at least be sympathetic to the time i spent
150th post! Damn that's a lot of surveys.

Who did you last shoot a dirty look at? Probabl my roommate for taking up the bathroom for awhile. But that's more annoyance than anything.
What kind of car do you drive? LHS.
Have you ever had a garage sale? I've participated in them a few times.
What color is your iPod? White.
What kind of dog do you have? Shih Tzu, Chihuahua.
What's for dinner tonight? I had spinach tortellini, wheat toast, and Cadbury chocolate tea biscuits. Good stuff.
What is the last drink you drank? Mojito! Gotta pronounce that 't' in England.
Last time you were sick? Oh, a few weeks ago. The dorm illness.
How long is your hair? I feel it's getting kind of longer ... It's basically right into the 'long' section, from medium.
Are you happy right now? Sure. I get to watch movies, listen to music, kind of exist as I want.
What did you say last? "I think you're feeding me lies again"...Kelly Clarkson song.
Who came over last? On my request? Probably my psych partner.
Do you drink beer? Yeah, but I don't really like it that much. I'd rather have cider.
What is in your pocket? Nothing.
Who is the last person you had a phone conversation with? Some random English dude today, called my number incorrectly and asked if I was related to the perso
What DVD is in your DVD player? (cont)n he wanted. Uh, no. /// That would be Firefly disc 3.
What's something fun you did today? Watched Be Kind Rewind. Other than that, really just went grocery shopping.
What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"? Kitties. Awwww.
What are you listening to right now? Ella by Monty.
What have you had to drink so far today? I probably finished my mojito right around midnight if that counts ... otherwise just water.
When is your birthday? 7/15. Not terribly soon, but I guess not terribly far off now ... four and a half months.
What's the area code for your cell phone? Hard to tell here ... 079?
Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? I didn't ... my former roommate gave it to me.
Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? Nope, especially not a lei. Laaaame.
How many states in the U.S. have you been to? Probably not that many ... like, fifteen?
What are you going to do after this? Probably another one. Maybe watch 'Penelope.'
What is something you need to go shopping for? Toilet paper. But I bought the last two batches ... I feel it's her turn. So I need to hold out.
Do you like pickles? They're all right. I really only like the bread and butter Vlasic ones.
How about olives? Never had one, but I feel like no.
What is your favorite kind of gum? No real preference. I like ones I can really blow bubbles with.
Do you have any tan lines? Nope, considering I don't tan.
Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? Oh weird, I had a mental picture first. Yeah, we called her Miss Trish.
Who was the last person to call you baby? One of my friends, no doubt. Ugh, someone calling someone 'pup' today literally had me gagging.
When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout? If I can, definitely. But here, I can't due to the whole chip-and-pin thing.
Has anyone ever sang to you? Yeah. Awkward now, because the songs get stuck in that moment.
Has anyone ever given you roses? Yeah. I like roses.
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? Uhhhh maybe. But I would not like it AT ALL.
What is your favorite color? Cerulean. Gotta love those vowels too.
What color are your eyes? Green.
What is a compliment you receive way too often? I don't think I ever tire of a compliment ... "you're so nice", if anything.
How tall are you? Not very.
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when? Probably a parent.
Do you like your parents? Hey there you are. Yeah.
Why did your last relationship end? Because the period of honeymoon had worn off and doubts about everything popped up.
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone? I don't know ... probably a parent again, but I'm not on the phone much anymore.
Where is the furthest place you've traveled? Furthest from home, I assume ... Florence is still technically the furthest, at least for now.
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep? To sleep. But both can be nice.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? I think I look like both.
How long does it take you to shower? Depends .. can be five minutes, usually near twenty, can be much longer.
Can you do splits? Maybe ... I keep meaning to stretch daily so I can regain that flexibility ...Idk.
Can you use the grill? We don't have one here, but uh ... never have. Isn't it just coals + fire?
Are you flexible? Ha there's that question. Moderately ... like, more than most, but not as much as I'd like.
What movie do you want to see? The Boleyn sister one ... La Vie en Rose.
What did you on New Years Eve 2007? Was at the new house ... played guitar hero, ate pizza, guzzled champagne, held a baby, cake, sleep.
Was your mom a cheerleader? No, but she was a majorette, which was like ... cooler. Ha.
What is the last letter of your middle name? E. Common answer, I'd imagine.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Hmm, probably conked out around 1 am, got up at 11. So .. .10? Ahh I sleep a lot sometimes.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yeah. Otherwise I feel naked.
Are you scared of flying? Nope. I'd be scared pretty often if I were.
What do you sleep in? I like to sleep in just underwear, but usually it's pj pants and a Tshirt.
Do you have any tatoos? Nope.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles? Nope. The poor kids in my primary school seemed disappointed I hadn't been to CA. Sorry! E-girl.
What jewelry do you wear all the time? Three rings, my necklace, usually my watch unless I forget it.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Good question ... "Did You Get My Message", "Sexy Can I", "Tied Down", "No Air" ...?
What song do you HATE? At the moment, let's say ... anything crazy house/techno.
Do you like chocolate? Yeeeah.
Are you easy to get along with? Pretty much. But if you start to get fake-y OR flake-y on me ... too old for that shit, go away.
Any up coming events you're excited about? Edinburgh next weekend, hellz yeah!

Achievements: Getting here so far has been good.
Age: Twenty.
Are you planning something right now? Yeah ... writing a paper (ew) and Belfast (eek).
Arizona or Alaska: Alaska. But I haven't been to either.
Birthdate: 7/15.
Babies, do you have any? Ha, no. No babies.
Blonde or Brunette: Blonde.
Childhood sweetheart: Good question. What's "childhood" exactly? I guess it'd be David, probably.
Current mood: Worried about my paper timing ... worried about trip planning ... but okay.
Children, are there more in your future? Well more than zero? Probably. But it's a far off future for sure.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
Dating anyone: Nope.
Do you plan on having lots of money? I'd like to. But realistically ... it probably won't happen.
Dogs or cats: Dogs. But I'd take either in a heartbeat right now.
Elementary School: Mostly D. Woods.
Eye color: Green.
Ever going to China? Maybe? Probably not.
Early or Late: I'm usually late.
First Crush Devin in kindergarten. Pretty sure I kissed him too. Get it done, girl!
Future goals: Graduate college, get into grad school, get a PhD, get a job I like, get married, have kid(s).
Funny or Serious: Funny, but with the ability to be serious.
GPA: 3.134, I think. But my major/minor GPAs are so much higher.
Going anywhere this weekend Nope, last weekend staying put for awhile.
Giver or Taker: I think everyone thinks they're a giver ... but I do my fair share of taking for sure.
Hair color: Blonde.
Hate anyone for life? Ha for life? Good way to put it ... I'm answering no.
Hairspray or Gel: Spray, I guess, is all I ever use. But I'm a no-product type of girl.
In 8th grade, who was your best friend? Jackie and Bethany. Sides of Elizabeth and Emily.
Is ignorance bliss? It can be.
Is there anything you wanna share? I'm afraid of travelling alone. I miss him more than I should. I haven't done my laundry for 7 wks
Ice Cream or Cake: Ice cream. (Ice cream cake is great too.)
Jumped rope for fun? As in, have I ever? Hell yeah, every recess, man. I was really good at the double dutch.
Junk around you right now? Yeeah. Two overripe bananas, biscuit wrapper, receipts, empty bags/boxes ... blah.
Joining anything anytime soon? Don't think so. Done my joining for the semester already.
January or July: July. Bday!
Killed anyone: As in, have I ever? No.
Keeping a secret? Well .. maybe. But everything that's current, I've told at least *someone*...or would if they asked
Kicking someone off your top friends today? Nah. That stays pretty constant.
Kiwi or Apple: Kiwi. Aaaah man, I miss kiwis right now.
Lost anyone close to you: Yeah.
Last kiss, when and who: Italian man in soccer shirt shop ... too long ago.
List 3 people that you will love forever Parents (yeah there are three).
Lover or Fighter Lover. Definitely not a fighter.
Marrital Status: Spelled wrong. Single, never married.
Music or TV: Music.
Northern most state you have been to: NY.
Nickname: Jess.
Name your future boy and girl: Ethan, Lily.
Naughty or Nice: Naughty is so much more fun. But I'm probably mostly nice, at least as far as people know. =)
Opened a piece of mail that was not yours? Yeah, but then I saw it was a check and facebooked the girl and mailed it to her.
Occupation: Student. Volunteer.
Owe anyone money: Nope.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. Better in smaller groups.
Place you most want to be? I'd really take a day in NY, then a day at home...just for rejuvenation. I feel like Survivor.
Purposely destroyed someone life? Life? No. Plans ... maybe.
Planning a major trip? Uh yeah, three of them.
Pink or Black? Black to wear. Pink otherwise.
Quit a class: Have I? I've dropped them before, but that was out of necessity not out of hatred.
Quickly......the first word to come to mind: Banana. I have no clue why.
Quitting your job soon? That would be either dropping out of school or not staying near cute kids, so ... no.
Quiet or Loud: Quiet. But I get pretty loud when drunk.
Riding in an air plane: I have done it many a time.
Running for any political office in the future? I do not foresee that, no.
Rain or Snow: Snow, definitely.
Siblings names and ages: Jenny, 14.
Shoe size: 8.5. (Six here.)
Shave daily? Legs are every other day.
Shower or Bath: Shower.
Turning 21 was (will be): Will be ... weird now, since I can already sorta drink, and I don't really wanna throw up.
Texas, ever been? Nope. And my dad and roommate have both lived there. And I want to go. Just never happened.
Think you will live to be 100? I'd like to, I think. I don't know, I've had some pretty old relatives.
Tame or Wild: Tame.
Unique quality about you: I think the only way we can all be unique is in the combination of nonunique things. Got it?
Underwear on? Yeah. And it's my last pair, but the stupid desk wasn't open today, so I can't do laundry. =(
Under your bed lies: It's a storage space, so suitcases, newspapers, laundry.
Under or Over: Under. Probably less effort involved.
Vacation time left? Two months and fifteen days. 77 days, actually.
Voting in the next Presidentail election? Yes, for a Democrat whoever that ends up being.
Volleyball or Swimming: Swimming.
Went white water rafting? Yeah, when I was pretty young.
Wearing right now: Jeans, Tshirt.
Write a sentence about you: I think this is a dumb question.
West Coast or East Coast: East Coast, duhhh.
X-Rays in the past month Month? None.
X-Mas plans: Oh lord, don't think ahead that far. I'd like to be at home.
X, does it mark the spot? Zzz x, I don't fuckin' see it. Usually, I'd say no.
X-Tina or Britney Oh goodness. I still think Britney, but I like both, and I want her to get better.
Your favorite song? Probably "Hallelujah". But that's a pool of like ... tens of thousands, so it's difficult to pick 1
Your favorite place on Earth: Haven't been everywhere. Currently, patch of grass under Eiffel. Or anywhere my friends are.
Yes or No: Yes.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
Zipper or button: Zipper.
Zippos are neat, agree? What are zippos?
Zoo or Circus: Zoo. Ah, I should go to a zoo.
The Photobucket you want to take.
How old are you?

How tall are you?

Political alignment?


(ha just an excuse to post that picture over something more clear)
Favorite season?

Last thing you ate?

Least favorite kind of music?

Dream job?

Favorite holiday?

What are you listening to right now?

What kind of pet do you want?

Favorite mode of transportation?

Best vacation?

Dream house?

Biggest accomplishment?

Favorite shoes?

Favorite alcoholic drink?

Why are you taking this long survey?

Type of cell phone?

Most prized possession?

How many kids do you want?

What are you most likely to be arrested for?

Least favorite bill to pay?

Least favorite thing to eat?

What are you doing later?
Hear Me Out Survey

Take this survey
Who did you last shoot a dirty look at? Probabl my roommate for taking up the bathroom for awhile. But that's more annoyance than anything.
What kind of car do you drive? LHS.
Have you ever had a garage sale? I've participated in them a few times.
What color is your iPod? White.
What kind of dog do you have? Shih Tzu, Chihuahua.
What's for dinner tonight? I had spinach tortellini, wheat toast, and Cadbury chocolate tea biscuits. Good stuff.
What is the last drink you drank? Mojito! Gotta pronounce that 't' in England.
Last time you were sick? Oh, a few weeks ago. The dorm illness.
How long is your hair? I feel it's getting kind of longer ... It's basically right into the 'long' section, from medium.
Are you happy right now? Sure. I get to watch movies, listen to music, kind of exist as I want.
What did you say last? "I think you're feeding me lies again"...Kelly Clarkson song.
Who came over last? On my request? Probably my psych partner.
Do you drink beer? Yeah, but I don't really like it that much. I'd rather have cider.
What is in your pocket? Nothing.
Who is the last person you had a phone conversation with? Some random English dude today, called my number incorrectly and asked if I was related to the perso
What DVD is in your DVD player? (cont)n he wanted. Uh, no. /// That would be Firefly disc 3.
What's something fun you did today? Watched Be Kind Rewind. Other than that, really just went grocery shopping.
What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"? Kitties. Awwww.
What are you listening to right now? Ella by Monty.
What have you had to drink so far today? I probably finished my mojito right around midnight if that counts ... otherwise just water.
When is your birthday? 7/15. Not terribly soon, but I guess not terribly far off now ... four and a half months.
What's the area code for your cell phone? Hard to tell here ... 079?
Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? I didn't ... my former roommate gave it to me.
Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? Nope, especially not a lei. Laaaame.
How many states in the U.S. have you been to? Probably not that many ... like, fifteen?
What are you going to do after this? Probably another one. Maybe watch 'Penelope.'
What is something you need to go shopping for? Toilet paper. But I bought the last two batches ... I feel it's her turn. So I need to hold out.
Do you like pickles? They're all right. I really only like the bread and butter Vlasic ones.
How about olives? Never had one, but I feel like no.
What is your favorite kind of gum? No real preference. I like ones I can really blow bubbles with.
Do you have any tan lines? Nope, considering I don't tan.
Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? Oh weird, I had a mental picture first. Yeah, we called her Miss Trish.
Who was the last person to call you baby? One of my friends, no doubt. Ugh, someone calling someone 'pup' today literally had me gagging.
When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout? If I can, definitely. But here, I can't due to the whole chip-and-pin thing.
Has anyone ever sang to you? Yeah. Awkward now, because the songs get stuck in that moment.
Has anyone ever given you roses? Yeah. I like roses.
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive? Uhhhh maybe. But I would not like it AT ALL.
What is your favorite color? Cerulean. Gotta love those vowels too.
What color are your eyes? Green.
What is a compliment you receive way too often? I don't think I ever tire of a compliment ... "you're so nice", if anything.
How tall are you? Not very.
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when? Probably a parent.
Do you like your parents? Hey there you are. Yeah.
Why did your last relationship end? Because the period of honeymoon had worn off and doubts about everything popped up.
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone? I don't know ... probably a parent again, but I'm not on the phone much anymore.
Where is the furthest place you've traveled? Furthest from home, I assume ... Florence is still technically the furthest, at least for now.
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep? To sleep. But both can be nice.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad? I think I look like both.
How long does it take you to shower? Depends .. can be five minutes, usually near twenty, can be much longer.
Can you do splits? Maybe ... I keep meaning to stretch daily so I can regain that flexibility ...Idk.
Can you use the grill? We don't have one here, but uh ... never have. Isn't it just coals + fire?
Are you flexible? Ha there's that question. Moderately ... like, more than most, but not as much as I'd like.
What movie do you want to see? The Boleyn sister one ... La Vie en Rose.
What did you on New Years Eve 2007? Was at the new house ... played guitar hero, ate pizza, guzzled champagne, held a baby, cake, sleep.
Was your mom a cheerleader? No, but she was a majorette, which was like ... cooler. Ha.
What is the last letter of your middle name? E. Common answer, I'd imagine.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Hmm, probably conked out around 1 am, got up at 11. So .. .10? Ahh I sleep a lot sometimes.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yeah. Otherwise I feel naked.
Are you scared of flying? Nope. I'd be scared pretty often if I were.
What do you sleep in? I like to sleep in just underwear, but usually it's pj pants and a Tshirt.
Do you have any tatoos? Nope.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles? Nope. The poor kids in my primary school seemed disappointed I hadn't been to CA. Sorry! E-girl.
What jewelry do you wear all the time? Three rings, my necklace, usually my watch unless I forget it.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Good question ... "Did You Get My Message", "Sexy Can I", "Tied Down", "No Air" ...?
What song do you HATE? At the moment, let's say ... anything crazy house/techno.
Do you like chocolate? Yeeeah.
Are you easy to get along with? Pretty much. But if you start to get fake-y OR flake-y on me ... too old for that shit, go away.
Any up coming events you're excited about? Edinburgh next weekend, hellz yeah!
More MySpace Surveys @
Alphabet Survey

Achievements: Getting here so far has been good.
Age: Twenty.
Are you planning something right now? Yeah ... writing a paper (ew) and Belfast (eek).
Arizona or Alaska: Alaska. But I haven't been to either.
Birthdate: 7/15.
Babies, do you have any? Ha, no. No babies.
Blonde or Brunette: Blonde.
Childhood sweetheart: Good question. What's "childhood" exactly? I guess it'd be David, probably.
Current mood: Worried about my paper timing ... worried about trip planning ... but okay.
Children, are there more in your future? Well more than zero? Probably. But it's a far off future for sure.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
Dating anyone: Nope.
Do you plan on having lots of money? I'd like to. But realistically ... it probably won't happen.
Dogs or cats: Dogs. But I'd take either in a heartbeat right now.
Elementary School: Mostly D. Woods.
Eye color: Green.
Ever going to China? Maybe? Probably not.
Early or Late: I'm usually late.
First Crush Devin in kindergarten. Pretty sure I kissed him too. Get it done, girl!
Future goals: Graduate college, get into grad school, get a PhD, get a job I like, get married, have kid(s).
Funny or Serious: Funny, but with the ability to be serious.
GPA: 3.134, I think. But my major/minor GPAs are so much higher.
Going anywhere this weekend Nope, last weekend staying put for awhile.
Giver or Taker: I think everyone thinks they're a giver ... but I do my fair share of taking for sure.
Hair color: Blonde.
Hate anyone for life? Ha for life? Good way to put it ... I'm answering no.
Hairspray or Gel: Spray, I guess, is all I ever use. But I'm a no-product type of girl.
In 8th grade, who was your best friend? Jackie and Bethany. Sides of Elizabeth and Emily.
Is ignorance bliss? It can be.
Is there anything you wanna share? I'm afraid of travelling alone. I miss him more than I should. I haven't done my laundry for 7 wks
Ice Cream or Cake: Ice cream. (Ice cream cake is great too.)
Jumped rope for fun? As in, have I ever? Hell yeah, every recess, man. I was really good at the double dutch.
Junk around you right now? Yeeah. Two overripe bananas, biscuit wrapper, receipts, empty bags/boxes ... blah.
Joining anything anytime soon? Don't think so. Done my joining for the semester already.
January or July: July. Bday!
Killed anyone: As in, have I ever? No.
Keeping a secret? Well .. maybe. But everything that's current, I've told at least *someone*...or would if they asked
Kicking someone off your top friends today? Nah. That stays pretty constant.
Kiwi or Apple: Kiwi. Aaaah man, I miss kiwis right now.
Lost anyone close to you: Yeah.
Last kiss, when and who: Italian man in soccer shirt shop ... too long ago.
List 3 people that you will love forever Parents (yeah there are three).
Lover or Fighter Lover. Definitely not a fighter.
Marrital Status: Spelled wrong. Single, never married.
Music or TV: Music.
Northern most state you have been to: NY.
Nickname: Jess.
Name your future boy and girl: Ethan, Lily.
Naughty or Nice: Naughty is so much more fun. But I'm probably mostly nice, at least as far as people know. =)
Opened a piece of mail that was not yours? Yeah, but then I saw it was a check and facebooked the girl and mailed it to her.
Occupation: Student. Volunteer.
Owe anyone money: Nope.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. Better in smaller groups.
Place you most want to be? I'd really take a day in NY, then a day at home...just for rejuvenation. I feel like Survivor.
Purposely destroyed someone life? Life? No. Plans ... maybe.
Planning a major trip? Uh yeah, three of them.
Pink or Black? Black to wear. Pink otherwise.
Quit a class: Have I? I've dropped them before, but that was out of necessity not out of hatred.
Quickly......the first word to come to mind: Banana. I have no clue why.
Quitting your job soon? That would be either dropping out of school or not staying near cute kids, so ... no.
Quiet or Loud: Quiet. But I get pretty loud when drunk.
Riding in an air plane: I have done it many a time.
Running for any political office in the future? I do not foresee that, no.
Rain or Snow: Snow, definitely.
Siblings names and ages: Jenny, 14.
Shoe size: 8.5. (Six here.)
Shave daily? Legs are every other day.
Shower or Bath: Shower.
Turning 21 was (will be): Will be ... weird now, since I can already sorta drink, and I don't really wanna throw up.
Texas, ever been? Nope. And my dad and roommate have both lived there. And I want to go. Just never happened.
Think you will live to be 100? I'd like to, I think. I don't know, I've had some pretty old relatives.
Tame or Wild: Tame.
Unique quality about you: I think the only way we can all be unique is in the combination of nonunique things. Got it?
Underwear on? Yeah. And it's my last pair, but the stupid desk wasn't open today, so I can't do laundry. =(
Under your bed lies: It's a storage space, so suitcases, newspapers, laundry.
Under or Over: Under. Probably less effort involved.
Vacation time left? Two months and fifteen days. 77 days, actually.
Voting in the next Presidentail election? Yes, for a Democrat whoever that ends up being.
Volleyball or Swimming: Swimming.
Went white water rafting? Yeah, when I was pretty young.
Wearing right now: Jeans, Tshirt.
Write a sentence about you: I think this is a dumb question.
West Coast or East Coast: East Coast, duhhh.
X-Rays in the past month Month? None.
X-Mas plans: Oh lord, don't think ahead that far. I'd like to be at home.
X, does it mark the spot? Zzz x, I don't fuckin' see it. Usually, I'd say no.
X-Tina or Britney Oh goodness. I still think Britney, but I like both, and I want her to get better.
Your favorite song? Probably "Hallelujah". But that's a pool of like ... tens of thousands, so it's difficult to pick 1
Your favorite place on Earth: Haven't been everywhere. Currently, patch of grass under Eiffel. Or anywhere my friends are.
Yes or No: Yes.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
Zipper or button: Zipper.
Zippos are neat, agree? What are zippos?
Zoo or Circus: Zoo. Ah, I should go to a zoo.
More MySpace Surveys @
The Photobucket you want to take.
How old are you?

How tall are you?

Political alignment?


(ha just an excuse to post that picture over something more clear)
Favorite season?

Last thing you ate?

Least favorite kind of music?

Dream job?

Favorite holiday?

What are you listening to right now?

What kind of pet do you want?

Favorite mode of transportation?

Best vacation?

Dream house?

Biggest accomplishment?

Favorite shoes?

Favorite alcoholic drink?

Why are you taking this long survey?

Type of cell phone?

Most prized possession?

How many kids do you want?

What are you most likely to be arrested for?

Least favorite bill to pay?

Least favorite thing to eat?

What are you doing later?