my reflection, in the window where i ride
1. Does anyone know your password to your myspace?
Not that I know of. And weird things don't show up, so I'm thinking no.
2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonaldS?
Undoubtedly a McFlurry, though I don't specifically remember.
3. Are you an emotional person?
Yeah, probably.
4. Do you like your name?
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sorrrrta. The same kind of sorta that is transcribed on here in other places.
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
Yeah, sure.
7. What was the last thing you did?
Watched the OSU game.
8. Who is right next to you?
No whos ... no one is in the same room as me.
9. Who was the last person you ate with?
Say, at a restaurant or sitting at the same table? Um ... Wes and Hillary.
10. What song are you listening to right now?
"Walk Fast" by Josh Kelley.
11. How's the weather right now?
I actually haven't been outside all day (it's Saturdya, and yesterday was uber-icky/busy, so no judging), but I hear it's colder than it was yesterday so that's good.
12. Last person who called you today?
My dad, from the game. =)
13. Last lie you told?
Man, do I even remember? They come oh so often actually. Apparently nothing big because I can't remember it and I've gotten past yesterday...
14. Last song you sang?
I was just semi-singing along to "Days Like This" by Kellie Coffey.
15. Do you like anyone?
Uhhhh, yeah, actually.
16. Lost a friendship over something stupid?
Probably, but it seems to be nothing I regret.
17. Last thing you drank?
18. Last thing you ate?
The end of my loaf of bread.
19. What did you do last night?
Volunteered for an hour, then went to see "Company" -- a new revival production of an old Sondheim musical, then walked through Times Square to get back to the subway to get back home, then passed out to watching America's Next Top Model.
20. Faked being sick to miss school?
21. What time did you wake up today?
Like, 12:45. It was late when I went to bed, and I was sleeping enough for two nights.
22. Last person you texted?
I've deleted it by now, so I'm not entirely sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say Zach.
23. Last person to text you?
24. What are you wearing right now?
My pajamas, slippers, and a hoodie. It's definitely the low-key day of the week. My hair is even up. Except that I have to get ready to go see Happy Feet on IMAX up in Lincoln Center with Nalleli and Shirley soon.
25. Are you too quiet to ask anyone out?
Eh, too quiet is not the right phrase. I usually don't make that move, if that's the true question here. I tend to be very stupid and wait forever for the other party to do so.
26. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
Usually hair.
27.Where are you right now?
In my room in NY.
28. What date and day is it?
November 18th, Saturday.
29. Did you go anywhere today?
Besides the other room of the suite, no.
30. What did you do there?
31. Where else are you going today?
Going to the movies in a bit.
32. Are you watching TV?
33. Are you mature or immature?
I can be both, but mostly mature I suppose.
34. Are you closer to your mom or dad?
I'm close to both of them in different ways. Maybe my mom by a bit.
35. Are you an only child?
36. Whats the most annoying thing people say to you?
Mostly, I get annoyed with the "do you like New York" question.
38. Do you like music?
Uh, yeah.
39. Do you want to get married?
Yeah, at some way later point in time.
40. To whom?
I do not know that yet. If I did, I'd probably just get married.
1. What color is your bra?
Right now, it's black.
2. Do you ever lie about your age?
3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"?
Both in different ways and at different ways.
4. Do you prefer blond or brunette guys?
I think my 'type' is brunette, but I keep falling for blondes.
5. How many things in your past do you regret?
None enough to worry about them so much now.
6. Did you answer number five truthfully?
7. Do you have a best friend?
8. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A veterinarian.
9. Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
One night, no. A twelve-hour period, yes.
10. Where do you shop to buy most of your clothes?
American Eagle, I guess, but really anywhere.
12. Have you ever had your heart broken?
14. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them?
15. Have you ever felt like killing somebody?
Yeah, not literally though.
16. If you could change anything about your past, what would you change?
Changing is dangerous.
17. Do you like your life?
18. Do you shop at Hollister?
19. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
20. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
Yes. They were/are no longer friends.
21. Did you forgive them?
No, not really. I'm not still angry about it or anything, I just really don't forgive things.
22. Who was your first best friend ever?
I remember vaguely some girl named Becky, and then some girl named Katrina ...
23. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Girls, I suppose.
24. How long have you had myspace?
Maybe a year? Maybe longer ... I don't know.
25. Have you ever skipped school?
26. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
27. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
No. Probably should have, though.
28. If so why?
Because he thought and acted on the false assumption that he could simply take what he wanted from me because he was gorgeous.
29. What is one of your biggest fears of your life?
Utterly failing at something I really want.
31. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
32. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yes. Twice that I vividly remember.
33. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
Yes. I'm currently pretty much there, but I so honestly don't have time for it. Well, that's kind of a lie. I guess I have time for it for at least a week. So I won't feel as bad for it for awhile. =) And really, I like having them in my head there always anyway, so ... yeah. It's dangerous, nonetheless.
34. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"?
Maybe. Change the once to twice, and definitely.
35. Are you a player?
Not in the way that I'm assuming you mean.
36. What kind of cell phone do you have?
Some Verizon phone. It's a little scratched up and I drop it way too often, but I can't get a new one (without getting a new number) until my plan ends, so I'm stuck with it.
37. what's your screen name?
I'm not answering this question anymore. I have a suspicion that Google would find it.
39. So far do you like this survey?
Um, all of them are kind of melding together. I should be getting ready, so I'm a little hurried anyway, not relaly focused on it or how much I like it.
40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
Yes. Same with bad feelings.
41. Do you ever wish you were famous?
42. Do you ever wish you were a man?
Not really, no.
43. Do you think any guy will open this just because it says girls survey?
Uh, well, there's no "opening" involved, but that thought never occurred to me, no.
How old do you act? ----
[] I know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] I do my own laundry
[x] I can cook for myself
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations
[x] I think politics are exciting
[] My parents and grand-parents have better things to say than my peers
[x] I show up for school/work every day, unless I'm sick
[x] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse.
[] I've never gotten a detention.
[] I've watched talk shows to point out the credibility of it all.
[x] I know what credibility means without looking it up (but I don't think it's used correctly here, I should say)
[x] I drink coffee at least once a week
Total: 4
[x] I know how to run the dish washer and/or do the dishes.
[x] I can count to 10 in Spanish.
[x] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
[x] I can mow the lawn.
[x] I can make adults laugh... without being stupid.
[] I remember to water my plants.
[x] I study when I have to.
[x] I pay attention at school
[x] I remember to feed my pets
Total: 8
[x] I can spell experience without looking it up.
[x] I clean up my own mess.
[] The first thing I do when I wake up is get Diet Coke.
[] I can go to the store with out getting something I don't need.
[x] I understand jokes the first time they are said.
[x] I can type fast.
Total: 4
[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[x] I can look at someone hot without thinking of sex.
[x] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it.
[x]People have said i act/look older than i am
Total: 5
Now add up how many x's you have and put "I act X years old" in the subject line
I act 25 years old, apparently.
are you available? I'm not not available. Saying I'm available sounds so strange. There's more to the issue than available or not available. I don't know, this phrasing freaks me out more than it really should.
what is your age? 19.
what annoys you? Oh, quite a few things. Lately it's mostly people walking slow/staring, leaving the shower curtain closed, and saying "on line" instead of in line.
do you live in a big house? No, I live in an apartment.
when is your birthday? July 15.
who are your best friends? They know who they are and they don't read this so it's all pointless to put it down.
what's your favorite candy? Mr. Goodbar. Or MilkDuds, for during soething ( a movie, a lecture, whatever). Or gummy bears.
who's your crush? I'm not telling you. But it does feel good to finally admit that he is.
when was the last time you cried? Today. The OSU-Michigan game probably makes me too emotional. I cried when the guy dotted the I. But then, there's some back issues in there now too because I'm faced with maybe having to transfer to OSU and that would just wrench up a lot of issues.
do you daydream? Yes. More when I'm in a relationship or bored, but yes.
what's your favorite kind of dog? I love all kinds of dogs. Seriously.
what day of the week is it? Technically now it is Sunday, but to me it's still Saturday..
how do you like your eggs? I don't eat eggs.
have you ever been in the emergency room? Yes, for kidney problems.
what's the easiest thing ever to do? Nothing's ever always easy. I was going to say breathing, or existing, or sitting, but all of those can be hard at times.
have you ever flown in a plane? Yes, in fact I did so just a week ago and I'll do so again in another week.
do you use fly swatters? No. I hate bugs but I still have a problem with killing them. I didn't even want to squash the Drosophila in lab.
have you ever used a foghorn? No.
do you chew gum? On planes, when I need to focus on something, and when I need but don't have a mint.
are you a giver or a taker? Both.
do you like gummy candies? Yes.
how are you? Um, I'm okay. I rpprobably should be sleeping, but I don't have tests for awhile, and I'm texting which makes me happy even though the conversation is getting unnecessarily meta and I don't have a wake-up time tomorrow, so that's all fine.
what's your height? 5'3".
what color is your hair? Blonde.
what's your favorite ice cream? Coffee Heath Chunk, I tink. But I'll always love Cookie Dough.
have you ever ice skated? Yes, though not this year. I want to go though. Maybe when I go to the zoo to look at lights. Which I can only imagine enjoying as much as I want to enjoy it if I go with a certain someone. But I don't know how likely that is. Rather unlikely unless I say something, and that in itself is rather unlikely.
do you play an instrument? Yeah. At least, I used to. But a lot of things lately are pushing me back to it. I hope to try to play tomorrow ... for the first time in several months.
what's your favorite jelly bean? Red ones...?
do you wear jewelry? Yeah, always my one ring, occasionally some earrings, even more rarely a necklace or bracelet.
who do you want to kill? No one really.
do you want kids? Yeah, eventually.
do you like kangaroos? I don't not like kangaroos...
are you laid back? Usually.
do you lie? Uh, yeah.
whats your favorite movie? Casablanca.
do you still watch disney movies? Yes, definitely. They are gold.
do you like mangos? I don't dislike mangos. I don't really have mango often; it's expensive.
do you have a nickname? Yeah, I've recently realized at least half of the people I know regularly call me Jess. And then there are the combinations including my last name.
whats your favorite number? 4
do you prefer night over day? Yeah. I feel more productive, and I like that I'm generally alone. At least, as alone as I get here.
whats your one wish? Vet school.
are you an only child? No.
do you wish this was over? Kind of. I'm ready to read my book and fall asleep.
what one fear are you most paranoid about? Dinosaurs. And tonight I saw them from the front row of the IMAX theatre. I was almost hysterical. That's when I realized my fear really is irrational.
whats a personality trait you look for in people? Sense of humor.
whats your favorite quote? The difference between the right word and the wrong word is really a large matter; 'tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.
do you think youre always right? Well, not always, but often. Most disuptes with me can be solved by a simple, "You're right." =) I just need to hear that phrase and I'm pretty much good.
do you watch reality tv? Yeah.
whats a good reason to cry? Sad that something is gone.
do you prefer sun or rain? Rain if I have my boots/umbrella/iPod/it's not so crazy humid. But really, sun.
do you like snow? Yes, I wish it would snow already.
what's your favorite season? Fall.
what time is it? 2:59 am.
what time did you wake up? 12:45 pm. (I was sleeping for two nights.)
when was the last time you slept in a tent? I seriously don't remember. Several, several years ago.
are you wearing underwear? Yes
do you prefer underwear or thongs? Well thongs are underwear.
underwear or boxers? Ditto.
where do you want to go on vacation? Back to Paris. Or Ireland.
where was the last place you went on vacation? Italy.
what's your worst habit? Biting my nails when I'm really nervous (but I just painted them tonight -- for the first time in a year, so hopefully they'll stay nice) or procrastinating so much I nearly die
where do you live? NYC
what's your worst fear? Failure. That's boring and generic, but true.
have you ever had an x-ray? Yes
have you seen the x-games? No. I might've caught them briefly on TV.
do you own a xylophone? zylophone for me. ;) Oh Mitchy.
do you like the color yellow? I don't love it.
what year were you born in? 1987.
whats your zodiac sign? Cancer
do you believe in the zodiac? Yeah, bits and pieces, here and there.
what's your favorite zoo animal? I love the otters. =)
Have you ever __________ with your top 6?!?
Body: Don’t change your myspace top 6
- fill the people in below
- answer the questions truthfully
1- Hillary
2- Tricia
3- Wes
4- Zach
5- Nalleli
6- Shirley
Have you ever danced with 3?
Where did you meet number 5?
At the Palladium Floor Brunch, first year of college.
Have you ever gotten drunk/high with number 4?
Ha, laughing as much as if we were, probably, but actually on substances, no.
Has 1 been to your house?
Yes, certainly.
Have you ever seen number 6 cry?
Yes. School is crazy.
Has number 6 ever seen you naked?
No. We live together, but we are not naked often.
Have you ever gone shopping with number 3?
Have you ever seen 2 in a swimsuit?
Have you ever met 1's family?
Do you know 2's middle name?
Yes. In fact, I know all of my top 6's middle names.
Have you ever eaten anything in front of 4?
Ha, yes.
Do you trust number 3?
Have you ever hated 6?
No. Maybe for her good grades. ;)
Have you ever fought with number 2?
No, not really.
When's the last time you talked to 5 in person?
Just tonight, when she said goodnight and went to sleep.
Are any of your top 6 family members?
Has anyone in your top 6 seen you cry?
Have you ever done something dangerous with number 4?
Well, we have gotten stopped by the cops, so I guess that warrants a yes.
Have you ever been in the same bed with 5?
Do you think 4 and 5 would make a good couple?
Zach and Nalleli? Um, no.
Have you ever, or are you currently dating anyone in you top 6?
Would #1 do anything for you?
I don't know about anything. But that goes for all situations.
Has 3 ever helped you out?
How do you feel when 1 hugs you?
Happy, I suppose.
Will 1-6 repost this?
Um, no. It's not in that situation.
Repost this as:
Have you ever __________ with your top 6?!?
High School: Westland.
Junior High: Pleasant View.
Elementary: Eakin, Prarie Lincoln, and Darby Woods.
Favorite Soda: I don't drink soda.
Favorite fruit: I'm really into kiwis lately, but they're probably not really my favorite. Maybe bananas, maybe raspberries.
Favorite weather: Just generally nice, maybe 70ish, a light wind, decent sun. But I like general change of the weather, I don't like to get bored with it.
Do You:
Like someone: Maaaaybe. I am so back and forth on anything anymore.
Want more piercings: Maybe.
Want a tattoo: Again, maybe. I don't really want one at this moment, but I'm not ruling out the possibility for either, probably when something significant or craze-inducing happens.
Person talked to/texted on the phone?: Phone, mom. Text, Zach.
Person IMed on-line?: Tricia.
Movie watched: I started Spellbound today, but fell asleep during it. Full out, Happy Feet.
Blue or red?: Blue. Why is this in the last section?
Spring or Fall?: Fall.
Random stuff:
Do you speak a different language?: Yes, but today was the first time I got to answer yes to that question in real life, but thankfully I didn't have to expose the fact that I couldn't think of the word for schedules.
How old do you act?: As old as I am, I'd suppose. Perhaps slightly older.
Do you have any pets?: Yes. Though not here, which I increasingly don't like.
Mood?: I was fine and relaxed, then I felt personally attacked, now I just kind of want to go back to before.
The 4 W's Questions:
Whos in the room with you? Nalleli.
What was the last thing you ate?: Bread.
What color pants are you wearing?: Blue jeans.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? My French dictionary.
What are you wearing on your feet?: Nothing.
What instant messaging service do you use? AIM.
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts?: Jeans. I never wear shorts, except occasionally to bed. Which then I guess is not never.
Where is your mom? Somewhere two states away.
Where do you sleep?: In my bed...except when I'm home, then on the couch, on the futon ... whatever.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?: Old Navy ... and maybe Marshall's?
__Which is Better With The Preferred Sex__
067. Cute or Sexy: Sexy'll get you, but cute'll keep you.
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses, easily..
070. Short or Tall: Tall.
071. Easygoing or serious: More easygoing, but not entirely.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic, but not smothering (it's not as easy as just picking one).
073. Muscular or Skinny: Skinny between the two.
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive.
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship, I suppoooose. That's the right answer, yes? Yeah, relationships.
076. Sweet or Caring: I find they generally come together. Caring, I guess. That seems the more genuine of the two.
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: Hesitant, I suppose, but the trouble makers are going to seem sexier, which is discussed above.
___Have You Ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: Yes.
079. Drank Bubbles?: No.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: No, I don't wear them.
083. Got an X-ray and on what? Yes. Several several things...teeth and shoulder pop to mind.
084. Have You Broken Someones Heart?: Maybe.
085. Had your heart broken?: Yes.
087. Cried When Someone Died: Yes.
088. Cried At School and why?: Yes...challenges stress.
___Do You Believe In___
089. God: Yes.
090. Miracles: Yes.
091. Love At First Sight: Moderately.
93. Aliens: Maybe.
94.Magic: Maybe.
095. Heaven: On the best days.
98. Kissing on The First Date: Yes.
1. Where did you take your default pic?: In Washington C.H.
2. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?: Jeans, a tank top, a sweater.
3. What is your current problem?: Having no one to tell my secrets to. Worrying about not getting this job I really want. Having to shower AND sleep with the same time. And always grades.
1. Middle name: Nicole.
2. Nickname(s): Jessie, Jess, JRea, JR.
3. Current location: New York City, for another few hours.
4. Eye color: Green.
1. Do you live with your parents?: No, at least not for eight months out of the year.
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? Yeah, mostly.
3. Do you have any siblings?: Yes, one.
1. Ice Cream: is really good...? Oh, we're supposed to assume favorites. Coffee, but I'll always love cookie dough.
2. Season: Fall.
3. Movie: Casablanca.
4. Color[s]: Cerulean.
5. Clothes/Stores: American Eagle, I guess, but really, I don't care. Which isn't to say I can't indulge in some ol' brand-whoring, but it's mostly for shoes as far as I go.
1. Write on your hand? No.
2. Call people back?: No. Seriously, I suck at this. The phone and I ... ours is a relationshit, not a relationship. It is very far from functional or rewarding.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: I don't really have a side. I like to sleep by a wall, if that comes into play.
5. Have any bad habits? Yes, of course.
1. Broken a bone?: Yes.
2. Sprained stuff?: Yes.
3. Had physical therapy?: Yes.
4. Gotten stitches?: No. Well, yes for oral surgery.
5. Taken painkillers: Yes.
6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? No.
7. Been stung by a bee?: Yes, but not lately thank goodness.
8. Thrown up at the dentist? No, though felt like it plenty of times.
9. Had detention?: Yes, once.
10. Been sent to the principal's office: Not for anything negative.
CHAPTER 6 [last]
1. Movie you watched: Happy Feet.
2. Person to text you: Zach.
5. Person you hugged: Nalleli.
6. Person you tackled?: Um, I can't remember. I don't tackle much.
7. Thing you touched: Besides my computer/desk/chair involving this task? Umm ... I think my cell phone.
8. Thing you ate: Asparagus risotto.
9. Thing you drank: A gingerbread latte. I finally broke down and bought all $4.17 of it.
10. Thing you said: Bye, you too! (In response to Ling's departure and holiday wishes.)
11. Person you kissed: Just family. Beyond that, 'twas an Italian man who I'll probably never see again. Interesting, no?
*are you going to lie?
Yeah, probably. I often do.
1. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
Old Navy and ... let me look ...Josephine Chause, apparently.
2. Would you kiss anyone on your top friendslist?
Yeah, I would.
3.How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?
All of them.
4. How many kids do you want to have?
One or two. Or something crazy like eight.
5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
6. Do you wanna change your name?
No, I like it.
7. What did you do for your last b-day?
Went to the Mexican restaurant with my family, got ice cream with Tricia, went to see Casablanca at the Ohio Theatre with Dad. =)
8. What time did you wake up today?
8:35. I had class at 9. I got there early. That's how good I am. =)
9. What were you doing at midnight last night?
10. Name something you CANNOT wait to do?
Breathe. Because everything else, I have to wait for, so apparently I can.
11. Last time you fell asleep next to someone?
Sometime this summer. Unless you count Honey, or Jenny, then just two weeks.
12. Whats one thing you would like to change about your life?
I'd definitely like to get better grades.
13. Have you ever talked to Tom?
Ha, no.
14. last thing you ate?
15. whats your favorite month?
I really enjoy December, minus finals.
16. Least favorite month?
Maybe May, or February.
17. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
A watch from Nalleli if that counts. A coat from Nalleli if it doesn't.
18. Who's getting on your nerves right now?
No one, I'm alone.
19. Most visited webpage: myspace or google?
Google, but the race is closer than it used to be.
20. Last person to make you sad?
Myself, with losing my cell phone.
21. Would you help your best friend fight if he/ she is losing?
I guess so, though I don't really see that situation transpiring.
22. Coke or pepsi?
Neither. I don't do soda.
23. How often do you see your crush?
Not terribly often, unless you're talking about my professors, in which case, at least once a week. ;)
24. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?
No. Unless you count kitty kisses. =)
25. Who will win the Colts/Patriots game this week?
Patriots. Fuck the Colts. (Sorry, Tricia.)
26. What is a good movie to watch on Halloween?
I don't know ... I don't really do scary movies. And I'm too busy on Halloween to be watching movies anyway.
*If you answered honestly to all these, post as:
No LiE sUrvey
I'm not 'posting' anything, so I get out of that. Ha.
1. Hot chocolate or apple cider?
Hot chocolate.
2. Turkey or Ham?
Neither; I don't eat meat.
3. Do you get a Fake or Real cut it yourself Christmas tree?
We usually do our fake one, then buy real ones for our front and back proches. Jenny gets to pick one and so do I.
4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
Yes, lights and such. I think we even do the huge blow-up thing even though I really hate those.
5. Snowball fights or sledding?
Sledding, definitely.
6. Do you like hanging around the fireplace because it's warm?
Yes, of course. I just recounted a story from last Thanksgiving where I fell asleep in front of the fireplace with a cat. But that's how I roll. Not surprising, this story, if you know me.
7. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?
Yeah, but I usually just do my shopping at the Fair right outside my door.
8. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh, I can't pick just one. I looove Mariah Carey's "All I want For Christmas Is You" and I love Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Carol of the Bells" but all the classics (Bing, I'm talking to you) are fantastic.
9. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
They're fine. The older ones are obviously better than the newer ones. Wow it smells like my gingerbread latte and I just realized that.
10. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
I'd say get to at least November. Theoretically you should wait until after Thanksgiving, but ... that doesn't really work too often.
11. Stockings before or after presents?
Before, but we use them more as a leading-up-to thing.
12. Carolers, do you or do you not listen to them?
I've never had to deal with carolers, but I guess I would probably listen to them. At least for a bit.
13. Go to someone else's house or they come to you?
Thankfully, we stay at home now.
14. Do you read the Christmas Story?
15. What do you do after presents and dinner?
We don't really do a fancy dinner. We just kind of chill.
16. What is your favorite holiday smell?
Christmas trees.
17. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
Ice skating. Though I'm more likely to do the second.
18. Favorite Christmas memory?
Just the good feelings in general.
19. Favorite Part about winter?
Snow, scarves, and sipping cocoa.
20. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Yes, but not seriously.
1. How tall are you barefoot?
5'3". Maybe 5'2.5" but you have to round up.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
3. Do you own a gun?
4. What kind of cake do you want at your wedding?
A big tiered white one, probably white cake ... maybe something different for the inside, but definitely not chocolate. At least not fully.
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?
Yes. I just think it's because I really want to impress them, or rather not not impress them, I suppose.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Haven't eaten a single one since 4th grade and dont' intend on ever eating one again.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I love all the oldies, but lately it's "Baby It's Cold Outside."
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water. On rare occasions, coffee or orange juice.
9. Can you do push ups?
10. Is your bathroom clean?
No, not really. The floor gets gross seriously within a day.
11. Whats your favorite piece of jewelry?
I like my earrings I'm currently wearing (they're long and green/blue), and I have some necklaces that mean something to me, ditto with rings.
12. Do you like painkillers?
No. I try to not take them if I can.
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
I have no secret weapon. I just ... do whatever I do, I suppose.
14. Do you own a knife?
Yes, but not a huge knife.
15. Do you have A.D.D.?
Not really.
16. Middle Name?
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1. I want it to be over and yet not have to deal with it at the same time.
2. A long time frame has to be ngative.
3. I don't want to go to Physics nowish.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought:
A gingerbread latte this morning, dinner at Applebees (mozzarella sticks and a salad), and my Fossil watch. =)
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
Water, ... that's pretty much all I drink regularly.
20. What time did you wake up today?
7:30 am.
21. If you could only have one for the rest of your life from the one u love, choose- kiss or hug.
22. Current worry?
I don't think I have to say it. I think even looking back, it will be evident. Let's just say that it involves some uncharacteristic behavior.
23. Current hate?
My lack of patience, for it leads to problems with my surplus of anxiety, which leads to me not studying which was my original plan and ultimately what I continually hate.
24. Favorite place to be?
Lately, it's at home. At least, in Ohio, I mean. And part of me has a hard time continually leaving it if it's where I want to stay. I'm giving it a few days -- and a few situations closed -- to settle down, but the feeling is sincerely bothersome.
25. Least favorite place to be?
In a class I hate? Lately, at least, I mean. Especially with my lack of focus and intense need to focus.
26. Where would you like to go?
I think Europe and I need a reunion.
27. Do you own slippers?
Yes. My feet get cold, I need them. They are fuzzy and purple.
28. What shirt are you wearing?
Green tank top, black sweater.
29. Do you burn or tan?
Burn basically, but I seriously can't think about the sun right now. At least not in that summer-y of terms (though yes, I know we can burn all the time, yadda yadda yadda).
30. Favorite color(s)?
Green mostly. Blue, red, purple occasionally.
31. Would you be a pirate?
No, but thanks.
32. The thong song is...
from when I was in eighth grade, I think. Maybe seventh.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Whatever's on the radio. Except not because I live with other people.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
When I heard the helicopter flying overhead, I always imagined some mean criminal/theif types would break into my window to kill me. Beyond that, I wasn't really a monster kid. More terrified of people motives. Oh, sometimes I remember thinking something was hiding behind my bed when it was against the corner, but I also remember thinking that it was a crazy person, never some imagined animal or creature.
35. What's in your pockets right now?
Nothing. I spent my five from earlier.
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Sadly, I don't know. I've been mighty anxious to laugh lately. Which isn't to say that I haven't, just that I don't have the brain space to remember it.
37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Maybe I had 101 Dalmations ones? That seems not unlikely.
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
Broke my arm mountain biking. Fell into gravel too, so got some nice scars as well.
39. Do you think OJ did it??
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
One here.
41. Who is your loudest friend?
I pretty much don't like these questions.
42. Who is your most silent friend?
43. Does someone have a crush on you and who?
You know what? Probably not.
44. Do you wish on shooting stars?
You know, I'd actually never seen a shooting star (and with as much as I stargaze) until two nights ago -- Friday) on the farm when I just happened to look up at different occasions and see TWO. I wished for really important things because I figured that was a really rare instance, at least for me. None of the wishes have capitalized yet.
45. What is your favorite book?
The Alchemist.
46. What is your favorite candy?
Generally chocolate combined with nuts.
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
"At Last" by Etta James.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
"Seasons of Love" by Jonathan :Larson/RENT -- the movie version.
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Sleeping. For four hours already.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
I have French homework to do. Then, as per usual lately, ooooh shit. Not a dream in fact.
Not that I know of. And weird things don't show up, so I'm thinking no.
2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonaldS?
Undoubtedly a McFlurry, though I don't specifically remember.
3. Are you an emotional person?
Yeah, probably.
4. Do you like your name?
5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sorrrrta. The same kind of sorta that is transcribed on here in other places.
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
Yeah, sure.
7. What was the last thing you did?
Watched the OSU game.
8. Who is right next to you?
No whos ... no one is in the same room as me.
9. Who was the last person you ate with?
Say, at a restaurant or sitting at the same table? Um ... Wes and Hillary.
10. What song are you listening to right now?
"Walk Fast" by Josh Kelley.
11. How's the weather right now?
I actually haven't been outside all day (it's Saturdya, and yesterday was uber-icky/busy, so no judging), but I hear it's colder than it was yesterday so that's good.
12. Last person who called you today?
My dad, from the game. =)
13. Last lie you told?
Man, do I even remember? They come oh so often actually. Apparently nothing big because I can't remember it and I've gotten past yesterday...
14. Last song you sang?
I was just semi-singing along to "Days Like This" by Kellie Coffey.
15. Do you like anyone?
Uhhhh, yeah, actually.
16. Lost a friendship over something stupid?
Probably, but it seems to be nothing I regret.
17. Last thing you drank?
18. Last thing you ate?
The end of my loaf of bread.
19. What did you do last night?
Volunteered for an hour, then went to see "Company" -- a new revival production of an old Sondheim musical, then walked through Times Square to get back to the subway to get back home, then passed out to watching America's Next Top Model.
20. Faked being sick to miss school?
21. What time did you wake up today?
Like, 12:45. It was late when I went to bed, and I was sleeping enough for two nights.
22. Last person you texted?
I've deleted it by now, so I'm not entirely sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say Zach.
23. Last person to text you?
24. What are you wearing right now?
My pajamas, slippers, and a hoodie. It's definitely the low-key day of the week. My hair is even up. Except that I have to get ready to go see Happy Feet on IMAX up in Lincoln Center with Nalleli and Shirley soon.
25. Are you too quiet to ask anyone out?
Eh, too quiet is not the right phrase. I usually don't make that move, if that's the true question here. I tend to be very stupid and wait forever for the other party to do so.
26. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?
Usually hair.
27.Where are you right now?
In my room in NY.
28. What date and day is it?
November 18th, Saturday.
29. Did you go anywhere today?
Besides the other room of the suite, no.
30. What did you do there?
31. Where else are you going today?
Going to the movies in a bit.
32. Are you watching TV?
33. Are you mature or immature?
I can be both, but mostly mature I suppose.
34. Are you closer to your mom or dad?
I'm close to both of them in different ways. Maybe my mom by a bit.
35. Are you an only child?
36. Whats the most annoying thing people say to you?
Mostly, I get annoyed with the "do you like New York" question.
38. Do you like music?
Uh, yeah.
39. Do you want to get married?
Yeah, at some way later point in time.
40. To whom?
I do not know that yet. If I did, I'd probably just get married.
1. What color is your bra?
Right now, it's black.
2. Do you ever lie about your age?
3. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"?
Both in different ways and at different ways.
4. Do you prefer blond or brunette guys?
I think my 'type' is brunette, but I keep falling for blondes.
5. How many things in your past do you regret?
None enough to worry about them so much now.
6. Did you answer number five truthfully?
7. Do you have a best friend?
8. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A veterinarian.
9. Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
One night, no. A twelve-hour period, yes.
10. Where do you shop to buy most of your clothes?
American Eagle, I guess, but really anywhere.
12. Have you ever had your heart broken?
14. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them?
15. Have you ever felt like killing somebody?
Yeah, not literally though.
16. If you could change anything about your past, what would you change?
Changing is dangerous.
17. Do you like your life?
18. Do you shop at Hollister?
19. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
20. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
Yes. They were/are no longer friends.
21. Did you forgive them?
No, not really. I'm not still angry about it or anything, I just really don't forgive things.
22. Who was your first best friend ever?
I remember vaguely some girl named Becky, and then some girl named Katrina ...
23. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Girls, I suppose.
24. How long have you had myspace?
Maybe a year? Maybe longer ... I don't know.
25. Have you ever skipped school?
26. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
27. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
No. Probably should have, though.
28. If so why?
Because he thought and acted on the false assumption that he could simply take what he wanted from me because he was gorgeous.
29. What is one of your biggest fears of your life?
Utterly failing at something I really want.
31. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
32. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Yes. Twice that I vividly remember.
33. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
Yes. I'm currently pretty much there, but I so honestly don't have time for it. Well, that's kind of a lie. I guess I have time for it for at least a week. So I won't feel as bad for it for awhile. =) And really, I like having them in my head there always anyway, so ... yeah. It's dangerous, nonetheless.
34. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"?
Maybe. Change the once to twice, and definitely.
35. Are you a player?
Not in the way that I'm assuming you mean.
36. What kind of cell phone do you have?
Some Verizon phone. It's a little scratched up and I drop it way too often, but I can't get a new one (without getting a new number) until my plan ends, so I'm stuck with it.
37. what's your screen name?
I'm not answering this question anymore. I have a suspicion that Google would find it.
39. So far do you like this survey?
Um, all of them are kind of melding together. I should be getting ready, so I'm a little hurried anyway, not relaly focused on it or how much I like it.
40. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
Yes. Same with bad feelings.
41. Do you ever wish you were famous?
42. Do you ever wish you were a man?
Not really, no.
43. Do you think any guy will open this just because it says girls survey?
Uh, well, there's no "opening" involved, but that thought never occurred to me, no.
How old do you act? ----
[] I know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] I do my own laundry
[x] I can cook for myself
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations
[x] I think politics are exciting
[] My parents and grand-parents have better things to say than my peers
[x] I show up for school/work every day, unless I'm sick
[x] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse.
[] I've never gotten a detention.
[] I've watched talk shows to point out the credibility of it all.
[x] I know what credibility means without looking it up (but I don't think it's used correctly here, I should say)
[x] I drink coffee at least once a week
Total: 4
[x] I know how to run the dish washer and/or do the dishes.
[x] I can count to 10 in Spanish.
[x] When I say I'm going to do something, I do it.
[x] I can mow the lawn.
[x] I can make adults laugh... without being stupid.
[] I remember to water my plants.
[x] I study when I have to.
[x] I pay attention at school
[x] I remember to feed my pets
Total: 8
[x] I can spell experience without looking it up.
[x] I clean up my own mess.
[] The first thing I do when I wake up is get Diet Coke.
[] I can go to the store with out getting something I don't need.
[x] I understand jokes the first time they are said.
[x] I can type fast.
Total: 4
[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[x] I can look at someone hot without thinking of sex.
[x] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it.
[x]People have said i act/look older than i am
Total: 5
Now add up how many x's you have and put "I act X years old" in the subject line
I act 25 years old, apparently.
are you available? I'm not not available. Saying I'm available sounds so strange. There's more to the issue than available or not available. I don't know, this phrasing freaks me out more than it really should.
what is your age? 19.
what annoys you? Oh, quite a few things. Lately it's mostly people walking slow/staring, leaving the shower curtain closed, and saying "on line" instead of in line.
do you live in a big house? No, I live in an apartment.
when is your birthday? July 15.
who are your best friends? They know who they are and they don't read this so it's all pointless to put it down.
what's your favorite candy? Mr. Goodbar. Or MilkDuds, for during soething ( a movie, a lecture, whatever). Or gummy bears.
who's your crush? I'm not telling you. But it does feel good to finally admit that he is.
when was the last time you cried? Today. The OSU-Michigan game probably makes me too emotional. I cried when the guy dotted the I. But then, there's some back issues in there now too because I'm faced with maybe having to transfer to OSU and that would just wrench up a lot of issues.
do you daydream? Yes. More when I'm in a relationship or bored, but yes.
what's your favorite kind of dog? I love all kinds of dogs. Seriously.
what day of the week is it? Technically now it is Sunday, but to me it's still Saturday..
how do you like your eggs? I don't eat eggs.
have you ever been in the emergency room? Yes, for kidney problems.
what's the easiest thing ever to do? Nothing's ever always easy. I was going to say breathing, or existing, or sitting, but all of those can be hard at times.
have you ever flown in a plane? Yes, in fact I did so just a week ago and I'll do so again in another week.
do you use fly swatters? No. I hate bugs but I still have a problem with killing them. I didn't even want to squash the Drosophila in lab.
have you ever used a foghorn? No.
do you chew gum? On planes, when I need to focus on something, and when I need but don't have a mint.
are you a giver or a taker? Both.
do you like gummy candies? Yes.
how are you? Um, I'm okay. I rpprobably should be sleeping, but I don't have tests for awhile, and I'm texting which makes me happy even though the conversation is getting unnecessarily meta and I don't have a wake-up time tomorrow, so that's all fine.
what's your height? 5'3".
what color is your hair? Blonde.
what's your favorite ice cream? Coffee Heath Chunk, I tink. But I'll always love Cookie Dough.
have you ever ice skated? Yes, though not this year. I want to go though. Maybe when I go to the zoo to look at lights. Which I can only imagine enjoying as much as I want to enjoy it if I go with a certain someone. But I don't know how likely that is. Rather unlikely unless I say something, and that in itself is rather unlikely.
do you play an instrument? Yeah. At least, I used to. But a lot of things lately are pushing me back to it. I hope to try to play tomorrow ... for the first time in several months.
what's your favorite jelly bean? Red ones...?
do you wear jewelry? Yeah, always my one ring, occasionally some earrings, even more rarely a necklace or bracelet.
who do you want to kill? No one really.
do you want kids? Yeah, eventually.
do you like kangaroos? I don't not like kangaroos...
are you laid back? Usually.
do you lie? Uh, yeah.
whats your favorite movie? Casablanca.
do you still watch disney movies? Yes, definitely. They are gold.
do you like mangos? I don't dislike mangos. I don't really have mango often; it's expensive.
do you have a nickname? Yeah, I've recently realized at least half of the people I know regularly call me Jess. And then there are the combinations including my last name.
whats your favorite number? 4
do you prefer night over day? Yeah. I feel more productive, and I like that I'm generally alone. At least, as alone as I get here.
whats your one wish? Vet school.
are you an only child? No.
do you wish this was over? Kind of. I'm ready to read my book and fall asleep.
what one fear are you most paranoid about? Dinosaurs. And tonight I saw them from the front row of the IMAX theatre. I was almost hysterical. That's when I realized my fear really is irrational.
whats a personality trait you look for in people? Sense of humor.
whats your favorite quote? The difference between the right word and the wrong word is really a large matter; 'tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.
do you think youre always right? Well, not always, but often. Most disuptes with me can be solved by a simple, "You're right." =) I just need to hear that phrase and I'm pretty much good.
do you watch reality tv? Yeah.
whats a good reason to cry? Sad that something is gone.
do you prefer sun or rain? Rain if I have my boots/umbrella/iPod/it's not so crazy humid. But really, sun.
do you like snow? Yes, I wish it would snow already.
what's your favorite season? Fall.
what time is it? 2:59 am.
what time did you wake up? 12:45 pm. (I was sleeping for two nights.)
when was the last time you slept in a tent? I seriously don't remember. Several, several years ago.
are you wearing underwear? Yes
do you prefer underwear or thongs? Well thongs are underwear.
underwear or boxers? Ditto.
where do you want to go on vacation? Back to Paris. Or Ireland.
where was the last place you went on vacation? Italy.
what's your worst habit? Biting my nails when I'm really nervous (but I just painted them tonight -- for the first time in a year, so hopefully they'll stay nice) or procrastinating so much I nearly die
where do you live? NYC
what's your worst fear? Failure. That's boring and generic, but true.
have you ever had an x-ray? Yes
have you seen the x-games? No. I might've caught them briefly on TV.
do you own a xylophone? zylophone for me. ;) Oh Mitchy.
do you like the color yellow? I don't love it.
what year were you born in? 1987.
whats your zodiac sign? Cancer
do you believe in the zodiac? Yeah, bits and pieces, here and there.
what's your favorite zoo animal? I love the otters. =)
Have you ever __________ with your top 6?!?
Body: Don’t change your myspace top 6
- fill the people in below
- answer the questions truthfully
1- Hillary
2- Tricia
3- Wes
4- Zach
5- Nalleli
6- Shirley
Have you ever danced with 3?
Where did you meet number 5?
At the Palladium Floor Brunch, first year of college.
Have you ever gotten drunk/high with number 4?
Ha, laughing as much as if we were, probably, but actually on substances, no.
Has 1 been to your house?
Yes, certainly.
Have you ever seen number 6 cry?
Yes. School is crazy.
Has number 6 ever seen you naked?
No. We live together, but we are not naked often.
Have you ever gone shopping with number 3?
Have you ever seen 2 in a swimsuit?
Have you ever met 1's family?
Do you know 2's middle name?
Yes. In fact, I know all of my top 6's middle names.
Have you ever eaten anything in front of 4?
Ha, yes.
Do you trust number 3?
Have you ever hated 6?
No. Maybe for her good grades. ;)
Have you ever fought with number 2?
No, not really.
When's the last time you talked to 5 in person?
Just tonight, when she said goodnight and went to sleep.
Are any of your top 6 family members?
Has anyone in your top 6 seen you cry?
Have you ever done something dangerous with number 4?
Well, we have gotten stopped by the cops, so I guess that warrants a yes.
Have you ever been in the same bed with 5?
Do you think 4 and 5 would make a good couple?
Zach and Nalleli? Um, no.
Have you ever, or are you currently dating anyone in you top 6?
Would #1 do anything for you?
I don't know about anything. But that goes for all situations.
Has 3 ever helped you out?
How do you feel when 1 hugs you?
Happy, I suppose.
Will 1-6 repost this?
Um, no. It's not in that situation.
Repost this as:
Have you ever __________ with your top 6?!?
High School: Westland.
Junior High: Pleasant View.
Elementary: Eakin, Prarie Lincoln, and Darby Woods.
Favorite Soda: I don't drink soda.
Favorite fruit: I'm really into kiwis lately, but they're probably not really my favorite. Maybe bananas, maybe raspberries.
Favorite weather: Just generally nice, maybe 70ish, a light wind, decent sun. But I like general change of the weather, I don't like to get bored with it.
Do You:
Like someone: Maaaaybe. I am so back and forth on anything anymore.
Want more piercings: Maybe.
Want a tattoo: Again, maybe. I don't really want one at this moment, but I'm not ruling out the possibility for either, probably when something significant or craze-inducing happens.
Person talked to/texted on the phone?: Phone, mom. Text, Zach.
Person IMed on-line?: Tricia.
Movie watched: I started Spellbound today, but fell asleep during it. Full out, Happy Feet.
Blue or red?: Blue. Why is this in the last section?
Spring or Fall?: Fall.
Random stuff:
Do you speak a different language?: Yes, but today was the first time I got to answer yes to that question in real life, but thankfully I didn't have to expose the fact that I couldn't think of the word for schedules.
How old do you act?: As old as I am, I'd suppose. Perhaps slightly older.
Do you have any pets?: Yes. Though not here, which I increasingly don't like.
Mood?: I was fine and relaxed, then I felt personally attacked, now I just kind of want to go back to before.
The 4 W's Questions:
Whos in the room with you? Nalleli.
What was the last thing you ate?: Bread.
What color pants are you wearing?: Blue jeans.
What is the closest item near you that is blue? My French dictionary.
What are you wearing on your feet?: Nothing.
What instant messaging service do you use? AIM.
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts?: Jeans. I never wear shorts, except occasionally to bed. Which then I guess is not never.
Where is your mom? Somewhere two states away.
Where do you sleep?: In my bed...except when I'm home, then on the couch, on the futon ... whatever.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?: Old Navy ... and maybe Marshall's?
__Which is Better With The Preferred Sex__
067. Cute or Sexy: Sexy'll get you, but cute'll keep you.
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses, easily..
070. Short or Tall: Tall.
071. Easygoing or serious: More easygoing, but not entirely.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic, but not smothering (it's not as easy as just picking one).
073. Muscular or Skinny: Skinny between the two.
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive.
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship, I suppoooose. That's the right answer, yes? Yeah, relationships.
076. Sweet or Caring: I find they generally come together. Caring, I guess. That seems the more genuine of the two.
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: Hesitant, I suppose, but the trouble makers are going to seem sexier, which is discussed above.
___Have You Ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger: Yes.
079. Drank Bubbles?: No.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: No, I don't wear them.
083. Got an X-ray and on what? Yes. Several several things...teeth and shoulder pop to mind.
084. Have You Broken Someones Heart?: Maybe.
085. Had your heart broken?: Yes.
087. Cried When Someone Died: Yes.
088. Cried At School and why?: Yes...challenges stress.
___Do You Believe In___
089. God: Yes.
090. Miracles: Yes.
091. Love At First Sight: Moderately.
93. Aliens: Maybe.
94.Magic: Maybe.
095. Heaven: On the best days.
98. Kissing on The First Date: Yes.
1. Where did you take your default pic?: In Washington C.H.
2. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?: Jeans, a tank top, a sweater.
3. What is your current problem?: Having no one to tell my secrets to. Worrying about not getting this job I really want. Having to shower AND sleep with the same time. And always grades.
1. Middle name: Nicole.
2. Nickname(s): Jessie, Jess, JRea, JR.
3. Current location: New York City, for another few hours.
4. Eye color: Green.
1. Do you live with your parents?: No, at least not for eight months out of the year.
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)? Yeah, mostly.
3. Do you have any siblings?: Yes, one.
1. Ice Cream: is really good...? Oh, we're supposed to assume favorites. Coffee, but I'll always love cookie dough.
2. Season: Fall.
3. Movie: Casablanca.
4. Color[s]: Cerulean.
5. Clothes/Stores: American Eagle, I guess, but really, I don't care. Which isn't to say I can't indulge in some ol' brand-whoring, but it's mostly for shoes as far as I go.
1. Write on your hand? No.
2. Call people back?: No. Seriously, I suck at this. The phone and I ... ours is a relationshit, not a relationship. It is very far from functional or rewarding.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: I don't really have a side. I like to sleep by a wall, if that comes into play.
5. Have any bad habits? Yes, of course.
1. Broken a bone?: Yes.
2. Sprained stuff?: Yes.
3. Had physical therapy?: Yes.
4. Gotten stitches?: No. Well, yes for oral surgery.
5. Taken painkillers: Yes.
6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? No.
7. Been stung by a bee?: Yes, but not lately thank goodness.
8. Thrown up at the dentist? No, though felt like it plenty of times.
9. Had detention?: Yes, once.
10. Been sent to the principal's office: Not for anything negative.
CHAPTER 6 [last]
1. Movie you watched: Happy Feet.
2. Person to text you: Zach.
5. Person you hugged: Nalleli.
6. Person you tackled?: Um, I can't remember. I don't tackle much.
7. Thing you touched: Besides my computer/desk/chair involving this task? Umm ... I think my cell phone.
8. Thing you ate: Asparagus risotto.
9. Thing you drank: A gingerbread latte. I finally broke down and bought all $4.17 of it.
10. Thing you said: Bye, you too! (In response to Ling's departure and holiday wishes.)
11. Person you kissed: Just family. Beyond that, 'twas an Italian man who I'll probably never see again. Interesting, no?
*are you going to lie?
Yeah, probably. I often do.
1. What brand of shirt are you wearing?
Old Navy and ... let me look ...Josephine Chause, apparently.
2. Would you kiss anyone on your top friendslist?
Yeah, I would.
3.How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?
All of them.
4. How many kids do you want to have?
One or two. Or something crazy like eight.
5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
6. Do you wanna change your name?
No, I like it.
7. What did you do for your last b-day?
Went to the Mexican restaurant with my family, got ice cream with Tricia, went to see Casablanca at the Ohio Theatre with Dad. =)
8. What time did you wake up today?
8:35. I had class at 9. I got there early. That's how good I am. =)
9. What were you doing at midnight last night?
10. Name something you CANNOT wait to do?
Breathe. Because everything else, I have to wait for, so apparently I can.
11. Last time you fell asleep next to someone?
Sometime this summer. Unless you count Honey, or Jenny, then just two weeks.
12. Whats one thing you would like to change about your life?
I'd definitely like to get better grades.
13. Have you ever talked to Tom?
Ha, no.
14. last thing you ate?
15. whats your favorite month?
I really enjoy December, minus finals.
16. Least favorite month?
Maybe May, or February.
17. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?
A watch from Nalleli if that counts. A coat from Nalleli if it doesn't.
18. Who's getting on your nerves right now?
No one, I'm alone.
19. Most visited webpage: myspace or google?
Google, but the race is closer than it used to be.
20. Last person to make you sad?
Myself, with losing my cell phone.
21. Would you help your best friend fight if he/ she is losing?
I guess so, though I don't really see that situation transpiring.
22. Coke or pepsi?
Neither. I don't do soda.
23. How often do you see your crush?
Not terribly often, unless you're talking about my professors, in which case, at least once a week. ;)
24. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?
No. Unless you count kitty kisses. =)
25. Who will win the Colts/Patriots game this week?
Patriots. Fuck the Colts. (Sorry, Tricia.)
26. What is a good movie to watch on Halloween?
I don't know ... I don't really do scary movies. And I'm too busy on Halloween to be watching movies anyway.
*If you answered honestly to all these, post as:
No LiE sUrvey
I'm not 'posting' anything, so I get out of that. Ha.
1. Hot chocolate or apple cider?
Hot chocolate.
2. Turkey or Ham?
Neither; I don't eat meat.
3. Do you get a Fake or Real cut it yourself Christmas tree?
We usually do our fake one, then buy real ones for our front and back proches. Jenny gets to pick one and so do I.
4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
Yes, lights and such. I think we even do the huge blow-up thing even though I really hate those.
5. Snowball fights or sledding?
Sledding, definitely.
6. Do you like hanging around the fireplace because it's warm?
Yes, of course. I just recounted a story from last Thanksgiving where I fell asleep in front of the fireplace with a cat. But that's how I roll. Not surprising, this story, if you know me.
7. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?
Yeah, but I usually just do my shopping at the Fair right outside my door.
8. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh, I can't pick just one. I looove Mariah Carey's "All I want For Christmas Is You" and I love Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Carol of the Bells" but all the classics (Bing, I'm talking to you) are fantastic.
9. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
They're fine. The older ones are obviously better than the newer ones. Wow it smells like my gingerbread latte and I just realized that.
10. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
I'd say get to at least November. Theoretically you should wait until after Thanksgiving, but ... that doesn't really work too often.
11. Stockings before or after presents?
Before, but we use them more as a leading-up-to thing.
12. Carolers, do you or do you not listen to them?
I've never had to deal with carolers, but I guess I would probably listen to them. At least for a bit.
13. Go to someone else's house or they come to you?
Thankfully, we stay at home now.
14. Do you read the Christmas Story?
15. What do you do after presents and dinner?
We don't really do a fancy dinner. We just kind of chill.
16. What is your favorite holiday smell?
Christmas trees.
17. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
Ice skating. Though I'm more likely to do the second.
18. Favorite Christmas memory?
Just the good feelings in general.
19. Favorite Part about winter?
Snow, scarves, and sipping cocoa.
20. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Yes, but not seriously.
1. How tall are you barefoot?
5'3". Maybe 5'2.5" but you have to round up.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
3. Do you own a gun?
4. What kind of cake do you want at your wedding?
A big tiered white one, probably white cake ... maybe something different for the inside, but definitely not chocolate. At least not fully.
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?
Yes. I just think it's because I really want to impress them, or rather not not impress them, I suppose.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Haven't eaten a single one since 4th grade and dont' intend on ever eating one again.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I love all the oldies, but lately it's "Baby It's Cold Outside."
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water. On rare occasions, coffee or orange juice.
9. Can you do push ups?
10. Is your bathroom clean?
No, not really. The floor gets gross seriously within a day.
11. Whats your favorite piece of jewelry?
I like my earrings I'm currently wearing (they're long and green/blue), and I have some necklaces that mean something to me, ditto with rings.
12. Do you like painkillers?
No. I try to not take them if I can.
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
I have no secret weapon. I just ... do whatever I do, I suppose.
14. Do you own a knife?
Yes, but not a huge knife.
15. Do you have A.D.D.?
Not really.
16. Middle Name?
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
1. I want it to be over and yet not have to deal with it at the same time.
2. A long time frame has to be ngative.
3. I don't want to go to Physics nowish.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought:
A gingerbread latte this morning, dinner at Applebees (mozzarella sticks and a salad), and my Fossil watch. =)
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
Water, ... that's pretty much all I drink regularly.
20. What time did you wake up today?
7:30 am.
21. If you could only have one for the rest of your life from the one u love, choose- kiss or hug.
22. Current worry?
I don't think I have to say it. I think even looking back, it will be evident. Let's just say that it involves some uncharacteristic behavior.
23. Current hate?
My lack of patience, for it leads to problems with my surplus of anxiety, which leads to me not studying which was my original plan and ultimately what I continually hate.
24. Favorite place to be?
Lately, it's at home. At least, in Ohio, I mean. And part of me has a hard time continually leaving it if it's where I want to stay. I'm giving it a few days -- and a few situations closed -- to settle down, but the feeling is sincerely bothersome.
25. Least favorite place to be?
In a class I hate? Lately, at least, I mean. Especially with my lack of focus and intense need to focus.
26. Where would you like to go?
I think Europe and I need a reunion.
27. Do you own slippers?
Yes. My feet get cold, I need them. They are fuzzy and purple.
28. What shirt are you wearing?
Green tank top, black sweater.
29. Do you burn or tan?
Burn basically, but I seriously can't think about the sun right now. At least not in that summer-y of terms (though yes, I know we can burn all the time, yadda yadda yadda).
30. Favorite color(s)?
Green mostly. Blue, red, purple occasionally.
31. Would you be a pirate?
No, but thanks.
32. The thong song is...
from when I was in eighth grade, I think. Maybe seventh.
33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Whatever's on the radio. Except not because I live with other people.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
When I heard the helicopter flying overhead, I always imagined some mean criminal/theif types would break into my window to kill me. Beyond that, I wasn't really a monster kid. More terrified of people motives. Oh, sometimes I remember thinking something was hiding behind my bed when it was against the corner, but I also remember thinking that it was a crazy person, never some imagined animal or creature.
35. What's in your pockets right now?
Nothing. I spent my five from earlier.
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Sadly, I don't know. I've been mighty anxious to laugh lately. Which isn't to say that I haven't, just that I don't have the brain space to remember it.
37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Maybe I had 101 Dalmations ones? That seems not unlikely.
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
Broke my arm mountain biking. Fell into gravel too, so got some nice scars as well.
39. Do you think OJ did it??
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
One here.
41. Who is your loudest friend?
I pretty much don't like these questions.
42. Who is your most silent friend?
43. Does someone have a crush on you and who?
You know what? Probably not.
44. Do you wish on shooting stars?
You know, I'd actually never seen a shooting star (and with as much as I stargaze) until two nights ago -- Friday) on the farm when I just happened to look up at different occasions and see TWO. I wished for really important things because I figured that was a really rare instance, at least for me. None of the wishes have capitalized yet.
45. What is your favorite book?
The Alchemist.
46. What is your favorite candy?
Generally chocolate combined with nuts.
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
"At Last" by Etta James.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
"Seasons of Love" by Jonathan :Larson/RENT -- the movie version.
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Sleeping. For four hours already.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
I have French homework to do. Then, as per usual lately, ooooh shit. Not a dream in fact.
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