Jessica Does Surveys

Sunday, December 10, 2006

whispers 'hello, i miss you quite terribly.' i fell in love, in love with you suddenly.

AAAAAAAAAH. pete did it. -_-
Okay, so let`s get to know you.
full name:Jessica. That's enough for now.
birthday:July 15.
hair color:Blonde.
eye color:Green.
shoe size:8.5.
pants size:It depends on the brand.
Can you...
sing well:Yeah.
sing REALLY good:Ha, probably not REALLY well.
act:Yeah, at least in everyday situations.
play guitar:No, though I want to learn.
listen to a song the whole way through:Yes, but I do often have music ADD.
stand rap music:Yes.
pogo stick:Maybe ... I haven't had the opportunity to try for awhile.
swim:Yes, but not in a competitive way.
This or That
this or that:This.
rap or rock:Rock.
ice cream or milkshakes:Ice Cream.
chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla.
mint or strawberry:Strawberry.
pencil or pen:Pencil.
hair up or down:Down.
cats or dogs:Dogs.
fish or beavers:Beavers.
crayons or markers:Crayons.
red or yellow:Red.
converse or vans:Converse.
saturday or sunday:Saturday.
sunny or rainy:Sunny.
thunder or lightning:Thunder.
fall out boy or panic! at the disco:Panic lately. But I like them both pretty equally.
fall out boy or the killers:Killers.
cheezits or cheese nips:Cheezits. Though I really eat neither.
iPods or MP3 players:iPod.
hot chocolate or chocolate milk:Chocolate milk.
regular or digital camera:Digital.
myspace or facebook:Facebook, but only by a tiny margin now that it wants to be Myspace.
FIRST thing you think of. no lying. kay & thanks.
girls:can be catty.
heart:A doodle I draw really often.
rain:Is nice yet annoying.
fox:And the hound.
cheerleader:Rah rah.
Have you seen the movie...
the notebook:Yes. I wanted to rent it lately, but then rethought that notion.
saw II:No.
finding nemo:Yes. Cute.
peter pan:Yes.
finding neverland:Yes. Pretty sure I cried, but I can't remember for sure.
ferris bueller`s day off:Yes. I love Cameron.
the lion king:Yes.
she`s the man:Parts of it. "Which one would you rather see neekkid!?"
scary movie:No.
scary movie 2:No.
scary movie 3:No.
scary movie FOUR:No.
harry potter:Yes, all of them.
40 year old virgin:Yes, multiple times. Hilarious.
Have you heard....
'sugar we`re goin down' - fall out boy:Yes.
'the mixed tape' - jack`s mannequin:No.
'i write sins not tragedies' - panic! at the disco:Yes.
'mr brightside' - the killers:Yes.
'chasing cars' - snow patrol:Yes. I even have an acoustic version as of today.
'the girl`s a straight-up hustler' - all time low:No.
'miss murder' - afi:No.
'here it goes again' - OK Go:Yes. Treadmills!
or at least seen the video? with treadmills?:Ha, yes. I jumped the gun a bit there.
no? fuck you.:Ha, wow. It's all over YouTube. Way too accessible to have not seen yet.
finish the sentence
i saw...:your mom the other day. Except not.
last night i...:watched Pirates 2 (and the kiss multiple times).
i love...:my dog, Honey.
i can`t live without...:water. Literally.
my passion is...:animals, interacting with them.
llamas...:are pretty sweet actually.
pete wentz...:I think that's the Fall Out Boy guy.
the frohman...:No clue.
i went to the store and bought...:some groceries. That's all I buy anymore. That may change soon.
the moon is...:incredibly relevant and present in my life.
the world...:is a little off axis, I think.
i want...:a violin. And a new laptop.
Last question, obvs 3:O)
YOUR MOM.:Oh, ouch.
would you like some ICE for that BURN?:

Hey, that's Nathan's.

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Odd Questions
Do you chew on your homework:No.
Pencils:Not really.
Do you read the dictionary:I have read small portions before. I like words.
Encyclopedia:Ditto, for information.
Do you memorize random facts:Sometimes.
Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors:No.
Do you bite yourself:No.
Cut yourself:No.
Do you have a cold right now:No.
Are you happy with your life:Somewhat.
How big is the universe:Really big.
What’s your logic behind your answer:General sense?
What do you dream about:Lots of things.
Do you have AIM:Yes.
whats your screenname:Ha, not telling.
A neopets account:No.
A quizilla account:No.
A bzoink account:Yes, but I don't store things anymore.
A myspace:Yes.
Do you get attacked by ladybugs:Not generally.
Are you scared of anything:Yes.
What:Dinosaurs, snakes, spiders, failure.
Do you have a microphone on your computer:No.
A scanner:Not on my computer, but I have one.
A printer:Ditto.
A cordless mouse:No.
Does your mouse light up:No. It's a mousepad.
Do you have a cell phone:Yes.
Do you enjoy school:Eh, sometimes.
what color underwear are you wearing:Black.
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Surreal Survey
Who the FREAK are YOU!?!
What is your name/alias?:Jessica.
How old are you in dog years?:I don't know, what is it ... seven? Okay, then, 133, I think. I did that in my head, I promise no accuracy.
Where do you hang your proverbial hat?(Where are you from?):From Ohio...
Where are you at the moment?:...currently in NYC.
Tell me what you want.
How do you like your eggs prepared?:I don't eat eggs straight anymore.
How do you feel about music?:I really like music. I was majoring in it more than once before.
What do you think of George W. Bush?:I really dislike him. Or at least his policies.
Where in the world would you go if you had unlimited funds?:Oh, many, many places. Definitely at this point England, Ireland, Spain, Australia, and probably Greece and somewhere South American and African.
What do you want to be when you grow up?:Veterinarian.
What are you looking for in a partner?:Intelligence, humor, passion, love.
What is your desired level of education?:DVM. That D stands for Doctor, kids.
Tell me your favorite type of soup.:Vegetarian Vegetable. But I really like most (non-chicken-based) soups.
What's you favorite kind of cheese?:Probably Swiss, but I also like cheese a lot as well.
Deep, dark secrets from your past:
Have you ever picked up a hitcher?:No. And I wouldn't. That freaks me out.
Do you ever karaoke all night long or Macarena till the break of dawn?:Um, no. I've danced until the break of dawn, but not exclusively the Macarena.
Have you ever been mistaken for the opposite gender?:Maybe when I was a baby.
Do you recycle?:No, not really. =/
Ever peed in the snow?:No.
Have you fallen asleep during a lecture on more than one occasion?:Probably. Only for small moments, though, no more than a minute at a time.
Have you ever collected something embarrassing? If so, what was it?:I think I used to collect rocks. and Beanie Babies. and Pogs. and Pokemon cards.
Ever heard of or listened to Weather Report?:I don't think so ... I mean, in general, a weather report, yes, but "Weather Report" with the added special-ness of capitalization? No, I don't think so.
Ever been to a Drive-In Theatre?:No. I'd like to, though.
Do you know how to read? If not, thank the person reading this to you. Now.:Yes.
Forget Julie Andrews! What are YOUR favorite things?
Television Shows::Grey's, House.
Comedians::Mitch Hedberg.
Movies::Casablanca, Garden State, Lost in Translation.
Books::The Alchemist.
Types of Music::Pop, rock, rap, classical, jazz.
Artists::I'm sincerely all over the place. It depends on the day.
Activities::Having fun, driving, shopping.
Subjects in School::Bio (at least now), other things I do well in.
Places to hang out::Backyards and basements.
Things to Daydream about::Dangerous things.
Random Things::My favorite random things? How does that even begin to be a coherent question.
Radio Stations::WNCI, Z100.
Complete the following Sentences:
It is written...:in stone?
I'm currently eating...:nothing.
I love...:to know things.
I hate...:waiting.
I moderately dislike...:wishy-washy ness.
The Ultimate Evil is...:not something I can define.
Come with me now on a journey through time and space to the world of the...:aliens?
I would really like to...:get fucking good grades. Or at least decent ones. Geeze.
I have never...:had sex. True story.
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Looking back on 2006
About You...
How old were you in 2006?:18 and 19.
What was the most important thing you discovered in 2006?:That trying experiences are important.
What will you always remember about 2006?:I don't know, lots of things. Deciding I wanted to be a vet? Going to Italy? Throwing myself out there like I usually don't?
In 2006 did you...
Keep your New Years resolution?:I honestly don't remember what it was.
Go on a holiday?:Not really, no.
Change jobs?:No. Changed career paths, yes.
Buy anything from eBay?:No.
Prank call someone?:No.
Get drunk?:Yes.
Get high?:No.
Fall in love?:Maybe.
Break up with someone?:No.
Get married?:No.
Get divorced?:No.
Stop speaking to someone?:Yes, momentarily.
Kiss someone?:Yes.
Kiss someone whose name you can’t remember?:Yes ... sort of. I never really knew his name.
Make a new friend?:Yes. Lab partners mostly.
Do anything embarrassing?:Oh, of course.
Do something that you thought that you would never do?:Ohhhh yeah.
Do something you have always wanted to do?:Yeah. Get drunk and dance and kiss. Amongst others.
Do anything that you regret?:Yeah, I guess. Ultimately I can't regret anything because it's a wasted energy, but there are a few things I look back thinking I shouldn't have done.
Do anything illegal?:Yeah.
Break a promise?:Maybe.
Lose something?:Probably.
Go crazy?:Yeah, a few times.
Best of 2006...
Movie:Oh, I don't remember all the movies. Best one I can remember being introduced to this year was Lost in Translation.
TV Show:Grey's. Easily.
Song:Haaa most indicative is probably "London Bridges" or "SexyBack" but I don't knwo if either are really the best.
Album:I really love John Mayer's Continuum, but I don't really buy that many albums nowadays.
Thing you bought:I really love my shoes, but probably my watch actually.
Memory:Closeness in general.
Worst of 2006...
Movie:I really didn't enjoy About Schmidt when I watched it.
TV Show:I don't watch it if it's the worst. I watch very little TV nowadays.
Song:All the songs I've hated I've grown to love for their annoyingness, so I don't know.
Album:See above how I don't really do albums anymore.
Hangover:Ha, I haven't really had a hangover. Maybe Thanksgiving weekend when I kept waking up with headaches. Was that alcohol-related? Maybe.
Memory:Waaaaiting. And being taken advantage of. (Different circumstances.)
About 2007...
What do you want in 2007?:I want resolution, I was determination, and I want good results.
Is there anything you would do differently in 2007?:I'd like to say study harder, but I already study pretty hard. Maybe waste less time on the computer. Time is for living, not waiting.
Do you think it will be a good year?:I can only hope so. I'll turn 20, and lord knows I need some good to get me through the crisis that will inevitably be.
What do you look forward to most about 2007?:Being able to take some classes I like, hopefully. Hopefully closing the book on some unresolved chapters of my life, whichever way the story proceeds to go after that.
Do you have a New Years resolution?:Maybe. I don't really think about them until right around December 31st, and then I make them pretty general goals.
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