Jessica Does Surveys

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

try, try, try to understand: he's a magic man.

Sixty-Nine Odd Questions
Are your parents married or divorced?:Divorced.
Are you a vegetarian?:Yes. I eat mostly vegan when here too ...that's just how it ends up.
Do you believe in Heaven?:Yes, I'd like to think so.
Have you ever come close to dying?:I choked once ... that was terrifying. Some car instances have been less than fun.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?:My sapphire ring on my right hand.
Are you eating?:Not at the moment.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli:No, I don't like the texture.
Do you wear makeup?:Yes, sometimes.
Would you ever have plastic surgery?:Probably not, unless it was necessary.
What do you wear to bed?:Pajama pants and a T-shirt when here.
Have you ever done anything illegal?:Yes, plenty of times.
Can you roll your tounge?:Yes.
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend?:No.
Do you believe in Abortions?:It's not a matter of believing or not believing in abortions. I am pro-choice.
What is your Hair color?:Blonde.
Future child's name, boy and girl?:I have no clue.
Do you smoke?:No.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?:France right this minute. Otherwise, probably Ireland just in case the Scholars program is mean to me. =/
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:Sort of ... occasionally I sleep with Hugh, my new Build-A-Bear darling.
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?:Pay off school/my parent's debts for school.
Gold or silver?:Silver.
Hamburger or hot dog?:Neither because I'm a vegetarian, but I'll eat veggie burgers but won't go near anything resembling a hot dog.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?:Mashed potatoes. And noodles. And biscuits. =)
City, beach or country?:I like all three for different reasons. When it comes time to actually decide a final spot for one of them, I don't know, because I like never having to decide.
What was the last thing you touched?:The keyboard to write this answer. Before that ... my hoodie to put it on because I was chilly.
Where did you eat last?:Right here at my desk, I had a bowl of cereal for dinner.
When's the last time you cried?:This weekend, I believe. After some reading of Plath, which made me remember important words I had forgotten.
Do you read blogs?:Yes.
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?:Maaaybe.
Ever been involved with the police?:Yes. All negative experiences and I hate cops for that reason.
what's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?:I use Herbal Essences straight something or other now, and Nexxus conditioner, and no special soap, just gel stuff. I don't know, I'm not terribly particular, I just like to
Do you talk in your sleep?:change a lot. // I think I've been told yes, occasionally. Which scares me a bit.
Ocean or pool?:Pool for swimming. Ocean for visiting.
What's your favorite song at the moment:"Magic Man" is the one of the day. "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" and "I Don't Trust Myself With Loving You" by John Mayer otherwise.
have you ever had a cavity?:Yes. Fuckers.
Window seat or aisle seats?:Window, definitely. Gotta take my pictures.
Ever met anyone famous?:Yeah, a few times.
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?:Well, for the most part so far, yeah, but I'm totally not done yet. There's a lot more success I'd like to achieve, more things to find and know and be.
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?:Twirl. Cutting is no fun.
What is your fav. sport to play?:I don't really enjoy playing sports. Maybe low-key volleyball or something.
Basketball or football?:Football.
when was the last time you went to the bathroom?:Just about fifteen minutes ago.
Do you drive a stick?:No.
Cake or ice cream?:Ice cream. Hands. f-ing. Down.
Are you self-conscious?:Yes.
Do you like any of your close friends?:Umm ... maybe. Ha. My close male friends aren't really *here* right now, so I'm currently much more distracted with other prospects.
Have you ever given money to a bum?:Yeah. Not often though. If I gave just a penny every time I passed one, I'd be much more broke than I am even now.
Have you been in love?:Yes.
Where do you wish you were?:I'd take France pretty quickly.
On myspace why is the 1st person on ur top 8 there?:It's Hillary 'cause she's oh-so-cool.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?:No.
Can you tango?:Not really, no. I can salsa, though.
Last gift you received?:I received a surprise package with food and goodies from my mother today. That was cool.
What occasion did you recieve your gift?:Ha, no occasion. Just a surprise. Those are the best. =)
Last thing you spent lots of money on?:Music. And food.
Where do you live?:In New York City, like the cool kids. Wait, on *Manhattan* like the cool kids. Better.
Last wedding attended.:Oh shoot ... um ... Charlie and Julie's.
Favorite restaurant?:I really like Spaghetti Warehouse, and Virage here.
What is your favorite kind of car?:Corvette. Preferably 60s. And red.
Most hated food(s):Pretty much meat, mushrooms, all seafood ...
Most loved food(s)?:Potatoes, bread, berries, great desserts (hello creme brulee).
Can you sing?:Yeah.
Person on your mind?:Guy. The new "B" and "C."
What's your least fav. chores?:Cleaning the bathroom.
Favorite drink?:Tea, if not water.
Currently have a Crush?:Yessss, several. Thank goodness for new school years ... what will I do when I'm out of school to meet new people??
How long was your longest drive in a car?:Probably down to Florida which is like ... 24 hours or something ridiculous? Lately, the 10 hour drive to get here from OH.
Why do you do Myspace surveys?:I was unaware this was a Myspace survey. I don't generally do those.
Do you know who Nick Tyo is?:Nope.
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