kiss me like you miss me, 'cause i know that you do
57 Girl Confessions
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?: Yes, 'tis.
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?: Nowadays, short and party. Unless it's like a ball.
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?: Well, it'd depend on who it was from. Maybe I'd respond...?
4. Group dates or single dates?: Single, thanks. But spice it up with group every so often.
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?: YES. It makes other people suspicious of why you're with them ... it's like, ugh, they're different when it's just us! I promise!
6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?: Well, maybe not best ... but we're certainly good friends.
7. Is your hair up or down today?: Down. Like nearly always.
8. Do you straighten your hair?: I did today. I find it dries it faster ...? And makes it look less shitty than if I use this shitty blow dryer. So ... yeah.
9. Favorite mascara?: I tend to like Cover Girl.
10. Do you get your nails done?: Not really. Like once in a few blue moons. Usually if I really want it, I'll do it myself.
11. Small or large purses?: Gotta go with large.
12. In your purse, what are your must haves?: Lip gloss or chapstick, keys, wallet, phone.
13. Jeans or sweats?: Jeans! I hate sweats.
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable?: Eeeh sometimes. But not often.
15. Do you text message a lot?: YES.
16. What would you do if you got pregnant?: Eek, I'd not be happy. But after that, it'd depend on the situation.
17. What’s your favorite color?: Cerulean. or ... green.
18. Heels or flats?: Flats usually. But nothing beats a good pair of heels.
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?: Yeeeah.
20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?: Yeah, and I have. But I'd prefer to not usually.
21. Walmart or Target?: Target. Hands down.
22. Do you wear collared shirts?: Not really.
23. Do you like preppy boys?: Well ... somewhat. But in a general 'stay away' sort of way...Preppy boys here are usually just rich douches.
24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!?: Well, I wouldn't put it that way ... but I do hate when I forget my gloss.
25. Do you own any big sunglasses?: Yes. I don't own any small ones.
26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: Depends ... can take up to a few hours, but usually I get it down to about an hour and a half. I could do it in ... thirty mins if I really hustled and skipped a bunch.
27. Do you like to wear band-aids?: Not particularly. But I get more excited if they have prints on them.
28. Do you like skater boys?: Sure, but I'm wary of the slacker vibe.
29. Do you often wish there was something you could change?: Sure.
30. Gold or silver?: Silver.
31. Do you like to receive flowers?: Sure! Especially if they're flowers I like (roses, lillies, tulips...).
32. Do you like surfer boys?: Yeeeah, with their cute floppy hair and tan selves. Easygoing ... that I like.
33. Do you dress up for the holidays?: Some of them.
34. Do you like to wear dresseses?: I like wearing them, yes. But I don't do it often.
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?: Ugggh, I've just stopped expecting anything than ultimate base level from them. After that ... about a 7.
36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?: Yeah.
37. Would you date a guy shorter than you?: It would be very strange for me, but I wouldn't write it off.
38. Do you like to hold hands?: Sure, but not like ... always. I don't always need to be connected to you, that's okay!
39. What is the youngest you would date?: Hmm, today? I definitely wouldn't go below 18. No one who hasn't graduated from high school.
40. What is the oldest you would date?: Oh, I'd date up to like ... 40. Ha! No ... realistically, older doesn't matter as much. Probably not too far above 30.
41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?: Usually hair.
42. Is it hott when guys sweat?: No...?
43. What is the best feature in a guy?: Each one is different, man. lots of features are nice.
44. Do you like making eye contact?: Yes ... but not to a creepy point.
46. Would you kill for chocolate?: No. in some circumstances, I'd do desperate things for it, but not kill.
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?: Yesssss, ugh. I do not like that the answer to that is yes, but it certainly is. And lord knows they probably didn't even notice a real difference.
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?:
48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?: Oh man, if you're in the mood for it, it's like a good 9. But if you aren't ... it's awful, like ... 4 at the most.
49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?: Yes. But not so mucha nymore because of the lovely Internet!
50. Do you yell a lot?: Not really.
51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?: Ew, no. I think I've gone outside my house twice in pajama pants ... and each time supremely freaked me out.
52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?: Not really.
53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?: No ... I did when I was like ... 13-15, though.
54. What makeup could you not live w/ out?: Well I could probably live without any of it. But I'd really hate to lose my concealer and especially mascara.
55. Do you fall in love easily?: No ... but I fall in like rather constantly.
56. Do you have cramps?: At this exact moment? No, thankfully.
57. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever?: Well, obvs.
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45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: acisseJ.
What did you do last night?: Watched Bones, yay.
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: "Rockstar" by Hannah Montana -- ha!
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: Ew, no.
Last time you swam in a pool?: A few days before I left town ... whew, so nice.
What are you wearing?: Jeans, and a black and white shirt.
How many cars have you owned?: In my name, none. In my use ... like, two...or three.
Type of music you dislike most?: Super screamy music.
Are you registered to vote?: yes! Man, I need to remember to do my absentee thing.
Do you have cable?: Yes, yay.
What kind of computer do you use?: It's an HP. I just like them.
Ever made a prank phone call?: Ha, I don't think so.
You like anyone right now?: Yep.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: Sky diving! Oooh, I would really like to do that.
Furthest place you ever traveled?: Oh, somewhere in Europe. Florence is probably the farthest distance wise.
What's your favorite comic strip?: I don't read anything consistently. And I'm bad with the names.
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: Yep. And I can sing it. And play it.
Shower, morning or night?: MORNING. I kind of hate night showers usually. Mid-day showers are the best, though.
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: Pineapple Express?
Favorite pizza toppings?: Cheese. Maybe extra cheese.
Chips or popcorn?: Popcorn. Unless we're talking kettle chips.
What cell phone provider do you have?: Verizon. Duh.
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: No, wow. I've never even heard of that.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: Nope.
Orange Juice or apple?: Orange. I hate apple juice.
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: Oh god, I don't really do that anymore.
favorite chocolate bar?: Mr. Goodbar. Simple.
Who is your longest friend and how long?: Probably Tricia. Since 2nd grade knowing each other ... since, idk, sophomore year? As friend friends.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: Ew, forevs ago. I don't like raw tomatoes.
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yep! For gymnastics, cheerleading, academics ...
Favorite arcade game?: Frogger! Or I like pinball too.
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: Nope, I don't think so.
Sprite or 7-UP?: 7-Up? Idk, I used to be a Sprite girl, but I took a sip of that by accident lately, and it was AWFUL.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: Not really. To band/choir/drama functions, yeah.
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: Good question. I think shampoo.
Ever thrown up in public?: Ew, no, thankfully.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: Finding true love, I suppose. That's supposing 'true love' exists, though. Which idk.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe that you can see someone for the first time and know somewhere within you that they are going to be very important in your life. As far as actually loving ... no, p
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?: robably not. Not in a real sense. Only in an obsessive sense. /// Jimmy, just because I really don't like Spongebob.
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: Not really. Especially not compared to how long it almost always is now.
What message is on your voicemail machine?: I don't even listen to it anymore ... it was a long time ago, like ... three years. It's just generic.
Where would you like to go right now?: Scotland. Whew, that crept up impulsively. Um, London? Of both kinds, for about two hours each?
Whats the name of your pet?: I've got a few.
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: Eastpak. A Sudoku book, a card, a newspaper ... and I think a pair of underwear. Ha.
What do you think about most?: Eek, probably what I'm going to do or say.
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Amazing Twilight Survey
The Series
Which book in the series is your favorite?: Eclipse, just because I love all that trio tent stuff. It breaks your heart yet is so, so real.
How long did it take you to read the books?: All in all, less than a month. Some of the books took less than two days themselves.
Who intruduced you to the books?: I guess Stephanie sort of ... but mainly pop culture.
Did you buy the, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?: Got the 1st from the library ... got the first two as a gift ... bought the second two myself.
Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun or the Movie?: The movie, probably. Although SHIZ I wish Midnight Sun was still on. I would love to be in Edward's head.
Whats your dream ending to the series?: Honestly, I'm fine with the way it ended.
Who is your favorite character?: Edward, duh. But to be honest, I kind of love them all. Bella, Alice, Jacob...
Who is your favorite vampire?: Edward. I really like Alice and Carlisle too, though. And the Amazon that can make people see things iwth her mind. Sweeeet.
Who is your favorite werewolf?: Jacob, definitely. But I think Seth is totally adorable.
Whats one of your favorite quotes from the stories?: The stuff when people admit their love for each other ... "As I love you."
What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment?: The meadow's pretty awesome ... I like when he sneaks in her room too.
What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment?: I love when he goes to the movies with her and Mike. And just on the beach, being happy.
What was your favorite Bella and Alice moment?: When she steals the yellow car ... when she attempts to dress her for prom.
What was your favorite adventure/battle?: I like the James one because it is such a 'bottom drops out' moment when you realize her mom isn't there. But the end battle is the sweetest, with everyone coming together.
Which book cover was your favorite?: Probably Twilight.
Are these books among your favorite books of all time?: Yep!
Twilight or New Moon?: Twilight. New Moon severely depressed me for awhile there.
New Moon or Eclipse?: Eclipse.
Twilight or Eclipse?: Eeek ... Eclipse.
Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun?: I was about BD, because I didn't know about MS yet. Also, I'd have wanted the ending.
Midnight Sun or Twilight the Movie?: Movie.
Twilight the Movie or Breaking Dawn?: BD.
Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacbo?: Edward. I love Jacob, for reals, but Edward and Bella are just ... it.
Who Do You Like More
Bella or Edward?: Edward.
Bella or Jacob?: Jacob. (I like boys.)
Bella or Alice?: Bella.
Alice or Eward?: Edward.
Alice or Jacob?: Jacob.
Rosalie or Alice?: Alice.
Jasper or Alice?: Alice.
Jasper or Edward?: Edward. (but i do like Jasper, I promise!)
Carlisle or Esme?: Carlisle.
Emmett or Jasper?: Emmett. I can't resist his immaturity.
Emmett or Jacob?: Jacob.
Bella or Rosalie?: Bella.
Esme or Charlie?: Esme. Although you can't help but love Charlie's aloofness.
Charlie or Carlisle?: Carlisle.
Charlie or Billy?: Charlie.
Jacob or Sam?: Jacob.
Sam or Quil?: Sam.
Quil or Embry?: Quil.
Who's the better villian: James or Victoria?: James. He is very smart and manipulative ... all kinds of mental games.
Werewolves or Vampires?: Vampires. But I'm pro both.
Movie Stuff
Are you excited?: Yes! I hope it's not bad ...
What do you think of the casting?: I generally like it, some things were surprsies that I've not gotten used to ... and a few things will have to wait until the movie itself before I judge.
Are you going to see it?: Of course.
Planning on going with anyone in particular?: Whoever will go with me, ha.
Do you think it will stay true to the book?: Mostly, yeah, but stuff will inevitably be cut out.
Breaking Dawn Speculation
Are you planning on buying this book as soon as its out?: Yes. I did so at midnight.
Do you think Bella will finally be turned into a vampire?: Yeah, I did.
Do you think Bella and Edward will get married?: Yeah, I did.
Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book?: I hadn't thought about it, actually.
Who do you think (think, not hope) Bella will end up with: Edward or Jacob?: Edward. That was always evident to me.
Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending?: Happy. Maybe shocking, but definitely happy overall.
Who do you think will be the villian(s) of this book?: Everyone they've ever pissed off that's still alive, ha.
How would you feel about a possible vampire/werewolf cross?: That would theoretically be the strongest creature, yeah?
Will Charlie find out Edward is vampire?: No, I didn't think so.
Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?: Yeah.
If anyone, who do you think will die in this book?: I really thought someone important was gonna die ... a Cullen, a werewolf ... maybe Charlie or something.
For a twist: What would you think if Edward was somehow turned human?: Wow, that would be ridic. Sweet in a way, I suppose. Although he'd lose his 'family' ...
Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book?: I really didn't see any way she could have done that ... but now I see, what she did is basically the only way, and i didn't see it coming at all.
What do you want most to happen in Breaking Dawn?: Marriage, vampirification, happily ever after.
What's your dream ending?: Basically those thigns above. But will Jacob still being happy. And Bella not losing her family. Whcih is basically what happened, so yay.
A Few Last Things
In which book did you best like Bella's character?: Probably Book 1 or 3 ... she's not so depressed (2) or mom-y (4).
In which book did you best like Edward's character?: Oh, the first, just because he's completely wooing every reader there. He's mysterious, dangerous, yet completely alluring and irresistible.
How about Jacob's?: Book 3. He so loves Bella, and he's willing to do anything for her, but is also fully aware of the situation... I love a boy who's persistent, and who so obviously cares.
Or Alice's?: I love her in the fourth book. everything's placed so carefully. The third book too, because she's vulnerable, worrying about Jasper, but also very strong and fun, about the
If it were possible, who would you like to meet the most in person?: Volturi. /// Edward, def.
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What time is it?
5:27 pm.
What is on your computers wallpaper?
Some generic thing that came with it ... looks like the blocks from the Olympics.
What day is it?
What is your favorite Sci-fi flick?
Firefly...? LOTR...?
Views on premarital sex?
Fine, whatever. I think you actually *should* have sex before you're married, because that's just a
What is a noise that you cannot stand?
sking for problems otherwise. /// Nails, meet chalkboard.
Do you know how to do a cart-wheel?
Yeah. At least ... I think I still do. Haven't done it in awhile.
What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses?
$30, If i really like them.
Does your mom vacuum early in the morning while you're asleep?
Do you pop zits while you're on the phone with your friends?
Ha, no.
Do you shower naked?
Yes. Best way to do it, I hear.
Does wearing glasses really make people look smart?
Do you know what a Caboodle is? Did you own one?
Hellz yeah, actually. Haven't thought about that in awhile. Used to.
Do you take pills of any sort.
Just Tylenol sometimes.
Are you ADD or ADHD?
Do your band-aids have cartoons on them?
No, sadly.
How often do you take MySpace surveys?
Not terribly often...?
What is your favorite ice cream?
Something coffee-y or cookie-y.
Do you plug your nose when swimming under water?
No, but I blow out bubbles.
Do you have a crush on an old teacher?
Ha, sure, kinda. But most of them are married ... not that it'd nec. stop me, but ... still.
How do you plan on celebrating your next birthday?
Oh, who knows.
What temperature do you normally set the air conditioner to in your house?
Halfway on the cold side, low air flow. Beacuse otherwise it's an igloo in here.
What is the stupidest movie you ever saw in the theater?
Mammia Mia. HA. Seriously. ... bad.
Can you stand people with generally nasty dispositions?
I don't prefer to, no.
What was your elementary school called?
I had a few.
Do you maintain any friendships originating from elementry school?
Having their basic origins, yes. But generally, no.
Have you ever kissed someone you shouldnt have?
Ha, probably. But ... whatever! I enjoyed everyone I *chose* to kiss.
Have you ever kissed anybody... of the same sex?
Yep. I kissed a girl and I liked it is TRUE. Who knew.
What is the background on your bank checks?
Oh, generic if anything.
Do you watch internet porn?
Ha I have done so.
How about pay-per-view porn?
Now that I have not done.
Bra size or schlong size?
38 D usually, but each bra is kinda different.
When is the last time you saw your credit report?
Never ...?
Do you like to dance?
Does anyone have a life insurance policy out on you?
I don't think so...
What is your favorite Pokemon?
I like the little turtles ... and the Charizard thingies.
Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
Oh yeah we did. In an intense kind of fashion. Swept up, for sure.
Do religious people bother you?
Sometimes. It's when they start to attempt conversion that I back up and walk away.
What about hippies?
What is your most favorite word of all time?
Probably aujourd'hui ... which only vaguely counts.
Do gothic people scare you?
What do you think about people who are perky and sunshiney all the time?
It can get annoying.
What about the people who kill the sunshine around them?
What kind of relationship do you have with your dad?
A good one.
And, as a finale, what time is it?
5:34. I was pretty fast.
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?: Yes, 'tis.
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?: Nowadays, short and party. Unless it's like a ball.
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?: Well, it'd depend on who it was from. Maybe I'd respond...?
4. Group dates or single dates?: Single, thanks. But spice it up with group every so often.
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?: YES. It makes other people suspicious of why you're with them ... it's like, ugh, they're different when it's just us! I promise!
6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?: Well, maybe not best ... but we're certainly good friends.
7. Is your hair up or down today?: Down. Like nearly always.
8. Do you straighten your hair?: I did today. I find it dries it faster ...? And makes it look less shitty than if I use this shitty blow dryer. So ... yeah.
9. Favorite mascara?: I tend to like Cover Girl.
10. Do you get your nails done?: Not really. Like once in a few blue moons. Usually if I really want it, I'll do it myself.
11. Small or large purses?: Gotta go with large.
12. In your purse, what are your must haves?: Lip gloss or chapstick, keys, wallet, phone.
13. Jeans or sweats?: Jeans! I hate sweats.
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable?: Eeeh sometimes. But not often.
15. Do you text message a lot?: YES.
16. What would you do if you got pregnant?: Eek, I'd not be happy. But after that, it'd depend on the situation.
17. What’s your favorite color?: Cerulean. or ... green.
18. Heels or flats?: Flats usually. But nothing beats a good pair of heels.
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?: Yeeeah.
20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?: Yeah, and I have. But I'd prefer to not usually.
21. Walmart or Target?: Target. Hands down.
22. Do you wear collared shirts?: Not really.
23. Do you like preppy boys?: Well ... somewhat. But in a general 'stay away' sort of way...Preppy boys here are usually just rich douches.
24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!?: Well, I wouldn't put it that way ... but I do hate when I forget my gloss.
25. Do you own any big sunglasses?: Yes. I don't own any small ones.
26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: Depends ... can take up to a few hours, but usually I get it down to about an hour and a half. I could do it in ... thirty mins if I really hustled and skipped a bunch.
27. Do you like to wear band-aids?: Not particularly. But I get more excited if they have prints on them.
28. Do you like skater boys?: Sure, but I'm wary of the slacker vibe.
29. Do you often wish there was something you could change?: Sure.
30. Gold or silver?: Silver.
31. Do you like to receive flowers?: Sure! Especially if they're flowers I like (roses, lillies, tulips...).
32. Do you like surfer boys?: Yeeeah, with their cute floppy hair and tan selves. Easygoing ... that I like.
33. Do you dress up for the holidays?: Some of them.
34. Do you like to wear dresseses?: I like wearing them, yes. But I don't do it often.
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?: Ugggh, I've just stopped expecting anything than ultimate base level from them. After that ... about a 7.
36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?: Yeah.
37. Would you date a guy shorter than you?: It would be very strange for me, but I wouldn't write it off.
38. Do you like to hold hands?: Sure, but not like ... always. I don't always need to be connected to you, that's okay!
39. What is the youngest you would date?: Hmm, today? I definitely wouldn't go below 18. No one who hasn't graduated from high school.
40. What is the oldest you would date?: Oh, I'd date up to like ... 40. Ha! No ... realistically, older doesn't matter as much. Probably not too far above 30.
41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?: Usually hair.
42. Is it hott when guys sweat?: No...?
43. What is the best feature in a guy?: Each one is different, man. lots of features are nice.
44. Do you like making eye contact?: Yes ... but not to a creepy point.
46. Would you kill for chocolate?: No. in some circumstances, I'd do desperate things for it, but not kill.
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?: Yesssss, ugh. I do not like that the answer to that is yes, but it certainly is. And lord knows they probably didn't even notice a real difference.
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?:
48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?: Oh man, if you're in the mood for it, it's like a good 9. But if you aren't ... it's awful, like ... 4 at the most.
49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?: Yes. But not so mucha nymore because of the lovely Internet!
50. Do you yell a lot?: Not really.
51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?: Ew, no. I think I've gone outside my house twice in pajama pants ... and each time supremely freaked me out.
52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?: Not really.
53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?: No ... I did when I was like ... 13-15, though.
54. What makeup could you not live w/ out?: Well I could probably live without any of it. But I'd really hate to lose my concealer and especially mascara.
55. Do you fall in love easily?: No ... but I fall in like rather constantly.
56. Do you have cramps?: At this exact moment? No, thankfully.
57. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever?: Well, obvs.
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45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone
whats your name spelt backwards?: acisseJ.
What did you do last night?: Watched Bones, yay.
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: "Rockstar" by Hannah Montana -- ha!
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: Ew, no.
Last time you swam in a pool?: A few days before I left town ... whew, so nice.
What are you wearing?: Jeans, and a black and white shirt.
How many cars have you owned?: In my name, none. In my use ... like, two...or three.
Type of music you dislike most?: Super screamy music.
Are you registered to vote?: yes! Man, I need to remember to do my absentee thing.
Do you have cable?: Yes, yay.
What kind of computer do you use?: It's an HP. I just like them.
Ever made a prank phone call?: Ha, I don't think so.
You like anyone right now?: Yep.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: Sky diving! Oooh, I would really like to do that.
Furthest place you ever traveled?: Oh, somewhere in Europe. Florence is probably the farthest distance wise.
What's your favorite comic strip?: I don't read anything consistently. And I'm bad with the names.
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: Yep. And I can sing it. And play it.
Shower, morning or night?: MORNING. I kind of hate night showers usually. Mid-day showers are the best, though.
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: Pineapple Express?
Favorite pizza toppings?: Cheese. Maybe extra cheese.
Chips or popcorn?: Popcorn. Unless we're talking kettle chips.
What cell phone provider do you have?: Verizon. Duh.
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: No, wow. I've never even heard of that.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: Nope.
Orange Juice or apple?: Orange. I hate apple juice.
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: Oh god, I don't really do that anymore.
favorite chocolate bar?: Mr. Goodbar. Simple.
Who is your longest friend and how long?: Probably Tricia. Since 2nd grade knowing each other ... since, idk, sophomore year? As friend friends.
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: Ew, forevs ago. I don't like raw tomatoes.
Have you ever won a trophy?: Yep! For gymnastics, cheerleading, academics ...
Favorite arcade game?: Frogger! Or I like pinball too.
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: Nope, I don't think so.
Sprite or 7-UP?: 7-Up? Idk, I used to be a Sprite girl, but I took a sip of that by accident lately, and it was AWFUL.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: Not really. To band/choir/drama functions, yeah.
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: Good question. I think shampoo.
Ever thrown up in public?: Ew, no, thankfully.
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: Finding true love, I suppose. That's supposing 'true love' exists, though. Which idk.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe that you can see someone for the first time and know somewhere within you that they are going to be very important in your life. As far as actually loving ... no, p
SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON?: robably not. Not in a real sense. Only in an obsessive sense. /// Jimmy, just because I really don't like Spongebob.
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: Not really. Especially not compared to how long it almost always is now.
What message is on your voicemail machine?: I don't even listen to it anymore ... it was a long time ago, like ... three years. It's just generic.
Where would you like to go right now?: Scotland. Whew, that crept up impulsively. Um, London? Of both kinds, for about two hours each?
Whats the name of your pet?: I've got a few.
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: Eastpak. A Sudoku book, a card, a newspaper ... and I think a pair of underwear. Ha.
What do you think about most?: Eek, probably what I'm going to do or say.
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Amazing Twilight Survey
The Series
Which book in the series is your favorite?: Eclipse, just because I love all that trio tent stuff. It breaks your heart yet is so, so real.
How long did it take you to read the books?: All in all, less than a month. Some of the books took less than two days themselves.
Who intruduced you to the books?: I guess Stephanie sort of ... but mainly pop culture.
Did you buy the, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift?: Got the 1st from the library ... got the first two as a gift ... bought the second two myself.
Are you most looking forward to: Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun or the Movie?: The movie, probably. Although SHIZ I wish Midnight Sun was still on. I would love to be in Edward's head.
Whats your dream ending to the series?: Honestly, I'm fine with the way it ended.
Who is your favorite character?: Edward, duh. But to be honest, I kind of love them all. Bella, Alice, Jacob...
Who is your favorite vampire?: Edward. I really like Alice and Carlisle too, though. And the Amazon that can make people see things iwth her mind. Sweeeet.
Who is your favorite werewolf?: Jacob, definitely. But I think Seth is totally adorable.
Whats one of your favorite quotes from the stories?: The stuff when people admit their love for each other ... "As I love you."
What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment?: The meadow's pretty awesome ... I like when he sneaks in her room too.
What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment?: I love when he goes to the movies with her and Mike. And just on the beach, being happy.
What was your favorite Bella and Alice moment?: When she steals the yellow car ... when she attempts to dress her for prom.
What was your favorite adventure/battle?: I like the James one because it is such a 'bottom drops out' moment when you realize her mom isn't there. But the end battle is the sweetest, with everyone coming together.
Which book cover was your favorite?: Probably Twilight.
Are these books among your favorite books of all time?: Yep!
Twilight or New Moon?: Twilight. New Moon severely depressed me for awhile there.
New Moon or Eclipse?: Eclipse.
Twilight or Eclipse?: Eeek ... Eclipse.
Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun?: I was about BD, because I didn't know about MS yet. Also, I'd have wanted the ending.
Midnight Sun or Twilight the Movie?: Movie.
Twilight the Movie or Breaking Dawn?: BD.
Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacbo?: Edward. I love Jacob, for reals, but Edward and Bella are just ... it.
Who Do You Like More
Bella or Edward?: Edward.
Bella or Jacob?: Jacob. (I like boys.)
Bella or Alice?: Bella.
Alice or Eward?: Edward.
Alice or Jacob?: Jacob.
Rosalie or Alice?: Alice.
Jasper or Alice?: Alice.
Jasper or Edward?: Edward. (but i do like Jasper, I promise!)
Carlisle or Esme?: Carlisle.
Emmett or Jasper?: Emmett. I can't resist his immaturity.
Emmett or Jacob?: Jacob.
Bella or Rosalie?: Bella.
Esme or Charlie?: Esme. Although you can't help but love Charlie's aloofness.
Charlie or Carlisle?: Carlisle.
Charlie or Billy?: Charlie.
Jacob or Sam?: Jacob.
Sam or Quil?: Sam.
Quil or Embry?: Quil.
Who's the better villian: James or Victoria?: James. He is very smart and manipulative ... all kinds of mental games.
Werewolves or Vampires?: Vampires. But I'm pro both.
Movie Stuff
Are you excited?: Yes! I hope it's not bad ...
What do you think of the casting?: I generally like it, some things were surprsies that I've not gotten used to ... and a few things will have to wait until the movie itself before I judge.
Are you going to see it?: Of course.
Planning on going with anyone in particular?: Whoever will go with me, ha.
Do you think it will stay true to the book?: Mostly, yeah, but stuff will inevitably be cut out.
Breaking Dawn Speculation
Are you planning on buying this book as soon as its out?: Yes. I did so at midnight.
Do you think Bella will finally be turned into a vampire?: Yeah, I did.
Do you think Bella and Edward will get married?: Yeah, I did.
Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book?: I hadn't thought about it, actually.
Who do you think (think, not hope) Bella will end up with: Edward or Jacob?: Edward. That was always evident to me.
Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending?: Happy. Maybe shocking, but definitely happy overall.
Who do you think will be the villian(s) of this book?: Everyone they've ever pissed off that's still alive, ha.
How would you feel about a possible vampire/werewolf cross?: That would theoretically be the strongest creature, yeah?
Will Charlie find out Edward is vampire?: No, I didn't think so.
Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?: Yeah.
If anyone, who do you think will die in this book?: I really thought someone important was gonna die ... a Cullen, a werewolf ... maybe Charlie or something.
For a twist: What would you think if Edward was somehow turned human?: Wow, that would be ridic. Sweet in a way, I suppose. Although he'd lose his 'family' ...
Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book?: I really didn't see any way she could have done that ... but now I see, what she did is basically the only way, and i didn't see it coming at all.
What do you want most to happen in Breaking Dawn?: Marriage, vampirification, happily ever after.
What's your dream ending?: Basically those thigns above. But will Jacob still being happy. And Bella not losing her family. Whcih is basically what happened, so yay.
A Few Last Things
In which book did you best like Bella's character?: Probably Book 1 or 3 ... she's not so depressed (2) or mom-y (4).
In which book did you best like Edward's character?: Oh, the first, just because he's completely wooing every reader there. He's mysterious, dangerous, yet completely alluring and irresistible.
How about Jacob's?: Book 3. He so loves Bella, and he's willing to do anything for her, but is also fully aware of the situation... I love a boy who's persistent, and who so obviously cares.
Or Alice's?: I love her in the fourth book. everything's placed so carefully. The third book too, because she's vulnerable, worrying about Jasper, but also very strong and fun, about the
If it were possible, who would you like to meet the most in person?: Volturi. /// Edward, def.
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What time is it?
5:27 pm.
What is on your computers wallpaper?
Some generic thing that came with it ... looks like the blocks from the Olympics.
What day is it?
What is your favorite Sci-fi flick?
Firefly...? LOTR...?
Views on premarital sex?
Fine, whatever. I think you actually *should* have sex before you're married, because that's just a
What is a noise that you cannot stand?
sking for problems otherwise. /// Nails, meet chalkboard.
Do you know how to do a cart-wheel?
Yeah. At least ... I think I still do. Haven't done it in awhile.
What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses?
$30, If i really like them.
Does your mom vacuum early in the morning while you're asleep?
Do you pop zits while you're on the phone with your friends?
Ha, no.
Do you shower naked?
Yes. Best way to do it, I hear.
Does wearing glasses really make people look smart?
Do you know what a Caboodle is? Did you own one?
Hellz yeah, actually. Haven't thought about that in awhile. Used to.
Do you take pills of any sort.
Just Tylenol sometimes.
Are you ADD or ADHD?
Do your band-aids have cartoons on them?
No, sadly.
How often do you take MySpace surveys?
Not terribly often...?
What is your favorite ice cream?
Something coffee-y or cookie-y.
Do you plug your nose when swimming under water?
No, but I blow out bubbles.
Do you have a crush on an old teacher?
Ha, sure, kinda. But most of them are married ... not that it'd nec. stop me, but ... still.
How do you plan on celebrating your next birthday?
Oh, who knows.
What temperature do you normally set the air conditioner to in your house?
Halfway on the cold side, low air flow. Beacuse otherwise it's an igloo in here.
What is the stupidest movie you ever saw in the theater?
Mammia Mia. HA. Seriously. ... bad.
Can you stand people with generally nasty dispositions?
I don't prefer to, no.
What was your elementary school called?
I had a few.
Do you maintain any friendships originating from elementry school?
Having their basic origins, yes. But generally, no.
Have you ever kissed someone you shouldnt have?
Ha, probably. But ... whatever! I enjoyed everyone I *chose* to kiss.
Have you ever kissed anybody... of the same sex?
Yep. I kissed a girl and I liked it is TRUE. Who knew.
What is the background on your bank checks?
Oh, generic if anything.
Do you watch internet porn?
Ha I have done so.
How about pay-per-view porn?
Now that I have not done.
Bra size or schlong size?
38 D usually, but each bra is kinda different.
When is the last time you saw your credit report?
Never ...?
Do you like to dance?
Does anyone have a life insurance policy out on you?
I don't think so...
What is your favorite Pokemon?
I like the little turtles ... and the Charizard thingies.
Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
Oh yeah we did. In an intense kind of fashion. Swept up, for sure.
Do religious people bother you?
Sometimes. It's when they start to attempt conversion that I back up and walk away.
What about hippies?
What is your most favorite word of all time?
Probably aujourd'hui ... which only vaguely counts.
Do gothic people scare you?
What do you think about people who are perky and sunshiney all the time?
It can get annoying.
What about the people who kill the sunshine around them?
What kind of relationship do you have with your dad?
A good one.
And, as a finale, what time is it?
5:34. I was pretty fast.
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