taking it hard just like you knew i would
2007 Reflections

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1) DRINKING BUDDIES OF THE YEAR? Roommates and family, mostly. Plus the group a little, too, I suppose....in the summer.
2) YOUR SONG FOR 2007 I'm supposed to pick one?? Oh lord. Let's see ... "To the Beat of our Noisey Hearts" by Matt Nathanson, or maybe "Misery Business" by Paramore, or the late entry "Merry Happy" by Kate Nash... Dude, I don't know. Picking ONE SONG over a year is really really difficult for me.
3) LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD (longest friend) - Tricia and Hillary.
5) HIGH POINT OF THE YEAR? Getting 100s on tests.
6) LOW POINT OF THE YEAR? The last few weeks of Spring semester. HELL.
7) BEST HOLIDAY? Of this year? Maybe Thanksgiving, I guess ... or Fourth of July. But maybe Christmas or New Years will pull it out, who knows. None of my holidays were particularly fantastic.
8) MOVIE FOR 2007? Loved Across the Universe, and Hairspray, and Superbad, and Knocked Up...
9) WHO DID YOU SPEND VALENTINES WITH? You know, I don't even remember ... oh WAIT, yeah. That. Spent it with no one, even forgot it was that day until an unlikely source reminded me and wished me a happy one.
10) BEST RELATIONSHIP? For overall improvement, probably the one with myself. Or with Jenny ... that one's really revolutionalized itself over the year, which is great actually.
11) WHAT WERE YOU FOR HALLOWEEN Nothing. Just make-up-ed.
12) RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR? Red Robin, I guess. Because I constantly crave their burger+strawberry lemonade combination now.
13) BIGGEST douchebag AWARD? A lot of people in my life that I would never have figured for it had very douchebag-y moments this year, but overall everyone's kind of redeemed themselves, so I'll refrain from awarding this one.
14) BEST DECISION MADE THIS YEAR? To take an intro Psych course for the hell of it. To reach for what I know I deserve, which is much more than I was settling for before.
15) WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? London, and making that great enough to make up for all that it has taken to get there, a summer hopefully of lab work but fun, and then just doing well in all my classes and applying to grad school.
16) MOST STUPID IDEA WHEN DRUNK To drink more and to eat so much pumpkin cake/pie/dump that I basically feel ill whenever I think of pumpkin anything nowadays ... or too much smoosh/butter/ .... ew. done.
17) TV SHOW OF THE YEAR? Pushing Daisies. Easily my favorite. Runners up are The Office, Kid Nation, and Heroes.
18) MOST LOYAL FRIEND? No one has been especially non-loyal.
19) BIGGEST CHANGE OF THE YEAR? Going away from pre-health. Going away from a long-ass affair with a veil of settling.
20) NEW YEAR RESOLUTION? Just to keep it up, to make 2008 a stellar year compared with 2006 and 7, which both kind of sucked.
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Christmas Countdown

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1. Silent Night.
2. Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
3. All I Want for Christmas is You (we're going non-traditional, but well-known, too).
4. White Christmas.
5. Jingle Bells.
6. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
7. Rudolph.
8. Frosty the Snowman.
9. Christmas Time is Here.
10. Carol of the Bells.
11. Sleigh Ride.
12. Last Christmas. (That's right, I did it!)
NAME 11 DECORATIONS YOU WILL PUT ON THE TREE Well, disclaimer, I probably won't actually put a damn thing on the tree this year, except for...
1. A self-cut paper snowflake, which each roommate made and stuck on our crazy tiny silver fake potted tree.
2. Lights.
3. An angel at the top.
4. The peacock feather.
5. The singing dog/cat (?).
6. Kissing reindeer.
7. The partridge in the pear tree.
8. The gold boot.
9. The made-in-2nd-grade star made of spray-painted-gold pasta glued onto posterboard.
10. That huge pink ball.
11. The little bear family.
1. Guitar.
2. Everything else is superfluous, but I'll play along ... separate harddrive for my music.
3. Nicole Atkin's CD.
4. Blake's CD.
5. Money for London.
6. One of those cute little fat new nanos.
7. New boots.
8. New flats.
9. Kate Nash's CD, but good luck finding it in this country.
10. Some non-drama, thanks.
NAME 9 FOODS YOU LOVE EATING ON CHRISTMAS DAY To be honest, I don't know that I eat nine foods on Christmas Day, but let's again play along.
1. Cookies?
2. Chips.
3. Nachos?
4. Cereal.
5. Hot chocolate.
6. Pie crust cinnamon/sugar concoction.
7. And that's
8. all I have because
9. we don't do special foods on Christmas.
1. Uh actually
2. I think I'm doing
3. a non-gifts
4. year
5. this year
6. because I'm
7. so darn poor
8. and will maybe bring gifts back from London instead...?
1. The spirit.
2. The snow.
3. The gifts.
4. The lights.
5. The hot chocolate.
6. The anticipation.
7. The love.
1. Get up.
2. Check to see if Jenny's up.
3. Go down the stairs (together).
4. Marvel at the presents.
5. Open the presents.
6. Sit around enjoying the presents.
4. Calling: birds! (Thanks for the prompts!)
3. French: hens.
2. Turtle: doves.
1. And A: PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREEEEEE. Sorry. I like sing alongs.
1. Socks. (Though I could actually use some this year ... but particular ones).
2. Underwear.
3. Random little things thrown together which obviously means you were going for bulk since you had no clue what I may actually like or wanted to put minimal effort in.
4. Craft things. Like, sets. Except that painting by numbers thing I got once...that I really enjoyed.
1. Union Square fair.
2. Target.
3. Online. (HA. if you want a different one...B&N).
1. For a good year.
2. For hope.
1. Anyone!
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Food For Thought

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What is your favorite food? Probably mashed potatoes or pizza.
What is your 2nd favorite food? Ha, the other.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas? Strawberries? Kiwis? Hard to tell, kids.
What is your favorite flavor of jelly? Grape. ONLY grape.
What is your favorite vegetable? Probably cauliflower. Or cucumber.
Do you prefer your veggies cooked or raw? Raw.
What is your favorite lunch meat? Vegetarian, thanks.
What is your favorite cheese? I'm really into sharp cheddars and fontina lately.
What kind of milk do you drink? Soy vanilla, Trader Joe's.
What is your favorite pie? Probably apple. Or the chocolate pudding kind if that counts because LORD YES.
What is your favorite thing to cook? I like to bake much more than I like to cook. Baking calms me and makes me happy.
What is your favorite desert to make? I like cookies. But I like the shortbread I make too ... woo buddy, good stuff.
Do you use cook books? Not really. Just recipezaar.
Have you ever made your own recipe? Yeah, I mean, the kitchen is all about experimentation and innovation.
Is it possible to mess up a grilled cheese? Oh yeah. Just burn it to a crisp. Or don't butter it enough, or too much, or mis-align your bread/cheese ... put it on the wrong heat ... I mean, yes.
Ever been to a potluck dinner? Yeah.
How do you like your eggs? I usually just like a quick over-easy, single egg. Omelettes are really good, though, if made with enough cheese and some broccoli or something.
What is your favorite soup? I like a good veggie soup. Or tomato. I miss broccoli and cheddar. Stupid chicken stock.
Do you cook on a daily basis? Yeah.
Do you like leftovers? Not really. I mean, I'm not anti, but I just like to make enough for the one time.
Do you eat cold pizza? Yeeeah, it's like a separate food entirely, really. Good in a totally different way.
Do you own a croc pot? No.
Do you eat 3 meals per day? Um, usually two. But I'm trying to get into a bunch of smaller meals thing.
What is your favorite thing to snack on? Crackers. or Sesame Sticks, omg yes.
Have you been on a diet? Sure. But recently, no.
Could you eat the gross stuff on Fear Factor? Ewww no.
Do you know someone who is a vegetarian? Yeah, myself. And lots of others.
Would you consider being a vegetarian? Yeeeah.
Have you eaten:
Spinach? Yep. Have some in the freezer But to be honest, I only like it raw, so that's why it's still in the freezer.
Oysters? No.
Escargo? No. Had the chance and declined.
Sushi? Yeah, veggie sushi. I don't like nori.
Calamari? No.
Ravioli? Yes! Love ravioli.
Cheesecake? Yep.
Tofu? Yes.
Cottage Cheese? Yeah, I almost splurged on that the other day, but then remembered I didn't have pepper, and I only eat it with a bunch of pepper. Maybe I'll get that at home...
Crab Cakes? No.
Aligator? No. Also had the opportunity and said no.
Frog Legs? No.
Deer? No ... well, actually, I may have at some point.
Lobster? No. Well, maybe when I was super young.
Chili? Yeah, vegan chili is the fucking best.
Broccoli? Yeah, I like broccoli. Just not steamed, please.
Pigs in a Blanket? Have in the past. Dont' anymore. Have't eaten a hotdog for ... over ten years now.
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Grown Folks Survey

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1. What bill do you hate paying the most? Tuition. But I guess I don't pay that.
2. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner? Oh shit man, it's been very long. Unless you count N.'s and my date(s).
3. Do you regret losing your virginity to who you lost it to? Haven't yet, but ... I suppose I'm grappling with the idea of really caring too much anymore.
4. Do you own a guitar? Not yet!
5. Name of your first grade teacher? Oh shit man ... it was a woman ... Can't remember her name though.
6. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Nope.
7. Do you own a piggy bank shaped like a pig? Yep!
8. How many colleges did you attend? Two technically. One only for a few classes in the summer though.
9. Why did you choose the shirt that you have on right now? Because it is an off day and I knew I didn't have to look nice. And the hoodie because it is cold as fuck in this room today!
10. What are your thoughts on gas prices? Too high, obvs. But I so don't want to live a life where I have to worry about a car and driving and insurance and gas.
11. Do you shower facing the shower head or with your back to it? Facing, omg! There are people who shower not facing it? Well, I mean ... I guess when I rinse my hair and shave my legs and such, that's all with my back to it ... but washing face and body and just enjoying the water is all facing it.
12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? Hmm, it seems that people are still here. So I'm going back to sleep.
13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? Daaaaamn I'm tired, I wish that light would get turned out.
14. Do you have anything in your pockets right now? No. I don't like to cart things in my pocket really.
15. How many windows are open on your computer? Five. But the Firefox window is comprised of eleven tabs.
16. What errand/chore do you despise? Washing dishes. Cleaning the bathroom.
17. If you didnt have to work, would you volunteer? I have.
18. Get up early or sleep in? Sleep in.
19. What is your favorite cartoon character? Don't really have one.
20. Who was the last text you received from? Tricia.
21. Are you a daydreamer? Yeah.
22. When did you first start feeling old? Around 18 a little, but mostly this past year with 20. I'm so into it now, though.
23. Favorite 80s movie? Sixteen Candles. or the Breakfast Club.
24. Your favorite lunch meat? None thanks.
25. What do you get every time you go into Costco? Never been to Costco.
26. Beach or lake? Beach. Heh.
27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? Not necessarily. I'm worried about a lot of things about it, sure, but I still think it's a viable cultural entity.
28. Do you own property? No.
29. Favorite guilty pleasure? Ice cream. Bad reality shows. Teen pop.
30. Favorite movie you wouldnt want anyone to find out about? I'm pretty unabashed about my movie tastes ... I mean, I love HSM like it's my job, and I don't care who knows.
31. Whats your drink at the bar? Jack Daniels with a splash of water, over ice.
32. Cowboys or Indians? Don't care.
33. Are you sarcastic? Yeah.
34. Are you shy? I can be.
35. In the past week have you gotten sick? Nope, thankfully.
36. Norm or Cliff from Cheers?.. Yeah, shoot me, but I've never seen Cheers.
37. In the past week, have you felt stupid? Probably, but not that I can specifically remember.
38. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? Oh, so many of those choices have been mistakes, but ultimately I've learned from them, so I wouldn't take any of them back. But you know, I'd go back to that moment and say yes, just because, fuck it, honesty.
39. In the past week have you gotten your hair cut? No.
40. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? Johnny Depp. I think he'd be lovely to look at AND speak with.
41. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors.
42. Be honest, do you buy the cheap or expensive toilet paper? Expensive.
43. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? No.
44. Last book you read for real? Reading Villette. Having to finish it within a week.
45. Has someone disappointed you recently? Maybe in small ways.
46. What was the last movie you watched? Meet the Robinsons. SO CUTE!
47. Somewhere in California you have never been and would like to go? Anywhere in CA...since I've never been anywhere there. I'll say San Diego.
48. Have you been outside the USA? Yes. I'm going to live outside the USA in basically a month.
49. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? New relationship. I'm happy with my career.
50. Just how OLD are you? TWENTY.
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I have come to realize

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1. I have come to realize that my butt: is not anything I think about that often.
2. I have come to realize that when I talk: I'm very aware of how much I talk or don't.
3. I have come to realize that, if I love someone: it's very difficult to see things clearly, and sometimes that's okay.
4. I have come to realize that, I need: very little in actuality.
5. I have come to realize that, I lost: my youth, and it's okay.
6. I have come to realize that, I hate it when: people do stupid little things, like leaving time on the microwave or closing the shower curtain or clip their toenails very loudly!
7. I have come to realize that, if Im drunk: it's a state that shoud go no further.
8. I have come to realize that, marriage: is a very interesting experiment.
9. I have come to realize that, work: is complicated.
10. I have come to realize that, I will always be: who I am.
11. I have come to realize that, I like: ice cream a lot.
12. I have come to realize that, the last time I cried was: about Kid Nation which is so sad yet so great.
13. I have come to realize that, my cell phone is: pretty sweet.
14. I have come to realize that, when I wake up in the morning: I like to be able to push sleep at least once.
15. I have come to realize that, before I go to sleep at night: it helps to know what I'm going to do when I wake up.
16. I have come to realize that, right now I am thinking about: the song playing, Jukebox Blues.
17. I have come to realize that, babies: are a whole other realm of craziness.
18. I have come to realize that, when I get on Myspace: there's really not that much to do...the fun dies out quickly.
19. I have come to realize that, today I will: not get that much done, but that's kind of been the point.
20. I have come to realize that, tonight I will: probably have to make my own dinner even though there were plans for something else.
21. I have come to realize that, tomorrow I will: start reading/studying.
22. I have come to realize that, I really want to: have fun and do well.
23. I have come to realize that, working out: is something I want to do on occasion...mostly to run.
24. I have come to realize that, friends: are very useful.
25. I have come to realize that, the person who might repost this is: probably no one I know.
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On Your Toes Survey

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What is your -MIDDLE- Name? Nicole.
How old do you feel? Just about twenty.
Where would you like to live? Here in the city is just fine for me.
Cats or Dogs? Dogs.
Vacation Atmosphere? Relaxing, interesting, beautiful.
Baths or Showers? Showers.
What is the sickest thing youve ever found in your food? Just hairs.
What movie moment really makes you squirm? Anything in a horror movie.
Describe your mother. She's crazy, but I love her.
Describe your father. Ditto, but more laid back.
Siblings? One, a sister. She's also crazy. Ha, see a pattern in the family?
Tell me an interesting story from your past. No man, that'll take too long. Let me tell you an interesting story from today: I found out I have an above 97% average in my Cog class, and I only needed above a 90% for an A. Sweet.
If anyone could kill you...who would you want it to be? Someone who knew an dliked me so it wouldn't be vindictive and crazy painful.
Forget how you want to die, how do you want to live? Ever presently.
You spot a spider beginning to spin its web....what do you do? Let it spin? As long as it's not in my room, in which case I'll be moving it outside.
How do you feel about bats? Ew. Scared.
Speaking of bats...ever been in a cave? Yeah. Not since freshman year.
Pick a noise youre fond of. The slide on a guitar string.
What about a sight? Twinkling lights or stars.
Sound. Sound instead of noise? Same thing, kids.
Texture. My lips when they get sort of dry at the end of the night.
What would be your ideal waking time? 10 am is good.
Bedtime? Right before 1.
Can you cook? Decently.
What hobbies do you get so lost in you loose track of time? Reading, knitting, watching movies, guitar.
What is your opinion on weapons? I'd rather they not exist really.
Thoughts on regulations on said weapons? Strong regulation favor-er.
What is your sleeping position? I usually fall asleep on my back and wake up on my left side.
Heavy or light sleeper? Right in between. I used to be a crazy heavy sleeper, but I'm right at a good middle now.
If you could remove any invention from existence, what would it be? Atomic bomb.
If you could visit a famous fantasy world...which would it be? Hogwarts!
Are you ashamed to be caught in a toy store? No...should I be?
Most comforting stance/position with your significant other? stance/position? That confuses me ... makes me think two different ways...
Thoughts on PDA? Oh it's fine, just don't gross me out.
Do you own a cookbook? Yeah.
Do you play board games? Yeaaaah...
Do you enjoy them? Sure.
Would you play hide-and-seek? Nah. I never liked that game.
If you were to lose a limb...which one would you want to lose? Oh man, that's a shitty question. I guess left leg? Don't they make fake legs much better than fake arms...?
Is any religion correct? No. Not in my humble opinion. Spirituality is correct ... the rest of it is just man's different interpretations of it.
Do you return your shopping cart? Yeah.
Hows your driving? Fine. A lot safer since the accident. That'll do it.
Ever wanted to be an assassin? No thanks.
Your method? Of?
Strangest turn-on? The sort of scruffy dirty dangerous thing. It shouldn't be hot, but it so is.
When you meet a new person, how do you treat them? With optimism.
What are your immediate expectations of a person to get on your good side? I don't know exactly what that's asking.
What are your turn-offs? I have many. Being too serious, lacking manners, not knowing music/pop culture, heavy gaming activities, political conservatism (though it's not fair, I know), not liking animals, being too clingy ... there are so many.
Do you know any of the real fairy tales? Real as in HCA? Yeah.
Do you embrace your heritage? Sure.
What cultures interest you? Oh all of them really.
Do you collect anything? Not hard core.
Name something youve done once that youll NEVER do again. Never, especially in caps, is a pretty large word... but if we're being daring ... I don't really see myself ever eating meat again. Or taking Orgo.
Do skunks make good pets? Would'nt know.
Ever had a spider bite? I don't think so.
What would you do in Nevada? Go to Las Vegas?
Name one antagonistic character you find amusing. Many of them are...that's kind of the thing.
Name one place youve been to that you want to return to. Paris. No matter how many times I go, I'll never be over it.
Do you teach yourself how to do things? Yeah. Like guitar, which turned out to be the greatest love affair I've had in awhile.
What are your bad habbits? Many. Biting nails, wasting time, leaving dishes lie around, not listening, phone etiquette ... all of it.
What habbits annoy you? Closing the shower curtain when no one's in there ... leaving time on the microwave ... clipping toenails in others' presence ... stressing unnecessarily ... leaving shit lie around ... being unnecessarily fidgety...
Does pain bother you? Sure. I mean, that's why it's pain.
Did you know that tickling is a form of pain? Nope, can't say I did.
Do your eyes change color? Not really.
Favorite way to sit in a reclining chair. Reclining?
Whos the fool that you pity? You, you silly child. Nah, I'm not that into pity. Doesn't make anyone feel better.
What do you WANT to see when/after you die? All those things/people I've missed.
Do your dreams mean anything to you? Yeah, sure. But I try sometimes not to read TOO much into them. Though it is interesting seeing what my brain comes up with.
Worst fear? Failure. But I faced it and I'm still here, so ... yeah.
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