Jessica Does Surveys

Monday, March 28, 2011

yeah when i was only seventeen

Start at the very beginning, what’s your name?
Jessica! Hello there.

Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Everything I really wear nowadays is a pair of skinny jeans, so...yes.

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
Classic. Well. I'd spy on the people I know, to see if they're who I really think they are. I'd travel, like hop on a plane to NY or London or Paris or somewhere. I'd steal a lot of money from a bank somewhere so I could be comfortably rich. I'd walk around naked, for sure. I'd see what secret meetings are faculty members, governmental meetings. I'd also probably spy on some very attractive celebrities. SORRY.

Does the person you like, like you back?
Yeah, I think so. Though he's not doing well at showing it lately. I'm starting to doubt it.

What did you do last night?
Went to the joint bday party, drove home, ate some Nutella, Tumblred, and slept around 4 am.

Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
Most definitely.

Are you your mum’s favorite child?
I don't want to say yes, but probably yes.

Are you happy with the way things are going?
Generally speaking, yes. But we're at the beginning of a quarter; everything seems hopeful and possible right now.

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
No, though I did wake up at noon (at my alarm) to check for a text message that had not come, then promptly went back to sleep for an hour or so.

Sleep on your back or stomach?
Sleep on my back more than my stomach, but mostly sleep on my side nowadays.

What were you doing before this survey?

Going to the bathroom. Informaaaaation.

Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
No, and I actually don't get that tendency. What is with that??

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?

Well, in the heart of the quarter when I'm tired as crap, usually five minutes at most, sometimes I swear it's less than 60 seconds from the time my head hits the pillow to when I'm crashed out. But now that I'm well-rested after a week of break...I don't know. It has been taking a good 10 minutes. Sometimes it'll take up to an hour if I'm trying something I can't really justify schedule-wise. Like, tonight...I have only been up for 11 hours, but I need to be up in 6. I SHOULD be sleeping right now, but I know getting in bed is futile and I don't want to sit there frustrated for an hour. Thus, surveys. Soon, Skins.

It’s Thursday night, where are you usually?
Used to be TV Thursday until things got awkward...before that used to be dinner with Dad...last quarter used to be vegging out post colloquium...nowadays it's just sort of watching the comedies and preparing for lab meeting.

Your Christmas list consists of?

I haven't officially made one, but unofficially in my brain it contains: a fancy cast iron tea pot and set with small round (no handle) cups, Just Dance 1 and 2 on Wii, workout DVDs (especially intense cardio, dance, or abs ones), Inglot pigments/mixing medium, this $179 purple dress that looks amazing on me from Macy's.

What movie is in your DVD player?
It's Boot Camp Cardio with Billy Blanks. And that shit was intense too.

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
No questions asked? What exactly does that mean...I'm going to assume no consequences and no missing shit either. Scotland. Probably Edinburgh? Or of course New York.

What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?

Not a lot of 'greatness' in today...I'm going to say finding that the nailpolishes I was interested in were only $3 each AND they had the white which I decided today I wanted.

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?

Yes, of course. Grad school is chock full of self doubt.

What’s going on tomorrow night?
Probably sleeping early like a fool because I didn't sleep much tonight. Oh and I'm supposed to work out and try Express Yoga.

Do you know a lot of people with the same phone as you?
Yes. In fact I got it because I was jealous of the few people who already had it. I can think of at least...4 right away that have it.

Is your hair curly or straight right now?
Straight, but oddly up. Because it's fourth day hair. That's right. I've trained my hair to only be washed once a week, when I don't have to be seen all day every day. Another pro to break that may not continue into stress land of real life.

What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee?
I honestly don't like it very much. I used to be way into it, but I don't drink a ton of frou-frou drinks anymore, and really their frapps aren't that great anyway, taste-wise. They have the best texture of blended drinks, but it's all a little tasteless and bland to me nowadays.

Does anyone love you?
Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to have a lot of love in my life, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like that.

Want to be taller or shorter?
I'm fine where I am, but if I have to choose one, I'd rather be a little taller than shorter.

What are you listening to?
Just switched over to the divine "Furr" by Blitzen Trapper -- one of a very few songs that literally stopped me in my tracks and made me stop doing whatever I was doing when I heard it for the first time. Just...inexplicably perfect and catching and enthralling and engaging and necessary. Also, one of my birthday year songs ("on the day that I turned 23").

When was the last time you really laughed?
Probably yesterday at the party, when Karen was telling her story about sprinting too quickly.

Do you listen to music every day?
I think so, yeah. Between the radio in the car, the iPod on walks, Pandora while in the office, iTunes while working at home, music channels on the TV when cooking/cleaning/Internet-ing, and my iPod rigged to come on anytime my bathroom lights go on...I think I'm almost constantly music-ing. It'd be hard to avoid any one day, but maybe. I also go to sleep to an iPod playlist. Hmm.

Is the last person that you had a conversation with a male or a female?
Texting, female. Gchat, female. In person...female. So, female!

What’s the last thing you said out loud?
“Have a good night" to the grocery store worker as I checked out with my bounty of food that is now rolling around painfully in my stomach.

How was your day?
It was okaaaay though not as I imagined it in my hour of post-alarm hazy dream-sleep, nor as I planned it. Hang outs that should have turned into make outs got canceled and instead I just bought/ate a ton of shit. I did watch a lot of Skins and paint my nails though, and send a few emails I needed to. So... okay overall, but definitely not as good as or what I wanted.

Describe how you feel right now in three words:
Stuffed, anticipatory anxiety. Or if you want one sentence: Hoping things align.

If someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say?
To love someone openly and have them love me back openly, to the same degree. Makeup and money and clothes and vacations and free time and entertainment and sleep. Happiness. To lose 30 pounds.

Has a girl sat on your bed before?
Yes. Multiple people have sat on my bed, but unlike today's possible plans and how they played themselves out in my dreams this one has been in it with me officially.

Plans for Saturday?
This Saturday? As of now, a big fat nothing. But my plans usually come together last minute for weekends, and also I would be a-okay with vegging here alone with that bottle of champagne I haven't managed to drink for the past month.

Who was the last person besides yourself to touch something on your face?
Weird question there, skippy. Um...Jean kissed me on the cheek last night, that counts, right?

What was your dream about last night?
I had weird ass dreams because I took Nyquil. But I don't expressively remember...oh wait, yes I do. I had made reservations at a really nice restaurant and asked J to come with me, who brought some friend (always a friend) and we got there on time, but we couldn't find where to go inside because it was combined hotel/restaurant. I went to find the concierge and check in, and he was foreign and busy-like and all "no, you don't check in at this desk, sit over there and wait." So we did, and then other people came including Karen who was trying to figure out if Paul was coming through text and I think others and everyone was getting restless and wanted to leave anyway, and our reservation was for 8:30 and it was 9:10 and I went back to that desk like COME ON DUDE we had a reservation for 3 at 6:30 (or 8:30, can't remember exactly) and it's much later than that now, and he goes "oh well you didn't say you had a reservation, yes your table is here" but then he sat us at the same table as another couple just a chair in between us, and it was awkward, and we had to decide who would come and who wouldn't since the reservation was only for 3, and J was weirdly silent/non-actor the entire dream. What that means -- who knows. Then I woke up, saw I had no message, did half-sleep and imagined all the inappropriate things I could be doing later that day in my apartment or his place. NONE OF WHICH HAPPENED. Ugh, expectations. Long answer!

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Nothing particularly notable at the exact moment, but you know...things are relatively good. Could certainly be much worse.

Where were you at 9 am this morning?
Dreaming that crazy shit I typed above.

Everything happens for a reason?
I think so , yes..

Are you too forgiving?
Probably. I'm at the very least someone who will let you get away with way too much if I care about you. I generally just don't think it's worth the effort to get worked up about things publicly. I prefer to go cry by myself thanks.

Do you think people talk about you?
Yes, I've learned that.

What do you carry with you at all time?
Maybe my phone. Not much nowadays, post the purse stealing.

Do you and your parents get along?
Mostly yes.

This time last year, were you single?
Yes. This time last year I was still working on getting over a certain long and drawn out situation that had recently definitively ended.

Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Searched? No.

Do you always wear your seat belt?
Yes, at least if I'm in the front seat. And ALWAYS when driving. I just don't feel right without it on.

Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
Ha yes. Or at least that everyone hated for me, as in thought was terrible for/to me.

Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
There are about 10 of those someones, but I have a particular one in mind yes.

Ever sang a whole song without missing any lyrics?
Of course. The brain space dedicated to lyrics in my head is stunning.

Has someone close to you ever told you they were going to commit suicide because of you?
No, thankfully. Idk what I would even do with that information.

Do you think you’ve changed over the past year?
Of course. But even more so than any other past year. I really am a completely different person than I was a year ago, body mind heart soul.

Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Do i care? Yes, of course. Is that going to stop it? No, and so I cultivate trying not to care too much about it.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not really. But I'll give a second chance to anyone. Third chances are almost impossible to come by though.

Where were you at 10:17 pm last night and what were you doing?
Interrogation! Um, I was at the party. I'm pretty sure I was drinking a tequila + orange/mango juice cocktail and talking in the kitchen?

Other than this, what are you doing?
Eating chips....yeah the ouch-y went away so I'm back to bored eating. I want to be done with this so I can watch Skins then sleep a precious few hours before reality sets in hard tomorrow.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
I was anticipating things and feeling a little nervous.

Who did you last get into a big argument with?
I don't do a lot of big arguing. Probably my mom. Or N if you count that silent one-sided stand-off as an argument.

Last thing you ate?
These tortilla chips that are chipotle flavored.

What are you looking forward to in the next three months?

Three months? H'oh shit, look out. Getting through this quarter and writing/defending/getting my masters. Finally getting back to summer and porch drinking and flirting and happy colors and sun and dresses and flip flops and iced tea/coffee and yay. POSSIBLY starting this relationship I'm cautiously interested in.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night person, for surety sure sure. But I do enjoy a morning here and there, with the sun rising and the birds chirping and the perfect coffee and on-the-go-ness.

Has anyone sang to you?
Yep, a few boyfriends.

How often do you lose your voice?
I don't think I really ever have. I don't fully think that's real...

Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
Three months? How far back does that go ... uh, yes. Yes sirree. Made that deadline by three days. SO THERE.

Be honest, do you like people in general?

Does anybody hate you?
Probably by this point.

Is there something you’re looking forward to next month?
Next month is ... April? Uh, not specifically.

Does it bother you when people get drunk?
No. I get drunk a lot though, so ... what can you do.

Are you mad at someone right now?
Yes, honestly. I'm probably not over it yet, given that I'm still angry at him AND I'd have a hard time saying no to him.

How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
Relatively often. So much so that I don't even think I notice it as holding back nowadays. There are just things I say and things I of course do not.

Will tomorrow be a good day?
Let's hope so. Though I'm thinking it'll be a difficult one.

Do you like hugs and kisses?
Yes, of course.

What’s on your bed?
Flannel sheets that match my walls and are ridic warm (seriously, 30 seconds in that bed and it's a cocoon of body heat), down comforter wrapped in duvet cover, two pillows, quilt, blanket, and Hugh. ...that's a teddy bear, don't get any ideas.

Last person on your bed?
Me! Other than me...Z.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?
Yes, thank goodness.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

you're my pride and joy etc


  • 1. Last Beverage?: Water. Exciting! But that's just because I'm waiting for my blackberry mojito tea to cool fully. So there.
  • 2. Last Phone Call?: Matt, but I missed it because I hate talking on the phone.
  • 3. Last Text Message?: To, J. From, Jenny.
  • 4. Last Song You Listened To?: Right now I'm listening to Damnwells as an experiment. Jury's out. Fully -- Your Love is my Drug, Ke$ha in the car (realized it's pretty on-point for now actually).
  • 5. Last Time You Cried?: Almost today from disappointment/feeling again like I'm getting stomped on feelings-wise, putting too much into something I won't get much out of. Yesterday, from Tangled (that damn animated king/father!).

    Have You Ever:

    • 6. Dated Someone Twice?: Yeeeeah.
    • 7. Been Cheated on?: Nope. NOR have I cheated, despite what some may think.
    • 8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It?: Well yeah. But not in any real, life-changing, actually caring sort of way.
    • 9. Lost someone special?: Yes.
    • 10. Been Depressed?: Yes.
    • 11. Been Drunk?: Of course.

    List Three Favorite Colors:

    • 12.: Purple.
    • 13.: Cerulean.
    • 14.: Green.

    This Year Have You:

    • 15. Made New Friends?: Yes.
    • 16. Fallen Out Of Love?: Depends on what 'this year' means. Not in 2011, but yes within the past year.
    • 17. Laughed until You Cried?: Of course.
    • 18. Met Someone Who Changed You?: Yeah, actually. I've been learning a lot for the past few years. Young adulthood, man, I tell ya.
    • 19. Found Out Who Your True Friends Were?: Well at least found out some were truer than I may have guessed and some were a lot less true than I would have hoped.
    • 20. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You?: YEP. Apparently I'm a big whore who cares about no one. Definitely true, tell all your friends.
    • 21. Kissed anyone on your friends list?: Ha yes. Definitely. Quite a few actually. I'm a kissing fool. Must be where that whore reputation comes from.
    • 22. How Many people on your friends list do you know in real life?: Most.
    • 23. Do you have any pets?: No. I've been to the animal shelter a lot lately, and it's just reminding me how I can't do a pet right now. I love putting all my shit on the floor and sometimes leaving for days at a time. I can't even feed myself, money or time/remembering-wise, how can I possibly feed someone else whose whole existence is based on mine.
    • 24. What did you do for your last birthday?: A week of celebration, the actual day of consisting of extended getting ready, new dress, dinner, cocktails at two different places downtown, dancing the night away with friends/tequila shots/gay boys, then T-Bell and lazy half-lidded finishes until 4 am. Lovely all around, exactly how I like it.
    • 25. What time did you wake up today?: Twelve when my alarm went off to check for a text (that wasn't there), then 1 pm-ish.
    • 26. What were you doing at midnight last night?: At the joint birthday party for T & I. Probably talking in the corner.
    • 27. Name something you CANNOT wait for?: Summer. Having my masters and generals done. Love?
    • 28. Last time you saw your father?: St Patrick's Day for one (beer, whiskey, pizza). Friday night for the other (wine tasting, dollar movie, beer, basketball game).
    • 29. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: My life is pretty sweet all things considered, but I'd like to either care a little less like I did last summer OR get what I care about a little more like October/November. Right now I'm just caring and not getting...shitty combo.
    • 30. What are you listening to right now?: "Sophia" by the Damnwells. I actually really like this song, more than the others so far.
    • 31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: Yes.
    • 32. What’s getting on your nerves right now?: All the food I ate. Hot damn that was so much food...starting tomorrow I'm being good, so I got it in my head to be idiotic today. it hurts now. Too much chips, hummus, pita, Nutella brownie, Rice Krispie Treats cereal... Ow.


    • 33. What is your real name?: Jessica. Duh.
    • 34. Zodiac Sign?: Cancer.
    • 35. Male or Female?: Female.
    • 36. Primary School?: Oh I'm not telling you all these.
    • 37. Secondary School?:
    • 38. College?: Although on second thought they're probably all over here anyway.
    • 39. Hair Color?: Blonde.
    • 40. Long or short hair?: It's on its way back to long. I want it crazy long again for some reason.
    • 41. Height?: 5’3".
    • 42. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes, and to tell you the truth it is annoying as shit.
    • 43. What do you like about yourself?: I'm relatively hardy in the long-run.
    • 44. Piercings?: 6 holes total, all in my ears.
    • 45. Tattoos?: None.
    • 46. Righty or Lefty?: Righty.


    • 47. Surgery?: Oral surgery when I was 15/16ish. Terrifying to go under anesthesia.
    • 48. Piercing?: Ears when I was pretty young...don't even remember. 6?
    • 49. Tattoo?: None as of now...don't really think I'll get one at this point either, though if someone else wants to, hey go for it.
    • 50. Best Friend?: I always say Becky in kindergarten, but that feels like a story I read once more than real memory by now. Katrina in 3rd grade i remember too. Weird things.
    • 51. Sport you joined?: I was in gymnastics and dance when I was elementary school age.
    • 52. Pet?: Snow and Smokey the kitties.
    • 53. Vacation you remembered?: Probably Smoky Mountains.
    • 54. Concert?: Nsync, I think. Or 98 degrees. Fancy.
    • 55. Crush?: Devin in kindergarten, who I apparently kissed. Get it get it, baby Jessica.
    • 56. Alcoholic Drink?: Apparently when I was a baby, i crawled around at a party and drank everyone's beers on the floor. Alky from the very beginning.

    Right Now:

    • 57. Eating?: Nothing because I'm fucking stuffed.
    • 58. Drinking?: Water. But even that is too much right now. Digest faster, damn it!
    • 59. I’m about to…: Watch the last episode of Skins, try to sleep, curse myself for all this in the (early ass, post-break first) morning.
    • 60. Listening to…: Still the Damnwells...this is growing on me actually.
    • 61. Waiting for…: a text that will never come, I'm guessing. Someone to step up.

    Your Future:

    • 62. Want kids?: Weirdly, yeah. I'm pretty sure I do now, as of very recently.
    • 63. Want to get married?: Ditto. It's even to where I am drawn to wedding dresses now instead of repulsed. CRAZY. 25 really is looming in on me, eh?
    • 64. Careers in mind?: Gunning for that professor deal, but...we'll just have to see what works out, man.

    Which Is Better with the opposite/same sex?

    • 65. Lips or Eyes?: Lips. UNLESS we're talking eyelashes.
    • 66. Hugs or Kisses?: Kisses. I am like, the hugest fan of kisses. I would never stop kissing if I could still exist in society that way.
    • 67. Shorter or Taller?: Taller.
    • 68. Older or Younger?: I tend to like a little younger, idk even why.
    • 69. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneously romantic...? I love both of these things.
    • 70. Nice stomach or Nice arms?: Arms. I weirdly like my boys a little cushion-y around the stomach area, but I've recently come around to liking arms and backs (as far as muscles go).
    • 71. Tattoos or Piercings?: Tattoos, if only because I don't think piercings hardly ever look good.
    • 72. Sensitive or Loud?: Sensitive, I suppose.
    • 73. Brain or Brawn?: Brain.
    • 74. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Trouble maker. I'm very tired of the hesitant, frankly.

    Have You Ever (2):

    • 75. Kissed a stranger?: Yes, definitely. A few.
    • 76. Drank hard liquor?: in, less than 24 hours ago.
    • 77. Lost glasses/contacts?: Yes to sunglasses.
    • 78. Had Sex in public?: Yes.
    • 79. Broken someone’s heart?: Yes.
    • 80. Had your heart broken?: Yes, a few times.
    • 81. Been arrested?: No, thankfully.
    • 82. Turned someone down?: Yes.
    • 83. Cried when someone died?: Yes.
    • 84. Liked a friend that is the same sex?: Liked like, sexually? Not a friend, no.

    Do You Believe In:

    • 85. Yourself?: Mostly.
    • 86. Miracles?: Yes, I suppose. Not necessarily that they're like, deigned on us, but that amazing things occur that sometimes you can't fully explain.
    • 87. Love at first sight?: Love? No. But like, a feeling that this is going to be something else...yes, that I think you can sometimes sense immediately.
    • 88. Heaven?: Hmm, good question. I'd like to think yes, but increasingly I'm just not sure.
    • 89. Santa Claus?: HE LIVES IN ALL OF US.
    • 90. Kissing on the first date?: Ha definitely.
    • 91. Angels?: See 'heaven'.
    • 92. Sex before marriage?: Yes. I can't imagine marrying someone I haven't had sex with. It's an important part of the relationship, man.
    • 93. Life on other planets?: I'd like to think yeah, we can't be the only happy coincidence of life in the universe.
    • 94. Life after death?: See 'heaven.'
    • 95. Only being with one person forever?: Good. question. This is the current thing on my mind most out of this list of what does/doesn't exist. I like to think this works for some seems to on paper, for like...5% of the people I know/have heard about. So, maybe? And the others just don't find that person? I know it has to be hard as shit, but ... the optimist/idealist/romantic in me just can't say anything but yes to this, ultimately. I have to believe in it, even if I don't think it's in the cards for most of us.

    Answer Truthfully:

    • 96. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Yes..I was supposed to be with him today too, but it fell through. Again.
    • 97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?: No. Been interested in multiples, even kissing multiples at a time -- yes. But once I'm really into someone, that's the only person. And if we're officially dating, that's essentially a contract until verbally broken.
    • 98. Do you believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes, it's possible. It may not be what you want though.
    • 99. What’s the one thing you cannot live without?: Without being avoidant/cliche/sarcastic...those little moments where things feel like they align. Too long between those, and I tend to barely exist.
    • 100. What’s one secret you have that not many people know?: Well...why would I throw that out on here, man? I'll say, my plans for the next three months, not many people know those. No one does actually. some may SUSPECT but not lately and no one truly knows or would think so. So.

    i really fucked it up this time, didn't i my dear

    Princess Quiz.


    [ ] One of your parents is dead
    [x] You are expected to do a lot of chores
    [X] You love to dress up
    [x] You love animals
    [x] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
    [ ] Your mom is really strict
    [ ] that’s just because she got knocked up
    [X] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
    [X] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes
    [ ] You have left your shoes at a friends house before
    [X] You have blond hair
    TOTAL: 7

    Belle (Beauty and the Beast):
    [X] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like
    [ ] You’ve been lost in the forest
    [x] You love to read
    [ ] You are not shy at all
    [x] One of your family members is a bit weird
    [x] You have done volunteer work
    [x] You have a wild imagination
    [x] You love to take care of people in need
    [ ] You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re pretty
    [x] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out
    TOTAL: 7

    Jasmine (Aladdin):
    [ ] Your dad is rich
    [x] You are very clever
    [X] You’ve been with someone way different from you
    [ ] You’re unique and different from everyone else
    [x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich
    [x] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
    [ ] You don’t have a lot of (good) friends
    [x] You’re independent
    [ ] You are wealthy
    [x] Your parents try to control your life
    TOTAL: 6

    Ariel (The Little Mermaid):
    [x] Your parents expect a lot from you
    [X] You really try to follow the rules, but its hard for you
    [x] You’re a bit of a trouble maker
    [ ] You’re the youngest in your family
    [ ] You have a lot of sisters
    [ ] You collect something
    [x] You have/had long hair
    [x] You are adventurous
    [x] You’re extremely curious
    [ ] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible
    TOTAL: 6

    Snow White:
    [ ] You know that you’re beautiful
    [X] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
    [X] You’ve almost been killed
    [x] You have at least seven good friends
    [ ] You’ve had food poisoning
    [x] You have/had short hair
    [X] You get along with almost everyone
    [x] All of your friends are different
    [x] You love to have a good time
    [x] You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in
    TOTAL: 8

    [x] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
    [ ] People wish you could be a bit more girly
    [x] You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not
    [ ] You’ve had a physical fight with someone
    [x] You have/had considered running away from home
    [x] Your parents try to plan your life out
    [x] A lot of your friends are boys
    [x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
    [x] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them
    TOTAL: 7

    Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) :
    [X] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
    [ ] You almost died at a very young age
    [x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
    [x] You have a decent singing voice
    [x] You like to sleep in late on the weekends
    [ ] You spend most of your time outside
    [ ] You’re adopted
    [x] You’re very romantic
    [X] Pink is one of your favorite colors
    TOTAL: 6

    [x] You love to walk around and explore big cities
    [X] You are more spiritual than religious
    [X] You’ve been in an interracial relationship
    [ ] One of your family members is dead
    [x] Your parents are very protective of you
    [X] Someone you know has been in war
    [ ] You love nature
    [ ] You have/had black hair
    [x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
    [x] You’re very adventurous
    TOTAL: 7

    TinkerBell (Peter Pan):
    [x] You get jealous easily
    [x] You loved your childhood
    [x] You like to fly
    [x] You believe in magic.
    [ ] You’re 5’2 or under
    [ ] You hate pirates
    [ ] You love sparkles
    [x] People underestimate you
    [x] You get angry easily
    [X] You have/had a treehouse
    TOTAL: 7

    Alice (Alice In Wonderland):
    [ ] You have/had a pet rabbit
    [x] You love to play cards
    [X] You constantly know the time
    [x] You get in sticky situations
    [X] You have been to a court
    [X] You have fallen asleep while doing homework
    [X] You have had a tea party
    [ ] You like hats
    [X] You’re late
    [ ] You know how to play croquet
    TOTAL: 7

    Meg (Hercules):
    [ ] Your boyfriend is strong
    [x] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before
    [X] You are very convincing
    [x] You have fallen in love before
    [x] You have had your heartbroken
    [x] You find an interest in Greek mythology
    [x] You lie sometimes
    [X] You pretend to be someone you’re not
    [x] You have been used
    [x] Purple is one of your favourite colours.
    TOTAL: 9

    I have learned: I'm very Princess-y (probably because they make them relatable, obvs), but apparently I'm most like Meg from Hercules (score, she's kick-ass), then Snow White (beautiful, well-liked, inspires jealousy...I'll take it).