Twilight Quiz by QuizRocket.com fun tests!
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You're Bella Swan - You are intelligent and kind but not quite sure what you want out of life yet. You have a feeling there's something more out there for you. You're attracted to those who are real and avoid the fake. Sometimes you're a bit accident prone, but your true friends will always be loyal to you and come to your aid when you need it.
Which 'Twilight'/'New Moon' character are you? |  | You are Bella Swan You are Bella Swan. You are very average, kind, patient, and have a hard time not falling down. You love to read classic novels and, but you hate confrontation and cross-examinations from your best friend after you get back from a night out with your vampire boyfriend... | 
Which Jonas would like you? |  | Nick Jonas The quiet one. Cute, quiet, and even funny sometimes. What's not to like? You and Nick would get along great. He would love to hang out with you. So get out there and go meet your prince! | 
Which Greek god/goddess are you? |  | Demeter You are Demeter! Demter was the Goddess of Agriculture,Her daughter was taken by Hades, the God of the Underworld,to become Queen of the Underworld.She was devestated and the world went into a state of perpetual Winter.She bargained with Hades that she could see her daughter half of every year, the Spring and Summer, which bloomed with flowers and returned to it's regular state while Fall and Winter stayed barren. | 
Which Music Era Should You Have Lived In? |  | The 90s When niche became the norm, that's when you were meant to be born. Grunge and R&B took over in the early '90s with starts rising up from the crust like Kurt Cobain and Mariah Carey. This is a time when revealing how you truly feel, even when it's considered ugly, is the most beautiful thing you can do. You'll never deny yourself from being who you are, and that's why this is the decade for you. | 
What Kind Of Tattoo Are You? |  | Sentimental You're creative and unique. This being said, you want your tattoo to reflect the inner you, even if it is on the ''outer'' you. Chances are that you've spent a long time thinking about what it is that you want on your body, and you maybe even created it yourself. If you're going to have something stick with you for the rest of your life, you want to make sure that it has meaning. | 
In What Teen Movie Would You be the Star? |  | The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants You are a true blue friend. Though you may all have your differences, when it comes to the important things in life you and your friends are always there for one another. This is great. And just like the movie, now is the time to take that friendship and grow. Though it's great to have a core group to rely upon, you also need to learn how to be an individual. So take all those life lessons you've learned from your besties and get out into the world. Your true friends will always be there when you get home. | 
Which cullen vampire are you?(from the twilight series) |  | Edward Edward Cullen, an extremely gorgeous vampire who falls in love with a human(bella).He has a gentle heart(even though its not beating lol)and is very caring.Anyone messes with your bella though and their done for.You arent a big fan of werewolves either.You are extremely graceful and you are very stubborn.Edward can read minds.Well everyone but bellas. | 
Whose Your Celeb Twin?(pics) |  | Gwen Stefani Your twin is Gwen Stefani!!! What can i say you are a fashion icon! Everyone comes to who when it comes to fashion and makeup. You make everything your own and never follow trends. When walking through the halls everyone wishes they can have the same wicked style as you. Your personality is fun and outgoing. You sure know how to make even the most boring situations into the most fun and adventurous ones. | 
What Song Will They Play At Your Funeral? ((PIX!!)) |  | She's Always A Woman by Billy Joel You are full of contradictions and people may not always understand you, or your actions, but your heart is in the right place. And you earn a lot of love and respect wherever you go, even though you may not let yourself admit it. This was written during Billy Joel's peak when he was married to Christie Brinkley, just like all of his best songs. And just like their marriage, you're abscence will leave a big void. | 
What Philosophy-In-A-Nutshell Are You? |  | Classicism You are classicism! Most prominent in ancient Greece and Rome, classicism is one of the first great philisophical schools of thought. You believe that the universe is sensical, intelligible and beautiful. You may want to hook up with Aristotle or Plato, they share your sentiments! You are concerned with ethics, mathematics and science in both a brainy and personal way. You are smart and intelligent, so put these gifts to good use and don't feel intimidated by the daunting process of logical proof. | 
What Flavor Are You? |  | Peach You're the shoulder that everyone comes to cry on. A bit of a perfectionist, you want to be the friend that people can always come to, and the one that offers the best advice. You want nothing but to help other people, and share you supportive, generous-nature with the ones you love the most. You're hard-working, and your determination to be all that you can be often pays off. | 
What Type of Movie Kiss Are You? |  | You're the Innocent Kiss Just like the adorable and accidental smooch between Lady and the Tramp over spaghetti and meatballs in a candlelit alley, your kisses are totally ''aww''-inspiring. You're not the most experienced when it comes to lip locking, but you do what feels right. If you feel that special moment come along, nerves might take over and prevent you from going for it-- but trust your gut and your heart; they're usually on target. | 
What chocolate bar are you? |  | Peppermint Patty You are a Peppermint Patty! You are a very unique person who just loves to hang out with your friends. | 
Which Hip-Hop Artist Are You Most Like? |  | The Ying Yang Twins YEAH! you love working wit other rappers like lil jon, mike jones, and youngbloodz. you like to beat tha pussy up cuz u love the ladies, and you hope to have even more success in the future - you like to chill with friends and have a good tinme spending your money. | 
What's Your Party Song? |  | You're ''4 Minutes To Save the World'' Not so much a planner, you're the type of person who goes with the flow and never passes up an opportunity for adventure. You're definitely more of a leader, not a follower and if your friends are ever at a loss for what to do on a Saturday night, they go to you to come up with an idea in a pinch. | 
What 80's Song Is Your Relationship? |  | Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley Who knew a white guy could sing like that? Right? Annnway, you've got a solid thing in your relationship, and you're not letting go anytime soon. You've built your love on a foundation of trust and loyalty, and that's why you're not afraid to tell your bf/gf that you'll ''never gonna give, give you up.'' | 
Which Disney Channel Star Are You? |  | You're Miley Cyrus Your girl/next door looks attract people to you, but also keep them wanting more-- people are convinced that your ''sweet as warm apple pie'' image is concocted, but you're really just like everyone else. You were definitely made for the spotlight, but sometimes the craziness surrounding your rocket speed fame seems like too much to handle-- stick to you though and the rewards will be very worthwhile! People look up to and that's what keeps you going. | 
Which ''A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila'' Season 2 Contestant Are You? |  | You're Brittany You look like the girl/guy next door, but there's more behind those eyes than you let on. You're incredibly loving and sweet, but you can also get feisty if need be. You're the underdog in competitions and people tend to count you out, but you know you've got fight in you and you're not giving up. Though you don't like to rush into anything, make sure you don't take things too slow-- otherwise you might miss out on a good thing. | 
What's Your Psych-Ward Diagnosis? |  | Social Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis: Social Phobia / Social Anxiety.The fear of social situations and the interaction with other people that can automatically bring on feelings of self-consciousness, judgment, evaluation, and inferiority. | 
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