching a bonfire?
Yeah, I like bonfires. Contained ones, of course.

53. Are you allergic to anything?
Not that I know of, but sometimes I lie and say mushrooms just so I don't have to deal with them. (PS, just because I'm vegetarian does not mean I would like mushrooms as a substitute for meat in EVERYTHING I'm served. Thanks.)

54. When was the last time you cried?
I had such a crazy long day/week yesterday that I was laughing hysterically for a full minute, then it kind of turned into sobbing, though there were no tears, so I guess that doesn't count. Emotionally, I'm just kind of a wreck lately. But it's the kind of denial wreck, so it's all good. Beyond that, I don't remember when tears actually fell...awhile ago. Oh, on the plane back. Yeah, I remember that now. Damn Jet Blue having TVs that show the perfect video for the moment.

55. What kind of shampoo do you use?
Herbal Essences, the pink kind. Ha.

56. Have you ever been to a spa?

57. Were you popular in middle school?
Probably not. I don't remember ... I've blocked most of middle school out of my mind.

58. Ever wished you were somebody else?

59. Do you like butterflies?
They're okay.

60. Do you use a dictionary or use spell check when typing?
Spell check. Or

61. Do you like Coke or Pepsi more?
Neither, I don't drink soda.

62. What is one thing you miss about your past?
Affection and comfortableness.

63. Do you ever get flu shots?

64. Favorite shoes that you wear all the time?
Flip flops.

65. What is one thing you've learned about life recently?
There's no sense in waiting for it to get easier, because it's not going to. Just make the best of what you can at the moment and try not to drive yourself crazy thinking about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. Oh yeah, and someone the other day said, "Don't worry about tomorrow because it will never happen," and for some reason that resonated with me differently than the usual message ... tomorrow really does never come. It just becomes another today. Weird.

66. Are you jealous of anyone?
Yeah, in small doses.

67. Is anyone jealous of you?
I don't know. Maybe. I think most people are jealous of most people, though probably because they don't know what's really going on in that person's life.

68. If you could be any animal in the world, what would it be?
Probably a horse or bird. For freedom's sake, that kind of thing.


So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question press the next button.
Ready? GO!

Opening Credits:
Lonesome Road - Madeleine Peyroux

Waking Up:
I'll Be There For You - The Rembrandts

Falling In Love:
Have A Little Faith In Me - Mandy Moore

Fight Scene:
La Vie Boheme - Rent

Beaten Up:
Cry - James Blunt

Breaking Up:
Summer Wind - Michael Buble

Life's Okay:
Baba O' Reilly - The Who

Mental Breakdown:
Careful Where You Stand - Coldplay

1, 2 Step - Ciara

Growing Up - Fall Out Boy

Happy Dance:
Come to Me - P. Diddy, Nicole from PCD

Break Down Here - Julie Roberts

Final Battle:
Home Come - D12

Death Scene:
A Strange Boy - Joni Mitchell

End Credits:
I Will Come to You - Hanson

(haa, that's great)


A Good Survey, NOT the over used questions, you wil tell ur life story in this great for myspace!!!!
Wish your name was?:It's fine as is.
Wish your age?:Eh, I'm okay with it. Even though I'm in this weird transition from young to old. I'm having a quarter-life crisis. Judge me.
What color hair do you have?:Blonde.
What color hair do you want?:It's fine.
what color eyes do you have?:Green.
what color do you want?:I like them as is.
I fyou could change one thing about your body what would it be?:I'd be skinnier. Shocker.
If you could change one thing about yourself mentally what would it be?:I don't think I'd like to change myself mentally. How weird would that be ... like you wouldn't know your own thoughts.
If you could have one super power what would it be?:To be able to apparate. I'm late too much.
If you could live one fairy tale which one would it be?:Um, I don't know if I'd like to do that ...
Who would you sacrafice your life for?:sacrifice, but ookay. Some family members, maybe some others.
Who do you love the most?:My family, my dog, some of my friends. Don't make me pick.
Is the saying true blood is thicker than water?:Yes...? Blood *is* thicker than water. You can just see that.
If you could be with one person in the world who would it be?:That's kind of a stupid question. At least, not one that I'd answer if you didn't know, and if you did know, that would just be boring.
If you could bring one person back who would it be?:I'd like to talk to my grandfather now that I'm older and would appreciate it more, but I don't think people should be brought back. They leave at their time for a reason.
If you could wish one person out of your life who would it be?:I wouldn't. If I really wanted them out, I would take steps to get them out.
Who do you hate the most?:I don't hate people. At least not truly, or for long.
Love the most?:Stupid question. Already asked.
Miss the most?:Arrrrgh. This is getting to be annoying. I miss a lot of people/things right now, but I don't want to discuss any of them.
Have the most fun with?:My friends.
Would spend your life with?:I don't knoooooooooow.
Would spend your life without?:Gr.
Who have you know the longest?:My mom.
Who is most like you?:i don't know. and i'm starting to not care.
Who is your opposite?:ditto.
Who looks most like you?:see, i can't even be bothered to capitalize things now.
What celeberty would you want to be if any?:None. I couldn't handle celebrity. I've had touches of it in my life, and it has done nothing but exacerbate me.
What celeberty do you look most like?:Ha, I just saw "celeberty." Like Ernie. And Bert, of course.
Are you high matnance?:Somewhat. I don't like camping, I like my creature comforts, I take a long time to shower/dress...
what is more important looks or personality honesty?:Personality. Honestly.
Is honesty always the best policy?:Not always, no.
How many people have you dated this year?:Officiallement, zero.
How many people have you asked out this year?:Ditto.
How many people have you turned down this year?:Um, a few. I appear very picky ... that keeps coming up lately ... maybe. I don't know. If the right people would ask, maybe.
If you had only one friend who would it be?:I don't. Stupid question.
If you could eat anything right now what would it be?:See, lately, all I am is hungry, but I don't know what I want. I have money, I have all sorts of cuisines available, but I don't eat anything because I don't *crave* anything
Do you love your friends or family more?:I love them in different ways. Apples and oranges.
What is your favorite band?:I don't have one favorite, I don't think. My mood changes too much for that. But I looove The Beatles, Coldplay, The Killers, U2.
What is your favorite song?:I don't have one favorite, that I do believe. Lots have such moments of perfection.
What sterotype are you ?:I am a product of all my stereotypes, everything I am ... Irish, girly, nerdy, an oldest child, a 19-year-old, etc. I am all of these things, some of the stereotype of each f
What sterotype would you like to be?:its. /// Blah, no thanks.
Did you ever cut yourself purposely?:No.
Did you ever cry to get out anger?:Not really ... I mean, it might happen, but it's not a conscious decision.
Did you ever cry over a boy/girl?:Yes. Has someone not done so?
Are you a virgin?:Yes.
Do you have a boyfriend?:No.
How long would you want to keep your virginity?:Until it feels right for more than awhile. I don't want it to be an impulse or anything I'd regret.
If you lost it already do you regret it?:--
If you could change one point in your life would you?:No. I wouldn't be here, and I don't like the gamble of that.
What religion are you?:Christian, but loosely because I'm not a huge fan of religion. Spirituality, yes; religion, no.
How do you feel today?:Um, I'm okay. I feel like :I should be doing things because tomorrow I'll freak out, but beyond that ... eh. I feel guilty about French, lonely because of dreams I had.
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?:Answering this would not be smart for me. I am where I am, that's all I have.
If you had to be one of your friends sisters/brothers who would you pick?:Again, I wouldn't. And all these if questions are annoying me.
What is your favorite candy?:Chocolate covered nuts. They're just too good.
What is your favorite kind of guy/girl .... sterotype?:I don't truly understand this question. The ... confuses.
How long do you like your relatioships to last?:It depends on the relationships. If I've made the decision to be in one, I'd probably like it to last awhile.
How tall would you like your boyfriend/girlfriend?:Decently tall. But really, when I think about it, if I like the person, height never factors into that. Like, I'll realize three months later that they're actually kind of s
about how much would you like them to be, toothpick,skinny,average,bigger?:hort or whatever... it's weird. // This is kind of the same deal. I always say tall and lanky, but I find myself attracted to all over. I'll say average-ish.
How did your last relationshp end?:Messily.
Do you miss it?:Sometimes, yeah.
Were your ever really in love?:Yes, but not in the way I keep hoping exists.
whats the last thing you would say to one person b/4 dieing?:Your spelling sucks. But really, I don't know. If I knew, I'd probably say it.
If you were in love would you get married before college?:I'm in college already, so no. But if I was in love and felt it/the timing was right, I'd get married whenever. Though I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?:Girl friends.
If you could be at any point in your life what would it be?:I'm fine now. There's no need to relive; nothing would change. It's better just having the possibility for change of today.
If you had to pick a way to die how would it be?:I don't like thinking about dying really. I think I'd like to know it was happening, but it not be terribly painful. But not painless either. It's death, you know?
Do you like yourself?:Some parts, yeah.
What do you wish to become someday?:I've never really had a goal so large to me as to become a veterinarian. It's largeness comes from what it is what I really want to do for my *life*. And that's scary, but g
Do you trust people easily?:ood for me. // There's this weird line ... strangers, I'll tell things to I wouldn't tell my friends because there's anonymity, they don't know what you would say/do, but gene
How important is school to you?:rally, no, trust is worrisome. /// School is very important. I enjoy it, and it's necessary that I do well to get into more school.
What song are you listening to right now?:Nothing. I'm watching the OSU game. But I have Christina Aguilera's "Hurt" stuck in my head.
If you could talk to anyone now who would it be?:Someone who would make me smile? That's never bad.
Delivery is at the door at your house who is it from ?:Probably my mom. No one else ever sends me packages.
what is your perfect date like?:To me, it doesn't matter what we're doing, as long as we're both talking, laughing, and being comfortable with each other.
if you could completely change who you are would you?:No.
would you be friends with yourself?:Stupid question which I've already answered.
Do you talk to people often?:Yeah, daily.
Are your romantic?:Yes, probably too much so because when I'm not in a relationship (which is often, really), it can drive me a bit crazy.
Do you talk bout your dreams?:Yes, I talked about mine this morning to Hillary.
Do you dream often?:Yes, almost every night.
Do you ever pray?:Sometimes, but not very often.
Did you ever cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend?:No.
How many hours do you spend on myspace?:Not very many. I check when I get a friend/message/comment thing-y, and I check the bulletin every so often.
What is the layout?:The regular. I just like it normal.
What is the song?:Right now "Angel" by Matt Nathanson, but I wanted "The Mating Game" by Bitter:Sweet, but they wouldn't let me have it.
Do you know everybody on your myspace friends?:No. Some are bands, some are random people who friended me.
Do you like everybody on your myspace friends?:At all times, probably not. I don't feel like looking up the list right now to make sure.
Do you like who you are becoming?:Yeah, I think so. At least enough to not drastically change anything right now.
What is the most important thing in your life?:Love in all its forms.
what would you never change about yourself?:Never is a mighty big word.
When was the last time you cried?:I answered this in in a survey already on this page so look it up if you care that much.
Do you think the guy should always pay?:No, but it's nice whenever anyone offers to pay.
What is your favorite movie?:Casablanca.
What movie sucked the most?:I really didn't like Citizen Kane, but I haven't seen it since I started re-watching film as film. There are a lot of stupid movies.
Who is your favorite actress?:I've recently realized the joy of Meryl Streep (which seems so obvious, but for me it was not).
Who is your favorite actor?:I think Johnny Depp and Leonardo Dicaprio are always fun to watch act ... I looooove Jimmy Stewart in anything...Dustin Hoffman...
If you could change one thing in our world what would it be?:I'm afraid it'll take more than one thing. Maybe just make everyone care more about each other and the issues of what is really going on now.
Do you have any bad habits?:Ohhhh yeah.
Do you think your fat?:Fat is such an ugly word.
Are you overweight?:Ha, thanks. Yeah.
What was the last thing you ate?:Cereal.
What is better mcdonalds/burgerking?:BK, I *guess* but I really can't each much fast food after watching SuperSize Me. Definitely not McDonalds. Those fries and their otherworldiness ...
Would you date Ron off of harry potter? /guy,hermoinie off harry potter?:RON. YES. I'm kind of in love with that character. He's just so bumbly cute!!
Woud you date a guy/girl with freckels?:Yes... this is an odd question. Do people say no?
if you could star in one movie what would it be?:Oh man, anything I really really like, to be able to be in it would be fantastic.
Who do you want to be like?:Eh, a few people. But that's a long-term view.
what word best describes yourself?:Indescribable. Ha. Moody, maybe.
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R a n d o m o s i t y
What are you wearing right now?:My pajamas still. Yeeeah, it's Saturday and I have a headache. And I had two tests yesterday. Judge me.
Who's your best friend(s)?:Answered before.
Have you ever been to a concert?:Yes. Several.
Which one(s)?:Nsync, James Blunt, 98 degrees, Maroon 5, John Mayer, Third Eye Blind ... yeah, mayb eothers. I can't remember.
What's your middle name?:Nicole.
Do you like Ryan Cabrera? (come on, he's so hot):Ha, yeah, I like the music of his I've listened to.
Do you like Gwen Stefani? (you know she's gorgeous):Yeah, I think she's really innovative.
Who's your worst enemy?:Blah, I don't know that I have one.
What kind of music do you listen to?:Lots.
What's your nationality?:American. (Irish.)
Do you like Taking Back Sunday?:I don't really know any of their songs.
Do you like guitar players? (I know I do):Yeah.
What's your favorite lyric/quote?:I don't know that I have *one*.
Do you like duct tape? (come on, it's the new fad!):Um, not really, no.
Do you support abortion?:I am pro-choice.
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a b o u t y o u - g i r l s.<3
Hair Color::Blonde.
Eye Color::Green.
Weight::Don't even know.
Freckles?:Maybe a few. I'm too lazy to go look.
Scars?:Yeah, but not on my face.
Style::I'm wearing pajamas. Comfortable.
Food::Mashed potatoes. Or fresh bread.
Drink::Water. Maybe chocolate soy milk. Or berry lemonade.
Store(s)::Trader Joes is just so cute. I'm semi-in love with it.
Shoe Brand::I just bought new Pumas, but my feet are too f'd up to tell you if I like them right now. I really like New Balances. They feel good from the moment you put them on.
Clothing Brand(s)::AE mostly, but if the basics are good, I'll get them from anywhere. And I'm not above designer-brand-whoring.
Purse Brand(s)::I really love my purse, and it was from Target. I don't get as crazy for bags. I just like it to be really functional. And cute yeah.
Coke/Pepsi::Coke. But neither.
Bikini/One Peice::Tankini? I don't really do swimsuits anymore.
Love/Money::Love. (But money wouldn't be bad right now either.)
Resturant/Fast Food::Restaurant.
Abercrombie/Walmart::Abercrombie, though I dislike both.
Have You Ever
Cried in school::Yeah. It's uncomfortable. But usually, if it's happening, there's no controlling it at that point.
Laughed so hard you peed::Ha, probably.
Seen your best friend naked::No.
Taken a shower with someone::Yes, but not since I was little.
Been drunk::Yes.
Cried on someones shoulder::Yes. It feels so good in the moment. Being comforted/hugged when crying is like the best, most comforting comfort available.
Let someone cry on your shoulder::Yes.
Slept in bed with same sex::Yes.
Used the bathroom in front of a friend::No. I can't handle that bathroom-door-open thing ... not even when I'm all alone in the house. It just freaks me out.
Do You
Do Drugs:No.
Cry often:Not often.
Change in front of your friends:Maybe minor things and sometimes, but generally no.
Talk about private things with friends:Yeah.
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color::Green or blue.
Favorite hair color::Darker.
tatoos::Sure, whatever. Not a lot though.
peircings::See above.
style::Whatever. Not overly anything.
The last.
person you hugged::My mom.
person you kissed::Someone in my family. Beyond that, Joseph.
person you talked to::Shirley. I was defending my watching the OSU game. "It's every week!"
time you cried::On the plane back.
time you laughed::Probably when talking to Shirley, or sometime watching the game.
thing you bought::Clothes online yesterday.
person you yelled at::I don't remember. I guess I don't yell a lot.
person you said i love you to::Probably my mom.
person you told you they loved you::who told you, I'm assuming. Ditto to above.
person you hit::I don't know.
thing you drank::Milk with my cereal.
thing you ate::Cereal.
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Odd Facts about ME
DO YOU SNORE?:No, unless I'm sick.
LOVER OR A FIGHTER?:Lover. Or passive-aggressive fighter. Ha.
WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR?:I don't know. I don't want to think about it.
AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO BUILDER?:Maybe moderately. I can remember doing it at other people's houses, but not at mine really. Maybe. Who knows.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"?:It's fine, whatever. Like anything, it can be done well or awfully. I don't understand the backlash really, what about documentaries? Similar, w/o stigma.
DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?:Sometimes. Not often.
WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?:Yeah, I was a fat baby, and very very cute.
HOW IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU?:Um, I'd say it's okay. I at least deal with it. :I'm feeling lonelier than usual today, but usually I'm fine.
DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER?:Yeah. Mostly at home, though.
ANY SECRET TALENTS?:Probably. I'll keep them secret, though, thanks.
HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "DONNIE DARKO"?:Yes. I really liked it actually ... not in the way I expected, but it definitely got me thinking, and I keep thinking about it, which is how I like films to affect me. To ta
DO YOU GIVE A DARN ABOUT THE OZONE?:ke a momentary stay in my mind. // Yes. And if you don't, you're stupid.
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON AN AIRPLANE?:Yes, I was just less than a week ago.
ARE SPEEDO'S HOT?:Not particularly.
WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING?:I don't really like hunting animals any more than I like hunting humans (which, ps, are animals as well).
IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE?:Yeah, I hope so. But not the near future.
DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?:Yeah, I really do actually. I want someone to make a font out of it.
WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO?:Nothing that I know of. Stupid people. There's certainly a reaction.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE YOU":Probably when I was leaving.
IS TUPAC STILL ALIVE?:Maybe. It wouldn't shock me.
DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS?:Yeah, usually. I ahven't been to one in awhile, though, which makes me sad. I really like weddings.
HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS?:I don't really eat eggs anymore.
ARE BLONDES DUMB?:No. I mean, some are, but some aren't, just like other haircolors.
WHERE DOES THE OTHER SOCK END UP?:Through the hose of the washer. Have I taken this before?
WHAT TIME IS IT?:4:45 pm.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A CAR?:On the way to the airport six days ago.
ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?:Yes, at least the unknown part of it.
WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO?:Wallowing, apparently. Um, maybe the Internet.
HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN IN AN AMBULANCE?:No. Why is this question such a novelty?
ARE YOU PSYCHIC?:Maybe a little.
YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE?:Yes, but not as an easy out. I don't *not* believe in it, I guess.
DO YOU WEAR NAILPOLISH?:Sometimes, but not at the moment.
DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE RIGHT NOW?:Yeah, kind of. Maybe. Who knows.
FAVORITE BAND AT THE MOMENT?:Bitter:Sweet, Matt Costa, The Killers.
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That's enough for now.