i'm not in love, i just wanna be touched
If you opened it you have to start:
You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY or else you wont have <3 style="font-style: italic;">knowledge at first sight. Maybe the love comes afterwards, but the spark of it, the knowledge that it will happen, that can come at first sight.
[15] Would you kiss the last person you kissed?
Romantically? No. Unless he'd learned to do it better.
[16] At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender?
Ha, very early. There are stories of me kissing boys in Kindergarten, so ... yeah.
[17]Do you still like your ex??
[18] Do you know someone who likes you?
Not in any particular sort of way.
[19] Do you like anyone?
[20] Do they know you like/love them?
Nah. The only kinds of romantic liking I'm doing nowadays are professors/TAs (which obviously has to stay a certain level of secret) and random boys on the street/bus, so no.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper.
2. Real tree or artificial? Real please!
3. When do you put up the tree? Almost directly after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? Before New Years.
5. Do you like egg nog? Never had it.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Every year pretty much there's a big present that I really enjoy. My parents have been pretty good at that.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Nah. I mean, we have this little porcelain figures set, that I always like to set up, but we kind of don't do that anymore because they keep getting broken.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Oh everyone. I always freak out about it. What you buy for someone says a lot about you and what you think about them, so it's very important.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Well I would say I'm pretty easy to buy for in that I'll like most anything, but at the same time, it's all in from whom it comes, I suppose. No one's really *easy* to buy for. Except those you don't really know, so there's no need to worry about it seeming incorrect.
10. Worst Christmas gift ever received? Oh, I don't like getting underwear or socks. Or a bunch of random shit. I'd rather have one nice, little, thoughtful thing than what seems like a mixed bag you picked up somewhere.
11. Mail or email Christmas card? Mail. Come on.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas. And Rudolph, of course. Gotta love those misfit toys!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When it enters my head. Usually after Thanksgiving.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe, but I definitely try not to.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas cookies. You know, sugar cutouts, frosted with sprinkles. Mmm.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored.
17. Favorite Christmas song? "Baby It's Cold Outside", the version with Ella Fitzgerald. But I really like loads of Christmas music ... from classics like "White Christmas" (Bing Crosby, of course) to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" and Sufjan Stevens' Christmas music ... it's all so good.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? STAY HOME. Pleeease.
19. Can you name Santas reindeer? Yeah, but probably only because of the song. 'You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen ... Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen ... but do you recall THE MOST FAMOUS REINDEER OF ALL??? Rudolph.'
20. Do you have an Angel on top or a star? Angel. Though we used to have a star ... hmm, I wonder what the whole pagan tradition story behind that is.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? MORNING. Oh come on! Though I do think I like the idea of getting to open one small one on Christmas Eve. Just to up and extend the excitement a little!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? When it all starts a little too early. And how expensive it ends up being. And that finals are during it.
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com

1. How would you rate your thanksgiving dinner? Pretty good. Wasn't too drunk to enjoy it ... got loads of mashed potatoes, noodles, and bread ... and still enjoyed little sides like the corn thing and the sweet potato thing. Dessert could have been better.
2. Did anyone come that you wish didnt? Nope. It's pretty much the same crowd every year, and that delicate balance is perfect.
3. How many people showed up, and how many were you expecting? Same number ... twelve.
4. What was your favorite dish? Probably the rolls.
5. Were you on clean up crew or the one that just kicked back? Kicked back.
6. Who was the funniest one there? We're all pretty funny.
7. Who was the drama queen? Grandma, duh. Though relatively drama-less.
8. Will the same people come over on Christmas that came on Thanksgiving? No, we don't really do that.
9. Did you play music or watch the football games? Watched the football games. Played pool and darts.
10. Any drinking involed? Ha. Yeah. We drink before, during, and after.
11. Anyone get out of hand and had to put them in their place? Ha, no. Although we did have some wanton drunkenness.
12. Who did you talk the most with? Probably my Dad.
13. Did you feel out of place at all? Nah.
14. Will you start decorating for Christmas on Black Friday? No, not personally.
15. Did you go shopping on Black Friday? NOPE. I was trying to get dragged into it by a few people, but luckily it didn't work out on any end. I just totally didn't want to.
16. If so, What time did you get out of the house? --
17. Was anyone new at Thanksgiving dinner this year? Nope.
18. Did you miss anyone for thanksgiving/if so who? No, I saw my family.
19. Whats the next thing you do right after thanksgiving? The hayride.
20. Anything eles you would like to add about your Thanksgiving? It was good. ...?
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com

What is the single largest item in your house? Probably the armoire thingy.
How well can you write your name with your non dominant hand? Oh, not very well.
What color is your bedroom? Here, it's beige because it has to be.
What type of computer mouse do you use? Don't. (Laptop.)
What is your earliest memory? Eating strawberries in the back of a movie theatre.
Have you ever jumped off of a high dive? Yep.
Do you take vitamins? Yes, Flintstones and a calcium supplement now.
When did you first become interested in sex? Ha, I don't remember. Around fifteen maybe?
Do you like to color inside the lines? Yes please.
What do you have set as your home page? I don't really set those.
Do you have your own radio? On my alarm clock...
Where would you hate to have to work? Retail.
Who is on your speed dial? Voicemail, mom, Zach, Tricia, Hillary, Nalleli, Wes, Shirley.
Do you prefer lightbulbs or candles? Candles.
How much money did you spend today? None so far, woo!
What are you sitting on right now? My bed.
Do you look at yourself when you pass by reflective surfaces? Yeah.
Would you ever get plastic surgery? I wouldn't say never, but I'd like to not do so.
Did you play with shaving cream when you were a kid? Yeah, maybe once or twice.
How big is your bed? Twin XL.
Do you like the smell of axe? I don't know particularly.
What is your favorite flavor of lifesavers? The red kind.
Have you ever seen a volcano? IN REAL LIFE??!? No.
What is the best halloween costume you have ever worn? Old school stuff like Jasmine and the pink Power Ranger and a devil.
What kind of soap do you use? Tone ... bought it for the scent ... it's something and Water Lily, which I just found enticing.
Can you snowboard? Assumably no, but have never tried.
How many icons do you have on your dekstop? 51. And yes I just counted.
What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time? In my hands in cash? $1000. In general? Somewhere above $3000.
Do you understand how telephones work? Not directly.
Do you write notes on your body? Nope. Never really done that.
What is the prominent color in your closet? Black.
What is sitting next to you right now? A pillow.
Do you believe in lots of conspiracies? Sure. I'm somewhat of a conspiracy theorist. If only because I usually think 'why not?'.
Do you own any really old video game systems? Nope. I'd love to have an old Super Nintendo, though.
Are you good at baking? Yep! I love baking. I miss baking. =(
Have you ever made your own clothing? No.
How many doors does your house have? The apartment has one in, then eight inside.
Do you prefer tootsie pops or blow pops? Blow pops for the sucker flavor, but I'd rather have a Tootsie Roll at the end than gum.
Do you sneak into movie theatres? No.
Are you a really fast text messager? Yep, ever since I converted to Word, thanks!
Do you have anything you keep on you 24/7? My rings...?
Do you usually write in print or in cursive? A melange of the two.
What was your first job? Heh.
Do you prefer crushed ice or cubed? Crushed.
What print is on your plates or cups in your kitchen? They're just plain purple plates, but I love 'em. And I own two cups: one is red, one is green with a leaf pattern on it.
Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone? Yeah. That can get you into trouble though.
What do you want to buy from an infomercial? Oh lots of things. They're all perfectly insane.
Do you believe that animals have souls? Yes.
What word/phrase do you find really annoying? "Just saying." "Well..." AND THEN SILENCE.
Do you have a lava lamp or a black light? Nope.
Do you find yourself not having enough electrical outlets? Nah. I have enough power strips.
What is the longest you can wait patiently? Depends. Not very long usually.
Have you ever been under anesthesia? Yeah.
Are your fingernails long or short? Short.
Are you afraid of bright colors? Nope. I'm afraid of garrous colors.
Has anyone ever accused you of being gay? Nope. But ... accused? Wrong word, I'm thinking.
Can you tell people honest things to their face? Oh that largely depends on the person and the honest thing.
Would you rather eat grits or oatmeal? Oatmeal.
Do you own a kite? Nope.
Have you ever run down and up escalator or vice versa? Ha no. I imagine it'd be rather difficult though.
What do you think of clothing for pets? That my dogs look really cute in sweaters. ;)
Do you tend to want things you cannot have? Uh yeah. And then when I get things, I tend to not want them. Seriously ... the fastest way to make me not want something is just to let me have unfettered access to it.
Is it true that you can be anything you want to be? Yeah, I mean, if you're willing to put the time and energy and money into something, you can probably get there. You have to be willing to sacrifice everything else though, like former plans, people in your life, financial security, norms ... all of it.
Were your parents honest to you about serious things when you were little? Yeah.
Would you ever dye your hair purple? Probably not.
Who do you think should play you in a movie? I don't know man.
Would you ever kill someone? Hopefully not.
Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Stripes.
Do you dot your is and cross your ts? Yes.
Are you double jointed in any way? No.
What kind of super power do you wish you had? Reading minds.
Are you easily offended? I can be. I'm a little sensitive sometimes.
How often do you watch the news? Not often. I read CNN on occasion.
Do you have nightmares very much? No, thankfully. I had a marathon of dreams last night though, omg. There was dancing on chairs with Asa and crew while being dismissed by Colbie Caillat, and lifts in partner ballroom dancing, and a lot of other things too that I don't remember...
Which power ranger was your favorite? Pink. Amy Jo!
Did the movie Jaws ever scare you? Yeah man.
Have you ever cried to get away with something? Probably.
What do you think of feminists? It's cool, evs.
Are you friends with anyone famous? Nah.
Do you lack common sense sometimes? Sure, as much as anyone else.
Are you afraid of snakes? Yeah.
Do you use recycle bins at your house? Yep.
How hot do you like the water in your shower? Pretty hot.
Do you ever walk around your house naked? No, but if I had my own house, I totally would. When I know no one is home, I'll walk around in underwear and such. Dance around is more like it, ha.
What is your favorite art form? I like to paint sometimes. Does music count?
Do you want to be bilingual? I am ... sort of. I'd love to be multilingual.
Is energy wasted on little kids? Nah, it's a good time for energy.
Do you lie to make people feel better? Sometimes.
How many times a day do you look at the clock? Probably a shit load, especially if I'm in a lecture.
Do you like to organize things? Not overly so.
Are you going to have smile lines or frown lines when youre older? Smile lines, hopefully.
Do you floss your teeth every day? Nah. I know, I know.
Do you like the game red rover? Haven't played it in forever. Don't remember crazy liking it when I was a kid.
Which is better, thick crust or thin? I kind of love both. If pressed to pick ... thin.
How good are you at keeping secrets? Pretty good.
What stupid little thing really stresses you out? Past situations. Being late.
Can you remember what you wore yesterday? Yeeeah. Took a second, but yeah. Brown shirt, AE jeans, sweatshirt because it was cold.
Which Disney parks have you been to? World.
What do you think the drinking age should be? 18.
Do you like to wear socks? Not really.
What is the last cartoon you watched? Enchanted, if that counts.
What does your bed comforter look like? Well seeing as I'm on it right now ... I flipped it this year, so it's dark purple dots.
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com
If you opened it you have to start:
You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY or else you wont have <3 style="font-style: italic;">knowledge at first sight. Maybe the love comes afterwards, but the spark of it, the knowledge that it will happen, that can come at first sight.
[15] Would you kiss the last person you kissed?
Romantically? No. Unless he'd learned to do it better.
[16] At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender?
Ha, very early. There are stories of me kissing boys in Kindergarten, so ... yeah.
[17]Do you still like your ex??
[18] Do you know someone who likes you?
Not in any particular sort of way.
[19] Do you like anyone?
[20] Do they know you like/love them?
Nah. The only kinds of romantic liking I'm doing nowadays are professors/TAs (which obviously has to stay a certain level of secret) and random boys on the street/bus, so no.
Christmas Questions

Take this survey
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper.
2. Real tree or artificial? Real please!
3. When do you put up the tree? Almost directly after Thanksgiving.
4. When do you take the tree down? Before New Years.
5. Do you like egg nog? Never had it.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Every year pretty much there's a big present that I really enjoy. My parents have been pretty good at that.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Nah. I mean, we have this little porcelain figures set, that I always like to set up, but we kind of don't do that anymore because they keep getting broken.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Oh everyone. I always freak out about it. What you buy for someone says a lot about you and what you think about them, so it's very important.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Well I would say I'm pretty easy to buy for in that I'll like most anything, but at the same time, it's all in from whom it comes, I suppose. No one's really *easy* to buy for. Except those you don't really know, so there's no need to worry about it seeming incorrect.
10. Worst Christmas gift ever received? Oh, I don't like getting underwear or socks. Or a bunch of random shit. I'd rather have one nice, little, thoughtful thing than what seems like a mixed bag you picked up somewhere.
11. Mail or email Christmas card? Mail. Come on.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? White Christmas. And Rudolph, of course. Gotta love those misfit toys!
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When it enters my head. Usually after Thanksgiving.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe, but I definitely try not to.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas cookies. You know, sugar cutouts, frosted with sprinkles. Mmm.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored.
17. Favorite Christmas song? "Baby It's Cold Outside", the version with Ella Fitzgerald. But I really like loads of Christmas music ... from classics like "White Christmas" (Bing Crosby, of course) to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" and Sufjan Stevens' Christmas music ... it's all so good.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? STAY HOME. Pleeease.
19. Can you name Santas reindeer? Yeah, but probably only because of the song. 'You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen ... Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen ... but do you recall THE MOST FAMOUS REINDEER OF ALL??? Rudolph.'
20. Do you have an Angel on top or a star? Angel. Though we used to have a star ... hmm, I wonder what the whole pagan tradition story behind that is.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? MORNING. Oh come on! Though I do think I like the idea of getting to open one small one on Christmas Eve. Just to up and extend the excitement a little!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? When it all starts a little too early. And how expensive it ends up being. And that finals are during it.
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com
Thanksgiving Recap

Take this survey AFTER Thanksgiving
1. How would you rate your thanksgiving dinner? Pretty good. Wasn't too drunk to enjoy it ... got loads of mashed potatoes, noodles, and bread ... and still enjoyed little sides like the corn thing and the sweet potato thing. Dessert could have been better.
2. Did anyone come that you wish didnt? Nope. It's pretty much the same crowd every year, and that delicate balance is perfect.
3. How many people showed up, and how many were you expecting? Same number ... twelve.
4. What was your favorite dish? Probably the rolls.
5. Were you on clean up crew or the one that just kicked back? Kicked back.
6. Who was the funniest one there? We're all pretty funny.
7. Who was the drama queen? Grandma, duh. Though relatively drama-less.
8. Will the same people come over on Christmas that came on Thanksgiving? No, we don't really do that.
9. Did you play music or watch the football games? Watched the football games. Played pool and darts.
10. Any drinking involed? Ha. Yeah. We drink before, during, and after.
11. Anyone get out of hand and had to put them in their place? Ha, no. Although we did have some wanton drunkenness.
12. Who did you talk the most with? Probably my Dad.
13. Did you feel out of place at all? Nah.
14. Will you start decorating for Christmas on Black Friday? No, not personally.
15. Did you go shopping on Black Friday? NOPE. I was trying to get dragged into it by a few people, but luckily it didn't work out on any end. I just totally didn't want to.
16. If so, What time did you get out of the house? --
17. Was anyone new at Thanksgiving dinner this year? Nope.
18. Did you miss anyone for thanksgiving/if so who? No, I saw my family.
19. Whats the next thing you do right after thanksgiving? The hayride.
20. Anything eles you would like to add about your Thanksgiving? It was good. ...?
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com
Completely Ridiculously Random

Take this survey
What is the single largest item in your house? Probably the armoire thingy.
How well can you write your name with your non dominant hand? Oh, not very well.
What color is your bedroom? Here, it's beige because it has to be.
What type of computer mouse do you use? Don't. (Laptop.)
What is your earliest memory? Eating strawberries in the back of a movie theatre.
Have you ever jumped off of a high dive? Yep.
Do you take vitamins? Yes, Flintstones and a calcium supplement now.
When did you first become interested in sex? Ha, I don't remember. Around fifteen maybe?
Do you like to color inside the lines? Yes please.
What do you have set as your home page? I don't really set those.
Do you have your own radio? On my alarm clock...
Where would you hate to have to work? Retail.
Who is on your speed dial? Voicemail, mom, Zach, Tricia, Hillary, Nalleli, Wes, Shirley.
Do you prefer lightbulbs or candles? Candles.
How much money did you spend today? None so far, woo!
What are you sitting on right now? My bed.
Do you look at yourself when you pass by reflective surfaces? Yeah.
Would you ever get plastic surgery? I wouldn't say never, but I'd like to not do so.
Did you play with shaving cream when you were a kid? Yeah, maybe once or twice.
How big is your bed? Twin XL.
Do you like the smell of axe? I don't know particularly.
What is your favorite flavor of lifesavers? The red kind.
Have you ever seen a volcano? IN REAL LIFE??!? No.
What is the best halloween costume you have ever worn? Old school stuff like Jasmine and the pink Power Ranger and a devil.
What kind of soap do you use? Tone ... bought it for the scent ... it's something and Water Lily, which I just found enticing.
Can you snowboard? Assumably no, but have never tried.
How many icons do you have on your dekstop? 51. And yes I just counted.
What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time? In my hands in cash? $1000. In general? Somewhere above $3000.
Do you understand how telephones work? Not directly.
Do you write notes on your body? Nope. Never really done that.
What is the prominent color in your closet? Black.
What is sitting next to you right now? A pillow.
Do you believe in lots of conspiracies? Sure. I'm somewhat of a conspiracy theorist. If only because I usually think 'why not?'.
Do you own any really old video game systems? Nope. I'd love to have an old Super Nintendo, though.
Are you good at baking? Yep! I love baking. I miss baking. =(
Have you ever made your own clothing? No.
How many doors does your house have? The apartment has one in, then eight inside.
Do you prefer tootsie pops or blow pops? Blow pops for the sucker flavor, but I'd rather have a Tootsie Roll at the end than gum.
Do you sneak into movie theatres? No.
Are you a really fast text messager? Yep, ever since I converted to Word, thanks!
Do you have anything you keep on you 24/7? My rings...?
Do you usually write in print or in cursive? A melange of the two.
What was your first job? Heh.
Do you prefer crushed ice or cubed? Crushed.
What print is on your plates or cups in your kitchen? They're just plain purple plates, but I love 'em. And I own two cups: one is red, one is green with a leaf pattern on it.
Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone? Yeah. That can get you into trouble though.
What do you want to buy from an infomercial? Oh lots of things. They're all perfectly insane.
Do you believe that animals have souls? Yes.
What word/phrase do you find really annoying? "Just saying." "Well..." AND THEN SILENCE.
Do you have a lava lamp or a black light? Nope.
Do you find yourself not having enough electrical outlets? Nah. I have enough power strips.
What is the longest you can wait patiently? Depends. Not very long usually.
Have you ever been under anesthesia? Yeah.
Are your fingernails long or short? Short.
Are you afraid of bright colors? Nope. I'm afraid of garrous colors.
Has anyone ever accused you of being gay? Nope. But ... accused? Wrong word, I'm thinking.
Can you tell people honest things to their face? Oh that largely depends on the person and the honest thing.
Would you rather eat grits or oatmeal? Oatmeal.
Do you own a kite? Nope.
Have you ever run down and up escalator or vice versa? Ha no. I imagine it'd be rather difficult though.
What do you think of clothing for pets? That my dogs look really cute in sweaters. ;)
Do you tend to want things you cannot have? Uh yeah. And then when I get things, I tend to not want them. Seriously ... the fastest way to make me not want something is just to let me have unfettered access to it.
Is it true that you can be anything you want to be? Yeah, I mean, if you're willing to put the time and energy and money into something, you can probably get there. You have to be willing to sacrifice everything else though, like former plans, people in your life, financial security, norms ... all of it.
Were your parents honest to you about serious things when you were little? Yeah.
Would you ever dye your hair purple? Probably not.
Who do you think should play you in a movie? I don't know man.
Would you ever kill someone? Hopefully not.
Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Stripes.
Do you dot your is and cross your ts? Yes.
Are you double jointed in any way? No.
What kind of super power do you wish you had? Reading minds.
Are you easily offended? I can be. I'm a little sensitive sometimes.
How often do you watch the news? Not often. I read CNN on occasion.
Do you have nightmares very much? No, thankfully. I had a marathon of dreams last night though, omg. There was dancing on chairs with Asa and crew while being dismissed by Colbie Caillat, and lifts in partner ballroom dancing, and a lot of other things too that I don't remember...
Which power ranger was your favorite? Pink. Amy Jo!
Did the movie Jaws ever scare you? Yeah man.
Have you ever cried to get away with something? Probably.
What do you think of feminists? It's cool, evs.
Are you friends with anyone famous? Nah.
Do you lack common sense sometimes? Sure, as much as anyone else.
Are you afraid of snakes? Yeah.
Do you use recycle bins at your house? Yep.
How hot do you like the water in your shower? Pretty hot.
Do you ever walk around your house naked? No, but if I had my own house, I totally would. When I know no one is home, I'll walk around in underwear and such. Dance around is more like it, ha.
What is your favorite art form? I like to paint sometimes. Does music count?
Do you want to be bilingual? I am ... sort of. I'd love to be multilingual.
Is energy wasted on little kids? Nah, it's a good time for energy.
Do you lie to make people feel better? Sometimes.
How many times a day do you look at the clock? Probably a shit load, especially if I'm in a lecture.
Do you like to organize things? Not overly so.
Are you going to have smile lines or frown lines when youre older? Smile lines, hopefully.
Do you floss your teeth every day? Nah. I know, I know.
Do you like the game red rover? Haven't played it in forever. Don't remember crazy liking it when I was a kid.
Which is better, thick crust or thin? I kind of love both. If pressed to pick ... thin.
How good are you at keeping secrets? Pretty good.
What stupid little thing really stresses you out? Past situations. Being late.
Can you remember what you wore yesterday? Yeeeah. Took a second, but yeah. Brown shirt, AE jeans, sweatshirt because it was cold.
Which Disney parks have you been to? World.
What do you think the drinking age should be? 18.
Do you like to wear socks? Not really.
What is the last cartoon you watched? Enchanted, if that counts.
What does your bed comforter look like? Well seeing as I'm on it right now ... I flipped it this year, so it's dark purple dots.
More surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com
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