Jessica Does Surveys

Thursday, January 18, 2007

there there, baby, it's just textbook stuff

51 Random Questions Survey
What's your favorite sports drink?:Gatorade lemon and lime.
Do you wear sunglasses while driving?:Not usually.
Look to your left. Name the first thing you see.:My iPod and the empty package from the pens I bought yesterday.
What ink cartridge does your printer take?:Dude, no clue.
What's the last magazine you read?:Parts of Seventeen. Ha. I read about "how to win back" different types of astrological sign. For me, it basically said, don't be anything but super direct with them because they'll totally hang on if you give them even a glimmer of hope. That's very true.
What's the nearest food to you right now?:Equidistant, those new Toasted chips and whole grain Goldfish.
Do you download music?:Yeah.
Favorite kind of potato chips?:I just got Trader Joes chips the other day, thinking they would not be as good as what I wanted ... shiiiiit, they are GOOD.
At around 3:00 PM yesterday what were you doing?:Walking to Chem recitation. Fucking orgo. I think I'm switching recitations.
How many burned CDs do you have?:Not that many, since most of mine got stolen.
Cereal you couldn't live without?:I love a lot of Kashi stuff. Puffins are good. Life cereal! Ohhh so good.
What's the one thing you couldn't afford to leave behind on a vacation?:My iPod if there was travel involved, some way to write.
Can you watch golf on TV for more than 15 minutes?:Probably not. Boring.
Ever gone bungee jumping?:No.
Movie you can't wait to see?:Um ... Sweeney Todd with Johnny Depp/Tim Burton.
What does a CPA do?:Accounting? Lawyer-ing? Dude, don't know.
Do you still live with your parents?:No.
Temperature outside?:Coldish. 30?
What kind of toothpaste do you use?:Colgate Total.
Best pizza place in town?:There are many.
How many friends on your MySpace list?:92?
How many of those do you know personally?:3/4ths? Half?
Best computer game is?:No clue.
If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?:Lots of things. Travel, talk to a lot of people, send many awkward moments.
Would you like to ride around in a tank just for the hell of it?:Um, not really.
Last movie you saw?:In theaters, the new Bond movie (whoa, he's hot). Otherwise, Little Miss Sunshine (soooo good).
Was it any good or was it terrible?:Both good.
Coke or Pepsi?:Coke.
How bad are your allergies?:Don't have them.
Remember MC Hammer?:Yes. CAN'T TOUCH THIS. too legit, too legit to quit.
How many pairs of socks do you own?:Not enough. Ten?
How many cars have you owned?:Two-three.
What type of music do you dislike most?:Too 'artsy' lots of sound music.
Best movie you've seen lately?:Little Miss Sunshine.
Ever thrown up in public?:No.
Are you a morning or night person?:Night. Or rather, afternoon.
What is the ringtone on your phone right now?:Just something generic -- but NOT an actual ring.
What was the last thing you watched on TV?:I'm watching The Office right now.
What was the last store you went to?:Staples, to buy paper and pens.
What is your favorite restaurant?:Depends on where I am. Virage/Life, Spaghetti Warehouse/Planks, The Refectory.
If you were going to be on a reality show, which one would it be?:Oh man, I don't think I would. Maybe Amazing Race so I could at least travel, but it would annoy me that I couldn't see anything.
What is your favorite kind of food that you only get to have once a year?:I don't know that I have something like that ... oh wait, the mashed potatoes/noodles combo at Thanksgiving. Dad's potatoes + Lynn's noodles ... omg.
What kind of shampoo do you use?:Herbal Essences ... the blue/purple kind.
Who is the last person you left a message for?:Claire, on facebook.
Do you listen to classical music?:Yes. Just did some Gershwin today while I read.
If there was a fire, what would be the first thing you would grab?:My laptop.
When was the last time you went sledding?:Dude, I don't even remember. Two, three years ago?
Do you think O.J. killed his wife?:Yes.
Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?:Angelina Jolie, though I like them both in different ways.
What is your dream car?:Corvette convertible, red, black interior.
Do you like Chinese food?:Sure. I like rice.
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