even though i really love you, gonna smile 'cause i deserve to
Change Yo Thinkin

Take this survey
Have you ever made out with someone you weren't dating? Ha, yes.
Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'? Bien sur.
Has anybody on your top ever admitted to liking you? Don't think so.
Do you miss anyone? Again, of course.
Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone? Heh, yeah.
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug? Security guard in Italy maybe?
Who is your celebrity crush? Recently ... Lee Pace. J Kras. Jason Bateman.
Can you touch your toes? Yep.
Do you know anybody who was abused? Yeah, unfortunately.
Do you take walks often? I have to walk all the time.
Is silence really golden? It can be ... depends on the circumstances.
Do you have any interesting tattoos/piercings? One of my ears is randomly pierced twice on the side ... that's about it.
Are you afraid to grow up? Nah. I'm afraid to get old, maybe.
Who were you with last night? Kids from class.
Can you count past 100? Ha yeeeeah in multiple languages, 'cause I'm cool like that.
What language do you want to learn? Irish Gaelic, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Russian.
Any upcoming vacations? Nope, just finished Spring Break which was a bevy of trips, so now I'm just chilling.
If you had to marry someone on your top, who would it be? Ha. I'd marry any of them.
Do you care what people think of you? Sure, at least moderately.
Would you call yourself smart? Overall, sure. But I can act very stupidly too.
Do you like to read? Yeah. I've been really into novels lately, which I'd forgotten how attached I got, character-wise.
Have you ever touched an elephant? No! But I'd love to for sure.
Plans for tomorrow? Field trip, probably watching more TV online.
Is anything wrong? My calves are really shitty/tight, I am semi worried about papers/grad school, and IDK about boy(s).
Would you kiss anyone on your top friends? Sure.
Would you date anyone on your top friends? Sure.
Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)? Yeah, mostly.
What did you do for your last birthday? Nothing too eventful.
What were you doing at midnight last night? Feeling tired but thinking it was too lame to go to bed yet.
Name something you CANNOT wait for? Summer. The warmer temps and longer sun is messing with my brain.
What's your favorite season? Ha ... summer.
Have you ever talked to Tom? Nope.
Last thing you ate/drank? Ate, Lays potato chips that my mom sent me. Drank, water.
Have you ever ran with scissors? Not that I specifically remember.
Who’s making you feel the way you are right now? Sufjan.
Most visited web page? Probably my mail. Otherwise ... surfthechannel.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Looking forward to something this weekend? Yeah, some free time. Maybe the film festival.
How many siblings do you have? One.
Do you have any pets? Yep.
What's your favorite number? 4.
What are you watching right now? Nothing. Just finished episodes of HIMYM, Office, and Friends.
Do you know how to swim? Yeah, at least enough so I wouldn't drown.
Is good grammar attractive? Of course. At least, bad grammar is unattractive.
Friend confessions:
Are you jealous of one or more of your friends? Sure. I'm a jealous person sometimes...I just think it's normal.
Have you known any of your friends your whole life? No.
Are any of your friends taller than you? Ha yes, many.
Have you ever been ditched by a friend? Probably.
Where do your friends live? Mostly around the Columbus area.
Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number? Probably.
Have you been to most of your friends house? Yeah, except the out of staters from school.
Love confessions:
Do you currently like someone? Interesting question. I think no, but who knows where my brain could be in five minutes.
Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily? I have that tendency after a few weeks/months. I'm either obsessive or bored.
Has one of your crushes ever called you self centered before? I don't know, maybe. I know I've been called self-centered many a time.
Personal opinion confessions:
Who do you want for President? I think Barack Obama, but I still don't know for sure.
Do you think abortions are horrible? Sure, but that still doesn't mean a woman shouldn't be able to make that decision for herself.
Needles aren't so horrible? Not really. Poke, whatever.
You have plenty of secrets that you share with...? Various people. Different people know different secrets.
Other confessions:
Do you enjoy drama? At a certain level, yeah. Otherwise I'm bored.
Who was the last person that said "i love you" to you? Probably my mom.
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My current life in 90 questions

Take this survey
1. What was the highlight of your week? This past week? Probably those minutes with the Australian. HA. or the jewellry shop.
2. Whose car were you in last? A taxi in Belfast. Otherwise ... um, wow ... the SUV on the way to the airport in January?
3. When is the next time you will kiss someone? Good question, idk.
4. What color shirt are you wearing? Red tank top, black shirt.
5. How long is your hair? Getting longer (duh) ... medium-long.
6. Are you good looking? Ha that only makes me think of Zoolander. I think only very vain people say they're good looking.
7. Last movie you watched? Fight Club, in Italy. For a deuxieme time.
8. Who were you with? N.
9. Last thing you ate? Chips, American style.
10. Last thing you drank? Water.
11. When was the last time you had your heart broken? Um ... let's say just over three years. Which is decently long enough for it to be mostly dull now.
12. Who came over last? No one really.
13. Are you happy right now? Sure, mostly. I'm vacation refreshed.
14. What did you say last? Sang along to Heartbreak World.
15. Where is your phone? In my purse.
16. What color are your eyes? Green.
17. Are you left-handed? Nope.
18. Spell your name without vowels: Jssc.
19. Do you have any pets? Yes.
20. Favorite Vacation? I really enjoyed my vacation to Ireland. But Paris the first time was best, for sheer wonder.
21. What do you dislike currently? Mushrooms, tomatos that aren't warmed up, my calves feeling like they're going to break anytime...
22. What are you listening to? Matt Nathanson.
23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be? Ice cream cake. That is random, but true. Or some cuddling time with my puppies. Or guitar!
24. What is your favorite scent? Probably the sea.
25. Who makes you happiest? Animals. Music.
26. What were you doing at midnight last night? Didn't I already answer this?
27. When is your birthday? July 15.
28. Who has the same phone as you? Lots of kids in the program; it was the 2nd cheapest (I need a flip).
29. Last time you went swimming in a pool? Shiz, I don't even know. Hot tub was this summer ... pool was August last year.
30. Do you read your horoscope? Sometimes.
31. Where was the last place you bought something? Vending machine at school ... crisps, then Twix. Yay dinner.
32. How do you feel about your hair right now? Dude, it looks hot today for sure. It's the switching shampoos.
33. Do you bite your nails? Ha I was just doing that ... bad habit, but yeah.
34. Do you have any expensive jewelery? Yeeeeah.
35. Do you have any expensive jewelery? Again?
36. Myspace or facebook? Facebook.
37. How fast have you driven a car? I think I made it up to 90 once. My car wasn't that great and started to shake, so I stopped.
38. Have you ever smoked? Yeeeeah. Only after drinking. Don't tell.
39. What was or is your favorite subject in school? Psych. I reassured some kids about math today ... I like that when I can do it, ha.
40. Do you have Verizon? At home yeah. Dude I miss my phone like shiz.
41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for? Sweet, bumbling, enthusiastic, smart boys. Which just means they're clueless.
42. Do you have any hidden talents? Hidden? No ... ?
43. Favorite Song? Still "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley, since high school.
44. Do you like to sing at all? Yep.
45. Dream Job? Maybe playing music all the time.
46. Where does most of your family live? Ohio.
47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? One sibling.
48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Yeah. Whatever.
49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up? Dude, where tf am I. For serious, I didn't know where I was. I thought I was back at Linen House.
50. Do you drink? Yeah kids.
51. Know any other languages? French, at least moderately fluently.
52. Ever write a coded message? Sure.
53. Have you ever been IN a wedding? Yeah, several times. I enjoy being in weddings.
54. Do you have any children? No.
55. Did you take a nap today? Nope.
56. Who has the same birthday as you? My ex boyfriend. Rembrandt.
57. Ever met anyone famous before? Yeah.
58. Do you want to be famous one day? No thanks.
59. Any Pet Peeves? Oh god, many.
60. Are you multitasking right now? Not really, unless playing music counts.
61. Do you like Britany Spears? Sure. I want her to be well, I think she can pull it out ... her music is wonderfully crafted pop.
62. What is your least favorite chore? Dishes, if they're someone elses. Otherwise, cleaning the bathroom.
63. Last place you drove your car? Home after Capital, OSU, Capital, Dad's work.
64. Ever been out of the country? Yeah, I'm out of the country right now, if you mean country of birth/nationality. I was out of this
65. Where were you born? country on Monday. // Florida.
66. Could you handle being in the military? Probably not. I mean, if I had to, I think I could suck it up like most of us would. But please no
67. What is your average cell phone bill? I have no clue.
68. Who are you thinking about right now? Uhh, plead the fifth thanks. I just picked '5:19' for song choice though. That should about tell.
69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard? Today, when Ross smacked into the dryer door. Seriously, deeeep funny.
70. How many pairs of shoes do you own? A lot? Less than 50, definitely, though.
71. Are your toes always painted? Nope.
72. How many piercings do you have? Six holes total.
73. What are you doing today? Nothing else. Staying up watching TV, doing these.
74. Have you ever been gambling? Nope. I don't really like risks and guessing, so gambling doesn't go with my personality.
75. When is the last time you updated your page? As in what, Myspace? I put a new song on like, in February?
76. Do you like rollercoasters? Yes please! It's been too long.
77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world? World.
78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Not really.
79. Last thing you cooked? Pasta.
80. How's the weather? Nice lately actually. I'm gonna get spoiled.
81. Do you e-mail? Ha yes. Does someone not?
82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped it? Used it to drunk dial/text? Left it in Applebees?
83. Last time you were sick? Earlier this semester ... the Nido sickness.
84. What states have you lived in? Florida, Ohio, NY.
85. Do you wish you could move? I'm moving in six weeks.
86. Do you take all the QuizPox.com quizzes? Screw your ads.
87. What is your dream car? Corvette ... 60s ... red.
88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have? Oh, my whole life is wanting someones I can't have.
89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? Home.
90. Are you happy with your life? Yeah, I have it pretty good right now.
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Weird and Wonderful

Take this survey
DO YOU LIKE BONBONS? Idk what they are, though it sounds familiar. I just know it's candy in French, so sure.
FAVORITE VIDEO GAME? Guitar Hero, probs.
WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO NOW? "You Could Be Happy" by Snow Patrol.
NAME 3 CELEBS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE? Johnny Depp, Lee Pace, Jason Bateman.
EVER KISSED/SLEPT WITH SOMEONE OF THE SAME SEX? Kissed yes. Slept with non romantically yes.
WHAT SONG DO YOU LISTEN TO WHEN YOUR ANGRY? Oh it depends. "High Road" is good.
WHAT DO YOU LISTEN TO WHEN UPSET? Usually a bevy of sad songs.
HOW CAN SOME ONE TELL YOU'RE STRESSED? Biting nails ... staring into space ... eating a lot.
IS IT IDEAL? Nah, but it works.
IF YOU HAD 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS TO SPEND ON YOURSELF WHAT WOULD YOU BUY? I'd save it for grad school. If I had to spend it ... new laptop.
EVER SEEN A DEAD BODY? Yeah, at funerals.
WOULD YOU DO JIM CAREY? Sure. He's funny + Eternal Sunshine.
JESSICA ALBA OR JESSICA SIMPSON? Simpson. I don't know, I just really don't like Jessica Alba for some reason. I'm sure she's nice.
WOULD YOU DRINK A PINT OF TOILET WATER FOR 1 THOUSAND DOLLARS? Probably, as long as it was non-used. I'm poor man.
ARE YOUR NIPPLES SENSATIVE? A? Really? Not more than normal?
DO U LIKE RED WINE? Yes please.
WHAT DO YOU SMELL OF TODAY? Shower stuff. My free tester J'Adore Dior got washed off.
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TODAY? Volunteered, watched lots of TV, ate.
WHAT HAVE YOU ATE TODAY? Banana + almonds, pb&nutella sandwich + grapes, pesto pasta + garlic bread, and biscuits, and chips.
HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE ON YOU NOW? Ha like none. 10 pence maybe. I do have like, four euro in coins though ... it does me no good.
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Amusing Survey

Take this survey
1. Would you bang your neighbor? No.
2. What word describes your last relationship? Young.
3. Do you wear any jewelery? Yes.
4. What is the last movie you saw? In theatres ... Juno. Otherwise, Fight Club.
5. Who was the last person you held hands with? Oh man, I don't know. Someone at one of the clubs, trying to not be lost. Or Chelsea's sister when
6. What is your middle name? the lights went out in the hallway. // Nicole.
7. Who have you talked to most today? Meghana.
8. Do you carve pumpkins every year? No, sadly. I would gladly.
9. Color of your undies? White and pink.
10. Color of your shirt? Red and black.
11. I am always ... thinking.
12. Who is on speed dial 2? 4? 6? 2 is mom. 4 is Tricia. 6 is Nalleli.
13. Honestly, how many men/women have u been in love with? Two. Maybe three.
14. What is your favorite season? Summer.
15. How do you feel right now? Tired.
16. Are you a bad influence? Maybe a little, but not much more so than many others.
17. Do you watch American Idol? I watch Rickey's recaps. So ... sorta. The little girl today thought it was cool I watched AI.
18. What are you doing right now besides this survey? Music/singing....and correspondingly sort of pining.
19. Would you do anything for someone else? I don't like unconditionals.
20. Have you ever been called a bitch? Sure.
21. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate? Maybe. I think we're all meant to find people in our lives. As far as one? Idk.
22. What is your ringtone? I think it's called Sunshine or something.
23. What song is on? "Reasons to Love You" by Meiko.
24. Are your grades good? Yeah, A, A-, B. Currently.
25. Do you hate anyone/anything? Nah.
26. Does your best friend have a myspace? Yeah.
27. Can you sing? A little.
28. Last time you went out to lunch? In Ireland, last week.
29. What is the last thing you bought? From a person ... a caramel frapp in the Belfast airport. Wow had I missed those.
30. What is the last thing someone bought you? Honeycomb in Belfast, sort of. Otherwise ... idk.
31. Do you ever sing in the shower? Yeah, but not unless I'm alone.
32. What is your favorite movie? Casablanca. and Atonement is right up there now.
33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears cds? Hellz yeah.
34. What did you do last night? Class till late, then dinner, then tired.
35. Are you a Lost fanatic? No. I watched first season and enjoyed it, but reading it back now ... I'm glad I'm not involved.
36. If you were given a drug test right now would you pass or fail? Pass. I thought about having some gin earlier, but decided to decline because I have no tonic.
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? Yeah.
38. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization? Not really.
39. Have you ever been to South America or Africa? Nope.
40. Do you know how to knit? Yes.
41. Do you have a job? No.
42. Physics or chemistry? Chemistry.
43. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone? Coldstone. Cake batter with gummy bears please!
44. Facebook, Myspace or SocialSplash.com ? Facebook.
45. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars? Harry Potter. But LOTR is close.
46. Fly or road trip? Fly. Road trips make me carsick.
47. Batman, Spiderman, or Superman? Batman is the sexiest. Spiderman to me has the more interesting story.
48. Floss or Mouthwash or water pic? Floss.
49. Earthquake or Hurricane? Hurricane.
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