but if i take my heart's advice, i should assume it's still unsteady
2008 New Years Survey

Answers the questions below
1. Will you be looking for a new job? Sorta kinda. I'd love to make money, and I'd love even more to find some psych lab work, make sure it's what I want to do for four (more) years.
2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? Sure, why not. I mean, not in any sort of hardcore way, but it'd be interesting, I suppose.
3. New house? Well I'm living in a new apartment in London now, and then I'll go back to a new house in OH, and then I'll live in another new apartment in NY come August. So yeah ... lots of new housing.
4. What will you do different in 2008? Probably not terribly much ... maybe take more control of things, be less lilting in my life.
5. New Years resolution? Be more informed (daily news) ... not be afraid to make choices that are right for me ... be more social, but still true to myself.
6. What will you not be doing in 2008? Trying to avoid smoking here ... trying to avoid failing classes ... trying not to overly dedicate my life to any one person (I'd like to be unattached in that way for at least a little bit ... I've flitted from person to person since I can remember, and now that I feel I'm at an airborne moment, I'd like to see how it feels to fly out in the open a little).
7. Any trips planned? London now ... Hopefully getting to Ireland and Scotland.
8. Wedding plans? Ha, no.
9. What's on your calendar? High School Musical, lolz.
10. What can't you wait for? My birthday. Being 21 will be pretty sweet. Hopefully working in a psych lab with Kyle.
11. What would you like to see happen different? I kind of addressed that in 4.
22. What about yourself will you be changing? Which is also kind of already addressed.
13. What happened in '07 that you didn't think would ever happen? Aw shit, a lot of things. Failing, prom, a different major, moving, London decision, finally getting over it ...
14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I think I'm pretty nice usually ... I guess I am coming into a period though where I see people more as individuals, and try to see their perspectives as individuals in their own right, instead of as the roles they fulfill for me.
15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 07? Not particularly.
16. Are you going to be in school in 08? Yep yep.
17. Will you make more money in 08? Well I made next to no money last year, so ...maybe?
18. Will you do charity work? I'm considering working in a primary school over here, and I'll probs go back to KK when I'm in the city again.
19. Are you going to drink on New Years Eve? Hellz yeah.
20. Will you be nice to people you don't know? Again, that's not really anything terribly different.
21. Do you expect 2008 to be a worse year for you than 2007? No, I expect it to get better. You hear that 2008??
22. How much did you change from this time last year til now? Hmm, I guess I feel like just a wiser version of myself ... nothing within me seismically shifted or anything.
23. Do you plan on having a child? This year? No.
24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? I hope so. But I'd like to meet (and have already met) some new people too.
25. Major lifestyle changes? This year? Not really planning on it...
26. Will you be moving? Addressed already, but yeah. Lots.
27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2008 that happened in 07? This is already addressed too.
28. What are your New Years Eve plans I went to our new house, ate pizza, played Guitar Hero, drank, played with balloons, announced midnight via cell phone, got cake smashed in my face, swigged champagne, did a puzzle, and then slept. Next year, I'm considering Times Square. CONSIDERING.
29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? I didn't, no. Well, I mean, I suppose there were many options, but I just kissed Honey Bunches, 'cause she's better than any of those kids anyway. ;)
30. Wishes for 2008: Luck. Love. Happiness. Fulfillment. Interesting-ness. Growth. Fun.
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Thirty Thoughts

Take this survey
1. What color is your bra at this moment? Ha, I had to check. It's the white one with bunches of colored dots. I really like this bra, actually.
2. Do you wear underwear? Yeah.
3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy? Naaah. I mean, I just got over one, met another one who is too far away and too new to be frustrated with, and ... well, I'm sort of frustrated with one in a vicarious way, for another girl ... so .. sorta? But not really.
4. Do you carry a purse? Yep. Well, I sling one around me. I hate having to worry about carrying one.
5. Do you have a best friend? Yep, a few.
6. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know, man. It could go any way.
7. Who or what was the last person/thing you hugged? One of my family members at the airport ... I think my Mom was last.
8. Have you ever had your heart broken? Uh yeeeeeah. Great fun, that one.
9. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? Thought of it, yeah, but not seriously.
10. Do you like your life? Sure.
11. Do you shop at hollister? No.
12. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you? Ha, no.
13. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Probably in middle school or some such.
14. Did you forgive them? The only candidates I can think of ... we're not friends anymore, so ... no?
15. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? Girls.
16. How long have you had MySpace? A few years ... like, four?
17. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? No. Interesting.
18. What is your biggest fear? Who knows man, but it was interesting reading the other night about how maybe my fears of spiders/snakes/etc. are just because my evolutionary instincts are more intact.
19. Have one of your friends boyfriends ever had a crush on you? Well not that I explicitly know of. But I've had a crush on one of my friend's boyfriends, if that satisfies.
20. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah....twice. Worst. Feeling. Ever.
21. Are you friends with your exes? No....
22. Once a cheater, always a cheater? Maybe, but twice a cheater, always a cheater.
23. Have you ever been in love? Maybe. I have loved those who aren't my family and in probably romantic ways, but ... it's confusing. I think I've been "in love" without loving, and I think I've loved without being "in love", but I don't think I've combined the two yet ... if that makes sense.
24. Do you think they should lower the drinking age? Ehhhh, either that or higher every other age.
25. Do you ever wish you were famous? No. I've had a brush with celebrity, and it just isn't my cup of tea.
26. Are you currently missing someone? Maybe in small ways, everything from back home and my city.
27. Who is on your speed dial? No one here, as if I could figure that shit out.
28. Who do you have on your recent text list? Stephanie, TMobile. Ha.
29. Do you think Advil works? Yeah, sure, but I like Tylenol much better.
30. What was the best part of your day? Today? Sitting at the top of the London Eye was cool.
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Lets Play Family Fued

Take this survey
1. Name something you use in the shower? Shampoo.
2. Name something a football player wears under his uniform? Pads.
3. Name something people hate to find on their windshield. Bird poo.
4. Name something a man might buy before a date? Flowers.
5. What is another word for blemish? Zit.
6. Something you would cook in the microwave. TV dinners.
7. Name a piece of furniture people need help moving. Couch.
8 Name a reason a younger man might like an older woman. Money. (Ha!)
9. Name something a dog does that embarrasses its owner: Poops.
10. Name a kind of test you cannot study for. Eye test.
11. Name something a boy scout gets a badge for? Fire making?
12. Name a phrase with the word -Home- in it? "Home is where the heart is."
13. Name a sport where players lose teeth? Hockey.
14. Name something a teacher can do to ruin a students day? Send them to the principal's office...?
15. What is a way you can tell someone has been crying? Red eyes.
16. Name something found at a Seance? Candles.
17. Name a bird you would not want to eat? Penguin.
18. Name something that gets folded? Napkin.
19. Name something a person wears even if it has a hole in it? Sock.
20. Name something that gets smaller the more you use it? Soap.
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The Future Holds

Take this survey
1. Three days from now, will you be a in relationship? No. I highly doubt that.
2. What color are your eyes? Green.
3. What does your second text say? The required class is cancelled tonight, right?
4. How do you think your latest ex feels about you? Uhhhm, good question. We've never covered it. I know at least at the time, he thought he was in love with me ... and it didn't exactly end well, and we never talk, so ... who knows.
5. Do you like what you see in the mirror? I see nothing in the mirror currently.
6. What are you listening to right now? "This Bottle of Wine" by Maria Mena. Which reminds me, I almost bought a bottle of wine today, but ... abstained.
7. What were you doing 46 seconds ago? Checking what song was on my iTunes.
8. What are your plans for this weekend? This weekend is half over. Friday, went to Greenwich. Saturday, went to London Eye, maybe going out tonight to pubs. Tomorrow, lots of reading.
9. Who are your best friends? T, H, Z, W.
10. How is your room looking? Here? Eh, it's a little messy, but that's because there's so nowhere to put anything. No shelves, no drawers ... so tables get moderately piled and floors get small piles themselves. That said, it's pretty good considering.
11. Ask anything ridiculous lately? Nope.
12. What are you doing tomorrow? Reading. But not my developmental book because it's not here yet, mf-ers!
13. What is your display name? Just my name.
14. What are you wearing right now? Jeans that I really like but need washed ... purple tank top ... black shirt ... black socks.
15. What were you most looking forward to today? Sleeping, honestly. Lol. I'm feeling reclusive lately.
16. How is your hair? Niiiice, man. I actually washed it today, and let it semi-dry before I went out and the wind whipped it into shape.
17. As of today, do you like anyone? AS OF TODAY. Ha, um ... no, not particularly. I'm trying on the whole 'not-liking-anyone' on for size.
18. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 24 hours? No. I picked the wrong SA site for makeouts ... and food ... and money ... and yeah.
19. Have you ever stayed awake for 48 hours? Probably.
20. Did you stay friends with your ex? No.
21. Do you like your first name? Yep.
22. Do you like to cuddle? Loves it. When I want it, of course.
23. What are your initials? J N R.
24. Ever been skinny dipping? Never personally, but where others were, yes.
25. Do you want someone back? Nsync-style? Ehh, not really. Working on moving past, letting go.
26. What is your biggest fear? Bored of this question!
27. What is one thing you have learned this year? That maybe I'm not ready ... which is counteractive to anything I've ever thought I thought.
28. Are you from a small town? Sort of.
29. What are your favorite stores? Right now I really like Tesco for being close and semi-cheap. But uh ... AE, anywhere for basics.
30. Why do people continue to smoke when they know the effects of it? Umm ... good question. Trying to resist the allure currently ... relaxation, social-ness, fun, enjoyability, drinking?
31. What color are the curtains in your room? Off white. And it's more a big shade.
32. If you had the chance, would you move to another country? Maybe. But probably not.
33. What time did you get up this morning? 9:50 am. Be proud.
34. Eyeliner or mascara? Mascara.
35. Do you have siblings? Yes, one younger sister.
36. What color pants are you wearing? Blue. (Jeans.)
37. Do you wear jewelry 24/7? Yeah.
38. What kind of food is your favorite? American or Italian, I suppose.
39. Can you whistle? Yep! Quite enjoy it as well.
40. What was the last movie you watched? Waitress. As for newness: 27 Dresses. As for in theatre: Juno (for the third time).
41. What color is your coat? Black.
42. Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
43. If you were pregnant, would you want it to be a boy or girl? Girl.
44. Would you ever get a noticeable tattoo? Maybe, but probs not.
45. Are you wearing shoes? Nope.
46. What is the temperature? Like, 40? But it's windy and feels really cold.
47. Have you ever been to counseling? No.
48. Are you annoyed right now? Sort of ... I have to finish this quickly before the roommate gets back.
49. What kind of cell phone do you have? Motorola, but it's TMobile. At home, I have a lovely Verizon chocolate ... sad face that it doesn't work here. =(
50. Do you like incense or candles? Candles.
51. What is your new years resolution? Honestly, I can't really remember what I said they were ...
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