Jessica Does Surveys

Monday, August 16, 2004

And so it begins . . .

I needed a new site just for my surveys . . . Blogger is so flipping awesome that it rocks my socks off; thus, this site.

I likey. ;)

If all goes well, this'll be surveys, surveys, and nothing but surveys. Therefore -- let's get it started!

01. What grade are you entering:12th. Senior baby, yeah!
02. What time does school start this year:Well, August 30th at 8 am (no zero period this year . . . aw shucks).
03. What time does school get out:Sometime in June . . . or 3:20. No lockout, either.
04. Have you done all of your 'back to school' shopping:Um, no. I haven't done a darn thing shopping-wise. I've been busy guilt-tripping myself about AP work. Oh, and band. But no clothes.
05. Are you excited to be going back:Sort of. I like school . . . not in that "ohmigosh, give me school!" way, though . . . but I don't know if excited is the right word. Reluctantly ready, maybe.
06. What class did you miss the most:French. Oddly enough. I just miss speaking in French. (I'm a total nerd; I know.)
07. What person did you miss the most:No one that I haven't been seeing . . . well, except maybe a few, but mostly I've seen/talked to everyone.
08. Which class is your hardest this year:Probably AP Physics considering I have very little background in Physics. But, if reputation means anything, AP English is gonna be no walk in the park either.
09. Which class is your easiest:Skills . . . hands-down. I mean, it's either that or Economics and I'm slightly scared of Econ.
10. Which class is your favorite:Well, the only class I still have the same as last year is band. And that's decent, I guess, so . . . I tend to like science courses, though.
11. Which teacher is going to be your favorite:Well, I love Mr. Daniels already and he's pretty much the only teacher I have again, so . . . yeah.
12. Still riding the bus, or driving:Ha. Driving.
13. Plan on changing your 'image' this year?:No, I don't do the whole image-change thing.
14. What's your number one goal for this year:To accomplish everything I want to accomplish -- and to stop procrastinating, like always. Or to actually learn how to study. Or to just enjoy it. Pick one.
15. How long will it take for you to be sick of school again:Not very long, I'm sure.
16. Any of your friends in your lunch period?:Yeah . . . the entire band. =)
17. What 'group' do you belong to at school:Um, the awesome group? ;)
18. Happy with that? Or sad:Aww, sad to be in a group. Tear . . . I'm perfectly happy with where I am.
19. Are you trendy? Coolest kid in school. New clothes maybe:Lol, um . . . no.
20. Who are you going to try to befriend this year:Everyone! No, that's a lie. Someone, probably.
21. Still staying up until 2am and sleeping to noon?:At this point in time? Yeah.
22. What time are you going to have to wake up:Around 6. That's not too bad, really.
23. Afternoon naps, or no?:For the first couple weeks probably. After then, no time.
24. Do you plan on attending the football games?:Um, yeah. Every single flipping one. Except the one in West Virginia, but yeah. I'm in attendance. (Hi, I'm in band.)
25. Do you plan on attending the dances?:Yep. Why would I go to all the others and then skip out senior year? Oh, no . . . I'm totally there.

The Back To School Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

Age: 0-5 [Toddler]
When were you born?:July 15th, 1987.
What was your first word?:After consulting my mother (who isn't sure), I'm gonna say cat (even though I don't think that's what it was).
What was your favorite television show?:The Smurfs. They're blue! How can you resist?
What was your favorite movie?:Did I have one? I liked Disney movies . . . especially The Little Mermaid.
Do you have any siblings?:Not from 0-5 years of age.
If so, give their names and ages::Well, now I have Jenny who's 11.
Did you have any pets?:Yeah, bunches . . . 2 dogs (Chuck and Beau) and 3 cats (Abby, Smokey, Snow).
Did you have a best friend? Who?:Yeah; I remember one named Becky.
Did you have a favorite relative?:Probably.
What is the most memorable moment from these years?:I don't know if there's one in particular.
Age: 6-12 [Childhood/Preteen]
What was the name of your elementary school?:Well, I had 3. Eakin, Prarie Lincoln, and Darby Woods (primary).
Did you get a boyfriend/girlfriend during any of these years? Who?:Aww, elementary love. Yeah, two significant ones (Devin and David . . . lol all about the D's).
What was your favorite year of elementary school? Why?:Probably 5th grade. Not entirely sure why.
Who was your favorite teacher?:Mrs. Clark/Ms. Pennington/Mrs. Byers (all same person).
Who was your least favorite teacher?:I don't know if I had a least favorite. I liked pretty much all the teachers.
What was the reason for your first detention?:Well, I didn't have it 'til just this last year, but it was "excessive tardiness." (Apparently being 3 minutes late three times constitutes punishment.)
Who was your best friend during these years?:Well, Stacie was one . . . I guess Jackie/Bethany would be included. Probably Amanda, too.
What was your favorite television show?:I don't know . . . I liked a bunch. Legends of the Hidden Temple, Clarissa Explains it All, Double Dare . . . I was all about Nickelodeon.
What was your favorite movie?:Oh, Titanic. When that came out, my favorite *everything* was from that movie.
What was your favorite song?:My Heart Will Go On, I Want You Back (Nsync).
What is the most memorable moment from these years?:Well, it's probably David leaving me. I thought that was completely tragic.
Age: 13-16 [Teenager]
What high school did/are you go(ing) to?:Westland.
Who was/are your best friend(s)?:Danielle. =)
What was your favorite class?:Chemistry.
Who was/is your favorite teacher?:I have so many good ones . . . Daniels, Wenger, Chawla, Parker, Gadomski, Myers, Buckingham . . . they've all been from decent-great.
Who was/is your least favorite teacher?:From high school? Well, I don't wanna broadcast it. Student population knows which ones have been less than awesome.
Who was/is your boyfriend/girlfriend during these years?:Well, I had one, but that was just me being stupid. I'm trying to stay away from the high school relationship stuff.
What was your most prized possession? Why?:My class ring. Definitely. It basically represents everything about high school -- tribulations, good times, *everything* -- and I totally cried when I lost it for 24 hours.
Were you ever suspended or expelled? Why? [Naughty Naughty!]:Nope.
Were you still a virgin during these years?:Yep.
What was your favorite television show?:I have bunches. Friends is probably my all-time.
What was your favorite movie?:Moulin Rouge? Casablanca? Still in search of the awesomest movie ever.
What was your favorite song?:I like a lot. Crash by DMB or Hallelujah by Buckley, probably.
What is the most memorable moment from these years?:Band in general.
Age: 17-18 [Young Adult]
Still going to the aformentioned high school? If not, where?:Yeah.
Did you get into any major fights with your parents?:Yeah, every so often. Mostly regarding curfew/whether or not I can do something.
Did you ever make-up?:Yeah, it happens. Usually without talking about it, but oh well.
Who was your best friend(s)?:Same.
Did you have any pets?:Yeah, lots. 2 dogs, 20ish cats.
What was your favorite class?:Haven't had class as a 17-year old yet!
What was your least favorite class?:See above.
Who was your favorite teacher?:Yeah, sorry.
Who was your least favorite teacher?:And again.
Did you graduate? What year?:I'll graduate (unless I fail English) in 2005.
What was your favorite television show?:See previous "TV" answer.
What was your favorite movie?:See previous movie answer.
What was your favorite song?:See previous song answer.
What is the most memorable memory from these years?:Band, still.
Age: 18+ [Grown-Up]
How old are you now?:I'm still in that last category. Do 18+ year olds really fill these things out still? Yeah . . . nevermind considering I probably will, too.
Do you miss your childhood?:Kind of. I mean, simpler times and stuff, but I like where I am, too.
Do you feel old?:Sometimes . . . like when I try to share an inside joke from freshman year and no one gets it.
Do you now, now that I've asked?:Lol, no older than I already did.
Are you glad that this quiz is over? Why?:Nah, this one was pretty original.

Remembering the Good Ol' Days brought to you by BZOINK!

Pet a snake:Would -- if someone else was holding it, the head was FAR away from me, and I'd seen bunches of others do it first.
Spend a week in an empty room:Would -- Solitude is good.
Ride in a hot-air balloon:Would -- totally.
Sky dive:Would -- and want to.
Sing in front of a huge audience:Would not -- at least not solo. Not cool with that yet.
scuba dive:Would.
Sit in the front seat of a roller coaster:Did.
Deliver a baby:Would -- that'd be cool, right?
Swim across the Amazon River:Wouldn't -- something tells me those waters are infested . . . and pretty damn extensive, too.
Change careers:Would -- change can be good.
Disappear for a long period of time:Would -- I'd like the mystery. And the chance to be alone.
Walk through the forest alone at night:Wouldn't -- I'm not that dumb.
Join a space mission:Would -- I wanted to be an astronaut for awhile. Turns out you have to be 5'4". Sucks for me!
Tell everyone what you honestly think of them:Would -- it'd probably be a good thing in the end. It'd be hard as heck, though.
Call off your wedding:Would -- if it were necessary.
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during rush hour:Wouldn't -- I guess I'm just not that much of an exhibitionist.
Walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a girl:Would -- he'd just laugh at me.
Disarm a bomb:Would -- if I knew how to do it.
CLean the outside windows of a skyscraper:Would -- I don't mind cleaning windows. And heights don't bother me that much.
Draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa with a permanent marker:Wouldn't -- I have more respect for the art than that.
Go on tour with Elvis:Would -- Elvis is alive? HELLO!? That means *huge* ticket sales.
Go swimming during a thunder storm:Did. Exciting. Dangerous, but exciting.
Preform surgury on your best friend:Would -- if it were something I could help with, then I'd do it.

Measure Your Fears - Would You, Wouldn't You, You Did brought to you by BZOINK!

Choose One that would be next in the sentence "Men are . . ."
Sloppy or tidy?:Sloppy.
Loud or quiet?:Loud.
Full of good intentions or deliberately evil?:Good intentions.
Manipulative or manipulated?:Manipulated. Definitely.
Generally content with life or close to suicidal?:Generally content.
Usually well-dressed or usually suffering from a fashion faux pas?:Faux pas.
Embarassing or embarassed?:Embarassing.
Weak in their beliefs or politically strong?:Politically strong. At least ones I'll talk to. ;)
Such a tease or too easy to tease?:Too easy to tease.
Generally fun or depressingly boring?:Generally fun.
Easy-going or stubborn?:Stubborn.
Dominating conversation or tuning out conversation?:Tuning out conversation.
Lovers or fighters?:Fighters.

Men are . . . brought to you by BZOINK!

have you ever
started a small scale revolution:No.
tackled an athlete playing a game while you were a spectator:No.
been arrested, what for?:No.
used a rhyming dictionary:Yeah -- for sixth grade poetry assignments.
been suspended, what for?:No.
impersonated the pope:No.
shook hands with the devil:No. Unless you consider countless principals and teachers the devil . . .
created one of these quizes?:No.
single handedly collapsed a nations economy?:No.
tell me more about yourself
forget your name, what name do you go by:Jessica Rea.
what name do you wish you went by:I'm happy with mine.
what color do you wish your hair was:Blonde is good.
and your eyes?:Green is good, too.
what do you want to be when you grow up?:I'm not sure. If money were no question I'd be a music teacher, hands down.
who is your role model? besides me:Besides you? No one.
whats your favorite...
3 bands:Maroon 5, John Mayer, Clay Aiken.
3 song:Crash by DMB, Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley, and Somebody Told Me by the Killers (that's just a current fave).
3 movies:Casablanca, Moulin Rouge, Singing in the Rain.
3 books:The Bell Jar, The Forbidden Game, Cat's Cradle.
color:Green. or Cerulean.
day of the week:Friday.
way to say \:Slash . . . like the guitarist.
time of day:Morning (when morning is about 10 am) because of all the possibility. Or really late at night because I just like it.
time of year:Mid-June (for school reasons) or September-December (weather/holiday reasons).
would you...
become a vampire and be eternally damned:Um, would I choose that? No thanks.
make someone else one:Lol, I'd have to be one first, so see above.
would you make me one?:Narcissistic much?
do something just because you said you would:Yeah, if I promised.
go back and change time, not knowing the effect it would have:No, I'm not cool with that.
sights unseen
do you believe in god:Yes.
or fate?:Yes.
how bout satan?:Not as definitely as other things.
heaven, hell?:Yes.
if there\'s a hell are you going there?:I'd like to think not.
believe in ghosts?:Yes.
life on other planets:Yes. Maybe not life that we understand or planets we know of, but yes.
wicca?:Do I believe in wicca? That's not my deal.
magick in general:See above.
heart on your sleeve
ever been in love?:Maybe.
are you now?:Well, maybe again.
would you die for that person?:Yeah probably.
do you have a super-heroe complex?:No . . .
are you getting over it?:Much better than you are, apparently.
have you ever held your true feelings inside you?:Of course.
sucks dont it?:Completely.
are you talking to yourself zen?:What does that mean? (Which I guess means no.)
finish the following...
if love is for suckers...:Then I'm one hell of a sucker.
if there is a hell...:Then it consists of everything hateful *ever*.
if you lose everything...:You have a chance to start over.
if no one's there...:I'm happy.
more questions
how many people in your life have you hated:I'm not sure I've hated anyone. In the real sense.
and loved?:Several.
and lied to...tough question?:Yeah, tough question. It's a high number, s'all I'm saying.
say what you think when you read these words
buddha:Bald sitting chubby man with round belly!
zen:Buddha. Lol . . . can't get that one out of my head.
outcast:Hey ya.
thurpl3:Rhymes with purple?
punk:Avril, lol.
america:This is my United States of Whatevah.
hitler:Heil vs. hail.
this is the end
what will be your last words:You know what? I don't know.
quote the bible:Why exactly? (I remember having to memorize parts of The Bible for Sunday School.)
quoth the raven:Again, I ask, why? (I remember having to memorize stanzas of The Raven for English.)

the zen quiz brought to you by BZOINK!

Song that makes you happy:Run Around by Blues Traveler.
Song that makes you want to cry:Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley.
Song that makes you feel dreamy:Lover You Should Have Come Over by Jeff Buckley.
Song that makes you sleepy:Snow on the Sahara by Anguun.
Song that makes you want to dance:Slow Motion by Juvenile.
Song that makes you want to close your ears:Drive by Alan Jackson.
Song that makes you think of that special someone:She Will be Loved by Maroon 5.
Song that makes you feel relaxed:I Will Carry You by Clay Aiken.
Song that makes you feel inspired:Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson.
Song that makes you want to sing along::Somebody Told Me by The Killers. or At Last by Ella Fitzgerald.

Song That Makes You... brought to you by BZOINK!

That's enough for now. Rock it out -- surveys are awesome!


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