keeping it cool, not thinking about you
Change Yo Thinkin

Take this survey
Have you ever made out with someone you weren't dating? Yes, duhh. Ha. Not a slut, I promise.
Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'? Bien sur.
Has anybody on your top ever admitted to liking you? Well of course.
Do you miss anyone? Yep, being far away from people can do that.
Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone? Yeah definitely.
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug? Hmm ... first week here-ish, I think.
Who is your celebrity crush? Okay, Johnny Depp. Lee Pace. James McAvoy. Brad Pitt. These are the specials lately.
Can you touch your toes? Hellz yeah. I'm pretty flexible. Winkity wink wink.
Do you know anybody who was abused? Yes.
Do you take walks often? Ha, I have to walk 30 mins to class every day. I'm always walking.
Is silence really golden? Sometimes, definitely.
Do you have any interesting tattoos/piercings? Not really. Just random holes in my ears.
Are you afraid to grow up? Um, maybe a little. I'm scared to *be* grown up. Growing is fine...being 'old' though ... no.
Who were you with last night? Roommate.
Can you count past 100? Ha yes ... how young are the kids taking surveys nowadays?
What language do you want to learn? Italian so I can communicate when I go in a few weeks ... otherwise ... Gaelic.
Any upcoming vacations? Edinburgh in a week, Italy in a few more, NIreland after that.
If you had to marry someone on your top, who would it be? Ha well I suppose I should pick a boy, and I guess being married to either of those two would be ok.
Do you care what people think of you? Yeah, sure, though ultimately you can't worry about it too much.
Would you call yourself smart? Sure.
Do you like to read? Yeah, I just hate being told to read.
Have you ever touched an elephant? Nope, sadly.
Plans for tomorrow? Jaunting around the city again, seeing Georgian architecture.
Is anything wrong? Not really. Today's a nice day. Maybe I'd like some food.
Would you kiss anyone on your top friends? Sure, I'd kiss any of them. Ha. Have kissed some.
Would you date anyone on your top friends? Sure, since I like them already anyway.
Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)? Pretty much.
What did you do for your last birthday? Ate at Applebees, saw a movie, ate at Red Robin, napped, drank and talked.
What were you doing at midnight last night? Probably watching TV online.
Name something you CANNOT wait for? Edinburgh! So excited.
What's your favorite season? Summer, I think actually. Which it never was before.
Have you ever talked to Tom? Nah.
Last thing you ate/drank? Coffee! Free fair trade coffee from SB! Woo!
Have you ever ran with scissors? Probably, but not that I specifically remember.
Who’s making you feel the way you are right now? Free coffee, cute kids, old school music.
Most visited web page? Probably my mails. Otherwise ... facebook, myspace, wesmirch.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Looking forward to something this weekend? I think I'm gonna go to the Tate Modern.
How many siblings do you have? One.
Do you have any pets? Yes, two doggies, lots of kitties. I miss them all!
What's your favorite number? Four.
What are you watching right now? YOU. No, um ... nothing. Currently loving No Reservations and Arrested Development, though.
Do you know how to swim? Yeah, moderately.
Is good grammar attractive? Hellz yeah.
Friend confessions:
Are you jealous of one or more of your friends? Probably for little things. I never really saw all that much harm in jealousy.
Have you known any of your friends your whole life? Some of them for quite awhile.
Are any of your friends taller than you? Ha, most of them.
Have you ever been ditched by a friend? Yeah, it happens.
Where do your friends live? Most in OH.
Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number? Yeah.
Have you been to most of your friends house? Yeah, except those that live quite far away.
Love confessions:
Do you currently like someone? Hmm...tis a good question. Let's go with a solid maybe.
Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily? That's sometimes a problem for me, yeah. Rather, I get antsy and attracted to what I think I miss.
Has one of your crushes ever called you self centered before? I don't think so.
Personal opinion confessions:
Who do you want for President? Tough choice and I'll vote for whichever Democrat is up for it, but I think Obama.
Do you think abortions are horrible? Well they're not nice, but I don't think anyone going through them thinks they are.
Needles aren't so horrible? Nah. Needles are fine with me.
You have plenty of secrets that you share with...? probably Tricia, Hillary, Shirley, or my mom. It depends on the kind of secret really.
Other confessions:
Do you enjoy drama? In doses, sure. I don't like to bored.
Who was the last person that said "i love you" to you? Probably a parent.
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Tic Toc Time 4 A Survey

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Your ex is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do? I help him. He's not a bad guy.
Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction? Uhh shit man. What are you gonna do, and I support that decision whatever it is.
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Hmm ... probably sometime this weekend. Clique-y fake girls ... ew.
What is the last thing you spent money on? Not my free coffee! Ha ... snacks for dinner.
Who is the most attractive female on your myspace friends list? They're all quite beautiful, most of them.
Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month? I think I definitely lost when I came here (I was eating barely anything), then gained it back.
Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos? Crunchy.
If you had to sleep with one of your teachers from high school, who would it be? Hmm ... I have a thing for teachers actually. Ha, I know ... it's a B, how about that.
The first person on your friends list just called you an a$$hole. What do you have to say to them? Right back atcha slut! (We'd both be kidding, obvs.)
Congratulations! You just had a son. What's his name? Ethan or Hugh.
Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What's her name? Lily or Ava.
What are you craving right now? French fries from BK ... ice cream from anywhere ... mac and cheese.
What was the last thing you cried about? Don't remember, thankfully.
When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it? Keep it.
What color is your tissue box? Don't have one.
Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan No.
What is the last voice mail you received about? Don't have voicemail here, ha.
Have you ever blocked someone on MySpace before? No, didn't even know you could.
Scariest thing you've experienced in the last year? Moving here, probs.
Do you wear a name tag at work? Nope.
What do you order when you go to Taco Bell? Bean burrito.
Have you ever had a garage sale? Yeah.
What color is your iPod? White.
What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? ...Becks. EW.
Are you happy right now? Yep.
Who came over last? Dan, the bf.
Do you drink beer? Yeah, newly. But I've found I really only like ciders still.
Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? Ha probably, but I'm the oldest so I'd obvs know before they would.
What is your favorite key on your key chain? I like the black one for the cupboard.
What was the last movie you watched at home? Finished Definitely, Maybe yesterday.
What is in your pocket? 2.50 pounds.
Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife? Don't have one, so no one!
Where do you hurt? My stomach, my back.
Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? Yes.
What's something fun you did today? Talked with a bunch of 8 and 9 year olds!
What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart? Don't go there.
When is your birthday? 7/15.
Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? Nope.
What kind of milk do you drink Soy.
What is something you need to go shopping for? Shoes.
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Spillin My Guts

Take this survey
Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone? Hmm ... no one that I know of, but it was a sketch situation, so maybe.
When you're walking, do you stop to drink? Nope.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it? Mostly, yeah.
Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle? Ha yeah. Best makeouts are in a car, duh.
Ever snuck out of your house? Yeeeeah.
Kill or Be killed? Kill.
Break someone’s heart or have your heart broken? Have it broken. You get to eat ice cream, listen to sad music, and get over it faster anyway.
What did you do today? Volunteered, got free coffee, watched videos.
Do you like someone right this second? Sure.
Would you ever get a tattoo? I'm considering it, but honestly I think probably not.
What was the last thing you ate? Free coffee. Otherwise ... oyster crackers.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night. But I can enjoy an occasional morning.
Do you snore? Nope.
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion? Not to my knowledge, but probably.
What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body? Eek freak out. Then call someone, like the police.
Do you like to spend time with people? Sometimes, but not always ... ha.
Are you hungry? Yes.
Are you a forgiving person? At least moderately.
When was the last time you did the dishes? I do my own dishes every day.
Are you talking to anyone while doing this? Nope.
Do you want a relationship right now? Umm maybe. I'm open to the idea of one.
What are you about to do? Make dinner.
Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't? Maybe animals.
If you could be a superhero what would you want to do? Flying would be cool, teleporting would be cooler ... reading minds would be handy ...
Your name plus "ness"? Jessness. Heee.
Three feelings at the moment? Hungry, happy, dance-y.
Done anything you regret so far in life? Ha probably, but not in any huge way that I'd change it.
Are you listening to anything? Yep, I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T.
Where are you right now? London, in my room.
What are you scared of? Spiders, snakes, dinosaurs ... probably not partial to death.
Last movie you watched? Definitely, Maybe.
Last song you sang out loud? Independent.
Are you thinking of someone right now? Well, now it's Prince 'cause he's on the radio.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? I think Carla.
Last thing you downloaded on your computer? Feedback feedback oh-oh!
Have you changed much this year? As in 2008? A little. As in the past year year? A little more.
Where was the last place you went besides where you are? SB.
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yeah, Drew Barrymore. And someone from an 80s show.
Do you speak any other language? French. I can get along with Spanish and Italian.
Do you dress for style or comfort? Comfort kids. With a dash o' style.
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico? Nope, never been to Mexico.
What's the craziest thing you've done? Probably got myself into a situation to have sex with an Italian I'd never met.That was interesting.
Favorite color(s)? Green, cerulean, purple.
What is your favorite Nickelback song? Early stuff.
What are you looking forward to this summer? Having my dollar mean shit! Um, warm temps, psych experience, maybe a workshop...
Last time you smiled? Not that long ago I'm thinking.
If you could choose any fate what would you choose? Eek I'd rather not choose.
If you could have anything in the world, what would you want? Free flights and lodging anywhere. If not...60s Corvette and Les Paul.
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1. Go to
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Use only the first page
4. Copy the html and paste for the answer.
1. What's your first name?

2. What is your favorite food?

3. The name of your high school?

4. What is your relationship status?

5. What is your favorite color?

6. Who is your celebrity crush?

7. What are you listening to right now?

8. What is your favorite movie?

9. Who is your favorite Disney Princess?

10. Name an alcoholic beverage.

11. Where is your dream vacation?

12. What is your favorite dessert?

13. What do you want to do when you grow up?

14. What do you love most in life?

15. One word to describe yourself?

Photobucket Survey #2
What is your zodiac sign?

What place do you visit most online?

What was your favorite thing to watch as a kid?

What is your favorite candy?

What is your favorite chips?

What kind of soft drink do you drink?

What is your favorite board game?

What shampoo do you use?

What music do you listen to?

One Word Only
Where is your cell phone?

Your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Your hair?

Your mother?

Your father?

Your favorite thing?

Your dream last night?

Your favorite drink?

Your dream car?

The room you're in?

Your ex?

Your fear?

Where were u last night?

What you're not?


One of your wish list items?

The last thing you did?

What are you wearing?

Your TV?

Your pet or pets?

Your computer?

Your life?

Your mood?

Missing someone?

Your car?

Your work?

Like someone?

When is the last time you laughed?

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