Jessica Does Surveys

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

last night i couldn't fight and now i want revenge.

[tell the truth!]
[about you]
are you mature? [for your age]:Yeah, I think so.
do you like yourself? [personality and looks?]:Umm, I like and dislike parts of myself all over.
do you dye your hair? why?:No. I don't think I'd like the upkeep, and I'm fine with my current color anyway.
do you wear a lot of make up/change your looks a lot? why?:No. I just don't ... too much hassle.
why do you dress the way you dress?:Because it's comfortable and yet not ugly ... ?
are you a confident strong person?:Sometimes. Depends on the day.
what are your worst personality traits?:I can be flaky (it's my default instead of out-right mean-ness).
do you have any phobias?:Spiders, snakes, big bugs in general. And dinosaurs. I know, I know. They're unreasonable fears for a reason.
any illnesses, mental or otherwise?:Right now I'm nursing some sort of virus, which sucks and is making me think I need medication to function.
are you a giving person?:Yeah, generally. Except that last little bit where you have to give just a little more than you want to give ... that step is really difficult for me.
are you a clean person? shower every day?:I'm a decently messy person, actually. I mean, I don't want shit molding, etc., but ... I'm not that clean. I generally shower every day, at least every other day.
are you materialistic?:Yeah, I definitely can be. I like my things. I like to shop.
are you creative?:I feel like people see me as way more creative than I see myself, but somewhat, yeah. I like to write, I often feel like painting, and I'm really visual.
logical/practical?:I can be ... ultimately, I won't use logic or practicality as my decision-maker, but it definitely enters in there.
do you care what people think of you?:Yeah, I think there are very few -- if any -- people who don't. They don't make decisions for me though.
why?:Because that's just how we are ... we're social creatures.
do you do things because your friends do?:Not usually, but sometimes. And it's not always bad for me either, because I have a tendency to be a little antisocial and just want to stay in, which isn't always good for me
have you given in to peer pressure?:Yeah, I'm sure I have, but really ... I've been good with this. No drugs or cigarettes, though offered, I don't drink unless I want to, same with sexual things, bad behavior.
are your ideas original or other peoples?:They're a mix of everything I've heard before. In that way, they're mine because no one else has had that combination, but other's too because they came from that.
have you smoked/drank/done drugs?:Smoked, no, nothing ever. Drank, yes. Done drugs, no ... just taken prescription and Tylenol-type.
are you sexually active?:No.
[your friends]
do any of your friends annoy you?:Yeah, probably from time to time.
do you fight with your friends?:I have before. Some relationships are more tumultuous than others.
do you have any grudges against any of them?:Probably. I have a tendency to hold grudges, mostly for stupid shit. Like not being friended on facebook...hmm.
do they have any with you?:Probably, I don't know. I don't like shit held over my head.
have you ever lied to them?:Yeah, but it was probably just in an attempt to help/not hurt them.
have friendships that ended?:Yes.
do any of your friends immiate you/copy your ideas/clothes etc?:Not in any sort of scary way. We pick things up from each other.
if so does it annoy you when they do?:Only when they don't indicate it came from me.
[habits etc]
do you eat a lot of junk food?:No. I don't eat much at all anymore really.
fast food?:Nope. Like, never anymore.
do you eat fruits and vegies?:Yep, that's most of what I eat.
are you healthy or overweight/underweight?:Well, I think I was healthy. I don't know about now, but either way I'm overweight so yeeeah.
do you exercise?:I walk at least ten blocks to school each way each day, usually a few times a day, let alone other outings, so yeah.
do you bite you nails?:Occasionally. Mostly when I'm nervous/have something to do that I don't want to do.
any bad habbits?:Besides the above? Yeah. I don't call people back, I probably don't take good enough care of myself (sleep, food, etc.), I revisit the past a little much.
drink/drug/smoke in excess?:No.
do destructive things?:Probably subconsciously.
cut/harm yourself?:No.
are you an attention whore?:Sometimes. I'm more just an anti-others-being-attention-whores. I don't care about the attention as long as it's not all on someone else.
or a loner?:I'm more this than the former, but not hardcore either.
do you brag a lot?:No, I don't think so.
like to show off?:No. Anything worth showing off, I'm going to doubt my skill at it anyway, so it'll just be nerves for me.
does it annoy you when other people do?:Sometimes. Depends on my mood, my previous feelings about the person.
do you crack you knuckles or other parts?:Yes, my fingers in general, and my neck, and my back sometimes. And my hip sometimes. And ankles/toes.
do you love porn?:No.
are you a sports fanatic?:Not really, no. I love OSU football, but that's getting weirder for me as some of them are younger than me now.
are you obsessive?:Yeah, probably.
have you had unprotected sex? more than once?:No. No.
are you a shopaholic?:Not really. Maybe for shoes.
do you keep up with trends?:Eh, moderately. I watch them as they go by.
herbavore, omnivore, or carnivore?:I suppose I'm an herbivore.
cat or dog person?:Ummm, I don't know. I like them both A LOT. I prefer whichever I'm with, ha. Maybe cats lately. I like that you have to earn their affections.
[last questions]
do you plan on going to college?:Ummm, yeah, I'm *in* it. It'd be a little late to not plan on it now.
if not will you be happy making minimum wage?:No, I wouldn't be happy making minimum wage.
do you have any regrets?:Maybe small ones, but not ultimately because if I changed anything, it'd exponentially change who and where I am now, and I'm not okay with that.
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How Old Were You The First Time You...
How Old Were You The First Time You...
Had your first real kiss?:Sixteen.
Thought you were in love?:Nine. Then again at fourteen.
Actually fell in love?:Seventeen.
Got your heart broken?:Fourteen and seventeen.
Somebody close to you died?:I don't remember.
Smoked a cigarette?:Never.
Tried alcohol?:Thirteen.
Smoked weed?:Never.
Did other drugs?:Never.
Got arrested?:Never.
Got in a car accident?:Fifteen.
Got a speeding ticket?:Never.
Got a DWI/DUI?:Never.
Lost your virginity?:Never.
Took someone's virginity?:Never. And ha.
Got cheated on?:Never.
Cheated on somebody else?:Never.
Dyed your hair?:Never.
Got something pierced?:Six.
Got a tattoo?:Never.
Got a car?:Fifteen.
Got your own cell phone?:Fifteen maybe?
Snuck out of the house?:Never *really.*
Moved out on your own?:Eighteen.
Got your own digital camera?:Seventeen.
Got drunk and blacked out?:Eighteen for the drunk, never for the blacked out.
Make out with a complete stranger?:Eighteen. Ha, good times actually.
Got a Myspace account?:Eighteen.
Did something that you regreted later?:Oh, I don't know.
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A Day In Your Life (With some twists)
Okay, so its Saterday Morning. What Time to you Wake up?:Probably 11 or 12.
What wakes you up?:Everyone else being up.
So you're now awake (ish) and out of bed. Whats the first thing you do?:Go to the bathroom or check my email.
And the Second thing?:Get some food.
You're all ready to start your day. Where do you go first?:On a Saturday? I probably wouldn't leave, or maybe I'd lottery a show or something.
How do you get there?:Subway or walking.
Your friend calls you and asks you to go to a party. Who's house is it at?:No one's house ... we don't do houses in NYC. It'd be at a club or someone's dorm.
you decide to go, do you go right over or stop at home to get ready:Ha, I wouldn't decide to go, but I'd stop and get ready.
You get to the party. Who's there?:My friends?
Are there drinks there or not?:Yeah, this is college, kids.
Your crush walks up to you. What do you say?:Umm, I don't have a crush, but ... I'd say hi?
He/She (in a random outburst) says that they like you. Do you accept them?:Sure, if they're my crush, right?
You go home. what do you do?:Ha, I take the crush home with me and we ... "watch a movie."
Time for pajamas! What do they look like?:Striped blue pajama pants and a T-shirt ... or maybe tank top since my crush might be there, ha.
any before-bed rituals?:Brushing my teeth, washing my face?
You go to bed. Do u fall right asleep or think a bit?:Think, definitely. I never go right to sleep.
if you think, what do you think about?:The day, the next day's possibilities.
you fall asleep. you begin to dream. who's in it?:Probably not my crush, because I don't dream about things that happened that day usually.
What's it about?:See above.
You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. why?:I had a nightmare? Someone made a loud noise?
do you go back to sleep or stay up for a little bit?:Stay up for a bit probably.
when you try to go to sleep, you cant. you decide to call someone. who?:I'd text them to see if they were up first ... probably Tricia.
No one answers their phone. Leave a message?:Yeah, maybe.
you go back and lay in bed till you fall asleep. Did you have a good day?:Sure ... This was way odd.
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45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?:Assicej. Wow, I didn't even need to think about it, I've been asked that so many times.
What did you do last night?:Iiiii....didn't do homework like I should have, went to Physics and kind of began liking my professor, showed Shirley my pictures.
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?:A mix of rap songs from online. I'm in a rap-y mood ... except that now I'm listening to Mozart. Ha.
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?:No.
Last time you swam in a pool?:An actual pool? Um ... over a year ago.
What are you wearing?:A black long-sleeved shirt (it's kinda cold today, actually) and jeans.
How many cars have you owned?:Sort of three, mostly only two, and really none.
Type of music you dislike most?:Depends on my mood. I hate that kind of random sounds/static/screaming shit that isn't even really music more than a study of noise.
Are you registered to vote?:No. I should be. I didn't get it done before I left, so now I can't absentee.
Do you have cable?:Yes. But no HGTV. Three ESPNs, no HGTV.
What kind of computer do you use?:A Gateway. But I want a diff. one.
Ever made a prank phone call?:Yeah, probably back in the day.
You like anyone right now?:Umm, not really. Maybe my professor. I was considering a boy, but he got put on my shit list quickly.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:Sky diving, definitely. (Wow, I've answered this question before and had the same answer.)
Furthest place you ever traveled?:Italy, I think.
What's your favorite comic strip?:Foxtrot. I've done this one before! Damn!
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?:Yes, can play it still too.
Shower, morning or night?:Morning.
Best movie you've seen in the past month?:I really enjoyed The Last Kiss. I haven't seen that many movies lately...Supersize Me was cool too, I'm way into documentaries right now.
Favorite pizza toppings?:Cheese. Maybe some more cheese.
Chips or popcorn?:Chips. And dip.
What cell phone provider do you have?:Verizon. I wish they'd let me get a new phone, but other than that, I adore them.
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?:No.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?:No. They called me for a few though. I wa slike yeeeah, no.
Orange Juice or apple?:Orange, hands down. I don't like apple. I'm not really into fruit juices though. I'd rather just have the fruit.
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?:Nalleli today, at Dojo.
favorite chocolate bar?:Mr. Goodbar.
Who is your longest friend and how long?:Hans kind of, but not really. Tricia. 2nd grade/sophomore year of h.s.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?:Like, mid-August, just to taste again ... I still don't like tomatos. I keep trying, but no dice.
Have you ever won a trophy?:Yeah.
Favorite arcade game?:4 Second Frenzy is so much fun lately!
Ever ordered from an infomercial?:Yeah, I think so.
Sprite or 7-UP?:7-Up, though I don't drink soda.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?:No.
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?:Picked-up photos.
Ever thrown up in public?:Not that I remember.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?:True love.
Do you believe in love at first sight?:Yeah, actually, I do.
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?:Jimmy Neutron by default.
Did you have long hair as a young kid?:Umm, sort of. I had short hair for awhile, then long hair from then on.
What message is on your voicemail machine?:Something generic.
Where would you like to go right now?:I'd like to go back to France. Or to Marco Island. Or take a nap. I should have done that. Shit. Whatever.
Whats the name of your pet?:Honey. Angel. OMG, I love the owl girls at KK right now! SO ADORABLE.
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?:It's light blue ... jansport maybe? Nothing. I'm just using my bag.
What do you think about most?:Lately? Something/one I shouldn't be. Besides that? Homework, general worries.
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myspace ♥ survey
nicknames:I'm tired of answering these.
birthday:July 15th.
location:At my desk in NYC.
backgrounds:"Covered in Rain" by John Mayer is playing, the keyboard's a tap-tap-tapping, Hillary's IM-ing me and the window's flashing.
job:None. I volunteer.
hair color:Blonde.
eye color:Green.
look like a celeb:No. Though I've gotten Drew Barrymore before, and that strikes me as odd.
dye your hair:No.
have bangs:No. Never again.
have braces:No.
wear glasses:No. I've considered buying a pair several times.
wear contacts:No.
piercings:Yes, ears.
tattoos:No ...t yet.
tv show:Grey's Anatomy.
food:Mashed potatoes.
alcoholic drink:Long Island Iced Tea.
day of the week:Tuesday.
season:Fall, though lately the rebirth of Spring has been enticing me.
radio station:WNCI, though the Z100? station here doesn't SUCK.
resturant:Spaghetti Warehouse. Refectory. Cameron Mitchell restaurants.
teacher:Johnson, Buck, Daniels. Now ... dammit all to hell, the Physics professor.
class:Again, dammit all to hell, Physics. My APs in high school, mostly Englishes.
quote:There are quite a few I like. They're mostly on facebook.
book:The Alchemist. Magical.
magazine:I actually liked Radar when it was out. Jane is good for planes.
flower:Irises. Lillies sometimes too. And tulips.
memory:I can't pick one, thanks.
tv channel:Bravo.
person you hugged:I don't remember ... my dad?
person you kissed:A boy I'd rather not say. I didn't choose to kiss him.
thing you said:Probably "yeah."
thing you ate:Peanut butter.
you called:Tricia.
called you:Mom.
person you saw:Shirley.
you have a long convo with:Nalleli.
best house:these
best car:sections
best parents:so
most shy:luck
always has a boyfriend/girlfriend:but
always has parties:thanks
best girl friend:anyway
best guy friend:because
known the longest:it's
known the shortest:the
look up to the most:thought
most likely to pass out drunk:right?
to go streaking:Wrong.
become a cop:I
become famous:hate
kill someone:them.
try to take over the world:So there.
summer or winter:Summer.
dog or cat:Cat.
pepsi or coke:Coke.
cellphone or ipod:iPod.
ocean or pool:Pool.
black or white:Black.
chocolate or vanilla:Chocolate.
flowers or candy:Flowers.
rock or rap:Rock.
tv or movie:Movie.
aim or myspace:AIM.
stars or hearts:Hearts.
bracelet or necklace:Bracelet.
gold or silver:Silver.
brunette or blonde:Blonde.
kisses or hugs:Kisses. (No one ever chooses hugs. And rightfully so. They're good, but over kisses?? Come on.)
pen or pencil:Pencil.
lb or oc:Whoa, that took me awhile to figure out. I don't do either.
drank:Yes, I have done so?
failed a test:No.
had sex:No.
been home alone:Yes.
stayed home from school:No.
been to the mall:Yes.
bought a book:Yes.
been to a show/concert:Yes.
yelled at someone:Yes.
got into a fight/argument:Yes.
cried to a friend:Yes.
told the truth:Yes.
told a lie:Yes.
been out of state:Yes.
iN Y0UR R00M
your own phone:My cell phone ...
your own phone line:I don't do land lines.
dvd player:Yes.
of what?:France.
of who?:Ha, actually, France again. And other kids.
taken or single:Single.
got a crush:Just on my (married) professor. Ha.
name pleaseee:Nope. That's all I need, for that to show up on a Google search.
how far have you gone:To the moon and back. Pleeeeease.
how far do you want to go:Ha, ohhh goodness. As far as I end up going, I guess, hmm?
last person you said i love you to:My mom.
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