You are the red temptress outfit!
Which Moulin Rouge Satine costume are you?
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You are a Clarinet: You are probably the most misunderstood instrument in the band. Nobody seems to appreciate you and you feel like you have to prove yourself to everyone.
Who's Your Celebrity Love Match?
The Artful Loner: Johnny DeppYou've always been a fan of Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights: the rugged and surly loner who wanders the moors, looking for his one true love. In this case, you've found him: tall, dark, and intense, scribbling stanzas of poetry on a coffeehouse napkin. Your relationship with such a quiet genius will never be typical, and it's always wonderful to feel like someone's muse. But not every woman can tolerate this solitary man's penchant for moodiness and antisocial behavior. Even though you may be joined at the hip, you'll never unravel all of his mysteries.Other matches: Harrison Ford, Ethan Hawke, Joaquin Phoenix, Keanu Reeves, Prince

What does your handwriting say about YOU?
you are black tea....you're very mature and wordly.
You are an "acquired taste", and
you have a strong personality....but you're
interesting, opinionated, and smart.
(with pics) what tea are you?
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