what i want from this, is learn to let go
if your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
so, here's how it works:
1. open your portable device (Ipod, etc)
2. put it on shuffle
3. press play
4. for every question, type the next song that's playing
5. don't lie
Opening Credits: "Scarborough Fair/Canticle" - Simon & Garfunkel
Waking Up: "Gone" - Kelly Clarkson
First Day of High school: "You Make Me Wanna" - Usher
Falling in Love: "You and Me" - Lifehouse
Fight Song: "New York, New York" - Ryan Adams
Breaking Up: "Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major K 22.2 Andante" - Mozart
Prom: "I Will Carry You" - Clay Aiken
Life: "Elephant Love Medley" - Ewan McGregor/Nicole Kidman
Mental Breakdown: "St. Elsewhere" - Gnarls Barkley
Driving: "The River" - Garth Brooks
Flashback: "She Has No Time" - Keane
Getting Back Together: "What A Girl Wants" - Christina Aguilera
Wedding: "WhaIt's the End of the World As We Know It" - R.E.M.
Birth of a Child: "Get Ur Freak On" - Missy Elliott
Final Battle: "I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)" - Jeff Buckley
Death Scene: "Crazy" - Aerosmith
Funeral: "Hold On" - Wilson Phillips
End Credits: "Fuck the Pain Away" - Peaches
Ha. Some of those are wildly inappropriate. Others are really good.
so, here's how it works:
1. open your portable device (Ipod, etc)
2. put it on shuffle
3. press play
4. for every question, type the next song that's playing
5. don't lie
Opening Credits: "Scarborough Fair/Canticle" - Simon & Garfunkel
Waking Up: "Gone" - Kelly Clarkson
First Day of High school: "You Make Me Wanna" - Usher
Falling in Love: "You and Me" - Lifehouse
Fight Song: "New York, New York" - Ryan Adams
Breaking Up: "Symphony No. 5 in B-flat major K 22.2 Andante" - Mozart
Prom: "I Will Carry You" - Clay Aiken
Life: "Elephant Love Medley" - Ewan McGregor/Nicole Kidman
Mental Breakdown: "St. Elsewhere" - Gnarls Barkley
Driving: "The River" - Garth Brooks
Flashback: "She Has No Time" - Keane
Getting Back Together: "What A Girl Wants" - Christina Aguilera
Wedding: "WhaIt's the End of the World As We Know It" - R.E.M.
Birth of a Child: "Get Ur Freak On" - Missy Elliott
Final Battle: "I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (If We Wanted To Be)" - Jeff Buckley
Death Scene: "Crazy" - Aerosmith
Funeral: "Hold On" - Wilson Phillips
End Credits: "Fuck the Pain Away" - Peaches
Ha. Some of those are wildly inappropriate. Others are really good.
Ok, I am SO sick of those usual questions | |
NICKNAME THAT YOU HATE: | I don't really hate any of my nicknames. |
HEIGHT THAT YOU WANNA BE: | I'm fine with being short. |
PART OF YOU THAT YOU LOVE: | Well, I'm pretty unhappy with most things right now, so ... um ... I guess that's a bit difficult to currently answer. |
ANY SIBLINGS: | Yeah, one sister. |
EVER GO TO DISNEYLAND?: | No. Disneyworld, yes. |
WHEN DID YOU FIGURE OUT SANTA AND THE EASTER BUNNY AREN'T REAL: | Pretty early, I think. I remember sitting in the kitchen, just looking up and saying, "Santa's not real, is he?" I really do remember how that felt. |
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU FIRST LIKED THE OPPOSITE SEX: | Good question. Seemingly kindergarten, but I really don't remember anything significant until 4th grade-ish, so that makes me what ... nine maybe? |
WHO WERE YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIENDS: | I had quite a few. Listing them would be idiotic. Mostly neighborhood or school kids. |
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES AS A KID: | Reading, bike riding, maybe other things, I don't know. I remember doing those ridiculous hair wrap things, playing Frogger in basements, and writing on the sidewalk with chalk, and swimming as other things. |
SODA/WATER: | Water. |
DR PEPPER/ ROOT BEER: | Dr. Pepper. |
SPORTS/MUSIC: | Music. |
MOVIES/BOOKS: | Movies. |
WILL TURNER/CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW: | Captain Jack. That's so easy, even though they're both attractive. Will is adorable, and sweet, and even hot, but Captain Jack Sparrow is just sexy. |
CORONA/SMIRNOFF: | Smirnoff. I don't do beer. |
JACK DANIELS/JOSE CUERVO: | Jack Daniels. Obviously. |
FLIP CUP/BEER PONG: | Neither. |
MOVIE WITH FRIEND/MOVIE WITH GUY: | Friend, so I can actually focus on the movie. |
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS/RELATIONSHIP: | Relationship. Benefits confuse shit. |
TRUTH/DARE: | Truth. |
COUCH/BED: | Bed. |
KARAOKE/SINGING IN THE CAR: | Singing in the car. |
SHOWER/BATH: | Shower. |
SNOW/RAIN: | Snow. Damn global warming. |
LUST/LOVE: | L... um, I went to put lust, but I think ultimately it is love, even if my mind's all f'd up on the like/lust/love front lately. |
MONEY/BRAINS: | Brains, even though money would be nice. |
BEAUTY/SUCCESS: | Success. |
MAKEOUT/MORE...: | Makeout, ha. I reeeeally like kissing. |
IS THERE A CRITERIA?: | Oh, of course there's criteria, but ultimately most of that goes out the window if I just get in the same room with a person and am attracted. |
DOES THIER PERSONALITY REALLY MATTER?: | Ha, yes, it matters the most, I'd say. |
FRIENDS FIRST?: | Um, no. I'm pretty sure I always said yes to this before, but I'm seeing it's just easier to start out defined romantically instead of having to redefine anything. |
HOW LONG BEFORE FOOLIN AROUND: | That depends on what you mean by fooling around ... a good enough time that all parties feel comfortable with it. |
DOES SIZE MATTER?: | Ha, let's evade this by saying I don't have enough experience to tell you. =) |
WOULD THEIR DRINKING OR DRUGS BOTHER YOU: | Drugs, yes, drinking only if it's crazy excessive. |
DO YOU HAVE TO HAVE SAME TASTE IN MUSIC: | Nah, but it's nice. |
HOW ABOUT MOVIES: | See above. |
HOW ABOUT TATTOOS OR PIERCINGS: | Fine, as long as it's not too many. |
DO YOU LOOK AT YOURSELF A LOT: | Not a lot, I would say. |
LIKE YOUR BODY?: | Not terribly. |
DO YOU PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS: | Clarinet. And I want to be stupid and buy a violin and somehow learn that. |
DO YOU USUALLY EAT BREAKFAST: | No. Just because I run out of breakfast foods so quickly. |
WHEN YOU'RE FEELIN DOWN, WHO DO YOU TALK TO: | Well, good question. I felt down today, and wanted to call someone, but then thought, no I need to establish a new 'calling someone' ritual. And sometimes I just feel a little too whiny to even call. |
WATCH SPORTS?: | Just football, and mostly just OSU. I'll watch most big tournaments too (all sports). |
LIVE ALONE, OR WITH FAMILY: | Neither. I live with three other girls, none of whom are my family. |
COLLEGE?: | Yeah, I'm in it. |
YOU PARTY A LOT?: | No, not really. Ha, what's that "not really" -- more like very very little. I have to study my ass off just to not fail. |
FAVORITE CELEBRITY: | I don't have a favorite celebrity... |
HOW MANY CDS DO YOU HAVE?: | As far as online music, a lot. |
SUPPORT THE TROOPS?: | No one doesn't support the troops. |
RELIGION IMPORTANT TO YOU: | Not terribly. I think you have to have your spiritual views, but religion doesn't always have to factor into that. |
YOUR MOST MEMORABLE BIRTHDAY: | Probably sixteenth. |
FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME: | "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley, although I rarely listen to it. (I did so twice today.) |
DO YOU HATE REPETATIVE SURVEYS?: | Repetitive. And yeah. |
HOW WAS THIS ONE?: | It was all right, thanks. |
SONG THAT SUMS UP YOUR LIFE: | Right now I like "Hide and Seek." |
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2006 is OVER | |
In 2006, did you... | |
fall in love with someone that was just a friend?: | Love is a big term. I fell in like with a friend, yeah. Love I would say no. |
fall in love at all?: | Hmm, did I fallin love this year. Not with a new person, I would say. |
lose any friends?: | Not in any significant way. |
make any new friends?: | Yeah. |
make any new enemies?: | New ones? Not really. |
develop any new hobbies?: | Not really ... I already knitted. |
get older?: | Uh, yeah. That's inevitable. |
do anything you regret?: | Maybe. There are two things I can think of that I think I maybe just should not have done, even though ultimately they're both experiences and I'm learning. |
go to any parties?: | Yeah. |
accomplish anything?: | Yeah. |
make much money?: | No. Fuck jobs. |
attend a wedding?: | Yes, in May. |
attend a funeral?: | I feel like yes, but I can't think of one. Maybe not, since I've been at school. |
get any new family members?: | No. |
move away?: | Sort of. I moved back from NY and then back to NY. |
gain any new perspectives?: | Ohhhh yeah. If anything, this has been the year of gaining perspective, learning through bad experiences, and trying to avoid getting jaded. |
get into a verbal fight?: | Oh sure. |
get into a physical fight?: | No. |
attend any sporting events?: | Yes, one Westland football game, one Clippers baseball game...I think that's it, sadly. |
get arrested?: | No, thankfully. |
wreck your car?: | No. Again thankfully. |
get a new car?: | No. I like mine though. |
make any big purchases?: | Not really. Most expensive was probably my books ($1000-ish). |
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business?: | No. |
get fired from a job?: | No. |
get offered a job?: | No. Fuckers. |
get a raise at a job?: | n/a. |
learn anything?: | Yes. |
dump your bf/gf?: | No. |
get dumped by your bf/gf?: | No. |
develop any new health problems?: | Not that I'm aware of. |
change as a person?: | Oh yes. Definitely a year of change. |
get any new piercings?: | No. |
get any new tattoos?: | No. |
attend a concert?: | Yes, James Blunt. |
crowd surf?: | No. |
travel out of state?: | Yes. |
read any books?: | Yes, several. Found my current favorite. |
travel out of the country?: | Yes, in January to Italy. |
spend much money?: | Yeah, I have to provide for my own food now. I've already spent over $600 on that in the past four months. |
download any music?: | Yeah. |
try out any new looks?: | Not really. I discovered the joy of layering (oh god, I really do go to NYU). |
sign up for a myspace?: | No, I think I did that before 2006. |
sign up for a facebook?: | No, I know I did that before 2006. |
eat a food that you had never eaten before?: | Oh yeah. Lots of Asian things due to Shirley, and other things as well. I'm a lot more adventurous with food than I used to be. I guess that's true in general as well. |
go golfing?: | No. Never been. |
go bowling?: | No. |
go to many parties?: | Not many. |
start to resent something or someone that you used to like?: | Oh yes. I usually go back to the liking though. I really think I'm too moody to ever really connect in certain ways. |
In 2006, how many.... | |
different places did you work?: | As in work for pay? Zero. |
times did you go out drinking?: | Oh shoot, you expect me to have a number? I don't know ... um ... less than thirty probably. Maybe even less than twenty. |
times did you smoke marijuana?: | Zero. |
drugs did you take?: | Zero. |
times did you have health problems?: | Nothing serious. |
times did you go to the movies?: | Oh man, I don't remember. Probably around ... 20? But I know I've watched well over 100 movies this year, due to my Netflix and discovery of the love of film. |
concerts did you attend?: | One, I think. |
people did you make out with?: | Two. |
people did you have sex with?: | Zero. |
people tried to have sex with you?: | One. |
times did you get your ass kicked?: | Zero. |
crushes did you have?: | Oh, countless due to professors. Let's see if I can actually think of them ... okay, fourteen that I just thought of. So I like a lot of boys, what of it. |
times did you attend church?: | Zero. |
bad habits did you pick up?: | Um, at least a few. |
"rough nights" did you have?: | See above. I'd say at least ten. Probably closer to thirty or so. Wait, school. Probably closer to like, sixty, actually. |
In 2006, what was? | |
your favorite day of the year?: | I liked the end of the last semester, the beginning of this semester, and the middle of the summer, so I don't know. |
your favorite band?: | In 2006, music-wise, I was into the Rockstar Supernova kids (particularly Magni, Storm, Toby, Lukas), the new John Mayer album, The Last Five Years, Rent, and mostly anything that was popular on the radio. |
your least favorite day of the year?: | Shoot, I don't know. I don't want to know. Failing the second Orgo test sucked it. |
your favorite movie?: | Of all time, it's still Casblanca. My favorite movie that came out this year, though, is Borat. |
your favorite song of the year?: | Probably "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake. |
the most expensive thing you stole?: | I didn't steal anything to my knowledge. |
the biggest event you attended?: | Freshman Convocation was huge, the James Blunt was a big event. |
something that didn't change at all this year?: | That my hair is blonde. That's about all I can think of, because it's definitely been a year of change. |
your favorite holiday?: | Still Christmas, but it hasn't come yet, so ... I really liked Red, White, and Boom/Independence Day. Halloween was fun this year as well. Thanksgiving was great, too, even though ... woo buddy it was dramatic. |
Misc. questions about 2006 A.D. | |
were you in a hospital this year?: | I don't think so ... I definitely wasn't admitted to one. |
were you in an ambulance this year?: | No. |
did you make any big confessions in 06?: | Yeah. (Do one thing every day that scares you. F that, how about one per year. Because that shared the shit out of me, but I'm seeing ultimately it was good to push myself.) |
did you make friends with anyone of the opposite sex that you love but only: | What? |
embarrassed about anything you did this year?: | Yeah. |
what's the best thing to happen to you this year?: | That I just got through all of it is commendable. Some serious shit has gone down this year. |
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying: | Maybe. I don't know anyone well enough for that yet, and I'm certainly in no position to decide yet. |
did anyone you have no feelings for confess to having feelings for you?: | Not in words, no, but it was hinted at. |
did you vote this year?: | No. Damn registration/absentee ballot deadlines! |
did you bring sexy back this year?: | Oh hellzzzz yeah. |
was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year?: | Um, it was an interesting year. |
what goals did you set for 2007?: | Get better grades, continue the daring-ness (maybe, ha), get a fucking vet job (or at least experience with an actual vet). |
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