Jessica Does Surveys

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Random. And I'm Tired.


Created by jess and taken 2411 times on bzoink!

What time do you get up?on the weekends, around noon. weekdays, around 6:30 lately.
How do you get to school?I drive myself. Luckily.
If you knew you were dying tomorrow, who would you say your goodbyes to 1stMy dad.
Easiest class?Econ.
What month is your birthday?July.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?In kindergarten.
How old were you when you started high school?14?
Are you hooked on the internet?Yes.
Do you like going to school?Eh. It's good at times, but pretty dern sucky at others.
Are you a morning person?No.
When's the last time you had a b/f or g/f?Heh. A year ago. I was severely misleaded and have spent the past year making sure I don't make the same mistake again (aka: being single and trusting no one).
Do you play any instruments?yes.
If so, what?Clarinet. and I can pluck out notes on piano. and I'm trying to learn oboe. and flute, I guess. and I can sing a little.
What's your favorite season?Fall, I think.
What's the name of your best friend?Tricia.
Rather be too hot or too cold?Too cold. Too hot is just undeniably uncomfortable. At least cold can be solved with blankets or cuddling.
Cats or dogs?Dogs.
How many blankets do you sleep with?One blanket, one sheet.
What are your parents' names?Betty & Dennis/Mark.
Do you have a crush?Darn it all, yes.
How long have you had a crush on this person?Off and on for quite awhile (multiple years, shall we say).
Do you practice a religion?Sort of.
If you saw Brittney Spears somewhere, what would you do?I'd say, "Huh. Britney Spears." And then go on with my day.
If you saw Pres. Bush somewhere, what would you do?I'd say, "Huh. What a douche." And then be pissed off.
Do you have a secret you've never told anyone?I don't know. Probably somewhere along the way.
Do you have a secret you've only told one or two people?Yeah.
Who do you trust to keep your most important secrets?My mom ... Tricia ... myself.
Do you tell your parents everything?No.
Do you think your parents are nice people at heart?Eh, probably.
Do you have a relative that you really do not get along with?Yes. Many. I've recently decided to stop acting like I like them and instead I just ignore them. I'm a much happier person. Really.

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Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 48868 times on bzoink!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::Jessica.
Birthplace ::Marco Island.
Age ::17.
Age you act ::17.
Current location ::Columbus, OH.
Eye color ::Green.
Hair color ::Blonde.
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::Righty.
Zodiac sign? ::Cancer.
Height? ::5'3".
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::Irish. *Very.*
Your hair ::Blonde. Straight. Long.
Your fears ::Spiders. Snakes. Being wrong. Being a disappointment. Losing those I love.
Your perfect room ::Comfortable, large, has a skylight, TV, phone, CD player, multiple organization systems that actually work, big bed with lots of comforters and pillows, a nook for reading ...
What you practically do in a day ::Get up, get ready, school, come home, watch Oprah/Jeopardy/various prime time shows, do homework, go to bed.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::Lord. Discernible. Wonderfully/terrifically.
Phrases you overuse ::Oh Lord. Geeze.
Your first thought when you wake up ::Can't I *just* go back to sleep?
Your greatest accomplishment ::I don't know. Sad, huh?
Something you want to do ::Be successful, rich, *and* happy in a career.
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::Coke. Even though I don't drink pop anymore.
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::BK. Don't eat McDonalds.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::Britney. Just 'cuz.
Chocolate or vanilla ::Vanilla. Not that big of a chocolate fan.
Adidas or Nike ::Nike. Seems more sport, less style.
Black or white ::Black. Matches everything, doesn't stain.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::Bills. Coins don't count as real money in my head.
Burgers or hot dogs ::Burgers. Don't eat hot dogs.
Egypt or France ::France.
Rock or rap ::Rock.
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::Nope.
Cuss ::Occasionally. I have an unfortunate liking for the f* word at times.
Sing well ::I think so.
Sing in the shower ::Yep.
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::Kind of. Like, in my head.
Believe in yourself ::Eh.
Like taking these longass surveys? ::They keep me up at 1:35 am so I don't have to go to bed and get sleep and ... wait, no. No, I don't.
Play an instrument ::Yes. Clarinet.
Want to go to college? ::Yes. Went to a college open house today.
Want to get married? ::Sure. Not against it.
Want to have children? ::Eh, maybe. Not a lot, though.
Think you're a health freak? ::No.
Get along with your parents ::Most of the time.
Get along with your siblings? ::Eh.
Think you're popular ::No. I'm not that dumb.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::Past month? No.
Drank alchohal ::Yes. Wine last week with dinner.
Smoke ::No.
Get high ::No.
Done any drugs ::No.
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::First of all (and we've been over this), not a box. A package. And no.
Been on stage ::Yep. To congratulate the actors on their fall-play accomplishments.
Gone skinny dipping ::No.
Been dumped ::No.
Dyed your hair ::No.
Stolen anything ::No.
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::Damn the friend section.
Loudest ::I don't like loud people that much.
Most shy ::This one neither.
Blondest ::Literally, myself.
Smartest ::Eh.
Kindest ::Eh.
Best personality ::Whatever.
Most talented ::Aren't I done yet?
Best singer ::Hmm. I don't know that many good singers, really. Not anymore.
Most ghetto ::Lol, you'd think that one'd be easy.
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::Wha?
Pain in the ass ::This section, right now, mi amigo.
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::What the f?
Funniest ::Gah.
Best person for advice ::Tricia. or my Mom. or my Dad.
Dependable ::Everyone has their undependable days.
Trustworthy ::Same as above.
Druggie ::I didn't know until this year that a lot of the people I know are serious druggies. Hmm.
Most likely to end up in jail ::Heh.
Person you've known the longest ::Hans. Since 4th grade. Same classes since 4th grade. Crazy, huh?
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::Actually, it had to do with Hans. He was putting on this huge production ... I was playing in the orchestra ... and he ended up singing Josh Groban's Mi Manquera out of nowhe
Last nightmare ::(cont.) re. It was beautiful. And then he came up wih some girl who was like, "I'm never letting this one go!" It was weird. (end) All my dreams have been strange lately.
Car ride ::(Cont.) Not quite so much nightmares as just weird. (end) To home from Capital today around 2 or 3-ish.
Last time you cried ::The other morning (Friday, I think) watching Martina McBride's video for Independence Day.
Last movie seen ::In theaters? Napoleon Dynamite. Yesssss.
Last movie rented ::Oh, been too long to remember.
Last book read ::Last book finished? A View from the Bridge, even though that's a play. Last *novel* was like ... Tender is the Night back in early September. Gosh.
Last word said ::"Okay," responding to my sister's, "Hey, turn off the TV too."
Last curse word said ::Probably fuck. It's my resident one.
Last time you laugh ::Probably at my dad singing Whitesnake's, "Here I Go Again" in a different tempo. But on the radio.
Last phone call ::Mom called me from downstairs (I was upstairs in my room) to ask if I wanted her to make nachos. Naturally, I said yes.
Last CD played ::A burnt (burned?) CD with Gavin Degraw, Alanis Morrisette, Twista, Nickelback, Nelly, Switchfoot, Steve Miller Band, Joss Stone, Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, etc.
Last song you listened to ::some weird song on the radio talking about "when grooving was grooving" or something like that. Never heard it before.
Last annoyance ::The fact that I'm tired, yet won't go to bed.
Last IM ::From Noah talking about how he likes to have sex. And that I couldn't possibly be too tired to come have sex.
Last weird encounter ::The above.
Last person you hugged ::Well, thinking back, it wasn't today ... Probably wasn't Friday ... Probably all the way back to Emily after the Honor Band concert.
Last person you yelled at ::Mom this morning was being irrational about us not being "on time" or something ... and something else ... oh, and tonight for not answering the phone fast enough. Yeah, prob
Last time you wore a skirt ::(cont.)ably that. (end) Oh, a long while ago.
Last time you've been evil ::Friday when I was having all those condescending thoughts. And hating someone for being prettier than I am. Geeze.
Sarcastic? ::Um, sometime in here, I'm damn well sure.
Last time you fought with your parents ::Dees morning.
Last time you wished upon a star ::::sigh:: It's been too long.
Played Truth or Dare ::Lol, forever ago.
Spent quality time alone ::Tonight while cleaning my room. That was quality, believe it or not.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::No. I signed off because I'm feeling increasingly more anti-AIM. It just makes real-life convos weird.
Do you feel lonely ::Yes. Terribly so at times.
Ever TP'd someone's house ::Lol, no, though I'm sure it's a pretty good time.
How about egging someone's house ::See above.
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::you can't put like and dislike right together. That doesn't make it confusing; that just makes it wrong.
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::No. Don't see it for either of 'em. Sorry.
Yo Momma ::Your's too.
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::Lol, no. Thankfully, I suppose.
What do you think of George Bush? ::I think he's a douche.
Any secret fetishes? ::No.
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::No.
How many languages do you speak? ::Dos. Wait, deux. I don't really know how to spell Spanish ...
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::Kinda. I think I'm actually gonna go to bed. It feels like there are strange calluses forming on them ...
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::Well, I'm glad I'm going to bed, yes. But that the survey is over? Nah, it wasn't horrible.

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