'cause hearts are overrated, just fyi
Fill It In

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Hi, my name is..... Jessica.
Never in my life have I... skydived.
The one person who can drive me nuts is... going to remained unnamed, but I think most people who know me could figure that out.
High school... is so over.
When Im nervous... I crack my fingers...but I do that when bored too,so be careful when analyzing me. =)
The last time I cried was... Awhile ago, man. I can't even remember, which is very cool, actually. Oh WAIT, it was during/after "Bulletproof Weeks" at the concert. Yep. It happened before I realized it was happening, and it was small, so it was okay.
If I were to get married right now my wedding would be... pretty much as I've always planned it, I guess, but very unexpected to me, for sure.
My hair is... straight.
When I was 7... we lived at the same house.
Last Christmas... I got a laptop, and that was fucking sweet beyond sweet.
I should be... sleeping? Nothing really, man. I'm so un-required at this moment that it's scaring me.
When I look down I see... my lap and my laptop.
The craziest recent event was... the concert and meeting Matt. Crazy because of how sweet it was and how long I waited for it. =)
If I were a character on Friends Id be... Rachel, I guess, but I think most girls would say that.
By this time, next year... I'll be a senior, wow.
My current gripe is... little if anything ... when I think about it, things have been pretty sweet lately. Grades, boys, self, food, TV, free time, music ... all of it has been pretty good, man. That's very, very nice.
I have a hard time understanding.. organic chemistry, ha.
Theres this girl I know who... needs to chill, for her sake.
You know I like you when... I'll talk to you on the phone for awhile. I really kind of hate talking on the phone, and it's only good when with people I know and like. As for like, like. .. hmm, I don't know man, wanting to spend time with you? or if I'm into your hair, ha. I really like hair.
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be... probably my mom. But I guess it would depend on the award.
Take my advice... life is worth it.
My most wanted wish is... just for the people I love to be happy. As for materialistic ... going to Ireland and a guitar would be very sweet.
If you visited the place I was born... you'd see a lot of beach.
I plan to visit... Ireland at some point .. hopefully this coming year.
If you spend the night at my house... (let's say apartment) ... I have a sweet air mattress and lots of space for you ... or three small couches. You know, or my bed. ;) But we'll have to cuddle, 'cause I'm not sleeping anywhere but here. =)
Id stop my wedding if... I had doubts about it.
The world could do without... mosquitos. Ick.
Id rather lick the belly of a cockroach than... die, I guess, but maaaan that would suck.
Most recent thing Ive bought myself... Groceries if that counts. If not, a pedicure when I was at home.
Most recent thing someone else bought me... Mom inadvertendly bought me lunch at home.
My favorite blonde is... myself? Ha, no, probably someone else, but that's just what came to mind first.
My favorite brunette is... I kind of think these questions are stupid.
My favorite redhead is.. because I don't have a favorite of these.
My middle name is.. Nicole.
This morning I... got up semi-late, meandered on the Internet, made a grilled cheese sandwich, then left for the bus.
The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are... penguins. I know they can swim all sweet and stuff, but I still feel bad that they got shafted on the bird end.
Im eating.... nothing, but I last had a raspberry tart courtesy of Shirley. =)
Last night I was... finishing reading Chapter 8 of Social.
Theres this guy I know who... should but probably will never realize that we should at least try and get it out of the way.
I dont know� Neither do I?
A better name for me would be... not possible. See what I did there? ;)
Tomorrow I am... going to class, boo.
My birthday is... in quite awhile.
What I really want for Valentines Day is... a Valentine? Ha.
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4 Years Ago Survey

...4 years ago
How old were you? 16.
What school year were you in? Junior, high school.
Where did you go to school? The only high school I went to, duh.
Where did you work? Didn't.
Where did you live? Same house my parents still live in.
Where did you hang out? Probably just the band room and such.
How was your hair style? Ha, the same. That's sad.
Did you wear braces? Yeeeeah, rocked 'em.
Did you wear glasses No.
Who was your best friend? Danielle.
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? Mike. ...yeah, that was that year.
Who was your celebrity crush? Orlando Bloom? Josh Groban?
Who was your regular-person crush? Probably my boyfriend, I'd say. But another as well ... names shall not go here, but I'll remember.
How many piercings did you have? 4.
How many tattoos did you have 0.
What was your favorite band? I don't know if I give my 16-year-old self enough credit ... probably something I still like, though, I guess.
What was your worst fear? Probably something to do with college which was fast approaching.
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? No.
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? Drunk, probably. High, no.
Had you driven yet? Yeah.
Had you had sex yet? No.
...and now in 2007
How old are you? 20.
What school year are you in? Junior, college.
Where do you go to school? In New York.
where do you work? Don't ... ergh.
Where do you live? NYC.
Where do you hang out? All over the city...seriously, museums, coffee shops, art places, parks, apartments, bars, hookas, you know ... the works, kind of.
How is your hair style? Same.
Do you wear glasses? No. (What, no braces question? For the record, no.)
Who is your best friend? Hillary, Tricia, roomies.
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? None, thanks.
Who is your celebrity crush? Ha, I like a lot of celebrities. Let's call it Milo, for now.
Who is your regular-person crush? Matt, I suppose. =) But really ... uh ... I don't know. I'm just into meeting people at the moment, not really obsessing.
How many tattoos do you have? 0. I just really can't wrap my head around that kind of permanence yet.
How many piercings do you have? 6.
What is your favorite band? Beatles, always.
What is your biggest fear? Failure.
Have you driven yet? Ha, yes.
Have you smoked a cigarette yet? Yes.
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? Yes, no.
Have you had sex yet? No. I'm still relatively inexperienced, yeah? Mostly out of choice, though, so it's cool. Evs.
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Analysis Survey

1. Slept in your bed besides you? This one here? Only me, like a cool kid. Trying to avoid issues that arose last year with beds.
2. Saw you cry: Matt, if he was looking. Otherwise, idk.
3. Went to the movies with you? Nalleli and Shirley.
4. You went to the mall with? Hillary.
5. You went to dinner with? Mom, Dad, G-ma.
6. You talked on the phone? Hillary.
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it? Hillary.
8. Broke your heart? Pleading the fifth.
9. Made you laugh? I don't know, probably someone in this room. Thankfully, I tend to laugh quite a bit.
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Hmm ... nose.
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny.
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim, definitely.
4. Die in a fire or drown? OMG.. Drown. At least that toward the end comes with something peaceful feeling ... fire, not so much, that's pretty much burning until you asphyxiate. (Is that spelled right? Don't care enough to look it up.)
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents.
1. Simple or complicated? Complicated, for sure.
2. Gay? No.
3. Hardcore? Not really, ha.
1. Flowers or candy? Flowers.
2. Gray or black? Black.
3. Color or Black and white photos? B&W for gifty artistic-y things.
4. Lust or love? Lust for now. Love will come, though. And I'm sure once it does, I'll happily pick that, but for now, I'm all over lust.
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
6. M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms, so easily.
8. Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late.
1. Do you like anyone? Eh, maybe a little.
2. Do they know it? Yeah, probably. At least they should, I mean, what more could I really do.
1. Sun or moon? Moon.
2. Winter or Fall? Fall.
3. Left or right? Left.
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Two best.
5. Sun or rain? Sun.
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla.
7. Vodka or Jack? JACK. Sometimes, when I go too fast, it makes me feel ill, but I just love the freaking taste of it. But vodka's super versatile, for sure.
1. What time is it? 11:38 pm.
2. Name? Jessica.
3. Nickname(s): The obviouses.
4. Where were you born? Florida.
5. What is your birthdate? 7.15.
6. What do you want? A guitar, good grades, to travel, to grow.
7. Where do you want to live? Somewhere abroad, at least for awhile, and then it's all up in the air, who knows.
8. How many kids do you want? One. Maybe two. Maybe something crazy like eight.
9. What would you want to name a girl? Lily.
10. What would you want to name a boy? Hugh.
11. You want to get married? Sure, but not right now.
1. Nervous Habits: General fidgeting, cracking my neck/fingers, darting glances..?
2. Are you double jointed? No.
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Yes, but only the left one.
5. Can you cross your eyes? Yes. (Ps, I'm doing these as you ask.)
6. Do you make your bed daily? Yep. I don't like to leave it vulnerable to the air/dust.
8. Which shoe goes on first? I don' tknow if I do one consistently.
9. Ever thrown one at someone? A shoe? Probably.
10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? Zero. What is that, a primed answer? I like to have at least $5-10, but that doesn't always happen.
11. What jewelry do you wear? Watch, three rings.
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl, for sure. Makes it a game of strategy.
2. Have you ever eaten Spam? Ew, no.
3. Favorite ice cream: Coffee Heath.
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? Of mine? Two.
5. What's your favorite beverage? I really like this new cherry limeade fake water stuff I have going on right now. It has a little bite.
7. Do you cook? Yep, have to.
1. Had a b/f or g/f? No.
2. Bought something you didn't need: Yes.
4. Sang in front of people: Yes.
5. Been kissed: No. Saaad face. I need more lovin', lol.
6. Been hugged: Yes.
7. Felt stupid: Yes.
8. Missed someone: Yes.
9. Got drunk: Yes.
10. Got high: No.
11. Danced Crazy: Yes.
12. Gotten your hair cut: No.
13. Cried: Yes.
14. Lied: Yes.
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Fun Girly Survey

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Have you ever done a french tips on your toes? No.
What is the most money that you have ever spent on getting your nails done? I like to stick it below $50 if possible.
How late do you stay up at night? Recently, 12 - 2 ish. Sometimes at home it gets to ridiculous levels, like ... 6 or later. I know, that's ridic.
What type of wash do you use in the shower? Tone ... dude, it's like white lily or something. Craziness, but it smells sooo good.
Do you use a specific type of shampoo? Yeah, at least if I can. I don't know what it's called though. Biolage or something. Smells good, and I like how it treats my hair.
How many surveys do you do in a day? Um, several once I get into them, but the schedule si not regular. Is. lazy.
Do you think the world is over medicated? Probably.
What are your thoughts on Jeff Foxworthy? Eh.
Have you ever flashed somebody? No.
What color are your toenails? This beautiful bourgeoie deep purple-ish red ... man, I love them.
Its time to talk to about significant others
Do you have a significant other? No.
Is your significant other a guy or a girl? My significant other isn't, so ... yeah.
How many instant messengers do you have? I think just the one. Used to have Yahoo, but that died when I switched computers.
How often are you on them? Pretty consistently, though always away and very rarely actually talking.
Do you have a webcam? No.
With your webcam, has anyone ever caught you in an embarrasing moment? --
Have you ever spoken outloud what you should be typing? Yeah, but it's more likely that I'd type what I'm saying.
Have you ever written what you should be speaking? Well there you go.
Have you ever typed the wrong message to the wrong person? YES, awful.
What types of animals are at your residence? Here, none. =(
Did you have any pets when you were a kid? Yep, lots.
Did you used to bring home pets from the streets when u were a kid? Of course.
If you could have any type of cat in the world, what would it be? Persian.
Would you hug a bear, if given the chance..a real live one? If it wouldn't maul me, sure. I like bears. Bears, beets, battlestar gallactica.
Have you ever seen a snake eat a rabbit in real life? No, thankfully.
If you could have any type of dog in the world, what would it be? I love so many types of dogs, basically all of them, but I have a special place in my heart for Great Pyrenees.
What are your thoughts on monkeys as pets? I think they're cute, but they should probably just be wild.
Did you ever have a fish tank? Yeah, briefly. I don't really get into fish.
If you could have any type of fish in the world, what would it be? The puffer kind. Or a butterfly fish, harkening back to my Enrichment special project.
Have you ever pet a gator before? No.
If you could have any type of bird, what would it be? I like the macaws.
Have you ever been face to face with a moose? No...?
If you could have any type of reptile in the world, what would it be? Some sort of lizard or turtle ... not a snake for sure.
Have you ever had a pet rat? No, but I actually kind of like rats.
Have you ever had the chance to kick a hampster ball with a hampster in it? Aww, yeah, but never did that thought cross my mind. Meanies. I don't really like hamsters, though ... they're kind of mean, actually.
If given the chance, would you try to take over the world? No. I would not do well running the world, I think.
Could you settle for ruling your own house? Nah, I like to shirk responsibility. =)
Does anyone in your house like to read over your shoulder? YES, they all do. I mean, we all do. Driving me particularly crazy.
What do you do when that happens? Yell.
Did you ever buy fake glasses just to look smarter? Ha, no, but I've thought about it. I like glasses, think I look decent in them ... but owuld probably hate them if I had to wear them.
Have you ever tried to skateboard? Lol, no.
When do you think the end of the world will be? The sun swallowing us.
Do you think this survey should be over? Sure.
Have you ever seen the full moon and AND all the stars on a camping trip? All of them, probably not. But lots of them, yeah.
Has someone ever done something so dumb you just wanted to cry? Probably, yeah. I worry about the state of humans sometimes.
What are your views on religion? I don't really like religion all that much ... I think it's our way of oppressing the actual free and real ideas of spirituality.
Do you own a squirt gun? No, lol.
For that one week a month, do you hate being a woman? Yeah, pretty much. It's not fun.
What are your first thoughts when your visitor visits? This is shitty terminology, but I'm usually not thrilled.
How bad is your PMS? I get more emotional in cry-y ways than anything else, I think.
Do people tend to avoid you when you have your visitor visits? Okay, just seeing "visitor visits" back to back distracts me too much to actually remember what the question was enough to answer it.
Have you tried to kill someone when your visitor visited? "visitor visited"?? Seriously.
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Take this survey
1. So how are you? Good, thanks.
2. If you woke up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you would do? Freak out.
3. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yeah.
4. Where is your dad? Probably at home.
5. Morning or night person? Night.
6. What was the last movie you watched? Annie Hall. Loved it!
7. Favorite number? 4.
8. Any cool scars? Cool, nah.
9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first? Hair. Then face, then clothes.
10. What do you do when no one is watching? Dance. Ha.
11. Ever been in love? Maaaybe.
12. How's life going for you? Pretty well right now.
13. What is your curfew? Don't have one, kids.
14. Do you talk a lot? Not really.
15. You + alcohol = fun.
16. What's your worst personality flaw? I don't rank them, thanks.
17. Would you marry for money? It would depend on the circumstances, of course, but preferably no.
18. Could you live without a computer? Could I, yeah. Would I really want to, no.
19. If you could live in any past time period, when would it be? 60s, maybe.
20. Do you drink enough water? Yeah, I drink a lot of water.
21. Do you wear shoes in your house or take 'em off? It depends ... if they're really comfy, I forget to take them off, but usually I go for off.
22. What's your favorite fruit? Bananas or strawberries, probably.
23. What is your favorite place to visit? Abroad.
24. Are you photogenic? Sometimes.
25. Do you dream in black in white or colored? Colors, I think.
26. Why do you take surveys? Boredom, mostly. It's kind of fun to see what'll happen, both with the questions and whatever heads to my head as well.
27. Do you drink? Yeah.
28. What is the most beautiful language? A lot of them are beautiful. I'm partial to French just because.
29. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep? I like being kissed while awake more ... lol.
30. What do you like most sunrise or sunset? Sunset.
31. Do you want to live till 100 yrs? Sure.
32. Is there anyone you'd take a bullet for? Maybe.
33. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? Off.
34. Do you believe in magic? In a young girl's heart?
35. Do you like to watch cartoons? Not really.
36. What are your plans over the summer? Hopefully to work in a psych lab.
37. Do you write poems? Not really. I've written a few.
38. Are you short? Yeah.
39. You sleep more on your back, front, or sides? Back.
40. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? Poodle, I guess, but I'd take either.
41. Are you basically a happy person? Basically.
42. Are you tired? A little...considering bed just because of how early I have to get up.
43. Did you drink anything with caffeine today? No, because I am a good little girl. =)
44. How many phones do you have in your home? I don't know. No landlines, I have a cell phone.
45. Do you get along with your parent(s)? Yeah.
46. Do you enjoy your life? Yeah.
1. Are you currently mad at someone? Nah.
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper? Either Dad or Jen, because they have the same temper.
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Probably.
1. Name: Jessica.
2. What is your career plan for the future? Currently, probably clinical psych, but that kind of changes daily, so yeah.
3. What's your main goal in life? To be happy with what I'm doing.
4. Do you want to have children? Yeah, eventually.
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? I don't think so ... well, actually, sort of. Little ones. So cute. =) I really like surprises, actually, though I hate not knowing. Contradiction!
2. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? Wow, I don't have to worry about paying for school AND I can travel.
3. If you could have anything right now what would it be? A guitar.
1. Lower the drinking age? Yeah, to 18, along with everything else.
2. Abortion? Pro choice.
3. War? Pro peace.
4. Global Warming? Pro logic, aka pro environment, aka pro doing something.
Q: How many beds did you lay in today? Just one today.
Q: What color shirt are you wearing? Green.
Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? Breathe.
Q: Is Tom on your friends list? Yeah.
Q: What websites do you visit the most during the day? WeSmirch, my school mail.
Q: Do you have plants in your room? No.
Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? Nope. Well, maybe my back a little.
Q: Do you own a camera phone? Yeah.
1. Last movie watched in cinema? Across the Universe.
2. Song you listened to? Just finished "Hang Me Out To Dry" by the Cold War Kids, now on "Oh My God" by Mark Ronson/Lily Allen.
3. Person you last talked/texted on the phone with? Hillary.
1. What are you doing tonight? Sleeping, now, lol. Watched TV, made dinner, had milk/cookies night.
2. What are you going to eat? Had pasta, tarts.
3. Where are you going to be at 2:00am? In my bed sleeping, hopefully.
1.Tomorrow is? Tuesday.
2. Are you looking forward to it? Maybe I'll get some info/flirting from my TA...beyond that, not really, I guess. Oh, and maybe I'll actually find out I'm super at Cognition, ha.
3. Are you going to laugh? Probably. Hopefully, at least!
4. Who are you going to be with? Myself, roommates.
5. Singe or Taken? Singe. Haaaa. SINGLE. Oh man.
6. Are you happy with life at the moment? Yeah.
The rest
1. What's the last mistake you made? Taking the subway back from the concert ... arrrgh that was scary and frustrating. Men, I swear.
2. Is the sun shining? No, it's night time.
3. Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon? Yeah.
4. Do you like text messaging? Sure.
5. Are you having a good/bad hair day? Today, it's decent. Yesterday, it was relaly good, which is a shame since no one saw me outside of the roommates. Hopefully tomorrow's early morning shower will lead to another good one.
6. What was your last purchase? Groceries on Saturday.
7. Are you wearing any make-up right now? Not really ... remainder of whatever I put on this morning, which includes foundation, blush, mascara.
8. What are your plans for later? Sleep. And The Office.
9. What is your favorite DDR song? Ha, I don't have one, but DDR is fun.
10. Is there any drama within your life? Well, always. But at least for now it's at a minimum.
11. What is a song they need to stop playing on the radio? "Rockstar" by Nickelback. Ew.
12. Are you content with life right now? Sure.
13. Does anyone like you? I don't know that, man.
14. What is your current obsession? Sourdough bread grilled cheese sandwiches. Matt Nathanson. Watching TV online. Flats. Cherry limeade fake water.
15. Do you have your license? Yes.
16. Ever been kissed under mistletoe? Yes, but not seriously.
17. Would you ever smile at a stranger? Yeah, do it sometimes ... much more likely if the boy passing is cute. =)
18. Ever done a random act of kindness? Yeah.
19. Do your toenails have nail polish on them? Yep! Rare.
20. When's the last time you wore eyeliner? Friday, for the concert.
21. Last curse word you said was? Probably fuck, of course.
22. Are your lips chapped? A little.
23. Do you know this song, we stay fly no lie you know this? BALLIN!!!!
24. Can you lick your elbow? No, boo.
25. Did you have a dream last night? Yeah.
26. Are you mad at anyone? Not really.
27. Who is the most random person you know? Myself?
28. What's going on this weekend? I don't know yet ... I think I either want to go to the park or to a museum.
29. Done any spring cleaning lately? No ... man, I need to clean my desk. Should have done that tonight.
30. Anything bothering you? The heat of the laptop, woo buddy.
31. How many contacts do you have on MSN? None?
32. Did you wish for anything last night on 11:11? Aww, nope, missed it.
33. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis? Yeah.
34. Do you wish you were someone else? No.
35. What jewelry are you wearing? Watch, three rings.
36. Ate any exotic food lately? Nope. Last I had was (veggie) sushi ... um, I wasn't into nori.
37. Are you easily amused? Sometimes.
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