Jessica Does Surveys

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

if you want that, it's a wrap and i won't look back

Summary of your Birth Chart
Planet Deg Sign Min
Sun 22° Cancer 42'
Moon 26° Pisces 21'
Mercury 7° Cancer 24'
Venus 12° Cancer 07'
Mars 5° Leo 46'
Jupiter 27° Aries 46'
Saturn 15° Sagittarius 27'
Uranus 23° Sagittarius 36'
Neptune 6° Capricorn 10'
Pluto 7° Scorpio 09'
Ascendant 24° Libra 35'
Midheaven 25° Cancer 31'
Tropical Placidus
Daylight Savings time
GMT: 17:45:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West

The Dark Side of the Moon
The Dark Side of the Moon
The Harsh Light of Day

Both the Moon and Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, uphold the notion that collective needs trump individual desires. Together, they can beautifully envision the possibility of mutually beneficial networks of support. But they can also create a lopsided dynamic that leads to one of your biggest challenges: the victim-savior complex. Your emotional security depends upon feeling spiritually connected, and when this need attaches to another person, you can become entangled in unhealthy relationships. Letting yourself be victimized out of a desire to transcend suffering; thinking you can "save" someone if you love them the right way; completely ignoring another's needs in favor of only seeing your romantic ideal -- these are some of the ways this complex dynamic can manifest.

To step into the light, you have to be willing to surrender -- and that takes hard work. Check in to see if you have any attachments to suffering out of a belief that it is noble. Examine whether you have friends and partners who share your commitment to emotional expression. Get honest about the expectations you have of romantic relationships, friendships and other family members. When you have done this, you will see the behaviors you need to let go of and can begin taking steps to get your power back.

With your Moon in Pisces, you are prone to coping with the pain of living by numbing out, which manifests as eating sweets, drinking alcohol or taking other mood and consciousness-altering substances. You may also be an expert at leaving your body -- a kind of mild disassociation or astral projection -- in order to escape from personal and transpersonal pain. You are a nostalgic creature, and even when events in the past were traumatic or intense, you may cling to them out of the sense that they contain some essential truth or noble purpose.

In order to let your Moon flow through you rather than carry you away, you have to heal from the past, forgiving yourself and others for the parts they played in your suffering. Spend time replenishing your soul in healthy ways, cleansing your waters so to speak. Meditation, listening to or playing music with friends, writing about your past, spiritual counseling -- any of these approaches can tap you into the Universal Source without removing all your necessary human boundaries.

People with a Pisces Moon channel the energy of healing into all sorts of careers, so it is especially important to learn how to regularly clear off negative energy and check in with what you're carrying. You feel other people's pain in your own body. Because of your natural compassion and sympathy, you can attract some pretty needy and troubled people. You can't help everyone, and you can't help anyone if you're denying your own human limitations. When you hear the cries of world, but feel powerless to help you may try "breathing through" by imagining the pain as a ribbon of breath moving into you and then breathing it out through your heart. Simple spiritual practices like this go a long way in helping you see that you have a role to play in the healing of our world, but you cannot carry it all.

You have a body. It carries within it great pain and great revelation. It is the vehicle through which you are able to manifest your highest ideals of beauty and love. Make sure you take care of it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

and what a beautiful mess this is

Strange Questions....


This may just be the most random survey you've ever taken!!

What is your best friend's Mom's name?
Depends on the bf(f). But trust that I know them all.

Where is the weirdest place you have a mole?
Idk, but I have a sort of birthmark-y mole-y circular mark thing in an interesting place...

Who was the hottest teacher you ever had?
One of my college physics profs. Just because somehow I am chemically aligned to react helplessly a

Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
nd fully to him. // Yeppps. I enjoyed that.

What body part do you wash first?
Hair, usually. Then ... it's kind of a full body survey. I guess I start around the chest area.

Do you have any peircings?
Yeah, ears.

What's the strangest talent you have?
I don't knwo if i have a particulalry strange talen...

Do you have an innie or an outtie?
Innie. ...outties weird me out.

What's your favorite flavored Pringles?
The ones in the UK ... barbeque rib ... cheese and onion.

Have you ever been tied up?
Not sexually...

What was the last thing you ever got grounded for?
Ha dude. Do not remember.

Do you parallel park or drive around the block?
Drive around man.

Have you ever had two dates in one night?

How many times have you been cussed out?
Oh, not too terribly man. Less than 100,c ertainly.

Which shoe do you put on first?
I don't know if I have a preference for that.

How old are you?

Have you ever been to a gay bar?
Nope. But I'd totes go.

Is there one thing all of your ex's have had in common?
I thought they were funny...?

Did you french kiss before you were 16?
I think I was 16.

Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting?

Who is the last person you think about before you fall asleep?
Depends on the day.

Have you ever had a poem or a song written about you?

Have you ever found anything gross in your parent's bedroom?
Condoms. Ha. I was pretty young too.

What was your childhood nickname?
Idk man.

When is the last time you played the air guitar?
Today on the bus, ha. I was practicing mys trumming on my jacket!

Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room?
Maybe peeked.

What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving?
Makeup? Make out?

Have you ever bitten your toenails?
Eek no.

How do you normally eat your cookies?
Bite by bite? Oh, except I do like to save the middle if it's gooey.

When working out at the gym, do you wear a belt?

Name something you do when you're alone?
Sing. Ha.

How many drinks does it take before you get drunk?
Depedns ont he drink. Usually 4-6.

Have you ever sniffed an animal's butt?
Not purposefully...

How often do you clean out your ears?
When I think about it. Mabes once a week.

Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper?

About how many times a day do you pick a wedgie?
Like, never. I have good underwear, ha.

Do you have any strange phobias?
Not that I think are strange.

Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?

What is the stupidest thing you've ever done at a bar?
Ha well. Depends on who you're talking to.

Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted?
Of course. But I didn't do it then.

Have you ever called your bf/gf by another girl/guys name?

Have you ever gotten caught farting while on a date?

Have you ever played naked twister?

Have you ever been drunk at work?
Well ... depends on what you mean work. If you mean school ... then yes. But to be fair, school go

Have you ever found your gf/bf's sibling more attractive?

Do you want to bring sexy back?
Only if it's grown sexy.


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Saturday, October 04, 2008

do you regret ever holding my hand

RAN to the DUMB


Take this survey

Do you eat eggs?
Yeah. For awhile I didn't, but I stopped feeling guilty about it, so now I do.

Have you ever been to Iowa?
Nope. Hmm.

What did you last eat?
Popcorn! By good ol' Newman.

If you had to date a famous person, who would it be?
James McAvoy? He seems like a good mix of what I like.

Have you ever tried illegal drugs?

Do you care about politics?
Yes, I do.

Have you ever made out with one of your top friends?
Kissed, yeah. Made out ... not yet. Getting there, ha.

Have you ever dyed your hair?
Nope. I had a dream the other night that I told 2 colorists that & they were like, really?? Weird.

Have you ever dated someone way older than you?
Nope. But I've considered it.

Have you ever been in a play?
Yes! Oh high school ... when you can really do anything because nothing is 'yours' or not yet.

Do you like clowns?
No thanks.

Does your mom fart in front of you?
Not expressively..?

Did you ever trip over your shoe laces?
I don't really wear shoes with laces anymore.

Ever had your driver's license suspended?
Nope. But I have lost it, physically.

What is your favorite ice cream?
Good question. Coffee? Buckeye? Cookie Dough? Half Baked? White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle?

Have you ever had a wart?
Eek, no. Thankfully.

What do you wear to bed?
Depends on where I am. Lately, Soffe shorts and a T-shirt. At home, it varies more....toward the d

Would you ever dye your hair purple?
irection of less. Ha. // Um, probs not. Maybe like a little under layer of it or something, but

Have you ever cheated on a bf/gf?
not totally. // Nope.

Do you know what your IQ is?
Not technically. I've gotten anywhere between 120 and 150 on online ones before, but that's not

What do you eat for breakfast?
really valid. // Depends. Usually cereal or a bagel. Sometimes fake bacon!

How many children do you want?
Two, I'm thinking. Maybe four.

What is the last book you read? Was it good?
I finished Eleanor Rigby and that was decent. Last full in one swoop was Wuthering Heights, which I

Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far?
did like. // Yeah.

Have you ever kissed someone who smoked?
Probably ... but not that I expressively knew.

Have you ever been drunk?
Yeeeah. How about twice this weekend already! It's been a crazy week, man.

Do you have brown shoes?
Probably, but not any with me here. I don't wear brown.

Have you ever touched an elephant?
No! Man, I want to now though.

What is your favorite sexual position?
Don't have that much experience with multiples, so can't quite say yet.

Have you ever spent the night in the hospital?
Yes, but not because I was the sick one.

Has anyone ever under-estimated your intelligence?
Probably not. People tend to think of me as smart. Which isn't a bad thing, really.

Could you date someone of another religion?
Sure. I can see multiple viewpoints on things being legit enough for someone to take stock in.

Do you have any siblings? Are they older/younger?
Yeah, one younger.

What is one thing that all of your ex's have in common?
They're boys? Really that's about it.

What was your first pet?
I guess I'd say Snow(y) the cat. Yes, he was white.

Where were you born?

Have you ever moved to a different state?

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, but I still think there are larger breaks on the horizon.

Do you believe in soul mates?
I don't know. I kind of think we're meant to find people for us, but ... as for one to one, and you

Have you ever lived in a house with a basement?
aren't right unless you're with that one ... idk about that business. // Yeah. Most had basements.

Do you have any pets?
Not personally. That's when I'll know I've grown up.

Who's your daddy?
I have two. Lucky me, they're both great.

What cell phone carrier do you have?
Verizon. Duhh.

Do you like Propel?
Yeah, sure. I've only ever had the pink/purple one though. Raspberry? Strawberry?

Why does it get dark at night?
It doesn't get dark ... there's just less light available (sun not in position to be seen, earth in

When you blow your nose do you look at it?
way, etc.). // What, my nose? Or the snot? I guess sometimes, ha. But not usually.

Do you take showers at night or in the morning?
Well, I've been doing at night a lot more lately just because I'm afraid I won't get up early enough

Why do people call you the nickname they call you?
and that my hair won't dry. // Because I stopped answering to just my first name since it's so commo

Ever thought you were pregnant and you really weren't?
n. // Uhh. Yes. Not a good feeling.

What's the third text in your inbox?
"Yeah. Who's fucked? Me!" - Z.

What is your mom's drink of choice?
Drink drink? She likes margaritas ... that punch she makes ... vodka tonics ... Kahlua.

Do you still watch kids channels?
Hellz yeah. Disney...I swear man. That stuff is the shiz and anyone who tells you differently just

Are you listening to anything at the moment?
is lying to themselves. // Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here." I forgot how much I loved this song.

What was your last phone call about?
It feels so ... poignant and just *right* now that I'm older. // It was Jenny saying she missed me.

Want to get something off your chest?
Yeah. But it's nothing I'm willing to say out loud to anyone but myself yet.

Do you look your age?
Kinda. Younger, probably.

If you could go back in time, where would you go?
To go see the Beatles.

Anything good happening tomorrow?
Nahh it's Sunday. I'll just be doing work and freaking out.

Have you ever gone a week without sleeping?
NO. Omg, I've gone a week with nearly sleeping though (like, two hours a night mabes, and those res

Do you walk off when someone pulls a camera out?
tless) and it made me feel crazy and desperate and just at the end of my rope. // Not usually. The

Look to your left, what do you see?
other night, I danced to a camera, ha. // Our lamp, list of cable channels, pizza box.

If someone hated you, would you want to know about it?
I don't know ... if I had to see them, yes. But if they're out of my life, no. I don't need the ba

Ever pretended to be sick?
d energy. // Ha, sure. But not anymore really .. it doesn't get me out of shit. Just creates more

Are your parents reasonable?
problems and back ups. // Yeah, at least for the most part.


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First, Seconds & Thirds



1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Look at my cell phone to see what time it is, or pee.

2.What's the first thing you wash when you take a shower?
Usually hair.

3. What's the first thing you do when you get in the car?
Place my purse/get the iPod ready, put on my seatbelt.

4. What's the first item of clothing you put on when you get dressed?
Usually jeans. Underwear if I'm totes naked.

5. What age did you give your first kiss?
I was either 15 or 16. I swear, I can't remember anything that far back anymore.

6. What age did you lose your virginity?

7. What age were you when you first drank alcohol?
Um, thirteen I think.

8. What's the first drug you tried?
Alcohol if that counts. Otherwise, pot.

9. What's the name of your first love?
Of course the one thing I'll withhold of all these is going to be this one. Still cautious!

10. Where was your first vacation?
Florida, probs.

11. What was your first car?
The Intrepid. But really, I'm gonna say the LHS. Because it was the one bought only for me.

12. How old were you when you got your first job?
Well, babysitting since 12 ... small jobs since 17 ... now, at 20, actual regular paychecks.


1. What is your second favorite food?
Either mashed potatoes or pizza. Because I go back and forth on which is first.

2. What is your second favorite animal?
Dogs, I think. Or Scottish coos, ha. I fell in love with Hamish.

3. What is your second favorite drink?
Drink drink? Champagne, or gin and tonic.

4. What is your second favorite song?
I seriously ... cannot do that. It's like, too vast and complex to even attempt.

5. What's your second favorite store?
Idk. I know I like Target?

6. What's your second favorite saying or quote?
Work hard, play hard.

7. What's the second thing you seen this morning?
Idk man. Pushing Daisies, if I take that question in a certain way.

8. Name one of your second cousins?

9. What is the name of your second favorite restaurant?
Red Robin.

10. Who was your second grade teacher?
Mrs. Ivan.

11. What was the name of the second animal you have had?

12. Describe your second boyfriend?
Ha, well how exactly are we counting that.


1. What was the name of your third boyfriend?
I am in the same position.

2. Who is the third friend on your myspace?
Like, 3rd in the top 8? Zach.

3. What's the third job you ever had?
Difficult to count.

4. In high school, Freshman year, what was your third period class?
Oh shiz ... Global Studies. I can't believe I remember that.

5. What did you do on the 3rd of this month?
Ha, that was yesterday! I watched ProjRun&ANTM, worked, and saw N&N's Infinite Playlist. Then,

6. What will you be doing in 3 hours?
Virgin, pizza, beer, cigs, trolley, margaritas, Guitar Hero. // Working, god I hope.

7. What's your third siblings name? (if you have one)

8. What's your third favorite sport?

9. What's your third favorite car?
Oh, there is only the Corvette in my life, and it is in position number one.

10. Color?

11. What is the third thing you thought about today?
Probably my dreams from the night ... I fell in love with the deaf boy. Idk. Weird.

12. Where were you three days ago?
Still here.


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Perhaps You Were Curious


Take this survey

Name a celebrity you think is a bad actor?
Well ... I don't wanna rain on anyone's parade.

Are you fan of Brittany Spears?

What song is stuck in your head right now?
Well, Stairway to Heaven is playing.

Do you like the outfits the Pussycat Dolls wear?
Ha I wouldn't wear them, but they look all right in them, how about that.

Do you believe in ghost?
Just one? Like Patrick Swayze?

What is better McDonalds or Wendy's?

If you could go to any concert in the world, who's would it be?
The Beatles if they still existed. Otherwise, U2 or Coldplay.

Are you addicted to anything?
Probably not. But there are things I'd severely miss.

When is the last time you pooped?

Do you think golf is a real sport?
I mean, sure.

Would ever do online dating?
Idk. I don't wanna say never, but the chances are low.

Have you ever prank called someone?
Only back in like, middle school.

Do you play the Sims?
No, but I bought it for my sister, and the few times I've been in on it, it gets mighty addictive.

Have you ever watched What About Bob?

What is your pet peeve?
Hair in the shower, man.

Are you afraid of any insects?
Yeeeeah. most of them.

How many siblings do you have?

What chore do you absoulutely hate?
Probs dishes.

Do you run fast?

What is the greatest thing you ever done?
I don't know. Graduating college is gonna be a huge thing.

Would you take a vacation to Egypt?
Sure. I'd want a man with me though.

How many times do you say the word dude in one day?
Depends on the day, but not a little. Maybe ... 2-7?

Are you annoying to anyone?
Probably. Evs.

Are you single?

Have any tattoos?

Are you a tree hugger?
Well, I have hugged a tree. I like the envionrment. Fern Gully was way too sad for me.

Who do you want to win the presidential election?

What is the last movie you went to see in the theater?
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, last night at a sold out showing! I loved it, for reals.

Who did you see it with?

What is your best friend's middle name?
I have a few.

Can you lick your elbow?

Are you flexible?
Kinda. I'm working on it.

Have you ever naked in public?
I do not believe so.

Whats your favorite sport?
Football, probs.

When was the last time you kissed someone?
Oh goodness. Way back in May.

Whats the worst punishment?

What is something that you want but you cant have?
Ha, that's easy.

What was your favorite present from last christmas?
My guitar. =)

Are you an adrenaline junky?

Can you cook?
Not a lot. But enough to survive.

What year do you graduate high school?
Did. 05.

What is your dream job?
Gunning towards it now, teaching and researching.

Are you bipolar?

Why did you last go to the doctor's office?
Omg, forevs ago. I was in there with my mom in the summer once, but for me it was in January.

Do you have ADD?

Who was your best friend in 8th grade?
Probs Bethany & Jackie.

Who do you know that has the craziest family?
Probably me, ha.


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We Go Deep!

Let's Start With Some Random Questions
Is your mirror clean?: It's not expressively dirty...but I certainly haven't cleaned it.
Do use tissues or a handkerchief?: Tissues.
Is anything wrong with your eyes?: Well, they've been very sensitive lately, especially in the mornings. Idk.
When is that last time you weighed yourself?: At the doctors in January. My actual self ... last Thanksgiving, when drunk. Ha.
Do you wear eyeliner?: Sometimes.
Are you chronically bored?: Nah. Just avoiding things.
Weapon of choice?: Sarcasm...?
Do you throw your candy wrappers away?: Sometimes. Often I just throw them in a pile or back in the bag...bad habits.
Are you a litterbug?: Not really. Some cigs, I guess.
Do you like poison?: No..?
Last time you went to the beach?: Brighton, if that counts, back in April.
Your MSN/AIM/YIM Screen name?: No comment.
Story behind your default?: What, picture? A concert. or the HR.
Is your Myspace song your favorite song?: Not really. I'm in the market for a new one.
Let's Talk Tears
Last time you cried?: Grey's last week made me cry. That nice letter he wrote, and then Denny.
Reason you last cried?: Oops, already put that.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah. It's awful beyond words.
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?: yeeeah.
Who makes you cry most often?: Who? oh goodness. I'm not going there.
Do you cry when you're happy?: Not usually.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Depends on the injury.
Do you cry when you are scared?: Sometimes.
Has your best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend ever made you cry?: Yeah.
Have you ever cried during a movie?: Yeah, certainly.
Do certain songs make you cry?: Yes. Definitely.
Are you crying right now?: Ha, no.
This or That
Mozzerella or Cheddar?: Mozzarella.
Speghetti or Maceroni?: Macaroni.
Shrimp or Crab?: Ew, neither. I don't like to see whole bodies when eating. And I don't do seafood. Or meat.
Ocean or Sky?: Sky. But I like the ocean because you can see all that sky as well.
Beach or Park?: Beach, probably.
Dog or Cat?: Dog.
Dark Chocolate or White Chocolate?: Dark.
Light or Dark?: Light.
Digital Camera or Camera Phone?: Digital camera.
Puppet or Stuffed Animal?: Stuffed animal.
Seasame Street or Barney?: Sesame Street.
Pooh or Tigger?: Pooh.
Chocolate Milk or Orange Juie?: Chocolate milk!!
Tacos or Burritos?: Burritos.
Put Your Playlist On Shuffle, Click 'Next' For Every Question
Your Theme Song: "A Beautiful Mess" - Jason Mraz. ("You're strong, but you're needy; humble, but you're greedy...Your style is quite selective, though your mind is rather restless.")
Your Love Life: "La La Land" by Demi Lovato. ("tell me do you feel the way you feel, 'cause nothing else is real.")
What You Listen To When Your Sad: "Love Lockdown" covered by Fall Out Boy. ("I'm not loving you the way I wanted to, had to run from you. I'm in love with you, but the vibe is wrong.")
Your Wedding Song: "You Know So Well" by Sondre Lerche. ("I have told you this before, in my transparent mind..But if there's one thing I know, it's this: when I lose my sleep, it's you I miss")
Your Funeral Song: "Call Me Irresponsible" by Michael Buble. ("I'm not that clever, I just find you adorable.")
Your Friends: Trainwreck, by Demi Lovato. ("You mean the world to me, even though you might be crazy. You're a trainwreck, but I wouldn't love you if you changed.")
Every Day: Swagga Like Us, by Jay-Z/TI. ("No one on the corner have swagga like us.")
Reason To Laugh: Lost, by Coldplay. ("Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I'm lost, doesn't mean I'll stop.")
When You're Dancing: Infatuation, Maroon 5. ("Maybe it's the chase that really gets me off, I force it when it's just not there.")
Your Top Eight
Would You Kiss #1?: Ha, been there done that.
Have you ever cried on #2's shoulder?: Yeah.
If you were happy, would #3 put you down?: No. Well, at least not really. Perhaps kiddingly.
Does #4 make you laugh?: Yeaaah. =)
Would #5 stay up all night with you?: Ha yeah.
Do you talk to #6 often?: Not often enough!
Last time you saw #7?: This week at Think.
If #8 was crying, would you cheer him/her up?: Yes, and have done so.
Questions You've Heard Before
How old are you?: 21.
What time is it?: 2:37 pm.
Your best friend's name(s)?:
Do you have more guy or girl friends?: Girl.
Can you sing?: Kinda?
Do you dance?: Ha yeah.
Have you ever stayed up all night?: Yes. Bad decisions.
Have you ever slept under the stars?: Yeah.
Do you like taking walks in the rain?: Sometimes.
Do you play an instrument?: Yeah, a few.
Are you emo/gothic/punk?: No.
What make-up do you wear on a regular basis?:
Have You Ever
Cut yourself?: Not purposefully.
Spent more than eight hours on the computer at once?: Probably, sadly.
Played video games till the sun came up?: Yeah.
Put your heart on the line?: Yeah. Scary.
Told someone the story of your life?: Not from the beginning to the end in one fell swoop...
Eaten calf brains?: Eek, no.
Seen the Statue of Liberty?: Yeah.
Swam in the ocean?: Yeah.
Held a baby farm animal?: Yes.
More Random!
Is there anyone that knows /everything/ there is to know about you?: Probably not everything.
Is there something you want to say/ask someone?: Probably. but i won't.
Can you make any odd sounds with your mouth?: No?
What's the last thing you said out load?: "When did you end???" To the oven.
Do you have a cat?: Yes.
Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair?: Ha, yeah. Not fun.
Have you ever had a movie party?: No...? I've had movie watchings...
Band?: Beatles.
Book?: Alchemist.
Movie?: Casablanca.
Place?: I don't know anymore. I like a lot of them.
Thing to do on weekends?: Veg. Have fun.
Season?: Summer.
Day of the week?: Friday!
Holiday?: Christmas.
Word?: A's ... advantageous, aujourd'hui ...
Website?: google.
Sport?: Football.
Insturment?: Guitar.
What do you hear?: Commercials. But I was Pandora-ing, until I got sucked into watching women try on wedding dresses.
Are you talking to anyone?: Nah.
Do you have a headache?: Nope, yay.
Are you sad?: Nah.
What are you worried about?: Midterms next week, getting my work done.
Are you bored?: No.
What do you intend to do after this survey?: Finish watching this Bride thing ... do work or reading or study.
How many windows do you have open?: None.
What are they?:
Are you logged into an instant messanger?: Yeah, AIM.
Are you cold?: A little.
Are you drinking?: No, but I just had a lot of water.
Do you have to pee?: Kinda.
About This Survey
Did you enjoy it?: It was all right. I kinda broke it into two so I don't fully remember, but yeah. Props.
Did it cure your boredome?: Didn't have any to cure.
What was your favorite question?: I liked the playlist shuffle.
Would you try any of my other surveys?:
Were you multi-tasking while taking this?: Yes, I was cooking, pandora-ing, and now I'm watching TV.
Before We Say Goodbye
Are you wearing jeans?: Nope.
Any plans for tomorrow?: Working and reading.
Do you want chocolate?: Suuuure.
Pie or Cake?: Cake, I think. But ... I really like icing. And I really like pie crust.
Are your top friends all very dear to you?: Yes.
Are you against gay marriage?: No. I am pro equal rights.
Should George W. Bush burn in hell?: "I don't condemn, I don't convert." - Ziggy Marley.
Should I be president?:
Do you have a song stuck in your head?: Now I have "Love is my Religion" stuck in my head.
Are you singing it now?: No.
Is your music library playing?: Nope. TV.
Where is your mom?: Back at home. Or maybe at work? or band?
Do you have any siblings?: yeah, one.
Are you bored with this survey?: Not really, I guess.
Anything you'd like to say to me before you go?: Nope.
Alright, really this time...Bye!
What's your middle name?: Nicole.
:D Well, don't be a stranger!

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i can't keep myself and still keep you too

You're exceptional at what you do, which often means helping others work through difficult situations in non-traditional ways. And despite your impressive organizational skills and high standards, you still manage to make life fun for those around you... unless, of course, you're moping over things in the past. Sometimes you're reluctant to share your feelings, which can make you seem like an enigma, but it also makes you much more fascinating when you finally open up.