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Think Hard Survey

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How many keys are on your keychain? Four. Apartment and room key, mailbox key, and a safe key.
If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint? I'm feeling like something random like just mixing colors, but usually I go for landscapes.
What do you regard as the most repulsive form of music? I don't like 'music' that is just a shitload of random sounds thrown together, like screaming, then white noise, then a cow bell in the distance. NOT POETIC.
Whose mind, besides your own, would you like to control? Ooo, what a question to ask a manipulative person. Let's see ... I think in small ways there are a lot of things you can *influence* in a semi-control sort of way in people's minds if you play your cards right ... I don't know if I'd want full control over anyone else's mind. I kind of like the surprises people will be. Plus, I have enough of a life to manage without worrying about another's.
What is the most dangerous occupation? Oh, there are a lot that are dangerous, I'm sure. Soldier, cop, firefighter, you know ... lots.
What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? When I get *out*? Probably go to the bathroom.
What do you consider the greatest threat to mankind? Probably mankind itself.
If you could project yourself into the past, where would you go? There are a lot of things I'd like to see and experience firsthand ... I don't know.
What are you thankful you are not doing right now? Freaking out about papers or tests. My finals is shaping up to be pretty manageable.
What is your favorite kind of candy? I really like chocolate with nuts in it, a la Mr. Goodbar ... and I'm partial to gummy things, like Sour Patch or gummy bears/worms ... And I like some candy bars, like Twix... Depends on what I'm in the mood for, I suppose.
What is your favorite thing about the beach? The calm. That you can just sit there and watch the horizon and *feel* it all.
If you were invisible, where would you go? I'd sneak myself on a plane and go somewhere I hadn't been, like Ireland or Japan or something. Oh, or into my professor's offices. I'd like to see how some of them act when alone.
What is one object in your home that you are embarrassed to own? I think if I were that embarrassed to own it, I'd get rid of it ... but the fact that I have a stuffed cat that breathes, meows, and purrs ... would probably offput some people. =)
Fill in the blank; When I dance, I look like: the coolest human being EVER. Ha, no ... I look like me, but dancing. Sometimes that's incredibly goofy, sometimes it's hot. You never know, man.
Who is one person you wish you would have never met? I guess in the end they all probably added something. You can't want to take away the bad or the uncomfortable ... because they all end up weaving together in a necessary way.
What is your favorite fruit? Probably bananas. Maybe sliced green apples.
What is your favorite kind of cookie? Frosted soft sugar cookies with sprinkles please! Which I may make this weekend...
If you were an evil dictator, where would you rule? I'd rather not be an evil dictator. I don't have the stamina.
What do you need to get right now at the drug store? I just went to the drug store for vitamins, so I'm pretty good for now ... if anything, I'd just pick up chips and popcorn.
What song do you keep hearing over and over again? "Runaway" by Janet Jackson in my head because I watched PopUpVideo online (!) today. Woooo for that decision. In real life? Umm ... Kiss Kiss.
What was the happiest age of your life? I was pretty happy around 17, but to tell you the truth, I think (I hope!) I'm entering another happy phase, so I'm thankful for that. It's been a kind of dark few years here.
What is your favorite piece of clothing that you own? Ooo, good question. I'll discount shoes as that would be unfair to my other clothing ... Probably this cute little dotted dark dress I have. It's very versatile and absolutely adorable. I don't get enough chances to wear it, for sure.
What two words describe your lifestyle? Winding ... and ... thinking.
Which ocean creature fascinates you most? Well they're all pretty fascinating, no?
On a scale of 1-10; how religious are you? I'm not very religious at all. I do believe in spirituality, but I see no reason for man to impose things upon that. I just don't see how that's an improvement.
What historical figure would you most like to have a discussion with? Oh, I don't know. Maybe Abraham Lincoln because I think there's a lot behind that. Or a womans rights fighter, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and such. Would be interesting to get those viewpoints.
What color looks best on you? I like black and red. And I'm really into a plum-y sort of purple lately.
What is your favorite thing about being sick? Not having to do anything, like being able to catch up on movies and TV and such.
Whats new? With me? Um, not much really. Going to London in just over a month, which is a little scary, but exciting.
Why are you here right now? In this world of survey? Um, just felt like doing one.
What commercial do you find most annoying? I hate the Head On commercials, but who doesn't.
What was your favorite meal growing up? As long as it had mashed potatoes, I'm pretty sure I was happy.
If you had to spend the rest of your life in one place, where would it be? I really like NYC. I feel it gives you what you need of any place else.
Fill in the blank; I am so much smarter than: I could be.
What one person or thing reminds you of the 80s? Bright colors with block-y graphics.
What is college really good for? Growing up, man. That's really what it is ... some big experiment where you try out adulthood before you actually have to do it full scale.
Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been? I love Paris, I do.
What body part aches you the most right now? My back. I've been sitting funny again lately...I need to remind myself that, although nice in the moment, it backfire in the future.
When is the angriest you have ever been? Oh, I got pretty angry the other day, but that was retroactive. Um ... I don't know if I can think of one particular time. But one person ... yeah.
What do you waste your time doing? These? Internet, basically, if you wanted to sum it up.
On a scale of 1-10; how much do you trust people? Probably 8-ish. Depends on the person, though, obvs.
If you were forced to choose your own death, how would you die? Someway relatively quick, but not painless ... I don't know, I feel like you really have to experience death. It's the last corporal experience ... why would you deny yourself that? I mean, make it mean something, I guess.
On a scale of 1-10; how photogenic are you? Depends on the angle, the day, the photographer, my mood ... I'm a'ight.
What aspect of your personality could use a little work? Ha, wow. I can be slightly avoidant often.
What is your greatest addiction? Probably masochistic tendencies. Or going back to issues/people that should so be over. As far as materials ... I guess alcohol, but recent experiences have tempered that before it became a problem, I think. Maybe ice cream?
What issue are you sick of hearing about? The election, sadly. I just want to get past primaries and to the vote. I'm tired of all the speculation.
If you were a professional wrestler, what would your ring name be? Ring name? Never heard that term. And I'd never be, so no need to use the brain power to think of one.
What language would you like to master? I'd like to learn Latin.
What is your favorite dish at a Chinese restaurant? I don't really like Asian food ... um ... I guess just fried rice.
Who would you least likely expect a phone call from? Many people, most of them from the past.
What is the longest you have ever gone without a shower? Oh, maybe a week? Not terribly long.
What is the saddest movie you have ever seen? Lots of movies are sad in very different ways.
What time do you usually fall asleep? Around 1, lately.
Where is the worst place to be stuck waiting? Alone. No social cues or anyone to empathize with.
What is the cutest animal on Earth? Baby animals in general are pretty cute.
Name one celebrity that has no right being a celebrity. Whatever. If you want the celebrity, go ahead and take it.
What hobby have you always wanted to pick up? Guitar, but I did that! Umm ... I don't know, I just kind of wish I stuck to things more than I do. I'm always afraid of getting bored.
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