she waits another hour to fall apart, couldn't make another day
Spur of the Moment

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1. What is the connection between you and the last person you texted? She's my roommate here in London.
2. What is wrong with you right now? I should be reading and I'm not. And I'm too hungry given that I've already eaten.
3. Do you miss your first love? I think I miss all the people I have loved.
4. When did you last cry? A few days ago when I watched that AI clip with the girl whose father had died. H'omg, too much for me.
5. Who do you hate? No one really.
6. What do you want in your life right now? Unlimited money. Woo! No, um ... I'd like to find a group here that wants to get out of London what I think I now want out of it.
7. Are you happy right now? Ehh. I'm all right, because I'm being allowed to live exactly how I want, which is always nice. But I feel a bit like I'm wasting time, and treading water when I should be moving forward by leaps and bounds.
8. Do you have feelings for more than 1 person? Sure, I usually 'have feelings' for many people at a time, there's just usually a focus. At the moment though, I probably only 'have feelings' for ... well, there's really no focus at the moment, I guess.
9. Have you been to a baby shower? Yeah. Not for awhile though.
10. Drinking? I do it...?
11. What is your favorite thing to have on your bed? Hugh.
12. Last time you went in a tanning bed? I think I tanned for junior prom. So ... probably May 2004?
13. What do you wear to bed? When I'm at home, just underwear. Otherwise, pj pants and a tshirt.
14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated? Uhh yeah. My mind has a tendency to overwork. It probably doesn't help that I'm attracted to very simple straightforward thinkers, meaning their 'fine' means 'fine' when I know my 'fine' would mean a million other things (none of them 'fine'), so I freak out and project my complexities onto them. But I don't know ... I guess it's all a learning process.
15. What are you doing/did today? I showered. And I'm going to watch a movie and read.
16. What was the last movie you went to? Went to? Juno. Watched? I, Robot. (I love Will Smith!)
17. Name an award you have won: Senior Science Student. At the time, that meant a lot to me.
18. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend? At the current moment? No, I'm on an entirely different continent. And when at school, usually no. But when I'm at home, yeah, kind of ... like, 30 mins.
19. Are you scared of bugs? Kiiinda.
20. Are you a cuddler? Yeah, at least for awhile. I mean, for the first like ... 20 mins, it's the nicest thing ever. And then, it can get awkward and body parts fall asleep and just blaaah. I like cuddling in small spurts, I guess. Ha.
21. Do you remember your dreams? Usually, yeah. I hate when I can't.
22. What do you think of Eminem? Evs...he puts out enjoyable music.
23. Do you read? Yeah. I have to do some of that tonight.
24. Do you sleep with a teddy bear? Usually, but not here. =(
25. Last thing that made you cry? AI.
26. Whose house did you go to today? No one's. I haven't even been to a house over here really.
27. What magazines do you subscribe to? I think I paid $5 for a subscription to Paste, but I never saw that come ... and at home I get Entertainment Weekly and TV Guide.
28. Do you like anyone right now? Not really.
29. Are you bored? Kinda.
30. What is the last movie you watched? I Robot.
31. Do you say dawg? Not seriously.
32. What are you excited about? Nothing really. Maybe that's the problem.
33. What bank do you use? NC.
34. Who was last to cook for you? Myself. Always.
35. When you sleep do you dream about heroin addicts? Nope.
36. What is on your mind right now? How maybe London wasn't the greatest city to pick.
37. Who was the last person to make you cry? That girl on AI.
38. Name someone whose name starts with the letter R. Robert.
39. Do you care what others think about you? Sure.
40. Do you own the game Monopoly? No. Only played it once and that was infuriating! Never again if I can avoid it.
41. Do you trust people easily? It depends I guess ... Generally, I think I'm a cautious but trusting individual. If you give me no reason to be suspicious of you, then I'll probably trust you pretty easily, but at the first sign of worry, I'll probably refrain from ever trusting you.
42. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? Eeeek, I hate these predictions now. I'll be 30, so .. maybe. I mean, part of me thinks it seems ridiculous to not be married at 30, but then part of me says really? You can see yourself being married in ten years? Meeting someone and marrying them? In your twenties? THAT SOON?? Dude, so I don't know.
43. Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again? No. I'll probably never even see him again, so yeah.
44. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months? Three months will be ... May 9th. I suppose I'll be looking forward to going home at that point, or maybe not, who knows. But as far ast he next three months go, I guess I'm trying to look forward to learning to love the city, though to be honest, I just don't know if it's going to happen.
45. Who was the last person you called? Ugh, don't even remember. I never use the phone over here.
46. Who was the last missed call? I got called mysteriously ... no answer really.
47. What is your ring tone? I don't actually remember ... my alarm ringer is 'Sunshine', if that counts.
48. Do you plan on moving out within the next year? Well I'll be out of this room in basically three months and a week. As for moving out out of my parents' residence ... not in a year, but in a year ahd a half/two years ish ... yeah, I'd like to be moved out by then, I think.
49. What were you doing at 9pm last Friday night? I was in Bath ... going out, probably at St. Christophers at that point, drinking.
50. What happened at 10:00 am today? My alarm went off and I shut it off and went back to sleep.
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