and this love will build through flights and streets
Revolutionary Randomness

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How far away is your 10 yr reunion? Seven years. Comfortably long.
Do you speed up when you go thru an intersection? Usually. Intersections are where bad things tend to happen.
How far away is work? Volunteering is a twenty minute walk.
How often are you late for work? Only max by five minutes, and since they do roll call, it doesn't matter.
Everyone's got one. Who's the person you can't stand at work? I'm not gonna nark on the kids, but there are always those you don't like as much.
Do you give strangers fake smiles? Not really..? Why do I care about smiling at a stranger? I'd just ... not smile.
Do you face your money all the same direction? I try to.
Do you put your money in order from largest amount to smallest? Largest is at the back.
Do you eat borritos with a knife and fork? BUrritos. And no.
What color is your cell phone? Red there. Black here.
Ever pretend to be annoyed when your phone rings but secretly love it? Yeeeeah.
Did you know the sweetener in diet soda turns into formaldahyde (emblaming fluid) When it's at body temperature? I know you are full of bullshit. But I don't drink soda anyway.
Did you just swear off diet soda? Riiight, because of what some random person wrote in a survey.
Have you ever named a pet the name you wanted for your first child? Ha yes. But I try to avoid that now because I think it would be weird for me after the child.
Do you really need to take your dog everywhere? Nah.
What kind of computer are you on? Laptop, HP.
What is your favorite kind of apple? The red ones with kind of freckles.
What is the last thing you had to drink? Water. Drink drink -- gin and tonic.
Is your hair down or up? Down.
How many windows/tabs are open on your computer? Four windows ... eight tabs.
Have you spoken to anyone on the phone today? No.
What would you say is your worst habit? Thinking things will go away if I avoid them.
Do you own any expensive jewelry? Yes.
Have you ever roasted marshmallows on a fire? Uh yeeeah. I feel sorry for those who haven't.
What is the closest thing to you that is pink? The bag from my cell phone.
Who was the last person to text you? About meeting time for wine and cheese.
Have you ever been out of the country? Ha, I'm out of the country right now. And I was out of this country less than a month ago.
Is a glass half empty, or half full? I'll complain about it being half empty, but ultimatley realize it's half full.
Do you wear shorts more often, or skirts? Skirts. But I really don't do either.
What color is the shirt you're wearing? Black. But my hoodie is grey.
Do you wear glasses/contacts? Nope. Unlike Pam.
Whar brand are the shoes that you're wearing? Not wearing shoes. But my socks came from BA. Ha.
What is the last phrase you said out loud? "It's as simple as it should be." (Singing.)
Do you prefer Mexican food, or Chinese food? Mexican.
Have you ever been in a wedding? Yep.
How about to a funeral? Yes.
Does your shower have doors, or curtains? Here, it's a curtain. But I've had both.
Where was your default picture taken? One's NY, one's Scotland.
Have you ever gone deep sea fishing? Nope.
Do you own slippers? Yeah, but not here.
Would you ever use a Ouija Board? Probably not. I know too much Psych to believe that. And too much doubt to trust anyone.
Have you ever ran with scissors? Ha probably.
Have you ever tried to lick your elbow? Yeah, the very first time I read that thing.
Are you ticklish? Yes, a lot, unfortunately.
Are your toenails painted? Nope. I'm doing that when I get home definitely.
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Time To Change Things Up

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Any plans for this weekend? Well Thursday was wine and cheese, Friday was clubbing, today and tomorrow are homework mostly.
What are you listening to right now? Vampire Weekend.
How many other surveys have you done today? One.
Does your family have annual reunions? Yes.
Last junk food you ate? Gobstoppers.
What's the weather like? Nice, but lack of sun made me stay in.
What's something you do when you're home alone? Ha last night I walked around in my underwear. Twas fantastic. Today I'm washing my jeans in the s
What's your favorite dessert? ink. // Ice cream cake. But I like almost all desserts really.
If you had ,000 to do anything for a day, what would it be? 000? I'm gonna assume that's 1K, and that it'd expire. Buy a new computer, then loads of music.
Any pet peeves? Oh, loads. Lately it's weird breathing and not holding doors open blatantly.
Do you prefer driving a truck or a car? Car.
What's the last thing you bought? A gin and tonic last night.
Have you ever been water skiing? Nope.
Last time you wrote your name on something? Signed my essays on Tuesday.
When was the last time you went to a bon fire? Oh I don't know ... a long time.
Have you ever been to an apple orchard? Maybe no?
Does your family use real or artificial trees at Christmas time? Both.
What's one thing you've learned in the past week? My independence is a choice.
What's your favorite color skittle? Red. But I don't really like Skittles.
When was the last time you talked to your mother? A few days ago ... two?
Would you go on a trip back in time? Sure, but I'd like to return most likely.
Ever see a UFO? No.
What's your religion? I don't really do religions.
What's your dream job? Travelling around, learning about places. Or playing in a pit orchestra. That travels. Ha.
Whats on your key chain? Nothing here ... just keys and a little blue thing telling me my mailbox #.
Are you organized? Not terribly, and especially not right now. But there's a method to my madness.
Do you have any phobias? Sure.
What time did you wake up this morning? 9:30, which I realized was less than six hours, so then 11:40.
When is the last time you went to watch a movie? In a theatre? Daaamn...January. Went to watch one ... a few weekends ago, with friends in a lobby.
How often do you eat your favorite food? Mashed potatoes? Not very often anymore. Even pizza ... sadly rarely. I'm on survival mode here.
Do you believe IQ determines a persons actual intelligence? Not entirely, of course.
Do you believe in ghosts? I think so.
Would you rather kiss all night or have a quickie? All night. Kissing is fun.
When was the last time you let go and truly danced? Last night. Probably during Bon Jovi or Chelsea Dagger.
If you picked your nose and didn't have a tissue would you wipe it on the furniture? Ha maybe.
Have you ever borrowed somebody else's underwear? Eeek no.
Have you ever been injured while having sex? No.
Have you ever wondered exactly what those recycled napkins are recycled from? No ... probably paper.
If you fart and burp at the same time does is cause a vacuum in your stomach? No, because there's a lot on each end to go through first. Your body has more than two holes, kids.
What would a fly without wings be called? Some other type of insect.
What is your nationality? American.
Whats your hometown? It's in Ohio.
See no evil, Hear no evil or speak no evil? See, I guess. Because I listen to evil music and definitely bitch talk.
Whats is your favorite magazine? I really liked Jane before it went under. Blender's good now.
What reality shows do you watch if any? AI, kind of unfortch. I'm a little over it. And ANTM.
Any goals for this summer? Get a lab job, decide if I'm taking a lag year (if not, take GRE), read more.
Do you drink water daily? Yes.
What has been your favorite job so far? Not having one. Working with these kids, probs.
What are you hungry for? Dinner. I'd love some pizza.
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