you take advantage of the fact that i love you beyond a reason why
British Survey

Fed up of only American quizzes, take a BRITISH survey!
1. Eastenders or Emmerdale? Eastenders.
2. Euros or Keep the English pound? Keep the pound.
3. In the last month have you been to the shops? No.
4. Bourbons or Custard Creams? Custard creams.
5. Do you find Six Feet under pretentious? Never seen it.
6. Is Byker Grove well past its sell by date? Idk.
7. O2 or Vodafone? Vodafone.
8. Marmite or Jam? Jam.
9. Whats your three favourite typically English words? Lovely, rubbish, dodgy.
10. Fish and Chips or Indian? Indian.
11. Do you shop regularly in Tescos? Yep. Tesco is my only grocery, thanks.
12. North or South? North. (N1, baby.)
13. Heinz Beans or nearest competitor? Heinz.
14. Which is the national treasure: The Red phonebox, cricket or Posh and Becks? Phonebox.
15. Arse or Norks? Arse.
16. When was the last time you were trolleyed? Two weekends ago.
17. Which expression do you use the most? Incorporating the three words above.
18. Mods or Rockers? --
19. Beatles or Stones? Beatles, duhh.
20. Chavs or Emos? Emos.
21. Peter Kay or Ricky Gervais? Gervais.
22. Pub lunch or Fast Food? Pub lunch.
23. Tetleys or Bacardi Breezer? Bacardi.
24. Who was the last person you snogged? No one here!
25. Heinz Ketchup or Daddies? Heinz.
26. Led Zeppelin or The Who? The Who.
27. What does G.M.T mean? Greenwich Mean Time.
28. Who was the best Doctor Who? Idk.
29. Do you watch Hollyoaks at the weekend or each day? Don't have a TV.
30. Name three members of "Take That" Robbie Williams ... and then I don't know.
31. Jaguar or Bentley? Bentley.
32. British Airways or Virgin? BA.
33. BBC or ITV? BBC.
34. Only Fools And Horses or The Office? The Office.
35. Who is the best Britain? Idk.
36. Rule Britannia? Idk.
37. Are Arsenal shit? Well, my whole classroom of kids loves them and hates Manchester United, so ... no?
38. Who are worse; the Germans or the French Germans.
More MySpace Surveys @
My 9 Names

Take this survey
YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 4 letters of real name plus izzle.) Jessizzle.
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav color and fav animal) Cerulean Otter.
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and street you live on) Nicole Pentonville.
YOUR SUPERHERO NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Purple Champagne
YOUR ARABIC NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of you dads middle name, 1st letter of a siblings first name, and last letter of your moms middle name) Eanonje
YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:( Parents middle names) June Vincent
YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Honey. Heee.
More MySpace Surveys @
About You
your birth month

your birth year

Chinese zodiac sign (an animal for birth year: Year of the dragon, etc)

eye color

state you live in

city you were born in

city you live in now

where you'd like to live (if it's not the place you live now)

your race

your religion

your favorite book

your favorite band

your favorite singer (solo..not in a band)

your favorite TV show

your favorite restaurant

Where you'd most like to go in the world

your dream job

The last.....
drink you had

food you ate

thing you saw on TV (commercial, show, or whatever)

song you heard

book you read

shirt you wore

pants you wore

restaurant you went to

animal you saw

smell you smelled

Who is the cutest guy/girl on earth? (other than your significant other)

If you have kids, what are their names? (If you don't have them, then enter your favorite boy and girl names)

Pick one to be: a ninja, a pirate, or a cowboy

What is your favorite animal?

What book are you going to read after the one you're reading now?

What is the next movie you want to watch?

What was your favorite thing you got for Christmas?

Where are you going to go tomorrow, if anywhere?

1. What is your first name?

2. What month were you born in?

3. What's your favorite hobby?

4. What's your favorite TV show(s)?

5. What's your favorite color(s)?

6. Who's your celebrity crush?

7. What's your favorite movie?

8. Who's your favorite Disney princess?

9. The name of your pet(s).

10. What's your favorite vacation spot?

11. What's your favorite dessert?

12. What's your favorite letter?

13. What are you most afraid of?

14. Your last name.

15. What's your favorite time of day?

16. What's your favorite accessory?

17. What's your favorite beverage?

18. One word to describe yourself.