maybe, hey i don't need saving after all
Ask Me This Survey

Answers the questions below
1. When you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, what's the first thing you say? Yep, I look tired.
2. How much cash do you have on you? Like, $100.
3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? Best! Ha.
4. Favorite planet? Saturn. Something about those rings.
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? Luckily it's within reach or I would not have made the effort ...Home, but that was just the fake number I used to have Optimus Prime call me ... so Nalleli, really.
6. What is your main ring tone on your phone? "Ladies Choice" by Zac Efron. Oh yes, I am that sweet.
7. What shirt are you wearing? My black CAS one. Free shirts are the best.
8. Do you "label" yourself? Only when necessary.
9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing? My feet.
10. Bright or Dark Room? Dark.
11. What were you doing at midnight last night? I think I was doing these, too. Maybe watching The Office already and considering sleep.
12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? "still a nigger", courtesy of Wes. He's a meanie.
13. What's a saying that you say a lot? "Deal with it."
14. Who told you they loved you last? Hillary.
15. Last furry thing you touched? Aw. =( Probably Hugh or my fake cat.
16. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days? Zero. I'm living boring lately.
17. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? None ... I don't do rolls.
18. Favorite age you have been so far? I remember really liking 17.
19. Your worst enemy? Probably myself, lord knows.
20. What is your current desktop picture? Milo. The boy is hot.
21. What was the last thing you said to someone? "Okay." Iiiinteresting.
22. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret? Money. Changing major regrets would change the present. At least the money could change the future in a way I could control.
23. Do you like someone? In little ways.
24. The last song you listened to? Listening to "Can't Break Her Fall" by Mat Kearney. Last finished "Where Is My Love" by Cat Power. Not as depressed as these choices make me sound ...
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time started 10:58 pm.
full name Jessica.
nickname(s) Obvious ones.
birthday 7.15.
where were you born Florida.
zodiac sign Cancer.
height Short.
weight I honestly don't know.
hair color Blonde.
eye color Green.
shoe size 8.5.
ring size Don't know.
skin type ?
blood type Hmm, it's something like A positive.
grade Past things we called "grades."
GPA Ha, as if I'm sharing.
siblings One sister.
tattoos None ... at least for now.
piercings Six, in ears.
hobbies Lots and yet nothing.
color Cerulean.
food Mashed potatoes.
candy Mr. Goodbar, gummies.
type of cheese Lately I'm really into Irish Cheddar and Fontina. But I love Swiss -- only in slices with holes!
pizza topping Just cheese.
salad dressing Honey mustard. Or poppyseed.
sandwich A veggie burger if I can get it.
cereal Life Vanilla Oat Crunch. or Crunch Berries.
fruit Bananas, I think.
vegetable Cucumbers. or peas.
berry Hmm ... raspberry.
cake Vanilla with chocolate icing.
book The Alchemist.
movie Casablanca.
magazine Blender.
newspaper NYTimes.
tv show The Office. or Pushing Daisies.
website fourfour or I Can Has Cheezburger.
radio station WNCI at home.
font I go through font phases.
cartoon character eh.
artist Renoir. Van Gogh.
actor Johnny Depp. Dustin Hoffman. Ryan Gosling. Jimmy Stewart.
actress Reese Witherspoon. Katharine Hepburn. Natalie Portman. Scarlett Johannsen.
cd Grace, Jeff Buckley. Continuum, John Mayer. At The Point, Matt Nathanson. White Album, The Beatles.
song I don't know if I can pick one, kids. If I love anything consistently and incredibly and irreversibly, it is songs.
music group Beatles, in the end.
music type I'm a sucker for a good pop song. But I think pretty much I go from pop-rock-folk-r&b-rap-classical-alternative. Those are my basic genres, I think. As long as oldies don't count as a separate one, because if they do ... add that on in.
day of the week Tuesday for craziness. Friday or Saturday otherwise.
month June or December.
season I'm in transit with this lately ... I've thought summer as of late.
holiday Christmas.
shampoo The one I'm using ... Biolage or something.
conditioner Nexxus.
number 4.
phrase "...,kids."
have you ever
the last
at this moment
do you believe in
one or the other
first thing you think of when you hear
are you
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store Something nerdy like the Scholastic store or Barnes and Noble or the Book Loft. Otherwise -- Target.
weather Sunny with a little breeze.
restaurant Most of my favorites I haven't been to in awhile, so I guess I'm in a 'go to new places' phase.
channel I'm all over the place on TV.
teacher I've been lucky to have quite a few cool ones.
weekend activity Chilling. or planning way too much and bopping around to get it all done. -- that refers to fun things, ps.
hangout Coffee houses.
house color Something kind of neutral ... which is boring, but whatever. It has to go with my (requisitely) red door, so yeah.
sport to watch Football.
sport to play Volleyball. or Soccer.
animal Otters. In a generic way, tigers, elephants, horses, and dogs.
flower Lillies. Tulips. Roses.
guy's name Patrick, if it didn't come with that whole "Pat" nickname. No thank you. But I really like a lot of guys' names, so that's just one that came up randomly.
girl's name It depends on the situation. I don't know if I have a favorite in a "general' sense.
board game Sorry! Old schoool.
party game Twister.
story from childhood My dad + ice + BK.
body part I like hands.
have you ever
been on a train Yeah. Not for huge distances, though, just in a public transit sort of way.
been on a plane Yes, often.
been in a car accident Yes. Boo.
run into a wall Ha, I don't think so, but who knows.
burned a potato chip Yes, while cooking them home-style.
almost burned the house down Nah.
smoked Yes.
been drunk Yes.
been high No.
broken the law Yes, of course. There are way too many laws to have never broken any of them.
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes) Ha, woooow kids. Judgmental. (Yes.)
kissed someone of the opposite sex Yes.
kissed someone of the same sex Yes.
frenched an animal Not really ... I mean, tongues (theirs) get in mouths (mine), but that's not really the same thing.
made out Yes. Lovely thing, this making out.
had cyber sex Back before we knew about the dangers of chat rooms, ha. Though I never ran into the whole 'come meet me' scariness.
gotten engaged No. Woo buddy.
had an online relationship No.
been rejected by a crush Yeeeeah. Fun stuff.
loved Yeah.
made yourself cry to get out of trouble Ha, probably.
cried in public Yeah. Uncomfortable.
cried over a movie Yes.
fallen asleep in a movie theater Yeah, briefly.
given someone a bath Yeah, like dogs and small children.
been to a boarding school No.
been home-schooled No.
lost a valuable item YES. Thankfully they've had a habit of coming back to me.
bungee jumped Nope.
skied No. (Ps, I read that as sky - ed.)
met the president Not unless Obama becomes it.
met a celebrity Yeah. That happens in NY.
gotten a cavity Yeah. Boo.
shopped at abercrombie & fitch Yeah, back in like, 9th grade when it was cooool.
made a prank call Yeah, back in 8th grade when it was cooool. HA. This is derisive to my former self, and I don't care.
skipped school Yeah.
faked sick to get out of school Hmm ... I don't think so, actually. How noble of me.
purchased something that you knew didn't fit Yeah. I try not to do that now though. Shitty.
climbed a tree Yeah, but not for a long while.
fallen from a tree Yeah, suckage.
broken a bone Yeah, arm. Boy that was a fun summer.
sprained anything Probably.
passed out Hmm ... no, I don't think. But came close.
made yourself pass out No.
been to disney world Yep, once.
been to a theme park (not disney) Yeah.
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative) Yes, to friends.
made a model volcano (working model) YES. Elementary school was sweet.
made a clover leaf with your tounge No. =(
what did you do yesterday Filled out the first part of this, ha. School basically.
memory you miss the most I don't know. I'm trying to live in the present and maybe the future...but definitely not the past if possible.
memory you want to forget Sophomore year. Ha. (Wow, I just realized my college years are corresponding with my hs years...this is strange.)
something you regretted after it was done Sophomore year again. Yeeeeah.
the last
song you heard "O. Lover" by Jason Mraz ... which I hadn't listened to since 7/14 this year at 1:58 am ... what was I doing??
cd you bought Across the Universe soundtrack.
thing you said "On both tickets."
time you cried Past Friday, during/after "Bulletproof Weeks." Transformational.
movie seen in a theater Across the Universe.
thing you ate Chips. But they were kind of ew-y. Not what I wanted.
person who called I missed Nalleli's call, but as for actual connections -- Zach, last night.
nail polish shade worn The 'licious dark red/purple color on my toenails right now.
time you showered Yesterday. I know man. I'm careening toward one now, no worries.
person who complimented you I don't know man, there's been a lot of calling-me-slutty in the room lately. All (mostly) in jest of course, but nonetheless.
at this moment
what are you listening to "Bright Nights" by Koop.
what are you wearing Hot jeans (really, when did these start looking so sweet on me?), tank top, sweater. Oh and underwear and bra.
what are you thinking That I should buy a new bra ... Primed, for sure.
what are you scared of most Failure.
how many people are on your buddy list WOW. 200 even. It's official, I can't make any more friends. Without deleting, and lord knows I don't do that (so when you go on that old screenname you have from 8th grade in order to spy on people ... I still see that activity =) ... yeeeah).
occupation Psychologist?
marriage site I don't know. Somewhere pretty. It will definitely have to be scouted.
honeymoon Ditto.
place to live Man, ditto. I don't even know anymore.
kids One? Two? Eight?
car Corvette if someone loves me.
what are you doing tomorrow Class, watching my leftover Wednesday shows that I fucking LOVE.
do you think george bush will be reelected He already was. =(
will there be a wwIII Probably, unfortch.
will politics ever be truthful Nah. At least not entirely.
will humanity snuff itself out It could be.
can the gov. be changed Yeah, I think so. At least, I have to think so in order to keep trying.
best friend Oh, I hate these sections.
the one you have but don't want Aw man! That is killer. Imagine getting called out on a *survey* .. it's like, well F you! I didn't want to be your friend anyway. Boo hiss.
do you believe in
heaven I don't know man. Still sorting all this stuff out, but I'd like to think so.
hell Not really. I think non-existence is a worse option.
angels Yeah.
devil Probably not. A force of evil, sure.
god Yes.
buddha I don't really know enough about Buddha to make a judgment of belief.
aliens Ehh ... probably, at least in the form of some sort of 'other life'.
ghosts Yeah.
spirit (soul) Yes, definitely.
soulmates Hmm ... maybe. The optimist/dreamer/romantic/idealist in me would definitely like to.
reincarnation Definitely an interesting idea.
love at first sight Sort of, but it's a long story.
karma Yeah.
love in general Yes.
luck Yes. (I am Irish, after all.)
yourself Ooh, that's cheesy.
who and when was your first crush Devin, in Kindergarten. Starting early, kids.
any now Ehhh. Just my tiny ones of every day ... like the cute unknown-accent boy this morning with killer blue eyes and shaggy hair who told me all about the festival today. =) He was seriously cute.
a celebrity crush Currently, Mr. Nathanson. But that's in such a non-usual-crush way that it's strange. I think he's just my musical compatible love or something. Anyway ... back to celebrity crushes ... lately, Lee Pace (the piemaker!) and Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli!). [TV is my entertainment.]
who do you want to be with right now My animals.
whos number do you want Matt's. I will not even lie there. I think we are kindred spirits. I'd like to chat with him. ...Or the boy from this morning, at least for you know .. a week or three.
who do you want to kiss See aboves.
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex General lack of getting subtlety. When I say something, there are backstories! Come on!
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be Someone interesting, cute, and sweet.
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you Hmm ... eight.
first thing noticed about the opposite sex Hair, definitely. Proved by several examples/situations.
what do you look for personality-wise Intelligence, kindness, humor are kind of the big three.
biggest turn on Good hair. Loving animals. Huge music knowledge. Giving me your jacket when I'm cold.
biggest turn off Hygiene problems. Meanness. Douche-y-ness.
something thay weat that turns you on Weat? Okay, that's a little douche-y of myself ... I like argyle. And cute oxford shirts. And good sunglasses.
something they wear that turns you off Weird sandals. Too-low jeans. Lots of jewelry. Popped collars.
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you Oh, I don't know. Let's leave that up to the universe to decide.
the most romantic thing that has happened to you Little gestures are the best.
what do you wear on a coffee date Nice jeans (probably dark), a tank top, and a sweater. And either flats or boots. It can transition ... go casual or dressed up ... can look like I came from class, can look like I tried. Very versatile, yet still cute. (Yes, things get thought out this much.)
is it right to flirt if you're taken Flirting is okay, at least to a certain point, because seriously, flirting is fun, and it's not like being 'taken' turns anything in your head off. But there are of course lines.
is cyber cheating Eh.
are eyes the passegeway to the soul Sometimes, yeah.
who would you like to take to the prom I am no longer in the days of proms.
do you want to hug somebody right now Sure. Hugs are good.
do you know what an aphrodisiac is Yep.
mellow The Ray LaMontagne song I'm listening to right now.
melancholy It's sad, but it's like ... artistically, heightened in a way ... sort of sparingly consistent and pervasive ... sad. If that makes any sense.
the perfect date Oh, I don't know. Perfection is a crazy word.
the perfect mate Ditto.
how m&m's are made The chocolate is shaped, then encased, then the m's are imprinted? That seems logical...
why manhole covers are round So they fit at all angles...
one or the other
coke/pepsi Coke, but neither.
sprite/7-up Sprite, but neither.
boxers/briefs Boxers. (but neither .. ha! jk)
gold/silver Silver.
vanilla/chocolate Vanilla.
flowers/candy Flowers.
book/magazine Book.
tv/radio TV.
glass half empty/half full Half empty.
democrat/republican Democrat.
colored pencils/markers Colored pencils.
coffee/tea Coffee.
sun/moon Moon.
day/night Night.
hot/cold Cold.
dog/cat Dog.
button/zipper Button.
cotton/feather pillow Cotton.
blue/purple Purple.
plumber/trashman Plumber.
jeans/shorts Jeans.
long distance relationship/none LDR.
mechanical/regular pencil Mechanical.
matt/ben Matt. (Is this referring to something I don't get?)
that 70's show/simpsons Simpsons.
kelso/eric Eric.
donna/jackie Jackie.
bart/lisa Lisa.
romeo/juliet Juliet.
romantic comedy/thriller Rom com.
nsync/bsb Nsync.
peanut butter/jelly PB.
waffles/pancakes Waffles.
letter/email Email.
florida/california Florida.
pizza/burgers Pizza.
hat/visor Hat. (Visors = ew.)
football/rugby Football.
iceskating/blading Iceskating.
movie at home/in theater Theater.
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow Mellow.
red lipstick Hot.
socks Clean.
cowtipping Mud.
moulin rouge Red.
greenland Icy.
iceland Green...y.
harry potter Magic!
red Anger.
blackberry Phone.
rose Red.
rooster Cock a doodle doo.
taxes Money.
bill clinton Impeached.
whipped cream That pile it makes with a curly part on top...'twas visual this time.
george w. bush No thanks.
dreams ...and things. Is that from a song?
love Heart.
guys Hey.
south park Cartman.
boy bands Nsync.
pengiuns Flying. (I know.)
girls Pink. (Ooo, gender stereotypes/roles...woo buddy.)
thong Thin.
death Scythe. (Strange word there.)
spoons Forks.
junk mail Suck it.
dairy Queen!
panties Sale...
your father Your mom!
pizza Cheesy.
britney spears Trainwreck.
vitamin C.
are you
happy Sure, whatever. My room is sucking me into the pit of despair when I have nothing to be (?) about, so fuck that. I should be happy. I'm working on it.
sad Nah.
religious No, certainly. (Be careful what religion means, kids.)
bitchy Ehh ... yeah, probably. At least in private and with friends, ha.
crazy Yeah, probably more than a little.
messy I can be. ...I need to clean my desk. But seriously, a lower level of mess kills me now than used to, so consider that a win.
mad Just a teensy bit. I'm like ... energize-ed-ly annoyed. Hmm ... that is quite a phrase.
slacker Not really, but sometimes, yeah, quite a bit. Contradictions!
nerd With some things, sure.
bookworm Only when I have time, aka never. =(
jock Ha, no.
preppy No.
selfish Yeah. But you all are, don't even lie.
giving At least a little.
obsessive Oh man, if I had to pick one of these ... obsessive. Yeah. I'm that. ...kind of a lot.
violent Nah.
calm Mostly, yeah.
peaceful Hmm ... when at my best.
mellow Pretty much.
eccentric Not really.
caring Yeah. (Most of these questions sound conceited to answer, though ... just letting you know I'm aware.)
untrustworthy No, I'm actually pretty trustworthy.
loyal Yeah.
patriotic Ehh.
perverted Ha, sometimes my mind can be quite gutter-riffic, but in general, no.
colorful Colorful? I've only ever heard that used derogatively ... so um ... I don't know?
artistic At times. I reeeeeally want a guitar.
what color is your jacket Black. But I want to buy a new one this weekend .... maybe tan. or something.
do you shave Yes...? That's a weird answer. Does anyone really answer no? Well, that's judgmental of me, I guess. Evs.
where Ha, there it comes. I knew there was something strange about that.
what color is your razor ...Purple, I think.
what size is your bed Twin XL. 'Cause I'm so tall. But trust me, it sleeps two people. Two very close people, but nonetheless.
what color crayon would you be Cerulean.
what are the last four digits of you phone number 0321. This basically makes me the coolest kid ever, I know.
feelings on abortion Pro-choice.
how lond does it take you to shower Depends ... 7 - 30 minutes. Usually hovers around 10-15.
what does your screenname mean Nothing really. It's courtesy of AOL when I was 8.
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general Whatever.
who so you trust the most The typos are getting annoying.
is cussing a necessity in life I don't think outlawing words is a necessity, so sure.
how about coffee I love coffee.
is the world screwed Didn't we ask variants of this earlier?
what something you cant live without Water. Literally. Otherwise, music.
what time did you fall asleep Last night? Like, 1:30.
know what 69 means Yes.
how about 143 I think.
can you live without a microwave Yeah, but I'd rather not.
what do think about death That it's unfortunate but inevitable?
where and when do you want to be married I don't know, and I'm pretty sure this has sort of been asked. As for when ... not now, how about that.
do you want to drop out of school No. I did last year, but ... well, that was an unfortunate year, so...yeah.
why is the sky blue Because it reflects that way.
what is a good trait about yourself Emotional. (Yes, I think that's a good trait. I'm listening to "Gravity" right now, so you'll really have to excuse anything that gets through. This is the song that came on the TV for like, uh, two seconds, and apparently affected me to a degree where my Dad asked me what was wrong and said I was obivously having an emotional moment. Um, yeah. That kind of sucked. So anyway. This song. Dangerous. Whatever. Long answer. Tangential.)
what do you always think about Lots of things. My mind is always going.
what is wrong with your school I could list a lot of things, but whatever. My least favorite is that it's crazy expensive, but we wouldn't have what we have without that, so yeah.
what is right with your school Its location.
how do you react to change Sometimes winningly, sometimes violently and frustratingly. Usually not well.
do you talk to yourself Occasionally, but not in the have-a-conversation-with-yourself sort of way.
what is your opinion on love I really do think we've asked this before.
can you afford to lose weight Sure.
what color would you dye your hair I like it how it is.
best thing anyones told you I don't know, I don't rank everything anyone's ever told me.
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot Um, thanks.
does being psycho appeal to you Sometimes. Crazy (can) = hot.
if you wrote a book, what would it be about Myself, I guess. I wouldn't want to claim expertise on anything else.
what would you change your name to I like it how it is.
longest crush lasted how long Oh shit, man, I've had a few marathon-worthy ones that are like ... yeeeears. Like ... six years, five years, four years ... the such. Ew, I kind of don't like that, seeing it written out. Seems like a lot of time wasted. But I guess they just sort of became backgrounds at times.
time finished 9:35 pm ... the next day. Ha. I (obviously) did this in sessions.
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