Jessica Does Surveys

Sunday, October 22, 2006

we gotta make a decision, leave tonight or live and die this way.

Right now...
Where are you at?:I'm AT my desk, in my room.
Where were you last?:On my bed.
Are you in a relationship?:I'm in many relationships, but none of the romantic nature.
Are you happy?:Nahh, not really. I had a semi-breakdown yesterday.
What is the last thing you accomplished?:Failing a test I should have passed? Um ... finishing all the cages on Friday.
What are your plans for the next week?:Study for Physics, try not to die/kill myself (mentally, mostly), go to class.
What are some goals you have?:To get into vet school. Which is proving to be very very difficult. To get at least B's in my science classes.
What are you listening to?:Matt Nathanson.
Any regrets?:Yes, but ultimately no because there's no sense in regretting. It won't change anything.
Eating anything?:No.
Drinking?:No. I had some Vitamin Water not so long ago. I should drink some water. It might make me feel better.
Who are you with?:Myself. Nalleli is over there working on a paper.
Last person you saw?:Probably Nalleli, on some backwards glance.
Next person you'll see?:Ditto.
How are you feeling?:Not very good. Like I'm failing at life and finally finding out what I want isn't enough because I'm not good enough to actually achieve it.
Mood?:Dejected. Worried. Helpless. Confused.
What did you do yesterday?:Went to Target, got my Orgo score, spent the rest of the day in bed.
The day before?:Studied, took my orgo quiz, took my orgo test, volunteered for nearly six hours.
Today?:Got up late-ish (but early-ish, for how much I slept), been on the Internet, ate cereal, talked to Z on the phone, Internet-ed some more. Felt guilty.
Are you independent?:Yeah, pretty much. Besides the fact that I don't pay for any of what I have (it's all scholarship/money from parents).
Do you want kids?:Yeah, I think so. They scare the shit out of me, but I feel it's something I want to do.
Would you be a good parent?:I think so. I hope so.
Do you want to get married?:Yeah, see the kids thing.
Are you/have you ever been a *player*?:No. I like a lot of people at one time, usually, but someone almost always comes out on top, or I'll really only pursue something with one person.
Favorite restaurants?:Um, I don't know. I've answered this elsewhere.
Do you live on your own?:Yeah, basically. I have roommates.
Do you plan on moving soon?:Not really, no. Unless you count six months as soon.
Things you need to buy to move?:Nothing really, save a storage space to keep stuff here for when I move back.
What do you want for Christmas?:I just saw this Jimmy Stewart TCM DVD set that I *totally* want, and there are probably lots of other things, but mostly I just want thoughtful gifts.
Halloween plans?:Man, nothing. I have Scholars that night. =( I wanted to go to the parade! Maybe I will anyway, maybe it starts after that. We'll see.
Tonight plans?:Definitely nothing. Homework. I have Bio at 9 in the morning tomorrow.
How many webisites are you a member of?:Dude, I don't even know. A lot. At least ten that I can think of, probably countless others that I've forgotten.
Do you have a car?:Yes, at home.
Do you have a job?:Not besides being a student which is killing me right now anyway, so I def. couldn't handle anything else.
Are you in school?:Yes.
When do you plan on being out of school?:Welll, let's see. 2.5 more years of this, and then hopefully 4 years of vet school, but there may be several years of break inbetween that if I don't get in. =(
What personality traits are most attractive in your bf/gf?:Sense of humor, kindness, intelligence.
Physical?:Cute hair.
Can you date more than one person at a time?:Not seriously.
Can you be in a relationship with more than one person at a time?:No.
Have you ever cheated?:No.
Been cheated on?:No.
What do you consider cheating?:Um, I don't know. Most things, I guess.
Once a cheater, always a cheater?:Maybe. It's all situational.
What can someone do to make you feel insecure about a relationship?:Ignoring me usually does it.
What can someone do to make you feel wanted?:Lots of things. Personal attention.
How do you know you like someone?:Jealousy is a good indicator, when I say their name a lot, when I start doing that smiley thing whenever they call, when I say things (only) to make them laugh.
How do you know you love someone?:Oh man, that's way more complicated. It has no formula.
Where is your family?:In Ohio.
Where is your best friend?:In Ohio.
What are you needing right now?:To pass science. To not be so discouraged at this huge wall in front of me that I give in to quitting.
Wanting?:Some sort of affection. I need to distract myself from all the self-loathing and worries.
When will you see your bf next?:Well, if by bf you mean boyfriend, goodness knows because I don't have one. If you mean best friend, probably next month.
Last movie you saw?:I watched part of "The Future of Food" last night, but all the way through, "The Aristocrats."
Next movie you want to see?:I really want to see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D, and Running with Scissors, and Marie Antoinette, and I still want to see Little Miss Sunshine.
Last 4 websites you visited?:Fandango (to look up those movies), this one, my NYU mail, and NYU study abroad.
Last person you talked to online?:My mom.
Last compliment recieved?:I don't even know.
Last compliment given?:Sadly, I don't know either.
What are you doing after this is done?:Probably another one of these. Starting anything just sounds depressing. And it's all in vain anyway, it would seem. I fail even when I study. A lot.
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Current Location::NYC.
Eye Color::Green.
Hair Color::Blonde.
Your webpage::I have a lot. None of them need to be so connected as to mention them on each other.
Are you taken?:I'm taken with ideas and worries.
Are you a virgin?:Yes.
How many & what kind of pets do you have?:Lots of cats, one dog.
What's your job?:To not kill myself being a student. To do well at it. I'm going to get fired soon, it would seem.
What's your Dream Job?:Veterinarian. Hopefully I can get there.
Who is your best friend?:Already answered. As are most of these.
What instruments do you play?:Clarinet. At least, I used to...
What are your hobbies?:I used to do a lot, I guess.
What are your goals?:To make it through school and into vet school.
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?:Sky dive, yeah. Bungee, maybe, probably not.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?:Magazines, I like Jane and Blender the most. Books, I usually just read fiction, either classics or something new that looks good/was recommended to me.
How would do describe yourself?:Right now, as a failure, but that's because I'm still in the midst of my semi-breakdown yesterday. Ask me later.
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?:All science, apparently.
What do you daydream about?:Things actually going the way I want them to.
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?:I'm Christian, but loosely because I don't believe so much in the institution of religion.
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One::I would say study more and take things more seriously, but I already do and am still failing, so ... just be able to do better?
Two::Be more positive. maybe.
Three::Already, the idea of changing myself is freaking me out, so I'll refrain from another.
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?:Outgoing, I guess.
Spender or Saver?:Saver.
Truth or Dare?:Truth.
Books or Movies?:Movies.
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?:RomCom.
Cats or Dogs?:Dogs.
Mountain or Beach?:Beach.
Sweet or Salty?:Sweet.
Do You...
Get annoyed easily?:Sometimes. It depends on my mood.
Like to travel?:Yes.
Like to drive fast?:Yes. Something about the attraction of danger.
Sing well?:Yeah, at least kind of.
Want kids?:Yes, in the far future.
-----What would you name a boy?:It would depend on what felt right at the moment, but I like the idea of naming him after my grandfather.
-----What would you name a girl?:Again, it would depend. I really like Ava for some reason lately.
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?:Yes, My Fair Lady.
Been in a car accident?:Yeah, small-ish ones.
Been out of the country? Where?:Yes, France and Italy (and technically Germany/England for airports).
What Is...
The last CD you bought?:I bought Keane's new CD, John Mayer's "Continuum," and Jeff Buckley's "Grace" (again) all at the same time.
The last movie you saw in the theater?:The Last Kiss.
The last movie you rented?:The Future of Food, The Aristocrats, and some documentary about Walmart, all from Netflix.
Your greatest fear?:Right now, it's to let me and others down by not succeeding at school.
Your greatest strength?:Hopefully rising above that.
Your greatest weakness?:Being too weak/wallowy/depressed/dejected to even try.
Your happiest memory?:I don't remember. Fun times as a youth.
Your Favorite...
TV Show::Grey's.
Actor::Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Depp, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray. (The secret appears to be double letters.)
Actress::Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman.
Food::Mashed potatoes. Sadly, pizza. (I don't let myself eat this much anymore.)
Drink::Lemonade-y things lately. Also, variants of water. Chocolate (soy)milk.
Scent::A lot of things. Certain colognes that remind me, that scent of wood-burning fall approaching, fresh-cut grass, clean warm towels, baking bread...
Season & WHY::Autumn, because it's the perfect transition. It just feels like autumn always coincides with my mind. And it's beautiful.
Day of the week & WHY::Lately, Saturday because it's the in-between (the shit of Friday/Sunday) day.
Store::Target lately, just because it has everything. But really, I should go back to Trader Joe's. I like it more for food.
Quote::Leap and the net will appear, and many from The Alchemist. But really, the net is not appearing yet.
What Do You Think About...
Abortion::I'm pro-choice. You will not convince me otherwise (that the government has a right to tell me how to act with my body).
Homosexuality::It's fine (and dandy, ha). No, really, it's no different than eye color or something ridiculously useless to judge people on.
God::I think too much happens perfectly for God not to exist.
Jesus::I had a personal experience that makes me believe Jesus existed as well, but I am certainly not about to jump on the "if you don't believe in Jesus, you're going to hell" band
Satan::wagon. // I don't know ... I think that yes, there is some force of evil, but I don't know if one person/man/thing exists that embodies all that.
Heaven::I'd like to think heaven exists. And that it's just kind of a re-meeting of all the people you want to see again, and ultimately all the things you loved.
Hell::I don't know. Maybe. But really, I think it would be worse to just cease to exist. Pain at least let's you know (at least) your soul is still alive.
Miracles::Miracles happen, that's just how life is. We can't possibly explain or predict everything.
Astrology::I like to read horoscopes, yeah, and a lot of it I think is pretty spot-on, but it's also often ridiculous and wrong, so take it all with a grain of salt.
War::I'd like to think I'm anti-war, but I can also see that it's kind of inevitable.
Ghosts::I'm pretty sure I believe in ghosts, partly due to personal experiences.
Reincarnation::I'd like to believe in reincarnation, because I think one lifetime is not enough to see/do all the things you need to in this world, but who knows.
Karma::Yeah, karma definitely exists. The proof is in the pudding.
Luck::I'm Irish, I pretty much have to (and do) believe in luck, but not in letting it passive-fy you.
Aliens::Ehh, maybe. I think the universe is pretty damn big for us to be the only planet with anything on it.
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one on one
In Five words or less
what youre not proud of:Sucking at science.
what you live for:Love, living, experiences.
what your best quality is:Caring a lot.
favorite moment:Laughing and feeling infinitely free.
future goals:Don't fail, get OSU accepted.
what you want this christmas:Personal, thoughtful, unexpected gifts.
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Top Eight *New&Old Questions*
Meet them
Numero One
What's this person's name backwards?:Yrallih.
Where was the last place you've been with this person?:Her house to drop her off. Beyond that, S N' S.
What would you buy for their birthday?:Oh well, see, I can't tell you because that's coming up soon and it would give away the surprise.
What would this person most likely be for Halloween?:Ha, something slutty because she knows why.
Who's this person's teacher/boss?:She has quite a few teachers.
When did you last plan to go somewhere out?:When I was last in town, early/mid October.
Numero Two
Who is one person number two is related to?:His sister, Rachel.
Do you have any classes with 2?:No, we go to different schools.
Describe 2 in three words.:Oh, that's difficult.
Where is 2 usually at everyday?:School, I would assume.
Why is this person number 2?:Why are any of them any number? That's just how it worked out the last time I rearranged them.
What color is their hair?:Black.
How old is 2?:17 for another few months.
Numero Three
Name one thing this person likes:Giving me "looks."
What does this person usually do all day?:They have class too. We're all basically students. That's our lives.
Where does this person do their homework?:I don't know ... in their room? In the library?
Does 3 use deordorant?:Yeah, I'd assume so.
What number are you on for their top friends?:Two. But we're married on facebook.
Where does 3 like to go for vacation?:Camp Willson, she liked Vegas I assume, and NY is always cool. =)
How long have you known 3?:A very long time. Technically since second grade, really since like ... sophomore/junior year of high school.
Numero 4.
Where does 4 live?:Right now, in NY. Otherwise, Portland.
What does 4 like to eat?:Ice cream and donuts late at night. Oreos during Sex and the City.
Who does 4 usually hang out with?:I don't know, we don't hang out enough anymore, what with our busy schedules and far-away living spaces.
Why is this person number 4?:Because they just are.
What reminds you of them?:Amos Lee, throwing shoes/oranges, drama with boys. Ha. =)
What was the last thing you guys did together?:We met up around the Tisch building just for some talking.
What does 4 hate?:Lying, non-calling boys. Douche bags. Doing laundry more than once a month, ha!
Numero 5
Ever gotten into a fight with them??:Yeah, in small ways.
Have they gotten into a physical fight yet?:With anyone? I don't know. Not with me or that I've seen, at least.
Does 5 make a cute couple with 7?:Let's see, who are they ... eh, I don't really see it happening.
Where have you been with 5?:Several places...? This is an odd question.
What would this person be for Halloween?:Oh man, I don't know.
Where do you see this person in ten years?:Wow, ten years is a mighty long time. 27? Wow, I have no clue what *I'll* be doing then, let alone him.
What do they like to watch on TV?:Ha, Cheaters late at night. House. (He's so saucy. It's true.)
Numero 6
Good memory with 6?:Walking dogs at CAHS.
Where was 6 born?:Ohio, I think, but I don't know for sure.
Have you two ever traveled together?:Just on that school trip around Ohio, I believe.
Is 6 often on myspace?:Maybe...? We're often online at the same time, it so happens.
What would this person most likely wear?:To what? When?
Does 6 take surveys?:Yes, she sends them to me occasionally as well.
How long have you known them?:Again, a long time. Since middle school.
Numero 7
How did you meet 7?:Through choir, drama, and the French trip.
What was your first impression?:Well, I heard she carried the Soprano II section, so I guess that was it.
Describe 7 in three words.:Again, too difficult.
When was the last time you saw this person?:At the football game before I left, in August.
What reminds you of them?:Oh man ... high school memories, lots of inside jokes about the French trip.
Where would you most likely see them?:Back in Ohio at a school function.
Does this person decorate their myspace?:Yeah.
Numero 8
What music do they listen to?:Broadway! And other things. =)
What's one thing in their myspace?:I don't know, I think she used to have a SB layout?
What is their default picture?:I believe it's the one with the blue hat.
How old are they?:17?
Do you comment this person a lot?:Not *a lot* but I don't comment people a lot really.
What's the song on their myspace?:I don't know...ah, I looked. She doesn't have one.
How long have you been friends?:Since her freshman year, so four years now, almost?
hehe :D
How did you pick out your top eight?:That's just how it naturally formed along a few changes.
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T.o.p..... 8.....
List them
About 1
Why is he/she #1?:She knows why. =)
How long have u known this person?:Four years now.
what is her/his favorite color?:Lime green.
do u trust them?:Yes.
would u put ur life in their hands?:I don't know that I'd ever be in a position to put my life in anyone's hands...
would u live with this person?:Yeah, probably, though I don't see that coming up.
have u ever been to this persons house?:Yes.
do u know their parents?:Yes.
have u ever seen this person fall?:Ha, probably.
about #2
why are they #2?:Is this going to be a question everytime? They just are. Permanent answer.
how long have u known them?:Four years now as well.
how did u meet this person?:Through band.
do u enjoy spending long periods of time with this person?:Ha, yes.
about 3
why are they #3?:See above.
do u even like this person?:Ha, yes.
do u ever have the urge to run them over with ur car?:No.
about #4
why are they # 4:See above.
have u ever wanted to hit this person?:Probably, before we really became friends.
do u/ did u go to school with this person?:Yes, still do.
do they have bad habits?:Yeah, we all do.
what are they?:Not doing her laundry until she has to do ALL of it -- as in everything she owns. Boy problems.
about #5
why are they #5?:See above.
have u ever wanted to see them fall just because it would be fun?:Not that I can really remember. But that hop/skip/jump-y thing he does sometimes when running to his front door is priceless.
do u love this all?:At all? Yeah. I love all my Top 8 people 'at all.'
about #6
why are they #6?:See above.
what is the most irritating thing this person does?:I don't know...I can't really think of anything.
about #7
why are they #7?:See above.
how long have u known them?:Like, two-three years.
about #8
why are they #8?:See above.
do u even like this person or are they just on ur top 8 to keep them quiet?:Ha, yes, I even like her.
About them all....
which one is smartest?:I don't know, they're all smart.
prettiest?:I really don't answer these questions.
easiest to talk to?:''
have u ever done anything with any of them that u regret?:Ha, no. Regrets are stupid.
which one could u be around for more than 24 hours straight?:I have been around several of them for more than 24 hours straight.
who would u take to a concert if u had 1 last ticket?:I've taken a few of them to shows/concerts as well. It would depends on who was available and who/what was playing.
would u ever take a bullet for any of them?:Yeah, probably.
which one is ur best friend?:A few of them are.
who would u do anything for?:Anything is a huge term.
which one is easiest to talk to?:Ahhhh the questions got stupid again.
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