Jessica Does Surveys

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

It's My Day Off And I'm Doing Surveys. Wow.


Your First Name?.. Jessica

Your Middle Name?.. Nicole

Your Age?.. Sev-on-teen.

Where were you born?.. Naples, FL.

What state?.. Oops.

What time were you born?.. 1:45 pm. Still my favorite time of the day.

What school do you go to?.. Westland H.S.

Whats your screen name?.. dream5661

*How Many Days a Week do you..*

Shower?.. Five - seven.

Brush your teeth?.. Seven, hands down.

Study?.. Heh ... two?

Dance?.. At least once, just to keep my sanity. Probably around two a week. Three if it's a light week.

Go Online?.. Everyday if the computer's working. I'm semi-addicted to the computer.

Does Laundry?.. Hm..yeah, I don't do laundry. I need to learn though, considering I'll be doing my own here in less than a year.

Play the SIMS?.. Never ...

Go out to eat?.. Once a week if at all.

Watch Friends?.. Occasionally ... if I have time, maybe once if at all.

Read a Book?.. Everyday ... since I have English and a lot of books I'm trying to read on my own time.

Play some kind of Sport?.. Not much at all any more really ... there's not much opportunity for it.

*This OR That*

SpongeBob OR Patrick?.. I don't watch Spongebob. I choose Patrick because at least I can pretend it's someone I know and not someone from that *ridiculously* annoying show.

Mickey Mouse OR Minnie Mouse?.. Minnie. Girl's girl.

Florida OR California?.. Florida! Totally.

Monkeys OR Leopards?..Leopards ... sleeker.

Football OR Basbeball?.. Football. I just like it.

Black & White OR Color?.. Black and white ... more ... classic. Plus, I photograph better in it. I <3 B&W photos.

Xanga OR AOL Journal?.. Xanga, baby. I'm addicted.

Surveys OR Quizzes?.. Surveys. Provide your own answers and take the questions where you want.

Duck Duck OR Goose?.. Duck duck. I hate that game and I used to *pray* that people wouldn't pick me as Goose.

Christmas OR Halloween?.. Christmas. Obviously better.

North America OR South America?.. North America. Dunno why. I like north ...?

Regular Computer OR Laptop?.. Regular. I like the large keyboard, large monitor, non-connected-ness of the two.

Cellphone OR Regular Phone?.. Cellphone. Regular phones are just blah.

Single OR Taken?.. Well, it depends. I like single because it can be a lot of fun, but the occasional loneliness is a killer. The taken can get annoying, though it is quite fun when it's going right. I pick single because there's less potential for problems, and at least you can connect with yourself and continue to be the person -- with the necessary outlets -- that you are.

Bush OR Kerry?.. Kerry. Duh, flipping duh.

Singing OR Dancing?.. Singing is really fun, but dancing is really fun, too ... I like both. I can't pick!!!

PS2 OR X-Box?.. I don't have either ...


Colors?.. Cerulean. *nostalgia*

Number?.. 4. Just 'cuz.

Screen Name?.. I only have ever had one ...

Friend?.. Tricia. We're so much alike and yet so different that it works. We can argue with each other, be mad, talk about it, get over it within five minutes or a day, but it never lasts for so long that it's damaging. And, we can tell each other pretty much anything, and *that's* definitely valuable. Plus, she's my partner in crime. ;)

Type of Jewerly?.. Jewerly? Riiight. I like rings, earrings, and bracelets. I pick earrings, if I *have* to pick.

State?.. I haven't been to all of them, so I can't exactly pick a favorite.

Movie?.. Casablanca is my *all* time favorite.

Sport?.. I suppose I'll pick football.

Sport Team?.. My teams are the Patriots and the Buckeyes, but my time and energy to root for either has kind of been depleting this year. Though, I think I'll always be a Buckeye fan, no matter how crappy they get.

TV Show?.. I really like American Dreams and Lost this year. Friends and Seinfeld are both really good oldies.

Computer Game?.. I don't play any ... but I do remember *loving* Where in the US is Carmen Sandiego? Does that count?

Board Game?.. Sorry! is the family favorite.

Book?.. I haven't found my favorite yet. Still searching.

Actor?.. Johnny Depp. Hot, and flipping good.

Actress?.. I really like Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Stiles, Julia Roberts ...

Food?.. Mashed potatoes. Mmm mmm, good.

Animal?.. I don't really have one ...

School Subject?.. I like English because I feel like it's learning about history and life at the same time. Plus, I love the introspection that comes from it, and I adore writing when I feel like I really have something to say and can construct it in a way that is fun to do/read. I also really liked chemistry, and French, and I love the absoluteness of math -- rules work *always* and there are no questions. You do things because they're proven, and they will always work. I enjoy that.

Ice Cream Flavor?.. Plain vanilla. Or cookie dough (*not* chocolate chip cookie dough, just cookie dough).

*Love Life*

Do you have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend?.. Nope.

If So, How long have you been going out?.. --

Again.. If So, What his/her name?.. --

Do You love them?.. --

If So, Awww how sweet ! Right.


So Are you having fun yet?.. Oh, sure.

Do you watch Disney?.. Of course. Disney has some great stuff.

Do you have the Barney Theme song memorized?.. Is the theme song that "I Love You" song? If so, probably. If not -- no.

How Many People are on your Buddy List if you have AOL/AIM?.. Over 100, but I'm not gonna log on to find the exact number because then, inevitably, someone would want to talk and I'm not in the mood. I've been pretty anti-AIM lately.

Have you ever seen the show King of Queens?.. Yeah, I think once or twice.

If So, What do you think about it?.. Not that impressed. I mean, it's your average primetime family comedy ... they're all the same and they're all okay for when you have nothing else to watch but are ultimately pretty boring.

This is the Last Question.. You Sad?.. No, I'll just replace it with another survey.

Haha I lied.. Are you Mad?.. No ...

Okay this is the VERY Last Question.. You sad again??.. Um, no.

*Describe Your*

Favorite Shirt.. My favorite shirt. Hmm. Do I have one favorite? Sadly enough, I don't think I do.
Favorite food.. It's called mashed potatoes. And it's a world full of yummyness.
Purse.. It's a dark khaki cordouroy (wow, I can't spell that) kind of material, quite tiny, with a small strap, fits under my arm, has two little button-up pockets on the outside for my money and keys ... It's from Limited Too (yay for finding your purse at a store for 10-year-olds!).
Hairbrush.. Well, I have two. One for when my hair is wet -- the bristles are very spread out so it doesn't tear my hair, it's gold on the base and the bristles are black, it's a long rectangular shape -- and one for when it's dry -- the base is black and purple, the bristles are silver and black, and it's a oval-ish shape.
Your computer desktop.. It's called "Bliss" and it's this green hill with a blue sky full of clouds behind it. It reminds me of what I think Ireland would be like.
Favorite movie.. It's called Casablanca and it's absolutely *fabulous*.
Socks.. (I started to do it wrong about here ... I got caught up in favorites ... so, I'm gonna go back and add the answer first, then what follows will be my original -- 'favorite' -- answer.) My socks are white. And boring. ** I don't have a favorite pair of socks. I wanna go buy some Christmas ones. Or at least more festive in some way ones. I just like my socks to be long enough that they don't slip under my heel when I'm wearing shoes, not hole-y, the toe thing to not bother me, and the inside to not be an annoying fabric.
Favorite shorts/pants.. My AE jeans that are long enough to make me look semi-tall, yet not the ones that get all loose and I have to keep pulling up. They're the ones I'm wearing right now. =)
Feeling.. My current feeling is just contentedness. Contentment? Whatever, I'm content. ** Favorite: The bliss of love.
Scent.. I can't smell much right now ... **Favorite: The smell of my Grandma Dixie's house.
Favorite T-shirt.. My black senior shirt for what it means.
Most memorable moment.. Something I'd rather not recount.
Day today.. I've done a whole lot of nothing, really. I've woken up, listened to the radio, watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High and The Daria Movie: Is it Fall Yet?, gone to Starbucks (iced caffe mocha. yum.), watched America's Next Top Model, filled out surveys, and eaten.
Nail Polish Color.. I don't have any on right now. My toenails are still a hot pink from Homecoming. Overall, I like a good pinky-red, but sometimes a teal-ish color is great, too.
Favorite Book.. Sadly, I don't have one yet. What has come closest is Sylvia Plath's Unabridged Journals because I read those and think, wow I wish I could write like that. I swear, it's exactly what I think, yet laid out eloquently. It's like, what I believe in the back of my mind has been put onto paper in *exactly* the right words, while I didn't even think enough of it to acknowledge it in writing.
Favorite Month.. December. The best holiday, good feelings all around, first snow, school break, *and* the end of the year.
Love life.. It's pretty non-existent at the moment. I have a prospect, but I don't know if I wanna deal with all the baggage that would ensue.
Favorite Hobby.. I like playing the clarinet. And coloring in coloring books. And shopping.
Favorite Word.. I like superfluous for it's sheer fun-to-say factor, defenestrate for it's history *8th grade, oh yes*, lackadaisical again for the fun-to-say, and lots of others, I'm sure.
Favorite Athlete.. Tom Brady. Cuuuuuute.
Underwear.. They're green, have three cards (as if they're being held as a hand) on the front left hip, and say "Winning Streak" on the back. AE boy shorts. Gotta love 'em.
Dream Vacation.. A year through Europe. :drools:
First Award.. The first one I really remember was this school-wide Eagle Award or something in first grade. I *really* wanted that award and never got it, so my dad had an award made up with an eagle as the top. It was sweet, but I knew (even as my 1st grade self) that it wasn't real and it was just pretending I was good enough for it.
First Kiss.. It was sweet ... there was some anticipation ... I was originally going to leave the scene, but I turned on my car and this song was on the radio that completely reminded me of the person I was thinking of staying with and so I decided it was a sign to stay. Needless to say, it was. Short, sweet, kind of uncomfortable afterwards, exciting. It felt like it was going to happen whether either of us wanted it to or willed it to. It was just meant to happen at that moment.
Favorite Song.. I think my favorite song is "Lover, You Should've Come Over" by Jeff Buckley. I'm *completely* in love with this song. It's depressing, and beautiful, and lilting, and breathtaking, and longing, and needing, and wanting, and absolutely perfection. I love everything about it.
Favorite TV Show.. Well, lately it's been American Dreams because of the Meg/Milo relationship. So cute. And envy-worthy.
First time being dumped.. Heartbreaking. It was the summer before fifth-grade and I felt like I would never live again.
First time dumping somebody.. Heh, it was a sordid long thing. I didn't want to break him as a person, so I just completely stopped talking to him so he'd have me to blame and could feel like he'd done the breaking up. It worked.
Shoes.. I don't have any shoes on, but today I was wearing my black clogs.
Wallet.. I don't own a wallet.
Toothbrush.. My toothbrush is clear and purple with white and purple bristles.
Teachers.. My teachers are mostly male and pretty darn great this year. I'm quite satisfied.
Friends.. My friends are pretty good. I think they'd be a good base if anything happened.
Classes.. My classes are a lot less demanding than they were last year, even though they would *seem* to be more demanding. Oh well. I enjoy the free time.
Hair Style.. Straight, brush, blowdry-it, and go.
Current Feeling.. I'm annoyed that my sister keeps trying to read over my shoulder without acting like I notice.

+-`` Childhood weirdness

Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: Well, I'd like to think mostly real, though I did have some imaginary ones.
Did people consider you an odd child?: I don't think so ...
Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: Few months? No.
Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: A few.
If you answered "intricate", give an example of one of those thoughts: What?
Were you dreams very vivid as a child?: I remember a couple ... one where this mad scientist lived in my friend's cavernous basement and was trying to make a dinosaur and was using my Grandma's blood (and therefore *killing* her) to do it ... that one was disturbing. Then, the one where I was with my Grandma in a graveyard and we saw this grave with a large door/tomb thing and looking at it and reading it transported it into this Wizard of Oz world where the green witch ruled over everyone and I was so scared of her. I had that dream like, 10 times before I finally realized that to get out of it, I had to tell the witch that I wasn't afraid of her. The next ten or so dreams were the same, but at the end I couldn't manage to get out the fact that I wasn't afraid ... I knew what I had to say, and I was trying to say it, but I couldn't get it out. It was like my vocal cords didn't work. I'd always wake up in a sweat. Then, finally, I was able to scream it at her in one last dream. She went away, I became the hero of the town, and then I never had the dream again.
What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: Probably those dreams.
Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: I don't know ... I guess I knew my alphabet soon or something ...
What was the most "grown-up" thing you ever said as a child?: You'd have to ask my parents for that one.
What were your favorite TV shows in early childhood?: The Smurfs, all the way.
Were you afraid of monsters?: Oh, of course.
Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: I didn't believe they were real, but I kind of had this feeling that there were people who were a heck of a lot like them that were real. And, I kind of wanted some of them to be real so they could be my friends.
Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical?: I'd like to think quiet and artistic. An image of my coloring, creating, reading is conjured.

+-`` Issues and US Stuff

Do you eat meat?: Yes.
If you do, what is your justification for it?: Well, I like it. I'd just miss hamburgers, meatloaf, and chicken a heck of a lot.
If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: Gay marriage, saying non-patriotic things, and ... what the hell, drugs. Gay marriage because it's no *flipping* different. It doesn't undermine your "religious" and "sacred" institution, it doesn't harm you, it won't lead to people marrying their dog, and we shouldn't be so damn close-minded. They're flipping people. *And*, separate but equal doesn't work -- look to slavery. And, if you wanna try to say it's immoral because the Bible says so, there's a million other things you do everyday that would be considered *immoral.* Also, if you wanna make the argument that marriage is for procreation ... what about infertile couples? They still marry. Wanna block that too? Don't get me started. Saying non-patriot things because this Patriot Act s*** is stupid. And, criticism is the only thing that will lead to progress and moving forward. Nothing gets *anywhere* by thinking that only their current view is right and refusing to hear other opinions. Plus, I know it's hard to accept, but not everything about the US is awesome. Deal with it. And, the drug thing because first of all, if drugs are legally sold, then we won't have to deal with all these people in prison taking up valuable tax dollars, space, time, and being deprived of their lives for way too long due to the crime and we'll actually have room for murderers, rapists, etc. and can send our tax dollars elsewhere where they can actually be used. Also, it'll be a huge revenue for the gov't and lord knows we need it. And really, alcohol is allowed and it's practically *no* different. Put an age and tax on it, and sit back and make your money. People'll die and then there will be no mystification to it and the habit will eventually die out.
Do you belive in the death penalty?: I don't know. At times, yes. At others, no.
If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into?: I don't know. Probably Ireland. I'd sure as hell feel more at home. And they're extremely liberal, which I like. =)
Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: I don't care. See my drug speech above. Like Daniels says, put barrels of crack on the corner and just *sell* it.
What about gay marriage?: See above.
Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: No, not really. As long as it's a true white, true red, and dark blue.
What television news coverage do you detest the most?: Fox. They're just retarded.
What will you do if Bush is re-elected? Well, he unfortunately has been, and I'm dealing with it.
Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: California. Just 'cuz.
Who do you consider "American Heros"?: Firefighters, nurses ...

+-`` Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions

Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? I don't believe so.
Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Lol, yes. I was watching a Bush speech once and I cried about it and screamed at him, I was so angry with what he was saying and how the crowd was reacting.
Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: Never bought anything on Ebay.
Are the Muppets sinister? I don't think so ...
Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: No.
Ever gotten into an "in person" argument with a total stranger? Yes, the model Senate. Heh, "dog boy." Retard.
Sugar or Honey?: Sugar.
How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: Probably a good twenty, including spam of course.
Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: No. I think we're kept in the present for a reason and I don't think you can mess with that.
Have you ever had a past life regression?: Um, I don't really know what you're asking there.
San Francisco or New York City?: NYC. Oh, yes.
Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: Yes, very much so. That would be why I have an entire website for them.
Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: Gretchen Wilson singing that "Cheating" song on the CMAs and everyone giving her a standing ovation afterwards, because my sister's playing that song right now.
If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: I think the 80s were righteous. But, I think I would've *loved* the 60s.
+-`` Emotions And Such

Have you attempted suicide more than once?: I've never attempted suicide.
Cutting?: Nope.
Do you get violent when you are angry?: Not really.
Which emotion are you most consumed by?: Probably anger.
Are you highly emotive?: Eh, at times.
Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself?: It depends. Mostly a keep-to-myself until it becomes a large problem.
Do you fall in love easily?: No, not really.
What age/year was the most difficult for you?: Probably seventh grade.
How do you channel your anger/sadness?: Singing/playing piano/writing about it.
List a few simple things that make you happy: An honest hug, dancing around in my room like an idiot, singing harmony a cappella, falling asleep in the living room.
When were you most recently your happiest?: Yesterday. I just felt very comfortable.

+-`` Friends

Describe your best friend as if you were describing a character from a film: I'd rather not.
Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: Not quite.
List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: Smart, sarcastic, opinionated, ambitious.
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: Yes. It wasn't fun.
If yes, are you still friends with that person?: No.
Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: Mostly my age.

+-`` Family

Are you close to your family?: Decently so.
What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: My wit, my intelligence, my care for others.
Which traits are you pissed off you inherited from them?: My judgmentalness at times, my body type, my quickness to blame everyone but me.
What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: I don't think art imitates life enough to answer that question.
Does your family live locally or far away?: Locally.
Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: Yes, but not officially. I just pretty much ignore them, though I'm sure they have no clue it's a conscious decision on my part.
Have either of your parents died?: No, thank goodness.
Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: One side is very much like me. Another is pretty opposite.
How many siblings do you have?: One.
Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: I don't believe so.
Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy?: Time of joy. Except for the trying to split our time between everyone.
Do you look like your parents?: Yeah. People say I look exactly like my mom, and people say I look exactly like my dad, so ...
List one interesting fact about your family: We're all of Irish origin.
+-`` Lovers

Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: Straight.
Married/partnered?: Neither.
Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with?: Yes. I felt that way, and then realized it was a large mistake, and stopped it right then.
Ever broken someone’s heart?: Yes.
How many serious relationships have you had?: Two. But one doesn't even really count. Actually, I'd like to think neither really count.
Do you believe in monogamy?: For me, yes.
Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn't have? Yes.
Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: Yes.
Ever cheated?: Nope.
Been cheated on?: Don't believe so.
Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: Compatibility, strength, honesty, care.

+-`` Would You Rather...

Eat a steak or a whole tube of toothpaste?: A steak.
Be covered in papercuts or cigarette burns?: Eww. Papercuts, I guess. At least they'd heal better.
Be percieved as intelligent or street-smart (but not both)?: Intelligent. I can make enough money to have other people defend me street-wise.
Eat a bottle cap or a spider the size of a bottle cap?: Bottle cap. Hands down.
Be ruled exclusively by your heart or your mind?: Mind.
Have the power to read minds or make anyone fall in love with you? Read minds. Oh yes. Because, if necessary, you could use that to make the other happen. But the other one is too dangerous.
Chew shards of broken glass or sit on a lighted barbeque grill?: Sit on the grill.
Be able to fly or be able to render yourself invisible?: Invisibility. *Totally.* Flying could cause problems ... like planes, birds, stuff like that. Plus you'd have to hide it. Invisibility could totally be useful and easy to hide.
Have questionable integrity or no sense of humor?: Questionable integrity. People with no sense of humor are horrible.
Granted the answers to any 3 questions or ability to resurrect one person?: Answers. Resurrecting isn't natural and shouldn't be messed with.

+-`` Final Questions

Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: No ... great songs aren't really used in commercials. And if they are, they'd retain their greatness.
Ever yelled at an SUV?: Maybe for blocking my vision and using up gas ...
A Hummer?: See above. Or the driver for being dumb and buying a hideous vehicle.
If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: I wouldn't. Messing with that is *not* a good idea in any way.
Bambi or Nemo?: Nemo. So sweet.
How long have you been on xanga?: Since August 31, 2003. Man, long time.
Do you find it to be a fulfilling experience?: At times, yes.

BOLD the ones that apply to you

I have been to Canada.
I love New Found Glory.
I have seen Gothika.
I am wearing Nail Polish.
I was born in March.
I hate school.
I am gemini.
I like black.
I share a room with someone.
I have a cell phone.
I play an instrument.
I play basketball.
I love to dance.
I like to sing.

My hairbrush is purple.
I love Ashton Kutcher.
I love chocolate.
I like popcorn.
I am a good singer.
I have braces.
I love to go to the movies.
I have a pool.
I have a hot tub.
I like Monkeys.
I believe in love at first sight.
I like Britney Spears.
I like to shop.
I love lipgloss.
I love Dory from Finding Nemo.
I like my life.

I have a boyfriend/ girlfriend.
I have a crush.
I believe in Angels.

I am in love.
I love summer.
I graduate in the year 2007.
I love cookies N cream ice cream.
I love cupcakes.

I go to a camp every summer.
I named my cell phone.
I love make-up.
I love eyeliner.

My hair is its natural color.
I love going to the pool.
I love going to the beach.
I am a book worm.

I like school.
I am going to go to college.
I am addicted to aim.
I watch Amazing Race.
My room is yellow.
I have a sister(s).
I have a brother(s).
I wanna go to Antartica.
I love penguins.
My favortie color is pink.
I like skirts better then shorts.
My favorite season is summer.
I am in middle school.
I am in high school.
I have my own car.

I have my learners permit.
I love talking on the phone.
I like the name Melvin.
I don’t like Ashlee Simpson.
I love ashlee simpson.
I am a cheerleader.
I like roses.
I get bored easily.
I love watching TV.

I like nail polish.
I like playing sims.
I love to work out.

Can you...
Touch your toes?: Yes.
Dress your self?: Do it everday.
Do your make up?: See above.
Tie your own shoes?: I don't tie my shoes all that often (I'm a slip-on/off kind of girl), but yes, I'm able to do so.
Cook?: Not really ... I'm horrible at it most of the time. I can handle mac&cheese, grilled cheese, microwave stuff ...
Get up in the morning?: A lot of the time, no. My alarm goes off for ten minutes, then shuts off automatically. I can't *tell* you how many times I've just let it go that long while sitting in bed.
Give a honest answer?: Yes.
Take pictures?: Yeah, but not overly great ones.
Fix a computer?: No.
Text message?: Yes, but I don't because it costs me 10 cents each time, darn it.
Type really fast?: Yep. Reached 110 in middle school ...
Do more then one thing at a time?: Oh, yes. I'm an excellent multitasker. It's not unusual for me to be on the phone, on the computer, watching TV, doing homework, and eating all at the same time. Really.
Drive?: Yep.
Swim?: Yep.
Speak English?: Yes, better than a lot.
Speak another language?: Yep, je parle francais. Et je sais que je parle la langue mieux que plutot que les etudiants dans mon ecole.
Dance?: Eh, yes.
Sing?: Yes.
Draw?: Not really. I've always wanted to, but I suck at it pretty hard. I'm an *awesome* color-er, though!
Color in the lines?: Haha, there it comes. Yep, this is my specialty. Buy me a coloring book and some colored pencils and I'm a happy girl.
Surf?: Nope.
Not watch TV for 3 weeks?: Yeah, I could, but I'd have to tape some things. And it'd be pretty frustrating.
Download Music?: Yes.
Make a CD?: Yes.
Ride a bike?: Yes.
Wish on a star?: Yes, of course. *Anyone* can wish on a star.
Talk to your friends anytime of the day?: Yep. We're pretty accessible. If it's important enough, we know we'll be there for each other at any time.
Have fun?: Yes.
Get away with lies?: Yep. Sometimes it just comes to easily.
Run really fast?: No. Not really.
Turn on a light?: Yes.
Do puzzles?: Oh, I love puzzles.
Be nice to others?: Yeah. Sometimes I'm too good at this.
Clean up after yourself?: Yeah, if I try.
Remember names?: Yep.
Remember places?: Yeah, decently so. Maybe not how to get there, but the place, yes.
Eat a box of cookies?: Cookies don't come in boxes, silly.
Talk to your parents?: Yeah.
Cuss without getting into trouble?: Sometimes. Especially if I excuse myself for it beforehand.
Stay up all night?: Occasionally, but it's *killer* the next day.
Talk to whoever you want to?: Yeah, pretty much.
Drink?: Yeah.
Smoke?: No ... never done it and don't plan on ever doing it.

bold the ones that apply to you.

1. I eat constantly.
2. My room looks like a bomb hit it.
3. I like to draw.
4. I HATE reading.
5. My computer is a black Dell.
6. I live in a one floor house.
7. My parents are divorced.
8. I have more than 3 siblings.
9. I get most of my clothes from Pac Sun.
10. I have surfed and failed.
11. I have skateboarded and failed.
12. I play more than 3 sports on teams.
13. I like to watch football on my big screen tv.
14. I can dance! No really, I can. HEY! Don't laugh at me..!
15. I have a secret crush.

16. I currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend of over 6 months.
17. I am wearing bright green underwear!
18. My favorite movie starts with the 6th letter of the alphabet.
19. My best friends name starts with the 19th letter of the alphabet.
20. I hate my English teacher.
21. I am taking algebra in school right now.
22. I am tri-lingual.
23. History/Social studies is my worst subject.
24. Science bores me.
25. I have over 175 people on my buddy list.
26. The name of my school starts with an "R".
27. I LOVE roller coasters!
28. Six Flags is the greatest place on earth!
29. Xanga is my favorite journal site.
30. Chocolate makes me hyper.
31. My favorite color is one of the colors in the rainbow.
32. I'm bored.
33. I'm thirsty.
34. I'm hungry.
35. I'm getting tired of this survey.
36. I'm glad this survey is over!

bAcK tO sChOoL..

FOR EACH PERIOD: What class do you have, what teacher is it, do you like that teacher?, and who do you sit near?..

1 Period:
class- AP Physics.
teacher- Mr. Brickell.
teacher comments- I think sometimes he tries to hard to get everyone understand. He babies us a bit too much. I respect his care for everyone and want to have everyone understand and be on the same level, but it's a little idealist for me. He teaches well, though sometimes it's in a haphazard pattern. In my mind, it all comes together at the end, but it's confusing getting to that point. Plus, I've usually figured something out on my own before he spells it out.
who do you sit near in class- Tricia.

2 Period:
class- AP English 4.
teacher- Mr. Johnson.
teacher comments- I love nearly everything about Mr. Johnson. He's hilarious, he's an absolutely wonderful teacher (I remember and utilize everything I've learned in that class), and he knows how to navigate the balance of freedom and still learning. Plus, he's smart as all heck.
who do you sit near- April, Whitney, Jasmine, Hans, Brian.

3 Period:
class- AP US History.
teacher- Mr. Daniels.
teacher comments- I absolutely love Mr. Daniels. He's quite possibly the smartest person I've ever known. Plus, he's a great person. And a wonderful teacher. He makes history interesting --- I hated history before I had him as a teacher, and now I love it. Crazy when a teacher can help you do that. Plus, he's so friendly with us. He's hilarious, too. The Chinese joke is the funniest one I've heard in my whole life.
who do you sit near- Tricia and Whitney.

4 Period:
class- Choir and lunch.
teacher- Mr. Rone and no one.
teacher comments- He knows what he's talking about, but I think he's too lenient with us sometimes. I think he tried too hard to come in and be their friend because of the situation. But, he certainly takes the crappy situation he got pushed into and helps make it quite better than it could be. And for that I respect him. I just wish he'd be willing to form a smaller group of girl singers that would sing harder stuff. And was audition-based. Lord.
who do you sit near- Jasmine and Ashley P. (for choir). Tricia, Bethany, and Ashley P. (for lunch).

5 Period:
class- Symphonic Band.
teacher- Mr. Hanf.
teacher comments- Oh, Mr. Hanf. I think he's doing a lot better than I thought he would. But I *hate* the songs he's picked. I just wish they were harder, like they've always been. But, I also hate that half of the band -- heck, *over* half -- can't play these songs, let alone harder ones. I don't like him as a marching band director, but he's doing well with Symphonic, all things considered. And he was awesome in Music Theory ... I learned the material, loved the class, and enjoyed myself.
who do you sit near- April.

6 Period:
class- French 4.
teacher- Mrs. Sohner.
teacher comments- She knows her French, that's for sure. She's the kind of person that you can normally deal with unless you're having a bad day and then it's just like gah. She definitely has helped me to learn French well, though. (I think a lot of that is my initiative, too, though.) And she does a lot of extra stuff for us (food, parties, movie-watching, being candid with us) that she certainly doesn't have to, and which enriches class, and that I appreciate greatly. Plus, she's taking us to Europe. Score!
who do you sit near-Bethany and Ashley S.

7 Period:
class- AP Calculus.
teacher- Mr. Smith.
teacher comments- It took some getting used to, but I actually like his method. He introduces stuff and teaches us it's derivation, the hard way, and then the shortcuts -- sometimes well before they come up in the book, so I always feel one step ahead. Plus, he incorporates every single math tool, and he's crazy smart, and has a wicked sense of humor. I really like this class.
who do you sit near- Tricia, Jasmine, Whitney, Angela.

8 Period:
class- Economics.
teacher- Mr. Barkeloo.
teacher comments- Man, he's hilarious. He just graduated from Capital not too long ago, so I already liked him for that. He keeps things interesting and relevant ... allows us to run the classroom at times ... is honest with us. We always have a good time in there. Plus, he does a good job of handling all the personalities in there. And, I'm still learning the material, so that's good.
who do you sit near- Erica.

Name a band/singer with the the first letter of each letter of the alphabet.
[a] Aerosmith.
[b] Backstreet Boys.
[c] Cake.
[d] Dave Matthews Band.
[e] Everclear.
[f] Fitzgerald, Ella.
[g] Groban, Josh.
[h] Hoobastank.
[i] INXS.
[j] Jeff Buckley.
[k] Keane.
[l] Linkin Park.
[m] Maroon 5.
[n] Nelly.
[o] Outkast.
[p] Pink.
[q] Queen.
[r] Rice, Damien.
[s] Sara Evans.
[t] The Killers.
[u] U2.
[v] Vanessa Carlton.
[w] Who, The.
[x] Xzibit.
[y] Yellowcard.
[z] ZZ Top.

That's all for now. I'm getting picked up in 11 hours and before then I have to sleep, shower, and exercise. Damn surveys.


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