Jessica Does Surveys

Monday, July 10, 2006

LAST NIGHT I:did NOTHING, except fill out these surveys, talk with Hillary online 'til 4:10 am, then attempt Cold Mountain.
MY IDEAL BREAKFAST:is pancakes and fruit. And mimosas.
I LUV IT WHEN A GUY/ GIRL:makes the first move.
WHEN I LOOK RIGHT I SEE:one of our cats, Tiger, staring out the window.
WHEN I LOOK LEFT I SEE:Many other cats sleeping in the dark living room.
MY DREAM DATE IS:with the perfect person, extravagant but simple, filled with personal touches and romanticism.
A BETTER NAME FOR ME WOULD BE:not possible because I really like my current name.
I DON'T UNDERSTAND:why I fuck things up so much.
WHEN I WAS 5:I knew a hell of a lot less than I do now.
ULTIMATE CAREER GOAL:I really do think I want to be a vet, though teaching would never make me unhappy. Or playing in an orchestra.
BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR:I hope to really feel cemented in my college-ness.
IF I WON AN AWARD I'D THANK:my parents, my friends, my family, my teachers, my inspirations.
YOU KNOW I LIKE YOU IF:I laugh at everything you say and look at you extensively.
MY FAVORITE QUOTE:is "Leap and the net will appear."
WHO I'D BE IN HISTORY:is myself?
COUNTRY I MOST WANT TO VISIT:Ireland or England at this point.
MY GREATEST FEAR:is being alone forever.
WORST BREAK-UP:was one the one which was very, very messy and confused. And sort of continued for a month or two.
WHY WON'T ANYONE:take some action?
NEXT TIME I GO TO CHURCH:will be crazy because I don't really see it happening.
FAVORITE SONG LINE:would be impossible to choose.
BIGGEST TURN-ONS:Humor, hot hair, height, kindness.
MY FANTASY IS:to really be full-out happy someday.
I ONCE MET:the stars from Avenue Q and it was SWEEEET.
PET PEEVES:Incessant noise-making, flaky-ness, eating noises.
MY BEST ATTRIBUTE IS:my flexibility.
I NEED TO IMPROVE:on my work ethic.
I REGRET THIS A LITTLE:Not saying what I wanted to always.
MY 1ST CHILD:doesn't exist yet.
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Really Long Have You Ever (only yes or no. don't explain)
Have You Ever....
had your butt grabbed by a total stranger:Yes.
stole your friend's boyfriend:No.
gotten drunk:Yes.
made out with a stranger:Yes.
played spin the bottle:Yes.
gone swimming in a white t-shirt:No.
been to a nude beach:No.
made out in a car:Yes.
bought a thong when the cashier was a guy:No.
been honked at by some guy while you were walking:Yes.
been cheated on:No.
cheated on someone:No.
tanned topless in public:No.
been walked in on while you were dressing:Yes.
bought something way too expensive:Yes.
kissed a member of the same sex:Yes.
played strip poker:No.
punched your mom:No.
gone to sleep naked:Yes.
ran away from home:No.
had sex:No.
walked out of the house in your underwear:Yes.
been to a strip club:No.
danced in your underwear in front of someone:No.
blamed someone for one of your farts:Yes.
made up a fake identity when you met someone:No.
been kissed in different places:Yes.
kissed your bf/gf in different places:Yes.
made out for more than 3 minutes:Yes.
made out in a movie theater:Yes.
been in love:Yes.
danced in front of your mirror:Yes.
gotten a hickey:Yes.
gotten in a fist fight:No.
left the house without telling your parents:Yes.
slept in a bed with a member of the same sex:Yes.
slept in a bed wiht a member of the opposite sex:Yes.
kissed a picture:Yes.
been lonely:Yes.
been to a club:Yes.
hated the way you look:Yes.
cried yourself to sleep:Yes.
done something you told yourself you wouldn't do:Yes.
sung in the shower:Yes.
had a dream that you married someone:Yes.
been too scared to watch a scary movie alone:Yes.
been told you're hot by a complete stranger:Yes.
laugh so hard that you cried:Yes.
forgotten someone's name:Yes.
thought about running away:Yes.
cried over someone:Yes.
dated someone more than once:Yes.
broken a cd:Yes.
been on myspace for 5 or more hours:No.
dated someone just to make someone else jealous:No.
gotten in trouble with the cops:Yes.
skipped school:Yes.
gotten expelled from school:No.
jumped someone:No.
been jumped:No.
been in jail or juvie:No.
been on probation:No.
been pregnant/gotten someone pregnant:No.
done drugs:No.
drank alcohol:Yes.
dated someone of the same sex:No.
made out for more than 10 minutes at a time:Yes.
gone skinny dipping:No.
mooned someone:No.
flashed someone:No.
ran from the cops:No.
gotten a ticket:No.
gotten in a car accident:Yes.
been arrested:No.
made a prank phone call:Yes.
screamed in a library:No.
peed in your pants becacause you laughed so much:Yes.
done something really stupid on a dare:No.
done anything with just a friend:Yes.
lead on guys you didn't like:Yes.
made out on a bed:Yes.
asked somone out:No.
been on a plane:Yes.
been out of the country:Yes.
been to the beach:Yes.
passed out:Yes.
been in the hospital:Yes.
had surgery:Yes.
stalked someone:No.
been stalked:No.
been obsessed with someone:Yes.
gone to a concert:Yes.
gone out with someone you didn't like:Yes.
played a terrible prank on a teacher:No.
done something nice for a teacher:Yes.
written a story:Yes.
tripped over your own two feet:Yes.
mocked someone:Yes.
failed a class on purpose:No.
hit a teacher:No.
helped someone and then got yelled at:Yes.
been picked on by a teacher:Yes.
cheated on a test:Yes.
seen a ghost:No.
talked to the dead:No.
hit a parent:No.
been hit by a parent:Yes.
cried in public:Yes.
cried and laughed at the same time:Yes.
walked into a door:Yes.
walked into a wall:No.
dated someone older than you:No.
played truth or dare:Yes.
played dare:Yes.
played twister:Yes.
gotten sunburned so bad that you couldn't move:Yes.
dressed your dog up in your clothes:Yes.
wore your bf/gf clothes:Yes.
made your bf/gf wear your clothes:No.
threatened to kill someone:Yes.
been threatened:No.
said you were going to do something that you never did:Yes.
turned down a dare:Yes.
won a bet:Yes.
lost a bet:Yes.
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A bumpy road - Survey on Love, Lust, and Liking - an itsy bitsy graphic, but who's complaining?
True love:
Does it exist?:Yes.
If not, what’s the alternative?:--
If yes, are you an optimist as well as a romantic?:I can be, yes.
In addition, do you get a white horse in the bargain, too?:Nah, that's extra.
How the hell do you make T.L. last?:Well, if T.L. means true love, I'd say it lasts all on its own.
Even Barbie and Ken broke up – any other role models?:Why would plastic dolls be my role models?
On with it:
Which is safer, lust or love?:Lust, definitely, though they both have their dangers.
Why?:Um, because lust is simple and over quickly. Love really puts you in a position to be deeply hurt.
Personal experience or is this thought-out?:Both.
But doesn’t pure lust feel so good sometimes?:Oh yeah, never said it didn't.
Agree/Disagree: Love is like a drug.:Love ... not really. Lust, yeah.
Do you know anyone who really understands women?:I don't think they're one big generality, so no.
How about someone who really understands men?:Ditto.
Can you include their phone number and availability?:Heh, no.
Fine, be that way. Can one learn to understand them both?:Still, no.
How do you break a pattern in dating, love, etc.?:You identify the pattern, really want to change it, and then take individualized steps that will help you make different choices.
Does this include therapy?:Maybe, if you think that'll personally help you.
What frustrates you about (men and/or women)::Hmm, lots of things. Inability to really be and express who they are, reluctancy to feel and be whatever the moment is.
Hey, give vent to your frustrations you’re not alone on this.:Unclearness about motives.
Here's one last opportunity::Either being too forward and aggressive or not forward/aggressive enough. Not tapping into the other person and what they REALLY mean.
Would you ever consider not moving in with your spouse?:Um, no. I'd want to live with that person.
As in, having separate living arrangements? Just a thought.:Nah.
How do you motivate yourself to date?:Um, if I'm attracted to a person, I guess that motivates me. Otherwise, I'm into waiting.
Dating can be awful - any horror stories?:Yeah, lots. How about staring at a TV all dinner long instead of making actual conversation -- actually STAVING OFF advances.
Any dating wisdom people often ignore?:To just be yourself because honestly, a fake might win them for one date, but it's going to cause problems eventually.
Do you look at someone’s shoes on a date?:Yeah.
What makes a good first impression on YOU?:Trying to look nice overall, doing kind things like opening doors and advancing conversation, smiling and laughing.
Define a ‘date’ (everyone’s is different)::Um, well, it depends on the person and current situation. Pre-planned activity of some sort of romantic undertone.
Who pays?:He should, but I'll at least halfsy if necessary.
What’s your mood half an hour before a first date?:Ooo, nervous. I try to get excited, but calm enough to relaaaax.
Ever fallen in love at first sight?:Yes.
… Had to ask. Anyway, if yes, how was it?:Well, it's less of a *love* and more of a knowledge ... like, I just KNEW something, that it was significant, that it would change my life, meeting this person. And it did.
If no, good, save yourself the heartbreak – right?:Better to have loved and lost.
On moving on: The dreaded act of forgetting
Ever been the one who has to forget?:Yes, but I don't. Ever, really.
Which is harder: To forgive, or to forget?:To forget. I've never succeeded at that one.
Ever wished someone would forget YOU?:Probably in a moment, but in the end, not really.
Why?:Because you'd think it'd be nice to get people off your case, but really, being remembered in any way is flattering.
Wallowing is so tempting. How do YOU distract yourself?:I try to get back into hobbies, hang out with friends, just get OUT.
On instincts:
Do you follow your emotions, or use strict self-restraint?:I try to follow my emotions, but not in a crazy way. I have a lot of worries about all that.
Has this worked for you?:Probably not.
Who should have the upper hand?:Me?
Oh, should there even BE an upper hand?:Maybe not ... equality is good.
You’ve made a fool of yourself at least once, right?:Oh yeah, plenty of times.
Was it worth it?:Maybe. It at least taught me humility and what NOT to do.
Do you regret a move you made instinctively?:No. I usually don't regret, particularly anything instinctual.
On the three-letter wonder word: Sex
Have you found a really sensitive spot on a partner’s body?:Yeah.
Care to divulge (let it be something other than the obvious)?:Ummm, how about I go with ears.
What about a spot on YOUR body (again, not the obvious)?:Yeah, I'm pretty ticklish overall, so yeah.
Do you cuddle?:Aww yeah, cuddling is hot.
Are you up for trying new things?:Yeah.
Ever watched porn?:Yes.
Is there an unspoken rule in sex?:No .. ?
For Guys: Is lingerie important, or just a piquant detail?:--
If girls want to put their two cents in on this::I really like lingerie, so yeah.
For Girls: What’s your stance on body hair?:I'm not that into it, but I'm not crazy about it being gone either.
Alright, guys, here’s your chance on the above::--
The last...
Singledom is ---:umm, interesting. And useful.
Being part of a couple is ---:difficult, but worth it sometimes.
Could you ever have an open relationship?:Not really.
Can you separate the physical from the emotional?:Yes. People who can't annoy me.
What’s a natural turn-on?:Soft touches, whispering in ears, certain looks.
Any physical appeals you look for?:Cute hair, height.
If you listed ‘eyes’, try again::I didn't, so ha.
If you listed ‘mouth,’ aww. c'mon!:I didn't!
If you then listed ‘hair’, I give up.:Um, then give up dammit. Hair is important to me.
I am a ---- lover.:romantic
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Random Thought Provokers
What makes you laugh?:Lots of things ... inside jokes, funny coincidences, Mitch Hedberg.
Who is your hero?:I'm not sure that I have one ... I think everyone getting through life is admirable.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?:Probably no one, but I guess if I had to one of my close friends.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?:A lot ... less than I would if I had more money. Probably 30-ish now that I eliminated a bunch.
Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?:Through the water hose.
Who do you blame for your mood today?:YOU. And Wes and Hillary.
If the Internet were sex... I would:be very sexually active.
Have you ever seen a dead body?:Not of a human.
What is something scientists need to invent?:A cure for AIDS and cancer.
What should we do with stupid people?:Well, I'd say put them on an island, but then we'd have almost no one left to run the world.
Have you ever broken a bone?:Yes, my arm.
Do you watch local news? Why?:Sometimes, but a lot less lately because I hate Chris Bradley.
What happens after you die?:I'm currently believing in heaven if you've had a good life, which is essentially everything and everyone you enjoyed in life, or nothingness if you didn't.
How big is your bed? Big enough?:Yeah, big enough. I wouldn't deny bigger though.
How long do you think you will live?:I'd like to make it too 100, but if I made it past eighty, I'd at least feel good about that.
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