folks say that you've found someone new
Sock Rockin Survey

The Last Person You...
Thought about? Hillary.
Looked at? Myself, if that counts. Otherwise, a security guard.
Said I love you to? Mom.
Hugged? Nalleli.
Kissed? Can't remember.
Hurt? Don't know.
Shared a secret with? Can't remember.
Watched a movie with? Nalleli.
could not stop thinking about? I've been pretty good with that lately.
In your family...
Who makes you laugh? Omission of these questions...
Have you ever?
Been skinnydipping? Nope. Though I have been the only clothed person in a sea of skinnydippers. Scaaandalous.
Made a friend mad? Of course.
Gotten a detention? Yeah.
Gotten expelled? No.
Threw popcorn in a movie theatre? Maybe in my middle school years.
Been on stage? Yep, several a time.
Seen a famous person? Yeah, a lot.
Been pantsed by a friend? Only slightly, not fully.
Lost your voice? Not really.
Profession? Student.
Best friend? Hillary and Tricia.
Favorite movie star? Johnny Depp.
Idol? I don't really have an idol.
Hair color? Blonde.
Favorite movie? Casablanca.
Have you ever been in LOVE? LOVE. Woo buddy. Not to the level I think exists.
Favorite color? Green.
Best memory? Lots of them.
Worst memory? Ehhh.
Favorite band? The Beatles.
Can you do the worm? Ha, no.
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A-Z Survey

Answer each letters question
A - Available? Yeah, sure.
B - Best Friend(s)? Hillary and Tricia.
C - CRUSH? Just celebrities for now, thanks.
D - DOGS NAME? Honey.
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO? Most of my friends or my mom ... although, if I tell her, I have to be ready for the information to get told to EVERYONE. Love that.
F - Favorite Food? Mashed potatoes.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Worms if I have to eat them alone. In ice cream, bears.
I - IF YOU COULD MOVE WOULD YOU? Nah. I mean, I'm doing so, but I like my apartment.
J - JOB? Student. It's enough. Really. Well, not financially, but work-load-y.
K - KIDS? Not now.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE? Ohio to Florida.
M - MILK FLAVOR? Chocolate soy. Mmmms.
O - ONE WISH? Now if I told you, it wouldn't come true.
P - PHOBIA(S)? Spiders, snakes, dinosaurs, failing.
Q - FAVORITE QUOTE? "Leap and the net will appear."
R - REASON TO SMILE? Little shows of affection or support.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD? "Kerosene" by Miranda Lambert.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP? 8:20-ish.
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? Is there anything that's really unknown? I seriously considered becoming a writer at one time.
V - VEGETABLES YOU LOVE? Cucumber, green beans, peas.
W - WORST HABIT? Biting my nails when I'm nervous or thinking ... thinking that if I ignore something it will go away permanently ... going back to past issues instead of forging ahead into new possibilities.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD? Oh man, a lot. Mainly teeth and for when I broke my arm/shoulder. Which incidentally is hurting a lot lately, so yay for that.
Y - YOUR MOM? Exists? I don't know what you want here, man.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN? Cancer.
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Pick Your Brain

Q: Kissed someone on your top friends? True.
Q: Been arrested? False.
Q: You loved someone? True.
Q: Held a snake? True.
Q: Been suspended from school? False.
Q. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? True.
Q: Shaved your head? False.
Q: Played a prank on someone? True.
Q: Had/have a gym membership? True.
Q: Shot a gun? True.
Q: Donated Blood? True.
1. You hung out with? Roommates last night.
2. Last person that texted you? Zach.
3. You were in a car with? Oh lord ... I was on the bus with Nalleli this morning, does that count?
4. Went to the movies with? Ann Marie, Nalleli, Shirley, and Alli.
6. Person you last talked on the phone with? Mom.
7. You called? Mom.
8. You messaged on myspace? Probably Jenny.
9. You commented? Ditto.
10. You spent the night with? Besides myself? Umm ... Hillary? I don't remember.
11. You talked to? The repair guy.
12. You miss? Hillary, Tricia, my dogs, even my family. Ha.
1. Eat or drink? Drink if it's alcohol. Otherwise, eat.
2. Be serious or be funny? Be funny.
3. Drink whole milk or skim milk? Skim.
4. Die in a fire or get shot? Shot.
5. Go to a club or go to the Beach? Beach.
1. Sun or moon? Moon.
2. Winter or Fall? Fall.
3. Left or right? Left.
4. Sunny or rainy? Sunny.
5. Black/white or color? Color.
7. Do you want to get married? Sure, eventually.
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl.
10. Do You Cook? Yeah. I have to.
11. Current mood? Fine. It's afternoon, I like that.
1. Kissed someone? No.
2. Been hugged by someone? Yes.
3. Held hands with someone? Yes.
4. Felt stupid? Of course.
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The Answer is...

Take this survey
1. What was going through your mind during your last kiss? Um WOW that was unexpected.
2. How did you do on the last test you took? I don't know yet. Probably decently.
3. What is your ringtone for when people text you? Just beeps, except for Zach who has "idk my bff jill."
4. What show did you last watch? Drowsy Chaperone, if that counts. Otherwise, Grey's.
5. Whose arms do you feel the safest in? Probably my dad's.
6. What foods make you sick? Meat, mushrooms, seaweed, anything with too weird of a texture.
7. Do you get shy around the guy/girl you like? Depends on the instance. I think I'm mostly past that, though.
8. Do you remember what you were like a year ago? Yeah. Careening toward a crisis.
9. Do you still have feelings for your ex? Not really. Not beyond what a general history will give you.
10. Name something you like and hate about your default: Like it in general, hate that it's small.
11. Do you have family problems? Don't we all.
12. Where are most people in your top from? Ohio.
13. What was the last meal you ate? Coffee, if that counts. Otherwise ... cheese, if that counts. If not, chickenless nuggets.
14. Who are there pictures of in the room you're currently in? My friends, Nalleli's friends.
15. Name one thing people think about you that's not true? That I think or analyze any less than every single second. Or that I'm going to be a veterinarian or move to France ... hmm.
16. Do you give special ringtones to certain people? Yeah.
17. What's the weather like outside? Fine. Coldish.
18. Have you ever seen a 3D movie in theaters? YEAH. Just went to see Nightmare Before Christmas.
19. How was your last relationship? Umm recursive.
20. Where'd you get everything that you're wearing? American Eagle for the jeans, Journey's for the shoes, Victoria's Secret for the bra, I think Target for the underwear, no clue where the shirt is from, two rings and my necklace were gifts, the other ring is from this cute store on the LES, and the earrings are from inside the mall.
21. Do you text with T9 or ABC? T9 man. Ever since I learned that it gets better as you type more ... yeah, I could never go back now.
22. Have you memorized your social security number? Yeah.
23. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying? Yeah, I always have to wake up and check on the person.
24. Who was the last person you couldn't keep your mind off of? I really can't think of anyone.
25. What was the last advice you gave someone? That guys get jealous in a way that makes them want you more, not less.
26. What radio station do you listen to the most? Z100 here.
27. Whats your worst grade this quarter? So far, my B midterm in S&L, but that didn't take into account homeworks.
28. If you died today, would there be anything you wish you could've said to someone? Probably.
29. Are you on youtube? Nope.
30. What do you think about the person that last texted you? He's crazy, but great.
31. How do you like your school? I hate a lot of things about it, but overall I think I like it.
32. Why did your last relationship end? Because it probably should have never begun.
33. Are you friends with your last ex? Nope.
34. Are any of your exes on your top friends? Ha no.
35. What's the last food you ate that was stale? Probably chips or bread.
36. Have you ever been in love? Not to the level I think I can be.
37. Who will you never forget? Most of the people I've known.
38. Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Not really.
39. What are you afraid of? Many things.
40. What do you look for in a relationship? Still many things.
41. Would you ever consider having a relationship with your best friend? Well considering they are girls and for that we basically have the closest to a relationship we would, no. But if someone became my best friend, would I be willing to further that to a relationship? Depends on the situation, but yeah.
42. What piercings do you want to get? I don't know.
43. Have your friends ever seen you cry? Yeah.
44. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Well, my mom over the phone.
45. Can you do a push-up? Yeah.
46. Are you self conscious about your weight at all? Yeah.
47. Have you ever had a panic attack? No. At least, I don't think so technically.
48. Name the last time you got really anxious. This weekend when I found out that one of my courses was cancelled.
49. Would you ever consider moving back to your hometown? Yeah.
50. Describe your laugh? I really don't know how to do that.
51. What do you think about the person that last commented you? She's my sister. She's cool.
52. How did you meet the last person you kissed? I walked into his shop. Well, actually, we caught each others eyes across the street, then later I walked into his shop.
53. Are you currently going out with that person? Why? HA No, no no.
54. Can you do the Crank Dat dance? Ha never tried. But it doesn't look difficult kids.
55. Who sings the song you last sang? OK Go.
56. Have you ever modeled for anything? Nah.
57. Plans for this weekend? Catching up on reading and doing my project, so hopefully I have nothing to do over Tksgvg break. (Yeah, I'm that lazy that I don't want to type it.)
58. How was last weekend? This weekend was frought, for sure. Getting ill, getting injuries, freaking out, changing life plans, unnecessarily flirting, blah blah blah.
59. Have you ever been to California? Nope.
60. How about New York City? Ha yeah, I'm there right now.
61. What's your favorite color to wear? Black. or Red.
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