Jessica Does Surveys

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I'm finally breaking down and doing one of these.

His Look:
Name::Taylor. or Andrew. Those are both hot names.
Hair Colour::Brown -- dark brown.
Hair Style (long, short, bowl cut, cornrows, etc) ::Medium/long and curly or wavy.
Eye colour::Green.
Age::17 or 18.
Body build::Lanky.
Ethnicity::Caucasian. With Irish, some Latin American, and some Welsh blood.
Chest hair?:No.
big ol booty? or no?:No.
His Mind
in school?:Yes.
what does he want be/do when he grows up?:Something ambitious. It doesn't matter to me what it is, it just matters that he is passionate about it.
Can he speak another language, if yes what?:Yes, many. French (and English, duh) most importantly.
Can he read music?:Yes.
Can he read guitar tabs?:Doesn't matter.
Can he play guitar?:Yes.
piano?:Yes. (sigh)
the drums?:No.
some other instrument?:Sure.
Can he write music?:Yes.
Will he write songs about you?:Yes.
Will he write poems about you?:No.
Will he be artistic in some way?:Yes.
Will he "blind you with science?":Lol, no.
His Style
Party hopper or stay at home?:Stay at home.
Straight A student of Drop out?:Straight A.
Does he have a best friend?:Yes.
is it you?:Aww. Yes and no.
Is he straight or bi?:Straight.
Religious? what type?:Christian (but sure as heck not crazy religious).
Virgin? till marriage or till "the rite time"?:Whichever. I don't hold hold crazy strong beliefs on this.
Should he be able to bake or cook?:Cook.
Is it okay for him to have a lot of gal pals?:No (sorry!). Some is fine, but a lot is not.
Out-going or shy?::Both.
Should he watch chick-flicks?::Yes.
Would he be a smoker?::Absolutely not.
drinking?::Yes -- in moderation.
does he play football(US)?:Nah.
does he drag race?:No.
does he have a "pimped up" ride?:No.
Can he surf?:No.
Would he have an accent?:Yes.
Anything else?:Um, no.
You and Him *last part!*
Does he kiss on the first date?::Yes.
Where does he take you?:Somewhere quiet.
Does he pay?:He tries to pay it all (in vain), but finally gives and lets me pay half, then refuses to let me tip and instead leaves a great tip.
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies?:Yes.
Would he use endearments?:Sometimes.
Would you hold hands?:Yes.
Would you ever stay the nite at his place?:If it were allowed.
Would he give you flowers/candy or a big expensive gift.:Something thoughtful. But flowers occasionally are nice.
Would he walk you to your door at the end o the nite?:Yes.
How would he propose?:Propose? Geeze, move fast, don'tcha? I don't know . . . suprisingly.
Lastly, after you meet, get hitched, etc. What do u name your kids?:I don't know . . . we'd have to discuss that.

The very detailed Perfect guy survey brought to you by BZOINK!


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