Jessica Does Surveys

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

i'm without you, i'm over you. oh!

Never have I Ever...
Put an X for everything you've done.
Lived on the east coast:X.
Gone to New York City:X. (I'm here now.)
Lived on the west coast:
Lived in the United States:X.
Been to California:
Been to Mexico:
Been out of the country:X.
Made out in a car:X.
Made out with someone you just met:X.
Done something more with someone you just met:
Performed on stage:X.
Been in drama club:X.
Been in a varsity sport:X. (Band technically counts,kids!)
Had sex:
Made out with someone who was just a friend:X.
Smoked pot:
Been high:
Gotten drunk:X.
Been drunk and high at the same time:
Driven a car legally:X.
Driven a car illegally:X.
Been in a honors / AP class:X.
Gotten straight A's:X.
Listened to music you couldn't stand for more than ten minutes:X. (In the devil class.)
Spent more than six hundred dollars in one store:
Written a story:X.
Written a song:X.
Written a poem:X.
Sang in front of a large group of people:X.
Been in marching band:X.
Made fun of the kids in marching band:X. (Ha.)
Had an IM conversation with someone you didn't know:X.
Baked cookies:X. (I'm doing that now!)
Watched a movie made before 1940:(I wasn't born yet...)
Watched a silent film:
Been to a Gay Pride Parade:
Been to any other Pride Parade:
Met Hilary Clinton:
Sworn to commit suicide if Hilary Clinton became president:
Beaten someone up:
Been beated up:
Cried yourself to sleep:X.
Had an eating disorder:X.
Been professionally diagnosed with a mental disorder (OCD, depression...):
Had a member of your family die:
Seriously considered suicide:
Taken more than the reccomended dosage on any medication:X.
Felt infinite:X. (I love this book.)
Been in love:\. A half x. I don't know, maybe.
Played a musical instrument for a large group of people:X.
Wished you were warmer:X.
Wished you were colder:X.
Been unhappy with your appearance:X.
Intentionally hurt yourself:
Been dumped:X.
Dumped someone:X.
Had a Myspace:X.
Had a Xanga:X.
Made out with someone of the opposite sex:X.
Made out with someone of the same sex:
Been afraid someone close to you was going to commit suicide:X.
Been physically / sexually abused:Uh, not seriously. I had an experience that was at least somewhat assault, but it didn't go to sex, so I don't feel right saying yes here.
Gotten a really expensive gift from someone you didn't expect it from:X.
Surprised someone:X.
Had a rumor spread about you:X.
Helped spread a rumor:X.
Broken a law:X.
Been chased by the police:
Been to a wild party:X.
Eaten sushi:
Eaten tofu:X.
Felt loved:X.
Felt unloved:X.
Liked techno:X.
Liked rap:X.
Liked rock:X.
Liked music your parents liked:X.
Been to another continent:X.
Been to Hawaii:
Swam in an ocean:X.
Won a contest:X.
Gotten an award:X.
Sewn something:X.
Acted on stage:X.
Pretended to be happy:X.
Lied for the benefit of a friend:X.
Kept a secret from your best friend:X.
Waited longer than you should have to tell someone something:X.
Messed everything up:X.
Pulled everything back together:X.
Been fluent in another language:X.
Given terrible advice:X.
Given great advice:X.
Been given terrible advice:X.
Been given life-saving advice:X.
Had something from Starbucks:X.
Known that Starbucks is superior to Dunkin Donuts:X.
Hated a genre of music:X.
Played the party game 'Never Have I Ever':X.
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Best Christmas Survey EVAR
How long have you been celebrating Christmas?:Um, pretty much since I can remember. Yeah.
Why do you celebrate Christmas?:Because we are Christians, I suppose, but really just because we aren't anything else.
Who do you celebrate with?:My family.
Where do you celebrate?:At home.
When do you start decorating?:Right after Thanksgiving nowadays.
Who decorates?:Mostly my mom.
Do you buy new decorations every year?:No, certainly not.
What's your favorite decoration?:I like a lot of Christmas ornaments.
Do you decorate outside or just inside?:Both, but personally really only inside.
What's your oldest decoration?:Definitely ornaments.
What kind of lights do you put up?:Ummm, I don't know anymore. Icicles?
Do you put lights on your house?:Yes.
White or colored?:Uhhh, colored, I believe.
The Tree!
What kind of tree do you have?:A fake kind. We have too many pets.
When do you buy/put up your tree?:Right after Thanksgiving since that's when I'm home.
Who decorates it?:All of us usually.
Do you decorate it the same every year?:Essentially.
How long do you keep it up after Christmas?:Uh, not very long.
What do you have as a tree topper?:An angel.
Does your mom put the decorations from when you were little on it?:Yeah.
What's your favorite ornament?:I DON'T KNOW. I can't summon the energy to remember.
The Music!
When do you start listening to Christmas music?:After Thanksgiving.
What's your least favorite Christmas song?:Something that's not fun.
Why don't you like it?:Because it isn't fun.
Do you sing along with the christmas music?:Yes.
Do you sing Christmas music wherever you go?:No.
What was your favorite song when you were little?:Oh, I don't know. Silent Night. I used to sing along with it on my keyboard. How cute.
Do you listen to music while you decorate?: Yep. Usually Bing.
The Food!
Who does the cooking/baking in your house?:Mostly my mom. But I'm usually the agent for baking.
When do you start baking?:Whenever I get home for the break.
Do you listen to music while you bake/cook?:Yep! I love to do that, with my iPod.
What's your traditional Christmas dinner?:I don't know that we particularly have one.
What's the weirdest thing your family eats at Christmas?:Nothing really. One year on New Years we ate sauerkraut. I think I ate one slice of cabbage/lettuce whatever it was.
Does your mom make a punch bowl?:No.
If family comes over, do they bring food?:Yeah.
The Presents!
What's the first present you remember opening?:Probably a Barbie.
When do you open your gifts?:Christmas morning, whenever all the kids wake each other up.
What's the weirdest present you've ever gotten?:Oh, I don't know. We usually get underwear from our grandma.
What's the weirdest present you've ever given?:I don't think I really give weird gifts.
Do you do White Elephant exchanges?:I don't know what that is.
If so, what have you gotten?:--
Do you prefer to wrap gifts or to buy them and have someone else wrap them?:Wrap them myself, damn it!
Have you ever paid to have the people at the mall wrap your presents?:No.
Did your mom ever get you cool wrapping paper?:Oh yeah. Last year we got wrapping paper with our names on it. Sweeet.
Have you ever had to give someone a gift when you didn't want to?:Yep.
What's your least favorite gift that you've ever gotten?:I dont' know.
Do you have any traditions?:Yes.
What's your favorite tradition?:But I'm not going to think about them.
What's your least favorite tradition?:
When you have a family, what traditions will you keep?:The tree, the mistletoe, the playing Bing Crosby, staying home.
Which ones will you get rid of?:I've pretty much morphed our Christmas into what I want, so nothing really.
Will you start your own traditions?:Probably.
What will you do?: Don't know.
Have you ever seen mommy kissing santa clause?:No.
do you hear what I hear?:No.
Is there anything else that I forgot that you want to share?:No.
Are you in the holiday spirit yet?:Not really. I have two finals left, packing/flight/situations to worry about, and it's still warm.
What's your favorite Christmas cookie?:Sugar with icing and sprinkles.
Are you listening to christmas music while you take this?:No.
How do you listen to your Christmas music (online, cds, radio, etc)?:iPod.
Christmas TV!
What's your least favorite Christmas movie?:Stop-motion freaks me out, but I like them.
What's your favorite Christmas TV special?:Rudolph.
What's your least favorite?:...
Do you watch Christmas stuff as a family or by yourself?:Family.
Do you watch the same stuff every year?:Yeah.
Favorite Christmas movie?:White Christmas.
More Random!
Do you enjoy shopping during the holiday season?:Yeah.
Do you go shopping after Christmas for all the holiday deals?:Not really.
Where's your favorite place to celebrate Christmas?:At home.
If you could do anything for Christmas, what would it be?:I'm fine with doing what I do.
Where would your ideal Christmas be spent?:At home.
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site


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