so what if you catch me, where would we land?
Which Rockstar: Supernova Contestant Are You?

Ryan Star
You're Ryan! An insightful person full of soul. You're not all about superficiality, you're about what's on the inside. You're a person that tends to really impress people with your inner beauty.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Memories...and then some! | |
Your First Name: | Jessica. |
Nickname your family gave you: | Jessie. |
Nickname your friends gave you: | JRea. |
Age: | 19. |
Place of Birth: | Florida. |
Occupation: | Student. And perpetual volunteer. Aspiring vet. |
Goal in Life: | I have lots of goals, but if I can look back at the end and just smile and feel like I've changed somethings and someones for the better ... then I'm happy. |
Hobbies: | I play the clarinet sometimes ... not very much anymore ... I like cards, I like to knit, I like online games (sadly), and watching movies. |
Fears: | Spiders, snakes, dying without the satisfaction and love mentioned above. |
Pet Peeves: | Loud eating noises, getting the floor all wet after a shower. |
Greatest Influences: | My mother is probably the greatest. Other than that, my fathers and some friends and strangers I've met along the way. |
Best Life Accomplishment: | So far? Graduating as the valedictorian was a huge accomplishment, but honestly, best so far, personally for me, is to have decided what I want to do and be on my way there. |
Biggest mistake made: | I don't believe in mistakes. Just happy accidents and a good bit of destiny. We learn from whatever we do, good or bad -- the lesson is to be learned. |
Favorite Person (Only Pick One): | I don't have a favorite. I have favorite little things about everyone. If I could get all those favorites in one person, I'd only know one! |
Favorites (ONLY ONE) | |
Elementary School Memory: | Being chosen for a lot of special projects with my teacher, or often being put in the same group as my *favorite* boy of the time. =) |
Junior High School Memory: | Being the only person to get a 10 -- and thus first chair -- in band -- and having another *favorite* boy smile at me for it. |
High School Memory: | My graduation speech, if that counts. It was the perfect goodbye, letting go, embracing ... such love, such closure. Besides that, all of band and in-class stuff. |
Aunt...and why: | I have some really good aunts, and I like them all for different reasons. My few favorites are those because they're strong, proud, caring women. |
Uncle...and why: | Ditto to above ... mostly because they're hilarious, kind, and truly care. |
Passtime: | The Internet, if I only got to choose one to use, but as a *favorite* ... um ... shopping, cards, or reading. |
TV Show: | Probably Grey's Anatomy, but it's not on right now, so I feel less zealous about that answer. |
Movie: | Casablanca. |
Actor: | Currently, Johnny Depp. Past, Jimmy Stewart. (But I'm way into actors. I have lots of favorites.) |
Actress: | I don't really have a favorite actress. Maybe Nicole Kidman, Rachel Weisz, Reese Witherspoon? |
Band: | Gnarls Barkley, right now. All-time ... probably Coldplay or U2. Oh wait ... taking over all those -- The Beatles. |
Singer: | Jeff Buckley. Ella Fitzgerald. |
Song: | "Hallelujah," though it's really unfair to ask me to pick a favorite. I have a million favorites. Okay ... maybe a hundred. Or so. |
Website: | fourfour, because I love the PR recaps. Other than that, overheardinnewyork. |
Gone outside Canada?: | Yes, in that USA is outside of Canada... |
Lied to your parents?: | Yes, obviously. |
Been in a bad car accident?: | No, not bad. |
Faked an illness?: | Probably. |
Stolen anything?: | Maybe ... not that I specifically remember. |
Slept Naked?: | Yep. |
Backstabbed someone?: | , but I don't really remember it ... middle school is hazy. |
Rode a motocycle?: | Yes, but I don't particularly enjoy them. Once I'm on them, I guess ... but ... not really. |
Skinny dipped?: | Nope. I don't do much swimming, and particularly not in anything that's not a cleaned pool, so the chances are low anyway. |
Slept outside without a tent?: | No, I don't think so. |
Fell upstairs?: | Yes. But unlike falling down, you don't fall for long. |
Got caught having sex?: | No. |
Wished you were somewhere else?: | Yes. |
Wanted to die?: | Probably, yeah. |
Mother: | Capa movies? Music/dancing? I don't know, there are way too many. |
Father: | Heartfelt moments around graduation, ice outside BK. |
Brother/Sister: | Probably this summer. The fair, the early parts. Getting older helps. |
Best Friend (MALE): | Just laughs and laughs. And cute hair and smiles and singing/dancing. |
Best Friend (FEMALE): | Crying, Wicked, laughing, Tuttle. |
Grandmother: | Cooking noodles. And makeup. And coloring. And the park. And Dairy Queen. |
Grandfather: | Reading the newspaper in that chair. |
An Ambulance Ride: | Never ridden in an ambulance. |
A Fire Truck: | I think I toured one once? And that was not bad? |
Sunday School/Church: | Maybe getting the scripture quizzes right ... or singing ... I don't know, it's been forever. I remember doing the Good Samaritan "skit." |
Sporting Event: | Westland Football Games, having fun despite the team. |
A Holiday: | All the Christmases at home. |
A Wedding: | Just dancing and laughing and loving. |
Small House Party or Huge Outside Party: | Small House Party. |
Clubs or Bars: | Clubs if in Europe. Bars if not. |
Pubs or Fast Food: | Pubs. |
Theatre Movies or Rental Movies: | Theatre. |
Antique Cars or Sports Cars: | Antique sports cars. Ha ... sports only because of the Corvette. Otherwise, antique. |
Big House or Small House: | On the small side ... I don't want anything cavernous; I want cozy. |
Fairy Tale Wedding or Simple Wedding: | Fairy tale -- big hoopla, all of it. |
Flats or Heels: | Heels. |
Soccor or Football: | Football. |
Ball Hockey or Ice Hockey: | Ice. |
White Milk or Chocolate Milk: | Chocolate. OOooo, chocolate milk. |
Brown Bread or White Bread: | Brown. Ha. Aka, wheat. |
Mozza Cheese or Chedder Cheese: | Either. Cheddar? |
Soft Rock or Hard Rock: | Soft. Ha. |
Country or Blues: | Blues. |
Alternative or Metal: | Alternative. |
Punk or Emo: | Emo. |
That 70's Show or CSI: | 70's Show. |
Horror or Comedy: | Comedy. Hands down. |
Being Cold or Being Hot: | Being cold. Yay blankets! |
Stoned or Drunk: | Drunk. |
Baked or Fried: | Friiiiiied (as in cheese ... which I want really badly right now). |
Meat or Veggies: | Veggies. (I don't eat meat.) |
Airplane or Boat: | Airplane. |
Flowers or Chocolates: | Flowers. |
Yogurt or Pudding: | Pudding. |
Rice or Noodles: | Rice. I would have said noodles before Shirley cooked rice EVERY NIGHT and got me Asian-addicted. |
Doing Dishes or Doing Laundry: | Dishes. |
Travel or Explore: | Travel. |
What's the sickest you've ever been?: | I was pretty sick this July 4th weekend ... as in, throwing up, chills, fever, couldn't move, crying, wanting to die, etc. But yeeeeah, I went to the hospital once. |
What's your worst habit?: | Biting my nails when nervous? Doubting myself? Being messy? Being late? |
Which friend did you recently have a falling out with?: | None, though I don't talk to half of the people I was talking to, due to the big move. |
What can you just not do?: | I just can't eat meat anymore. I just can't. |
Who do you trust the most?: | My mother. At least to do what's right for me. |
Who do you trust the least?: | Most politicians and PR people. |
Who would you take with you to a deserted island?: | My doggy because I love her ... maybe a few of my friends would make that list. |
Worst thing you've ever done to a family member?: | Oh ... doubted them, not taken the time to even see or appreciate them. |
Have you ever been sexually assaulted?: | Um, yes actually. At least assaulted, that much I know. I wasn't raped and there was no sex involved, but I felt assaulted and it was of a sexual nature, so I'm saying yes, |
Have you ever been abused?: | (cont.) I guess. No one has asked me yet, though, so ... that's the first yes. /// No, not really. |
Have you ever gotten lost?: | Yes, sometimes I get lost on purpose. |
Have you ever gone without food on purpose?: | Yes. |
Has been through way too much?: | No. |
What's your view on abortion?: | Pro-choice. You cannot convince me otherwise. It is not an issue of whether or not it's legal/alive/etc. -- just that the gov't can't make that choice for me or others. |
What's your view on adoption?: | All for it, if you'd like to. |
What's your view on Immigration?: | I think there's way too huge of a deal placed on it. I think yes, there should be precautions, but mainly if people want to come, they should be able to do so. |
What's your view on homosexuality?: | People are born with whatever sexual preference they have, and no one should be denied rights or thought of any differently because of this fact. |
What's your view on War?: | I'm anti-war, but a part of me thinks it is inevitable. |
What's your view on Child Porn?: | I'm against it? Is there anyone really *for* child porn? What are real views on this besides "against it" ... |
What's your view on Dog Banning?: | Banning having dogs? I think that's bullshit. Dogs are great animals, great companions, great souls. |
What's your view on Gun Control?: | I'm for gun control. I don't think we should all be walking around with guns in our hands. I'm not for the NRA. |
What's your view on Child Labor?: | Against it ... preserve some innocence, really. |
What's your view on Stay at homes moms?: | Stay at home moms are great ... my mom did it -- working at home -- and it probably helped and hindered me in ways, but I'm fine and happy on the other end, so all the power |
What's your view on the Death Penelty?: | (cont) to them if they can do it, I applaud them. /// I'm against the death penalty. I don't think life is ours to take, since it was not ours to give. |
What's your view on the Young Offenders Act?: | I don't know what that is, but basically I think if you're 15 and up, probably even 13 and up, you know what you're doing for the most part. |
What's your view on Euthenasia?: | I think it's humane enough that in certain cases it should be used, and that it should be an available choice. |
What's your view on Organized Religion?: | Really, I've found in these past few years that I'm anti-organized religion. Religion means being tied to one idea, and I don't think that is real spirituality. Spirituality |
DEEP QUESTIONS and what would you do? | |
If you found out your best friend slept with your boyfriend/girlfriend: | (cont) is great, but religion (the institution man has forced on spirituality) messes it all up. /// I'd be pissed at both of them and work it out from there. It'd be hard |
If you found out someone was beating their kid(s): | to forgive, and I'd never really forget, I'm sure. //// I'd try to find out information regarding the situation, and if need be call Child's Services (though I'm wary of th |
Someone broke into your home and you caught them: | em too). //// I would be so freaking pissed. Stealing is just one of those things I've dealt with and can't condone, knowing how it feels on the other end. Call cops, knoc |
If you won $5: | k them unconscious. /// Be excited? Buy some more orange juice or throat medicine? |
If you won $500: | Be way more excited. Ha. And probably go buy the few CDs I want. |
If you won $50 Million Dollars: | WHOA. I'd be happy, but at the same time completely wary and hesitant. Money fucks things up as well. |
Your on a plane, it's going to crash, you can call one person...who is it?: | My mom. |
Your on a deserted island, you have 3 things, what are they?: | My dog, my iPod, and food/water. |
Your house is burning can save 2 things...what are they?: | My memory box from last year of school and my laptop. |
You win a trip for 2 to Florida: Disney take who?: | My dad. He'd ride everything. |
Where's your quiet spot to go when you are upset?: | My room generally, or the hammock, or driving. |
Would you rather burn alive or drowned.: | Drown. |
How do you want to be remembered when you die?: | As someone who searched for and spread love, as a friend and fondly. |
Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself? What is it?: | Yes, mostly physical things. I'm starting to work on the non-physical things already. |
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