she brought weekend boys home in her curls

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What song has captured your mind lately? I'm really enjoying listening to Matt's "When Everything Meant Everything" album ... let's see, my favorites from that lately are probably "Weight of it All", "Pretty the World", and "Bare." Oh, and I'll add "Answering Machine" just ... well, because.
What TV show do you catch regularly? Mondays: Heroes, sometimes Dancing with the Stars. Tuesdays: Bones, House. Wednesdays: ANTM. Thursdays: The Office, online--Kid Nation, online--Pushing Daisies. Fridays: online--Grey's Anatomy. I'm currently occasionally watching How I Met Your Mother, Private Practice, and Dirty Sexy Money, all online. Really, if I had to narrow it down, it'd become Pushing Daisies and The Office and Heroes.
What book really has lately engaged you? I just finished "The Hottest State", but that didn't really 'engage' me to a huge level. It just made me want to read more fiction. But I a)don't really have time and b)am scared to read the next one I want to read (Veronika Decides to Die) since bad things have happened when I try to obtain it.
What movie do you find yourself re-watching? Garden State. Casablanca. Borat. haa.
Has someone in your life become a new and surprising friend? Well, things like that are usually how I obtain friends in general...but lately, not incredibly so.
Is there a book/film/piece of music from your childhood you still have? Yeah, like The Little Mermaid soundtrack and all my 90s albums (Hanson, Spice Girls, Mandy Moore, Robyn, aaaall the boy band ones)...and Goodnight Moon from the way-back childhood.
What is something that is over-rated lately? Midterms, lol. Depression/stressing.
What is the best kept secret in music you NEED to share? Matt Nathanson. I'm not even kidding...if I could exalt to all my friends one artist, Matt would be it. He deserves immense success, and I'd even be willing to share him so he could get it. =)
What comfort food has been important to you of late? I really wanted chocolate tonight, but ... I've been pretty good with the lack of comfort food lately. Chips, I guess, sort of.
What place is your hiding place? This apartment when it's empty.
Do you collect anything? If so what? Autographs, if anything. Everything I 'collect' is extremely casual.
What is a weekly ritual for you? Watching the OSU game ... watching Kid Nation during my break on Thursday and crying (ha, don't tease) .
What beverage is a daily consumable for you? Water. That's pretty much the only thing I drink daily.
What store or shop do you frequent the most? Duane Reade probably, ha.
Are you a creature of habit? Oh yes, definitely.
What is your favorite animal? Otters.
Who is your favorite actress/actor? I'm bored of this question.
Are you obsessed with pink? No. ...?
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Top Tens

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1. Are you single? Yes.
2. Are you happy? Sure.
3. Are you bored? Kinda.
4. Are you sad? Not really.
5. Are you Italian? No.
6. Are you German? Don't think so.
7. Are you Asian? Only at heart. Ha.
8. Are you cool? As ice, kids.
9. Are you Irish? Yep. A lot.
10. Are your parents still married? No, both remarried.
1. Birth Place: Florida.
2. Hair Color: Blonde.
4. Hair style: Straight, long.
5. Eye color: Green.
6. Birthday: I'll save you the time -- I'm a Cancer.
7. Mood: Fine, thanks.
8. Where do you live? NYC.
9. How many credit cards do you have? One, but it's just a debit card really.
10. Lefty/righty? Righty.
1. Have you ever been in love? Up for grabs.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? Seriously long story.
3. Why did your last relationship fail? Because I was 16?
4. Have you ever been hurt? Sure.
5. Have you ever broken someones heart? Maybe.
6. Are you in love? Nah.
7. Are you friends with your exs? No.
8. Are you afraid of commitment? Hmm. Good question. Not until I get right up on it, usually, then I freak the fuck out. But I think if I pushed past that actually *into* the commitment, then I'd feel okay.
9. Have you hugged someone within the last week? Yep. In fact, in the past 24 hours. We hug a lot here.
10. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yeah, but it wasn't really a secret.
1. Love or lust? Lust. (Hey, I'm young.)
2. Liquor or beer? Liquor.
3. Cats or dogs? Dogs.
4. A few best friends or many regular friends? Few best.
5. Television or Internet? Internet. (Besides, you can get TV there now.)
6. Pepsi or coke? Coke.
7. Wild night out or romantic night in? Romantic in.
8. Busch Gardens or Six Flags? Haven't been to either.
9. Night or day? Night.
10. IM or phone? IM.
1. Been caught sneaking out? Yeah.
2. Been skinny dipping? No ... well ... I didn't participate, let's put it that way.
3. Done something you regret? Probably.
4. Bungee jumped? No.
5. White water rafted? Yes.
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? Yes.
7. Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? Yeah sure.
8. Prank called a store? No.
9. Skipped school? Yeah.
10. Wanted to disappear? Probably.
1. Smile or eyes: Eyes.
2. Light or dark hair: Dark.
3. Hugs or kisses: Kisses. (Anyone who says hugs hasn't been kissed properly.)
4. Shorter or taller: Taller.
5. Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence ... but that leads to attraction. Hmm, I guess I'd rather be attracted to someone than just think they're intelligent. So ... yeah.
6. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic.
7. Jock or Nerd? Nerd.
8. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship...I *guess*. lol.
9. Funny and poor OR Rich and serious Funny and poor ... we can be kindred spirits, ha.
10. Play the guitar or into sports: Guitar.
1. Last phone call you made: Tricia.
2. Last phone call you received: Zach.
3. Last person you hung out with: Roommates.
4. Last person you hugged: Nalleli.
5. Last person you tackled: Hmm, good question.
6. Last person you IMed: Don't remember. I think my mother ... maybe Zach.
7. Last person you kissed: Someone in Italy, aka it has been much too long. I should be a little more whore-y perhaps, ha.
8. Last thing eaten: The last chocolate I had.
9. Last thing you drank: Water, of the special cherry-limeade-flavored variety.
10. Last site you went to: This one, duh.
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For All You Nosey People

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1. Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? I think there's one floating around somewhere. I don't personally have any, no.
2. Who's the last person you had a sleepover with? Probably Hillary.
3. Do you swear often? Not terribly often...
4. Are you crushing? Just on random boys on the street and musical crushes. So, not really.
5. When was the last time you cried? A week ago now, at the concert. I had a moment.
6. Do you use lyrics to express how you feel? Sometimes. At least, in my head.
7. Are you ashamed of your past? Not ultimately.
8. Where does your grandma live? In our house at home. (Wow, that answer was already there ... have I taken this already...?)
9. Anyone close to you ever died? Yeah.
10. Who's always there for you unconditionally? Some friends, family.
11. What is your favorite TV show? Right now, Pushing Daisies.
12. What was the last song you downloaded? "Shawty is a Ten" by The Dream.
13. Who was the last person you yelled at? In my head or actually? Because if actually ... it's gonna be awhile while I think that far back.
14. What was the last compliment you recieved? I don't know.
15. Do you have a laptop? Yep, on it right now.
16. Are you going on vacation in the summer? No probably. I mean, I guess I could stay in London or travel for awhile if I wanted ... but I'll probably just come home and try to get a lab job and prepare for the GRE.
17. Do you ride roller coasters? Yeah.
18. When was the last time you saw your best friend? Too long ago.
19. What's your full name? No thanks kids.
20. Have you ever thought about turning gay? Turning? I'd disagree with that verb. Being is probably better. And no. Well, not in the way that I ever thought I was gay. But as far as thinking about being gay in general, just as in being another ethnicity or whatever, yeah, I've thought about those sorts of things, how those might be/feel compared to what I'm used to. All that thought-age, and I had to end it with a preposition. GOOD ONE.
21. Do you have good memories with old friends? Sure.
22. Have you ever been to Hollywood? No. Never been west of Missouri.
23. Are you wearing a necklace? Yep. I pretty much always wear this one.
24. What jewelry can you not live without? I hate not having my watch on. And I always leave on my two (+one) rings and my necklace. And the earrings in my cartilage.
25. Would you date the person who posted this? No one did, so ... no.
26. Are you happy right now? Sure.
27. Do you regret anything that you have done? Probably in small ways.
28. What are you doing tonight? Sleeping, woo buddy. I might watch some more TV online. Because that's what the cool kids do.
29. Do you trust people? sometimes, and some people.
30. If you were someone else, would you be friends with you? Sure. I'm fun enough. ;)
31. What is something you say when you're mad? Fuck. That'll pretty much get you through any type of anger.
32. What family member do you look like? Both my mom and my dad, which I know seems counterintuitive, but it is what it is.
33. What friend will be coming over to your house next? Who knows.
34. Have you ever cried from being so mad? Yeah. I kind of ride a big wave emotionally.
35. Who is number 1 on your top friends? Hillary.
36. Why is this person first? Because she is. This is a stupid question.
37. Do you like messages or comments better? Comments, I guess. I like them both.
38. What is your favorite beverage? It's either various alcohols or something berry-ish probably.
39. Have you ever seen your best friends cry? Yeah.
40. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid? Flintstones...and no joke, I still take them.
41. What is the last thing you ate? Chocolate with peanuts.
42. Did you get any compliments today? Not that I can specifically remember.
43. What are you going to do after this? Probably write, then watch some TV (lord knows what ... The Office Season 3, Private Practice, How I Met Your Mother ...something), then sleep.
44. Are most of your friends guys or girls? Girls.
45. Are you friends with your neighbors? Nope.
46. What do you do before you sleep? Brush my teeth, wash my face, get into bed, and usually watch something on my laptop.
47. Where have you lived throughout your life? FL, OH, NY.
48. Last piercing you got? Two little cartilages in my ear.
49. When was the last time you drove more than 30 minutes? At home, just going around town.
50. Do you get distracted easily? Sometimes.
51. Do you have kids? No. Thank god.
52. If so where are they? --
53. Where was your default picture taken? On 16th Street.
54. Is there anything silver near you? My jewelry ... the base of my laptop. That's pretty much it.
55. Have you ever tee-peed someone's house? No. But other sorts of vandalism ... =)
56. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend? Nope.
57. Have you ever gone to a beach? Yes, but not for a long while.
58. What do you usually do first in the morning? Check my email or go to the bathroom.
59. What were you doing at 1 AM this morning? Well it's nearing that now ... last night? I think I was finishing my last episode of The Office and thinking I should probably go to sleep.
60. Do you have any enemies? Nah. At least not intensely.
61. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? Probably not.
62. Would your parents get mad if you got suspended from school for fighting? I don't know if they can do that here ... But yeah, probably.
63. Would you want to be pregnant now? No. Wow, buddy. No, no thank you, crazy no ... however many ways I can say that. NO. Children can be great, just ... not right now. At all.
64. Do you wear contacts? No.
65. How do you get to school? Either subway, the bus service, or walking.
66. What were you doing at 1 AM this morning? Didn't you just ask this?
67. Do you know anyone in the Navy? I don't think so.
68. Do you know anyone in the Army? Yeah.
69. Do you know anyone in the Air Force? Maybe.
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