if we weren't such good friends, i think that i'd hate you
When you're walking, do you stop to drink?
No...I learned that very well in NY. It is a skill to walk briskly, carry all your shit, and drink coffee at the same time.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
...to a point, yes. I think if you put your whole into something, 99% of the time (perhaps after a long time), you'll get it. But it's not that easy to put your whole being into something.
Ever snuck out of your house?
Yeah, sort of. Jen and I snuck out to watch a meteor shower once, and I've snuck out to go see someone quickly. But not in any way that I think my parents would have actually been mad at, not like after I'd be banned from doing so. Also, I own my own place now ... well, rent ... so I don't have to sneak out at all. My business is my business.
What did you do today?
I woke up early to watch recorded television, fell asleep on the couch, showered, got ready with Tricia here, went to have lunch at Aladdin with Tricia and Noah, had Caribou, went to World Market and bought wine, went to Target and bought my gloves I've wanted for a few weeks, put my printed pictures into frames, and now here I am filling out surveys and trying to make plans for the weekend.
Do you like someone right this second?
...I would say that yes, I like someone right this second. But I'm trying not to fall back into the pit I was in last time regarding it. Cautious, that's the key.
Would you ever get a tattoo?
Yeah, if I could ever figure out what I actually wanted. I think once I like, have my shit together and know I have a job long-term, then I'll probably get one, then it'll probably snowball.
What was the last thing you ate?
I just ate four mints, to sample all the new flavors I just bought. Otherwise, a hummus/falafel pita wrap that was delish.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night person, 100%. But in reality, I'm in an afternoon person. And my schedule is forcing me to be more of a morning person.
What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
Freak the fuck out, see if it was someone I know or if I could see anyone around, make sure it was dead, then call the police/911.
Do you like to spend time with people?
Yes, I quite do. Especially new people with quick wits. I like that sort of electricity that goes on when everyone's trying to impress everyone. That said, I need alone time or I start to shut down.
Are you hungry?
Kind of. Not overly, but I could definitely eat something.
Are you a forgiving person?
I think yes, I am, when I want to be. I'm relatively blindsighted when it comes to people I love or want to forgive.
When was the last time you did the dishes?
Heh. I do single dishes, pretty much.
Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
I'm texting Hillary.
What are you about to do?
Hopefully see Where the Wild Things are! I reeeeally want to and have for about a year.
If you could be a superhero what would you want to do?
I would LOVE to read minds. Though being able to play with time would be my second fave ... although I'd be afraid to butterfly effect everything. Maybe just a general do-over button.
Your name plus "ness"?
Jessness. Or Jessicaness, but the first one is more fun. Rhyming woo.
Three feelings at the moment?
Hopeful, cautious, anxious. (Although that could pretty much be me at any time.)
Done anything you regret so far in life?
Maybe a little.
Are you listening to anything?
Yeah, iTunes is my constant friend. Right now it's some Dave Barnes, "Nothing Else." (Love isn't just quite what I thought it was, and I'm laughing now just because I can't get enough, oh love.)
Where are you right now?
In my apartment, sitting at my 'dining room' table.
What are you scared of?
Well, I'd say bugs and spiders given my acute PTSD from having to kill them constantly. I'm also pretty frightened of home/car intruders, and particularly being kidnapped/robbed in parking lots/garages.
Last movie you watched?
Revolutionary Road. Or wait, actually Cinderella Story may have been after that.
Last song you sang out loud?
Take a Bow by Ms. Lea Michele. I love singing along with her, so I'm quite glad Glee came along to give me a hella lot more source material for that.
Are you thinking of someone right now?
Yeeeeeah, that's pretty much how I know I'm a little screwed in this situation. The near-constant thoughts have started up again. I'm trying to keep myself in check a little.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
I think my mom. No one calls each other anymore. I am a-okay with that.
Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
"Teidhir Abhaile Riu" by Clannan. Hellz yeah Irish class.
Have you changed much this year?
Let's see ... from October 2008 to now? Well, a fair bit. I have a little bit more faith in myself, but with that comes also a bit of doubt as I struggle to live up to the perception I now know others have of me. And now I see the world a little differently, having my own first place and paying for everything on my own. And living in C-bus is definitely affecting things I notice/know.
Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes, I've gotten Drew Barrymoore from a few family members and a few strangers. It's weird to me. I mean, I can kind of see it ... but not enough to really qualify it.
Do you speak any other language?
I pretty much speak French, though it's getting rustier as time goes on, and I can comprehend a fair bit of Spanish, Italian, and Irish Gaelic.
Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both. I like to be comfortable, and I like to be decently stylish, but I'm willing to sacrifice a little on either end, depending on the event.
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
Nope, never been to Mexico.
What's the craziest thing you've done?
Ha, I know the answer, and a few of my friends do (six?) but there's no way I'm recounting it here. It's most definitely crazy, and something I'd hazard a guess most people would not see coming from me.
Favorite color(s)?
Green, cerulean, darker purples.
What are you looking forward to this summer?
God that's forever far away. I'm looking forward to warmer temps, less people parking on campus, hopefully swimming at some point because I've really wanted to do that lately.
Last time you smiled?
Some time today. I wouldn't say I smile little.
If you could choose any fate what would you choose?
Whichever one I already have, man. I couldn't really deal with the responsiblity of changing it.
If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?
Unlimited free travel for life. As in, I can go anywhere anytime I want, and airfare, hotels, food, etc. is always free. ...I think that basically means an endless supply of money, ha.

What's your favorite color gummy bear?
Red. But green and white are also acceptable.
What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body?
Depends on that person ... I've been known to focus on shoulders/back/hipbones.
Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
I don't think so...?
Ever had a song sang about/for you?
For me, yes.
Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
No, thank god.
Do you know how to dance?
Sort of.
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?
In the car the most. But I sing both places, and even just randomly in my apt.
What is your favorite thing that is green?
What did your last text message say?
"Fun fact: I won't." (Also fun fact, I just got a new text message when this q came up.)
Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs?
I really don't care what type of underwear boys wear.
What is your middle name?
What is the way to your heart?
Be a kind person, be passionate about life/something, make me laugh.
What do you smell like?
Probably my perfume.
What's in your pocket?
Anything in your mouth?
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
Ha no, but I did get mighty sore doing those strength exercises on WiiFit.
Do you have freckles?
Not particularly.
How many languages can you say "Hello" in?
Roughly five - seven?
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
God do I even remember?? Up?
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
No thank goodness.
Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
The bra is the same. So are the jeans.
Name a song that you know all the words to:
Ha that's hilarious. Honestly. I probably know all the words to ... thousands of songs.
Are you in love with someone right now?
...awkward question. I certainly was recently. I don't know if I still am and denying it ... or not.
What's the last thing you watched on TV?
Watched 30 Rock.
What's the last video game you played?
Rock Band Beatles.
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
I have two.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
Do you have an unkle named Joe?
Unkle? Really? (Ps, yes.)
What word do you use when people pass gas?
Do you wear glasses?
What can you hear right now?
Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
Pretty much the same. Better at times, worse at times.
Ever been overseas?
Yes. I miss it.
What are your plans for today?
Movie hopefully!
How long have you had MySpace?
Oh man, like ... six years or something?
What was your favorite childhood show?
Loved the Smurfs when I was little ... then Double Dare, Clarissa Explains it All, Eureka's Castle .
Are you close to your siblings?
What was your first job?
Do you bite your nails?
Sometimes. When I'm anxious or working on a paper (that may be the same thing).
Do you like your feet?
It really depends. Less well the older I get.
No...I learned that very well in NY. It is a skill to walk briskly, carry all your shit, and drink coffee at the same time.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
...to a point, yes. I think if you put your whole into something, 99% of the time (perhaps after a long time), you'll get it. But it's not that easy to put your whole being into something.
Ever snuck out of your house?
Yeah, sort of. Jen and I snuck out to watch a meteor shower once, and I've snuck out to go see someone quickly. But not in any way that I think my parents would have actually been mad at, not like after I'd be banned from doing so. Also, I own my own place now ... well, rent ... so I don't have to sneak out at all. My business is my business.
What did you do today?
I woke up early to watch recorded television, fell asleep on the couch, showered, got ready with Tricia here, went to have lunch at Aladdin with Tricia and Noah, had Caribou, went to World Market and bought wine, went to Target and bought my gloves I've wanted for a few weeks, put my printed pictures into frames, and now here I am filling out surveys and trying to make plans for the weekend.
Do you like someone right this second?
...I would say that yes, I like someone right this second. But I'm trying not to fall back into the pit I was in last time regarding it. Cautious, that's the key.
Would you ever get a tattoo?
Yeah, if I could ever figure out what I actually wanted. I think once I like, have my shit together and know I have a job long-term, then I'll probably get one, then it'll probably snowball.
What was the last thing you ate?
I just ate four mints, to sample all the new flavors I just bought. Otherwise, a hummus/falafel pita wrap that was delish.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night person, 100%. But in reality, I'm in an afternoon person. And my schedule is forcing me to be more of a morning person.
What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
Freak the fuck out, see if it was someone I know or if I could see anyone around, make sure it was dead, then call the police/911.
Do you like to spend time with people?
Yes, I quite do. Especially new people with quick wits. I like that sort of electricity that goes on when everyone's trying to impress everyone. That said, I need alone time or I start to shut down.
Are you hungry?
Kind of. Not overly, but I could definitely eat something.
Are you a forgiving person?
I think yes, I am, when I want to be. I'm relatively blindsighted when it comes to people I love or want to forgive.
When was the last time you did the dishes?
Heh. I do single dishes, pretty much.
Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
I'm texting Hillary.
What are you about to do?
Hopefully see Where the Wild Things are! I reeeeally want to and have for about a year.
If you could be a superhero what would you want to do?
I would LOVE to read minds. Though being able to play with time would be my second fave ... although I'd be afraid to butterfly effect everything. Maybe just a general do-over button.
Your name plus "ness"?
Jessness. Or Jessicaness, but the first one is more fun. Rhyming woo.
Three feelings at the moment?
Hopeful, cautious, anxious. (Although that could pretty much be me at any time.)
Done anything you regret so far in life?
Maybe a little.
Are you listening to anything?
Yeah, iTunes is my constant friend. Right now it's some Dave Barnes, "Nothing Else." (Love isn't just quite what I thought it was, and I'm laughing now just because I can't get enough, oh love.)
Where are you right now?
In my apartment, sitting at my 'dining room' table.
What are you scared of?
Well, I'd say bugs and spiders given my acute PTSD from having to kill them constantly. I'm also pretty frightened of home/car intruders, and particularly being kidnapped/robbed in parking lots/garages.
Last movie you watched?
Revolutionary Road. Or wait, actually Cinderella Story may have been after that.
Last song you sang out loud?
Take a Bow by Ms. Lea Michele. I love singing along with her, so I'm quite glad Glee came along to give me a hella lot more source material for that.
Are you thinking of someone right now?
Yeeeeeah, that's pretty much how I know I'm a little screwed in this situation. The near-constant thoughts have started up again. I'm trying to keep myself in check a little.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
I think my mom. No one calls each other anymore. I am a-okay with that.
Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
"Teidhir Abhaile Riu" by Clannan. Hellz yeah Irish class.
Have you changed much this year?
Let's see ... from October 2008 to now? Well, a fair bit. I have a little bit more faith in myself, but with that comes also a bit of doubt as I struggle to live up to the perception I now know others have of me. And now I see the world a little differently, having my own first place and paying for everything on my own. And living in C-bus is definitely affecting things I notice/know.
Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes, I've gotten Drew Barrymoore from a few family members and a few strangers. It's weird to me. I mean, I can kind of see it ... but not enough to really qualify it.
Do you speak any other language?
I pretty much speak French, though it's getting rustier as time goes on, and I can comprehend a fair bit of Spanish, Italian, and Irish Gaelic.
Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both. I like to be comfortable, and I like to be decently stylish, but I'm willing to sacrifice a little on either end, depending on the event.
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
Nope, never been to Mexico.
What's the craziest thing you've done?
Ha, I know the answer, and a few of my friends do (six?) but there's no way I'm recounting it here. It's most definitely crazy, and something I'd hazard a guess most people would not see coming from me.
Favorite color(s)?
Green, cerulean, darker purples.
What are you looking forward to this summer?
God that's forever far away. I'm looking forward to warmer temps, less people parking on campus, hopefully swimming at some point because I've really wanted to do that lately.
Last time you smiled?
Some time today. I wouldn't say I smile little.
If you could choose any fate what would you choose?
Whichever one I already have, man. I couldn't really deal with the responsiblity of changing it.
If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?
Unlimited free travel for life. As in, I can go anywhere anytime I want, and airfare, hotels, food, etc. is always free. ...I think that basically means an endless supply of money, ha.
I Just Gotta Know

Take this survey
What's your favorite color gummy bear?
Red. But green and white are also acceptable.
What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body?
Depends on that person ... I've been known to focus on shoulders/back/hipbones.
Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
I don't think so...?
Ever had a song sang about/for you?
For me, yes.
Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
No, thank god.
Do you know how to dance?
Sort of.
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?
In the car the most. But I sing both places, and even just randomly in my apt.
What is your favorite thing that is green?
What did your last text message say?
"Fun fact: I won't." (Also fun fact, I just got a new text message when this q came up.)
Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs?
I really don't care what type of underwear boys wear.
What is your middle name?
What is the way to your heart?
Be a kind person, be passionate about life/something, make me laugh.
What do you smell like?
Probably my perfume.
What's in your pocket?
Anything in your mouth?
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
Ha no, but I did get mighty sore doing those strength exercises on WiiFit.
Do you have freckles?
Not particularly.
How many languages can you say "Hello" in?
Roughly five - seven?
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
God do I even remember?? Up?
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
No thank goodness.
Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
The bra is the same. So are the jeans.
Name a song that you know all the words to:
Ha that's hilarious. Honestly. I probably know all the words to ... thousands of songs.
Are you in love with someone right now?
...awkward question. I certainly was recently. I don't know if I still am and denying it ... or not.
What's the last thing you watched on TV?
Watched 30 Rock.
What's the last video game you played?
Rock Band Beatles.
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
I have two.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
Do you have an unkle named Joe?
Unkle? Really? (Ps, yes.)
What word do you use when people pass gas?
Do you wear glasses?
What can you hear right now?
Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
Pretty much the same. Better at times, worse at times.
Ever been overseas?
Yes. I miss it.
What are your plans for today?
Movie hopefully!
How long have you had MySpace?
Oh man, like ... six years or something?
What was your favorite childhood show?
Loved the Smurfs when I was little ... then Double Dare, Clarissa Explains it All, Eureka's Castle .
Are you close to your siblings?
What was your first job?
Do you bite your nails?
Sometimes. When I'm anxious or working on a paper (that may be the same thing).
Do you like your feet?
It really depends. Less well the older I get.