i was your silver lining, but now i'm gold
[one]. Spell your name without an A.
Jessic. Awwwkward.
[two]. Are you single?
[three]. Whats your favorite number[s]?
[four]. Whats your favorite color[s]?
Green, cerulean, dark purple.
[five]. Least favorite color?
Uhhmm ... yellowy greens, salmon, light pink.
[six]. What are you listening to?
Shirley clicking.
[seven]. Are you happy with your life right now?
Yeah, pretty much. There's a lot in the balance right now, but evs.
[eight]. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
Was Science or Math ... is now probably Linguistics or Psychology. Figures I'm taking only those now, ha.
[nine]. Do you shop at abercrombie?
[eleven]. Where do you wish you were right now?
Um, I'd take some cuddling for sure.
[twelve] What should you be doing right now?
Hanging up my coats, getting ahead on reading, blah.
[thirteen]. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Sorta ... my TA is adorable, I think. I'm just trying to figure out if he's gay.
Can you blow a bubble?:
Can you touch your toes?
Can you wiggle your ears?
Can you roll your tongue?:
Did you ever want to be a doctor?
Yeah ... a couple times. I don't know now. There's only so many times I can try and try and try and fail so miserably at every corner. So we'll see.
Do you believe in God?:
Yes, at least in a general sense.
Do you like roller coasters?:
Sure. Haven't been on one in forever, but sure.
Do you want to be a firefighter?
No thanks.
When was the last time you bought a clothing item?
Yesterday -- I bought the dotted Victoria's Secret bra I wanted and then saw John Mayer. Coincidence? Or lucky bra ...? ;)
What was the last thing you drank:
What was the last thing you watched?
Oh lord ... ANTM like, a week ago.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Hillary, last night.
Who was the last person to call you?
Probably my mom.
Who was the last person to text you?
Wes, I think.
what color shirt are you wearing?
Navy blue.
Yes. Ha...my new AE jeans.
Have any tattoos?
No, but I'm seriously seriously considering the one I've been considering. Ha.
Straight hair or curly hair?
Sure. Not *un*happy. Things are going pretty well.
Other Stuff
1. What plans do you have for tonight?
My plans just ended -- self-chosen. But we had dinner, then gelato.
2. Do you hate liars?
Nah, man. I am one. It'd be terribly hypocritical to hate them ... ;)
3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"?
Oh man, I've found I'm pretty equal opportunity as to who I'll find attractive. But when it gets right down to it ... probably sensitive boys.
4. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired guys?
You know, typically dark-haired, but I've been attracted to a bevy of blondes lately ... strangely.
6. What have you done in your past that you regret?
Um, wasting time on things that ultimately won't help me in the way they should have, but I guess in the end they all meant something and they'll all fit in the picture somewhere.
8. Do you have a guy best friend?
Yeah ... it's great and yet crazy, lol.
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Good question, kids. Previously a vet, maybe a psychologist, maybe something as yet unconsidered.
10. Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
Only if by one night you mean 24 hours.
13. Did you ever have your heart broken?
Oh yeah. Great fun.
15. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't?
Haa, a lot of my wanting occurs this way.
16. How are things between you and your parents?
All right. My mother can be a little needy on the communication vein, while my dad can be a little distant on that vein, so ... it all weighs out in the end. Ultimately, we're usually cool.
18. Do you like your life?
Mostly, yeah. I can't really complain. Great things (at least can) happen to me every day.
19.What is your fave food?
Lately, I'm crazy for mac and cheese. Stupid EasyMac making things so ... well, easy.
20.What is your favorite love movie?
Casablanca. The Notebook (Ryan Gosling ... mmm).
21.What is your best physical feature?
Hair? I pretty much almost always like my hair. Other things ... not so much.
22. Do you forgive or forget?
Um, it takes me a really long time to forgive, and in most cases I don't forget, but on rare occasions, I have been known to do both. It takes a bit.
24. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Girls, but the guy ones are easier to maintain.
25. How long have you had myspace?
Oh man, I don't know... four years or something?
27. Have you ever given anyone a back rub?
30. What is one of your biggest fears?
Dinosaurs. And I'm not kidding.
31. Has anyone close passed away?
Ever? Yeah.
34. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
Oh yeah, definitely. That shit is annoying. And yet the masochist/artist in me loves to wallow in that shit....oh, it's so meaningful, so triste, so ... blah. I'm feeling cynical tonight, apparently.
37. What color is your underwear?
40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
Yeah...and vice versa.
43. Do you ever wish you were famous?
Maybe I used to, and maybe in small ways and for certain things, but in general -- no, because I had a teeny taste of that, and it was utterly unappetizing. I am paranoid enough.
44. Do you ever wish you were a boy?
Maybe a little on really bad days.
45. Do you ever hear a song that reminds you of an ex and you think of all the good times you had?
Yeeah, I'm notorious for that kind of shit. Songs are the worst ... I hate when I've spent so long on someone that my entire iTunes (or at least the stuff I actually want to listen to most recently) is basically associated with every situation including them, and then I can't find a refuge anywhere. That sucks.
47. Don't you think that guys should hug girls from behind when they are not paying attention?
Ha, sure. I'm a big fan of the hugs.

What is/was your biggest dating age gap? Officially, a year. But I'd go up to three years younger (in certain cases!) and waaay older.
What was the last thing you ate? Hazelnut gelato.
Do you believe in love at first sight? It's a long story.
Are you wearing socks right now? No. Ew.
What color is the shirt you're wearing now? Blue.
Who was the last person you danced with? Hardcore - Hillary. Lightly - everyone two nights ago at hooka, around the table.
Do you dance in your kitchen? At home, hellz yeah. Cooking + dancing = love.
When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Oh man, way too fucking long ago. Like ... January, or some shit. I love cupcakes too much for this atrocity.
Who's birthday party did you last attend? Mine? Jenny's sort of?
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No ... they're all in another state.
Ever embarass yourself in front of a crush? Oh, of course, but whatever.
Do you tan in the nude? No, ha. Well, when I used to tan yeah, but I don't tan now, so .. yeah.
Wanna go splunking (cave diving)? Umm ... maybe.
If you were president, whats the first law you would pass? Oh man, to not be President. I'm way not into that idea. But I guess ... probably legal gay marriage. I mean, there's just no reason why not.
Do you think humans will ever live on other planets? Maybe. I mean, it's hard to tell what's possible in the future, but there's a bit of me that thinks we won't think that far outside the box..or at least ACT that far outside the box.
Sub or Burger? Burger -- veggie, of course.
Dogs or Cats? Dogs, though I love both.
With or without frosting? WITH. Omg, I love frosting. That's it -- I should go to Magnolia's tomorrow. OMG, Lazy Sunday! Fuck yes.
Wheel of Fortune or Price is Right? Price is Right.
Champange or Wine? Champagne. love those bubbles. (PS, wanna get me drunk? Champagne is your ticket.)
Liquer or Beer? Liquor. Sooo easily.
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston? Angelina (sorry Jennifer Aniston -- you're pretty too!).
Aerosmith or The Rolling Stones? Aerosmith.
Lays or Pringles? Pringles. Unless Ruffles get involved.
Dunkn Donuts or Krispy Kreme? Krispy Kreme. Shiiit, those are good glazed donuts.
Older or younger Significant Other? Older. I've dealt with a lot of lack-of-having-their-shit-together from youngers. Olders at least *know* what they feel or want.
Snapple or Propel? Snapple...maybe.
Google or Yahoo? Google. Oh yeah.
Superman or Batman? Batman. Sexier.
Sex Position Don't have one, thanks.
Girl Name Favorite's not the right term, but I like Lily.
Boy Name Idk ... Aidan, since that popped into my head (yay SATC).
Milkshake Flavor Vanilla with hot fudge. Or strawberry.
Ice Cream Dessert Ice cream itself is pretty good ... so is DQ ice cream cake ...
Song To Dance To Oh shit, I have to pick one? Lately, it's "You Know What It Is" by TI, but seriously there are so many great ones.
Cookie Sugar, soft, iced, with sprinkles.
Musician/Band Different questions ... lately, I'm really into Matt Nathanson and John Mayer (for the combo of attractiveness, musicalness, lyrics, guitar work, and great albums), but no one ever compares to the Beatles.
Room In House At home? Probably mine.
Soup I like Vegetarian Vegetable.
Sport Probably football.
Holiday Christmas -- generically.
Snack Lately, popcorn. Or chocolate (peanut M&Ms!!).
Friend Ha, oh, that's mean.
Vegetable Cucumber.
Hip-Hop Radio...? Weird of my brain.
Funny Ha ha.
Pig Spider pig ... lol.
Country City.
Sex Gender.
Ring Engagement.
Scissors Cut.
String Fiddle.
Camel Back.
Blue Stars.
Soda Pop.
Peace Nixon.
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Have you had sex within the past 24 hours? No.
Are you gay? No.
Do you have hairy legs? Well they are not smooth today...
Are you sick? No, thankfully.
Do you smoke, anything? Hookah. Lol ... and apparently only when drunk in Paris do I smoke one cigarette. So yeeah.
Do you like monkeys? I don't dislike them...?
How many fillings do you have? Dude, Idk. But I didn't need any last time, so yay for me.
Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Ocean.
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? No, stupid.
Have you ever used an electric toothbrush as a vibrator? No.
Have you ever read the Bible? Yes...I find it rather boring usually.
Did you ever go to Sunday School? Yeah, a long time ago. I remember we used to have races to see who could find books of the Bible the fastest.
Do you wear a lot of black? Not really ... More in the winter.
Did you ever bring a weapon to high school? No.
Have you ever hugged a tree? Yes. I love trees.
Do you know what a sphincter actually is? Ha, yes.
Do you wish you lived somewhere else? No man ... New York and I have such an interesting relationship. Sometimes we love each other (and then it's reeeeeally good) and sometimes we hate each other (and then it's reeeally bad), but if anything, I'd rather have an intense relationship than a boring or okay one.
Describe your hair It is blonde ... and straight ... and decently long.
Are you a wilderbeast? Not last time I checked.
Do you like to have fun? Sure.
Are you a drama queen? Umm, in certain positions.
Have you ever taken a bong hit? Not of weed.
Do you like mayonaise? It's all right, mixed with other condiments usually.
Are you afraid to die? In small ways, sure. I'm aware of my humanity.
Do you like playing in leaves? Yeah.
Are you horny right now? Not particularly, thanks for asking.
Have you ever bought shoes that cost more than $100.00? Yeeeeah. Shoes are just one of my weaknesses. And I'll spend a lot of time and energy and money on those weaknesses.
Have you ever peed your pants as an adult? Ha, no.
Have you ever thrown up on somebody as an adult? Ewww, no. I would feel so awful.
Are you an adult? Yes. At least technically.
Do you think you have a good handle on spelling? Yeah.
Ever won a spelling bee? Yep.
Do you ever eat because your depressed? Sometimes. And sometimes I *don't* eat because I feel sad/depressed. So it goe both ways, I suppose.
Are you a television addict? No.
Do you think O.J. is guilty? Probably.
Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? Sometimes. We don't get to do it much anymore.
Have you ever had sex in a hot tub? Nope.
On a swing? No.
Do you like Elvis? Sure.
Do you enjoy watching animals have sex on the Discovery channel? Ha, can't say I've done that. So no.
Ever been hit on at a zoo? Nope, but I haven't been to a zoo in quite awhile.
Have you ever had sex with a total stranger? No.
Do you enjoy the calming effects of turkey? Ha, I don't eat meat. I enjoy the calming effects of getting semi-drunk, eating a killer amount of bread and mashed potatoes and noodles, and then sleeping in front of the fire with the cat.
Are you a sugar freak? Not particularly. But I enjoy my sweets.
When you hear a knock on the door, do you think that its the cops? Ha, no. But I definitely spy before answering.
Ever been arrested? No.
Ever commit a crime and get away with it? Yeah, I'm sure.
Actually, do you like orange juice? Yeah, more than I used to.
What sign are you? Cancer.
Where do you wish you were right now? Watching The Office.
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Lorelai or Rory? Rory.
Amy Sherman-Palladino or David Rosenthal? ASP.
Luke or Christopher? LUKE.
Emily or Richard? Emily ... she's delightfully bitchy.
Babette or Miss Patty? Miss Patty.
Lane or Paris? Lane. I love Lane ... I want us to be best friends, lol.
Kirk or Mrs. Kim? Kirk ... that crazy.
Luke's or Al's? Luke's. Oh man, please. Luke's had me craving diner food (in NYC) for MONTHS.
Kirk's Diner or Kirk's t-shirts? T-shirts ... haaa ... Babette ate oatmeal. I'd so buy those.
Never-more Drinking Game or Dean Drinking Game? Nevermore.
Rachel or Nicole? ...I don't know who these people are.
Chilton or Yale? Yale.
Logan, Jess, Dean, or Tristan? JESS. JESS. And wait a second ... **JESS**. This is the easiest fucking decision ever. Logan's the only one who can even come close, and in the end, it's still so obviously only Jess.
Coffee or tea? Coffee.
All-Around Favorites ...
Character? Probably Jess. He's my lover.
Moment? The first Rory and Jess kiss is hot.
Kiss? Um, see above. Ha.
Speech? Lorelai's speech when she calls Luke after breaking up (invoking The Way We Were).
Quote? I can't pick just one .. that's impossible.
Season? Four ... it's the one I own.
Episode? I love They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
Gilmore-ism? Again, how do I pick just one!
Luke rant? I love when he gets all crazy about kids.
Pre-R&R Luke/Lorelai moment? Man, Idk.
Show opener (The short bit before the theme song)? When they eat Rice Krispies with marshmallows in a HUUUGE bowl. I now do that.
Object of significance? The diner, if that counts.
Townie? Lane, if she counts. Otherwise, I like the troubadour(s).
Crazy thing Kirk has done? The movie where he dances is ridicc.
Outfit? I love the dresses for They Shoot Gilmores.
Fight? I love when Jess and Rory are so obviously in love with each other that they snip at each other and try to make each otherjealous with other significant others ... those fights are great.
Movie reference? Oh MAN, again, can't pick one.
Time someone asks if Luke and Lorelai are together? I like when the whole town worries about having to pick sides.
Crazy show quirk? I can't pick just a one.
Thumbs up or down? Haven't seen it.
Does Rory look really little to you? On the DVD sets -- omg, YES!
Do bad girls paint their toenails red? I've painted mine red before ...
Did you love or hate Max's proposal? Love ... I guess. But I'm not that big of a Max fan, so that dilutes it.
Favorite episode? Again, haven't seen it. (I know -- deprived.)
Dean or Jess? JESS.
Tristan: annoying or refreshing? Annoying.
Did you start hating Christopher after "I Can't Get Started"? I can't ever really hate Christopher ... I just think he has a HUGE problem getting his shit together.
Favorite episode? Aw, my first GG season.
Would you have preferred the dance marathon if Luke went with Lorelai? Nahh ... that episode is my fave, so I love how everything went together in it. I love when he fixes her shoe. =)
Did you like the flashbacks in "Dear Emily and Richard" or not? Nah .. that annoyed me a little.
Were you sad when Jess left? OMG yes. It was like a little part of me went with him.
Be honest: Did Rory's graduation speech make you cry? Yes, but I think mostly it was seeing Lorelai cry that did it.
Did you love or hate that Rory was at college now? Umm, it was an interesting change of pace. I missed Jess, though.
Luke and Lorelai: "Finally" or "Oh please, no!" Finally.
Favorite part of "You Jump, I Jump, Jack"? How cute Logan is in the whole thing. Or the whole no-E's game. That's fantastically ridiculous.
Logan: Good or bad? Good ... but not as good as Jess.
Were upset when Rory dropped out of Yale? Yes, but at the same time, I totally saw why she thought she had to do it. I mean, as a former valedictorian and having some really shit times at university -- I can feel it.
Lorelai's proposal: Love it or hate it? Love it. But that's because I love Lorelai/Luke together.
Is it still Gilmore Girls when Lorelai and Rory aren't speaking? Not really. It makes me sad.
Did you love or hate that Jess was the one that got Rory back on track? Loved. Showed he had his shit together, and that paved the way so that now they can be together forever.
Favorite episode? I've only seen the finale.
Did you want Luke and Lorelai to elope? Sure, whatever. Just get marrie.d Ha.
Is Lorelai still in love with Luke? Does she even love Chris at all? Yes, she loves Luke. For always. =)
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Are you glad that Carrie and Big ended up together? I guess yeah. In the end.
Who is your favourite of the 4 girls? I really don't know ... I love Carrie...
Who is your favourite secondary character? and Charlotte probably the most.
Are you happy that Miranda ended up with Steve? YES. Omg, I lvoe them together. Not that Blair Underwood isn't a total hottie ... but Miranda and Steve forever.
What is your favourite Sex and the City moment? I loved all the Aidan moments. Even the heartbreaking ones, like outside the fountain in the white dress ... oh lord.
Which of Carrie's boyfriends was your favourite? AIDAN. Easily.
Did you watch the finale the night it first aired? No, I wasn't even in my SATC knowledge/phase yet.
If so, did you cry? -- (Did when I eventually watched it, though).
Which season was your favourite? Probably three.
How did you feel about them giving Samantha cancer? Interesting storyline, I suppose. Good to give her something to deal with.
Did you watch the show from the very beginning or did you join later? Later.
Which of the girls apartments did you like the most? Carrie's.
Which girl is most like you? or which do you identity with the most? You know, I've thought about this often, and I really don't know. I think I'm a mix of all of them -- as we all are.
Were you a fan of Sarah Jessica Parkers before watching SATC? Not particularly.
Were you glad that they gave Miranda a baby? Yes ... make her cope with that other part of herself she doesn't think she has. And Brady is adorable.
Do you ever talk about the characters like they are real people? Sooometimes...ha.
Are you obessed with SATC or you just like it? Pretty obsessed at times.
Which girl do you think changed the most throughout the series? Charlotte, actually.
Would the show have been the same if it weren't in NYC? Nooo. The city is so the fifth character of the show.
Did you love Aidan? Oh, I loved Aidan ridiculously. Carrie's not right for him, but he's soooo right in general.
How did you feel about The Russian? You know, actually, I'm really into Mikhail/Aleksander as well ... that first epsiode with him (black cherries) is sooo hot. But then they had to go and make him abusive so people would be forced to fall out of love with him.
Were you pleased with the ending? It was good, sure.
Did you want them to end the show or did you want more? MORE. But it's okay.
Do you want them to make a SATC movie? I don't know ... mixed opinions. Part of me thinks it should stay as is.
Do you own the series on VHS or DVD? DVD ... seasons 3, 4.
One final thought about the show: LOVE IT.
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Do you get distracted easily? Lately, yeah. I can't sit for over an hour of class and not get incredibly bored.
When is your next vacation and where? Back home for Columbus Day, hopefully.
Do you ride roller coasters? Yeah.
Who was the last person you yelled at? Someone at home. I don't really yell here.
Are you wearing a necklace? Yeah, I always wear this one.
What family member do you look like? People think I look exactly like my mother and exactly like my father, which obviously is not possible, but I can see it both ways.
Do you take any daily vitamins or pills? Yep, Flintstones vitamins with iron. Ha. Being anemic was no fun.
Where does your grandma live? In our house at home.
Are you friends with your neighbors? Not really. I don't do neighbors.
Where have you lived throughout your life? Briefly Florida, various places in Ohio, now NYC.
Do you have a routine before going to bed? Yeah, of course. I live off routines mostly.
Have you ever tee-peed someone's house? Ha no.
Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend? No.
When was the last time you drove more than 30 minutes? Probably to somewhere on Campus or Easton or whatever.
Do you have any enemies? Not really...at least not to my knowledge, ha.
What is your usual breakfast? Coffee. Sometimes cereal.
What are you doing tonight? Nothing. It was Kings yesterday, hooka the night before, so today is my chill night.
Would you date the person who posted this? --
What's for dinner? It was salad and gelato.
Anyone close to you ever died? Yeah.
Who's always there for you unconditionally? Friends, family.
Are you ashamed of your past? No.
When was the last time you saw your best friend? Too long ago.
Do you use lyrics to express how you feel? Sometimes. But usually that's a little pretentious for me.
When was the last time you cried? I don't remember. Oh wait, today. HA. It was over a TV show (watched online), though, so don't get all excited about a story.
Do you swear often? Hmm ... maybe.
Who is the last person you had a sleepover with? Hillary, after the HR.
Do you like messages or comments better? Comments.
Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed? Ha, no. I actually never really talked to him. Just that once.
What is the last thing you ate? Gelato.
Last doctors appointment or hospitol visit? Dentist in mid August.
Do you know anyone in the military? Yeah.
Is there anything silver near you? My laptop...
Where was your default picture taken? My room.
What do you like on your pizza? Cheese. Sometimes extra cheese.
What bill do yo dread paying? I don't pay bills (yeah, I'm spoiled ... sorry). But I dread paying for things in general.
Did you ever go through an awkward stage? Ha, of course.
Have you had braces? Yep.
Do you have a green thumb? Not really.
Ever tied a ribbon on your finger to remember something? No. Post its are better.
Last video game you played? Ha, probably HP from last year.
Do you want another pet? Sure. I love pets. But I almost cried today about missing my dogs when the video of a dog coming over and licking the screen came up. That's sad.
Whats so great about 80s kids? Uh, we're obviously the coolest.
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Jessic. Awwwkward.
[two]. Are you single?
[three]. Whats your favorite number[s]?
[four]. Whats your favorite color[s]?
Green, cerulean, dark purple.
[five]. Least favorite color?
Uhhmm ... yellowy greens, salmon, light pink.
[six]. What are you listening to?
Shirley clicking.
[seven]. Are you happy with your life right now?
Yeah, pretty much. There's a lot in the balance right now, but evs.
[eight]. What was/is your favorite subject in school?
Was Science or Math ... is now probably Linguistics or Psychology. Figures I'm taking only those now, ha.
[nine]. Do you shop at abercrombie?
[eleven]. Where do you wish you were right now?
Um, I'd take some cuddling for sure.
[twelve] What should you be doing right now?
Hanging up my coats, getting ahead on reading, blah.
[thirteen]. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Sorta ... my TA is adorable, I think. I'm just trying to figure out if he's gay.
Can you blow a bubble?:
Can you touch your toes?
Can you wiggle your ears?
Can you roll your tongue?:
Did you ever want to be a doctor?
Yeah ... a couple times. I don't know now. There's only so many times I can try and try and try and fail so miserably at every corner. So we'll see.
Do you believe in God?:
Yes, at least in a general sense.
Do you like roller coasters?:
Sure. Haven't been on one in forever, but sure.
Do you want to be a firefighter?
No thanks.
When was the last time you bought a clothing item?
Yesterday -- I bought the dotted Victoria's Secret bra I wanted and then saw John Mayer. Coincidence? Or lucky bra ...? ;)
What was the last thing you drank:
What was the last thing you watched?
Oh lord ... ANTM like, a week ago.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Hillary, last night.
Who was the last person to call you?
Probably my mom.
Who was the last person to text you?
Wes, I think.
what color shirt are you wearing?
Navy blue.
Yes. Ha...my new AE jeans.
Have any tattoos?
No, but I'm seriously seriously considering the one I've been considering. Ha.
Straight hair or curly hair?
Sure. Not *un*happy. Things are going pretty well.
Other Stuff
1. What plans do you have for tonight?
My plans just ended -- self-chosen. But we had dinner, then gelato.
2. Do you hate liars?
Nah, man. I am one. It'd be terribly hypocritical to hate them ... ;)
3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"?
Oh man, I've found I'm pretty equal opportunity as to who I'll find attractive. But when it gets right down to it ... probably sensitive boys.
4. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired guys?
You know, typically dark-haired, but I've been attracted to a bevy of blondes lately ... strangely.
6. What have you done in your past that you regret?
Um, wasting time on things that ultimately won't help me in the way they should have, but I guess in the end they all meant something and they'll all fit in the picture somewhere.
8. Do you have a guy best friend?
Yeah ... it's great and yet crazy, lol.
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Good question, kids. Previously a vet, maybe a psychologist, maybe something as yet unconsidered.
10. Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
Only if by one night you mean 24 hours.
13. Did you ever have your heart broken?
Oh yeah. Great fun.
15. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't?
Haa, a lot of my wanting occurs this way.
16. How are things between you and your parents?
All right. My mother can be a little needy on the communication vein, while my dad can be a little distant on that vein, so ... it all weighs out in the end. Ultimately, we're usually cool.
18. Do you like your life?
Mostly, yeah. I can't really complain. Great things (at least can) happen to me every day.
19.What is your fave food?
Lately, I'm crazy for mac and cheese. Stupid EasyMac making things so ... well, easy.
20.What is your favorite love movie?
Casablanca. The Notebook (Ryan Gosling ... mmm).
21.What is your best physical feature?
Hair? I pretty much almost always like my hair. Other things ... not so much.
22. Do you forgive or forget?
Um, it takes me a really long time to forgive, and in most cases I don't forget, but on rare occasions, I have been known to do both. It takes a bit.
24. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Girls, but the guy ones are easier to maintain.
25. How long have you had myspace?
Oh man, I don't know... four years or something?
27. Have you ever given anyone a back rub?
30. What is one of your biggest fears?
Dinosaurs. And I'm not kidding.
31. Has anyone close passed away?
Ever? Yeah.
34. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
Oh yeah, definitely. That shit is annoying. And yet the masochist/artist in me loves to wallow in that shit....oh, it's so meaningful, so triste, so ... blah. I'm feeling cynical tonight, apparently.
37. What color is your underwear?
40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
Yeah...and vice versa.
43. Do you ever wish you were famous?
Maybe I used to, and maybe in small ways and for certain things, but in general -- no, because I had a teeny taste of that, and it was utterly unappetizing. I am paranoid enough.
44. Do you ever wish you were a boy?
Maybe a little on really bad days.
45. Do you ever hear a song that reminds you of an ex and you think of all the good times you had?
Yeeah, I'm notorious for that kind of shit. Songs are the worst ... I hate when I've spent so long on someone that my entire iTunes (or at least the stuff I actually want to listen to most recently) is basically associated with every situation including them, and then I can't find a refuge anywhere. That sucks.
47. Don't you think that guys should hug girls from behind when they are not paying attention?
Ha, sure. I'm a big fan of the hugs.
Cure for Boredom

Take this survey
What is/was your biggest dating age gap? Officially, a year. But I'd go up to three years younger (in certain cases!) and waaay older.
What was the last thing you ate? Hazelnut gelato.
Do you believe in love at first sight? It's a long story.
Are you wearing socks right now? No. Ew.
What color is the shirt you're wearing now? Blue.
Who was the last person you danced with? Hardcore - Hillary. Lightly - everyone two nights ago at hooka, around the table.
Do you dance in your kitchen? At home, hellz yeah. Cooking + dancing = love.
When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Oh man, way too fucking long ago. Like ... January, or some shit. I love cupcakes too much for this atrocity.
Who's birthday party did you last attend? Mine? Jenny's sort of?
Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No ... they're all in another state.
Ever embarass yourself in front of a crush? Oh, of course, but whatever.
Do you tan in the nude? No, ha. Well, when I used to tan yeah, but I don't tan now, so .. yeah.
Wanna go splunking (cave diving)? Umm ... maybe.
If you were president, whats the first law you would pass? Oh man, to not be President. I'm way not into that idea. But I guess ... probably legal gay marriage. I mean, there's just no reason why not.
Do you think humans will ever live on other planets? Maybe. I mean, it's hard to tell what's possible in the future, but there's a bit of me that thinks we won't think that far outside the box..or at least ACT that far outside the box.
This or That
Sub or Burger? Burger -- veggie, of course.
Dogs or Cats? Dogs, though I love both.
With or without frosting? WITH. Omg, I love frosting. That's it -- I should go to Magnolia's tomorrow. OMG, Lazy Sunday! Fuck yes.
Wheel of Fortune or Price is Right? Price is Right.
Champange or Wine? Champagne. love those bubbles. (PS, wanna get me drunk? Champagne is your ticket.)
Liquer or Beer? Liquor. Sooo easily.
Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston? Angelina (sorry Jennifer Aniston -- you're pretty too!).
Aerosmith or The Rolling Stones? Aerosmith.
Lays or Pringles? Pringles. Unless Ruffles get involved.
Dunkn Donuts or Krispy Kreme? Krispy Kreme. Shiiit, those are good glazed donuts.
Older or younger Significant Other? Older. I've dealt with a lot of lack-of-having-their-shit-together from youngers. Olders at least *know* what they feel or want.
Snapple or Propel? Snapple...maybe.
Google or Yahoo? Google. Oh yeah.
Superman or Batman? Batman. Sexier.
The One Favorite...
Sex Position Don't have one, thanks.
Girl Name Favorite's not the right term, but I like Lily.
Boy Name Idk ... Aidan, since that popped into my head (yay SATC).
Milkshake Flavor Vanilla with hot fudge. Or strawberry.
Ice Cream Dessert Ice cream itself is pretty good ... so is DQ ice cream cake ...
Song To Dance To Oh shit, I have to pick one? Lately, it's "You Know What It Is" by TI, but seriously there are so many great ones.
Cookie Sugar, soft, iced, with sprinkles.
Musician/Band Different questions ... lately, I'm really into Matt Nathanson and John Mayer (for the combo of attractiveness, musicalness, lyrics, guitar work, and great albums), but no one ever compares to the Beatles.
Room In House At home? Probably mine.
Soup I like Vegetarian Vegetable.
Sport Probably football.
Holiday Christmas -- generically.
Snack Lately, popcorn. Or chocolate (peanut M&Ms!!).
Friend Ha, oh, that's mean.
What Do You Think Of When You Hear...
Vegetable Cucumber.
Hip-Hop Radio...? Weird of my brain.
Funny Ha ha.
Pig Spider pig ... lol.
Country City.
Sex Gender.
Ring Engagement.
Scissors Cut.
String Fiddle.
Camel Back.
Blue Stars.
Soda Pop.
Peace Nixon.
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Gotta Do It

Take this survey
Have you had sex within the past 24 hours? No.
Are you gay? No.
Do you have hairy legs? Well they are not smooth today...
Are you sick? No, thankfully.
Do you smoke, anything? Hookah. Lol ... and apparently only when drunk in Paris do I smoke one cigarette. So yeeah.
Do you like monkeys? I don't dislike them...?
How many fillings do you have? Dude, Idk. But I didn't need any last time, so yay for me.
Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Ocean.
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? No, stupid.
Have you ever used an electric toothbrush as a vibrator? No.
Have you ever read the Bible? Yes...I find it rather boring usually.
Did you ever go to Sunday School? Yeah, a long time ago. I remember we used to have races to see who could find books of the Bible the fastest.
Do you wear a lot of black? Not really ... More in the winter.
Did you ever bring a weapon to high school? No.
Have you ever hugged a tree? Yes. I love trees.
Do you know what a sphincter actually is? Ha, yes.
Do you wish you lived somewhere else? No man ... New York and I have such an interesting relationship. Sometimes we love each other (and then it's reeeeeally good) and sometimes we hate each other (and then it's reeeally bad), but if anything, I'd rather have an intense relationship than a boring or okay one.
Describe your hair It is blonde ... and straight ... and decently long.
Are you a wilderbeast? Not last time I checked.
Do you like to have fun? Sure.
Are you a drama queen? Umm, in certain positions.
Have you ever taken a bong hit? Not of weed.
Do you like mayonaise? It's all right, mixed with other condiments usually.
Are you afraid to die? In small ways, sure. I'm aware of my humanity.
Do you like playing in leaves? Yeah.
Are you horny right now? Not particularly, thanks for asking.
Have you ever bought shoes that cost more than $100.00? Yeeeeah. Shoes are just one of my weaknesses. And I'll spend a lot of time and energy and money on those weaknesses.
Have you ever peed your pants as an adult? Ha, no.
Have you ever thrown up on somebody as an adult? Ewww, no. I would feel so awful.
Are you an adult? Yes. At least technically.
Do you think you have a good handle on spelling? Yeah.
Ever won a spelling bee? Yep.
Do you ever eat because your depressed? Sometimes. And sometimes I *don't* eat because I feel sad/depressed. So it goe both ways, I suppose.
Are you a television addict? No.
Do you think O.J. is guilty? Probably.
Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? Sometimes. We don't get to do it much anymore.
Have you ever had sex in a hot tub? Nope.
On a swing? No.
Do you like Elvis? Sure.
Do you enjoy watching animals have sex on the Discovery channel? Ha, can't say I've done that. So no.
Ever been hit on at a zoo? Nope, but I haven't been to a zoo in quite awhile.
Have you ever had sex with a total stranger? No.
Do you enjoy the calming effects of turkey? Ha, I don't eat meat. I enjoy the calming effects of getting semi-drunk, eating a killer amount of bread and mashed potatoes and noodles, and then sleeping in front of the fire with the cat.
Are you a sugar freak? Not particularly. But I enjoy my sweets.
When you hear a knock on the door, do you think that its the cops? Ha, no. But I definitely spy before answering.
Ever been arrested? No.
Ever commit a crime and get away with it? Yeah, I'm sure.
Actually, do you like orange juice? Yeah, more than I used to.
What sign are you? Cancer.
Where do you wish you were right now? Watching The Office.
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Gilmore Girls Survey

This or that
Lorelai or Rory? Rory.
Amy Sherman-Palladino or David Rosenthal? ASP.
Luke or Christopher? LUKE.
Emily or Richard? Emily ... she's delightfully bitchy.
Babette or Miss Patty? Miss Patty.
Lane or Paris? Lane. I love Lane ... I want us to be best friends, lol.
Kirk or Mrs. Kim? Kirk ... that crazy.
Luke's or Al's? Luke's. Oh man, please. Luke's had me craving diner food (in NYC) for MONTHS.
Kirk's Diner or Kirk's t-shirts? T-shirts ... haaa ... Babette ate oatmeal. I'd so buy those.
Never-more Drinking Game or Dean Drinking Game? Nevermore.
Rachel or Nicole? ...I don't know who these people are.
Chilton or Yale? Yale.
Logan, Jess, Dean, or Tristan? JESS. JESS. And wait a second ... **JESS**. This is the easiest fucking decision ever. Logan's the only one who can even come close, and in the end, it's still so obviously only Jess.
Coffee or tea? Coffee.
All-Around Favorites ...
Character? Probably Jess. He's my lover.
Moment? The first Rory and Jess kiss is hot.
Kiss? Um, see above. Ha.
Speech? Lorelai's speech when she calls Luke after breaking up (invoking The Way We Were).
Quote? I can't pick just one .. that's impossible.
Season? Four ... it's the one I own.
Episode? I love They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
Gilmore-ism? Again, how do I pick just one!
Luke rant? I love when he gets all crazy about kids.
Pre-R&R Luke/Lorelai moment? Man, Idk.
Show opener (The short bit before the theme song)? When they eat Rice Krispies with marshmallows in a HUUUGE bowl. I now do that.
Object of significance? The diner, if that counts.
Townie? Lane, if she counts. Otherwise, I like the troubadour(s).
Crazy thing Kirk has done? The movie where he dances is ridicc.
Outfit? I love the dresses for They Shoot Gilmores.
Fight? I love when Jess and Rory are so obviously in love with each other that they snip at each other and try to make each otherjealous with other significant others ... those fights are great.
Movie reference? Oh MAN, again, can't pick one.
Time someone asks if Luke and Lorelai are together? I like when the whole town worries about having to pick sides.
Crazy show quirk? I can't pick just a one.
Season 1
Thumbs up or down? Haven't seen it.
Does Rory look really little to you? On the DVD sets -- omg, YES!
Do bad girls paint their toenails red? I've painted mine red before ...
Did you love or hate Max's proposal? Love ... I guess. But I'm not that big of a Max fan, so that dilutes it.
Season 2
Favorite episode? Again, haven't seen it. (I know -- deprived.)
Dean or Jess? JESS.
Tristan: annoying or refreshing? Annoying.
Did you start hating Christopher after "I Can't Get Started"? I can't ever really hate Christopher ... I just think he has a HUGE problem getting his shit together.
Season 3
Favorite episode? Aw, my first GG season.
Would you have preferred the dance marathon if Luke went with Lorelai? Nahh ... that episode is my fave, so I love how everything went together in it. I love when he fixes her shoe. =)
Did you like the flashbacks in "Dear Emily and Richard" or not? Nah .. that annoyed me a little.
Were you sad when Jess left? OMG yes. It was like a little part of me went with him.
Be honest: Did Rory's graduation speech make you cry? Yes, but I think mostly it was seeing Lorelai cry that did it.
Season 4
Did you love or hate that Rory was at college now? Umm, it was an interesting change of pace. I missed Jess, though.
Luke and Lorelai: "Finally" or "Oh please, no!" Finally.
Season 5
Favorite part of "You Jump, I Jump, Jack"? How cute Logan is in the whole thing. Or the whole no-E's game. That's fantastically ridiculous.
Logan: Good or bad? Good ... but not as good as Jess.
Were upset when Rory dropped out of Yale? Yes, but at the same time, I totally saw why she thought she had to do it. I mean, as a former valedictorian and having some really shit times at university -- I can feel it.
Lorelai's proposal: Love it or hate it? Love it. But that's because I love Lorelai/Luke together.
Season 6
Is it still Gilmore Girls when Lorelai and Rory aren't speaking? Not really. It makes me sad.
Did you love or hate that Jess was the one that got Rory back on track? Loved. Showed he had his shit together, and that paved the way so that now they can be together forever.
Season 7
Favorite episode? I've only seen the finale.
Did you want Luke and Lorelai to elope? Sure, whatever. Just get marrie.d Ha.
Is Lorelai still in love with Luke? Does she even love Chris at all? Yes, she loves Luke. For always. =)
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Sex and The City

Take this survey
Are you glad that Carrie and Big ended up together? I guess yeah. In the end.
Who is your favourite of the 4 girls? I really don't know ... I love Carrie...
Who is your favourite secondary character? and Charlotte probably the most.
Are you happy that Miranda ended up with Steve? YES. Omg, I lvoe them together. Not that Blair Underwood isn't a total hottie ... but Miranda and Steve forever.
What is your favourite Sex and the City moment? I loved all the Aidan moments. Even the heartbreaking ones, like outside the fountain in the white dress ... oh lord.
Which of Carrie's boyfriends was your favourite? AIDAN. Easily.
Did you watch the finale the night it first aired? No, I wasn't even in my SATC knowledge/phase yet.
If so, did you cry? -- (Did when I eventually watched it, though).
Which season was your favourite? Probably three.
How did you feel about them giving Samantha cancer? Interesting storyline, I suppose. Good to give her something to deal with.
Did you watch the show from the very beginning or did you join later? Later.
Which of the girls apartments did you like the most? Carrie's.
Which girl is most like you? or which do you identity with the most? You know, I've thought about this often, and I really don't know. I think I'm a mix of all of them -- as we all are.
Were you a fan of Sarah Jessica Parkers before watching SATC? Not particularly.
Were you glad that they gave Miranda a baby? Yes ... make her cope with that other part of herself she doesn't think she has. And Brady is adorable.
Do you ever talk about the characters like they are real people? Sooometimes...ha.
Are you obessed with SATC or you just like it? Pretty obsessed at times.
Which girl do you think changed the most throughout the series? Charlotte, actually.
Would the show have been the same if it weren't in NYC? Nooo. The city is so the fifth character of the show.
Did you love Aidan? Oh, I loved Aidan ridiculously. Carrie's not right for him, but he's soooo right in general.
How did you feel about The Russian? You know, actually, I'm really into Mikhail/Aleksander as well ... that first epsiode with him (black cherries) is sooo hot. But then they had to go and make him abusive so people would be forced to fall out of love with him.
Were you pleased with the ending? It was good, sure.
Did you want them to end the show or did you want more? MORE. But it's okay.
Do you want them to make a SATC movie? I don't know ... mixed opinions. Part of me thinks it should stay as is.
Do you own the series on VHS or DVD? DVD ... seasons 3, 4.
One final thought about the show: LOVE IT.
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If you were wondering

Take this survey
Do you get distracted easily? Lately, yeah. I can't sit for over an hour of class and not get incredibly bored.
When is your next vacation and where? Back home for Columbus Day, hopefully.
Do you ride roller coasters? Yeah.
Who was the last person you yelled at? Someone at home. I don't really yell here.
Are you wearing a necklace? Yeah, I always wear this one.
What family member do you look like? People think I look exactly like my mother and exactly like my father, which obviously is not possible, but I can see it both ways.
Do you take any daily vitamins or pills? Yep, Flintstones vitamins with iron. Ha. Being anemic was no fun.
Where does your grandma live? In our house at home.
Are you friends with your neighbors? Not really. I don't do neighbors.
Where have you lived throughout your life? Briefly Florida, various places in Ohio, now NYC.
Do you have a routine before going to bed? Yeah, of course. I live off routines mostly.
Have you ever tee-peed someone's house? Ha no.
Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend? No.
When was the last time you drove more than 30 minutes? Probably to somewhere on Campus or Easton or whatever.
Do you have any enemies? Not really...at least not to my knowledge, ha.
What is your usual breakfast? Coffee. Sometimes cereal.
What are you doing tonight? Nothing. It was Kings yesterday, hooka the night before, so today is my chill night.
Would you date the person who posted this? --
What's for dinner? It was salad and gelato.
Anyone close to you ever died? Yeah.
Who's always there for you unconditionally? Friends, family.
Are you ashamed of your past? No.
When was the last time you saw your best friend? Too long ago.
Do you use lyrics to express how you feel? Sometimes. But usually that's a little pretentious for me.
When was the last time you cried? I don't remember. Oh wait, today. HA. It was over a TV show (watched online), though, so don't get all excited about a story.
Do you swear often? Hmm ... maybe.
Who is the last person you had a sleepover with? Hillary, after the HR.
Do you like messages or comments better? Comments.
Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed? Ha, no. I actually never really talked to him. Just that once.
What is the last thing you ate? Gelato.
Last doctors appointment or hospitol visit? Dentist in mid August.
Do you know anyone in the military? Yeah.
Is there anything silver near you? My laptop...
Where was your default picture taken? My room.
What do you like on your pizza? Cheese. Sometimes extra cheese.
What bill do yo dread paying? I don't pay bills (yeah, I'm spoiled ... sorry). But I dread paying for things in general.
Did you ever go through an awkward stage? Ha, of course.
Have you had braces? Yep.
Do you have a green thumb? Not really.
Ever tied a ribbon on your finger to remember something? No. Post its are better.
Last video game you played? Ha, probably HP from last year.
Do you want another pet? Sure. I love pets. But I almost cried today about missing my dogs when the video of a dog coming over and licking the screen came up. That's sad.
Whats so great about 80s kids? Uh, we're obviously the coolest.
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