for worse or for better we're better together
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What are you listening to? "Coconut Juice." Dude, I love this song something ridic.
How often do you go on myspace? Eh, usually whenever I get on the comp now ... like, weekly?
What is your favorite movie? Casablanca.
Last book you read for pleasure? Reading "Summer People" right now for pleeeeeasure. Ha.
How often do you watch tv? Daily, probs.
What is your favorite season? Summer.
Are you athletic? Nah.
Last item of clothing/accessory bought? Two bras.
When is your birthday? July the fifteenth. Three weeks.
Have you ever been out of the country? Yep, a few times.
What vacation destination would you like to visit? Hawaii. Athens. Geneva. Australia.
Do you know someone named Stephanie? I know of people named Stephanie.
Have you ever peed in a pool? Probs, ha.
Do you have any secrets? Eh, I'm sure I do, but nothing comes especially to mind.
Do you have a big family? No.
Is there someone you want, but can't have? Soooorta, but that's how I keep sits in my mind, so ... yeah.
Do you have any weird talents? I don't think so ... but I suppose that depends on your def of weird.
In one word, how would you define yourself? Multidimensional. And if that's a cop-out ... reflective.
Whats your fav. song at the moment? It might be the Coconut Juice song, lolz. I can't think of other contenders.
Tell me about the last dream you had... I feel like I had crazy dreams last night, but I don't remember them. Last one I remember was rolle
What is you favorite kind of ice cream? r coasters, sneaking on. // Something involving cookies ... or coffee.
What do you like to do in your free time? TV ... Internet ... movies, music, clarinet, guitar, piano, phone, read, sing ...
Do you get along with your parents? Yeah. They've really started to chill lately. (knockity knock on wood)
What have you done today? God, nothing. Clarinet reunification ... thought spewing ...
Why did you last get all dressed up? For the French dinner.
What was the last thing you said out loud? "I don't like being sat on up here."
Last time you saw your cousin? No clue ... New Years?
Would you keep the baby if you were pregnant now? It'd depend on the father, probably.
Got a friend you can tell anything to that wont judge you? Yeah.
What phone do you have? Verizon cherry chocolate, first ed.
Something you really need? Chocolate. Ha, no ... a laptop? Kisses? To do my work?
Are you anything like you were at this point last year? Sure. But I'm also not, so ...
What's the 8th text in your inbox say? "Omg a random bulldozer?" Ha ... that looks crazy out of context.
What are you wearing right now? Jeans, tank.
What are you most looking forward to tomorrow? Idk ... I try to not to so much looking forward nowadays.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours? Probs.
Do you like your first name? Yes.
Do you regret doing something today? Wasting my time a little, maybe? But all of it has been useful and/or fun, to me at least.
Last time you got a ticket or traffic violation? Well there was an accident about six months ago ... but never gotten any tickets.
When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head? Gay. And then pretty. Interesting.
Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't? Maybe, but I'm over it.
Do you think you're old? Not really, but in some ways, yeah.
Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes.
Have you got a tan? For me, yeah. I can tell b/c my bruises are less noticeable,ha. In context of everyone else .. no.
What are you looking forward to in the next month? My birthday, I think. Being able to go out to a bar and get some shit if I want it. Ha.
When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends? Yesterday. She helped me through somewhat of a mental crisis, lol.
Are you happy with your marital status? Sure.
Have you told anyone you love them today? I don't believe so.
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Are you tan? Not really.
Do you use proactive? No.
Do you own chanel perfume>? No.
Do you shower daily? Usually.
Do you go to the tanning bed? Nope.
Do you wear nail polish? Not currently.
Do you use MAC make-up? No.
Do you straighten your hair everyday? Ha, no. Too much effort and time there.
Name all your best friends: Ha, no thanks.
Is the term Best friends a label or promise? It's neither. It's just what they are.
Do you have more than 1 TRUE best friend? Yeah.
Do you hang out with your friends every day? Not every day.
What is the longest you have been in a fight with your bff? Definitely less than a week, probs less than two days really.
Is it easier to talk to your girl friends or guy friends? Girl. It's like they have the same mental framework going into it.
Would you ever date one of your close guy friends? Yeah.
Do you have style and originality? Yes? Idc.
Do you own a designer handbag? No.
Do you own something from Lacoste? No.
Do or did you wear leggings? NO.
Is the color you'll never wear yellow? Ha, actually, it is.
Do you get fashion tips from magazines? No.
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Hollister? No.
Do you wear sweats a lot? No, I don't own or believe in sweats.
Are you a movie freak? Yeah, kinda.
Have you see over 10 movies in the past month? Yes, lol.
Do you have a show that you must watch? YES, several.
Do you watch The Hills on MTV? No.
Have you ever seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy? Yes, all of them.
What is your favorite G Rated movie? I don't know ratings well enough for that.
Do you like classic movies? Yes.
Do you watch 30 or more hours of tv a week? I don't think so.
Do you own over 100 dvds? No.
Is Law And Order awesome? Ehh, it's always on and I get tired of it.
Do you watch baseball on tv? Not really.
Who's your favorite baseball player? Dude, idk.
Do you play basketball? No.
Do you watch it on tv? No?
Do you swim? Yeah, but not sport like.
Last time you were in a pool? Don't remember. A long long time ago. Years.
Are you good at volleyball? Nah.
Is soccer cool? Sure.
Do you like to run? Not particularly. Sometimes I get the urge.
Are you in shape? Not really, my body keeps getting sore from the dancing and resumed gymnastics I keep trying.
Favorite sports team? OSU.
Last sporting event you attended? Clippers game.
Do you like all types of music? Pretty much.
What about rap? Sure.
Have you been to more than 5 concerts? Yes.
Do you like Panic at the Disco? Yeah.
Are you constantly downloading music? Pretty much.
What is the current song on your myspace page? Lovely by JM and CC.
Do you have more than 1 sibling? No.
Are you closer to your mom or dad? Both in diff ways.
Do you like your living arangements? They're all right. I'd like to live by myself.
Do you wish you could move? Not so much anymore.
Do your grandparents spoil you? Not really.
Do you have any step parents or siblings? Yeah.
How many cousins do you have? I'm not gonna count.
Which of your relatives lives the farthest away, and where? Idk! California?
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