Jessica Does Surveys

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

104 Questions of mostly ethical *Fun*.

1>> Do you "celebrate" Halloween?: Lol, "celebrate" ... what does that mean? Yes ... ?
2>> Have you ever been hospitalized for anything for over 2 days BESIDES when you were born?: Over 2 days? Don't think so ...
3>> Are your parents college grads?: Mom is.
4>> What about your grandparents?: You know, I have no clue.
5>> Are you still in grade school?: What's grade school? Does that mean elementary school or K-12?
6>> IF SO, have you dated anyone in college?: No.
7>> What's the most illegal thing you have ever done?: I have no clue.
8>> Do you prefer Kleenex tissue, or Puffs?: Kleenex. (Total guess.)
9>> Did you know that Jesus wasn't really born on December 25?: Is this a Christian survey? Did I miss that memo?
10>> And do you know where the word "Easter" comes from?: See above. With a little added emphasis. And proof.
11>> Do you know how the date Easter is on is decided each year?: Oh, lord.
11>>Are you a big animal person?: Kind of.
12>> Have you ever used CPR to save a person?: No.
13>> How about the heimlich manuver?: No, again.
14>> Are you really scared of vampires?: Not really ...
15>> What about ghosts?: See above.
16>> Have you ever seen/been abducted by aliens?: No. Do you ever get a yes?
17>> Does your breath smell nasty?: It smells like crackers. Decide for yourself whether that's nasty.
18>> If your friend had really bad BO, would you tell them or just try to ignore it?: I'd try to ignore it.
19>> Do you know who Michael Ian Black is?: Oh yes.
20>> Where do you know him from?: I love the 70s/80s/90s.
21>> Isn't he great?: Oh, he's flipping hilarious.
22>> Do you think that other religions, besides yours, are bad?: Absolutely not. Nor do I believe they're wrong, though most people think that means I don't believe my own religion is right. See, I personally know what's right for me is the religion I'm following, but to me that doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't follow that same path is bad, wrong, or going to hell.
23>> Doesn't that seem snobbish?: My view or the view you were asking about? I don't think my view is snobbish, but I think the other one is a little bit. Especially if you're disliking people for it.
24>> Would you ever consider being a janitor?: Probably not. Unless I was pretty darn desperate.
25>> Even if it payed well?: If I was really desperate.
26>> Do you have any respect for janitors?: Some of them. Others do nothing but sit on the stairs, smoke, and watch people like hawks. Geeze.
27>> Do you think it is kind of them to clean up after you?: Well, it's their job. But I don't see why anyone would like it.
28>> Do your own parents even clean up after you?: Yes.
29>> Has anyone ever called you something (a name) that made you cry?: No. I take all that in stride.
30>> Doesn't it seem kind of mean to say someone is dirty blonde?: Never really thought of it that way, but it does seem to be like, oh you're blonde, sort of ... not really a *true* blonde.
31>> Have you seen the movie "The Labyrinth?: :laughs: Of course.
32>> Isn't it great?!: Oh, it's good stuff. David Bowie in crazy hair and tights singing ... And Jennifer Connely! Who knew that was her??
33>>Well, what's your favorite movies?: What are my fav movies? Hmm ... Moulin Rouge, Casablanca, Singing in the Rain, Napoleon Dynamite.
34>> How about the worst movie you've ever seen?: Well, I hated Citizen Kane so much I walked out of it. But some people think it's the greatest movie ever. I really didn't like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ... that movie just baffled the hell out of me.
35>> Have you seen "The Cat in the Hat" with Mike Myers?: Yes.
36>> Would you be surprised if I told you that it was my Least favorite movie?: Surprised? No, not really. But there are definitely better choices.
37>> Have you ever gotten stage fright?: Well, sort of. For auditions and crap, I used to get *really* nervous. Now I'm better at harnessing it. But if I had to get up and act in front of people I knew (especially since I think I suck at it)? Yeah, there'd be serious stage fright.
38>> What do you think about "know-it-alls"?: Well, they're usually annoying.
39>> How about those fat girls who wear all those tight slutty clothes?: You know, I don't care what type of body type you have .. you have to know what works for you. Some things just don't, and you should know, learn, and live the difference. (Just watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High this morning.)
40>> Are there many sluts at your school?: Yeah. It happens.
41>> Do they really get all of the guys?: I'm sure they do.
42>> Do you get angry at people with political views that are different than yours?: Yes. I've tried not to, and generally I can forget it in daily conversation, but I just can't understand some views.
43>> Well then what do you say to them?: I ask them questions that usually start something like, "But don't you think that ..." or I give them my opinion and further defend it within whatever they think.
44>> Did you ever believe in the "Curse of the Bambino" that was placed upon the Red sox in 1918?: Yes. Curses happen.
45>> If you know someone has strong opinions that are different than yours, do you still try to convince them that you are right, or do you just forget it because you know they are to hard-headed to even listen?: I try to convince them. I'm stubborn like that. I have a *very* hard time walking away from an argument where I know I'm right.
46>> If you were born in the Civil War times, you would have lived in the south or the north?: The North.
47>> Do you think you would have believed that you're side was right?: Yes, your*.
48>> Would you have volunteered to fight in the war?: Probably not. I don't really get the whole "I wanna volunteer for the military!" mindset.
49>> Are you related to anyone who fought in the Revolutionary War?: Probably somewhere somehow.
50>> Would you be proud if they did?: What now?
51>> Are you very patriotic?: No. There are a lot of things about America that I don't like or mistrust. Not that I think they are fixed elsewhere, but I'm not idealist enough to think America is the best country ever and everything about it is simply wonderful.
52>> Do commercials annoy you?: Sometimes beyond belief.
53>> What about reality TV shows?: Hm. I unfortunately am easily sucked into almost any of them.
54>> How many reality TV shows can you think of right now off of the top of your head?: Oh, at least 20.
55>> Do you think it is sad that there are even that many?: Well, it's a genre ...
56>> Do you watch/Have you ever watched any of them?: Yeah. And anyone who says they haven't *ever* watched a reality show has never watched TV.
57>> Do you visit the library often?: Yes. I have an affair with the library.
58>> To use their computers, or do you use the books?: The books. I have my own computer.
59>> Is your library one or two floors high?: One.
60>> Do you have any relatives in a Nursing home?: I don't believe so.
61>> Is the nursing home in your area?: --
62>> Do you visit them as often as you should?: --
63>> Would you like to live in a nursing home?: No thank you.
64>> Do you think it's gross that the floors are always sticky in those places?: Sticky floors are gross in general.
65>> Should nursing homes be free?: No, but they shouldn't be way expensive either.
66>> Has the devil ever tried to get you to sell him your soul?: Not in a direct way ...
67>> Were you able to resist?: I'd like to think so.
68>> Was it hard?: Always is.
69>> Do you think that the person who first noticed that "69" looked like something...sexual...was a perverted freak?: Lol, of course. You don't just come up with that if you don't think about sexual stuff a lot.
70>>Did you have more than one answer to #33 and #34?: Well, lemme look ... yes.
71>> When you were little, how did you react to cuss words?: Well, first there was disgust and thinking people were idiotic and *bad* for saying them. Then there was the rush from saying them and surprising people with them. Now it's just realizing the power in them when used only at the correct times and quite sparingly.
72>> Don't you hate those girls who are all preppy but they think they are tomboys?: Can't think of anyone ...
73>> Don't you just hate those preppy girls in general?: Yeah .. they're all pretty nice to me in general, but I just have this feeling there's something lurking underneath ... plus, their lives are just *so* far off from mine.
74>> What would you do if someone called you a prep?: I'd ask them what the heck they used to come to that conclusion.
75>> Is that really what they deserve?: Yeah.
76>> Would you ever date someone who you knew just liked your looks, or wanted you for sex?: Lol, date? No.
77>> Do you think that if a guy asks you out after knowing you for only several days is just in it for looks/sex?: It depends on what when on during the first few days.
78>> What do you think about guys who cheat on their wives?: I don't know much about the related emotions so I'd really not like to make a judgment.
79>> What about wives who cheat on their husbands with the attractive teenager next door?: Same as above.
80>> Would you call the police if you saw some kid out on the corner smoking pot?: No.
81>> Do you think it is wrong to smoke pot?: I don't know if I think it's wrong.
82>> What do you think about teens who use drugs?: It's a stupid decision, but it doesn't mean I'm going to completely disown them. As I've found out this year, you'd be surprised who you know that does drugs.
83>> What about teens who drink alcohol?: As long as it's not in excess, I don't really care. And as long as they're not driving. That pushes the line too far.
84>> Would you buy something that you really liked even if you knew you were getting ripped off?: Maybe ... if I needed it at that moment or thought I couldn't find it anywhere else.
85>> Do you think people who get ripped off and don't know it are stupid?: Lol yes.
86>> What do you think about movies that are meant for little children (like cartoon movies) but have some inappropriate content?: They're just keeping it interesting for the adults that are forced to attend. It's not like the kids understand those jokes.
87>> What about movies meant for adults but are too immature?: That can get annoying.
88>> Would you kiss a total stranger?: Yeah, if he was hot.
89>> Do you think that one sin is worse than another?: Yeah. Certain sins I think should carry more weight than other sins.
90>> What do you think about bullies?: They obviously have some sort of issue that they can't deal with themselves, so they attempt to deal in other ways. Serious remediation is needed.
91>> What about hott bullies?: Lol, still above.
92>> Would you do something that you knew was wrong just to get your crush to notice you?: Depends on what the something wrong is.
93>> Do you think that its true that good girls go for bad guys, and vice versa?: Not all the time, but yeah as a general statement.
94>> What do you think about those good guys/girls?: As long as they're not pretentious or condescending, they're fine.
95>> What about good guys/gals who tried to act bad?: I think they should just be themselves and not worry about dealing with an "image."
96>> Would you be embarrased if you got a bad grade, and everyone knew?: Yeah.
97>> Do you think that its annoying when people repeat themselves a million times until someone acknowledges what they said?: Yes. If no one responded the first couple of times, no one wants to respond.
98>> What do you think about those kids who are smart, and they know it, and so they act all smart and like they are better than you?: It's not very nice, but sometimes it's hard to avoid. Some people are just *annoyingly* dumb.
99>> What about kids who are dumb but they try to act smart?: It just makes them look stupid. And/or desperate.
100>> Would you be happy if this survey was over?: Eh, sure. I think I'm gonna go get dressed, exercise, and get some Starbucks when I'm done.
101>> Do you think it was random enough?: Yeah, mostly. A lot of ethical questions, though.
102>> What do you think about surveys that go onnnnn and onnnn and onnnnnn??: Good at the right times, sucky at others. Because sometimes you start a survey and you *think* you want a really long one, but then you get halfway through and realize how much you hate it.
103>> What about good surveys that are too short?: Those are worse.
104>> Well, think what you want, because i'm done!!!: Alrighty then.


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