Jessica Does Surveys

Saturday, September 09, 2006

so what if you catch me, where would we land?

Take the quiz:
Which Rockstar: Supernova Contestant Are You?

Ryan Star
You're Ryan! An insightful person full of soul. You're not all about superficiality, you're about what's on the inside. You're a person that tends to really impress people with your inner beauty.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Memories...and then some!
Your First Name:Jessica.
Nickname your family gave you:Jessie.
Nickname your friends gave you:JRea.
Place of Birth:Florida.
Occupation:Student. And perpetual volunteer. Aspiring vet.
Goal in Life:I have lots of goals, but if I can look back at the end and just smile and feel like I've changed somethings and someones for the better ... then I'm happy.
Hobbies:I play the clarinet sometimes ... not very much anymore ... I like cards, I like to knit, I like online games (sadly), and watching movies.
Fears:Spiders, snakes, dying without the satisfaction and love mentioned above.
Pet Peeves:Loud eating noises, getting the floor all wet after a shower.
Greatest Influences:My mother is probably the greatest. Other than that, my fathers and some friends and strangers I've met along the way.
Best Life Accomplishment:So far? Graduating as the valedictorian was a huge accomplishment, but honestly, best so far, personally for me, is to have decided what I want to do and be on my way there.
Biggest mistake made:I don't believe in mistakes. Just happy accidents and a good bit of destiny. We learn from whatever we do, good or bad -- the lesson is to be learned.
Favorite Person (Only Pick One):I don't have a favorite. I have favorite little things about everyone. If I could get all those favorites in one person, I'd only know one!
Favorites (ONLY ONE)
Elementary School Memory:Being chosen for a lot of special projects with my teacher, or often being put in the same group as my *favorite* boy of the time. =)
Junior High School Memory:Being the only person to get a 10 -- and thus first chair -- in band -- and having another *favorite* boy smile at me for it.
High School Memory:My graduation speech, if that counts. It was the perfect goodbye, letting go, embracing ... such love, such closure. Besides that, all of band and in-class stuff.
Aunt...and why:I have some really good aunts, and I like them all for different reasons. My few favorites are those because they're strong, proud, caring women.
Uncle...and why:Ditto to above ... mostly because they're hilarious, kind, and truly care.
Passtime:The Internet, if I only got to choose one to use, but as a *favorite* ... um ... shopping, cards, or reading.
TV Show:Probably Grey's Anatomy, but it's not on right now, so I feel less zealous about that answer.
Actor:Currently, Johnny Depp. Past, Jimmy Stewart. (But I'm way into actors. I have lots of favorites.)
Actress:I don't really have a favorite actress. Maybe Nicole Kidman, Rachel Weisz, Reese Witherspoon?
Band:Gnarls Barkley, right now. All-time ... probably Coldplay or U2. Oh wait ... taking over all those -- The Beatles.
Singer:Jeff Buckley. Ella Fitzgerald.
Song:"Hallelujah," though it's really unfair to ask me to pick a favorite. I have a million favorites. Okay ... maybe a hundred. Or so.
Website:fourfour, because I love the PR recaps. Other than that, overheardinnewyork.
Gone outside Canada?:Yes, in that USA is outside of Canada...
Lied to your parents?:Yes, obviously.
Been in a bad car accident?:No, not bad.
Faked an illness?:Probably.
Stolen anything?:Maybe ... not that I specifically remember.
Slept Naked?:Yep.
Backstabbed someone?:, but I don't really remember it ... middle school is hazy.
Rode a motocycle?:Yes, but I don't particularly enjoy them. Once I'm on them, I guess ... but ... not really.
Skinny dipped?:Nope. I don't do much swimming, and particularly not in anything that's not a cleaned pool, so the chances are low anyway.
Slept outside without a tent?:No, I don't think so.
Fell upstairs?:Yes. But unlike falling down, you don't fall for long.
Got caught having sex?:No.
Wished you were somewhere else?:Yes.
Wanted to die?:Probably, yeah.
Mother:Capa movies? Music/dancing? I don't know, there are way too many.
Father:Heartfelt moments around graduation, ice outside BK.
Brother/Sister:Probably this summer. The fair, the early parts. Getting older helps.
Best Friend (MALE):Just laughs and laughs. And cute hair and smiles and singing/dancing.
Best Friend (FEMALE):Crying, Wicked, laughing, Tuttle.
Grandmother:Cooking noodles. And makeup. And coloring. And the park. And Dairy Queen.
Grandfather:Reading the newspaper in that chair.
An Ambulance Ride:Never ridden in an ambulance.
A Fire Truck:I think I toured one once? And that was not bad?
Sunday School/Church:Maybe getting the scripture quizzes right ... or singing ... I don't know, it's been forever. I remember doing the Good Samaritan "skit."
Sporting Event:Westland Football Games, having fun despite the team.
A Holiday:All the Christmases at home.
A Wedding:Just dancing and laughing and loving.
Small House Party or Huge Outside Party:Small House Party.
Clubs or Bars:Clubs if in Europe. Bars if not.
Pubs or Fast Food:Pubs.
Theatre Movies or Rental Movies:Theatre.
Antique Cars or Sports Cars:Antique sports cars. Ha ... sports only because of the Corvette. Otherwise, antique.
Big House or Small House:On the small side ... I don't want anything cavernous; I want cozy.
Fairy Tale Wedding or Simple Wedding:Fairy tale -- big hoopla, all of it.
Flats or Heels:Heels.
Soccor or Football:Football.
Ball Hockey or Ice Hockey:Ice.
White Milk or Chocolate Milk:Chocolate. OOooo, chocolate milk.
Brown Bread or White Bread:Brown. Ha. Aka, wheat.
Mozza Cheese or Chedder Cheese:Either. Cheddar?
Soft Rock or Hard Rock:Soft. Ha.
Country or Blues:Blues.
Alternative or Metal:Alternative.
Punk or Emo:Emo.
That 70's Show or CSI:70's Show.
Horror or Comedy:Comedy. Hands down.
Being Cold or Being Hot:Being cold. Yay blankets!
Stoned or Drunk:Drunk.
Baked or Fried:Friiiiiied (as in cheese ... which I want really badly right now).
Meat or Veggies:Veggies. (I don't eat meat.)
Airplane or Boat:Airplane.
Flowers or Chocolates:Flowers.
Yogurt or Pudding:Pudding.
Rice or Noodles:Rice. I would have said noodles before Shirley cooked rice EVERY NIGHT and got me Asian-addicted.
Doing Dishes or Doing Laundry:Dishes.
Travel or Explore:Travel.
What's the sickest you've ever been?:I was pretty sick this July 4th weekend ... as in, throwing up, chills, fever, couldn't move, crying, wanting to die, etc. But yeeeeah, I went to the hospital once.
What's your worst habit?:Biting my nails when nervous? Doubting myself? Being messy? Being late?
Which friend did you recently have a falling out with?:None, though I don't talk to half of the people I was talking to, due to the big move.
What can you just not do?:I just can't eat meat anymore. I just can't.
Who do you trust the most?:My mother. At least to do what's right for me.
Who do you trust the least?:Most politicians and PR people.
Who would you take with you to a deserted island?:My doggy because I love her ... maybe a few of my friends would make that list.
Worst thing you've ever done to a family member?:Oh ... doubted them, not taken the time to even see or appreciate them.
Have you ever been sexually assaulted?:Um, yes actually. At least assaulted, that much I know. I wasn't raped and there was no sex involved, but I felt assaulted and it was of a sexual nature, so I'm saying yes,
Have you ever been abused?:(cont.) I guess. No one has asked me yet, though, so ... that's the first yes. /// No, not really.
Have you ever gotten lost?:Yes, sometimes I get lost on purpose.
Have you ever gone without food on purpose?:Yes.
Has been through way too much?:No.
What's your view on abortion?:Pro-choice. You cannot convince me otherwise. It is not an issue of whether or not it's legal/alive/etc. -- just that the gov't can't make that choice for me or others.
What's your view on adoption?:All for it, if you'd like to.
What's your view on Immigration?:I think there's way too huge of a deal placed on it. I think yes, there should be precautions, but mainly if people want to come, they should be able to do so.
What's your view on homosexuality?:People are born with whatever sexual preference they have, and no one should be denied rights or thought of any differently because of this fact.
What's your view on War?:I'm anti-war, but a part of me thinks it is inevitable.
What's your view on Child Porn?:I'm against it? Is there anyone really *for* child porn? What are real views on this besides "against it" ...
What's your view on Dog Banning?:Banning having dogs? I think that's bullshit. Dogs are great animals, great companions, great souls.
What's your view on Gun Control?:I'm for gun control. I don't think we should all be walking around with guns in our hands. I'm not for the NRA.
What's your view on Child Labor?:Against it ... preserve some innocence, really.
What's your view on Stay at homes moms?:Stay at home moms are great ... my mom did it -- working at home -- and it probably helped and hindered me in ways, but I'm fine and happy on the other end, so all the power
What's your view on the Death Penelty?:(cont) to them if they can do it, I applaud them. /// I'm against the death penalty. I don't think life is ours to take, since it was not ours to give.
What's your view on the Young Offenders Act?:I don't know what that is, but basically I think if you're 15 and up, probably even 13 and up, you know what you're doing for the most part.
What's your view on Euthenasia?:I think it's humane enough that in certain cases it should be used, and that it should be an available choice.
What's your view on Organized Religion?:Really, I've found in these past few years that I'm anti-organized religion. Religion means being tied to one idea, and I don't think that is real spirituality. Spirituality
DEEP QUESTIONS and what would you do?
If you found out your best friend slept with your boyfriend/girlfriend:(cont) is great, but religion (the institution man has forced on spirituality) messes it all up. /// I'd be pissed at both of them and work it out from there. It'd be hard
If you found out someone was beating their kid(s):to forgive, and I'd never really forget, I'm sure. //// I'd try to find out information regarding the situation, and if need be call Child's Services (though I'm wary of th
Someone broke into your home and you caught them:em too). //// I would be so freaking pissed. Stealing is just one of those things I've dealt with and can't condone, knowing how it feels on the other end. Call cops, knoc
If you won $5:k them unconscious. /// Be excited? Buy some more orange juice or throat medicine?
If you won $500:Be way more excited. Ha. And probably go buy the few CDs I want.
If you won $50 Million Dollars:WHOA. I'd be happy, but at the same time completely wary and hesitant. Money fucks things up as well.
Your on a plane, it's going to crash, you can call one person...who is it?:My mom.
Your on a deserted island, you have 3 things, what are they?:My dog, my iPod, and food/water.
Your house is burning can save 2 things...what are they?:My memory box from last year of school and my laptop.
You win a trip for 2 to Florida: Disney take who?:My dad. He'd ride everything.
Where's your quiet spot to go when you are upset?:My room generally, or the hammock, or driving.
Would you rather burn alive or drowned.:Drown.
How do you want to be remembered when you die?:As someone who searched for and spread love, as a friend and fondly.
Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself? What is it?:Yes, mostly physical things. I'm starting to work on the non-physical things already.
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