don't fool yourself, she was heartache from the moment that you met her
Would You Believe This?

Take this survey
If I looked on the bed next to you, what would I find? Besides linens and things, my headphones, my ID, and my keys.
Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? Closed please. Even if I'm alone, I can't handle the open door thing.
Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in? They are usually folded. Here, we don't have drawers, so it's more sort of thrown.
Sleep on your back or stomach? Back.
Are you a cuddler? Can be. I enjoy a cuddle here and there.
What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed? I have no under ... it's storage, so suitcases, newspapers, cords, and laundry.
Something that happened today that made you angry? A hangover.
What were you doing before this survey? Reading Jez.
What will you do after the survey? Watch the clip that is loading.
Marriage or living together? What, as a general preference? Cohabitating people are less happy than even divorced ones.
What shirt are you wearing now? Two: purple tank top, black hoodie/sweater.
Do you sing? I'm actually doing so now, so .. yes?
Do you de-label your beer bottles? Nope.
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? Hmm .. I do a fair share of both, but I suppose I'd pick mainly hide.
Is there something you regret and wish you could take back? Sure. But not that I probably actually would.
First thing you do when you wake up? Check the time.
Ever had surgery? Yeah, oral surgery.
Last argument you got into with? With my mom about money.
Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles? Nope.
What's one good thing about your best friend? I love her...?
How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night? Depends. Not usually terribly long because then I get frustrated.
Current song on myspace? Pumpkin Soup.
When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? Yes.
If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you? Sure, if it's a nice monkey.
What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen? AdBlocker, thus ... none.
What are you looking forward to in the next few months? Honestly, getting back home.
It's midnight. Who are you texting? Around that time ... probably Zach or Jenny.
It's Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually? Chilling in front of my computer. Wednesday is my free day.
Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be? Johnny Depp, probably. And by have, I assume you mean sex.
Your Christmas list consists of? It's only February..? I just want my guitar (current gift) back. Sad face.
You're going to New York for school shopping, where do you go first? Broadway below 4th. Duuuh.
You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first? AE.
How do you feel about your hair? I like it ... I'm doing something a little different lately. More versatile.
What movie is in your DVD player? Firefly ... only DVDs I have here. Thank god for the Internet.
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move? From here, I'd just go home or to NY. All in all ... probably NY.
How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl? Decently enough that I'm attracted to them, but that's a lot of things for me.
What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? That I've been able to eat ... that's enough for today. That the kitchen has been empty.
How many TRUE best friends do you have? At least two ... maybe six.
What would you change about your life right now? Honestly, I'd rather be in a different place ... back in NY, for example. I'm done here.
What’s the best feeling in the world? Happiness.
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Take this survey
1. Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N. J. That's it.
2. Are you single? Yes.
3. What is your favorite number? 4.
4. What is your favorite color? Green.
5. Least favorite color? Not a big fan of yellow.
6. What are you listening to? Hairspray soundtrack.
7. Are you happy with your life right now? Not entirely, but decently so.
8. Are you involved with anyone? I'm always sorrrrt of involved with someone, but technically no.
9. What is your favorite subject in school/ college? Psych.
10.Do you shop at Abercrombie? No.
11. Do you have money? Ha no. Well, a little, but I'm spending it every day. It'll be gone soon.
12. Would you take an ex back? Ummm for a relationship, no. But making out is up for grabs.
13. Are you outgoing? Not particularly.
14. Are you gay? Nope.
15. Where do you wish you were right now? Home with my animals, comforts, and friends.
16. What should you be doing right now? Writing my essay, or at least pre-reading for it ... since it's due in five days.
Can you blow a bubble? Yes.
Can you do a cart wheel? Yes.
Can you touch your toes? Yes.
Can you wiggle your ears? Nope. Damn, though I was gonna sweep the category.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? No, but I'm very close.
Did you ever want to be a doctor? Yeah, a people one and an animal one. Now I'll just have a PhD and can make people call me doctor.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? No.
Did you ever want to be a teacher? Yeeeah, quite seriously for quite awhile. I still might end up there, just in academia/college.
Did you ever break the law? Hellz yeah. But nothing huge.
Did you vote for Bush? No. I wasn't old enough to vote then, but would not have done so.
Do you like rollercoasters? Yep!
Do you own a bike? No. Haven't actually ridden one for awhile...
Do you play the lotto? No. Waste of money.
Do you like football? Yes please!
Do you have a shopping addiction? Not really. I like shopping ... but I don't need to do it.
Does your family have family picnics? Well, big reunions of that sort, yeah, but immediate family no.
Does you wallet have any pics in it? No. But I just got a wallet for the first time, so I'm new to this game.
Does your job bring you satisfaction? I don't have one. No.
Does a soft answer turn away wrath? Wow, that was out of nowhere. Maybe.
Does sex mean love? Ha no. Of course not.
Last person you hung out with? Lots of people last night in the kitchen.
Last car ride? To the airport in January. As far as bus rides, 'twas from Bristol.
Last text message? A spam one about bringing condoms to clubs. Weird.
Last baby you held? My cousin's ... on New Years.
Last time you shaved? Eek too long ago, but I haven't had time when showering ... six days ago.
What was the last thing you bought? Fries, but I got those for free, so, uh ... Groceries at Tesco.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water. Drink drink ... beer. Unknown type.
What was the last thing you watched? Arrested Development. Funny!
What was the last thing you read? This question. Oh snap. Reading for class no doubt.
What was the last thing you hand wrote? Notes from class.
Who last talked to you on the phone? Zach ... although that was Skype, not phone, but ... phone phone, Carla.
Who was the last person you took a picture of? Myself, ha.
Who was the last person to leave you a comment? Depends on where.
Who do you miss right now? Oh lots of people.
Who last hugged you? I'm pretty sure Jillian and I hugged last night at some point ... there was lots of love exchanged.
What color shirt are you wearing? Purple and black.
Have any tattoos? Nope. I always think of ones, then decide I'd rather be a blank canvas.
Have you any piercings? Yes, six total holes in my ears.
Straight hair or curly? Straight.
Where are you? Sitting at my desk.
Failed a class? Yes.
Professed your love and been turned down? Yeeees. Fun stuff, that one.
Accomplished a life goal? Yes.
Thought you were pregnant? Eek no.
Sang in front of a crowd? Yes.
1. Bed.
2. Water bottle.
3. Laptop.
4. Books.
5. Dirty dishes.
6. Maps.
1. In a relationship? I'm in relationships with a lot of people...but no romantic hardcore defined ones.
2. Want a relationship? Ummm maybe. They're ... I don't know, being in one is more difficult than thinking you want to be.
3. Wanna get married? Eventually, yeah.
1. That I should write my essay.
2. That I'd rather not slide back down this steep hill again ... errrgh.
3. That of course this trip is not going to be anything I expected it to be.
4. That I still feel a little sick, and am glad to be able to be still recovering, but oh crackers.
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Quest Survey

Take this survey
1. What is a difference between the last two people you kissed? Well, one was quite good and one was awwwful. But unfortch the awful one was crazy hot.
2. Do you believe that there is always room in your heart for your first love? Sure. There's always room in your heart for every person you've loved ... it happens.
3. Where is the next place you will travel to? Scotland. Woo!
4. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I didn't choose to kiss him. I guess I kissed back because he was so gosh darn hot.
5. Have you ever worn the opposite sexes underwear? No.
6. Have you cried today at all? Today, no.
7. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Sleeping.
8. When was the last time you cried? Three nights ago. Stress and the such.
9. Do you say sexy a lot? Ha, not really.
10. When was the last time you had a sleepover? New Years. In my new room ... for the first time, ha.
11. Do you have any gay friends? Yep.
12. What is something you currently want? Famiglia pizza. Crackers. Lots of money. James McAvoy.
13. When did you last throw up? Ha ... about that ... last night. Fries, ew.
14. Do you want to get married & have children one day? Yeah, I'd like that.
15. Do you still think about your exs? Yeah from time to time.
16. How old were you when you had your first kiss? Sixteen? Pretty old considering.
17. If you could, would you date a jock? Well it'd depend on the person, but I wouldn't rule all jocks out, no.
18. Ever made out in a pool? Hmm ... no.
19. Where is your default picture taken? Near Union Square.
20. Have you ever gambled in a casino? No ... never even been in one.
21. Do you like to have long hair or short hair? Long.
22. What is your favorite place you have traveled? Paris.
23. Do you like ice cream? No. I love it! HA, see what I did there?
24. What is your favorite color? Green.
25. What was the last thing you bought? Groceries.
26. Where do you keep your money? In my wallet ... some of it in pockets or on the desk, but I'm getting better.
27. What was the weather like today? Don't know, didn't go outside. I think it was cold last night though ... even I was feeling it.
28. Where are your mom and dad? At our new house, I think.
29. What did you want for Christmas? A guitar. Got it! And by it, I mean my soulmate in guitar form. I love her.
30. Last vacation destination you went to? I suppose London counts.
31. Do you want to cut your hair? Nope. Just did recently. And I love it!
32. Do you like to eat ice? Yes ... I miss having ice dispensers.
33. What is your favorite place to shop? Any shoe store. God I love shoes.
34. When do you go to sleep? When I'm tired enough. Usually somewhere between midnight and two.
35. Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you talked to? In general, Zach. In person, Dan.
36. Would you ever consider moving to another state to be with the one you love? Yeah sure.
37. Do you like sushi? No. Had veggie sushi once (vegetarian here), and just didn't enjoy nori.
38. Do you lie? Um, yeeeeah. It happens.
39. Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere? Ha, hidden. No.
40. Are you over the age of 25? No.
41. Are you typically a jealous person? Fundamentally, I think so. But not crazily or overly so.
42. Own bright colored underwear? Hellz yeah! I like crazy underwear.
43. Who is the last person to text you? Already answered.
44. What was the best movie you have seen in the past two weeks? Fight Club.
45. Are you going to have a good night? I'm going to have an uneventful night, by choice. Too much eventful last night.
46. Do you have strange dreams? Yeah, especially if I wake up and go back to sleep.
47. When was the last time you did the dishes? Today.
48. Do you trust all of your friends? Yeah, but I wouldn't tell all of them everything necessarily.
49. What are you listening to? Acoustic "In Repair" ... I find it's pretty indicative lately.
50. Have you ever had your heart broken? Uh yeah, quite a few times. Probably three.
51. What is something you learned today? That Arrested Development is quite the funny show.
52. Are you happy? In general, yes. But there are some fundamental problems that make me at least non-happy.
53. What did you do today? Recovered ... watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Project Runway ...
54. Would you have sex with the person you are with? I'm not with anyone ...
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70 Shower Secrets

Take this survey
1. Have you ever taken a shower with someone, even when you were little? Yeah.
2. Do you use bar soap or liquid? Liquid.
3. What color is your favorite soap? Ha it's just a sort of pearly white.
4. Would you rather wake up extra early to take a shower or take a shower late at night? Extra early. I can't handle the sleeping on wet hair thing.
5. Do you have shower curtains or a shower door? Curtains.
6. Do you wash your hair everyday? No ... it gets dried out that way.
7. What is the longest that you have been without a shower? Eeek, I don't know ... like almost a week?
8. The most showers that you have ever had in one day? Like, three.
9. Do you use shampoo and conditioner in one? No. I don't use conditioner in the shower.
10. How long do you leave the shampoo in your hair before you rinse? Ha long enough to scrub it in really ... I don't sit there with it in.
11. Do you ever brush your teeth in the shower? Ew no. I don't know ... that grosses me out for some reason.
12. Do you like to mix all the shampoos in one bottle? Ha no. I like them separate. Sometimes I'll duo them, but that's just in my hand.
13. Do you pee in the shower? Not as a rule, but if I have to, I will.
14. Is there enough place in your shower for three people? No. Unless they want to be ALL up on each other. There's barely enough room for me.
15. Would you prefer a steaming hot shower or freezing cold shower -nothing in between-? Steaming hot.
16. Ever take a cold shower on a cold day? I don't really like cold showers in general ... I have to be quite hot to want one. Quite.
17. Which part of your body do you dry first when you come out of the shower? I get my hair off my back, then stomach.
18. Do you hang your towel over the shower door/rail so that you can use it immediately after your shower? Yes.
19. Ever put your towel on a heater so that it would get warm while you shower? Once, when there was a towel warmer in our hotel in Italy ... daaaamn that was a nice situation.
20. Which part of your body do you dry after you dry your legs? Legs are the last, so then I just wrap up my hair.
21. Do you put lotion on your body after you take a shower? Sometimes, but not usually.
22. Do you get dressed in the bathroom after your shower or in your room? Bathroom.
23. Ever realize that there was no towel in the bathroom only after you had a shower? YES omg I hate that. I threw toothpaste at a door once because of that.
24. Do you usually get the whole bathroom floor wet after you come out of the shower? No, I'm very considerate with that. I hate people who are too self-obsessed to not be.
25. What color is your favourite towel? Blue/purple.
26. Which song do you find yourself singing in the shower often? I really only sing if there's music on.
27. Where do you hang your towel after you are done with it? Here, there's a bar on the back of my chair.
28. Do you prefer showers or baths? Showers.
29. Do you write on the bathroom mirrors when they are steamy? No, I hate that! It leaves imprints!
30. Do you use a separate towel to dry your hair? Nope.
31. What is the first thing that you do in the shower? Wash hair.
32. Do you have a shower radio? Not here. Saaad face.
33. Do you like long showers or quick showers? Long showers, but lately they make my head fuzzy, so short ones.
34. How long do you think you would be able to go without taking a shower if it was a competition? Hmm ... well, if there was money involved, maybe a few weeks. But ... eek, I'd miss it.
35. Do people complain that you take too long in the shower? Yeeeeah, but. Evs.
36. Do you enjoy naked time in the shower? Naked time? Lol. Sure. We're not naked enough in this life, ha.
37. Do you get dressed immediately after your shower? At home, no. But here, yeah.
38. Do you turn on the hot water or cold water first? Hot, but they're on the same knob.
39. Where is the drain in your shower situated? In the back right. Weird, I know.
40. What color is the floor of your shower? White.
41. Have you ever read the back of your shampoo bottle while in the shower? Yes! I swear, I have to read the bottle of everything before I use it for the first time.
42. Do you waste time in the shower by just standing there without doing anything? Yessss, omg, it takes up so much time, but it's so nice.
43. Can you fit an average car tire in your shower? Probably not.
44. Do you get bored in the shower? Sometimes.
45. Do you follow a special routine or sequence of actions in the shower? Yes. Hair, body, [shave], face.
46. Do you dread taking a shower? Sometimes, if I'm feeling really lazy or don't want to have to rush.
47. If you came home really tired and sweaty, would you take a shower then a nap or a nap then shower when you wake up? Depends on how gross/tired I was. Usually I just nap.
48. How far is the bathroom door from your shower? Right next door. Seriously, this bathroom is so tiny that everything is right up on everything else
49. Ever streak from the shower to your room? Ha I've done so.
50. Do you use the same towel everyday? Here yeah, but I'd rather use a different one every couple showers.
51. What time do you usually take a shower? Morning.
52. Do you ususally spend the same amount of time in the shower? Yeah, about fifteen.
53. Do you own a rubber duckie? Nope.
54. Is the faucet for the hot water on your left or right if you are facing it? They're the same control, but you move it to the right to make it hotter.
55. Would you say that you enjoy showers? Sure.
56. How many hours ago was your last shower? Eeek, it's been two days.
57. Would you freak out if your hotel room had a bath but no shower? Freak out ... I guess not. But I would be less than pleased. I hate having to dunk my hair off.
58. Do you like watching the water go down the drain? Used to really like that ... the water swirl had a name, I remember ...
59. Would you rather take a cold shower in the morning or go without? Go without if I can stand it. I hate cold showers.
60. Do you brush your hair or comb your hair after a shower? I towel dry, blow or air dry, then brush.
61. Ever slip and fall in the shower? Yeah, but not for a long time. Sucks though.
62. How long does it take you to adjust the water temperature? Not long at all here.
63. Do you dance like a crazy naked person in the shower? Not here 'cause it's so small, but hellz yeah I love to danc ein the shower.
64. Ever take a shower in the locker-room/bathroom at school? No thank god.
65. Ever rush to get out of the shower because you heard the phone ringing? Yep. Answered it in the shower before too.
66. How many showers are there in your house/apartment? Here, one.
67. Ever take a shower during a storm? I don't think so necessarily.
68. Ever swallow soap? Ouch, no.
69. Do you drink water in the shower? Sometimes, if my mouth feels really nasty.
70. Do you feel like taking a shower right now? Ha a little, yeah.
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Take this Survey
Do you tend to speed when you drive? Maybe a little.
Does your temper flare a lot? No.
Do you get emotional easily? Sometimes.
Which shoe goes on first? Right one? I don't know if it matters.
Are you lazy? Yeeeeah.
Name one thing you do that people always tell you about: Drink a lot? I don't know.
Are you superstitious? Yeah.
Do you get bored with relationships quickly? Um yeah, that's a problem for me. There's a grace period and then it's just like ... hmm, so.
Can you sleep without blankets covering you? I suppose so, but I'd much prefer a blanket.
What do you sleep in? If I can work it out, nothing. Otherwise, pj pants and a Tshirt.
A - is for the last person that made you ANGRY: My mom.
B - is for BEER you prefer: Strongbow, but is that a cider? Ugh, Idk.
C - is for do you have a CAT? Yes, but not here. Saaad face for missing animals.
D - is for can you DANCE? Hellz yeah kids. Valentine's Day night, I spent dancing. Ha.
E - is for do you have your EARS pierced? Yep.
F - is for your best FRIEND? Got a few.
G - is for did you ever watch GUTS on Nickelodeon? Yes.
H - is for the last person who HUGGED you? Answered.
I - is for close your eyes.. what IMAGE do you see? An elephant. Because psych books always tell me not to think of one.
J - is for have you ever been to JAIL? To one, yes. To one because I was supposed to be in one, no.
K - is for when is the last time you flew a KITE? Damn, a long ass time ago. Like, ten years?
L - is for your first LOVE: Idk man.
M - is for the last piece of MAIL you got? A food box from my mom, yay.
N - is for do you remember NERF guns? Yeah, I didn't like them though.
O - is for do you OWN a car? Not personally, but sorta.
P - is for your favorite PASTTIME? Music. Playing it, hearing it, dancing to it, finding new kinds ... all of it.
Q - is for do you like peace & QUIET? Yes please. Overall, I'd just prefer calm, peaceful, quiet, easy.
R - is for do you like the color RED? Yep. I found out today, I haven't worn the red tanktop yet! Blasphemy!
S - is for how many hours of SLEEP you need to function?: Hmm ... six.
T - is for what TIME is it? Just after midnight.
U - is for what is UNDER your bed? Storage.
V - is for what you did last VALENTINES day: Ha, a few days ago ... I talked all night with Zach, watched crazy David B music videos, and danced.
W - is for do you drink a lot of WATER? Yes.
X - is for have you ever had an X-RAY? Yeah, lots of them. For broken bones and teeth.
Y - is for the last person you YELLED at? Mom, at least through text. Actually out loud? Man, I don't know ... it's been awhile.
Z - is for have you ever watched ZORRO? Yeah, I think so, though I don't have a specific memory for it.
Who do you wish you could hang out with right now? Yeah, a few people.
Name one thing you absolutely can not stand: The library is closed on Sunday. WTF!
Where do you spend most of your time? At my desk. Laaame.
Have you ever hit a squirrel when you were driving? Oh! No. Thankfully.
Did your car ever break down? Yes. Sucks.
What is the longest amount of time you've been awake? In one stretch ... like, almost 48 hours.
What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week? Wow, I'd definitely leave London. Go see NY for a bit, then just go home.
Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone? YES. They make me paranoid no matter what .. I'm not good with that stuff, unless I make fun of it.
Name one thing you've lied about recently. That last night was a "gettogether" and not a party. Ha.
What is the worst movie you've ever seen? I walked out of Citizen Kane, but that was awhile ago, so who knows now.
Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? Probably my parents ... my dad, I think.
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