don't wanna be sold again, the way i was with you
It'll Keep You Thinking. (Excellent Spelling and Grammar)! Created by xxblaqkelectricxx and taken 792 times on Bzoink | |
Okay, are you ready for this?: Yes. | |
Lets continue! Do you own PJs with rubber duckies on them?: I do not. Never had anything rubber ducky related. | |
If you play The Sims, what occupation do you usually choose?: I do not...I played it twice one summer, and that thing is a serious time suck. | |
Do you know any funny acronyms? If so, tell us a few! ^_^: No? | |
Do you always have to listen to music?: Well, I mean, not *always*, but I'd probably prefer to always be listening to music. | |
What was the last rule you broke?: Speed limits. | |
Was it fun to break that rule?: Not really fun, just sort of happens. | |
Does it bother you while on the road people constantly switch lanes?: Yes. | |
It bothers me too. They're not getting anywhere any faster, right?: Not really, no. And they're just making it more dangerous for the rest of us. | |
Have you ever apologized to someone, but didn't mean it?: Certainly. | |
Last time you said 'I plead the 5th'?: When recounting some of my crushes and sexual tales, ha. | |
What is the one thing that you can't resist?: A funny flirter with good hair. That's pretty much hook, line, and sinker. | |
What is the one thing that you can't resist?: | |
Have you ever tried to force yourself to love something/someone?: Oh of course. Never really works, though. | |
Have you ever done another persons homework for money?: No, but I probably should have. Could have made some money. | |
Would you rather have the power to heal or to destroy?: To heal. | |
If you could be any kitchen utensil, which one would you be?: A spoon. Gentle, ha. | |
Why did you choose that kitchen utensil?: Oh, sort of already explained that. | |
If you were the paparazzi, who would you stalk?: Whoever would make me the most money? I wouldn't actually want to stalk someone I liked, so as to avoid making their life shittier. | |
What would you do if you were literally stuck in a video game?: Depends on the game, I guess. Try to stay alive? | |
If you owned any animal, what gender would you prefer?: I tend to prefer male animals. | |
How much would you pay to see what happens after you die while living?: I don't know if I'd want that knowledge ... it'd affect the way I live my life certainly, and I wouldn't want complacency or frantic existentialism hoisted on me. | |
Have you ever payed someone to give you their answers on a test?: No. | |
Does your pet often jump onto the keyboard?: Don't have a pet. | |
If you could play any piece of music on an instrument, what would it be?: I'd like to be able to play some of Bach's cello concertos. | |
Have you ever treated someone like they were nothing?: Yeeeah, but in fairness to me, I broke that off relatively quickly. Within a few weeks. | |
Have you ever told someone they were absolutely worthless?: Not to their face, certainly, but I'm sure I've thought it. | |
If you had to give someone $1,000,000 or else you'd die, what would you do?: Probably die because I do not have that much money. | |
What can you invision better? A snowy day or your last day on earth?: A snowy day, easily...I've experienced that already. | |
If you could command the weather, what would todays weather be?: Sunny, 72, light breeze, scent of the ocean on the wind. | |
Do you feel bad when you forget someones birthday?: Yeah, moderately. | |
Last hilarious thing that happened in a classroom?: A prof made a joke about being old. | |
Would you ever name two guard dogs Lynyrd and Skynyrd?: I'd consider it. | |
Would you name two guard dogs something similar?: I like the idea of two animals having related names. | |
Did you ever have to sit next to the disgusting kid in class?: I don't think so. | |
Have you ever been starving for truth?: Pretty much ... when it finally came, years later, it was a relief. Then it sucked. Ha, story of my life. But still, I'm happier now that I know rather than back when I was always guessing. | |
If you could ask 5 questions and get an exact answer. What would you ask?: Good fucking question. Depends on who I'm asking. | |
If it was the old days, would you challenge your ex to a sword fight?: What would we be dueling for? That makes no sense to me. I don't wish him dead nor to kill him, nah. | |
Does it frighten you when animals get into fights?: Heightened sense of near fear, sure. | |
Has some sort of animal ever jumped on your face?: I don't think so? | |
For guys: Would you give anything to just carry a cute girls books?: | |
For girls: Would you do anything to hold a cute boys hand?: Anything? Uh, no. But there is a simple pleasure in holding hands, definitely. | |
Have you ever witnessed a ghost playing a piano?: Can't say I have. | |
Have you ever changed your favorite color?:Yep. | |
Have you ever met any kind strangers?: Many. Some of my favorite experiences. | |
Has a spider ever crawled across your keyboard?: Probably, ugh. | |
Would you say that you have escaped death?: Escaped is probably a stronger word than I'd like to use, but I have been in a situation where extenuating circumstances held me up from being in a situation where I could have died. | |
Would you give anything to be in a certain moment in history?: there are things I'd like to have experienced, sure, but I don't know about anything. | |
What moment of history would you like to witness?: Beatlemania, Woodstock, MLK's speech ... music related and civil rights stuff, mainly, I guess. | |
When you were little did you touch just about everything in the store?: Idk really. | |
Have you ever worn colored contacts? If so, what color?: No. | |
What is the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you?: I'm having to think too hard for this, which isn't really the point. Memory is hard. | |
Do you ever leave your drinks out in the open at a party?: I try not to. | |
If you have, promise me you'll never do it again, k?: Okkk. | |
Okay, good ^_^ moving on. Do you like snow cones?: Love 'em. | |
If so, what flavor?: The classic three toned. Mostly red, though, ha. | |
Are you sometimes a bit too nice?: Probably. I have an inability to say no even when I know I don't want to or shouldn't have to. Like, when someone asks too much of me. I sometimes subvert my needs for others, occasionally to my detriment. | |
Do you have to be insensitive if you want to survive in the world?: No, I think on the contrary you have to be quite sensitive if you want to really live. Surviving isn't really enough for me. | |
Have you ever payed someone to get revenge on someone you know?: No, I usually do the revenge getting myself. | |
Have you ever listened to a song over and over until it got old?: Yeeeeees. | |
In magazines, do you like to smell the pages with perfume scents?: Yep. | |
Have you ever ordered anything from a catalog?: Probably, but I do most of that shiz online now. | |
Has there ever been something so beautiful that you wanted to cry?: Oh definitely. Dance, music, paintings, people, landscapes ... I've been there, for sure. | |
Would you support a family member if they became an actor/actress?: Sure. | |
Do you feel sorry for Britney Spears?: I don't necessarily feel *sorry* for her, but I do feel some sympathy for her. | |
Have you ever payed someone $5 - $20 to shut up?: No, had no idea that was an option. | |
Does it bother you when people pick at the keys on the keyboard?: Nah. | |
Are you good at understanding what people say? Even through typos?: Yeah, pretty much. | |
If you could get back at your ex right this minute, how would you do it?: I don't really feel a need to get back at any exes. Although, through the words of Mika, "I guess I wish you well: a little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell." There's always a somewhat vindictive side left. | |
Would you hire someone to scare someone?: Nah, I'd handle that myself too. | |
Would you be afraid if you did and it got way out of hand?: | |
Have you ever taken the blame to keep someone else out of trouble?: Probably. | |
Would you lie to protect your friend from going to jail?: Depends on the friend, the act, and whether I'd be going to jail instead then. But generally I don't have an issue with lying to protect those I love, unless they're fundamentally wrong. | |
It is in the time of the Salem Witch Trials. Would you be a witch?: Ha definitely. | |
What if you were falsely accused of being a witch?: I would most likely die, as it went. | |
If a loved one received the death penalty, would you take their place?: Eek, depends on the loved one, why they received it, and ... you can't do that anyway. | |
Is your heart all good or are you still picking up the pieces?: Oh man, I'm definitely in the picking up the pieces place. I got my heart broken pretty hard, by unfortunate circumstances and twists of fate combined with wasted time and lies, and I'm trying to figure out what lasting consequences that large expanse of time may have had on my general philosophies on love. Most days, I feel okay. Some days, I feel hopeless. So I'm just feeling out what seems the best way to move forward from it. | |
Trust is a very delicate thing. Do you agree?: Certainly. Delicate, but extremely important. | |
Have you ever opened a loud package in a very quiet environment?: Yes. Terrible! | |
Do you add z's at the end of a word that normally ends with an 's'?: Only when linguistically determined. | |
In libraries, do you tend to whisper just because it is quiet?: Of course...that maintains the quiet. It's not just naturally a quiet place; quietness is expected. | |
You just found out your ex died. How do you react?: Oh man ... wish we'd have ended on a slightly better note? We're not on a bad note, I'd say, just ... both of us tend to move past instead of really dwelling and dealing with, so we sort of just left where we were back in that time. I don't really know what we are now. | |
Are you fairly gullible?:I don't know, I can be pretty cynical. | |
Did you ever dream of getting into Harvard?: Yeah. | |
Did you ever apply to Harvard? If so, did you get accepted?: Didn't apply, though I almost did on a whim. I didn't have time to tell my recommenders, though, so it didn't happen. | |
Do you believe you have to be smart to get through a school like that?: Yeah. | |
If you got offered a high paying job without a degree, would you accept?: Like if right now, someone said, hey you can have this job and get paid $100K/yr, but you can't get your PhD? Uhhhh yeah, I'd probably take that. I can study psychology on my own time, man. Of course, that depends on the job too. But it'd be hard to turn down a steady, well-paying job nowadays. | |
If someones fly is unzipped are you the first to point it out?: No. | |
Has anyone ever grabbed onto your belt loop on your pants?: Probably? But god, like, back in middle school | |
Have you mistaken someone for someone else and touched them?: Ha yeah, THAT is awkward. | |
Are you uncomfortable when standing close to strangers?: Not really. | |
Have you ever been pick-pocketed?: Not to my knowledge. | |
If you were living on the streets, would you become a thief?: If I had to? | |
Have you ever asked a stranger what time it was?: Yeah. | |
Have you ever wanted to be someones friend when they didn't like you?: Ha I don't think so. | |
If you could heal people by touching them, would you?: Sure. | |
If so, what if a stranger was dying? Would you heal them?: Why not? | |
Last time someone read you a bedtime story?: When I was 6? | |
Ever suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?: Mildly. One serious (harassment), one not so (insects). | |
Are you still trying to decide what you want to do for a living?: To a degree, yes, but I've got a decent idea. | |
If you were forced into the military, would you get far?: Oh god no. I'm too anti a lot of things they try to instill, and I would not take well to that sort of routine and physical activity and aggression all the time. | |
If you were afraid to get married on your wedding day, would you run away?: I'd definitely have someone in my wedding party that could be the voice of reason, but I wouldn't get married if it didn't feel right. | |
Are you a skilled knife thrower?: No. | |
What would happen if you said that on a first date?: They'd probably laugh, then ask if I was serious, then for background to determine level of creepiness. | |
What is the shortest relationship you have ever had with someone?: I think I went out with Mark in 10th grade for like, 30 seconds. But that was a joke, ha. | |
Can Vanilla Ice really dance?: Sure. | |
Would you care if your future children used curse words?: Nah. Words are just words. I'd be more worried if they kept spouting hateful intentions. | |
Would you be scared if you lived in an old house from the 18th century?: Hellz yeah. | |
Your house is haunted. Who goes first? You or the ghost(s)?: What kind of 'going' are we talking about? | |
Have you applied to many jobs but haven't gotten one interview?:Oh yeah. When I was trying to do vet stuff. | |
Have you ever gotten a letter too late?: Yeah. | |
Has anything of yours gotten lost in the mail?: Yes. One time my gift cards got stolen out of my Christmas package too. Bitches. | |
Did you ever have a penpal? If so, do you remember their name(s)?: I don't think so, but I kind of like the old timey ness of writing letters by hand. | |
A friend needs a heart transplant or they'll die. Would you give up yours?: Oh geeze. Depends on the situation. | |
Last time you had watermelon?: Like, a few months ago. | |
Is your laugh more like a giggle or a roar?: Inbetween? | |
Has anyone ever bitten you? If so, who?: Yes, a few people actually. Never unpleasantly. :) | |
Do you ever answer your door at night?: Hellz no. I am silent when a knock comes at my door unexpectedly. Then, if it's someone I know, they should text me or make their voice heard. Otherwise, you are not getting me to answer. | |
Don't you wish there was such thing as a teleportation device?: Hellz yeah. I wish I could apparate all the time. | |
Can you eat a lemon or is it just too sour or gross?: Oh no, I like lemons. | |
What happened to the old Cookie Crisp cereal mascot?: Idk, never ate it. | |
Crayons, markers, charcoal, or colored pencils?: Depends on the task at hand, but generally speaking -- colored pencils. | |
Can you draw with charcoal without the picture looking like a blob?: Never tried. | |
Have you ever flown over 5 feet into the air?: Oh yeah, double jumping on the tramp. | |
Do you hate it when guests come over and they never want to leave?: YES. | |
What is something you do if you want to show off?: I have no idea ... show music knowledge? Do a carthweel? Speak French? All of that seems pretty attention-y though, which I kind of avoid. | |
Would you consider yourself to be humble?: Sure. | |
I wanna rock n roll all night and party everyday! Will you party with me?: Definitely. | |
Do you like to try to figure out what is wrong with people physically?: Ha no. But I have played a game where I judge in like, five seconds, whether or not I'd sleep with someone. That's a physical judgment that has to do with whether or not something is wrong with them, ha. | |
Do you have a relative that'll talk like there is no tomorrow?: Idk if that exact description fits. | |
Would you ever let a former prisoner work as a butler in your household?: Depends on their former prisoner situation. | |
Currently are you experiencing a lot of doubt?: A lot, no. But a decent bit, sure. That's usual, though. | |
Do you think you're a real family person?: Yeah. | |
When guests show up do you greet them or do your own thing?: Anything but greeting them seems standoffish. | |
Are you a person that'll draw attention to themselves?: Generally no. | |
Name one person that you would grieve over if they died.: There are quite a few. | |
Wow, that was a horrible question. you like Rootbeer?: I like the flavor, but I don't drink carbonated beverages. | |
If you do, rock on! What age did you stop believing in Santa?: Like, 6. | |
Have you told someone something secretly and someone else overheard?: Probably. | |
Have you ever eavesdropped on all the wrong parts of a conversation?:Oh yeah. I can't turn my eavesdropping off, so I hear quite a bit. | |
Did it cause chaos when you assumed things?: Chaos, nah. | |
Ever had a clubhouse? Ah, the good days, right?: Yeeeah, good times, playing house. | |
Is there something that you just want to get off your chest?: Definitely, but I'm unfortunately bound to keep it on my chest for at least a few months more. | |
I'm sorry to say that this survey is over. Take care! ^_^: Thaaanks. | |
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